For-sale Sentence Examples
A couple moved out here and listed it for sale.
A real estate sign advertising a house for sale peeped out from tall grass beside the road.
When mushrooms are gathered for sale by persons unacquainted with the different species mistakes are of frequent occurrence.
The only industry is the manufacture of olive-wood and mother-of-pearl goods for sale to pilgrims and for export.
Its home seems to be in Central Asia, but it moves southward in winter, being common at that season in Cashmere, and is not unfrequently brought for sale to Calcutta.
To encourage the poorer classes of the people to become landholders, it was decided that the lots offered for sale should be small, and that the purchaser should be allowed to pay by five or ten yearly instalments.
Thus the cereal crops, when grown in rotation, yield more produce for sale in the season of growth than when grown continuously.
By far the greater proportion of those constituents remains in circulation in the manure of the farm, whilst the remainder yields highly valuable products for sale in the forms of meat and milk.
Licenses for sale of Tumbeki, a variety of Persian tobacco used for the narghile, T2046.
These latter pass to automatic weighing machines, which drop them, in quantities of 1 cwt., into wooden boxes of uniform measurement, made to contain that weight; and the boxes are then conveyed to the storehouse, ready for sale.
AdvertisementThey are then sorted into qualities according to their colour, packed in boxes, in which they are stored for sale.
The porcelains of Arita were carried to the neighboring town of Imari for sale and shipment.
Anthracite coal in Pennsylvania is subjected to breaking between toothed rollers and an elaborate system of screening, before it is fit for sale.
Here the undertakers (libitinarii), who carried out all funeral arrangements by contract, had their offices, and everything necessary was kept for sale or hire; here all deaths were registered for statistical purposes.
Their primary object is to gratify the pleasure most persons take in viewing at close range the curious and beautiful living products of nature, but they serve also as means of instruction in natural history, providing material for museums and for investigations in comparative anatomy and pathology, while they may have a commercial value as pleasure resorts, or as show grounds for the display of animals that have been imported or bred for sale.
AdvertisementThere are mineral springs, especially salt springs, in various parts of the state, particularly in the Blue Grass Region; these are now of comparatively little economic importance; no salt was reported among the state's manufactures for 1905, and in 1907 only 736,920 gallons of mineral waters were bottled for sale.
After stripping, the rods are bleached in the sun and stored for sale as White.
By the Land Act of 1894 the state domains, except on the coasts and frontiers, were divided into lots for sale.
Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale.
They had been offered for sale or lease in accordance with land acts (of 1884 and 1895 - the latter corresponding generally to the land laws of New Zealand) designed to promote division into small farms and their immediate improvement.
AdvertisementYarn is sold upon various terms, but a regular custom in the home trade is for the spinner to allow 4% discount, for payment in 14 days, of which 21 goes to the buyer, who is commonly a manufacturer, and 12 to the agent for sale and guaranteeing the account.
The chief exceptions are the Persian and Astrachan lambs, which are bought at the Russian 'fairs, and are dressed and dyed in Leipzig, and the ermine and Russian squirrels, which are dressed and manufactured into linings either in Russia or Germany before offered for sale to the wholesale merchants or manufacturers.
For instance, the tariff on animals exposed for sale includes a charge of 5% ad valorem on slave girls, besides a charge of I rupee per head.
In less than five years he had opened up the navigation of the Niger, made roads, and established a market to which the native produce was brought for sale and barter.
He was so well acquainted with the contents of the volumes which he exposed for sale that the country rectors of Staffordshire and Worcestershire thought him an oracle on points of learning.
AdvertisementMarket gardening is carried on, large quantities of fruit and flowers being grown for sale in Manchester.
The importation or possession of arms of precision is forbidden, except by permits in conformity with the Brussels Act, and in further application of that act the importation of spirits for sale to natives is wholly prohibited.
The acts establish a close time for wild birds and impose penalties for shooting or taking them within that time; prohibit the exposing or offering for sale within certain dates any wild bird recently killed or taken unless bought or received from some person residing out of the United Kingdom; the taking or destroying of wild birds' eggs, the setting of pole traps, and the taking of a wild bird by means of a hook or other similar instrument.
The leaf-stalks are gathered by the neighbouring hill people, and carried down for sale.
Sirturus, in his De Telescopio (1618), states that "a Frenchman proceeded to Milan in the month of May 1609 and offered a telescope for sale to Count di.
On the other hand, the most important commodities offered for sale in the market had been subject to official examination already in Carolingian times.
The large rivers produce salmon, which are usually sent to the great towns for sale.
Should the tenant sell or exchange his interest in the property, the right of pre-emption is vested in the landlord, and a corresponding right is enjoyed by the tenant should the quitrent be for sale.
In Italy mannite is prepared for sale in the shape of small cones resembling loaf sugar in shape, and is frequently prescribed in medicine instead of manna.
Early in 1682, after several unsuccessful attempts to effect a sale by other means, the province was offered for sale at public auction, and was purchased by William Penn and eleven associates for £3400.
All public sources of water-supply such as streams, pumps, wells, reservoirs, conduits, aqueducts and works used for the gratuitous supply of water to the inhabitants of the district are vested in the council, who may cause all such works to be maintained and plentifully supplied with pure and wholesome water for the gratuitous use of the inhabitants, but not for sale by them.
Any medical officer or inspector of nuisances may inspect any meat, &c., exposed for sale or deposited in any place for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale and intended for the food of man.
The only one of these that need be noticed is that which provides that after the market is opened for public use every person, other than a licensed hawker, who shall sell or expose for sale in any place within the district, except in his own dwelling-place or shop, any articles in respect of which tolls are authorized to be taken shall be liable to a penalty.
It was offered for sale by auction unsuccessfully in 1904, but was bought in 1905.
The town is widely celebrated for its great annual cattle-fair held in October, at which vast numbers of cattle and sheep are offered for sale.
American bee-breeders are conspicuous in this respect, extensive apiaries being exclusively devoted to the business of rearing queens by the thousand for sale and export.
Another advantage of membership is the use of a " county label " for affixing to each section of honey in comb, a or jar of extracted honey, offered for sale by members.
The property for sale was comprised about two acres of land tastefully enclosed and planted.
An estimated 10% of lineage advertisements in the classified ' motors for sale ' section are traders.
Altum angels 23/11/05 Yes I have two altum angels for sale.
Dutch auctions On a Dutch Auction, the auctioneer has more than one item of the same product for sale.
Original signed vinyl box sets, pictures of the American bandleader and Bing Crosby are among the 28 lots going up for sale.
In 1871 Digby Latimer, who had been adjudged bankrupt, put the Manor of Heddington up for sale by auction.
Hiram Powers ' Greek Slave depicts a Greek woman exposed for sale at a Turkish bazaar.
Only for sale as he is a confident horse who is quite bossy and likes to get his own way.
Hundreds of Malawis for sale Hobbyist breeder in Doncaster postcode has 10.. .
RuSource briefings may not be reproduced in any publication or offered for sale without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Soon street corner vendors were producing massive quantities for sale at just a few centimes a glass.
All items will be for sale and include ceramics, textiles, photography and jewelry.
Also have other cichlids for sale all about 2/3 " for £ 5 each.
These people may... sport horses for sale horse classifieds pictures of horses horse pictures for sale - dressage horses for sale.. .
He can also offer valuations and occasionally has concertinas for sale.
Drummond sent a large consignment of more than 200 seeds to a correspondent for sale.
At this stage, the conclusion of a binding contract for sale of Grove Lodge was a mere hope.
Corvettes For Sale We have used corvettes For Sale We have used Corvettes For Sale from dealers and private owners.
The House resumed the Debate upon the Bill for Sale of the Estates of several delinquents.
Discus for sale quality discus for sale quality discus at lowest prices Many strains.. .
Discus fish for sale I have home bred discus fish for sale I have home bred Discus.
And in Peterborough, homes for sale are advertised as " within commuting distance of London ", 78 miles away.
My Property For Sale is listed on all the major search engines.
However, " up for sale " when a VC is on board, inevitably entails " to the highest bidder.
The general requirements apply to all honey products offered for sale to consumers or to catering establishments.
Resources National Directory of estate agents - UK Property Shop ' view property for sale or rent on estate agents websites in any town.
However, baker's honey may contain additives and be partially fermented as it is not suitable for sale to consumers without processing.
This very pretty outstandingly bred filly is offered for sale to a special home only.
Registered Welsh Section " D " colt foal for sale at weaning.
Offered for sale freehold, the deeds had been mislaid.
On December 9, the 16-bit handheld gaming system will be released for sale.
It says FOR SALE above this three year-old bay gelding.
At another market shop, the team found three gibbons for sale for US$250.
Goby cichlids 06/06/05 No Has any body got any goby cichlids 06/06/05 No Has any body got any goby cichlids for sale?
I have 2 sows (female guinea pigs) avalible for sale both from different litters, but live together great at the moment.
Mail-me Post reply -- London Buy and sell y 1 Aug Buy and Sell handmade Greeting Cards for Sale!
There was an unconfirmed 25 copy hardcover edition for sale.
Blue Trigger for sale hi, i am selling my Blue Trigger.
Your Move are pleased to offer for sale this two bedroom semi detached house situated on Third Avenue in Scampton.
There are tearooms in the Edgcumbe Arms on the key and delicious local organic ice cream for sale.
There is a good selection of second-hand inflatables for sale.
Ther is also a For Sale and Wanted section offering you a free to use online boat jumble.
L... koi for sale I have 13 koi carp ranging from 8 in - 18 inc.. .
Koi for sale in Dorset All Japanese koi for sale in Dorset All Japanese Koi Now on offer.
In the meanwhile, I have a few leeches for sale.
This is for sale on an ebay listing (start price 99p ), please follow the link below for full details.
Only for sale as I have 3 riding mares and not enough time to back him and bring him on.
Batches of vehicles for sale will be notified to registered purchasers at approximately monthly intervals.
This was born out when I spotted this sheet music from 1960 for sale on E-Bay!
Octagon Tank for sale 04/09/06 Yes I am selling my 40 gallon octagon Tank for sale 04/09/06 Yes I am selling my 40 gallon octagon shaped tank.
Other major elements are stocks of goods for sale and monies due to the charity less monies owed by the charity.
The fish that are for sale with it are as follows breeding pair of... .. .
I also have lots of pink pom Pom pom xenia frags for sale - £ 10 each.
New Skys Property Club partners Fairline Andalucia have luxury powerboats available for sale or charter now you can sail the Med in style!
Holt plays a horse rancher out to help a neighbor, Richard Powers, round up a herd of wild horses for sale.
We have no wheat reed for sale at present. return to top.
Buy a franchise opportunity Search our directory of franchise opportunities for sale or browse our franchise resales.
The tolls claimed by the hospital on all victuals bought for sale in Chester were particularly resented by the tenants of the abbey.
Located within a desirable area just off Kendal Green, we are pleased to offer this practically extended semi detached residence for sale.
A 1991 model, this Silver example is now reluctantly offered for sale due to the vendor's impending retirement to Portugal.
Have seen a junk rigged riptide, Mystique, for sale on the eog site.
The boat is a strongly built motor sailer, for sale at about £ 20,000.
Live rock and fish for sale in Devon I have 9 kg of premium fiji live rock for sal...
She grows saplings of neem, mango and jackfruit for sale.
On the same estate a steam sawmill installed in 1914 was used to cut blocks for sale.
We have a wide range of fresh local shellfish simply cooked to eat in or for sale to take home.
We are planning on having basic staples for sale on-site this year.
There are many interesting and unique things for sale in the shop, from fairy houses sculpted using various clays to handmade decorated stoneware.
Purple tang 5-6 " I have for sale 1 purple tang approx 5-6 " .. .
For My first auction, I have a lovely white cotton thong for sale.
As far as I am aware these are the only 2 Egyptian tortoises for sale in the uk at the moment.
L046 zebra PLECOS I have for sale a trio of L046 zebra plecos f.. .
He anonymously offered a quantity of the metal for sale at an instrument-maker's shop, issuing an advertisement in which some of its main properties were described.
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
Austria being thus involved in war with Turkey, the Venetian Admiral Giovanni Bembo blockaded Trieste and Fiume, whither the pirates forwarded their booty for sale.
Thirty four of these will be affordable housing with the remainder for sale on the private market.
A 1991 model, this Silver example is now reluctantly offered for sale due to the vendor 's impending retirement to Portugal.
The retort house can be found on your right hand side, identified by our FOR SALE board.
They were going through their house looking for items to put up for sale by auction.
Many objects that are considered as Trench Art were made not by servicemen, but by local civilians, for sale to soldiers.
For each shop there is a shopkeeper agent who offers for sale the products available in that cell.
Working windmill producing stone-ground flour for sale to visitors.
There are no other significant possibilities for sale of surplus assets or asset disposal.
Purple Tang 5-6 " I have for sale 1 purple tang approx 5-6 "...
Various Tropicals for sale 15/07/05 No Due to Fish house closing i have various fish that need to be rehomed, collection only.
L046 ZEBRA PLECOS I have for sale a trio of L046 zebra plecos f...
When you are searching through the local consignment sales, shops, and yard sales, don't forget to check out the stuffed animals and figurines for sale.
Although there are many adorable baby books for sale in discount shops and department stores, you can search for more unique baby books or even create one yourself.
Later on, you might want to think about making it easier for someone else to find preemie clothes by placing your baby's clothes for sale either in your area, online, or donating them to a local hospital.
You can find many websites that have used cars for sale.
Puppy Find has articles about breeds, tips, and animals for sale. Find nationwide listings of used motorhomes and RVs up for sale at this website.
Foreclosed property is property that is now up for sale due to the fact that the previous owner wasn't able to continue to make mortgage payments on the property.
Previously frozen - Frozen seafood that has been thawed for sale.
Bibliofind Amazon's Bibliofind's search tool will help you comb through Amazon's massive selection of out-of-print and rare books for sale.
Petsmart has cat food for sale by brand, life stage, and need.
Also find various cat medications for sale.
Enter the dog section of Petsmart and find food for sale by life stage and brand.
There are tons of other dog items for sale too, such as collars, carriers, treats, kennels, clothes, beds, and flea and tick control medications.
Sephora has facial masks, scrubs, exfoliants, and antiaging treatments for sale in its skincare department.
Using a mirror (you can simply use one for sale in the store and then put it back when finished), hold the different bottles of foundation up to your neck to see which one best matches your skin.
Click on the word "face" when you enter Juicy and check out the full line of foundations and foundation applicators available for sale.
Enter the Sports & Outdoors section of, click on Cycling, and you'll find an extensive array of complete and disassembled mountain bikes for sale.
At's Patio Furniture section, you'll find furniture sets, swings, pillows, cushions, rockers, awnings and benches for sale.
PowerSports Network displays the photographs and details of hundreds of used motorcycles for sale.
If there are many condos for sale within the development, be wary.
You'll find over 2 million homes for sale using
Jot down the names of sports watches you like that you tried on and then go home and look to see if you can find them for sale at a better price on the Web.
Conduct a search by artist or band to find used records for sale.
Jot down the names, numbers and addresses of the record shops you come across, and place calls to each shop to ask whether or not they carry used videotapes for sale (most probably will). has plenty of great fishing poles for sale in its Sports & Outdoors department.
You can search for a specific type of boat for sale by make, brand and length, or check out links to dealers and builders.
American Boat Listing allows users to find new and used boats for sale by owners.
Boat Trader Online offers boat lovers the chance to peruse or search their listings of over 100,000 boats for sale. has a terrific array of golf shoes for for sale in their Sports & Outdoors department.
Tennis Warehouse All the best name brand tennis racquets can be found for sale here, including ones by Prince, Estusa, Head and Fischer.
Many times you can find complete collections up for sale!
Traditional real estate agents are the most popular, but properties are also being sold for sale by owner, through newspaper listings and on multiple listing service web sites.
So where do you find properties that are for sale by owner?
You can look in your local newspaper, drive around the neighborhoods that you like to find for sale by owner signs or pick up For Sale By Owner periodicals at your local grocery store.
Thanks to a wonderful invention called the MLS, or multiple listing service, you, as a buyer, have access to virtually all the property for sale in the entire country.
Aside from selling items through its own company, it offers items for sale from different vendors and individuals.
Germany is a large, diverse country; this is reflected in the properties that are for sale.
Check with your local library to find out when they'll have books for sale.
If you search for "miles for sale" or something similar, you will pull up ads that list airline miles for sale.
The fact that fireworks only appear for sale in late June and late December also entices retailers to up the price even further.
However, it does pay to stroll through the stores every now and then or keep an eye open for sale papers because you may be able to pick up a tool kit "necessity" that you just haven't needed yet.
You can find them online or look for someone in your town or a nearby town with a rifle for sale.
This is a good way to get the original yearbook, but you may wait a long time for it to come up for sale.
You can browse the for-sale yearbooks or place a notice about the specific year and school you need.
Stock systems are the computers you see for sale at your local electronics store.
Some states may seize real property and put it up for sale to investors who want to purchase tax liens.
Used golf clubs can be found for sale all over the Internet at most auction and flea market sites like Craigslist and eBay.
Garage sales and traditional flea markets are also good places to look although much of what winds up for sale at these American institutions is old and in most cases, in poor condition.
Depending on where you live in the United States, you’ll find Intel drives for sale at TigerDirect or CompUSA stores.
If you are, then shopping channels like QVC and the Home Shopping Network (HSN) occasionally offer Dell laptops for sale on TV.
The website boasts that it has the best prices on a number of products, so if you find the camera you want for sale on X10 this might be the place that you want to buy from.
This is another example of non pedigree kittens for sale.
They can be found for sale at local supermarkets, in drug stores, at the local 7-Eleven, and on the Internet.
This happens if criminals write down the numbers of the cards available for sale at the stores and check the numbers periodically to see if someone has bought the card.
There are also books for sale that explain the steps to take when a Do it Yourself Divorce is desired.
It is even difficult to find this brand of furniture for sale online.
The only retailer that offers Thomasville furniture for sale online is The Home Depot, which offers Thomasville Outdoor, a collection of patio furniture.
Depending on your situation and the types of items that you want to sell, you may want to offer items for sale from your home via a classified ad in your local newspaper or online classified advertising web site.
The company carries an extensive selection of top quality used and new furniture offered for sale at bargain prices.
There are many online antique shops and auction websites that offer lovely china cabinets for sale.
Keep an eye out for sale merchandise and free shipping promotions.
Many of the Amish make a living by producing their goods for sale to the outside world.
The following sites offer lamps for sale online, but you can also find a wide variety at any department store in your area.
Simply Fountains considers themselves to be the fountain experts with over 600 water features online for sale.
Many of the pillows available for sale on etsy are one of a kind.
Older homes have lots of charm, but you must consider several factors when looking for historic houses for sale.
If you've decided that a historic home is right for you, consult a local realtor to find historic houses for sale in your area.
If you're using the real thing, make sure that it comes from a responsible company that harvests coral specifically for sale.
There are thousands of rugs for sale on Overstock , and they are conveniently categorized according to color, style, size, shape and price.
Source area rugs best buys locally by watching for sale ads in the local newspaper, checking your local classified ads and looking for area rugs at weekend yard sales.
Finding Karastan area rugs for sale means you have found a quality area rug from a company that has been making rugs since 1928.
There is a great selection of area rugs for sale online.
Browsing through websites that offer these rugs for sale is a great way to get ideas and inspiration for decorating your home.
They are not a sample size, but typically a larger sized bottle included on the shelves along with the perfume for sale.
Mehron, a professional theatre makeup company, has prepackaged Halloween makeup kits for sale that include a variety of colors and take the guesswork out of which shades to buy.
You can find records for sale at flea markets and garage sales, often for less than a dollar each.
By selling or advertising an ebook for sale on your site, you establish your credentials as a guru, too, which will help sales and/or traffic at your site.
For instance, Bluefly specializes in discount designer clothing, and even offers clothes for sale.
Start your search by choosing the major city you live near, then select "Cars + Trucks" in the For Sale category.
While there are a lot of Pokemon games for sale for the PC and all game consoles - including Playstation, Wii and Nintendo DS - there are also plenty of opportunities online for kids to play Pokemon games.
This tells the consumer how long the food can be on the shelf or in the case for sale.
There is a plethora of baby albums for sale.
Many people who create original scrapbook designs for sale get their start advertising on eBay or Etsy to take advantage of the large following these sites already enjoy.
Designers often use free templates as a way to introduce their items for sale.
They also have a special section for sale and clearance items.
You can also contact local wedding dress shops and inquire about any vintage wedding gowns they might have for sale.
Closeout stores often have small items for sale such as trinket boxes, picture frames, scented soaps, candles, kitchen accessories, and much more at very low prices, but only in a limited quantity.
Newspaper Classifieds-Your newspaper should have a miscellaneous classified section for people to advertise items for sale.
Online retailers also offer dresses for sale and many will hold end of season mark downs which can make the search a lot easier.
Craigslist is a local online marketplace where users can offer many different new and used items for sale.
Tips are usually available individually at cake decorating and dessert supply stores, and they're also for sale in decorating sets.
The online auction site has an abundance of sellers listing celebrity photos for sale.
At Female First one poster claims to have seen two of Beyoncé's dresses for sale on eBay, and they were both size 6.
Some serious allegations have been made that has many wondering was Slumdog's Latika for sale.
Finally, you can find several online auctions and online classified sites that feature many children's clothing for sale.
However, even with this vacillating definition of modesty factor, the one thing the styles they sell have in common is modesty when compared to much of what you find for sale in your neighborhood mall.
Not only is the fabric made by the company, which is then made into their comfortable underwear, the company even packages the underwear for sale themselves.
They are based in Denver, Colorado, no stranger to serious winter weather, so they know what to look for in designing and choosing items for sale.
Unfortunately, qualities like tasteful and unique can also be accompanied by intimidating price tags, so you may want to scrounge for sale items during the seasonal turnovers.
While obviously the newest merchandise may not appear on the clearance racks, many of the items that are for sale are similar in style to the newer selections.
While you may be able to find a western shirt elsewhere for fewer dollars, this shop has authentic and high-quality clothing for sale.
Matching hats and adorable shoes are also for sale.
If nutcrackers are locally developed in the area, then they prominently displayed and often for sale by artisans in the markets.
Although every dog owner dreams of being with their pet for years, sometimes it is not possible, and they place the dog for sale.
This is one of the most popular ways to advertise a dog for sale because you can include a photograph, list of available materials, and several tear-off slips with contact information for interested buyers.
If you have seen a dog for sale sign and are interested, always approach the transaction cautiously.
You can sort by country and breed, but then you'll have to sift through the listings to look for any free pups listed amongst the other dogs for sale.
They may have been found through ads in the paper offering them for sale.
Episodes are also available for sale at the National Geographic Channel's website.
In cases like this, it's perfectly reasonable for the breeder to offer the pups for sale at a price that may be a loss, but doing so is in the puppies' ultimate best interests.
Since 1881, American gardeners have enjoyed the wintertime ritual of opening their mailbox, grabbing the Burpee flower catalog, and settling by the fire to peruse the gorgeous pictures and descriptions of plants for sale.
Today, the company continues to use the old Fordhook Farm as a trial garden, developing and testing new seed varieties before offering them for sale.
The online auction house eBay allows anyone with an Internet connection to list almost anything for sale.
Find the area nearest where you live, and check the music instr. link under for sale.
Interstate Music is one website that has Grateful Dead tab books for sale at affordable prices.
The variety of items available for sale on eBay that relate to Gene Simmons and KISS is staggering.
The following sites have a wide variety of sheet music for bass guitar available for sale.
You won't always find exactly what you are looking for every time you visit, but you need to just keep checking back until someone puts up a Red Baron for sale.
The Steel Guitar Forum - The Steel Guitar Forum is a great place to find used pedal steel guitars for sale and learn about them from other aficionados.
One of the best ways to stumble onto old guitars for sale is to check ebay regularly for old Ibanez guitars.
Most systems are affordable, but there are high-priced models available for sale.
Vintage Plumbing - Vintage Plumbing typically has about a dozen sinks from the early part of the 20th century for sale on their website.
There are some great items for sale here as well.
Kitchen countertops for sale come in all shapes and sizes, but there may be more going on than meets the eye.
Kitchen countertops for sale aren't limited to materials.
Some allow a costumer to buy directly from them but others only offer their products for sale at retailers.
The wares offered for sale are constantly changing at eBay, so be sure to check back frequently.
Replica Si has an inspired Chanel No. 5 Pendant in silver for sale for $63.00.
Sac Moda also has a Chanel No. 5 pendant for sale.
It is rose gold plated, seventeen inches long, and for sale at $52.70.
Lang Antique--Lang Antiques and Estate Jewelry occasionally has Tiffany moonstone jewelry for sale.
Artists, for instance, are not charged a listing fee for making items available for sale.
Many trendy jewelers and those specializing in nautical themes offer palm tree pendants and other jewelry for sale.
While this set is now discontinued, savvy buyers may well be able to find it for sale at online auction sites or specialist used jewelry stores.
It has a silver snake bracelet for sale which is by Forstner and was made in 1947.
For wrestling, there are also many World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) replica rings for sale as fan merchandise.
Ask the wholesale distributor about the grade of any gems for sale and if there is a report or certificate available that you can review.
At the very least, they should be able to tell you the grade of the stone for sale.
Check the Bargain Bin section regularly for sale items.
Furthermore, becoming familiar with the ways people offer clothing for sale on eBay can let you also re-sell your own clothes - rotating the elements of fashion every season as much as you like!
At farmer's markets and special holiday markets, individual wool-workers will have items for sale that are completely eco-friendly and unique.
Most areas around the country have local ranchers that organically raise small amounts of beef cattle and offer their organic beef for sale in the local economy.
DrugStore.Com - This online website offers many EO products for sale including some of their best sellers.
Territorial Seed has organic tomato seed as well as organic tomato plants for sale.
Vendors circulate through these events, displaying bridal gowns for sale.
Body stockings on this site are listed for sale in the hosiery section and include a wide variety of styles and many available colors.
Shopping for sale dresses can be rather daunting if you aren't sure where to start.
Jensen Residential Communities is a senior living community, with homes both for sale and for lease, but with the benefit of being for residents over the age of 55.
In the other communities, there are houses for sale at different times depending on availability.
Some over the counter sleep aids are for sale under several brand names.
There are various sleep apnea-related items for sale which do not require prescriptions, such as CPAP masks.
You can also find them available for sale at select sunglass boutiques such as Sunglass Hut.
The pair for sale here can be worn for up to 30 days in a row or spaced out for up to 30 individual days.
Anyone that is interested in purchasing digital night vision goggles should know that there are a number of different generations of goggles available for sale.
Companies and websites such as A 1 Night Vision provide a wide inventory of these types of night vision goggles for sale.
Fake Oakleys for sale is a booming market, and why not?
All of the products displayed and for sale are brand new and have never been used. also offers a wide variety of Oakleys for sale.
Classic Goggles has Halcyon goggles for sale.
In most cases, wherever you buy your paintball equipment locally should offer goggles for sale.
Interested in finding Riddick goggles for sale?
Despite the demand for them, you usually won't find a ton of Riddick goggles for sale.
There are a few sellers on eBay that frequently advertise their Riddick goggle replicas for sale.
The prices and availability will vary, of course, depending on when you search and who has them for sale at the time.
Whether you're a huge Riddick fan or just a guy hoping to portray him with a costume, you can find all types of Riddick goggles for sale online. has both Generation 1 and Generation 2 goggles for sale.
Many people offer discounted tickets for sale on Internet auction sites, but buyers should investigate their reliability before choosing this sometimes questionable option.
Local Sandusky hotels that offer discounted tickets for sale.
You may see unused multi-day passes for sale online, or you might even be approached at the park by someone offering to sell you the passes.
Friday in November - Sale Day - Tom Nook will have low-priced grab bags for sale and Redd will also be out and about.
Many times the previous owner played the game, beat it (or didn't like it) and put it up for sale.
Some stores may have refurbished products available for sale as well.
If you like one of them enough to own it, you can even find original arcade games for sale in the free classifieds and online; the vintage games category at eBay is a classic-rich resource as well.
All major retailers of music CDs should have the Halo 3 Original Soundtrack available for sale on November 20, 2007, but you should check with your local store for exact details.
GameFly offers a ten day trial period and has used games for sale.
There are a number of commodities for sale at each of the ports, and just like in real life, the prices for these items fluctuate quite a bit and vary significantly from area to area.
If a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) goes up for sale on eBay, assuming it still works, it can usually fetch a decent amount of money.
Since games are released weekly, peruse the rental shelves periodically to what they've marked for sale.
Check around on popular online classifieds sites like Kijiji and Craigslist to see if anyone has the game for sale.
GameCrazy managerial leadership also publicly speculated that they may be putting the business up for sale or reconfiguration due to disappointing performance.
Visit a website like Wine Searcher to discover any remaining bottles for sale.
Walter found out another land owner nearby was selling out and had 60 acres of vineyard for sale.
Each year on June 1st, Marilyn Monroe's birthday, the company releases the new vintage for sale.
Internet Collector's Bazaar is a great place to find a variety of jars for sale by other collectors.
On any given day, eBay has thousands of decorative and functional items for sale.
Not only are current cards for sale shown, along with bid information, full sales details of recently sold cards can be seen too.
Abe Books offers more than 110 million books for sale from thousands of booksellers.
The book is often found for sale on websites such as eBay or Amazon.
Dolls and Lace features a beautiful array of antique dolls, hats and accessories for sale.
With more than 10,000 booksellers Alibris provides a wide selection of old, rare and antique books for sale.
Finding these antique tea pots for sale in places like eBay and Tias will give you a general idea of what people will pay for an item like yours.
Search for your books on auctions and websites that offer used books for sale.
Check online for similar items that are up for sale.
You should also check similar books that are for sale online.
You may find the exact same book for sale online but yours might not be worth the same amount if the condition is different.
You can find out more about collecting vintage law books as well as volumes for sale at Old Law Books.
Antique Toys has toys for sale as well as information, including a list of toy companies throughout history and what they produced.
It really is hard to beat eBay when it comes to vintage and antique items for sale.
You can usually find a good selection of antique desks for sale on eBay.
For an additional cost, PPL offers an exclusive RV detailing service for customers listing vehicle for sale with them.
Visit the company's website for a complete list of used RVs for sale.
If your local classified advertising listings don't include the perfect camper for you, it's a good idea to check out websites that specialize in advertising used RVs for sale.
You might have good luck finding a unit for sale on consignment through a dealership rather than finding one listed for sale by an individual owner.
Models for sale include campers ranging from vintage trailers, units from from the early nineties to current year models. has many previously owned Jayco travel trailers for sale at greatly reduced prices.
The key is to do a lot of research and look around at many different dealerships, as well as at units offered for sale by individual owners.
There are a variety of excellent websites that offer listings of used Coachmen RVs for sale.
You may have the good fortune to find a used Airstream travel trailer in your local area, either listed for sale by an individual or at an RV dealership.
There are a number of websites that specialize in catering to Airstream enthusiasts, as well as those that specialize in matching those who have used RVs for sale with potential buyers.
Sometimes camper trading sites, such as Alibaba, will have used Bunkhouses up for sale.
The good news in the search for a used camper is that there are so many for sale.
At RV Trader Online, thousands of travel trailers, used and new, are for sale.
If you're thinking about purchasing an Airstream, you may also find information about used Airstreams for sale on one of the forums.
Finding used motorcycle camper trailers for sale can be one of the best ways to save money on this type of RV.
Finding used motorcycle camper trailers for sale is easy enough to do.