Following Sentence Examples
He must have been following us.
Kyle said, following her into the kitchen.
Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.
She looked back toward Andre's apartment, surprised to see two dark forms on the ledge following her.
The two were sharing a room and the escape was not discovered until the following morning.
Before you start following the poor woman like in a James Bond movie, maybe we should give the entire Dawkins clan a rest.
People who live their lives following their passions seem more full of life and energy than anyone else.
Following the nurses instruction, she gently stroked his cheek.
Frustrated, Katie looked both directions down the pristine, eerily quiet hallway before following the kid toward the far end, where a bright red exit sign hung over the door.
You're not very good at following someone.
AdvertisementI drove south toward town on the West Surry Road but instead of following Court Street, turned back north west on the Old Walpole to Howie's home.
The summer and winter following the "Frost King" incident I spent with my family in Alabama.
Martha would talk to Quinn... to grease the skids... as she put it, and have him telephone me the following evening.
Unfortunately, he did not miss the child until the following morning.
Nobody following you or creeping around?
AdvertisementIt chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont.
I'm used to one of them following me around like a puppy.
The following chapter catalogs the difficulties inherent in trying to end war, which in the past brought misery and destruction and in the future could bring annihilation.
Fortunately, the boy ran off but the police, who were following Bryce based on our earlier tip, photographed his attempted abduction.
She didn't see Jared, but she couldn't shake the sense he – or someone else – was following her.
AdvertisementYou following so far?
I was so busy following the road map I made so many years ago that I didn't notice it was outdated.
Deidre went to the breakfast bar, eyes following Cora's movements.
I promised to visit him again the following summer, but he died before the promise was fulfilled.
She pulled to the side to let a following car pass.
AdvertisementIf the snow lies deep, they strap on his snowshoes, and, with the giant plow, plow a furrow from the mountains to the seaboard, in which the cars, like a following drill-barrow, sprinkle all the restless men and floating merchandise in the country for seed.
Prince Andrew, being always near the commander in chief, closely following the mass movements and general orders, and constantly studying historical accounts of battles, involuntarily pictured to himself the course of events in the forthcoming action in broad outline.
Following his gaze, Cynthia saw the little green Ford coming up the drive.
This heap, made in the winter of '46-7 and estimated to contain ten thousand tons, was finally covered with hay and boards; and though it was unroofed the following July, and a part of it carried off, the rest remaining exposed to the sun, it stood over that summer and the next winter, and was not quite melted till September, 1848.
Were the Indians still following?
She's learned to appreciate life and those around her, following a diagnosis of a terminal illness.
A third way to predict the future that I believe is reliable rejects both the slavish following of the straight line and the purely speculative approach.
By the following September Helen shows improvement in fulness of construction and more extended relations of thought.
The following day, Mr. Rupert Youngblood gained more notoriety, appearing on a national television morning show.
By this time he had risen from the table and was pacing the room, Natasha following him with her eyes.
Betsy and I reluctantly agreed, also agreeing to travel north the following weekend.
Lives have been lost because we've either not been believed or someone was too late following up.
We knew the young girl was in trouble shortly after she left her house, with Howie following closely behind her.
While I wanted to wake Betsy and explain the situation I felt following Julie's directive might free her to be more forthcoming.
There's no doubt you'll be following me, if you're not plunked down on the ice on your own cute little boom-boom.
The history of these lines is the subject of the following paragraphs.
This able leader, eager to reach Asuncion as quickly as possible, sent on his ships to the river Plate, but himself with a small following marched overland from Santa Catherina on the coast of Brazil to join Irala.
He could not himself go to the general in attendance as he was in mufti and had come to Tilsit without permission to do so, and Boris, even had he wished to, could not have done so on the following day.
Only by following at some distance could one cut across the zigzag path of the French.
Additionally, the restaurant offers selections for those following a low-calorie/low-carb plan, as well as a separate children's menu.
Following Señor Medena up the stairs, she ran her hand along the smooth wood, enjoying the cool silky soft feel of it.
She ran off to her room, with Betsy following her.
In 1733 George Stone was made dean of Ferns, and in the following year he exchanged this deanery for that of Derry; in 1740 he became bishop of Ferns, in 1743 bishop of Kildare, in 1745 bishop of Derry, and in 1747 archbishop of Armagh.
The impossibility of reconciling the financial requirements of the national party with the demands of the British and French controllers of the public debt, compelled him to resign in the following February.
The manufacture of the cable, begun early in the following year, was finished in June, and before the end of July it was stowed partly in the American ship " Niagara " and partly in decided to begin paying out in mid-ocean, the two vessels, after splicing together the ends of the cable they had on board, sailing away from each other in opposite directions.
The hut was made in the following manner, which had then come into vogue.
Rostov riding in front gave the order "Forward!" and the hussars, with clanking sabers and subdued talk, their horses' hoofs splashing in the mud, defiled in fours and moved along the broad road planted with birch trees on each side, following the infantry and a battery that had gone on in front.
He saw that his hero and commander was following quite a different train of thought.
Countess Mary looked round, saw little Andrew following her, felt that Sonya was right, and for that very reason flushed and with evident difficulty refrained from saying something harsh.
Besides this feeling which absorbed her altogether and hindered her from following the details of her husband's plans, thoughts that had no connection with what he was saying flitted through her mind.
He'd be following shortly, trying to make it look like he was the injured party.
I didn't say they weren't following.
Bordeaux pulled the team off the road, following a trail off through the pasture.
Martha jumped to answer it with Betsy following.
My wife refused to hear my recorded conversation until we gathered the group the following weekend.
She reluctantly agreed following up on my sighting would be prudent and wouldn't do any harm.
We're following a hunger and when it's ripe, all common sense and caution fly out the window.
She hadn't realized he was following her.
You didn't return to Virginia until the following day.
He must have had a premonition, because the truck broke down on her way home the following week.
Her mother was to arrive the next day and stay through the memorial service on the following Wednesday.
The days following the incident, Dean had pored over more mug books, sure he would be able to identify at least one of the two hoods.
Apparently following through with that decision was impossible for her.
He'd been following her, this time silently, and she was surprised at how close he was.
He nodded once before following the woman.
Anyone with sense would not venture out after dark following such an attack!
Following his gaze, she found Rob's attention was riveted on Jenny.
She led the way up the side of the mountain, following a switchback trail above a twenty-foot bluff.
His gaze returned Carmen, following the line of the bodice and caressing her neck.
Was he following her?
So the man was following her.
Xander tilted his head to the side, following the teenaged God with his senses.
He debated following Jonny then changed his mind.
Xander had to stop himself from following.
The only vamp that could change someone without them following the normal rite requiring human sacrifice, Xander had once created an army in months.
They were killed on date night, of all things, she murmured, following his gaze.
Jessi hurried after the Black God, following him into a narrow hallway and what looked like an operations center of some sort.
The following is the general idea derived from these researches.
The question of the constitutionality of the formation of the new state was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States in the following manner.
The new members of council disembarked at Calcutta on the 19th of October 1774; and on the following day commenced the long feud which scarcely terminated twentyone years later with the acquittal of Warren Hastings by the House of Lords.
The fifth Lambeth conference, following as it did close on the great Pan-Anglican congress, is remarkable mainly as a proof of the growth of the influence and many-sided activity of the Anglican Church, and as a conspicuous manifestation of her characteristic principles.
On the following day, however, the Abyssinians succeeded in surprising, near the village of Dogali, an Italian force of 524 officers and men under Colonel De Cristoforis, who were convoying provisions to the garrison of Saati.
In July following Leo XIII.
In the same year Alonso de Ojeda, accompanied by Juan de la Cosa, from whose maps we learn much of the discoveries of the 16th century navigators, and by a Florentine named Amerigo Vespucci, touched the coast of South America somewhere near Surinam, following the shore as far as the Gulf of Maracaibo.
In the following year the Portuguese Ferdinando Magalhaes, familiarly known as Magellan, laid before Charles V., at Valladolid, a scheme for reaching the Spice Islands by sailing westward.
In the following year he made another voyage, discovered the island of Anticosti, and ascended the St Lawrence to Hochelaga, now Montreal.
Obviously, knowing the wise course is one thing, and following it is another.
Ferapontov's whole household came out too, following Alpatych and the coachman.
One of the wounded, an old soldier with a bandaged arm who was following the cart on foot, caught hold of it with his sound hand and turned to look at Pierre.
Following the battalion that marched along the dusty road came priests in their vestments--one little old man in a hood with attendants and singers.
Admitting the view of Barclay and others that a defensive battle at Fili was impossible, but imbued with Russian patriotism and the love of Moscow, he proposed to move troops from the right to the left flank during the night and attack the French right flank the following day.
The guns emerged at a trot from the column following Murat and advanced up the Arbat.
He's an inch away from wringing my neck, Sofia said, following.
He strode down the hallway to his office, his two adopted brothers following.
Deidre stepped away, almost crossing into it before she realized he wasn't following.
Dean continued to his bedroom with Cynthia following.
Dean backhanded her again, following her to the ground.
An easy food source following you around for the rest of all time?
She didn't want to find out, but she wasn't following him blindly.
Following him was Kris, dressed in nothing but judo pants, as if Ully had dragged him straight out of bed.
He entered the castle, following the scents up the back stairwell that Katie alone used to avoid the other Immortals.
Rather than join them, she paced the hall before following it to its end and ascending to the roof.
She knew what it meant in her dream but was terrified of following her footsteps.
When he disappeared around the corner, she returned to her thoughts and following the lights.
On his planet, he'd have no qualms about following through with his threat to lock her in the bathroom if he found out what she was doing.
The door closed behind them as he strode through the lighted, vacant halls, following a familiar path on the way to the chamber.
Edith stood there, neither following her son, nor making any move to enter further into the room.
When Dean told his wife about the bearded man who seemed to be following Edith Shipton, Cynthia just shook her head.
She turned and hurried up the stairs as Donnie stood by the table, torn between curiosity and following his mother.
I tremble to write these following lines.
Dean wanted to question Edith further but she rose, with Effie following, her arm on Edith's elbow and the pair returned upstairs.
The following two weeks were a mellowing down time.
The following weekend, two and a half weeks after Edith's death, Penny and Mick returned to bird Song for a couple of days of ice climbing, a further reminder of the ice park incident.
He waited until the following day, after he killed his wife.
Each day of the following two weeks, Gabriel retrieved the couple, brought them to the same room, and schooled them in the art of feeding without killing.
While driving her home Jackson asked if she would take a ride to the Berkshires with him the following day.
Jackson stayed back admiring the artwork for a minute, before following her to the living room.
The following day, Sarah and Elisabeth went to work on the studio with a vengeance.
Half way to the house she turned to find him slowly following, absorbed in the beauty of the winter storm.
At the path she slowed, and he caught up with her, following her to the edge of the creek.
Alex tossed the book aside and stretched out beside her, following her gaze through the door.
Brady lifted Lana gently off the gurney and entered, following Elise through the waiting area into the bay beyond.
Lana straightened in her seat on the couch, eyes following his powerful stride across the tent.
Lana hesitated before following.
Jack was obediently following the girl in yellow that fed him rice.
Mike strode down one, and she checked to make sure Jack was with her before following.
He stepped forward instead, following the pilot into the sub.
Gabe was quiet for a long moment, leading them through the jungle in thoughtful silence. Katie felt the strange sense of something following again and moved closer to him.
And, Gabe, I feel like someone's following us.
His shove almost drove her to her knees again. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. Fear made her heart pound. The strange path he'd been following appeared ahead of her, revealing itself only a few steps at a time. She started at a walk and quickened to a jog, making sure the path wouldn't close and trip her. The path kept up with her, and she ran.
Katie hesitated then continued onto the path Gabriel had told her to follow. She didn't know what the creature was. He looked like Andre, but Andre was dead-dead, which meant the creature following them was something else.
The odd sense of someone following – a sign she now knew was the phantom trailing them - returned.
Katie drew a deep breath before following. Gabe was more than distracted.
You can't be serious about following him. It's forbidden for us to travel uninvited into Death's domain.
Andre motioned her to follow him, and she drew a few more heavy breaths before following.
Instead of following, Kris dwelt a moment longer on Death's words.
When Byrne failed to answer a wake-up call the following morning, a clerk finally opened his room.
Mayer added that Byrne was back to work the following day, but made no reference to his absence.
They took their leave with her following them to the door, babbling on about unrelated subjects.
We're just following up on a missing person.
As soon as he had lost the tail, he was sorry, sorry he'd played games and ditched it instead of trying to find out who was following him.
If Alfred Nota in his blue Ford was really interested in following Dean, why had the con taken off like a scared rabbit as soon as Dean showed up?
His blue mood following the memorial service dissipated with the passing days and he remained in fair spirits.
Cynthia asked him, somewhat formally, if he would come to dinner the following evening, for what she described as a surprise.
Ms. Nightingale murmured a room number and motioned down a hall crowded with bodies like the day after Gettysburg while white-coated figures strolled among the moaning, clip boards in hand With wide-eyed Fred following behind, Dean ran the gauntlet until he found the room, a small office packed with five men and a lot of smoke, three of them in Philadelphia Police uniforms.
The first two weeks of June were a never-ending list of chores and activities jammed full with last minute preparations, one workplace crisis following another, and an annoying series of details that demanded Dean's attention.
Waiting until after marriage is following my morals, not his.
He held her close with one arm while the other slid up her side, following the curve of her hips and waist.
She made arrangements for a glide rocker to be delivered to the house the following day.
By the time Alex got home from work, the house was sparkling and she had a list for shopping the following day.
Unable to contain his excitement, he started out ahead of her, turning to make sure she was following.
There are a lot of different paths I'm following.
Among its characteristics the following points are noticeable.
Following Newton, he believed a gas to be made up of particles or atoms, From Dalton's Hydrogen Gas.
Having secured the support of several influential princes by extensive promises, he was chosen at Frankfort on the 27th of July 1298, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 24th of August following.
In the following year he was appointed successor to the celebrated Perizonius, who had held the chair of history, Greek language and eloquence at Leiden.
On the following day the festival of the unity of Italy was celebrated, but neither this nor the previous meeting had any practical result.
In 1895 he bought the New York Journal and the following year founded the Evening Journal, the morning paper being known after 1902 as the New York American.
Both these kings were slain by .Ceadwalla in the following year, but shortly afterwards the Welsh king was overthrown by Oswald, brother of Eanfrith, who reunited the whole of Northumbria under his sway and acquired a supremacy analogous to that previously held by Edwin.
Ecgberht was expelled in 872 and died in the course of the following year.
In the reign of Edgar, Oslac was appointed earl of southern Northumbria, but he was banished at the beginning of the following reign.
His father, dying in the following year, commended him to the care and favour of his brother and successor, Henry III., who faithfully fulfilled the charge.
The following categories exist in the wiki.
This system is of much service in following out mathematical, physical and chemical problems in which it is necessary to represent four variables.
The following are samples from a number of days' results, given in le Cadet's book.
There Seems A Fairly Well Marked Annual Variation In Ionic Contents, As The Following Figures Will Show.
It is bounded on the north-west by Ohio, from which it is separated by the Ohio river, on the north by Pennsylvania and Maryland, the Potomac river dividing it from the latter state; on the east and south-east by Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, the boundary lines in the first two cases being meridians, in the last case a very irregular line following the crest of mountain ridges in places; and on the south-west by Virginia and Kentucky, the Big Sandy river separating it from the latter state.
The discovery of large quantities of gold in Otago in 1861 and the following years brought prosperity, a great " rush " of diggers setting in from Australia.
The act which Pitt successfully carried in the following year introduced a new constitution, in which Hastings felt that he had no place.
In 1637 he emigrated with Davenport to Massachusetts, and in the following year (March 1638) he and Davenport founded New Haven.
In the case of the original Repsold plan without clockwork the description is not quite exact, because both the process of following the object and correcting the aim are simultaneously performed; whilst, if the clockwork runs uniformly and the friction-disk is set to the proper distance from the apex of the cone, the star will appear almost perfectly at rest, and the observer has only to apply delicate corrections by differential gear - a condition which is exactly analogous to that of training a modern gun-sight upon a fixed object.
Crossing the Orange River at this spot in September 1848, Sir Harry noted that it was "a beautiful site for a town," and in the May following the town was founded.
He entered the university of Göttingen, but soon left, and, taking service in the Austrian army, took part in the Russian campaign of 1812, and fought in the following year at Dresden, Kulm and Leipzig.
In 1832 he was elected fellow of his college, and in the following year he was ordained, and became head master of a private school at Stockwell.
Following Cellarius, some authorities read Manduria or Mandyrium.
In the following year Podébrad was more successful in his resistance to his many enemies, but his death on the 22nd of March 1471 put a stop to the war.
In 1794 Mannheim fell into the hands of the French, and in the following year it was retaken by the Austrians after a severe bombardment, which left scarcely a single building uninjured.
Having crushed a rebellion at Utrecht, he compelled the burghers of Ghent to restore Philip to him in 1485, and returning to Germany was chosen king of the Romans, or German king, at Frankfort on the 16th of February 1486, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 9th of the following April.
The Royal Society awarded him the Copley medal in 5892, and selected him as Croonian lecturer in the following year, his subject being the position of pathology among the biological sciences; and in 1898 he delivered the second Huxley memorial lecture at Charing Cross Hospital.
In the following year he was named first minister of France (August).
Pericles may now have hoped to resume his aggressive policy in Greece Proper, but the events of the following years completely disillusioned him.
In the following spring he fastened a quarrel upon Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, which was attached by ancient bonds to Corinth, and in the campaign which followed Athenian and Corinthian troops came to blows.
To prevent this bill from passing into law, Charles had dissolved parliament in July 1679, and in the following October had prorogued its successor without allowing it to meet.
The English, under Sir Thomas Graham, afterwards Lord Lynedoch, in March 1814 made an attempt to take it by a coup de main, but were driven back with great loss by the French, who surrendered the place, however, by the treaty of peace in the following May.
On the following day he was admitted to the royal presence, and presenting his letters he told the king that he had an important and confidential message to deliver.
The assassin was at once killed by the attendants who rushed in, and Henry died early on the following day.
However, notwithstanding the insistence on ritual, natural in a priest, his moral standard is high; following the prescription of Ex.
Vansittart sought to check this, and in 1762 he made a treaty with Mir Kasim, but the majority of his council were against him and in the following year this was repudiated.
He was set free in 1667, but in the following year lie was again a prisoner, and he was in custody when he died on the 27th of October 1670.
In 56 Scaurus was praetor, and in the following year governor of Sardinia.
In 1549 Archibald Napier, at the early age of about fifteen, married Janet, daughter of Francis Bothwell, and in the following year John Napier was born.
These interviews took place in October 15 93, and on the 29th of the following January Napier wrote to the king the letter which forms the dedication of the Plaine Discovery.
But in that year the following incident was the beginning of a great movement.
Following the lead of the Independents, who set up Mansfield College at Oxford, the Presbyterian Church has founded Westminster College at Cambridge as a substitute for its Theological Hall in London.
He won a signal victory over the Persians in 53 0, and successfully conducted a campaign against them, until forced, by the rashness of his soldiers, to join battle and suffer defeat in the following year.
In the following year he started practice as a physician in London, and in 1756 he published a work on medicinal waters, the properties of which he had studied on the continent and at Bath.
Cabot, with a large following, entered the Parana and established a settlement just above the mouth of the river Carcaranal, to which he gave the name of San Espiritu, among the Timbu Indians, with whom he formed friendly relations.
The following table exhibits the rate of increase as indicated by the Del censuses from 1876 to 1906.
In Charentethe following table the decrease in births and deaths Cher -
The following tables, showing the growth of the largest towns in France, are drawn up on the basis of the fourth classification, which is used throughout this work in the articles on French towns, except where otherwise stated.
The following table shows the number of live stock in the country at intervals of ten years since 1885.
The following sketch of the manufacturing industry of France takes account chiefly of those of its branches which are capable in some degree of localization.
The average value of the principal articles of import and export (special trade) over quinquennial periods following 1890 is shown in the two tables below.
The following were the countries sending the largest quantities of goods (special trade) to France (during the same periods as in previous table).
The following are the principal countries receiving the exports of France (special trade), with values for the same periods.
The trade of France was divided between foreign countries and her colonies in the following proportions (imports and exports combined).
The respective shares of the leading customs in the tfade of the country is approximately shown in the following table, which gives the value of their exports and imports (general trade) in 1905 in millions sterling.
Shipping.The following table thhows the increase in tonnage of sailing and steam shipping engaged in foreign trade entered and cleared at the ports of France over quinquennial periods from 1890.
The increase of the French mercantile marine (which is fifth in importance in the world) over the same period is traced in the following table.
The following table shows the rapid growth of the state revenue of France during the period 1875-1905, the figures for the specified years representing millions of pounds.
The following table shows the increase of the funded debt since 1814.
The account which Herodotus gives of the hostilities between the two states in the early years of the 5th century B.C. is to the following effect.
In the skeleton the second and third toes are distinctly more slender than the fourth, showing a tendency towards the character so marked in the following families.
During the following centuries Istakhr gradually declines, until, as a city, it ceased to exist.
He is said to have spent more than £ 70,000 in the course of the following twelve years (1798-1810).
It shows on the one hand the labialization of the original velar q(Volscian pis = Latin quis), and on the other hand it palatalizes the guttural c before a following i (Volscian facia=Latin faciat).
During the five years following the last year of the foregoing table, there was practically no increase in population by immigration.
They left Callao on the 21st of December 1605, and in the following year discovered the island now known as Espiritu Santo, one of the New Hebrides group, which De Quiros, under the impression that it was indeed the land of which he was in search, named La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo.
In 1622 the " Leeuwin," or " Lioness," made some discoveries on the south-west coast; and during the following year the yachts " Pera " and " Arnheim " explored the shores of the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Towards the close of the year 1696 this expedition reached the island of Rottnest, which was thoroughly explored, and early the following year a landing party discovered and named the Swan river.
The fleet sailed in May 1787, and arrived off the Australian coast early in the following January.
Continuing in a north-easterly direction Oxley struck the Macquarie river at a place he called Wellington, and from this place in the following year he organized a second expedition in hopes of discovering an inland sea.
Messrs Hamilton Hume and Hovell set out from Lake George, crossed the Murrumbidgee, and, after following the river for a short distance, struck south, skirting the foothills of what are now known as the Australian Alps until they reached a fine river, which was called the Hume after the leader's father.
In 1827 and the two following years, Cunningham prosecuted instructive explorations on both sides of the Liverpool range, between the upper waters of the Hunter and those of the Peel and other tributaries of the Brisbane north of New South Wales.
After a few months' rest it started on the return journey, following Sturt Creek until its termination in Gregory's Salt Sea, and then keeping parallel with the South Australian border as far as Lake Macdonald.
The consuming power of the population was greatly diminished, and in the year following the crisis the imports into Australia from abroad diminished by four and three-quarter millions.
The first parliament under the constitution was elected on the 29th and 30th of March 1901, and was opened by the prince of Wales on the 9th of May following.
In 1873 there was an important rise in wages, in the following year there was a further advance, and another in 1876; but in 1877 wages fell back a little, though not below the rate of 1874.
The act contained stringent provisions forbidding strikes; but in this respect it failed to effect its purpose, several strikes occurring in the years following its enactment, in which there were direct refusals to obey awards.
In the following year, Charles with 9000 men routed 12,000 Danes near Malmo (July 15, 1678).
In 1839 he was appointed consul at Rotterdam, and in the following year transferred to Malaga, the place of origin of his mother's family.
Following his interpretation of the instructions he had received, de Lesseps began negotiations with the existing government at Rome, according to which Pius IX.
But dissensions arose between the German and Celtic elements of Civilis's following.
In the following year, by the death, of Ferdinand of Aragon, his maternal grandfather, and the incapacity of his mother Joanna, who had become hopelessly insane, he succeeded to the crowns of Castile and Aragon, which carried with them large possessions in Italy and the dominion, of the New World of America.
In 1519 Maximilian died, and the following year his grandson, now the head of the house was at first successful.
Following the example of William of Orange, Hoorn, Berghen and other governors, the magistrates generally declined to enforce the edicts, and offered to resign rather than be the instruments for burning and maltreating their fellow-countrymen.
The fall of Somerset in the following month raised Bonner's hopes, and he appealed from Cranmer to the council.
In 1911 he accepted the chair of physics in Prague, only to be induced to return to his own polytechnic school at Zurich as full professor in the following year.
In 1510, following their occupation of Oran and other towns on the coast of Africa, the Spaniards fortified the Penon.
On the 4th of July in that year a French army under General de Bourmont attacked the city, which capitulated on the following day.
He graduated from Union College in 1820, having taught school for a short time at Savannah, Georgia, to help pay his expenses; was admitted to the bar at Utica, N.Y., in 1822, and in the following year began the practice of law at Auburn, N.Y., which was his home for the rest of his life.
His policy was in principle the policy of Elizabeth, of Gustavus Adolphus, and - in the following generation - of William of Orange.
The great career, the incidents of which we have been following, was now, however, drawing to a close.
Following the same policy he sent Aristaces in 325 to the council of Nice.
In 1853 he was appointed assistant, and in the following year won a doctor's degree with his treatise Nova elementa Thetidis.
The last years of Bela's life were embittered by the ingratitude of his son Stephen, who rebelled continuously against his father and ultimately compelled him to divide the kingdom with him, the younger prince setting up a capital of his own at Sarospatak, and following a foreign policy directly contrary to that of his father.
He emerged again in the following year, and took part in the events of the 10th of June and the 10th of August 1792, when he led the people of the faubourg St Antoine to the assault of the Tuileries.
The fact is that the wind is continually varying in force, and while the ordinary pressure plate is admirably adapted for measuring the force of a steady and uniform wind, it is entirely unsuitable for following the rapid fluctuations of the natural wind.
It took, however, an important part in the rebellion of 295, and was reduced, with Vulsinii and Arretium, to seek for peace in the following year.
This was in many cases true, and it is equally true that Mozart and Haydn often had no scruple in following the customs of very bad composers.
A dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
Valentinian attacked them at Solicinium (Sulz in the Neckar valley or Schwetzingen) with a large army, and defeated them with great slaughter, but his own losses were so considerable that he abandoned the idea of following up his success.
This is accomplished by Dr Muirhead in the following manner.
During the following three years the government spent £s00,000 in making good the depreciation suffered by the plant in the transition years of 1868 and 1869, for which allowance had been made in the purchase price, and about £1,700,000 was expended on new plant.
The following table shows the financial results of the business in the year immediately following the purchase of the telegraphs by the state, in the two years preceding and the two years following the introduction of the 6d.
The following year an additional cable was laid from Bacton, in Norfolk, to Borkum, in Germany, at the joint expense of the British and German governments.
The following year the rates to and from East and South Africa were reduced, by negotiation, from charges varying from 7s.
Following on this he made an interesting experiment, using Morse's method, to connect the Isle of Wight telegraphically with the mainland, by conduction across the Solent in two places, during a temporary failure of the submarine cable in 1882 in that channel.
Hence the following appliance was worked out by Lieutenant Solari and officers in the Italian navy.
Very briefly stated, his method consists in sending out a group of wave trains at certain irregular but assigned intervals of time to constitute the simplest signal equivalent to a dot in the Morse code, and a sequence of such trains, say three following one another, to constitute the dash on the Morse code.
In 1274 the council of Lyons imposed a tax of a tenth part of all church revenues during the six following years for the relief of the Holy Land.
In the following year there was a fresh rebellion, when the emperor Frederick was actually crowned king by the malcontents at Vienna-Neustadt (March 4, 1 459); but Matthias drove him out, and Pope Pius II.
This great valley—one of the most considerable on the southern side of the Alps—has attracted special attention, in ancient as well as modern times, from its leading to two of the most frequented passes across the great mountain chain—the Great and the Little St Bernard—the former diverging at Aosta, and crossing the main ridges to the north into the valley of the Rhone, the other following a more westerly direction into Savoy.
The following table indicates the areas of the several provinces (sixty-nine in number), and the population of each according to the censuses of the 31st of December 1881 and the 9th of February 1901.
The population of towns over 100,000 is given in the following table according to the estimates for 1906.
The landlord lets his land to two or more persons jointly, who undertake to restore it to him in good condition with one-third of it interrozzito, that is, fallow, so as to be cultivated the following year according to triennial rotation.
But in 1901 the strength of the active army and reserve shows a marked diminution, which became accentuated in the year following.
The recruits due to join in November were not incorporated till the following March, and thus in the winter months Italy was defenceless.
Rates of exchange, or, in other words the gold premium, favored Italy during the yearr immediately following the abolition of the forced currency in 1881
The number of ordinary banks, which diminished between 1889 and 1894, increased in the following years, and was 158 In 1898.
The following account is therefore mainly concerned with the periods succeeding AD.
From Beneventum, another important road centre, the Via Appia itself ran south-east through the mountains past Venusia to Tarentum on the south-west coast of the heel, and thence across Calabria to Brundusium, while Trajans correction of it, following an older mule-track, ran north-east through the mountains and then through the lower ground of Apulia, reaching the coast at Barium.
During the following fourteen years of his brilliant career he made himself absolute master of Florence, and so modified her institutions that the Medici were henceforth necessary to the state.
A month later the ambitious young general, Joubert, who took over Moreaus command and raffled part of Macdonalds following, was utterly routed by the Austro-Russian army at Novi (August 15) with the loss of 12,000 men.
Capponi resigned in October 1848, and Leopold reluctantly consented to a democratic ministry led by Guerrazzi and Montanelli, the former a very ambitious and unscrupulous man, the latter honest but fantastic. Following the Roman example, a constituent assembly was demanded to vote on union with Rome and eventually with the rest of Italy.
In 1856 the emperor and empress visited their Italian dominions, but were received with icy coldness; the following year, on the retirement of Radetzky at the age of ninety-three, the archduke Maximilian, an able, cultivated and kind-hearted man, was appointed viceroy.
The fall of Cairoli, and the formation of a second Depretis cabinet in 1878, brought no substantial change in the attitude of the government towards Irredentism, nor was the position improved by the return of Cairoli to power in the following July.
Portal returned to Massawa on the 25th of December 1887, and warned the Italians that John was preparing to attack them in the following spring with an army of 100,000 men.
Presented to parliament in November 1898, the bill was read a second time in the following spring, but its third reading was violently obstructed by the Socialists, Radicals and Republicans of the Extreme Left.
Among the principal writers of this class who succeeded Cato, the following may be mentioned.
For some time all appeals to the king, to parliament, and to the courts of justice were unavailing; but on the 12th of February 1684 his application to Chief Justice Jeffreys was at last successful, and he was set at liberty on finding bail to the amount of X40,000, to appear in the House of Lords in the following session.
As a zealous churchman and Protestant he still possessed a following.
His translation of the German Catechism of Justus Jonas, known as Cranmer's Catechism, appeared in the following year.
However the authorities had been informed of the plot, probably by one of the conspirators named George Edwards; officers appeared upon the scene and arrested some of the conspirators; and although Thistlewood escaped in the confusion he was seized on the following day.
Thomas Aquinas, following Albertus Magnus, but with greater power and greater influence, occupies substantially intuitionalist ground.
In 1650 he resumed his professorship at Upsala, but early in the following year he was obliged to resign on account of ill-health.
This was settled in May 1213, and in the new prelate, the papal nominee, Stephen Langton, who landed in England and absolved the king in the following July, the baronial party found an able and powerful ally.
The days between Friday the 19th and the following Tuesday, when the conference came to an end, were occupied in providing, as far as possible, for the due execution of the reforms promised by the king in Magna Carta.
From this time suitors in this court were not put to the expense and inconvenience of following the king from place to place.
The following is the main outline of the classification that is adopted in the present article.
On this point the following theories have been put forward.
The French in the following year expelled both Spaniards and Swedes from his territories, but in March 1635 the Spaniards recaptured Trier and took the elector prisoner.
The following exposition of the historical development of the doctrine is taken from Sully's article, and for the most part is in his own words.
It is the following out of an inherent tendency or impulse to a series of changes, all of which were virtually pre-existent, and this process cannot be interfered with from without.
Of the other German philosophers immediately following Kant, there is only one who calls for notice here, namely, Arthur Schopenhauer.
On the revival of the Western Empire, however, Charlemagne, in the beginning of the 9th century, under the mistaken belief that he was following the authority of Constantine I.
The existing ecclesiastical jurisdiction in England is therefore now confined to the following points.
Prince Charles Edward slept in it the night following the fight at Prestonpans (1745).
Duchesne's opinion, being not continuous but, following the primitive Roman custom, broken by intervals.
Of more modern writings on Orpheus and Orphism the following may be consulted.
In the following sections the botanical sense of the word is followed, the term being used generally as opposed to animals.
As regards money value alone the following figures may serve in illustration.
For the composition of the numerous liquids and powders special works must be consulted, but the following principles apply generally.
This point of view was further developed in the following century by Caspar Friedrich Wolff (Theorici generationis, 1759), who first followed the development of the members at the growing-point of the stem.
The effect of the phylogenetic factor in homology may be illustrated in the following cases.
His Histoire des causes premieres was among the first attempts at a history of philosophy, and in his work on Epicurus, following on Gassendi, he defended Epicureanism against the general attacks made against it.
The king of Portugal next despatched Bartolomeu Diaz in 1486 to continue discoveries southwards; while, in the following year, he sent Pedro de Covilhao and Affonso de Payva to discover the country of Prester John.
The Portuguese, following the lead of Prince Henry, continued to look for the road to India by the Cape of Good Hope.
The terms employed, especially for the subdivisions, cannot be easily translated into other languages, and the English equivalents in the following table are only put forward tentatively Richthofen'S Classification Of Mountains I.
The contrast between the yellow and white types has been softened by the remarkable development of the Japanese following the assimilation of western methods.
The economy and success of most lines of communication depend on following as far as possible existing natural lines and utilizing existing natural sources of power.'
Sulla sent for him and had him strangled in his presence; in his excitement he broke a blood-vessel and died on the following day.
Among these rules are the following, which will give some idea of the procedure.
But this was not enough for the inquisitor-general, who in the following month (April) issued orders to forbid Christians, under severe penalties, having any communication with the Jews or, -after the period of grace, to supply them even with the necessaries of life.
In addition to settling the crown the act contained some important constitutional provisions, of which the following are still in force.
A relapse of the city led to a new ban of the emperor Matthias in 1613, and in the following year Spinola's Spanish troops brought back the recalcitrant city to the Catholic fold.
The scope of the anatomical part of the following article is a general account of the structure of birds (A y es) in so far as they, as a class, differ from other vertebrates, notably reptiles and mammals, whilst features especially characteristic, peculiar or unique, have been dwelt upon at greater length so far as space permitted.
In birds we distinguish between the following regions of the axial skeleton.
This earldom ended in 1762, but the attainder was reversed by an act of 1824 and in the following year Sir George Jerningham, the heir general, established his claim to the Stafford barony of 1640.
A few years later (704 B.C.) the combined forces of Elam and Babylonia were overthrown at Kis, and in the following year the Kassites were reduced to subjection.
The young corm, at first about the diameter of the flower-stalk, grows continuously, till in the following July it attains the size of a small apricot.
Migne, following the example of the editors of bibliothecae patrum who preceded him, swept into his great collection all the Christian writings which fell within his period; but he is careful to state upon his title-page that his patrologies include the ecclesiastical writers as well as the fathers and doctors of the Church.
In the following year he united with Hussain Mirza of Herat against Shaibani.
His remains were interred on the following Friday in the chancel of Rugby chapel, immediately under the communion table.
The Marquis Lodovico Gonzaga of Mantua had for some time been pressing Mantegna to enter his service; and the following year, 1460, was perhaps the one in which he actually established himself at the Mantuan court, residing at first from time to time at Goito, but, from December 1466 onwards, with his family in Mantua itself.
Meanwhile, if agadic exegesis was popular in the centuries following the redaction of the Mishna, the study of halakhah Talmud.
In the following century the power of the Ahoms began to decay, alike from internal dissensions and the pressure of outside invaders.
In the following year he entered the chamber, being elected deputy for the Marne, in opposition to General Boulanger, and joined the radical left.
In 1559 he accompanied the princess Margaret, now duchess of Savoy, to Nice, where, in the following year, tidings reached him that he had been chosen to succeed Francois Olivier (1487-1560) in the chancellorship of France.
As settled by him, and in part perhaps also by his successor Tiberius, it fell into the following five administrative areas.
In 1822 he was elected scholar of Trinity, and in the following year he graduated as senior wrangler and obtained first Smith's prize.
Ranulf Flambard, working together the detached feudal usages of earlier times into a compact and logical system of feudal law, was as characteristic a type of the people as any warrior in the Conqueror's following.
And the circumstances of his conquest were such that the true Normans among his following could not possibly lose themselves among the existing inhabitants of the island, while everything tended to make them lose themselves among their fellow-adventurers of other races, among whom, by the time the conquest was ended, they could hardly have been even a dominant element.
In the following year Latorre caused himself to be elected president, but political unrest caused him to resign in March 1880.
In the following year he resigned and was re-elected to the presidency on the 1st of March 1899.
Constant use, increased friction (m o r e especially at high speeds), and damage to the rotator will alter an ascertained log error; head or following seas, strong winds, currents and tidal streams also FIG.
The following apparatus (invented originally by Michel of Marseilles and improved subsequently by others) enables the manufacturer to produce either of two forms of "refined" sulphur which commerce demands.
The next following instalments of vapour, getting diffused throughout a large mass of relatively cold gas, condense into a kind of "snow," known in commerce and valued as "flowers of sulphur" (fibres sulphuris).
The substance known as "milk of sulphur" (lac sulphuris) is very finely divided sulphur produced by the following, or some analogous, chemical process.
This was located in 1820 in almost the exact geographical centre of the state, where a small settlement had recently been made, and the town of Indianapolis was laid out in the following year.
In 1509 the marshal Don Fernando Coutinho made an unsuccessful attack on the city; and in the following year it was again assailed by Albuquerque with 3000 troops.
In the following year they concluded a peace with the zamorin and were allowed to build a fortified factory on the north bank of the Kallayi river, which was however again, and finally, abandoned in 1525.
The Christian apologist indeed may himself seek, following John Fiske, to philosophize evolution as a restatement of natural theology - " one God, one law, one element and one far-off divine event " - and as at least pointing towards personal immortality.
The climate is generally unhealthy during that period and the months following.
In 1389 the leader of a flagellant band in Italy called the bianchi was burned by order of the pope, and his following dispersed.
During the two following years it amounted to an average of over 160,000, but in the years 1901-3 to an average of 84,638 per annum.
During the years 1861 to 1892 the land owned by the nobles decreased 30%, or from 210,000,000 to 150,000,000 acres; during the following four years an additional 2,119,500 acres were sold; and since then the sales have gone on at an accelerated rate, until in 1903 alone close upon 2,000,000 acres passed out of their hands.
The actual distribution of arable land, forests and meadows, in European Russia and Poland is shown in the following table The land in European Russia and Poland (Caucasia being excluded) is divided amongst the different classes of owners as follows Down to January 1st 1903, the peasants had actually redeemed out of the land allotted to them in 1861 a total of 280,530,516 acres..
At the Pacific end of the Siberian railway a line connecting Vladivostok with Khabarovsk (479 m.) at the junction of the Amur and the Usuri, was first of all built, following the valley of the Usuri.
He began war therefore in 1514 and at once captured Smolensk, but in the following year he was defeated, and the war dragged on during more than seven years, with varying successes and without any important result.
In Asia, after the accession of Nicholas II., the expansion of Russia, following the line of least resistance and stimulated by the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway, took the direction of northern China and the effete little kingdom of Korea.
In the following year, however, the situation was completely altered, a result due to the growing anti-Polish feeling in the Duma and, more especially, to the support given by the Austrian Sla y s to the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He came home in the following spring, but next year went again to Prussia, whence he journeyed by way of Venice to Cyprus and Jerusalem.
In 1400 and again in each of the two following autumns Henry invaded Wales in vain.
He supported himself as a teacher of Greek, first at Verona and afterwards in Venice and Florence; in 1436 he became, through the patronage of Lionel, marquis of Este, professor of Greek at Ferrara; and in 1438 and following years he acted as interpreter for the Greeks at the councils of Ferrara and Florence.
The capital of the province is Shiraz, and the subdivision in districts, the chief places of the districts and their estimated population, and the number of inhabited villages in each as they appear in lists dated 1884 and 1905 are shown on the following page.
America is now following the lead thus set, and all the most important lines in the United States have adopted block working and interlocking, but a great deal still remains to be done.
Although this fact will not in itself make the companies liable to any process of reorganization similar to that following insolvency and foreclosure of the American railway, it is probable that reorganization of some sort must nevertheless take place in Great Britain, and it may well be questioned whether the position of the transportation system of that country would not have been better if it had been built up and projected on the experience gained by actual earlier losses, as in the United States.
In the following examples the value will be assumed unity.
The weight and speed of goods trains vary enormously according to local conditions, but the following figures, which refer to traffic on the London & North-Western railway between London and Rugby, may be taken as representative of good English practice.
One pair of tracks is used for a local service with stations about one-quarter of a mile apart, following the general plan of operation in vogue on all other intra-urban railways.
Combined with this sacrifice of the fruits of the earth to the Creator in memory of creation and redemption, and probably always immediately following it, was the sacred meal at which part of the offerings was eaten.
The main points in which the pre-medieval formularies of both the Eastern and the Western Churches agree in relation to the Christian sacrifice are the following.
In the following pages we shall not attempt to do more than to sketch in very succinct outline the general results of investigation into the origins and growth of Hebrew religion.
In the following year he conducted the negotiations for the marriage of Mary of England and Philip II.
The following six years were spent in comparative quiet, broken, however, by a visit to Rome in 1565; but in 1570 Granvella, at the call of Philip, resumed public life by accepting another mission to Rome.
Harting in his work on Extinct British Animals, from which the following account is abridged.
There is a well-known story of the last of the race being killed by Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel in 1680, but there is evidence of wolves having survived in Sutherlandshire and other parts into the following century (perhaps as late as 1743), though the date of their final extinction cannot be accurately fixed.
In the following year he made his first acquaintance with the literature of Spain under the influence of his friend and biographer, Ticknor; and, while its attractiveness proved greater than he had at the outset anticipated, the comparative novelty of the subject as a field for research served as an additional stimulus.
The Conquest of Peru was completed in November 1846 and published in March following.
With an exceptional range of information thus afforded him, he wrote the opening of his history in July 1849; but, finding himself still unsettled in his work, he decided in the spring of the following year to carry out a long projected visit to England.
Soon after their return Anne was found to be pregnant, and in consequence Henry married her about the 25th of January 15333 (the exact date is unknown), their union not being made public till the following Easter.
On the 1st of May following the king suddenly broke up a tournament at Greenwich, leaving the company in bewilderment and consternation.
On the following day Henry was betrothed to Jane Seymour.
In 1823 he was appointed conservator of the physical cabinet at Munich, and in the following year he received from the king of Bavaria the civil order of merit.
Following his own wishes, though with his father's consent, he had early in 1760 projected a Continental tour as the completion " of an English gentleman's education."
Still following the wise maxim which he had adopted as a student, " multum legere potius quam multa," he reviewed again and again the immortal works of the French and English, the Latin and Italian classics.
He arrived in England in the following June, and spent the summer at Sheffield Place, where his presence was even more highly prized than it had ever before been.
Another operation brought him some relief; but a relapse occurred during the night of the 15th, and on the following day he peacefully breathed his last.
In 1858 Carson City was laid out, and in the following year the people of Carson county held a mass meeting and chose delegates to a constitutional convention, which met at Genoa on the 18th of July 1859, and in ten days drafted a constitution.
In the following gubernatorial campaign this was made an issue by his Democratic opponent, who appealed to those in sympathy with the strikers.
In England the following are the principal rivers of this name.
Breaching the high ground of Salisbury Plain, it passes Amesbury, and following a very sinuous course reaches Salisbury.
More than five centuries later (1320) Dante became the guest of Guido Novello di Polenta, lord of Ravenna, and here he died on the 14th September of the following year.
In this year he was promoted to master, and in the following year was made lieutenant.
In the following year he was transferred to Naples as professor of philosophy in the university there.
Within the seven years next following he failed twice as a storekeeper and once as a farmer; but in the meantime acquired a taste for reading, of history especially, and read and re-read the history of Greece and Rome, of England, and of her American colonies.
The more conservative members strongly opposed them as premature, whereupon Henry supported them in a speech familiar to the American school-boy for several generations following, closing with the words, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery ?
He graduated from Harvard in 1880 (in the class with Theodore Roosevelt), and the following year entered the banking house of Lee, Higginson & Co., in Boston.
At last Manole suggested that they should follow the ancient custom of building a living woman into the foundations; and that she who first appeared on the following morning should be the victim.
The remission or abatement lasts generally throughout the morning; and about noon there is an exacerbation, seldom ushered in by chills, which continues till the early morning following, when it remits or abates as before.
Following up this line of investigation, Major Ronald Ross in 1895 found that if a mosquito sucked blood containing the parasites they soon began to throw out flagellae, which broke away and became free; and in 1897 he discovered peculiar pigmented cells, which afterwards turned out to be the parasites of aestivo-autumnal malaria in an early stage of development, within the stomachwall of mosquitoes which had been fed on malarial blood.
The following is a tabulated list of the cases.
His elder brother was drowned in the Thames in the following year; and in 1814, on the death of his father, he took his seat in the House of Lords as Baron Auckland.
In the autumn of 1841 he was succeeded in office by Lord Ellenborough, and returned to England in the following year.
In the following July the Confederation created a "war directory" of five, of which Meagher was a member, and he and William Smith O'Brien travelled through Ireland for the purpose of starting a revolution.
He fought an indecisive battle with Sorley Boy MacDonnell near Coleraine in 1564, and the following year marched from Antrim through the mountains by Clogh to the neighbourhood of Ballycastle, where he routed the MacDonnells and took Sorley Boy prisoner.
In the following year he was allowed to attend parliament as earl of Tyrone, though Conn's title had been for life only, and had not been assumed by Brian.
The relation between the heat of combustion of a hydrocarbon and its heat of formation may be readily seen from the following example.
That the rule is not very accurate may be seen from the following example.
Conrad, following the family tradition, and invited by the emperor Isaac Angelus, had gone to serve at the court of Constantinople.
It concluded an alliance with Rome in 308 B.C. The modern village lies higher than the ancient town, and excavations on the site of the latter in 1775 and following years led to the discovery of the baths, a theatre, a basilica and other buildings.
Here, thirteen years later, Herwig and her brother Ortwin find her washing clothes by the sea; on the following day they attack the Norman castle with their army and carry out the long-delayed retribution.
The course leads naturally into either Palestine or Babylonia, and, following the Euphrates, northern Syria is eventually reached.
It is one of those epoch-making facts in the light of which the course of the history of the preceding and following years must be estimated.
When their forces met at Jericho, Hyrcanus, finding that the bulk of his following deserted to Aristobulus, fled with those who remained to the tower Antonia and seized Aristobulus's wife and children as hostages for his own safety.
Following on this came the Black Death with its terrible consequences in Germany; even in Poland, where the Jews had previously enjoyed considerable rights, extensive massacres took place.
The following approximate figures are taken from the American Jewish Year-Book for1909-1910and are based on similar estimates in the English Jewish Year-Book, the Jewish Encyclopedia, Nossig's Jiidische Statistik and the Reports of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.
In the following year he printed a collection of Scots Songs.
It is an age indeed in which the culture as a whole, though following a lower level, attains the greatest amount of uniformity.
Retimo fell the following year, and in 1648 they laid siege to the capital city of Candia.
On the 27th of April 1899 a new autonomous constitution was voted by a constituent assembly, and in the following June the local administration was handed over to Cretan officials by the international authorities.
Venezelo and his followers, having obtained an amnesty, laid down their arms. A commission appointed by the powers to report on the administrative and financial situation drew up a series of recommendations in January 1906, and a constituent assembly for the revision of the constitution met at Canea in the following June.
Briefly, it may be explained here that Easter day is the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox.
Thus Bede records that in a certain year (which must have been 645, 647, 648 or 651) Queen Eanfleda, who had received her instruction from a Kentish priest of the Roman obedience, was fasting and keeping Palm Sunday, while her husband, Oswy, king of Northumbria, following the rule of the British church, was celebrating the Easter festival.
Besides, he obtained a controlling interest in the Western Union Telegraph Company, and after 1881 in the elevated railways in New York City, and was intimately connected with many of the largest railway financial operations in the United States for the twenty years following 1868.
The sister of the new sovereign, Princess Alexandra, had a few months before (loth March) married the prince of Wales, afterwards King Edward VII., and his father succeeded to the crown of Denmark in the following November.
In the following year the Regulators attempted to elect new members to the assembly and petitioned the newly-elected house.
When the popular vote was taken, in the following April, every eastern county gave a majority against the convention, but the West, even with the limitation which was decidedly xix.
Dr Coke was ordained at Bristol, England, in September, and in the following December, in a conference of the churches in America at Baltimore, he ordained and consecrated Asbury, who refused to accept the position until Wesley's choice had been ratified by the conference.
The following are pages that are fundamentally wonderful articles, but need serious work.
The abolition of slavery in 1888 caused much discontent among the planters and in the following year Minas Geraes promptly adhered to the declaration of the republic in Rio de Janeiro.
He was captured with the Davis party on the 10th of May 1865, and was imprisoned in Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, until the following October.
This arrangement may be understood by reference to the following diagram, representing the relative position of the stamens in orchids generally and in Cypripedium.
Following Prjevalsky the Russian explorers, Pevtsov and Roborovski, in 1889-1890 (and again in 1894), added greatly to our knowledge of the topography of western Chinese Turkestan and the northern borders of Tibet; all these Russian expeditions being conducted on scientific principles and yielding results of the highest value.
In 1885 Arthur Douglas Carey and Andrew Dalgleish, following more or less the tracks of Prjevalsky, contributed much that was new to the map of Asia; and in 1886 Captain (afterwards Sir Francis) Younghusband completed a most adventurous journey across the heart of the continent by crossing the Murtagh, the great mountain barrier between China and Kashmir.
Mark Bell crossed the continent in 1887 and illustrated its ancient trade routes, following the steps of Archibald Colquhoun, who wandered from Peking to Talifu in 1881.
Shalmanezer destroyed the northern kingdom or Israel in 720, and following the practice of the times deported the majority of the population, whose traces became lost to history.
In 1833 he was again arrested, was brought to trial in the following year and was condemned to twelve years' imprisonment.
He was one of the British representatives at the congress of Chatillon in February 1814, and in the same capacity was present during the negotiations which led to the treaty of Paris in the following May.
The prostomium overhangs the mouth, and is often of considerable size and, as a rule, quite distinct from the segment following, being A„ f s / 6/ ' A B I.
It is perhaps safer to subdivide the Order into 6 Suborders (in the number of these following Benham, except in combining the Sabelliformia and Hermelliformia).
The sperm ducts are usually longer than the oviducts; but in Limicolae both series of tubes opening by the funnel into one segment and on to the exterior in the following segment.
The following families constitute the group, viz.
Earthworms are divided into the following families, viz.
His acquaintance with Mirabeau, begun in 1788, ripened during the following year into a friendship, which La 11/Iarck hoped to turn to the advantage of the court.
Wheelock appealed to the legislature in the following year, when it was strongly Republican, and that body responded by passing acts which virtually repealed the charter received from George III., created a state university, placed Wheelock at its head, and transferred to it the property of the college.
He was forgiven by his party in the following year, but not until the opposition, provoked by the retention of his position under Tyler, had ruined whatever This case grew out of the Canadian rebellion of 1837.
He was summoned to London, but died on his way at Leicester abbey on November 30, and was buried there on the following day.
Coloman was twice married, (1) in 1097 to Buzella, daughter of Roger, duke of Calabria, the chief supporter of the pope, and (2) in 1112 to the Russian princess, Euphemia, who played him false and was sent back in disgrace to her kinsfolk the following year.
In 1678 it was captured by the elector of Brandenburg, but was restored to the Swedes in the following year; in 1713 it was desolated by the Russians; in 1715 it came into the possession of Denmark; and in 1721 it was again restored to Sweden, under whose protection it remained till 1815, when, along with the whole of Swedish Pomerania, it came into the possession of Prussia.
Russian aggression began somewhat early in the r8th century, when Peter the Great, establishing his base at Astrakhan on the Volga, and using the Caspian for bringing up supplies and munitions of war, captured Derbent from the Persians in 1722, and Baku in the following year.
Moreover, the commerce des bles had been a favourite topic of the salons for some years past, and the witty Galiani, the opponent of the physiocrats, had a large following.
Emboldened perhaps by the windfall of 1813, Bentham in the following year took a lease of Ford Abbey, a fine mansion with a deer-park, in Dorsetshire; but in 1818 returned to the house in Queen's Square Place which he had occupied since the death of his father in 1792.
Ewell, so that when the Federal troops, under General Godfrey Weitzel (1835-1884) entered the city on the following morning (3rd April) a.
The subsequent history of agriculture is treated in the following pages primarily from the British standpoint.
According to early methods of cropping, which were destined to prevail for centuries, wheat, the chief article of food, was sown in one autumn, reaped the next August; the following spring, oats or barley were sown, and the year following the harvest was a period of fallow.
The generally wet character of the seasons in 1879 and the two or three years following was mainly responsible for the high prices of meat, so that the supplies of fresh beef and mutton from Australia which now began to arrive found a ready market, and the trade in imported fresh meat which was thus commenced has practically continued to expand ever since.
It is true that one season of the series, that of 1887, was hot and droughty, but the following summer was exceedingly wet.
The result was that in the following year the wheat crop of the United Kingdom was harvested upon the smallest area on record - less than 12 million acres.
Under this system the clover is ploughed up in the autumn, the nitrogen stored up in its roots being left in the soil for the nourishment of the cereal crop. The following summer the wheat crop is harvested, and an opportunity is afforded for extirpating weeds which in the three previous years have received little check.
It may, however, be noticed that the period 1850-1903 was marked by a steady increase of the cash wages of the farm labourer, as indicated in the following table from the Report on the Earnings of Agricultural Labourers issued by the Board of Trade in 1905.
In the following year he was introduced to political economy and studied Adam Smith and Ricardo with his father.
Another outlet was opened up for him (April 1824) by the starting of the Westminster Review, and still another in the following year in the Parliamentary History and Review.
Antiochus next, following in the steps of Alexander, crossed into the Kabul valley, received the homage of the Indian king Sophagasenus and returned west by way of Seistan and Kerman (206/5).(206/5).
Cornelius Scipio at Magnesia ad Sipylum (190), following on the defeat of Hannibal at sea off Side, gave Asia Minor into their hands.
Some idea of the importance of this subject may be gained from the following figures.
Stoke, however, was dissolved in the following reign, and Parker received a pension equivalent to £400 a year in modern currency.
Edward came to the north in the following spring.
In 1315 Edward Bruce crossed to Ireland on the invitation of the natives, and in the following year the Welsh became his allies.
The elongated cylindrical cones grow chiefly at the ends of the upper branches; they are purplish at first, but become afterwards green, and eventually light brown; their scales are slightly toothed at the extremity; they ripen in the autumn, but seldom discharge their seeds until the following spring.
In Switzerland and parts of Germany, where it is collected in some quantity for commerce, a long strip of bark is cut out of the tree near the root; the resin that slowly accumulates during the summer is scraped out in the latter part of the season, and the slit enlarged slightly the following spring to ensure a continuance of the supply.
The three following families have neither radula nor jaws, and are therefore called Aglossa.
Although the theology of Origen exerted a considerable influence as a whole in the two following centuries, it certainly lost nothing by the circumstance that several important propositions were capable of being torn from their original setting and placed in new connexions.
Nevertheless the proceedings of St Cloud on the day following bade fair to upset the best-laid schemes of Bonaparte and his coadjutors.
He often prided himself on his absolute consistency, and we have Chaptal's warrant for the statement that, after the time of the Consulate, his habit of following his own opinions and rejecting all advice, even when he had asked for it, became more and more pronounced.
Following the advice of her father, she repaired to Vienna along with the little king of Rome.
In the following list only the most helpful and accessible works can be enumerated.
The following is a list of the kings, as far as it is possible to establish their succession.
During this and the following year he was employed in saving Sweden from the attacks of Peter the Great, and in arranging the pacification of the north.
Desmoulins may be said to have begun on the following day that public literary career which lasted till his death.
Modelling in terra-cotta, sculpture in stone and ivory, engraving on, gems, were following it closely by the beginning of the 2nd millennium.
In the following year they were again at Wareham, which they made their headquarters.
He made considerable progress in the following two years, but he was greatly criticized for the size of his estimates, and especially for the large forces retained in Mesopotamia and Palestine.
None of the MSS., however, is older than the 16th century.9 The following sketch represents, as far as can be gathered from these heterogeneous sources, the principal features of the Mandaean system.
The superintendent of the local Sunday school sent him to an academy at Washington, Wilkes county, for one year and in the following year (1828) he was sent by the Georgia Educational Society to Franklin College (university of Georgia), where he graduated in 1832.
He was annually re-elected until 1841; in 1842 he was elected to the state Senate, and in the following year, on the Whig ticket, to the National House of Representatives.
In the following May, after the fall of the Confederacy, he was arrested at his home and taken to Fort Warren, in Boston harbour, where he was confined until the 12th of October.
Manuel subsequently set out in person to seek help from the West, and for this purpose visited Italy, France, Germany and England, but without material success; the victory of Timur in 1402, and the death of Bayezid in the following year were the first events to give him a genuine respite from Ottoman oppression.
The platy minerals have also a perfect cleavage parallel to their flat surfaces, while the fibrous species often have two or more cleavages following their long axes; hence a schistose rock may split not only by separation of the mineral plates from one another but also by cleavage of the parallel minerals through their substance.
Adams's upright and patriotic conduct in taking the unpopular side in this case met with its just reward in the following year, in the shape of his election to the Massachusetts House of Representatives by a vote of 418 to 118.
Many students of the group, following Brauer, have regarded the Apterygota as representing the original wingless progenitors of the Pterygota, and the many primitive characters shown by the former group lend support to this view.
On the 26th of June Charles held a council of war, at which it was resolved to attack the Russians in their entrenchments on the following day.
In the following year appeared the Onomasticon Zooicon of Walter Charleton, which contains some information on ornithology.
But this view is gained by following the methods which Cuvier taught.
Forster published a Catalogue of the Animals of North America in London in 1771, and the following year described in the Philosophical Transactions a few birds from Hudson Bay.
Simultaneously William Lewin began his seven quarto volumes on the Birds of Great Britain, a reissue in eight volumes following between 1795 and 1801.
There were two issues - virtually two editions - of this with the same date on the title-page, though one of them is said not to have been published till the following year.
The following year, 1808, being aided by Temminck of Amsterdam, of whose son we shall presently hear more, Le Vaillant brought out the sixth volume of 1 This is especially observable in the figures of the birds of prey.
In 1832 Kittlitz began to publish some Kup- fertafeln zur Naturgeschichte der Vogel, in which many new species are figured; but the work came to an end with its thirty-sixth plate in the following year.
The following year Ranzani of Bologna, in his Elementi di zoologia - a very respectable compilation - came to treat of birds, and then followed to some extent the plan of De Blainville and Merrem (concerning which much more has to be said by and by), placing the Struthious birds in an Order by themselves.
In the following year Vigors returned to the subject in some papers published in the recently established Zoological Journal, and found an energetic condisciple and coadjutor in Swainson, who, for more than a dozen years - to the end, in fact, of his career as an ornithological writer was instant in season and out of season in pressing on all his readers the views he had, through Vigors, adopted from Macleay, though not without some modification of detail if not of principle.
Special mention should be made of the following works most of which have appeared since America.
This scheme was the work of Blasius Merrem, who, in a communication to the Academy of Sciences of Berlin on the t oth December 1812, which was published in its Abhandlungen for the following year (pp. 237-259), set forth a Tentamen systematis naturalis avium, no less modestly entitled than modestly executed.
A second and considerably enlarged edition of this very remarkable treatise was published as a separate work in the following year.