Forborne Sentence Examples
The reasons why the claims of the line of Clarence had been so long forborne are not difficult to explain.
As an example of mispunctuation we may take Shelley's Triumph of Life, 188 sqq., "` If thou can'st, forbear To join the dance, which I had well forborne ' Said the grim Feature of my thought ` Aware I I will unfold,'" &c., for "said the grim Feature (of my thought aware) ` I will unfold.'" Grammatical Assimilations.
Not until 1770, after O'Reilly had established Spanish rule by force at New Orleans, did a Spanish officer at St Louis take actual possession of the upper country; another on the ground, in 1768-1769, had forborne to assert his powers in the face of the unfriendly attitude of the inhabitants.