Forced Sentence Examples
An arcing kick forced him to release her.
Leaning her head back, she forced the soft chair into a reclining position.
She forced the subject from her mind.
He grabbed her hands and forced them around his waist.
But I have met with such bad luck that I am forced to sell them.
She forced a smile.
She forced her eyes open to find Bordeaux's face above her.
She shoved the phone in her pocket and forced herself to smile as she faced Jonny, who'd been in training since shortly after she awoke.
I was forced to hide my grin.
No one wanted to feel forced into anything.
AdvertisementAt last, she forced herself to lie down and tried not to think of the man named Jule, whose soul still lingered.
At last seizing a soldier by his collar he forced him to answer.
We were forced to stop on three different occasions as Howie, a back seat passenger, became frequently nauseous.
As robotic technology advances, we are being forced to readjust our expectations of machines' capabilities.
I do not hear of men being forced to have this way or that by masses of men.
AdvertisementAs with everyone, her face assumed a forced unnatural expression as soon as she looked in a glass.
She slipped her arms around his neck and forced his lips down harder on her own.
Getting upset about it wasn't going to change anything, though, so she forced a grin as she met the troubled gaze of Fritz.
Leaning into one stirrup, she forced her other leg over the back of the horse and dismounted.
His nearness would drive her crazy if she were forced to be alone with him.
AdvertisementThey were men of ideas who were forced by circumstance to become soldiers.
In such cases I was forced to repeat the words or sentences, sometimes for hours, until I felt the proper ring in my own voice.
Still feeling the sobering effects of that cool regard, she forced a smile.
She forced her legs to move faster, stumbling and almost falling in the deep sand.
Frequently we came upon impassable thickets which forced us to take a round about way.
AdvertisementI do not think that the knowledge which I have gained of its history and sources compensates me for the unpleasant details it has forced upon my attention.
He lifted her chin with a curled index finger and forced her to meet his solemn gaze.
Having forced his way out of the crowd of fugitives, Prince Andrew, trying to keep near Kutuzov, saw on the slope of the hill amid the smoke a Russian battery that was still firing and Frenchmen running toward it.
Alex captured her hand and forced her to drop the potatoes.
He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn't have the inclination to adjust to the one being forced on him.
He forced her onto the couch and straddled her.
I don't deserve to be forced to wait.
Jule forced himself to put some space between them.
Forced into hiding by the circumstances of the past two weeks, Gabriel's yearning for his mate emerged stronger than ever at her passionate kisses and touch.
It stuck, but she forced herself not to ask why.
She forced herself to breathe deeply and continued towards the distant road.
Pierre flushed and, hurriedly putting his legs down from the bed, bent forward toward the old man with a forced and timid smile.
Yully dozed twice and forced herself up.
Jenn forced a smile on her face.
Yully forced herself to relax.
Her gaze settled on the Other, and she forced herself up.
When she retreated to the bathroom, she flipped on the light, cringed, but forced herself to stare at her reflection in the mirror over the sink.
Since leaving college, she'd stayed in shape through the local gym, where she lifted weights and forced herself onto a cardio machine twice a week.
The light beyond the solid French doors made her flinch, but she forced herself to cross the doorway.
He forced his blood out faster and faster.
She forced herself out of bed, exhausted and hungry.
She made one anyway and forced herself to eat it, blaming her recent trauma for her queasiness.
Though nauseated by the thought, she heated up a can of soup and forced herself to eat it.
She gritted her teeth and forced her attention to the stack of books, jotting down notes on her notepad.
You were forced into a transition without being prepared for it.
Sofia bit back a retort and forced herself to her feet.
Sofia drank another glass of water and forced her attention to her list.
Sofia forced her own smile, noticing how Claire's gaze swept over her as if she were an uninvited insect in her bedroom.
She forced herself to continue.
Sofia forced herself to walk over and take it.
Sofia forced herself not to recoil, afraid to touch anyone.
Han's words returned, and she forced herself to relax.
She forced the words out.
Despair washed over her, but she forced herself to concentrate.
She took his face in her hands the way she had Damian the night he wanted to destroy the world and forced him to meet her gaze.
After a thick moment of silence, she forced herself to continue.
She drew a sharp breath but forced herself to stay, to take his pain.
Her senses addled, Deidre was forced to retreat.
She'd been on the verge of dying, discussing how her impending death forced her to decide whether she wanted to live or mourn.
He gripped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.
Her eyes filled with tears, but she forced herself to do it.
You were forced to admit it.
You were forced to let go.
He forced her to face her reality from the moment she awoke with his name on her back.
He simply forced him to retire.
It was the night he provoked her and forced her to say the words that brought her world crashing down.
She was the last to lose hope, and it was being forced to see how out of place she was in Gabriel's equation that finally broke her resolve.
The mine tunnel narrowed and the pair was forced to hunch down under the low ceiling that closed in the fetid air around them like a soaked and musty blanket.
Cynthia forced a smile.
Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure.
He forced calmness into his voice as the thought of a wayward body resurrected very unpleasant memories.
There are some things important enough that you're forced to tell someone, regardless of what might happen you.
It was as if she was being forced to divulge what she wanted to tell but had promised not to.
Amid forced conversation, the group plodded their way through shrimp, chicken, and enchiladas to dessert—fried ice cream—but if the Deans thought this final outing would be a celebration, they were mistaken.
My father did it because, to him, lying was so despicable he was forced to respond in a like manner.
In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Dean was forced to stifle a chuckle.
Even David Dean, although he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut in front of his wife, was forced to cross every finger of both hands.
They forced you out?
She turned away from Dawkins, and with a forced smile at Pumpkin and Westlake, left the porch.
Jennifer, forced to husband her limited shots, took more time with hers as well.
After the first several feet, the angle of the slope dropped more sharply and he was forced to move to his left to avoid falling.
Much as he disliked making Fred wait, he decided to put off the task until nine o'clock but another phone call forced a change of plans.
She'd forced herself to try to watch human-Deidre as much as possible.
He forced himself to walk away, uneasy.
She recalled clearly the decision she'd forced him to make and kicking him out of her bed, the moment he resigned his soul to her to save his friend's life.
Recent events forced my hand.
Carmen forced her mind from dreamland again and stood Destiny on the floor.
She sat up straight and forced the thought from her mind.
He forced her face around, claiming her lips again.
His fingers forced the straps from her shoulders and slid them down her arms.
He forced the words out.
Though she'd rather not be trapped by the eyes that made her blood quicken, she forced herself to look at him.
The forest outside his windows grew dark, and he forced himself to his feet.
Gabe climbed them, forced to go sideways to make it up to the top.
Gabe nodded, forced to admit he no longer had any idea how to fix whatever was broken in Death's domain.
When you ignored my second summons, you forced me to make a choice and start off a new chain of events.
You forced my hand.
She cried for a few minutes then forced herself up.
She passed the halfway point and forced herself to keep going.
Gabe paused then forced himself to continue.
Gabe waited a few more minutes then forced himself to leave.
She forced herself to sit on the ground, to focus, to wish with all her heart to go back to Wynn.
Somewhere along the line, you found Gabe and forced him to work for you as your number one assassin.
He wanted her to surrender, because past-Deidre forced him to do the same.
She forced herself to notice how dark the sky was, the rich scent of earth in the air, the tickle of the pine needles that brushed her skin.
He'd obeyed the Code and his predecessor without question, until forced to choose between them and his conscience.
Deidre forced her attention from her own issues and outward as she walked through the street fair in downtown Atlanta.
If Tamer didn't find the tidbit of history from the time-before-time about forced soul extraction, the plan was never going to have more than a five percent chance of working, even with Wynn.
Deidre wiped her face and forced herself to face another possibility.
Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.
Probably just some bum, the brunette driver said with a forced laugh.
So far, he hadn't been forced to change shapes since Gabriel's visit.
He spent most of his time anymore in the shadow world, except when forced out by Death or called out by someone who wanted to buy an assassination.
She forced herself to continue to the apartment's entrance and flung open the door, revealing a hall with auxiliary lighting reflecting off a white marble floor.
He'd forced her to stay awake through it all despite her fainting spells, tearing open her veins and feeding until she was too weak to fight him.
She stared at him dumbly until the crowd forced her toward the exit.
Forced to follow, she couldn't help wondering where the other portals went as he disappeared through one.
She felt angry tears welling and forced them back, soon distracted by the warmth in her blood.
His words were forced through clenched teeth.
She forced herself not to cover her tattoo with her hands as she followed her sister to the second floor, where the private rooms were.
She made it to the sand before being forced to slow to a walk by the ankle-deep, loose sand.
Sasha.s gaze took them both in, his eyes settling on her bandaged arm before he forced himself to look at Toby.
She forced herself to pull away from him.
He forced his anger and frustration away to keep his eyes from flaring amber, then approached.
She.s a … charming woman, he forced himself to say.
He forced himself to focus on something else.
The words were forced, and he knew she was in love with him as much as she did.
As if reading her intentions, Hannah forced herself out of her shock and hurried to the low-burning hearth.
He said he sent someone to find you, she forced herself to say.
Helga turned to look at her curiously, and she forced herself forward.
We should split, he forced himself to say.
He forced himself to withdraw.
She made it to the sand before forced to slow to a walk by the ankle-deep, loose sand.
She forced herself to withdraw from the surreal world and let herself go numb.
She reached Evelyn and Romas and forced herself not to crowd them.
Kiera rubbed her arm with a small wince and forced herself to turn away.
It wasn't until dusk, when Evelyn had said she'd come back, that she forced herself up.
Forced to be still, she glanced down.
Dhjan A'Ran's family was forced to flee with his few trusted advisors.
Instead, she forced herself to leave and find something to do.
Kiera blinked and forced herself to pay attention.
Uneasy with the stirrings within her, she forced herself to step away.
She blinked as she entered the darker house and forced her attention on her surroundings.
A'Ran forced his attention away, certain that this ally was as true as any despite his haste in addressing nishani.
Her look of soul-deep sorrow touched him, and he recalled what he felt as a youth to find his father and mother dead and his family hunted and forced out of their own home.
She hadn't expected to be forced into such a decision.
They were forced to slow their pace when the trail became covered with slippery shale and the path grew steeper.
His legs trembled, but he forced himself on.
His quick pace forced her to trot to keep up, and the two warriors behind her let her go to pursue their leader.
She'd forced herself to walk daily, if for no other reason than to keep her mind off the paintings and memories.
This was the type of attitude A'Ran had been forced to deal with since his parents were murdered.
It made her angrier at Evelyn and Romas, knowing A'Ran and his sweet sisters had been forced out of their home into a life of poverty.
Instead, they literally forced her to wed Jerome Shipton, a widowed family friend twelve years her senior.
During the week before Christmas, Martha had spent an overnight at Bird Song when Janet was forced to report to court in Grand Junction, on some charges she, thankfully, did not detail to the Deans.
She must have fallen on hard times to have been forced into the life she ended up leading.
There is a spring in my step and a note on my lips, until I realize the awful truth of my situation and am forced to hold back my tears.
But Dean's first priority was his wife Cynthia and he continued to jog, forced to concentrate on his footing if he were to remain upright in the gathering snow.
He forced them into her hand, closing her fingers.
She questioned how the investigation was proceeding and her pointed questions forced him to admit he was the prime suspect.
However, unlike the highway, the snow here had not yet melted and Dean was forced to return to the main road at the first opportunity to cross back over the river.
She wrote it and no one forced her to do so.
He forced the picture from his mind and leaned backward, testing the rope against his weight.
But given the pair of parents the boy was forced to live with, it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.
She mumbled something he could not understand until he forced concentration, eventually discerning the thin voice whispering The Lord's Prayer.
She tilter her head up and forced a smile.
He paced around the parking lot for a few minutes cursing the first woman to ever deny him, and then stormed back into the bar, grabbed the red head, forced her to look into his eyes and growled, "You will not scream."
He forced a thin smile.
He forced an easy smile.
Jackson forced a thin smile.
If she were forced to make a choice it would be devastating for her.
Forced vacation... isn't that an oxy-moron?
You're the only person I've ever known who has had to be forced to take a vacation.
She reached down, scooping up a hand full of the moist snow, and forced it into a loose ball.
Alex had forced himself on her - taken advantage of her.
Pressing against him, she forced his lips down on hers.
What dark secret had he been holding from her that he would be forced to reveal if he knew how she felt about children?
Brady watched the feds, irritated at the pockets of elite unaffected by the squalid conditions the non-elite were forced to live in.
With a deep breath, she forced herself up.
Sensing he had the upper hand in any case, Brady forced himself away from her.
Brady forced his thoughts to his mission.
She forced herself out of her fear and leaned forward.
While her step was anything but sure, Lana forced herself onto the road and walked.
Still breathless, Katie forced herself onward along the stream's rocky bank.
The real Gabriel had been the one to tell her that the child she carried was a girl. "I guess we have to wait and see," she forced herself to say and added silently, I hope you're safe, Gabriel, wherever you are.
Katie nodded and sawed at the root, dripped more blood, then sawed again. She forced herself to continue even as she grew tired. Sticky blood covered the hilt of the dagger, her pants, the root, Deidre's shoe and pants leg. Katie kept on, uncertain what might happen if she stopped for a break.
Death didn't come. Darkness fell, and Rhyn waited. He paced and stretched, imagining there would be some kind of a struggle. At long last, he forced himself to admit she wasn't coming. No one could've overlooked the blow he dealt her underworld. The trees all around them had died off with a tear forming in the earth that led in the direction of the palace.
Rhyn paced under the watchful gaze of the convent member, itching to leave Kiki to find Katie. Instead, he forced himself to wait. He'd lost one brother this night. He wanted to make sure Kiki was okay before leaving him.
Then she forced a smile and said, "Hi."
In the rural areas, there was less concern with traffic, although an occasional farm dog forced him to practice his sprints.
In spite of her words, she still looked terrible but Dean was thankful for even forced improvement.
The flight was on schedule and thankfully there was little time for forced conversation.
Arthur recognized Dean but avoided eye contact until Dean stared him down and forced a glum nod.
Dean despised gin even when properly mixed but forced a smile as he drank it straight and warm.
Dean forced a pot full of evil thoughts about the beanpole bastard Edwin Mayer aside in deference to his concern over Cynthia's whereabouts.
He exited before more questions forced him to lie.
Randy had called a few days before with an invitation but Dean was putting in a Sunday shift and was forced to decline.
He forced his attention back to Mr. Reynolds and the others waiting in the relative cool of the screened-in porch.
For a few moments he teased her with light quick kisses, until she captured his neck with her arms and forced him to hold still.
His fingers lifted her chin so that she was forced to look at his face.
When she could resist no longer, she gripped his neck and forced her lips against his passionately.
Snapping her sagging jaw up, she pulled the strap up on her shoulder and forced a smile.
The words forced themselves out of her mouth and she gazed up at him with bated breath.
When she tried to close her eyes, the magic controlling her body forced them open again.
Panic built as she forced herself forward.
The magic forced into his body during a battle with an Other in Ireland had opened up much more than he liked.
With effort, she forced herself up and threw a dagger in the direction of the Other.
Jenn forced herself to move, hurting more from the wound inside than all those outside.
She forced herself up and half stumbled, half ran away from the portal.
I went after the creature, captured it, and forced it into many hosts.
He held out as long as possible before his watering eyes forced him to lower his eye-band.
Instead, he forced his head straight ahead.
He forced her head back until he could see her eyes, and she could see the unholy light in his.
She forced herself to recall each of their faces, each of their names, each of their stricken families.
She forced herself to remember why they died, what their deaths bought - -a chance for her to live.
He joined Lean and Allin as they dined, listening with forced indifference as they told him that Rissa had left alone with her guard at dusk.
She forced her bruised, heavy limbs to respond, testing them.
Rissa drew a deep breath with difficulty and forced her mind to focus.
Rissa forced herself to breathe steadily.
She forced her face to remain emotionless, her form still enough not to draw attention, like a wounded animal trying not to distract the hungry predators fighting over it.
He forced her close, lips brushing her ear and making her shiver.
He forced her closer and drew her arm between them, so none but the two of them could see.
The trickle of a familiar stream heightened her dulled senses, and she forced herself onward, through the brush and to the stream.
She forced her hurt deep inside and drew a strengthening breath.
The sensations unsettled him, but he forced himself to turn away.
She forced her breathing to deepen.
He waved a hand for everyone to leave and forced himself to wait until they were gone.
Will I have some position of honor in your armies? he forced himself to ask.
Memon looked up, and Taran forced himself to approach.
If its host died, it would be forced out.
His stomach lurched, but he forced himself to calm.
He forced himself to go.
He felt himself sink into his thoughts but forced himself to respond.
Her eyes blurred but she forced tears away, tossing off the blankets.
She blinked away tears and forced herself to her feet.
She forced her mind back to the current issue.
She forced the thought from her mind.
Lifting her chin for his affection, she forced his lips down to hers.
Carmen forced a smile.
So what was this important situation that forced you to break that promise?
Megan forced the anger to the back of her mind and greeted the couple warmly.
She forced a wry smile and each word of her response dripped with sarcasm.
Megan forced a smile.
She fell to her knees, still holding her ears, and a sob forced its way through her constricted throat.
Xander was forced to learn to use his special skills to steal from the market's patrons rather than beg with the rest of the kids.
He forced himself out of his senses and draped the cloak over his mother.
She was still beautiful, even worn down by the life she'd been forced into.
He held her by the back of her neck, high enough off the ground that her tiptoes barely touched the sand, and forced her head back, until the soft skin of her neck was exposed.
Jessi gritted her teeth and forced a smile.
Uneasily, he was forced to admit she had the power.
I guess that's the punishment for our roles in the Schism – being pushed aside and forced to watch, Eden said, referring to the war that severed the two realms completely from one another.
Jessi's heart leapt, but she forced herself not to react.
Jessi studied Xander's body once more, forced to admit that the man had the perfect combination of rugged beauty and flawless form.
Jessi forced herself to keep smiling.
Utterly still, she forced herself to breathe, or she'd pass out.
Wiping her face, she forced herself to breathe steadily.
She stopped her scowl and forced a smile at the manager.
She was quickly cut off from Xander by the adoring masses and forced to push her way through the crowd to follow him.
She found herself admiring his body and forced her attention on reading one of the books she'd picked up during a trip to stretch her legs earlier.
Tears pricked her eyes, but she forced them back.
Jessi forced a smile as she approached.
She forced me to experience all the pain I caused in my life, in the hopes of reforming me.
Chiding herself silently for behaving like a teenager, Jessi forced part of her breakfast down her throat.
He cursed the talent that initially drew him to her, forced to wait for the fog to clear.
The true method of science which he possessed forced him to condemn as useless the entire form which Schelling's and Hegel's expositions had adopted, especially the dialectic method of the latter, whilst his love of art and beauty, and his appreciation of moral purposes, revealed to him the existence of a transphenomenal world of values into which no exact science could penetrate.
And, if to satisfy these we were forced to maintain the existence of a world of moral standards, it was, thirdly, necessary to form some opinion as to the relation of these moral standards of value to the forms and facts of phenomenal existence.
To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained.
But, in attempting to make this conception quite clear and thinkable, we are forced to represent the connexion of things as a universal substance, the essence of which we conceive as a system of laws which underlies everything and in its own self connects everything, but imperceptible, and known to us merely through the impressions it produces on us, which we call things.
During an insurrection Cresphontes and two of his sons were murdered and the throne seized by Polyphontes, who forced Merope to marry him.
In the same year he was deposed and forced to become a monk, but was soon restored to the throne.
For the earl of Athole had forced his brother, Andrew Stewart, prebendary of Craig, upon the chapter, and had put him in possession of the bishop's palace.
His wife joined him at Thorn in December, but in April 1712 a peremptory ukaz ordered him off to the army in Pomerania, and in the autumn of the same year he was forced to accompany his father on a tour of inspection through Finland.
He indeed became so disgusted with the false position of a pretender to the crown, into which he was being forced, that he wished to go to America, but, as the comtesse de Buffon would not go with him, he decided to remain in Paris.
Boniface endeavoured to nominate his own successor, thus transforming into law, or at least into custom, the proceeding by which he had benefited; but the clergy and the senate of Rome forced him to cancel this arrangement.
He now obtained the alliance of the emperor, and forced Odo to cede part of Neustria.
Monk cut short these deliberations and forced on the Restoration without condition.
In the RussoTurkish War the Servian army, under the personal command of King Milan, besieged Nish, and forced it to capitulate on the 10th January 1878.
For two years more the fighting continued with varying success, until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to sue for peace, his army being decimated by the plague, and in August 1302 the treaty of Caltabellotta was signed, by which Frederick was recognized king of Trinacria (the name Sicily was not to be used) for his lifetime, and was to marry Eleonora, the daughter of Charles II.; at his death the kingdom was to revert to the Angevins (this clause was inserted chiefly to save Charles's face), and his children would receive compensation elsewhere.
A bowl, however, that is forced on to the jack by another is not a toucher.
According to Scottish rules, unless it has been forced clean out of bounds, such a jack is still alive.
In 1622 the Spaniards, under Spinola, made another attempt to take the town, but were forced to abandon the enterprise after a siege of ten weeks and the loss of 1200 men.
Schlick goes on to say the organ is to be suited to the choir and properly tuned for singing, that the singer may not be forced to sing too high or too low and the organist have to play chromatics, which is not handy for every one.
In 1873 he attacked Khiva, took the capital, and forced the khan to become a vassal of Russia.
He won a signal victory over the Persians in 53 0, and successfully conducted a campaign against them, until forced, by the rashness of his soldiers, to join battle and suffer defeat in the following year.
In 1889 the public debt of the republic amounted to about £24,000,000, but the financial difficulties which immediately followed that year, and the continuance of excessive expenditures, forced the debt up to approximately £128,000,000 during the next ten years.
This expedition was assailed by the Charruas and forced to return on foot, their leader himself being killed.
But a French officer, Jacques de Liniers, gathered together a large force with which he enclosed the British within the walls, and finally, on the 12th of August, by a successful assault, forced Beresford and his troops to surrender.
Causes of friction still remained, but they did not develop into open quarrels, for Mitre was content to leave Urquiza in his province of Entre Rios, and the other administrators (caudillos) in their several governments, a large measure of autonomy, trusting that the position and growing commercial importance of Buenos Aires would inevitably tend to make the federal capital the real centre of power of the republic. In 1865 the Argentines were forced into war with Paraguay through the overbearing attitude of the president Francisco Solano Lopez.
After several skirmishes, the national army commanded by General Roca, containing many troops seasoned in Indian campaigns, assaulted the portenos posted before Buenos Aires, and after two days' hard fighting (20th and 21st July) forced its way into the town.
He was a straightforward and honourable man, who tried his best to do his duty in a position that had been forced upon him, and was in no sense of the word his own seeking.
Menaced, however, by Louis' brother-in-law, Otto the Great, and excommunicated by the council of Ingelheim (948), the powerful vassal was forced to make submission and to restore Laon to his sovereign.
He was forced to retire with the loss of 12,000 men, and a yearly festival in the town still celebrates the occasion.
Thebes was forced to surrender and razed to the ground.
We do not know how the Egyptians were forced to abandon Jerusalem; but, at the time of the Israelite conquest, it was undoubtedly in the hands of the Jebusites, the native inhabitants of the country.
Jerusalem thus lost much of its importance, especially after it was forced to surrender to Shishak, king of Egypt, who carried off a great part of the riches which had been accumulated by Solomon.
He was forced to pawn Rousillon, his possession on the north-east of the Pyrenees, to Louis XI., who refused to part with it.
Sickness and discontent led to a mutiny on De Quiros' vessel, and the crew, overpowering their officers during the night, forced the captain to navigate his ship to Mexico.
This wise recommendation received very scant attention, and it was not until the necessities of the colonies forced them to it that an attempt was made to do what the framers of the original constitution suggested.
Mary was forced to impose taxation which met with violent resistance, especially in 1539 from the stiff-necked town of Ghent.
In the spring of 1575 conferences with a view to peace were held at Breda, and on their failure Orange, in the face of Spanish successes in Zeeland, was forced to seek foreign succour.
The popular support given to the Union of Brussels forced Don John to yield.
He proclaimed a crusade against Louis and the French, and, after the peace of Lambeth, he forced Louis to make a public and humiliating profession of penitence (1217).
After a hasty consecration he was forced to take refuge with a friendly noble by the faction of Pierleoni, who was elected pope under the name of Anacletus II.
Siqueira's expedition ended in failure, owing partly to the aggressive attitude of the Portuguese, partly to the very justifiable suspicions of the Malays, and he was presently forced to destroy one of his vessels, to leave a number of his men in captivity, and to sail direct for Portugal.
If that authority falls to nothing,"he said," nothing can follow but confusion."The Presbyterians, however, now engaged in a plan for restoring the king under their own control, and by the means of a Scottish army, forced on their policy, and on the 27th of May ordered the immediate disbandment of the army, without any guarantee for the payment of arrears.
The members then trooped out, Cromwell crying after them, "It is you that have forced me to this; for I have sought the Lord night and day that He would rather slay me than put me upon the doing this work."
With this " free " wave is combined a " forced " wave, generated, by the direct action of the sun and moon, within the Atlantic area itself.
Tone, who was on board the "Hoche," refused Bompard's offer of escape in a frigate before the action, and was taken prisoner when the "Hoche" was forced to surrender.
An illness brought on by toil and privation forced him to leave his work to others for nearly a year, but in August 1598 he returned to his field of labour, and in October of that year practically the whole country was Catholic again.
A metal vessel was placed in a calorimeter and air forced into it, the amount of energy expended in compressing the air being measured.
In 1886 he was elected mayor of New York City, his nomination having been forced upon the Democratic Party by the strength of the other nominees, Henry George and Theodore Roosevelt; his administration (1887-1888) was thoroughly efficient and creditable, but he broke with Tammany, was not renominated, ran independently for re-election, and was defeated.
In 1801 Austria was forced to cede it to Ercole III., duke of Modena, in compensation for the duchy of which Napoleon had deprived him.
Certain types of dangerous individuals are relegated after serving a sentence in the ordinary convict prisons, and by administrative, not by judicial process, to special penal colonies known as domicilii coatti or forced residences.
The forced paper currency, instituted in 1866, was abolished in 1881, in which year were dissolved the Union of Banks of Issue created in 1874 to furnish to the state treasury a milliard of lire in notes, guaranteed collectively by the banks.
Until 1893 the juridical status of the Banks of Issue was regulated by the laws of the 3oth of April 1874 on paper currency and of the 7th of April 1881 on the abolition of forced currency.
Rates of exchange, or, in other words the gold premium, favored Italy during the yearr immediately following the abolition of the forced currency in 1881
It would follow, on the other hand, that what is called Oscan represented the language of the invading Sabines (more correctly Safines), whose racial affinities would seem to be of a distinctly more northern cast, and to mark them, like the Dorians or Achaeans in Greece, as an early wave of the invaders who more than once in later history havevitally influenced the fortunes of the tempting southern land into which they forced their way.
Berengar imprisoned her upon the Lake of Como, and threatened her with a forced marriage to his son Adalbert.
In the next place, the antagonism of the popes to the emperors, whicl became hereditary in the Holy College, forced the former tc - assume the protectorate of the national cause.
Famine forced the burghers to partial obedience, and Frederick held a victorious diet at Roncaglia.
Frederick placed judges of his own appointment, with the title of podest, in all the Lombard commu1ies; and this stretch of his authority, while it exacerbated his foes, forced even his friends to join their ranks against him.
These, in their turn, forced the nobles to leave their castles, and to reside for at least a portion of each year within the walls.
Forced to fly to France, he there, at Lyons, in 1245, convened a council, which enforced his condemnation of the emperor.
Charles was forced to resigr the senatorship of Rome and the signoria of Lombardy and Tuscany.
We are therefore forced to pause awhile, and probe beneath the surface.
The Genoese in their turn were now blockaded in Chioggia, and forced by famine to surrender.
Prolonged warfare with the Otto- and mans, who forced her to abandon Candia in 1669, Spain.
He was now forced to leave France, but continued his work of agitation from London.
All parties, however, were agreed in favor of war against Austria, for which the peoples forced their unwilling rulers to prepare.
On the 23rd, 24th and 25th of July (first battle of Custozza) the Piedmontese were defeated and forced to retire on Milan with Radetzkys superior force in pursuit.
Intimately bound up with the forced currency, the railway conventions and public works was the financial question in general.
Besides the realization of the formal programme of the Left, consisting of the repeal of the grist tax, the abolition of the forced currency, the extension of the suffrage and the development of the railway system Depretis laid the foundation for land tax re-assessment by introducing a new cadastral survey.
In order to diminish the gold premium, which under Giolitti had risen to 16%, forced currency was given to the existing notes of the banks of Italy, Naples and Sicily, while special state notes were issued to meet immediate currency needs.
For this unfortunate combination Signor Sonnino himself was not altogether to blame; having lost many of his most faithful followers, who, weary of waiting for office, had gone over to the enemy, he had been forced to seek support among men who had professed hostility to the existing order of things and thus to secure at least the neutrality of the Extreme Left and make the public realize that the reddest of Socialists, Radicals and Republicans may be tamed and rendered harmless by the offer of cabinet appointments.
The worst tumults occurred in November 1904, when Italian students and professors were attacked at Innsbruck without provocation; being outnumbered by a hundred to one the Italians were forced to use their revolvers in self-defence, and several persons were wounded on both sides.
In March 1679 a new parliament hostile to Danby was returned, and he was forced to resign the treasurership; but he received a pardon from the king under the Great Seal, and a warrant for a marquessate.
Expected or not, the primacy was forced upon him within a very few months of his marriage.
But his position as chief minister of Henry's ecclesiastical jurisdiction forced him into unpleasant prominence in connexion with the king's matrimonial experiences.
The Scottish philosophy of Thomas Reid and his successors believed that David Hume's scepticism was no more than the genuine outcome of Locke's sensationalist appeal to experience when ripened or forced on by the immaterialism of Bishop Berkeley - God and the soul alone; not God, world and soul.
Paetus, a weak and incapable man, suffered a severe defeat at Rhandea (62), where he was surrounded and forced to capitulate and to evacuate Armenia.
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