Ford Sentence Examples
The order was to find a ford and to cross the river.
Nearly opposite the town is Wilton Castle, which defended the ford in the disturbed reign of Stephen, and suffered in the Civil Wars, being held for the Parliament and burned by the Royalists.
Gifford holds that Dekker's hand is perpetually traceable in the first three acts of The Sun's Darling, and through the whole of its comic part, but that the last two acts are mainly Ford's.
He reformed the administration of the state canals, making the Canal Commission non-partisan; he introduced the merit system into many of the subordinate offices of the state; and he vigorously urged the passage of and signed the Ford Franchise Act (1899), taxing corporation franchises.
Maastricht was originally the trajectus superior (upper ford), of the Romans, and was the seat of a bishop from 382 to 721.
Harrisburg was named in honour of John Harris, who, upon coming into this region to trade early in the 18th century, was attracted to the site as an easy place at which to ford the Susquehanna, and about 1726 settled here.
The name Knutsford (Cunetesford, Knotesford) is said to signify Cnut's ford, but there is no evidence of a settlement here previous to Domesday.
Others, like Ford's silicate of limestone, are practically lime mortars of excellent quality, which can be carved and cut like a sandstone of fine quality.
At Rossford (pop. about 400), a suburb, is the large plant of the Ford plate-glass works.
Its name was originally Magh Allo, that is, Plain of the Allo (the old name used by Spenser for this part of the river), and the ford was defended by a castle, built by the Desmonds, the ruins of which remain.
AdvertisementThe name is connected with a ford over the Ravensbourne, a stream entering the Thames through Deptford Creek.
The Scots, however, crossed by a ford, and continued the pursuit of the enemy as far as Berwick.
Yet he ventured to publish an edition of Shakespeare, without having ever in his life, as far as can be discovered, read a single scene of Massinger, Ford, Dekker, Webster, Marlow, Beaumont or Fletcher.
On the evening of the 14th of April he attended Ford's theatre in Washington.
See George Ticknor Curtis, The Life of James Buchanan (2 vols., New York, 1883), the standard biography; Curtis, however, was a close personal and political friend, and his work is too eulogistic. More trustworthy, but at times unduly severe, is the account given by James Ford Rhodes in the first two volumes of his History of the United States since the Compromise of 1850 (New York, new edition, 1902 et seq.).
AdvertisementThrough the efforts of Governor Thomas Ford (1800-1850) a movement to repudiate the state debt was defeated, and a plan was adopted by which the entire debt could be reduced without excessive taxation, and by 1880 practically the entire debt was extinguished.
Its name is derived from Ath-na-riogh, the ford of kings; and it grew to importance after the AngloNorman invasion as the first town of the Burgs and Berminghams. The walls were erected in 1211 and the castle in 1238, and the remains of both are noteworthy.
A form Ath-Firdia, however, is connected with the ancient story of the warrior Cuchullain of Ulster, who, while defending the ford against the men of Connaught, was forced to slay many with whom he was on friendly terms, and among them the warrior Firdia, whom he regarded with special affection.
Both were erected to defend the ford of the Barrow.
Gathering a large and well-armed force, he took Norham and other castles in August 1513, spending some time at Ford Castle, where, according to report, he was engaged in an amorous intrigue with the wife of its owner.
AdvertisementIt was left to Krauss's Bosnians, after vain attempts to ford the river, to cross by the half-broken railway bridge at Cornino, on the evening of Nov.
The old Ford's Theatre, in which President Lincoln was assassinated, is on Tenth Street N.W.
The texts of his writings, as published by Jared Sparks, have been so "edited" in these respects as to destroy their value as evidence; but the edition of Mr Worthington C. Ford restores the original texts.
Sparks's edition (12 vols., Boston, 1837) has in the main been superseded, though it contains some papers not included by Ford, and the Life, which comprises vol.
Melons are to some extent exported, and peaches also; the musk-melons of the Arkansas valley (Rocky Ford Canteloups) being in demand all over the United States.
AdvertisementIn front of the southern facade, which looks on to Khedive Avenue, is a bronze statue of General Gordon seated on a camel, a copy of the statue by Onslow Ford at Chatham, England.
The place was first settled about 1820, and was for several years known as Matson's Ford; in 1830 it was laid out as a town and received its present name, an Indian word meaning "pleasant valley."
O rox oume 1 oCh$ltn?ford ?
Throughout its course from its confluence with the Arghandab to the ford of Chahar Burjak, where it bends northward, the Helmund valley is a narrow green belt of fertility sunk in the midst of a wide alluvial desert, with many thriving villages interspersed amongst the remains of ancient cities, relics of Kaiani rule.
Once he was looking about for a ford, and sent Tze-lu to ask a man who was at work in a neighbouring field where it was.
With these words he resumed his hoe, and would give no information about the ford.
He devastated the country and returned to Tyrconnel with rich spoils; in the following year he shared in Tyrone's victory over the English at the Yellow Ford on the Blackwater; and in 1599 he defeated an attempt by the English under Sir Conyers Clifford, governor of Connaught, to succour O'Conor Sligo in Collooney castle, which O'Donnell captured, forcing Sligo to submission.
A discussion of this question may be found in a paper on the Araucarieae by Seward and Ford, published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1906).
It was originally called na Brodé (by the ford), and received the name of Bern, Berun or Verona in the 13th century, when it obtained the privileges of a city from the emperor Charles IV., who was specially attached to the place, calling it "Verona mea."
In the same year one John Ford for his services as a witch-finder was admitted a burgess along with Lord Kinghorne.
Tyrone more than held his own in the north, completely defeated Sir Henry Bagnal in the battle of the Yellow Ford (1598), invaded Munster, and ravaged the lands of Lord Barrymore, who had remained true to his allegiance.
Owing to its position on the Border and also as the first ford of any consequence above Berwick, the town played a prominent part in Scottish history during many centuries.
In a recently published paper Seward and Ford have given a general account of the Araucarieae, recent and extinct, to which reference may be made for further details as to the geological history of this ancient section of the Coniferales.
I rode shotgun in an ancient Ford with a flag of Nigeria painted on the dashboard while Howie hung over the seat amid a month's supply of fast food wrappers and not a few empty beer cans.
I guess if I'm going to go under cover and snoop, I'd better get an old nondescript Chevy or Ford.
He had red hair and drove a blue truck – I think maybe an old Ford, but it might have been a Chevy.
And the end times were evoked by name in Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film apocalypse Now.
It is a happy augury that it closes with Henry Ford in the foreground.
Paul Ford was a slightly balding gray haired American in his late forties.
He could make a biopic of Francis Ford Coppola.
Eddie Ford argues that it is an essentially bourgeois ideology, and presents a communist analysis.
In 1983 a new two-lane causeway was built to replace the South Ford bridge.
Press Complaints Commission He was junior counsel in Ford v PCC.
Our Verdict... Another action packed cracker from the ever dependable Harrison Ford.
Earlier Yaxley had emerged victorious from a high scoring quarter final which saw them defeat Ford Sports 5-3 at leading drove.
The course is led by Matt Ford, former editor of The Big Issue.
Broadside by pickup impreza ford escort drivers and their we all do.
His kinsman William Heron, of Ford, did fealty at the same time.
Any crew crossing this ford should take extreme care.
A broad stream which had been rippling along gently to the west crossed the road in a shallow ford.
The church of St John the Baptist stands close to the site of an ancient ford over the river.
Care is likely the lack of original henry ford are heart disease.
Does bring the tom ford formerly designed to appeal be held in.
We also found effects on children's henry clay ford is characterized by.
David Harwood still holds a lap record in formula ford at Oulton Park.
Echoes of the Dodge Charger and Ford Mustang are clearly evident in the masculine lines, with its sloping back and raised rear haunches.
Vera is dating a young hustler named Ford, played by Fredrick Weller.
Obtaining an interlocutory injunction on behalf of Ford against a spare parts manufacturer.
Features a new black 2004 Ford Lincoln stretched limousine provided by Cars for Stars Limited.
I suggest an adaptation of Henry Ford's famous courtroom maxim is appropriate - The future is bunk.
Sites about what was the first year for airbags in ford mustangs.. .
A smaller offshoot, the pony car, still exists in the form of the Ford Mustang.
As well as using hemp fuel for his Model T, Henry Ford used hemp plastics to build the body work.
President Gerald Ford in the 1970s even offered to sell him equipment which would allow Iran to extract plutonium from reactor fuel.
Tell that to the Jaguar workers in Coventry who are being thrown on the scrapheap by multinational profiteer Ford.
We are able to supply motorsport parts for R.S cosworth, sierra & escort, also for the ford racing puma.
During the '45 rebellion, the ford close by was defended by the Jacobites before being taken by Cumberland's government forces.
The chief and a small retinue met the Ford lorry at the outskirts.
Rhinoceros sanctuary proposed Plans are being prepared to set up a sanctuary for rhinoceros sanctuary proposed Plans are being prepared to set up a sanctuary for rhinoceros with the financial support of the American Ford Foundation.
The horse must be willing to ford rivers and cross bridges so it is wise to practice before you set off.
A bridge crosses the rivulet on the site of the ancient stone ford, which gave name to the village.
The woman died after a white ford sierra collided with her on Castle Hill Road in Hindley.
Ford dismisses Kwik Fit report Ford today dismissed reports that it would have to dramatically slash its asking price for Kwik-Fit.
The 1956 Ford Victoria was equipped with a magnetic speedometer which was probably giving false speed reading due to the UFO's E-M effects.
Other wpt news inc casual sportswear ford Taurus lx wagering could be.
Ford employees were reached through LaunchPad's partnership with EDAP, the Employe Development assistance Program run by the trade unions and management.
A relatively modern 1958 Ford flatbed truck with bunks cobbled from scrap steel hauled the necessarily short logs to the mill.
From the year 2000 to 2005, Ford has sold about 750,000 heavy-duty pickup trucks.
Kurosawa had himself been influenced by John Ford, but at least the flow was now two-way.
Women trade unionists at Ford's took the lead in demanding equal pay for equal work.
Significantly, they beat Ford 3-1 away in November, so may hold the upper hand psychologically.
Ford's failure to implement new technology threatens the vitality of America's auto industry, putting thousands of jobs at risk.
The other star of Stagecoach is Utah's breathtakingly beautiful Monument Valley, made famous by Ford here and in many later westerns.
The Alliance Party chief whip, Mr David Ford, yesterday welcomed the aims of the report.
This panegyric, which is accompanied by a series of epitaphs and is composed in a strain of fearless extravagance, was, as the author declares, written "unfee'd"; it shows that Ford sympathized, as Shakespeare himself is supposed to have done, with the "awkward fate" of the countess's brother, the earl of Essex.
Who the "flint-hearted Lycia" may be, to whom the poet seems to allude as his own disdainful mistress, is unknown; indeed, the record of Ford's private life is little better than a blank.
A play entitled An ill Beginning has a good End, brought on the stage as early as 1613 and attributed to Ford, was (if his) his earliest acted play; whether Sir Thomas Overbury's Life and untimely Death (1615) was a play is extremely doubtful; some lines of indignant regret by Ford on the same subject are still preserved.
Of the plays by Ford preserved to us the dates span little more than a decade - the earliest, The Lover's Melancholy, having been acted in 1628 and printed in 1629, the latest, The Lady's Trial, acted in 1638 and printed in 1639.
When writing The Lover's Melancholy, it would seem that Ford had not yet become fully aware of the bent of his own dramatic genius, although he was already master of his powers of poetic expression.
Ford by no means stood alone among English dramatists in his love of abnormal subjects; but few were so capable of treating them sympathetically, and yet without that reckless grossness or extravagance of expression which renders the morally repulsive aesthetically intolerable, or converts the horrible into the grotesque.
A wholly baseless anecdote, condensed into a stinging epigram by Endymion Porter, asserted that The Lover's Melancholy was stolen by Ford from Shakespeare's papers.
Already in this play Ford exhibits the singular force of his pathos; the despondent misery of the aged Meleander, and the sweetness of the last scene, in which his daughter comes back to him, alike go to the heart.
The translator prefixes to the version an eloquent appreciation of Ford's genius, especially in his portraits of women, whose fate it is to live "dans les tenebres, les craintes et les larmes."
The best edition of Ford is that by Gifford, with notes and introduction, revised with additions to both text and notes by Alexander Dyce (1869).
The probable sources of the various plays are discussed in Emil Koeppel's Quellenstudien zu den Dramen George Chapman' s, Philip Massinger's and John Ford's (1897).
The social position of Samuel's paternal grandfather, William Johnson, remains obscure; his mother was the daughter of Cornelius Ford, "a little Warwickshire Gent."
The two easiest routes from the Mediterranean, lying through the Orontes gorge and the Beilan Pass, converge in the plain of the Antioch Lake (Balük Geul or El Bahr) and are met there by (I) the road from the Amanic Gates (Baghche Pass) and western Commagene, which descends the valley of the Kara Su, (2) the roads from eastern Commagene and the Euphratean crossings at Samosata (Samsat) and Apamea Zeugma (Birejik), which descend the valleys of the Afrin and the Kuwaik, and (3) the road from the Euphratean ford at Thapsacus, which skirts the fringe of the Syrian steppe.
After securing his flank and rear by taking Norham, Wark and Eitel castles, he awaited the approach of Surrey's army at Ford castle, behind which lies Flodden Edge, a strong position, which he presently occupied.
New contrasts are formed by the juxtaposition of differently toned metals; or these with an inlay of haliotis shell, introduced by Alfred Gilbert; or of coloured wax, favoured by Onslow Ford; or enamelling, perfected by Professor von Herkomer; or stained ivory, pearls, or semi-precious stones.
Some English strongholds, such as Alnwick, Chillingham, Ford and Naworth, have been modernized; others, like Norham, Wark and Warkworth, are picturesque ruins; but most of the Scottish fortresses have been demolished and their sites built over, or are now represented by grass-grown mounds.
The colonel of the Polish uhlans, a handsome old man, flushed and, fumbling in his speech from excitement, asked the aide-de-camp whether he would be permitted to swim the river with his uhlans instead of seeking a ford.
In the recent case Qua v John Ford Morrison Solicitors these issues were considered by the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
During the '45 rebellion, the ford close by was defended by the Jacobites before being taken by Cumberland 's government forces.
David Ford, regius professor of theology at Cambridge, wrote about ' the polyphonic abundance of God '.
Anna Nicole Smith checked herself into the Betty Ford rehab clinic.
Rhinoceros sanctuary proposed Plans are being prepared to set up a sanctuary for rhinoceros with the financial support of the American Ford Foundation.
Jacob, tired but happy, saunters down toward the ford to join his family.
Ford Green Hall Ford Green Hall is a seventeenth century house complete with period garden.
Ford, Vauxhall, VW etc. need a good shafting for being boring !
The original interview was shortened to make room for additional material when it was republished on Ford 's death - the version used here.
The 1956 Ford Victoria was equipped with a magnetic speedometer which was probably giving false speed reading due to the UFO 's E-M effects.
Other wpt news inc casual sportswear ford taurus lx wagering could be.
Meanwhile, first year student, Joel Hinds was involved in a topsy-turvy match with Ben Ford.
Involved was a Ford Ranger motor vehicle which was towing a trailer.
Ford employees were reached through LaunchPad 's partnership with EDAP, the Employe Development assistance Program run by the trade unions and management.
Speed manual transaxle a ford product in position then he placed.
A Ford independent rear suspension system was also envisaged, with disk brakes all-round, plus an option to turbocharge the engine.
She was the tutelary Goddess to the ill-fated hero Cu Chulainn; she was the Faery Queen and the Washer at the Ford.
Women trade unionists at Ford 's took the lead in demanding equal pay for equal work.
All have a Ford based IRS set up, with the bodywork sprayed and seats upholstered in the color of your choice.
Ford 's failure to implement new technology threatens the vitality of America 's auto industry, putting thousands of jobs at risk.
The other star of Stagecoach is Utah 's breathtakingly beautiful Monument Valley, made famous by Ford here and in many later westerns.
Due to current high gas prices and other financial issues, many car makes like Chevy, Hyundai, Toyota, Ford and Honda are offering more aggressive pricing.
If you are looking at a new car, or a pre-owned vehicle, Ford Motor can provide financing to fit your car purchasing needs.
With special rates and incentives, this first-time buyers program can help you get a lease or finance a new or pre-owned Ford, Lincoln or Mercury car, truck, van, or SUV.
Contact your local Ford dealer to see exactly what these requirements are.
Mobility Financing - This program is used to help people with special needs get the proper equipment when purchasing a new Ford vehicle.
Piece of Mind - This Ford Motor program offers customers over the age of 62 the opportunity to lease or finance a new Ford vehicle without the worry of creating a financial concern for their family.
One of the first hybrid automobiles offered from domestic carmakers, the Ford Fusion Hybrid has quickly gained a loyal following in the hybrid car market.
Manufacturers such as Toyota, Ford and Mercury offer hybrid-model SUVs.
For mid-size hybrids we compared the Ford Fusion and the Nissan Altima.
Compared here are the Ford Escape and the Mazda Tribute.
Hybrid sales were increasing by February of 2009 with the growing popularity of the Honda Insight, Ford Fusion, and Toyota Prius, all offered at affordable prices utilizing both gas and electric engines that can travel good distances.
The larger size hybrids such as the Ford Escape, the Dodge Durango, and the Cadillac Escalade did not fare so well in early 2009 due to hefty price tags being purchased by households with higher incomes.
A Toyota Prius or Ford Fusion only takes four years for owners to recoup their investment.
Packages include access to a fountain-filled garden for vow exchanges and use of a vintage Model A Ford for your getaway car.
Some companies even rent out classic "muscle" cars, like Ford Mustangs.
Two well-known treatment facilities are Hazelden, and the Betty Ford Center.
Two well-known treatment centers are the Hazelden Foundation and the Betty Ford Center.
Of course Ford has starred in many other great films, including The Fugitive and Air Force One.
Harrison Ford is married to actor Calista Flockheart, and they have one adopted child together.
Ford also has four children from previous marriages.
Lindsay Lohan hit the ground running with a professional career at just three years of age when she worked for the Ford Modeling Agency.
There are two Harrison Ford stars on the Walk.
In October 2006, he voluntarily checked himself into the Betty Ford Center in Southern California for alcohol addiction.
Kidman stood at her husband's side during his recent stint at the Betty Ford Clinic.
Ripa made the leap to prime time television in 2003 when she was cast opposite Faith Ford (Murphy Brown) in the moderately popular show Hope and Faith.
Hope, played by Ford, was a married mom of three who lived in Cleveland, Ohio.
She posed nude for the February 2006 issue of Vanity Fair with Keira Knightley and fashion designer Tom Ford.
David's first car was a gift from his dad, a 1994 Ford Mustang.
He said he was about to give up when he won his biggest role to date - James "Sawyer" Ford on the ABC series Lost (2004).
From the ages of 10-13, he modeled with Ford Models for Calvin Klein, Macy's and Ralph Lauren.
The film, starring Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchett, will be released in 2008.
Dempsey's race car is a Ford Mustang, which has the ability to run at 170 miles per hour.
Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley - This pair posed for the cover of Vanity Fair in 2006, both in the buff, alongside fully dressed fashion designer Tom Ford.
Harrison Ford is one of the most well respected and revered actors in Hollywood.
Harrison Ford was born in Chicago, Illinois to a Russian-Jewish mother and an Irish father.
Even though he was a poor student, Ford was accepted at Ripon College in Wisconsin and almost graduated with a Bachelor's degree in English.
Ford reportedly missed receiving his Bachelor's degree due to a serious bout of depression during his college career.
When speaking about his lack luster college career, Ford later stated, "The kindest word to describe my performance was Sloth."
Though he never graduated, it was at Ripon College where Harrison Ford met Mary Marquardt, a woman he would later make his wife, and first tried his hand at acting.
Harrison Ford and Mary Marquardt married in 1964, a few years later the couple welcomed their first child Benjamin, in 1967.
Ford continued to get steady work and was offered a small role in the Francis Ford Coppola blockbuster Apocalypse Now, where Ford met the woman who would be his second wife.
On the set of Apocalypse Now Harrison Ford met Melissa Mathison, Coppola's assistant at the time.
Although now it's impossible to imagine anyone but Harrison Ford as Han Solo, he wasn't George Lucas' first pick for the role.
Lucas and Ford knew each other from working together on another now classic film, American Graffiti.
Lucas was very impressed by the young actor's talents and asked Ford to come and read for the part of Han Solo, even though he originally had Kurt Russell, Christopher Walken and Nick Nolte in mind for the part.
Rumblings of a wedding have been going on for some time, but neither Ford nor Flockhart have confirmed such rumors.
His mother, Elise Ford, was an actress and his father, Robert Downey Sr., made his living as an independent film maker.
Richardson's husband, Liam Neeson, (most recently known for starring opposite Harrison Ford in Star Wars) was filming his next movie Chloe in Toronto when he heard the news.
Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford - With the hit series Brothers and Sisters and Harrison Ford's deal for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the two earned around $70 million.
He has been a patient at the Betty Ford clinic due to alcoholism, and in 2007 a home video circulated on the internet depicting a drunken Hasselhoff laying on the floor shirtless, stammering and trying to eat a fast food cheeseburger.
After the 1980s and her film career slowed, she wrote an autobiography and was treated for alcohol dependence at the famous Betty Ford Center.
Though she took an extended break from the music business in the 1990s, those asking "Where is Lita Ford now?" will be thrilled to learn that she's back making music, touring, and embarking on a variety of other projects.
Carmelita Rosanna Ford was born on September 19, 1958, in London, England.
At age 11, Lita Ford expressed an interest in playing guitar.
Ford enjoyed the harder rock and roll that was gaining popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and it wasn't long before she joined a band.
Lita Ford joined The Runaways when she was 16, playing lead guitar.
Ford joined in late 1975, and stayed until the group split.
Lita Ford was played by Scout Taylor-Compton.
After The Runaways split in 1979, Lita Ford embarked on a solo career.
Though she toured extensively and made many television appearances, Ford didn't put out another album until 1988.
After releasing Black, Lita Ford decided to take a hiatus from her busy life in the music business.
This led to many fans wondering "Where is Lita Ford Now?"
Ford has stated that they had no access to television or even radio while on the island.
In 2008, Lita Ford decided to make a return to the rock and roll music that she loved so much.
Her husband co-wrote the songs, and their sound was much heavier than the music Ford had been doing prior to her hiatus.
A tour of Europe and North America followed the album release, and Ford also scheduled several appearances with the metal band Queensryche on their world tour.
Lita Ford can be found online at MySpace or her official website.
Harrison Ford enjoys the perks of his own collection of aircraft, which includes historic military planes and a variety of helicopters.
Action hero Harrison Ford, who made a name for himself in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series' of films, is one of the most well-known Jewish actors.
Her co-star on the series Hope and Faith, Faith Ford, convinced her to quit again.
Domestically, the record received critical reviews but not much public exposure despite the use of Molly's Chambers in a Volkswagen commercial and Red Morning Light in a Ford Focus commercial.
Say you're a Ford gal and your best friend is a Chevy lover.
Ford and John Pitcairn founded the company in 1883 in Creighton, Pennsylvania.
She began her modeling career in 1987, and throughout most of the 1990s, her agency Ford Models cited her as the top moneymaker in her division worldwide.
In 2006 she was signed at the Ford Company as a plus size model and now appears as the Lane Bryant model, modeling their line of Seven 7 jeans.
Crystal Renn was discovered in Mississippi and was signed by the Ford Company.
For more information, search for more tips online or contact a professional modeling agency with a plus size division, like the Ford 12+ Division or Dorothy Combs Models.
Current hybrids of this type are the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrid.
Chevrolet, Ford, GMC, Dodge, Jeep, Lincoln (oh yes, the Navigator), Toyota, Lexus, Infiniti and Mitsubishi are all here.
If you don't own an arcade style racing game for the Xbox and want to sink your teeth into one, pick up Ford Mustang.
The game is merely Ford Racing except with Mustangs.
Unlike Ford Racing, this game is probably the most arcade racing game you will find on the Xbox.
And if thinking that Ford Mustang was arcade, you can compete in coin-op races which simulate you putting in a quarter.
Imagine you have a game that includes 55 magnificent Ford cars of the past and present.
Now imagine a bad racing game that includes 55 magnificent Ford cars of the past and present.
Congratulations, you've just thought of Ford Racing for Xbox.
Granted, this game only has Ford cars (you did get that from the title, didn't you?), but you delight in which cars they are.
In the Ford Racing 3 universe, that's where.
The coolest track in Ford Racing 3 is one that's based on Asian culture.
The game and car physics are deplorable in Ford Racing 3.
Ford Competition consists of 14 themed races that, when won, unlock Trophies, Vehicles, more tracks and race types.
Ford Challenge is a series of pre-chosen races and driving challenge that also open up trophies, cars, and more tracks.
The Ford Challenge lets you use any of the stuff you've unlocked to create your own set of races.
It's good for kids who want to play a racing game or for adult gamers looking for the nostalgia of the Ford era.
Domestic and SUV enthusiasts can even get in on the action, with the inclusion of such vehicles as the Cadillac Escalade and Ford Mustang.
In the near future, strange alien attacks in Washington D.C. prompt a group called Trust to send in rookie agent Michael Ford to investigate.
In Gran Turismo 4, you can even drive "normal" cars like the Honda Civic and the Ford Focus if you prefer.
Try to find Francis Ford Coppola's Niebaum-Coppola in Rutherford.
This is Francis Ford Coppola's winery in the landmark Inglenook Chateau.
The Ford Motor Company is an example of what went on with the automobile companies that formed before World War One.
In 1908, Henry Ford made the first Model T, and then in 1913 created a moving assembly line for mass producing automobiles which changed manufacturing and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.
His Model T was the best selling car in the world, but other automobile manufacturers began surpassing Ford, producing cars with more features and in a variety of colors and styles.
Ford purchased the Lincoln Motor Company in 1925, therefore selling high-end cars too.
Like the vintage car period in general, Ford expanded and improved on earlier ideas.
Whether you desire a Ford Harley Davidson bed tent or one that will work with your Nissan truck, or any other type of truck, you will be able to purchase what you need for between $100 and $300.
As an analogy, Ford Motor Company is the company responsible for the Mustang.
It would not be accurate to refer to the company (Ford) as Mustang and this same line of thought can be applied to Research in Motion and BlackBerry.
Do you want the compact Honda Fit or do you want a Ford F-150 pickup truck?
Hairstylist Johnny Lavoy of Ford Models on YouTube has a fantastic tutorial on how to take short to medium hair and turn it into a long, gorgeous side ponytail with the use of extensions.
Students should solve real-world problems, not abstractions, in an interdisciplinary fashion that does not mimic a Henry Ford assembly line of classes limited to 40 minutes.
Many children have read about President Lincoln and his assassination in textbooks, but it can really come to life when they visit Ford's Theater in person.
North Beach has been home to a variety of personalities, including beat publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti and director Francis Ford Coppola.
Nikko has licenses to produce vehicles from Hummer, Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler as well as specialty toys from movies like The Fast and the Furious.
The Ford Foundation awards funds in the areas of developing new ideas and strengthening organizations that reduce poverty and injustice and promoting democratic values, international cooperation and human achievement.
Examples of private foundations are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation and Kresge Foundation.
Their licensed lines of Chevrolet, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Ford Mustang, and Coca Cola, all perfectly illustrate the pioneering personality that is embraced by the American sprit.
In a pivotal scene, Indiana Jones, as played by Harrison Ford, is supposed to engage in a grueling fight against a man with a sword.
When it came time to shoot the scene, however, Ford was ill with a nasty cold and in no mood to shoot the multiple takes that the scene was sure to require.
Fans of westerns and war movies won't want to miss the John Wayne-John Ford Film Collection.
And for you Bela Lugosi and Winona Ryder fans, compare the 1931 Dracula with the 1992 Francis Ford Coppola's version.
Cimarron - Filmed in 1960, this classic western stars Glenn Ford, Anne Baxter, Maria Schell and Harry Morgan.
The latest film spurred rumors that it would be Harrison Ford's last role as the infamous Indy and that he will be passing the torch on to his young co-star Shia LaBeouf.
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull introduced Indiana Jones to a new generation, Harrison Ford and company began building its Indy fan base decades ago with Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Harrison Ford's first major blockbuster film was another enormously successful series, Star Wars, in which Ford played the role of Han Solo.
When first arriving in Hollywood, Ford, like most aspiring actors, struggled and eventually became a carpenter to help support his family.
Ford gained a reputation in Hollywood for his carpentry skills and George Lucas hired him to do kitchen cabinetry work.
This meeting led to Lucas offering Ford the role of Han Solo and later, the role of Indiana Jones.
The current rumor is that a fifth installment of the Indy franchise is in the works and some say Harrison Ford is planning on reprising his role as Indiana Jones, while nothing has yet been confirmed.
Many speculated that Shia LaBeouf would take the lead in the next Indy film with Harrison Ford playing a smaller role if any role at all.
Indy fans will just have to wait and see as neither Spielberg, Ford nor Lucas have confirmed anything regarding a sequel or a prequel.
Before starting his career, the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, Cage changed his last name to avoid favoritism in his career due to his famous relative.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Harrison Ford stars in his first movie as archeologist Indiana Jones.
On November 19, 1965, four young women were riding in a Ford Cortina towards Maidstone to meet with their boyfriends at the Running Horse Pub.
From 2001 to 2004, Winter was married to actress Allison Ford.
The prime time soap opera Dynasty featured former President Gerald Ford in a cameo role, a soap opera first that would lead to other cameos throughout the years from actors to musicians to political figures and more.
Benjamin Franklin is considered a famous entrepreneur thanks to his many endeavors, and throughout history, people like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and many others used their creativity and talents to transform business and create wealth.
Dodge discontinued the Durango, and Ford sold its interest in Jaguar and Land Rover and picked up a piece of Mazda.
Raul Vigil, a Finance Manager at a Ford dealership in New Mexico, provided LoveToKnow Cars with some feedback about the laws covering returning a new car once you've purchased it.
Ford's thirty percent share includes the Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Mazda, and Volvo market.
Highs for Ford were the Mazda5 minivan which rose a whopping two-hundred-forty percent and the Ford Fusion rising three percent.
At the bottom for Ford were the Taurus losing fifty-three percent, and the Edge which had a decrease of fifty-eight percent in sales.
Ford's F-series trucks rose seven percent and the Lincoln Town-Car had an eleven percent increase in sales, most likely due to the fleet market.
We asked service manager Sandy Bosserman, of Enchantment Ford in New Mexico, about car engines and reasons why they don't start.
Henry Ford is the most famous early car-maker in the United States, but he is not the first success on record.
The Ford Flex crossover vehicle was first introduced at both the New York and Detroit auto shows in 2007.
By 2009, Ford offered the Flex for sale to the public, much to the delight of crossover lovers everywhere.
Thus came the Ford Flex crossover, a boxy SUV look-alike that offered more family functionality and looked much like the old Ford Fairlane, a wagon named for the home where Henry Ford resided.
The 2010 Ford Flex offers seven different models, some with a combined fuel efficiency of 20 miles per gallon.
Built on a Ford Taurus frame, it comes with high-quality interior features that look expensive.
Along with more standard equipment options instead of upgrades, the 2010 Ford Flex offers a twin-turbocharged, direct injected engine in the SEL and Limited models.
The Ford Flex offers nine exterior colors and six interior patterns.
Interested buyers can download a brochure right from Ford to read all the specifications and great features on the Ford Flex.
The Ford Flex is a crowd pleaser to be sure.
Antique cars can include steam-powered vehicles, early handmade cars, mass-produced cars like the Ford Model T, and any other automobile that has been around for more than a quarter century.
Cars like a vintage Ford Mustang or a 1950s Chevrolet have enduring popularity.
Leo Marquez, a sales manager at a Ford dealership in New Mexico tells us, "Even if your car is in mint condition and has low miles, if I already have four of the exact same car sitting on my lot, I'll offer you a lower value.
For example, if you have a Ford Edge to trade in and the dealership you visit already has five used Ford Edges on their lot, they are unlikely to offer you the Black Book trade-in value.
Because they already have five similar vehicles on their lot to sell, your Ford Edge may not be as desirable to them.
The Ford Focus, the GM Volt, Nissan Leaf, and the Toyota Prius are already available worldwide and, these green cars are expected to realize a twenty percent increase in sales in coming years.
A New Mexico Ford dealer pointed out, "People have debt, and they're not using tax refunds to buy new or used cars.
After 1900, the U.S. auto industry boomed once Ford created his famous and affordable Ford Model T in 1908.
By 1913, Ford Motor Company introduced the first assembly line for its Model-T.
Just over three million cars were manufactured and sold by 1923, while price tag wars continued at both Ford and General Motors.
Ford's answer was to drop the price of his Model-T, and this move made cars more abundant than telephones and even bathtubs.
The Great Depression of 1929 saw a decrease in vehicle sales and forced General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler to freeze production.
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler realized automotive industry market shares between 20 and 25 percent.
By 1941, Ford Motor Company had what was considered to be the most favorable labor union contract in history.
The Detroit Big Three, Chrysler-Fiat, General Motors, and Ford, are all engaged with aftermarket suppliers to help them build more affordable and efficient parts, especially in today's global economy.
With the massive recalls of Toyota and Ford Motor Company, governments are screaming for uniform standards that will ensure safety and less recalls.
While Ford did not take money from the government, it did lose over $14.6 billion by year end 2009 and cut 20 percent of its workforce.
To fight back, Ford introduced what it hoped would be a strong selling point, its EcoBoost engine and electric steering in many of its models.
Ford suffered no loss in dealerships; however, management level employees received no bonuses, and some were forced into early retirement programs.
When Henry Ford founded the company, he used an ornate image to represent the brand that had a highly decorative border and words inside that read, "Ford Motor Co. Detroit, Mich."
Once the company became very successful, in 1912, Ford completely revised its entire logo from the extravagant design to a very simple stylized "Ford" in the center of an oval.
In 2003, Ford celebrated its 100 year anniversary by naming the image the "Centennial Blue Oval."
The Ford iconic brand image remains one of the simplest logos in the car industry.
I mean, I bought a 1998 Ford four-wheel drive F150 from a guy that he didn't want to spend any money on because all of the suspension mounts were bad.
In an attempt to compete in the global automotive marketplace, the Ford Motor Company completely redesigned several of its vehicles, including the 2010 Ford Taurus Sedan.
From 2008 through 2010, these modifications helped Ford regain some of its automotive market share.
Since its introduction in 1986, the Ford Taurus has been one of the most popular family cars in America.
More than 7,520,000 Taurus vehicles have been sold to United States consumers since the car's introduction, and these sales numbers make the Taurus one of the best-selling vehicles in the history of the Ford Motor Company.
Eventually, Ford discontinued production of the Taurus except as a fleet car.
All of Ford's most recent redesigns have a new climate control and stereo system, and the Taurus is no exception.
If you're considering buying a new Ford Taurus, it pays to do your homework.
If you compare prices between dealerships and are willing to negotiate, the 2010 Ford Taurus sedan may be the perfect family car for you.
For example, the Ford Taurus went through several redesigns, so that subsequent generations are not necessarily the same car as the earlier versions.
Two vehicles are tied for 5th place in terms of overall sales - the American Ford Escort and the European Fiat 124.
The Ford Escort achieved 20 million sales from 1968 to 2003, and the Fiat reached the same number from 1966 to 2010.
Since the Escort achieved the same number over fewer years, it could be argued that puts it ahead of the Fiat; however, the Fiat is still being sold and could conceivably surpass the Ford Escort by a very wide margin.
Since 1948, Ford has been producing record numbers of these popular trucks for people who farm, go camping, explore the outdoors, or otherwise need a vehicle that can haul a load.
Through many generations, between 1948 to 2010, Ford sold over 32 million of these trucks.
It had rear-wheel drive, similar to the first General Motors and Ford minivans.
If you own a Ford van, rubber floor mats may be a good investment.
You routinely travel with children in your Ford van.
Depending on the type of Ford van you own and the conditions in which you drive, there's a floor mat on the market that is perfect for your needs.
Ford's E-Series full-sized vans have been popular with consumers for decades.
Aftermarket mats may also be a good option for your Ford E-Series, especially if you're looking for a unique color or style.
If you have another Ford van model, you can find rubber mats at auto accessories stores or from the dealership.
Ford van rubber floor mats are designed to take years of abuse, but caring for them properly can help keep them looking good for the life of your van.
The concept for Blue Cross was created in 1929 by businessman, Justin Ford Kimball.
Immediate Response Vehicles - Progressive Insurance introduced a fleet of white Ford Explorers in 1994 to function as mobile claims offices.
Two years later (1996), she participated in the "Ford Supermodel of Brazil Supermodel Search" and finished 1st place.
The same year, she came in second place in the" Ford Supermodel of the World "competition.
Victoria's Secret Models come from Ford and Elite Modeling agencies located in New York City.It takes a lot of hard work and luck to become a model of any kind.
She has become a spokeswoman for Lane Bryant and is a model with the Ford Agency.
Di Ana Ford founded Spa Girl when she was looking for a way to combine her passion for female empowerment with the pampering fun that comes with being a girl.
With consultants all over the map and an adorable website featuring all her products, Ford has met success with her vision, as many women will attest to.
The producers invited Willa Ford, eliminated the previous week, but she declined.
The Tornado Intercept Video (TIV) - The TIV is actually a Ford F-450 truck that has been converted so it can drive directly into a tornado.
His father was Tory MP Sir Michael Grylls and his grandmother Patricia Ford was an MP with the Ulster Unionist Party.
During season one of the show, Lt. Aiden Ford (Rainbow Francks) was the fourth member of Sheppard's expeditionary team, but infection from a Wraith attack altered his DNA and left him borderline insane.
Harrison Ford, fresh from filming Raiders of the Lost Ark, stars as former Blade Runner Rick Decker.
Harrison Ford lucked into the role of Indiana Jones, which was originally intended for Tom Selleck.
Adding his Clancy character Jack Ryan to the mix, Harrison Ford has been in most of the highest grossing films of all time, and is reported the richest actor alive.
Francis Ford Coppola took a stab at the Count in 1992, with Gary Oldman playing Dracula, Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing, and Keanu Reeves and Winona Rider as Jonathan and Mina.
Here, as in all Indy movies, the hero, played as always by Harrison Ford at his Male Lead best, is amiable, unflappable and indominable, although tried to the limits of his patience by a tag-along nightclub singer.
Ford Prefect - has been stranded on Earth for the past fifteen years, a native of Betelgeuse, and roving researcher for that amazing compendium, the Hitchhiker's Guide.
Originally hired to read lines for actors auditioning for the first Star Wars film, Harrison Ford managed to catch the eye of George Lucas, who eventually offered him the role of Han Solo.
The novel series includes six original books following the adventures of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian and Marvin the Paranoid Android as they make their way through the universe, post-destruction of the Earth.
Some famous Eagle Scouts include former US president Gerald Ford, journalist Walter Cronkite and film producer Steven Spielberg among many others.
A car was parked in front of me, an old Ford.
Ralph drove and I followed in the Ford.
We left an empty bottle by his car and tent and drove back in the Ford.
So did the Ford.
Nothing had been stolen and after yesterday's encounter with the blue Ford, all agreed they had a line on the prime suspects.
The blue Ford from the previous day had been located in Lansdale, Pennsylvania that morning.
I'm sure Dad would have loved to see his old '65 Ford restored like that.
In 1912 he was Gif ford lecturer at Edinburgh.
These are places where the mode of travelling or of transport is changed, such as seaports, river ports and railway termini, or natural resting-places, such as a ford, the foot of a steep ascent on a road, the entrance of a valley leading up from a plain into the mountains, or a crossing-place of roads or railways.'
The name of John Ford appears in the university register of Oxford as matriculating at Exeter College in 1601.
Four years afterwards he made his first appearance as an author with an elegy called Fame's Memorial, or the Earl of Devonshire deceased, and dedicated to the widow of the earl (Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, "coronized," to use Ford's expression, by King James in 1603 for his services in Ireland) - a lady who would have been no unfitting heroine for one of his own tragedies of lawless passion, the famous Penelope, formerly Lady Rich.
For in Ford's genius there was real refinement, except when the "suprasensually sensual" impulse or the humbler self-delusion referred to came into play.
Undoubtedly, the madness of the hero of this play of Ford's occasionally recalls Hamlet, while the heroine is one of the many, and at the same time one of the most pleasing, parallels to Viola.
But neither of them is a copy, as Friar Bonaventura in Ford's second play may be said to be a copy of Friar Lawrence, whose kindly pliability he disagreeably exaggerates, or as D'Avolos in Love's Sacrifice is clearly modelled on Iago.
He dwells with great force upon the different treatment applied by Ford to the characters of the two miserable lovers - brother and sister.
It is difficult to allow the appositeness of this special illustration; on the other hand, Ford has even in this case shown his art of depicting sensual passion without grossness of expression; for the exception in Annabella's language to Soranzo seems to have a special intention, and is true to the pressure of the situation and the revulsion produced by it in a naturally weak and yielding mind.
Like this tragedy, The Broken Heart was probably founded upon some Italian or other novel of the day; but since in the latter instance there is nothing revolting in the main idea of the subject, the play commends itself as the most enjoyable, while, in respect of many excellences, an unsurpassed specimen of Ford's dramatic genius.
The complicated plot is constructed with greater skill than is usual with this dramatist, and the pathos of particular situations, and of the entire character of Penthea - a woman doomed to hopeless misery, but capable of seeking to obtain for her brother a happiness which his cruelty has condemned her to forego - has an intensity and a depth which are all Ford's own.
Supposing Dekker to be chiefly responsible for the scenes dealing with the unfortunate old woman whom persecution as a witch actually drives to become one, and Ford for the domestic tragedy of the bigamist murderer, it cannot be denied that both divisions of the subject are effectively treated, while the more important part of the task fell to the share of Ford.
Ford owes his position among English dramatists to the intensity of his passion, in particular scenes and passages where the character, the author and the reader are alike lost in the situation and in the sentiment evoked by it; and this gift is a supreme dramatic gift.
An edition of the Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford appeared in 1840, with an introduction by Hartley Coleridge.
Within two months he was again in the field, and on the 14th of August he destroyed an English force under Bagnal at the Yellow Ford on the Blackwater.
Eight months after the battle of the Yellow Ford, the earl of Essex landed in Ireland to find that Tyrone had done nothing in the interval to improve his position.
Acting on the queen's explicit instructions, Essex, after some ill-managed operations, had a meeting with Tyrone at a ford on the Lagan on th 7th of September 1599, when a truce was arranged; but Elizabeth was displeased by the favourable conditions allowed to the O'Neill and by Essex's treatment of him as an equal.
Emboldened perhaps by the windfall of 1813, Bentham in the following year took a lease of Ford Abbey, a fine mansion with a deer-park, in Dorsetshire; but in 1818 returned to the house in Queen's Square Place which he had occupied since the death of his father in 1792.
It was by the ford opposite Fuenterrabia that the duke of Wellington, on the 8th of October 1813, successfully forced a passage into France in the face of an opposing army commanded by Marshal Soult.
Bernadotte, we have seen, had marched to Dornburg, or rather to a point overlooking the ford across the Saale at the village of that name, and reached there in ample time to intervene, on either field.
Soult Passage of expected the passage of the Douro to be attempted the Douro, near its mouth, with fishing craft; but Wellesley, by May 12,1809, a daring surprise, crossed (May 12) close above Oporto, and also by a ford higher up. After some fighting Oporto was taken, and Soult driven back.
Some interesting manoeuvres now took place, Wellington moving parallel and close to Marmont, but more to the north, making for the fords of Aldea Lengua and Santa Marta on the Tormes nearer to Salamanca, and being under the belief that the Spaniards held the castle and ford at Alba on that river.
At the same time Hill, having found a ford above Orthes, was turning the French left, when Soult retreated just in time to save being cut off, withdrawing towards St Sever, which he reached on the 28th of February.
For the moment the earl of Surrey (who in King Henry VIII.'s absence was charged with the defence of the realm) had no organized force in the north of England, but James wasted much precious time among the border castles, and when Surrey appeared at Wooler, with an army equal in strength to his own, which was now greatly weakened by privations and desertion, he had not advanced beyond Ford Castle.
On the 6th of September, however, he left Ford and took up a strong position facing south, on Flodden Edge.
Four miles below Ross the important ford of Goodrich probably carried traffic in British and Roman times, and a magnificent castle, on a precipice rising sheer above the right bank of the river, commands it.
During the Seven Years' War a palisaded fort was erected on the south bank of the Mohawk at the ford where Utica later sprung up. It was named Fort Schuyler, in honour of Colonel Peter Schuyler, an uncle of General Philip Schuyler.
In 1672 John Ford was granted a Tuesday market for the sale of wool and woollen goods made from English yarn, and in 1705 Andrew Quicke obtained two annual fairs, on the first Thursdays in March and June, for the sale of cattle, corn and merchandise.
The earthworks, commanding a ford of the river, are apparently of very early date, and probably bore a castle from Norman times.
The site of Jacksonville was called Cow Ford (a version of the Indian name, Wacca Pilatka), from the excellent ford of the St John's River, over which went the King's Road, a highway built by the English from St Augustine to the Georgia line.
Near Jelfa, in the Great Atlas, and at Mechera-Sfa (" ford of the flat stones"), a peninsula in the valley of the river Mina not far from Tiaret in the department of Oran, are vast numbers of megalithic monuments.
He conducted the cavalry action of Beverly Ford (17th March 1863) with skill and success.
In the earliest notices the town of Drogheda is called InverColpa or the Port of Colpa; the present name signifies "The Bridge over the Ford."
The town is of high antiquity, and its name (Ather-dee) is taken to signify the ford of the Dee.
I didn't have any stationery with a cute little bunny or Harrison Ford on it 13.
They tried to make their way forward to the opposite bank and, though there was a ford one third of a mile away, were proud that they were swimming and drowning in this river under the eyes of the man who sat on the log and was not even looking at what they were doing.
He had red hair and drove a blue truck – I think maybe an old Ford, but it might have been a Chevy.
If Alfred Nota in his blue Ford was really interested in following Dean, why had the con taken off like a scared rabbit as soon as Dean showed up?
It is more interesting to notice an epigram in honour of Ford by Richard Crashaw, morbidly passionate in one direction as Ford was in another.
Of the other plays written by Ford alone, only The Chronicle Historie of Perkin Warbeck.
Had Shakespeare treated it, he would hardly have contented himself with investing the hero with the nobility given by Ford to this personage of his play, - for it is hardly possible to speak of a personage as a character when the clue to his conduct is intentionally withheld.
The play is, however, founded on Bacon's Life, of which the text is used by Ford with admirable discretion, and on Thomas Gainsford's True and Wonderful History of Perkin Warbeck (1618).
The Witch of Edmonton was attributed by its publisher to William Rowley, Dekker, Ford, "&c.," but the body of the play has been generally held to be ascribable to Ford and Dekker only.
Swinburne agrees with Gifford in thinking Ford the author of the whole of the first act; and he is most assuredly right in considering that "there is no more admirable exposition of a play on the English stage."
With Dekker Ford also wrote the mask of The Sun's Darling; or, as seems most probable, they founded this production upon Phaeton, an earlier mask, of which Dekker had been sole author.
He accompanied them on foot as far as the bridge that could not be crossed, so that they had to go round by the ford, and he sent huntsmen to ride in front with lanterns.
But Higgins thinks it's a 1999 Ford Econoline cargo van.
Blackie had this old Ford, too, and he was teaching me to drive it.
Cynthia was still sleeping when a speeding Ford Explorer passed them and Dean caught sight of Donald Ryland, with his son Donnie sitting beside him.
He hurried to his rusty Ford and by the time he pulled out on Ocean View Avenue, the man was out of sight and out of mind.
After leaving the room, Hunter stopped by a green Ford with Pennsylvania license plates.
Dean was within ten miles of Parkside before he noticed a blue Ford that had stayed behind him for an unusual length of time.
Dean sped up to 80 miles an hour and turned across three lanes to an exit while the Ford tried vainly, but unsuccessfully, to follow.
There remain two other dramatic works, of very different kinds, in which Ford co-operated with other writers, the mask of The Sun's Darling (acted 1624, printed 1657), hardly to be placed in the first rank of early compositions, and The Witch of Edmonton (printed 1658, but probably acted about 1621), in which we see Ford as a joint writer with Dekker and Rowley of one of the most powerful domestic dramas of the English or any other stage.
Its one hundred and fourteen plates by Ford truthfully represent one hundred and twenty-two of the mounted specimens obtained by the author in his explorations into the interior.
Then Henry Ford came along, followed by a host of others, and cars got better and better while getting less and less expensive.
Following his gaze, Cynthia saw the little green Ford coming up the drive.