For-good Sentence Examples
They're gone for good.
She's here for good?
You see, though I trust Aldo Benitez with my life, for good reason, he has endured a somewhat checkered past.
The lingering sickness in his body fled, gone for good.
Do you think he's gone for good?
I am the last man she would accept help from, and for good reason.
We'll donate it for good luck so's you're sure to come back.
The party meal was a bust, with everyone aware that the next dinner would be absent one of their number, perhaps for good.
In three days' time, she'd not only lose her soul, she'd lose Gabriel, too, this time for good.
Gabriel left for good today.
AdvertisementThe duty of watching over one another for good was insisted on by the early Friends, and has been embodied in a system of discipline.
She bristled, feeling as if she'd been sentenced to nothing more than a sewing circle for good little wives.
Tears rose as she realized she was about to leave for good.
He tossed in a hint of reluctance, just for good measure.
In the body of the good, the demon's magic was used for good.
AdvertisementThey have the perpetuity of conventions which contain no time limitation; but, like every human convention, they can be denounced, in the form in use for international treaties, and for good reasons, which are summed up in the exigencies of the general good of the country.
Nowhere was the call responded to with greater zeal than in the Netherlands, and nowhere had the spirit of adventure and the stimulus to enterprise, which was one of the chief fruits of the crusades, more permanent effects for good.
Orange however did not despair, and resolved to throw in his lot for good and all with the rebel province of the north.
Owing to the difficulty of maintaining perfect balance on duplexed cables, curb sending is not now used, but the signals are transmitted by means of an apparatus similar to the Wheatstone automatic transmitter used on land lines and differing from the latter only in regard to the alphabet employed; the signals from the transmitter actuate a relay having heavy armatures which in turn transmit the signals to the cable; this arrangement gives very firm signals, a point of great importance for good working.
He was a leader of those who contended for reform in municipal government, was conspicuous for his public spirit, and exerted a great influence for good not only in New York City but in the state and nation.
AdvertisementButler is charged by Sir Leslie 'Stephen with arguing illegitimately - professing to make no appeal to " moral fitness," and yet contending that the facts of human life show (the beginnings of) moral retribution for good and evil.
But the gradual and indirect results of the Norman conquest of England are easily to be seen to this day, and they have been largely, though indirectly, results for good.
As a young man Henry had been chivalrous and adventurous, and in politics anxious for good government and justice.
In the same temple stands the altar of prayer for good harvests, which is surmounted by a triple-roofed circular structure 99 ft.
Mahratta ladies and princesses have often taken a prominent part, for good or evil, in public affairs and dynastic intrigues.
AdvertisementTrade unions, so far from disappearing, were legalized, gathered strength from the changes in industrial organization, and nowhere became so powerful as in the most progressive industries; while other forms of combination appeared, incomparably stronger, for good or evil, than those of earlier times.
He assisted others who came to him for spiritual advice; and seeing the fruit reaped from helping his neighbour, he gave up the extreme severities in which he had delighted and began to take more care of his person, so as not needlessly to offend those whom he might influence for good.
No man in the 18th century did so much to create a taste for good reading and to supply it with books at the lowest prices.
This board may allow commutation or diminution of sentence for good behaviour, meritorious services or exemplary conduct.
Whilst the campaign of 1809 had seriously shaken the faith of the marshals and the higher ranks in the infallibility of the emperor's judgment, and the slaughter of the troops at Aspern and Wagram had still further accentuated the opposition of the French people to conscription, the result on the fighting discipline of the army had, on the whole, been for good.
Meanwhile, though the Colonial Conference (re-named Imperial) of 1907 showed that there was a wide difference of opinion on the tariff question between the free-trade government and the colonial premiers, in one part of the empire the ministry took a decided step - in the establishment of a self-governing constitution for the Transvaal and Orange River colonies - which, for good or ill, would make the period memorable.
Salvestro de' Medici, who had always opposed the parte, having been elected gonfaloniere in spite of its intrigues, proposed a law for the abolition of the admonitions, which was eventually passed (June 18, 1378), but the people had been aroused, and desired to break the power of the parte for good.
A statute of 1553 made the breaking or defacing of an altar, crucifix or cross in any church, chapel or churchyard punishable with three months' imprisonment on conviction before two justices, the imprisonment to be continued unless the offender entered into surety for good behaviour at quarter sessions.
In the case of arable soils, where the amount of phosphoric acid determined by this method falls below 01%, phosphatic manuring is essential for good crops.
If one condition is more necessary than another for good crops it is a suitable supply of water, for no amount of manuring or other treatment of the soil will make up for a deficient rainfall.
But neither in Homer nor in Hesiod is there any trace of the idea that the heroes after death had any power for good or evil over the lives of those who survived them; and consequently, no cult.
Mr Hawtrey, afterwards headmaster, commended a copy of his Latin verses, and " sent him up for good "; and this experience first led the young student to associate intellectual work with the ideas of ambition and success.
Disappointed at his failure to obtain a post in the gymnasium of his native town, he left Germany for good.
But his example and his zeal profoundly influenced for good the Irish poor forming the majority of his flock; and the "League of the Cross" which he founded, and which held annual demonstrations at the Crystal Palace, numbered nearly 30,000 members in London alone in 1874.
In 1899 a county workhouse was established in New Castle county, in which persons under sentence must labour eight hours a day, pay being allowed for extra hours, and a diminution of sentence for good behaviour.
But after the sudden death of his son John in December 1470, Rene, for reasons which are not altogether clear, decided to move his residence to Provence and leave Anjou for good.
The rainfall is sufficient for good grazing, but except in the Flathead valley cultivation was long considered to be dependent on irrigation; and consequently farming was only incidental to stock raising and mining until after 1870, and as late as 1900 the ratio of improved farm land to the total land area was less than in any other state or territory except New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona and Hawaii.
And as at the head of the first age stands the first Adam, whose doings affected all his descendants to their harm, so at the head of the second shall stand the second Adam, whose actions shall be potent for good.
He resigned, and with him the head of the Cabinet; all the ground had slipped from beneath his feet, and on June 19 1911 Bienerth resigned for good.
Others protested against the anomalous and helpless position of the so-called king, who, if he 'could do no harm, was certainly powerless for good.
In 1796 he fought under Bonaparte in Italy, and was promoted general of division for good service in the field.
It is noteworthy that these early versions from Anglo-Saxon times onwards were perfectly orthodox, executed by and for good and faithful sons of the church, and, generally speaking, with the object of assisting those whose knowledge of Latin proved too scanty for a proper interpretation and understanding of the holy text.
He suggested, though he did not elaborate, the theory of the myth, so potent an instrument for good and ill in modern historical criticism.
He strove also for good relations between the two races in Canada, and between Canada and the United States.
Few men have ever had a more intimate persuasion that they were but instruments for good in the hands of God.
It may also be thought of as retributive, as a reversal of present conditions so that the miserable are comforted, and the prosperous laid low, or as a reward or punishment for good or evil desert here.
His career, however, for good or evil, was at an end.
The English dye for seals is to-day undoubtedly the best; its constituents are more or less of a trade secret, but the principal ingredients comprise gall nuts, copper dust, camphor and antimony, and it would appear after years of careful watching that the atmosphere and particularly the water of London are partly responsible for good and lasting results.
When at a loss for good reasons, he had recourse to sophistry; and when heated by altercation, he made unsparing use of sarcasm and invective.
His writings on government and his personal influence among the Liberal politicians of his time determined the change of view from the French Revolution theories of the rights of man and the absolute equality of men to the claiming of securities for good government through a wide extension of the franchise.
In the Pagan states there is no organized system of native administration, and the British residents are responsible for good government.
On reaching the age of Akhenaton, the peculiar style of that school is obvious in every relief; the older conventions were deserted, and, for good or for bad, a new start from nature was attempted.
For some generations the rulers have been men of education and character, and the state is conspicuous for good administration and prosperity.
There are conflicting ideas of death and the dead, and among them the belief in the very human feelings and needs of the dead and in their influence for good or ev11.2 Moreover, the proximity of burial-place and sanctuary and the belief in the kindly care of the famous dead for their descendants reflect " primitive " and persisting ideas which find their Holy parallel in the holy tombs of religious or seckular p y g?
Though the demand for good domestic wrought-iron work has enormously increased, adaptations from the beautiful work of the 17th and 18th centuries have been found so suited to their architectural surroundings, that new departures have been relatively uncommon.
He returned to Genoa for good in 1555, and being very old and infirm he gave over the command of the galleys to his great-nephew Giovanni Andrea Doria, who conducted an expedition against Tripoli, but proved even more unsuccessful than his uncle had been at Algiers, barely escaping with his life.
Ceremonial and sacrificial observances of all kinds are held to be useless in themselves, but operative for good or ill indirectly by their effect upon the mental attitude of those who practise them.
Among the Nayars of Malabar, the family-serpent is capable of almost unlimited powers for good or evil; it is part of the household property, but does not seem to be connected with ancestral cults.'4 In Greece, however, " the dead man became a chthonic daemon, potent for good or evil; his natural symbol as such, often figured on tombs, was the snake."
Both as leader of Union Chapel and in denominational affairs his courage and discretion, his simple faith, combined with a broadminded sympathy with the intellectual movements of the time, made his ministry a widespread influence for good.
We see here a natural outcome of religious awe supported by the spirit of esotericism, and by a sense of the need for an expert handling of that which is so potent for good or ill.
Buddhism conceived men as constantly making their own world for good and ill; it took over from Brahmanism a whole series of heavens and hells to provide an exact adjustment in the future for the virtue or vice of the present; and its eschatologic confidence was one of the potent instruments of its success in countries which, like China and Japan, had developed no theories of retribution or reward beyond the grave.
Naraingunge is a strong fibre, possesses good spinning qualities, and is very suitable for good warp yarns.
The useful residue, known as the "actual," "effective" or "brake" horse-power, can be directly measured by a dynamometer; it amounts to about 80% of the indicated horse-power for good condensing engines and about 85% for non-condensing engines, or perhaps a little more when the engines are of the largest sizes.
Among his parishioners Gallitzin was a great power for good.
This was the most important movement for good government in its history since the Vigilance Committee of 1856.
This is due to the cool and refreshing summer climate; the picturesque coast and its many islands, which are favourite grounds for camps and summer cottages; the mountains, and the beautiful lakes and rivers, many of which afford opportunities for good fishing and canoeing.
He is specially chosen for good character, and Azan must not be recited by any one unclean, by a drunkard, by the insane, or by a woman.
He had always been anxious for good relations with Germany, provided that they were not attained at the expense of France; for, like Sir Edward Grey, he based his whole foreign policy on the maintenance of the Entente, and therefore supported the Foreign Secretary steadily against Radicals and Labour men and Nationalists.
Their indications also vary with the temperature, so that for good work it is advisable that spring balances should be frequently checked with standard weights.
The spirit of Livingston's code was remedial rather than vindictive; it provided for the abolition of capital punishment and the making of penitentiary labour not a punishment forced on the prisoner, but a matter of his choice and a reward for good behaviour, bringing with it better accommodations.
Dermot MacMorrough, king of Leinster, an unquiet Irish prince who for good reasons had been expelled by his neighbors, came to Henrys court in Normandy, proffering his allegiance in return for restoration to his lost dominions.
For the successive attainders of the Lancastrians and the Nevilles had swept away many of the older noble families, and Edwards house of peers consisted for the main part of new men, his own partisans promoted for good service, who had not the grip on the land that their predecessors had possessed.
Burke, on the other hand, while he failed to understand the full tendency of the Revolution for good as well as for evil, understood it far better than any Englishman of that day understood it.
He received a commission for good conduct in action, and served in the later German campaigns of the Seven Years' War with distinction; but at the peace he was retired as a captain, with a small pension and the cross of St Louis.
The Spaniards had no longer any hope of adding Luxemburg to their Franche-Comt; while the Holy Roman Empire in Germany, taken in the rear by Sweden (now mistress of the Baltic and the North Sea), cut off for good from the United Provinces and the Swiss cantons, and enfeebled by the recognized right of intervention in German affairs on the part of Sweden and France, was now nothing but a meaningless name.
Physically he was stout, and a slave to the Bourbon fondness for good living; Louis XVI.
That summer Arnauld, who had spent the greater part of his life in hiding, was forced to leave France for good.
It was in 1873 that he undertook to write a series of articles for Good Words on the mariner's compass.
He almost quit for good but I calmed them down.
Now I've blown it for good!
But neither of them were going to be able to move on, if they didn't both at least acknowledge that she was stuck in Hell – for good.
He knew with the Dawkinses about to leave and with the Lucky Pup Mine controversy settled, he'd better concentrate on finding an answer to the body Martha discovered before any chance to do so was gone for good.
But worse, I know if we don't get involved with the boy, that bitch will screw him up for good.
More often than not, however, the judicial activism of the ECJ has been a force for good.
And so solar people have to conform to some rules, such as rules for good argumentation.
It is available in ivory or black, with a thin bezel for good quality stacking.
Making the following five changes could help you beat the bloat for good.
Strong demand for good stabilizer bulls in 2005 resulted in twice the number being sold as in the previous year.
The price for good herbal cannabis should be £ 120 an ounce.
There was very little, and strictly controlled, use of ECT, and insulin coma therapy had gone for good.
Moreover, this paper disputes the contention that expertise in a given specialty automatically makes for good field research.
Sedgewick has been made an unpaid lance corporal and I have lost him for good.
Next we found a small flock of red crossbills but they remained too mobile for good views.
How actually does the ethic of self-expression in Park's rant demonstrate a disregard for the rules for good argumentation?
The cylinder was made in alloy for good heat dissipation.
There is even a great guitar duet break in there for good measure.
Many locals feel that Oxford needs a face-lift to prevent people from traveling outside the city for good shopping.
Let good men, for good deeds, covet good fame, Since place and riches oft are bribes of shame.
They also contain other unsaturated fats called ' essential fatty acids ', which the body needs for good health.
Your views could shape the future, for good or ill.
To kick the habit for good you need to be prepared for the hard times.
Gustave Le Bon used the phrase " collective hallucinations " that could motivate people for good or ill.
Fungi are essential in breaking down dead organic matter to produce the humus which is needed for good soil structure - saprophytes.
At that point the British Government's power to suspend the Assembly will lapse for good.
Keeping your bike parts properly lubricated is crucial for good performance.
Crookes has even had the label " sex maniac " tagged on for good measure.
Manifest Destinyest national destiny have been powerful engines for good or ill, but mostly for ill, throughout history.
It is somewhat too mathematical for this course but may be useful for good students who want to know more about some topics.
Look out for good deals like the organic Swedish meatballs from Safeway.
On the subject of defying death, for good or for bad, Sands of Time has a most unique gameplay mechanic.
Busy performers are always on the watch for good close-up mentalism; here it is.
The winter muff is double zipped and it also has a zipper in the hood to reveal a mesh window for good air circulation.
St Augustine introduced the rule for good reason, primarily as means of confronting nepotism and its associated corruption within the Church.
After her hard, dark novitiate - but one that was so generous and faithful -complete peace returned to her, for good.
This production by Paul Holman Associates confirms the Playhouse's reputation for good family pantos.
Office says west parsons Fairness for Good Drivers Coalition we will take advantage of offered through that organization.
Advanced qualifications Advanced qualifications are not an absolute prerequisite for good advice.
Jake's still moping around feeling sorry for himself, and starting the occasional punch-up for good measure.
Sending you email reminders and SMS reminders for all the important dates in your life so you stay out of the doghouse for good!
However, the high torque figure at lower revs allows for high gearing, which in turn makes for good motorway economy.
Presented with some pretty rotten adult examples, the need for good dialog with young people is important.
So, schools teaching it as science are violating the separation of church and state specified for good reason in the constitution.
Cool mesh back, padded hip belt and padded shoulder harness with adjustable load positioning straps for good fit.
A grand slam try in spades, asking for good trumps.
For two-channel stereo, there is a requirement for good " phantom " images, from positions between the speakers.
A real stickler for good service, you're someone who constantly wants to raise standards in your work.
Here, weâll take a distinctly summery photo and dress it in a blanket of snow, adding a blizzard for good measure.
The ley will have a thick bottom sward for good hay, silage and grazing.
They can be used for good or evil, creating a wide swath across the human landscape.
The sports exhaust tailpipes, housed within a heat shield, fit into the rear bumper for good ground clearance plus a racy look.
One important ingredient in optical telecommunication is the need for good sources of optical pulses.
Basic guidelines for good agricultural practice when growing GM crops with specific agronomic traits should be encouraged.
I know little which is more likely to put most ordinary unbelievers off Humanism for good.
It's unlikely that we need vanadium for good health.
A crew of about for good reason of terracotta warriors is able to.
The state institutions consist of state hospitals for the insane at St Peter (1866), at Rochester (1877), established originally as a state inebriate asylum under a law taxing liquor dealers for that purpose, which was subsequently held to be unconstitutional, at Fergus Falls (1887), at Anoka (1900) and at Hastings (1900); the state institute for defectives at Faribault, consisting of the schools for the deaf (1863), blind (1874) and feeble-minded (1879); the state public school for dependent and neglected children at Owatonna (1886); a sanatorium for consumptives at Walker; a hospital for indigent, crippled or deformed children (1907) at St Paul; the state training school for boys near Red Wing; a similar industrial school for girls (established separately in 1907) at Sauk Center; the state reformatory at St Cloud (1887), intermediate between the training school and the state prison, for first offenders between the ages of sixteen and thirty years, in which indeterminate sentences and a parole system are in operation; the state prison at Stillwater (1851), in which there is a parole system and a graded system of diminution of sentence for good conduct, and in which, up to 1895, prisoners were leased under contract (especially to the Minnesota Thresher Company), and since 1895 have been employed in the manufacture of shoes and of binding twine, and in providing for the needs of the prison population; and the state soldiers home occupying fifty-one acres adjoining Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis.
For the natural philosopher the whole point of view of things was changed; in biology not only had the anthropocentric point of view been banished, but the ancient concept of perpetual flux was brought home to ordinary men, and entered for good into the framework of thought.
But the Khazars proper were a civic commercial people, the founders of cities, remarkable for somewhat elaborate political institutions, for persistence and for good faith - all qualities foreign to the Hunnic character.
Under his supervision his raj came to be regarded as the model for good and benevolent management; he constructed hundreds of miles of roads planted with trees, bridged all the rivers, and constructed irrigation works on a great scale.
In the first place, there was a growing dissatisfaction with Mexican rule, which accomplished nothing tangible for good in California, - although its plans were as excellent as could be asked had there only been peace and means to realize them; however, it made the mistake of sending convicts as soldiers.
When a new consul, praetor or quaestor entered on his first day of office and prayed the gods for good omens, it was a matter of custom to report to him that lightning from the left had been seen.
I know the list of nefarious uses of the Internet—but on balance, we are building it for good purposes.
It affects more than one hundred million people in a hundred countries, kills more than a million people a year, and blinds another half million for good measure.
What good is our high economic standing in the world if we do not use it for good purposes?
Many of us carry stones for good fortune or for healing; we even use pumice stones on our feet !
Jake 's still moping around feeling sorry for himself, and starting the occasional punch-up for good measure.
Sending you email reminders and SMS reminders for all the important dates in your life so you stay out of the doghouse for good !
Roast lamb is the classic partner for good Claret.
There is also quite a bit of death and romance thrown in for good measure.
Newquay Charming, friendly AA 2* country house hotel serving award winning AA rosette for good food.
Readers who are already comfortable with RSS may wish to skip straight to the suggestions for good practice...
A real stickler for good service, you 're someone who constantly wants to raise standards in your work.
It 's the titanic clash that closes the Star Wars saga for good !
It 's unlikely that we need vanadium for good health.
This RSPB reserve allows for good views of in excess of 20 wader species per day in August.
Through this field flows a mile of the River Rede which is well-known for good trout fishing and later in the year salmon fishing.
They not only have good works to prove the reality of their faith, but they are zealous for good works.
Verse 14, because God is purifying for Himself a people for His own possessions zealous for good deeds.
The harrowing film about racism made Simon become more politically active in order to help change the world for good.
When you are searching for good baby monitors, do be sure to research specific models online before you walk into a store.
Select a model that provides a maximum range of black and white shades in grey scale for good picture quality.
Shopping for used record albums has become an obsessive hobby for some diehard music lovers, and for good reason.
Both herbs and spices are important for good seasoning.
Keep an eye out for good deals online and watch the classifieds for garage sales that explicitly say something about movies.
There is no definitive time frame like purchasing a computer or automobile, but with a savvy eye and the knowledge of how to look for good deals or a televsion with great features, you will find the best time to buy a TV.
Proper nutrition is the foundation for good health.
They respond best to praise for good behavior.
Classic stories with familiar storybook characters are beloved for good reason - they have a good theme or plot, and they appeal to children no matter what year they were born.
TransUnion is an established industry leader for good reason.
However, with this type of calculator, you can structure goals to help you to pay off your debt for good.
Outlet stores are great for people looking for good deals on high-end items.
Retail stores will try to liquidate as much product as they can before they close their doors for good.
Filter for Good states that Americans use 38 billion water bottles a year.
Whether you're spring cleaning or simply looking for good environmentally-friendly cleaning practices, Mary Findley, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Cleaning, can help.
As with most herbs and vitamin supplements, one shouldn't rely on acai berries for good health.
Consume a diet rich in all fruits and vegetables to add variety and ensure you are eating the optimal mixture of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber for good health.
The blood electrolytes sodium and potassium need to be consumed in a certain balance for good health.
When it's time for good part - the actual furniture shopping - there's no need to even leave the house.
You can get great storage containers designed for your Christmas gear at Target and Wal-Mart - for good prices on these containers, pick them up on your post-Christmas bargain shopping spree.
To bring Victorian flair to your walls, look for good deals online.
The Internet is a great place to search for good buys on area rugs.
You can also check your local thrift stores and consignment stores for good deals on area rugs.
Try hunting down a pair of moose, elk or deer antlers at a flea market or online mercantile, or hang up a pair of horseshoes over the door for good luck.
Once upon a time, once a product was gone it was gone for good.
While self-tanning is a wonderful substitute to the damaging and skin-aging consequences of ultra-violet rays, application woes turned off many consumers for good reason.
Remember good skincare is the basis for good glamour, and always use sunblock to prevent UV damage.
These have historically been known as vanity presses, and have not been looked upon kindly by the publishing world for good reason.
Climb a hill to gain a new perspective or add a city skyline in for good measure.
When you lose your job, the responsibility for sticking it out for good or for bad is taken away from you.
For time management purposes, this rule means that focused effort is the best way to get things done and crossed off your list for good.
These events invite many different people looking for good talent.
Whether it's his birthday, graduation, seasonal holiday or simply a reward for good grades, you don't have to spend a lot of money to make a teen guy happy.
Also, if your teen does break a rule, allow for some type of punishment, such as being grounded, and in the same sense, continue to reward for good behavior, such as an improvement in grades.
Our bodies need these nutrients to work properly and for good health.
Protein is an essential nutrient and is important for good health.
Because these bacteria are similar to those most people already have, they aren't necessary for good health, but they can work with existing bacteria to provide the body with even greater benefits.
And all you gentlemen out there you should know that the 1920's were a great era for good women (Gertrude Stein, Dorothy Parker, etc).
Cocktail parties have become quite popular over the years, and for good reason.
German couples traditionally throw a party the night before the wedding, during which their guests throw porcelain dishes at the couple's feet for good luck.
Nicorette works by replacing some of the nicotine your body normally gets from smoking, while gradually reducing the level of nicotine until you've kicked the habit for good.
Plus, surveys show that those who use the aids shown above are twice as likely to quit smoking for good.
This can be the year you plan well, get the proper support, and quit smoking for good.
Whatever you have to do, just keep your mind focused on your end goal - giving up cigarettes for good!
If you watch for good deals and buy when the price is low, you'll eventually have an impressive collection of cake decorating supplies.
In 1997, Affleck and his good friend Matt Damon won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Good Will Hunting.
Her father was in the Air Force in her younger years, moving the family around from California, to Biloxi, Mississippi and Del Rio, Texas, before finally settling for good back in California.
As far as how much "say" we had, it was limited, but for good reasons.
Kirsten Dunst off and on for three years, finally breaking up for good in December 2005.
They get one-on-one time with him and go on group outings (dates) with him and there will probably be a competition or two thrown in there for good measure.
Although Hogan still has to complete 500 hours of community service, serve five years of probation and has a suspended driver's license for three years, he was released two and a half months early for good behavior.
What happened to the fresh-out-of-jail Paris who was going to use her powers for good instead of evil?
T.I. has been on house arrest for the past 305 days and court officials plan on counting that time toward his sentence, meaning he'll serve about two months actual jail time, not including time reduced for good behavior.
The new cast of Dancing with the Stars follows the same formula of celebs and athletes, but throws in a politician for good measure.
Maybe her former best friend Paris Hilton (although, for the record, they are still friends) will take a cue from Richie and think about hanging up her party dresses for good?
As a result, Baio got a few hate tweets with a couple of death threats thrown in for good measure.
You might think that, with the wealth of knowledge about the dangers of smoking, these celebrities could afford to get the help they need in order to quit cigarettes for good.
Style-conscious parents are naturally attracted to designer toddler clothes, and for good reason.
You can try hunting online or in a phone book for good seamstresses/tailors in your area, but if you're looking to purchase the very best in designs for your children while providing a flawless fit, there are other options.
It is wind-proof and has a three-panel hood for good coverage.
The brand remains popular for good reason.
The school is unique in offering several programs to make the cost of attendance free, such as several scholarships for good grades in high school and numerous financial aid programs.
Cruise vacations are one of the most rapidly growing sectors of the travel industry, for good reason.
When most people think of Palm Springs, they imagine resorts and luxurious living, but Palm Springs cruises rarely cross their mind, and for good reason.
Alaska is one of the most popular cruise destinations in the world for good reason.
Sunset sailings are among the most popular tourist activities in the state of Hawaii and for good reason.
One of the most basic building blocks for good health is appropriate nutrition.Solid Gold Dog Food believes in caring for the overall health of the whole dog.
Although some prospective owners feel these applications are too detailed, they are this way for good reason.
Talk to your dog and praise him for good behavior as you work to help him relax.
The following recipe for homemade dog biscuits creates a treat that you can give your dog as a reward for good behavior or simply any time you want to give him a little extra love.
There is no more precious lawn tree for good shade and flowering at a season when all the early trees are out of flower.
Their knack for good riffs, simple melodies, good rhythm and passionate delivery attracts a devoted and constantly growing fan-base.
The band had many individual songs that have become staples in the repertoire of serious electric guitar players, and guitarists seeking to learn these songs are always on the lookout for good sources of Grateful Dead Tabs.
You can then spend less time looking for good picks, and more time playing your guitar.
Looking for good Jason Mraz guitar tabs to cultivate the burgeoning guitarist within?
You will pay more upfront for good quality house paint than you will for a cheaper brand, but you'll save in the long term.
When bicycle earrings of being given to mark a special occasion look for good quality ear rings that are made from silver, gold or other precious metals.
Natural semiprecious gemstone jewelry can be a great option for someone looking for good quality jewelry which has style and flair yet is affordable.
Shopping around and looking for good deals is a useful way to find the best buys.
Over the years, people considered the gemstone as a talisman for good luck, health and happiness.
Or, of course, the shirt may be thin and require another layer for good taste.
That's because there are a few conservative styles thrown in for good measure - they aren't exactly appropriate to wear to the office, of course, but they definitely appear more subdued in comparison to their brighter counterparts.
For centuries, the people of Asia and Russia touted the benefits of the tea, celebrating it as an overall elixir for good health.
A good organic garden just cries out for good compost.
If you are looking for good quality clothes that are created in a natural and sustainable fashion, then retailers who sell organic clothing might just be worth checking out.
Make sure the ground slope allows for good drainage and that the soil you're using soaks up water.
You'll find a great selection of summer clothing at the beginning of the season at your favorite plus retailers, but you can also shop at the end of the season for good bargains.
Previously, women had simply worn their best dresses for their wedding day, regardless of the color, and the dress continued to be worn for good occasions until it wore out or went out of style.
Once you determine your shape and best features, it is much easier to shop for good clothing.
He or she can recommend various strategies to help the smoker kick the habit for good.
Another good reason for playing safe and easy college pranks on people you know is that the shared laughter makes for good times.
Some cholesterol is necessary for good health, but too much can lead to clogged arteries.
The Chinese traditionally perform tai chi outdoors, which is considered optimal for good breathing, and so you can find tai chi classes in many local parks.
This amount of sleep is required for good health, good function of the brain and the body as a whole.
Write down what time you went to bed and what time you woke up for good.
Renowned Italian designer Giorgio Armani is one of the top ten hottest designers to the stars -- and for good reason.
It's important to add enough LEDs for good lighting, but not so many that you prematurely drain the batteries.
For some, contact lens discomfort leads to taking them out, throwing them away, and returning to eyeglasses for good.
The second solution is the actual treatment and it is supposed to fill whatever scratches the lens may have, and if all goes well, seal the scratches for good.
Throw in a pair of matching pumps for good measure if you'd like.
If you wear prescription eyeglasses and you ride a motorcycle, then you're probably always on the lookout for good motorcycle goggles that fit over glasses.
Goggles should provide for good airflow in and out of the top and bottom so that the goggles (and your glasses) don't fog up from trapped moisture.
These two colors are the most common, and for good reason!
Since the park closed for good in 2002 and many of the rides and attractions have been sold in auction, there was no where to turn to revisit the theme park except online.
Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio has frequently been awarded "Best Amusement Park" status in the Golden Ticket Awards, and for good reason.
And then, in February 2011, Activision officially ended the Guitar Hero franchise for good.
Juggling the various tasks can be a real challenge, but fortunately there's enough strategy (and bonuses for good performance) to make this game a real winner.
Take Two kept the Oni rights and Myth and Bungie left Chicago for good to set up shop in Redmond, Washington.
If you are just looking for good fun and do not have a specific game in mind, you may be in luck.
Because of its popularity, there are now many games like Bejeweled and for good reason.
The gameplay is much like you'd expect from a Mario sports title, with fast and furious action coupled with a few cartoony blasts for good measure.
For many, Tetris is the be all and end all when it comes to puzzle games and for good reason.
Once you do, you'll unlock the car for good.
Well, this all-female game is rated M for good reason.
When there was an opportunity for good graphics (in town, dense outdoor areas), the game didn't deliver.
Sonic The Hedgehog is Sega's best-known mascot and for good reason!
Zoids Video Games are quickly growing in popularity and for good reason.
Fortunately, Pinotage wines lean more towards its biological Pinot Noir heritage rather than its Cinsault genes and make for good medium-bodied wines that match with food very well.
Depending on the quality and producer of the Cognac you buy, you can pay anywhere from $50-$1000+ for good ones.
The following highlights the basic tasting types and some whimsical approaches thrown in for good fun.
The Pinot Noir grape is nicknamed the "heartbreak grape" for good reason.
Pinot Noir gets its reputation as the "Heartbreak Grape" for good reason.
The V3x looks a little different than the V3 and V3i, and for good reason.
The RAZR is popular and for good reason.
The word proprietary inspires thoughts of boogiemen and horrors galore in the average technophile, and for good reason.
Good nutrition in childhood lays the foundation for good health throughout a person's lifetime.
In addition, PKU diets include all the nutrients normally required for good health and normal growth, such as carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Privacy is sometimes necessary for good communication.
A smoker who quits for good often feels a lot better too, with less fatigue and fewer respiratory illnesses.
How do smokers give up their cigarettes for good and never go back to them again?
A 2005 show called "Classical Savion" found the tapper dancing along with music from Bach and Vivaldi, with a bit of Coltrane thrown in for good measure.
If you teach a low impact aerobics class, or even a beginning dance class for seniors, jazz dance routines can spice up your session and add that extra dose of fun and activity level necessary for good heart health.
Be sure to look for good customer reviews before you buy a DVD.
It ushers in protective energy and blessings for good health.
The Feng Shui Emporium provides a wide selection of objects for good luck.
Buy Feng Shui offers everything you need for good luck and positive energy.
One of the most universally known symbols for good luck is the four-leaf clover.
The laser makes contact with the hair and the laser light generates heat which destroys the hair follicle, eradicating your hair problems for good.
Gone was the extra-large, poofy hair; in its place were shiny, pared down locks that suggested it was time to leave the signature '80s looks in the dust for good.
Bobbed hair styles have changed dramatically over the decades, for good reason.
This popular style which was made famous in the early 1980s through the mid 1990s was what coined the phrase "Business in the front, and party in the back," for good reason.
Many people opt for body waves right before the heat of the summer for good reason.
Side swept bangs have gained in popularity for good reason.
Created by celebrity stylist Chaz Dean, Wen hair care is a brand new approach to hair cleansing that promises to help you ditch the lather for good.
If you've tried 2-in-1 hair care products in the past with unsatisfactory results, perhaps you'll find that Wen products have a cult-like following for good reason.
Visit inexpensive accessory stores and stockpile your arsenal and say goodbye to bad hair days for good!
Check your local Craigslist for good deals on used materials, or try bidding on Abeka kits on eBay.
The Peace Corp is a great way to work in another country without completely throwing caution to the wind and moving there for good.
Can you advise me some good website to be useful for good and really job recruiter?
U.S. Homeowners and potential buyers continue to hope that low levels of interest charged will remain part of mortgage rate history for good.
Remember that you are going to be wearing these bras while you are nursing ,so look for good quality and fit; this does not mean that you should purchase the most expensive bra available either.
Searching for good plus size maternity bras can be daunting.
We look for good basics and will test out as many items as we can find until we get consistent positive feedback on one.
The Bertinelli bikini cover hit with much fanfare and for good reason.
We all but guarantee that once you slip on these teeny-tiny suits, the swimsuit rut you've been in will be banished for good!
Additionally, and seemingly just for good measure, this halterkini also features a small keyhole cut-out center that is decorated with contrasting beads.
Remember, carbohydrates are necessary for good health, so cutting them in favor of more protein will do you no favors in the long run.
In the Cali Calypso line, you'll find electric blues, black swirls of lime green and bit of bright fuchsia thrown in for good measure.
This is another patterned short in a tricolor mix of grey, purple and white, and just for good measure, a dash of the color black.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for good health, and knowing about foods high in Vitamin K can help individuals plan diets to accommodate their nutritional needs.
It is needed for good vision, cell division and differentiation, bone growth and reproduction.
These fats are necessary for good health but the body cannot manufacture them on its own.
Remember that we need protein for good health.
Many nutrients are essential for good health and overall well being.
Vitamins and minerals combine together to give the body the essential nutrients that it needs for good health.
Chromium picolinate is an essential trace mineral, meaning that only small amounts are required for good health.
When you get your nutrients from food sources as opposed to supplementation, the vitamins and minerals usually come in combination with other vitamins, as well as healthy enzymes and fiber necessary for good health.
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that has antioxidant properties and many benefits for good health.
The World Health Organization also spends much time and research determining adequate levels for good health and to prevent disease.
Nature packages calcium along with many vitamins, minerals and macronutrients needed for good health within foods.
As with any vitamin or mineral, vitamin D is vital for good health and overall wellness.
Consumers can use the following tips to look for good quality reviews of probiotics or indeed any other supplement.
It's very structured and streamlined, with a healthy dose of vamp thrown in for good measure.
A layer of Thinsulate within the leather doubles the effectiveness and helps lock out cold for good.
The precise temperature control is why proper equipment designed just for cooking sous vide is necessary for good results.
It's the first time I have ever put my name, Jay Kordich on a juicer, and for good reason.
Often, businesses will dedicate a certain percentage of funds every year for local community donations, and they're always looking for good uses for those funds.
The sacred rule of applying for a free online grant is to remember you are a keystroke away from submitting fo