Forebears Sentence Examples
Compared to their Victorian forebears, today's local administrations lack the powers to govern in the round.
One of the achievements of our spiritual forebears was to embody love.
He was a delicate child, in direct contrast to a strong race of forebears, and inherited from his mother a refined, retiring disposition and a love for books.
There is little in the 18th-century that suggests any immediate forebears.
He said his own forebears had come from central Europe in a previous wave of immigration, no doubt to escape persecution.
The English philologist and historian, Owen Barfield, has pointed out how our medieval forebears enthusiastically elaborated the possibilities of logical judgment.
The Quaker families in those concerns, like their 18th century forebears, accumulated wealth on a stunning scale.
In his reply the Imam accuses him of enmity toward the prophets and of the love of his pagan forebears.
The Mahommedan traders from Persia and Arabia, following the routes which had been prepared for them by their forebears, broke down the Hindu monopoly and ousted the earlier exploiters so effectually that by the beginning of the i 6th century the spice trade was almost exclusively in their hands.
The stigma that our forebears had to make do with rancid meat is nonsense.
AdvertisementIn as much as the hippies were forging an identity new and different from their forebears, the floral design of a painted purse was nothing new.
Today's evangelicals are surely no less concerned than their illustrious 19th century forebears for holistic societal reform.
The Rev. Stephen Bachiler, an Oxford man and a Churchman, who became a Nonconformist and emigrated to Boston in 1632, was one of her forebears and also an ancestor of Daniel Webster.