Folding Sentence Examples
He leaned against the counter, folding his arms across his chest.
I was folding clothes in the laundry room.
He rose from his chair and removed his jacket, carefully folding it and laying it over the back of the recliner.
In the geological history of France there have been two great periods of folding since Archean times.
The belt of folding does not precisely coincide with this central sea, but the correspondence is fairly close.
He sat, sunk deep in a folding armchair, and continually cleared his throat and pulled at the collar of his coat which, though it was unbuttoned, still seemed to pinch his neck.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
Folding her legs beneath her, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Cynthia took Edith's place on the sofa and began folding the ancient underwear.
He removed his jacket, folding it carefully and placing it over the back of the visitor's chair.
AdvertisementDean began to fill the suitcase and Hunter helped him by folding the suits.
He pulled out a chair and straddled it, folding his arms across the back of it.
She straightened, folding her arms across her chest and eyed him cautiously.
Jonathan was in his room, practicing the violin and she was folding towels on their bed when Alex returned.
He started the coffeemaker and faced her, folding his arms across his thick chest.
AdvertisementIn the eastern region this was the last folding which has affected the country, and the Mesozoic and Tertiary beds are almost undisturbed.
There were, therefore, two principal epochs of folding in the island, one at the close of the Palaeozoic era which affected the whole of the island, and one at the close of the Mesozoic which was felt only in the western region.
No great mountain chain was ever raised by a single effort, and folding went on to some extent in other periods besides those mentioned.
The mouth may be a simple, circular pore at the extremity of the manubrium, or by folding of the edges it may become square or shaped like a Maltese cross, with four corners and four lips.
The latter is, in comparison with mammals, represented by its middle portion only, the vermis; in a sagittal section it shows an extremely well developed arbor vitae, produced by the transverse, repeated folding of the whole organ.
AdvertisementThe males are very small, free-flying insects with the prothorax, mesothorax and elytra greatly reduced, the latter appearing as little, twisted strips, while the metathorax is relatively large, with its wings broad and capable of longitudinal folding.
This latest and also highest range was formed by tremendous thrusts from the Pacific side, crumpling and folding the ancient sedimentary rocks, which run from the Cambrian to the Cretaceous, and faulting them along overturned folds.
Then we had another tussle over folding her napkin.
The most striking feature in the geology of Russia is its remarkable freedom from disturbances, either in the form of mountain folding or of igneous intrusions.
Only in the Urals, the Caucasus, the Timan Mountains, the region of the Donets coalfield, and the Kielce Hills is there any sign of the great folding from which nearly the whole of the rest of Europe has suffered at one time or another.
AdvertisementIt is a region of quiescence or of faulting, but not of folding.
North of the folded belt, and including Emery the greater part of Siberia, Mongolia and northern China, lies another area which is, in general, free from any important folding of Mesozoic or Tertiary age.
In the extreme north, in the Verkhoyansk range and in the mountains of the Taimyr peninsula, there are indications of another zone of folding of Mesozoic or later date, but our information concerning these ranges is very scanty.
Overlooking all smaller details, we may consider Asia to consist of a northern mass and a southern mass, too rigid to crumple, but not too strong to fracture, and an intermediate belt of softer rock which was capable of folding.
The oesophagus is often furnished with glandular diverticula, the "glands of Morren," which are often of complex structure through the folding of their walls.
After 1600 B.C. the palaces in Crete had more than one story, fine stairways, bath-chambers, windows, folding and sliding doors, &c. In this later period, the distinction of blocks of apartments in some palaces has been held to indicate the seclusion of women in harems, at least among the ruling caste.
These changes are regarded as having been produced by the operation of heat, pressure and folding.
When the slow folding of the strata is accompanied by a gradual local descent, a modified or " arrested " anticlinal structure, known as a " terrace " is produced, the upheaving action at that part being sufficient only to arrest the descent which would otherwise occur.
Geologically, Syria belongs to two distinct regions of the earth's crust, the northern and smaller portion lying within the great belt of folding of southern Europe and central Asia, and the southern and larger portion belonging to the Indo-African area, which, though often faulted, is usually free from crumpling.
This is worn round the waist folded in a knot, the women allowing it to fall to the ankle, the men, when properly dressed in accordance with ancient custom, folding it over the hilt of their waist-weapon, and draping it around them so that it reaches nearly to the knee.
In the subdivision of the order into tribes use is made of differences in the form of the fruit and the manner of folding of the embryo.
The principal folding took place at the close of the Carboniferous period, and was contemporaneous with that of the old Hercynian chain of Belgium, &c. The Permian and later beds lie unconformably upon the denuded folds, and in the space between the Montagne Noire and the Cevennes proper the folded belt is buried beneath the horizontal Jurassic strata of the Causses.
Although the chain was completed in Palaeozoic times, a second folding took place along its south-east margin at the close of the Eocene period.
But by this time the ancient Palaeozoic chain had become a part of the unyielding massif, and the folding did not extend beyond its foot.
A, Early condition before the lens is deposited, showing the folding of the epidermic cell-layer into three.
Appendages of 2nd pair folding in a horizontal plane, completely chelate, the claw immovably united to the sixth segment.
Appendages of 2nd pair folding in a vertical plane, not chelate, the claw long and movable.
It has, indeed, been subject to oscillations, but the movements have been regional in character and have not been accompanied by the formation of any mountain chain or any belt of intense folding.
However that may be, they are known to be used in the folding of the wings; and their importance as weapons of defence is attested by the precision and effect with which they are wielded against assailants like ants.
Throughout the whole of Arabia, so far as is known, the sedimentary beds show no signs of any but the most gentle folding.
The principal faade of the temple is filled in one, two or three compartments with hinged doors, variously ornamented and folding outwards, sometimes in double folds.
Owing to the use of paper among the threads of the embroidery and sizing in the preparation of the stuff forming the ground, every operation of folding used to cause perceptible injury to a piece, so that after a few years it acquired a crumpled and dingy appearance.
The folding of this zone took place during the Miocene period.
They may be the pinched-up summits of sharp anticlinals, which in the process of folding have been forced through the softer rocks which lay upon them.
The outbursts began in the later part of the Eocene period, and continued into the Pliocene, outlasting the period of folding.
Asymmetry of the folds is a marked characteristic in the zones of closer folding, the anticlines having long gently inclined easterly limbs, and short, steep and even overturned limbs upon the west.
Folding of the rocks resulted from the operation of great compressive forces acting tangentially to the figure of the earth.
Parallelism of mountain ridges and intervening valleys is thus attributable to the folding of the rocks, but the origin of the interior structure of the mountains is to be kept distinct from the origin of the mountains as features of topography.
The higher part of the Cretaceous is absent, and it appears to have been during this period that the principal folding of the older beds took place.
If the bedding be traced, either in the slates or in the other rocks which accompany them, flexures will be frequently observed (the folding often being of an isoclinal type), while reversed faulting, or thrusting, is usually also conspicuous.
It is never exhibited except by rocks which have been sub jected to the tangential stresses set up in the earth's crust by folding.
Its highly nutritious leaves and stems are usually consumed by folding the sheep upon it where it grows, there is no green food upon which they fatten faster.
The first notable folding of the Sierras that has been definitely determined dates from this time, and many other mountains of the west were begun or rejuvenated.
After the folding the whole region was worn down nearly to sea-level, forming a low plain which bevelled across the geological structure of the entire state, including the Piedmont area to the south-east and the plateau area to the north-west.
Such a gap is that between the Alps and the Carpathians, but a glance at a geological map of the region will show that the folding was probably at one time continuous.
Beyond the depression also, excepting in the Jura Mountains, there is no sign of the folding which has raised the Alpine chain.
Some of the older beds indeed are crumpled, but the folding is altogether different in age and in direction from that of the Alps.
In the case of the Alps it seems natural enough that the crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the central plateau of France should be firmer than the more modern sedimentary deposits; but it is not so easy to understand why the Mesozoic rocks of southern Germany resisted the folding, while those of the Jura yielded.
Each of these zones is folded within itself, and the folding is more intense on the Bavarian side than on the Italian, the folds often leaning over towards the north.
Beyond this point all signs of folding gradually cease and the beds lie flat and undisturbed.
The folding, moreover, is less intense; but in the Dolomites of Tirol there are great outbursts of igneous rock, and faulting has occurred on an extensive scale.
Not only is the folding of the Klippen wholly independent of that of the zone in which they lie, but the rocks which form them are of foreign facies.
The most conspicuous folding, that of the Mesozoic and Tertiary belts, must have occurred in Tertiary times, and it was not completed till the Miocene period.
The folding of the Ural mountains began in the earlier part of this period and was continued, after its close, into the Permian; and there are traces of uplifts in central Asia and Armenia.
In the southern half of the trough the folding of the Coal Measures is intense; in the northern half it is much less violent.
Over the greater part of this region the Triassic beds are free from folding and are nearly horizontal, but faulting is by no means absent, especially along the margins of the Bohemian and Rhenish hills.
Folding, however, has brought some of the older beds to the surface in the hills which lie to the north and north-east of Sciacca.
In 1509 followed the "Assumption of the Virgin" with the Apostles gathered about her tomb, a rich altarpiece with figures of saints and portraits of the donor and his wife in the folding wings, executed for Jacob Heller, a merchant of Frankfort, in 1509.
The central region, although wedged in between two belts of folding, is not affected by the folds of either, excepting near its margins.
In general, however, the central area is one of faulting rather than of folding, and the sedimentary beds sometimes lie in troughs formed by faults.
The Sarmatian beds are also involved in the folds, indicating that the folding was not completed till Pliocene times.
Any such basins belonging to the time of the folding of the crystalline schists would have been filled up and effaced long ago.
The end of the Cretaceous period saw the beginning of a series of great earth movements ushered in by volcanic eruptions on a scale such as the earth has never since witnessed, which resulted in the upheaval of the Himalayas by a process of crushing and folding of the sedimentary rocks till marine fossils were forced to an altitude of 20,000 ft.
As the elevation continued, they were sometimes involved in the folding to which the mountains owe their origin.
Occasionally the Vindhyan beds themselves are strongly folded, as in the east of the Cuddapah basin; but this was the last folding of any violence which has occurred in the Peninsula.
Each seed is contained in a separate cavity by the folding inwards of thewalls of the legume at equal intervals; the legume, when ripe,separates transversely into single-seeded portions.
The Ouachita Mountains are characterized by close folding and faulting.
The Arkansas valley is marked by wide and open folding.
The folding of the Anti-Taurus affects the Eocene but not the Miocene, while in the Taurus the Miocene beds have been elevated, but without much folding, to great heights.
North of the Lycaonian plateau lies another zone of folding which may be divided into the East Pontian and West Pontian arcs.
The Pliocene is of marine origin, and rests unconformably upon all the older beds, including the Post-oligocene igneous rocks, thus proving that the final folding and the last volcanic outbursts were approximately of Miocene age.
The rotary presses in use at the present time are indeed wonderful specimens of mechanical ingenuity, all the various operations of damping (when necessary), feeding, printing (both sides), cutting, folding, pasting, wrapping (when required) and counting being purely automatic. These machines are of various kinds, and are specially made to order so as to cope with the particular class of work in view.
The older rocks are like those of Bengal, and the newer beds show no sign of either the Himalayan or the Burmese folding - on the top of the plateau they are nearly horizontal, but along the southern margin they are bent sharply downwards in a simple monoclinal fold.
It also affords material evidence of that wrinkling or folding action which accompanied the process of upheaval, when the Central Asian highlands were raised, which is more or less marked throughout the whole of the north-west Indian borderland.
Outside the arc of the mountain chain no sign of this crumpling is to be detected except in the Salt Range, and the Peninsula of India has been entirely free from folding of any importance since early Palaeozoic times, if not since the Archean period itself.
From the absence of any well-marked unconformity it is evident that in the northern part of the Himalayan belt, at least in the Spiti area, there can have been no post-Archaean folding of any magnitude until after the deposition of the Nummulitic beds, and that the folding was completed before the later Tertiaries of Hundes were laid down.
It was, therefore, during the Miocene period that the elevation of this part of the chain began, while the disturbance of the Siwalik-like sandstone indicates that the folding continued into the Pliocene period.
It is, in fact, a horst and not a zone of folding.
Fournier north are nearly horizontal but on the south are in part included the folds - the Eocene and Miocene being folded, while the later beds, though sometimes elevated, are not affected by the folding.
The final folding of the chain undoubtedly occurred at the close of the Miocene period.
That there were earlier periods of folding is almost equally certain, but there is considerable difference of opinion as to their dates.
In all these branches of the Andes the folds run approximately in the direction of the chains, but the Sierra de Santa Marta appears to belong to a totally distinct system of folding, the direction of the folds being from west to east, bending gradually towards the south-east.
In its smaller manifestation, this class of folding passes into "crumpling" or "puckering," where quite a large number of folds may be crowded into a single hand specimen.
The heterogeneous character of great masses of strata has always had a marked influence on the nature of the folding; some beds have yielded much more readily than others, certain beds will be found to be faulted, .while those above and below have folded without fracture.
The folding of the old rocks took place towards the close of the Palaeozoic era; but the faulting to which they owe their present position was probably Tertiary.
In the later part of the Eocene period began the folding which gave rise to the existing chain.
The folding and consequent elevation went on until the close of the Miocene period when a considerable subsidence took place and the Pliocene sea overspread the lower portions of the range.
Subsequent elevation, without folding, has raised these Pliocene deposits to a considerable height - in some cases over 3000 ft.
The north-west highlands of Donegal and the Ox Mountains, with their axes of folding running north-east and south-west, invite comparison with the great chain of Leinster, but also with the Grampians and the backbone of Scandinavia.
These occurrences of granite, with that of Leinster, in connexion with the folding of the Silurian strata, make it highly probable that many of the granites of the Dalradian areas, which have a similar trend and which have invaded the schists so intimately as to form with them a composite gneiss, date also from a post-Silurian epoch of earth-movement.
In the space which is thus enclosed, lies the Tertiary basin of the Hungarian plain; and outside the belt, on the northern side, is a region which, geologically, is composite, but has uniformly resisted the Carpathian folding.
Till recently the galagos have been included in the family Lemuridae; but this is restricted to the lemurs of Madagascar, and they are now classed with the lorises and pottos in the family Nycticebidae, of which they form the section Galaginae, characterized by the great elongation of the upper portion of the feet (tarsus) and the power of folding the large ears.
These survived even their defeat by the splendid human gods of Rome, and only " fled from the folding star of Bethlehem."
None of these earth movements affected the interior, for here the continental mesozoic deposits rest, undisturbed by folding, on the primary sedimentary and crystalline rocks.
The exact date of the maximum development of this folding is unknown, but it had done its work and some ro,000 ft.
In the north the chief movements gave rise to the system of latitudinal folding and faulting of the Moroccan and Algerian Atlas, the last stages being represented by the formation of the Algerian and Moroccan coast-outline and the sundering of Europe from Africa at the Straits of Gibraltar.
The earth movements which raised the Pyrenees appear to have begun in the Eocene period, but it was in Oligocene times that the principal folding took place.
Geology.Geologically the Spanish Peninsula consists of a great massif of ancient rock, bordered upon the north, east and south by zones of folding in which the Mesozoic and early Tertiary beds arc involved.
The rocks which form it are often strormgl3 folded, but the folding is of ancient date and strikes obliquely acrosm the massif and has had no influence in determining its outline.
Here the volcanic action, which preceded the general upheaval of recent strata and the folding of the edges of the interior highlands, is still in evidence in occasional boiling mud volcanoes on the coast-line.
The Miocene lacustrine deposits are contained in a number of silted-up lakebasins, which were successively formed and obliterated during the uprise of the Alps and the continuous folding and bending of the earth's crust which was so striking a feature of the period.
The town was choked with visitors, some already staking out their spots with folding chairs to view the later festivities—the last hurrah of the holiday.
She was seated on the bed, folding and stacking the clothes he'd packed for her.
Dean wasn't sure he appreciated the compliment but the pair made fast work of folding up his tent and moving the small enclosure to the new site.
The normally placid Folding Society was being rocked by cut throat competition.
The rotor system, which is fully folding, benefits from some of the most advanced helicopter aerodynamics in the world.
To start, you can keep your arms outstretched for balance; but as you progress, start folding your arms outstretched for balance; but as you progress, start folding your arms across your chest.
This late Type 56 has a permanently attached folding triangular bayonet which unfortunately is missing.
Small children can be provided with folding foam beds.
Easy to use folding bedrail is perfect for children making the transition from cot to bed.
This is often done with wheelchairs, and sometimes with prams and folding bicycles.
Another recently acquired customer is World Wheels, which specializes in selling Dahon folding bicycles.
It also develops its own ideas, such as a table football table and a folding bike for the new Volkswagen Beetle.
Membrane protein biophysics, including structure, function, and folding.
Made from a single piece of folding boxboard, these are pre-scored and only require careful folding to form a clamshell storage box.
We review caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents, folding campers, tents and accessories, visiting dealers in all parts of the country.
A folding camper will contain a kitchen unit inside the cabin.
Steel folding picnic chairs cost £ 7. Standard delivery is £ 5, and items normally arrive within two working days.
He wears a tight-fitting chiton (tunic) which accentuates his rounded chest, the material folding into only a few flat pleats.
Comes on high quality black leather strap with matching sandblast finished titanium double push button folding deployant clasp.
Location of the global minimum structure (lowest energy folding conformation ), however, is a difficult optimization problem.
Wide folding doors open into a spacious uPVC conservatory which overlooks the gardens, grounds and landscape view beyond.
Here, there is a twin bedroom and a landing which can accommodate the folding cot.
Separate fully tiled cubicle fitted with a Triton shower & a folding glass door.
T he train of course is as packed as our previous commute and the art of metro newspaper folding is an equally deft skill.
Bedstar Leading online bed shop offering a wide selection ov divan, bunk, pine and folding beds.
Avoid folding your CV -- use an A4 envelope.
The protein folding dynamics after mixing are measured by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence excited by a UV lamp.
Lightweight chrome frame, color co-ordinated soft foam handgrips, rear footbrake and quick-release folding action.
They could be used open, or with folding hood in bad weather.
Sadly small matters such as finding the folding stuff for food, children and a mortgage soon shatter the idyll.
It includes a very ingenious set of folding pliers.
We are also combining the mixing device with a UV Raman spectrometer as a novel probe of fast folding kinetics.
But most innovative of all is the unique locking mechanism which prevents tool blades from folding during use.
The folding of such models is a type of model-making origami.
However since our last holiday with the suitcases we have bought folding pedals, which we haven't tried in the case.
We also sell a range of off-the-shelf products including curtain pelmets, decorative folding screens and fretwork panels.
A lock knife is not classed as a folding penknife.
Both Rams head and Spiral wedging involve the folding of the clay on itself too build up an ever tightening spiral of clay platelets.
It is the only folding tool on the market that offers locking pliers.
Protein folding origami tucks away many of the codons to leave only a few active sites on the protein folding origami tucks away many of the codons to leave only a few active sites on the protein surface.
Simple short, strong folding legs for easy storage Attractive ash finish 12 month guarantee includes puck, pushers and a fitted UK plug.
Click here for more details on the Gerber folding pruning saw or just add to cart to buy online now.
Nothing new under the sun - this machine evidently predated the recent craze for folding micro scooters!
Skill at folding a white serviette had him batman to an officer; that and deftness with the bayonet.
Blue and gold folding shutters hang limply on either side of the little case.
The folding wrist support makes this slingshot easy to take along with you anywhere.
You just want to put a spoonful of raspberries in your mouth or enjoy the process of folding berries into cream.
Of folding their as Caribbean stud to reps per.
The ELX gains climate control, alloy wheels, twin electric sunroofs and folding door mirrors.
A folding table and chairs can be used for meals in the kitchen, or outdoors.
Rigid, mechanical or hydraulic folding units with a choice of 7mm or 8mm tines are available.
Folding trestles are manufactured from lightweight aluminum and are fitted with safety locking catches.
A new folding trike, the JM, is also apparently either close to being launched, or just about launched.
The doors were divided in the center into two folding leaves, reminding us of the rent vail - Christ crucified.
It furnishes rods wherewith to make fences; but its principal use is to make wattles for the folding of sheep in the fields.
Passengers ' folding wheelchairs will be carried free of charge in addition to their normal baggage allowance.
Supporting & Holding the Spar Two portable folding workbenches such as the Workmate as supplied by Black & Decker are ideal for this.
The second great folding took place in Tertiary times, and to it was due the final elevation of the J ura and the Western Alps and of the Pyrenees.
Folding into quadruplex structures then inhibits this from occurring.
A 21 color range set of sateen florist ribbon to set your iris folding alight - all the colors you see here !
The Folding Society Test Reports on Folding and Separable Cycles Most recent tests now listed first.
Of folding their as caribbean stud to reps per.
Comparison of the transition states for folding of two Ig-like proteins from different superfamilies.
Would also be useful to supplement flat terries where other baby carers may not be confident in folding.
This suggests an alternative model of protein folding based on the thermodynamics of phase transitions in hydrogen-bonded networks.
During the folding of the slate beds they were tipped over to an angle of forty five degrees.
The role of CCT in protein folding in eukaryotic cytosol is mainly concerned with the actin and tubulin protein families.
This compact umbrella folding buggy has been thoughtfully designed to fit through all standard doorways at just 73cm wide.
The most useful feature, by far, is the unique folding system that allows you to either open or close the stroller with one hand.
The object of this game is for each of the competitors to complete a list of tasks, such as filling baby bottles, changing diapers, and folding clothes, in the quickest amount of time and despite all of the distractions.
What evolved was a three-dimensional folding stroller that served the same purpose as a buggy or pram but folded up into the size of a closed umbrella.
The bleaching, washing and folding of cloth diapers made from linen or flannel and secured with diaper pins was just one motivating aspect, the other was that cloth diapers came in one size.
Baby swings are often more useful in living rooms or kitchens - the baby is kept occupied while you attend to other tasks, like paying bills or folding laundry.
Folding cloth diapers may seem like an incredibly complicated job; however, with a little practice, it's just as simple as putting on disposable diapers.
While the outer part of the diaper does not require folding, the inner portion, the liner, often requires folding.
The same liners can be used for children of several different ages (thereby reducing costs) simply by folding the liners in different ways.
Your own method for folding cloth diapers will also evolve as you gain more and more experience with using non-disposable diapers.
However, these diapers are more expensive than the types of cloth diapers that require folding, which means that more people choose the folding versions in order to reduce costs.
It's a good idea to have a few covers and liners already set up for occasions when you want to do a quick change or someone unfamiliar with diaper folding is taking care of your child.
If you need some more help with this diaper fold, visit Dy-Dee's Diaper Service folding guide, where each step is shown with an illustration of what the diaper should look like.
Pre-fold diapers are less expensive than all-in-one cloth diapers because they require a little bit of folding work in addition to laundering; however, pre-folds are by no means difficult to use.
You can make life really easy for yourself by folding the liners and putting them inside covers as soon as they come out of the laundry.
For shorter trips out, a sling extinguishes the need for bulky strollers that may feature difficult opening and folding methods.
Teach your child the names of colors by sorting and folding laundry together.
If your gift includes several clothing outfits, consider folding each item up like a rose, and placing them closely together in a basket to resemble a bouquet.
Target specializes in folding high chairs made of metal, rubber and plastic.
Typically it should be able to accommodate an A4 size sheet vertically, with no folding required.
However, while pop-up cards are typically designed by attaching cut and folded pieces of paper to a card, origamic architecture is created by cutting and folding the card itself.
If you're short on space, a folding picnic table might be your best option.
One option is to use folding chairs that can be tucked away when not in use.
Sometimes you can find folding papasan chairs that are suitable for camping in stores that aren't necessarily meant to carry outdoor furniture or camping supplies.
Deal Haven, with its Youth Folding Moon Papasan Chair, may have your solution if you have kids you're taking out into the wilderness.
Webbed aluminum folding lawn chairs used to be a staple on patios, balconies, and backyards all over North America.
If you want something that's easy to care for, inexpensive, and saves on space, you can't do any better than aluminum folding chairs.
Replacing the webbing on an aluminum folding chair is really quite easy.
The last thing you want is a folding chair that won't fold.
If you live in a damp environment you might want to consider putting your aluminum folding chairs in a shed or garage when they're not in use, or cover them with patio furniture covers.
Webbed aluminum folding lawn chairs can add a great vintage look to your outdoor space.
A folding aluminum lawn chair frame is a great way to add extra seating to your patio, make a seat at outdoor events where none are available (camping or fireworks displays, for example), and more.
You can get folding aluminum lawn chair frames with webbing or with solid backs and seats.
From the same company, you can get the Folding Frame Lawn Chair, which is perfect for kicking back and enjoying the sun.
If you're looking for extra seating or just a seat you can carry with you to all of the outdoor events that happen in the spring and summer, consider a folding aluminum lawn chair frame with webbing for the seat and the back.
Although there are a plethora of options for patio furniture ranging from inexpensive folding chairs to high end teak tables, many people are opting for sleek retro patio furniture, which is always in style.
They can be used and transported with very little trouble, folding to two inches in diameter.
Use a folding screen in a living room or bedroom to provide privacy while adding a lot of design punch.
Murals, folding screens, and even large plaques are also common for a traditional Chinese interior.
Folding chairs will work, or you can invest in some office style chairs with arms to go along with your table.
If your room dimensions allow room for a table, either in the center of the room or along one of the walls, be sure to add that with a couple of stools to make folding towels and other pieces of laundry easier on your feet and back.
Taller than a traditional kitchen countertop, this height is ideal for folding clothes without straining your back.
Folding racks are handy if you don't dry things every day.
Providing their customers with professional style brushes tucked neatly within a black folding case.
Puff pastry is usually made by creating a sheet of dough and carefully folding into it a block of butter.
Then the chef takes a few sheets of the pre-made puff pastry and cuts them into 3-inch squares and places a few tablespoons of the sweet potato mixture in one corner of the pastry, folding the pastry over to form a filled triangle.
These papers are especially fun to work with when you're using folding techniques.
Rather than folding and fighting with the paper, use these punches to create craft projects neatly and successfully.
Score the shapes in the middle before folding up slightly.
Be sure to pick up a free, folding map at the lift ticket booth.
Even better, why not make phone calls and catch up with friends while folding that laundry, or if applicable, ask your spouse to help you?
Simple folding tables are often the cheapest, but may not be heavy enough to withstand ocean breezes.
Cover any unsightly scenery behind an open-air pagoda with a backdrop decoration that is a folding screen with traditional flowers and birds painted on it.
Origami is a traditional Japanese and Chinese paper folding art.
Set up a collegiate tent, and have folding chairs set up in a circle.
Wine tasting classes, fitness and beauty lectures, napkin folding demonstrations, and assorted poolside games are liberally sprinkled throughout the day.
Classical guitar study requires more than a folding chair and a music stand.
Finish the cut by folding the panel away from you until it gives way and cut the back paper at the fold with the utility knife.
The basic styles of manual attic staircases include folding, telescoping and sliding.
Conventional folding ladders are divided into sections divided by hinges.
Additionally, folding and unfolding a metal awning isn't as easy as fabric awnings.
Anderson Window and Doors offers a wide array of patio doors, including architectural outswing folding patio doors.
The specialized program provides individuals with multisensory recreational therapy and familiar, everyday task activities, such as setting a table, family-style dining and folding laundry.
Bendable readers are not quite the same as folding reading glasses, which shrink down for easier storage and portability but do not bend all over.
The benefits to folding reading glasses are obvious.
Folding reading glasses come in a range of styles, sizes, colors, and prices.
Here's a guide to buying folding glasses for individuals of all tastes.
If you're concerned with the fashion sense of your folding reading glasses, you don't need to worry.
Debby Bark Optical provides this excellent website, also for the fashion conscious folding glasses buyer.
Indoor and outdoor folding glasses are available, as well as glasses in different colors and finishes.
For one of the largest selections of folding eyeglasses you're likely to find, visit the website.
However, the reading glasses span all ranges of styles, colors, and affordability to provide the best fit for every individual in need of a good pair of folding readers.
Visacuity offers many different styles of folding glasses, and all of them are reasonably priced.
For instance, you'll get Sunreaders, a type of folding eyeglasses that are made especially for outside.
Here you can compare the prices of many different retailers, from the large to the small, and choose a pair of folding readers that fit your budget.
Reading glasses also come in folding or flip-up styles.
Personally, I have a four color, heavy stock folding map cut out from a Wine Spectator from many years ago that I use.
They also have a smaller folding travel map as well, just not suitable for framing and hanging on the wall.
Both are folding models and fit conveniently into an RV.
The first type is a metal-framed folding rocker with a fabric seat.
There are various options of this type of chair available, but two popular models are the Quick Chair - Rocker and the Elite Folding Rocker.
The Elite Folding Rocker by Prime Products is framed with gray tubular steel.
The wooden folding rocking chair uses a sling seat design to provide comfort and relaxation.
Selections include portable tent kits, folding chairs designed to fit inside soft saddlebags, and other useful accessories.
Folding camping trailers allow you to easily and quickly pack up the family and head out into the wilderness, knowing that you'll have the essential luxuries from home included in your tent trailer.
The best kits include first aid supplies, roadside assistance equipment, a folding shovel for dealing with snow, a powerful light, and other items.
A portable grill has folding legs for flat storage.
Folding chairs are also helpful to have for sitting around a campfire.
Attach a TV, DVD player, etc. to brackets on the van walls, and include any other items such as camping chairs and folding tables where space is available.
Exstrophy of the bladder represents a failure of this folding process to complete itself, so the organs form with more or less of their front side missing and remain open to the outside.
Intussusception commonly follows an infection that causes increased lymph node size in the gut, which acts as the point of folding for the intussusception.
Intussusception is a condition in which the bowel telescopes into itself like a radio antenna folding up.
Foil highlights involves painting color onto hair, and folding it into a foil.
Money origami, also known as dollar bill origami, is the art of folding paper money into creative designs.
Yet, it was not until the 1950s that money origami became a popular form of paper folding art.
Whether you're making an origami envelope or a wolf, you'll see many of the same folding techniques used on a regular basis.
Trying to hold open a book or scroll through a website can make paper folding seem impossible.
Review the origami folding symbols before printing any instructions, so you are not confused when you begin your project later.
If you are unfamiliar with the folding symbols, use origami printables that include clearly written instructions along with the diagram.
Fundamental comprehension of origami folding instructions is important before beginning any origami project.
Origami Patterns diagrams folding a cannon in 23 steps.
Whether you are new to paper folding and can barely make an airplane or you have an entire room covered in origami doves and cranes, you can find helpful hints and tips at LoveToKnow Origami.
Origami can be as simple as folding an envelope or as complex as creating your own diagrams for a unique figure.
Dollar bill origami is the ancient art of paper folding, modified to use U.S. currency as a design element.
Dollar origami is a fun, easy way to learn the art of paper folding.
Even if it is created by a child or a casual adult enthusiast, it still incorporates classic folding techniques that have been used for centuries.
Origami is made by folding paper, typically in the shape of a square.
Origami shapes are not cut, punctured, or marked during the folding process.
To begin folding origami, try some basic folds and then use them to make some simple weapons, like an easy ninja star or pistol.
Origami is not limited to the folding of square sheets of specialty paper.
Origami dragon folding is one of the more challenging origami designs.
Some are based on the traditional crane design and others require more complicated folding skills.
Create a second crease down at an angle by folding the neck to the front and around the back.
Repeat by folding it to the back and then unfold.
Make a crease at the end of the area you just folded by folding it front and then to the back.
This origami dragon folding project is relatively simple compared to some of the origami projects available online.
Fish and water creatures are popular subjects for origami folding projects.
No matter where you look for origami animals instructions, you should try out this exciting form of paper folding.
For those who are skilled at folding origami flowers, these creations can make wonderfully thoughtful gifts.
Folding origami flowers can be a fun and relaxing way to spend an afternoon.
There are many different methods for folding origami flowers, but most projects will require a solid knowledge of the fundamentals of origami.
If you need to review these basic folds, please see the LTK Origami tutorial on origami folding instructions.
Folding origami flowers isn't much different from creating other types of origami figures.
Even though you may be tempted to teach kids origami facts right off the bat, skip the overly long lessons and go straight to the folding.
It can take time for anyone to master folding paper, let alone a four or eight year old.
The LoveToKnow Origami slideshow tutorial on Origami Hearts will guide you through this process step-by-step.One way to add interest to a simple origami heart is to vary the kind of paper you use for your folding.
Feel free to be creative as you're folding your paper hearts!
Three-dimensional origami is an offshoot of the original Asian paper folding technique whereby multiple sheets of smaller paper are used to create an elaborate object.
Instead, each individual sheet of paper is folded into a module (or unit), and then assembled into a three-dimensional structure by inserting flaps into pockets created by the folding process.
If you're interested in taking your paper folding skills to the next level, you may find yourself searching for money origami instructions.
If you need to review the basic folds, the LoveToKnow Origami slideshow on Origami Folding Instructions may be useful.
Some use a single bill, while others require folding and assembling multiple bills to create more elaborate figures.
Try folding the same design both ways to see what look you prefer.
Stickers or rubber stamps can also be used to add interest to the project, although you'll want to remember to decorate the paper before you start folding it.
Fold the paper in half again, folding the bottom edge up to match the top edge.
This dragon does have a large number of steps so accuracy in folding is critical to the finished design.
Papers with gradient colors can give your project a very realistic appearance when folding flowers.
Learning how to make origami flowers is usually a rite of passage for people who are studying the art of paper folding.
Before you begin folding an origami flower, you should gather all the necessary materials.
The paper used is the main supply, regardless of the type of paper folding you do.
Once you have moved beyond folding origami flowers that have only a few steps, you can move onto more complicated flower designs that include multiple steps and advanced folds.
Origami money flowers are also fairly simple and incorporate a different folding medium.Books aimed at beginners will have simple generic flower designs, too.
Intermediate and advanced origami folders usually understand the basics of folding origami flowers.
Modular designs, or 3D origami, is another way to expand your flower folding skills.
Once you are familiar with diagram symbols, folding terms and basic bases, you will be ready to attempt some simple origami dragons.
Try your hand at Joseph Wu's Eastern Dragon if you've mastered many of basic origami figures and have moved onto more challenging folding projects.
If you're looking for dragon folding origami instructions, start with the Internet.
Folding origami instructions will help guide you, but it's always helpful to have a diagram or video to assist as well.
Unless you're a master, you will need assistance in folding your models.
Includes links for subsequent dragon folding origami instructions.
Folding money into shapes can be a lot of fun.
Folding money into shapes has been done for centuries.
An origami club is beneficial because it not only brings people together, but can help you learn more origami facts or introduce you to branches of the paper folding art, like kirigami.
People who are new to paper folding may want to do an educational presentation on who invented origami, while intermediately skilled members might do a demonstration on origami folding instructions.
An origami club is a great way to share your love of paper folding.
Whether you join for the social aspects or start one to teach others how to make origami things, you are sure to find others who share your love of the art of folding.
Indeed, one of the key lessons learned from folding a crane is how to fold a bird base.
Simple origami is the perfect way to practice the fundamentals of origami folding.
After folding origami hearts, you may just love hearts origami so much that you have to make origami things in the shape of hearts all the time.
Folding a piece of paper into an origami heart is something that almost anyone can do with a little practice and patience.
For those who believe China was the originator however, the timeline follows that paper folding made its way to Japan by the 6th century.
Today, the world uses the term to describe geometric paper folding.
As said, paper folding developed in other parts of the world around the same time as origami's rise in Japan.
If this does not occur, repeat the previous folding step.
Because of its expense, paper folding was not necessary a fun hobby.
Over time, paper folding moved from Asia through Europe.
Between the eighth and the 12th century, paper folding was gaining popularity in Spain.
The first documentation of paper folding was in 1797.
The book, Folding of 1000 Cranes, provided instructions and pictures of paper folding techniques and creations.
The author dedicated two sections within the book to paper folding.
Repeat the last three steps by folding the two outside corners in to meet the centerline.
Fold in just the white edge of the dollar bill's right side so that you are folding it away from you.
While many people associate origami with folding paper cranes or flowers, origami weapons are actually a very popular choice for people who enjoy making origami things.
Folding your gun with gray paper or metallic paper can add an interesting element to an otherwise plain design.
In 2005, an 11 year-old student at Amber Terrace Intermediate School in the Texas Desoto Independent School District was suspended and sentenced to 30 days of alternative school for folding a sheet of paper into an origami gun.
These steps for bird folding are easy enough for beginners at origami.
You are folding the paper at the center of the unfolded center portion of the paper.
While children are naturally drawn to exciting figures, like a fantasy dragon, the actual dragon folding instructions may be difficult for them to execute.
These projects range in both interest and skill level, making it easy for you to find something any child will enjoy folding.
They also might enjoy folding origami flowers for cards they send to family and friends.
Teach kids a few basic folding instructions before starting a project.
Feel free to list your favorite top origami for kids to make in the comments below or share your tips for folding with kids.
Japanese origami is the ancient art of paper folding.
The word origami comes from the Japanese words "ori" which means folding and "kami" which means paper.
The first evidence of Japanese paper folding would not occur until the sixth century.
The paper folding techniques used would help to distinguish the true value of the documents.
The Samurai would use paper folding as a way to exchange gifts.
In 1948, Mrs. Maying Soong's book called, The Art of Chinese Paper Folding helped to make Japanese origami much more popular in mainstream art.
This book helped to show the difference between Chinese paper folding and Japanese origami.
It included European and Japanese paper folding traditions, not just Chinese methods.
As a Japanese man, many western cultures attributed the paper folding he created to be that of Japan.
The word origami is now commonly in use to refer to any type of paper folding.
Use these free Japanese origami instructions to help you to learn this ancient art of paper folding.
If the art of folding paper sounds intriguing, it's easy to get started by finding instructions for step by step origami projects you can do in the comfort of your home.
Origami is a form of sculpture in which three-dimensional shapes are created by the act of folding paper.
Scholars agree that paper folding likely originated in Japan but otherwise the history of origami is somewhat murky.
If you've already surpassed the beginner level, the instructional resources listed below can provide you with new project ideas and help you expand your folding skills.
Now that you've learned basic and intermediate paper folding, don't stop there.
Decorative towel folding is one of the most unique forms of art.
It is quite like origami in that you will be folding the towel in various shapes to create a look or image out of it.
For some, the first encounter with towel folding occurs when you visit a place like Disney World Resort.
You can use decorative folding in your home, too.
You are sure to impress guests with towel folding.
Decorative towel folding like this can be tricky, but like all origami, it takes something simple and makes it creative.
Origami ranges from as simple as creating a paper plane to much more extensive projects like origami dragon folding.
The only limitation on your creativity is to create the object by folding the paper.
This specific paper is just the right thickness for folding easily, but provides enough stability to the creations.
If you applied the same basic principles of folding paper to folding towels, you would arrive at what is towel origami.
Any type of folding of towels can be origami, if it is specifically with the goal of creating something unique from a basic towel.
In order to get started with towel origami, dive in and just start folding.
Learning origami towel folding can be a lot of fun.
Repeat this on the bottom edge as well, folding it up to meet the center intersecting point.
Repeat this process with the other side, tucking the corners in and folding with the preexisting creases.
To make these hearts use a dollar bill and a few folding tricks.
Do the same with the bottom half, folding it up to meet the center crease.
Towel origami is an art form that uses many of the same techniques as regular origami, only you are folding small towels instead of paper.
Many people think that towel origami is an offshoot of folding napkins or handkerchiefs into decorative designs.
Decorative towel folding is not difficult to learn, although the results often seem very elaborate.
Another popular theory of towel origami history is that bed and breakfasts began folding towels into designs during the late 1920s or early 1930s, when they could no longer afford to leave chocolates on a guest's pillow at night.
Regardless of who invented towel origami, it would probably have remained a relatively obscure craft if it weren't for the cruise line workers who popularized this interesting folding technique for the masses.
YouTube is also a popular resource for finding interesting video tutorials on various origami projects, including decorative towel folding.
Advanced models can take up to an hour to complete, and that's for someone with an expert level of folding skills.
It's true that one of the charms of paper folding is that really any paper will do - newspaper, loose-leaf notebook, stationery, a business card.
Kirigami is the art form of folding paper.
You may not know that Florence Temko's book, Kirigami, Creative Art of Papercutting, from 1962, was the responsible for making this art of paper folding and cutting so popular.
Also called "dollar bill origami," money origami is the art of folding a paper monetary note into a three-dimensional object.
Continue folding bills and attaching them with the ribbon until the lei is the desired length.
Experience with simpler origami figures is a prerequisite for taking on such an advanced folding task.
When completed, the ancient dragon will be a stunning and traditional example of origami, or the Asian art of paper folding.
Before using gift-wrap paper, test it by folding it tightly, unfolding it, and manipulating the folds to assure that it does not tear too easily.
By using money folding (orikane) techniques, you can fold paper bills into appealing and themed shapes and make a unique money tree for almost any celebration.
Books on money folding and instructions and tutorials on the Internet provide lots of possibilities.
If you're looking for a fun holiday paper folding project, Christmas origami might be a great choice.
In other cultures, paper folding has long held an important place in Christmas tradition.
For instance, the German eight-pointed star is a traditional holiday paper folding activity.
Similar to the technique used for folding gum or candy wrappers, this project is easy for paper folders of all skill levels.
Regardless of which Christmas origami project you choose, you'll have fun folding paper for the holidays.
Themes can also be created around the folding medium, using sticky notes, wrapping paper or newspaper to create figures.
Instead of making simple figures, consider folding 3D origami ornaments or devising complex geometric designs.
Origami ornaments offer a way to dress up a home while highlighting your folding skills.
If you've seen elaborate origami structures and complicated folding patterns, you may be intimidated by the art of paper folding.
Simple origami patterns make the art of paper folding far less intimidating.
When doing paper folding projects with kids, it's a good idea to look for simple origami patterns.
Origami has been a popular hobby for centuries, and paper folding has been practiced in the United States for many years as well.
If you love the art of folding and cutting paper, you'll be excited to learn that the Internet is an excellent resource for free Kirigami patterns.
If you've ever tried traditional origami, you probably know that the elaborate three-dimensional designs are created by folding paper over and over.
Kirigami is a great way to introduce children to the art of paper folding, since it can be easier for little fingers.
It came to the United States in the 1960s, and since then, it's taken the paper folding world by storm.
This type of paper folding is perfect for leaf designs, and once you master this one, you may want to create your own.
Once you learn how to do Kirigami, you'll find that you have hundreds of fun ways to use this paper folding technique.
In this paper folding craft, you are permitted to use scissors to help you create elaborate shapes and designs.
You can vary your folding and cutting to make snowflakes as unique as those that occur in nature.
Origami flowers can resemble the real-life version or be a simple generic flower that is made using folding techniques.
When it comes to folding the actual flowers, it is important to understand terminology and diagram symbols.
Folding Trees shows readers how to make the flower ball by breaking the directions into two parts; the first part shows how to make the flowers and the second shows how to put the ball together.
Whether you are folding a paper poinsettia or you want to make simple tissue paper origami flowers, having direction is imperative for folding the figure correctly.
Before attempting to make an origami rose, it is helpful to practice folding origami flowers of other variations so you are familiar with basic folding techniques.
With the many variations on the rose, you are sure to find one that suits your folding skills.
From her sickbed, she began the process of folding 1,000 cranes with the goal that she would wish for world peace.
If you're interested in learning the art of paper folding, origami instructions can help.
You'll find pieces that provide step-by-step origami instructions for folding basic shapes and more complicated designs.
Videos may be the clearest way to present some folding techniques.
While flowers and paper folding both play important roles in Japanese culture, it was a modern mathematician who officially created the origami rose.
Send a romantic love note by writing your message on a piece of origami paper and then folding it into a rose.
If you're folding some holiday origami decorations, try making beautiful roses in Christmas colors.
Thick lines indicate edges that occur from folding the paper.
Thin gray lines mark creases that you have made from folding and unfolding the paper.
If you would prefer to see photos demonstrating some of the basic folds used in origami projects, please review the LoveToKnow Origami slideshow Origami Folding Instructions.
The Origami Instructions article also has links to a variety of instructional resources for novice paper folding enthusiasts.
Distribute a frog design for each person and guide the group through the folding process, or use a video lesson to take each person through the process of making a jumping frog.
Try to relax and enjoy the paper folding process.
If you're interested in folding animals out of origami, you'll love making an origami tiger.
Not only does it keep your children occupied with the actual folding techniques, they can later use their "gun" to annihilate intergalactic evil forces.
Origami is a Japanese word that loosely translates as "folding paper" which describes a technique for folding paper into three-dimensional shapes.
Create the gun handle by folding the right side on top of the left side to create one piece.
Now that you know how to make origami guns, expand your folding education into other shapes.
When you are considering learning how to make origami birds, it is important to have some basic paper folding skills.
Some bird figures are wet-folded, which is a more advanced technique requiring additional practice and folding time.
Practice doing reverse and inside reverse folds, because this is a commonly used technique for folding many bird heads and beaks.
Origami is technique for paper folding to construct shapes or objects.
The word origami is a combination of two Japanese words, "ori" which means paper, and "kami" which means folding.
Paper folding has long been part of Japanese culture and dates back to at least the first century A.D.
Continue folding a second time on each end of the points until the first piece of paper has two slightly offset triangles pointing in opposite directions.
Combining a love of Star Wars with a passion for paper folding isn't easy, but there are instructions for several Star Wars-themed projects online.
Whether you're a paper folding novice or an expert in the art of origami, it can be fun to learn how to make an easy origami dragon.
If you need a fun table decoration or a simple project to get you started in the art of paper folding, you can learn how to make an origami star.
These easy star instructions will have you folding a whole galaxy in no time.
Although this star design doesn't use traditional square origami paper, it does teach some of the fundamentals of paper folding.
Just like any other specialized technique, folding paper takes practice and perseverance.
Make a monetary gift seem more impressive by folding a money origami heart.
The origami money shirt is an extremely popular money origami folding project.
The shirt offers folders a basic project that helps them familiarize themselves with folding techniques and using rectangular money instead of square origami paper.
The websites of Lisa Shea and all have instructions on folding a money shirt.
Katz's website offers up the information on pant folding, too.
Remember to keep an eye on the amount of the bill you are folding, in order to keep from inadvertently tipping a waiter a 20 and giving your niece just a dollar for her birthday.
Amazon offers the Cash Shirt Set of 3 for people who are looking to create the look of a money shirt without all of the folding.
Try new dollar bill origami folding projects that are related to shirts and clothing, but offer a new design to challenge your skills.
Folding towel animals is a fun project for kids and adults.
Origami enthusiasts may want to share their love of folding with others, but may find some people think the task is tedious.
Plenty of people, even those who don't practice traditional origami paper folding, are interested in folding animals using towels for a variety of reasons.
The first couple of animals that come to mind when you think about folding towel animals are probably the elephant and the monkey.
Additional resources for folding towel animals include online video tutorials, photo tutorials and books about towel folding itself.
While folding origami animals using towels is fairly simple, there are still a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when folding.
Match your towel color or pattern to the animal you are folding.
If you're looking for a way to impress and amuse overnight guests, you'll love learning about the art of towel folding.
To get started, you'll need a white bath towel and a smooth folding surface.
Keeping your left index finger in place, keep folding the towel over the fold you just made.
If you'd like to learn more about folding towels into animals and other fun shapes, check out the following books.
If you're looking for a change of pace from traditional origami, consider completing a few tea bag folding projects.
Tea bag folding, sometimes called kaleidoscope folding or miniature kaleidoscopic origami, originated in Europe.
Tea bag folding is a paper craft that involves connecting several identically folded sheets of paper together in order to make one larger design.
Tea bag folding is most similar to the type of modular origami that is used to make wreaths, stars, or rings.
Unlike origami, tea bag folding requires the use of glue.
While origami can be used to make everything from tiny paper cranes to boxes for party favors, tea bag folding almost always involves creating a symmetrical medallion.
In an academic setting, tea bag folding is sometimes used as a part of a lesson on symmetry.
Before you begin searching for tea bag folding projects, it may be helpful to review some of the most common folds that are used in this craft.
You can learn how to make these tea bag folds by visiting the tea bag folding page on the Origami Resource Center website.