Folders Sentence Examples
Expert paper folders often enjoy a challenge.
A stack of file folders was neatly arranged on one side, while a half-dozen pens, all facing in the same direction, were perfectly centered on the desk blotter.
The search engine automatically categorizes search results into meaningful hierarchical folders.
All these are stored in special folders in the file depository.
You can also move and rename a folder in a single action, synchronize two folders, join two files together and so on.
Often these folders contain more information than in the proof sets.
Threeand four-reel machines have also been constructed on the same principle, but the more usual arrangement of the four-reel press is to place two reels at either end, with the folders and delivery boards in the centre.
They then descend into the two different folders, where they are folded and cut - the copies being discharged on to the delivery boards situated at the two sides of the left-hand portion of the machine, and each quire is counted or told off by being jogged forward.
ComStation can enhance security by password protecting " ftp " folders on the web server.
Special services include thermography, presentation folders, corporate printing and online design.
AdvertisementClick on this to empty the trash To manage folders click on Folders in the top menu.
On the left hand side is the list of mail folders in your account, along with a summary of your disk usage.
Lever arch folders are slightly harder wearing but not much use unless your evidence is quite weighty.
Tires for folders and other small wheelers Here at last is the long delayed report on tires for small wheeled cycles.
When medical records leave the paper folders of the doctor's office and become highly standardized, more analysis can be done.
AdvertisementRetrospect 's patented technology provides relaible, accurate restores by compiling a list of files and folders protected during each backup.
If you are unable to unzip folders you can download freeware to enable you to do so.
Files and folders can be automatically zipped and uploaded, or unzipped after download.
Most portfolios these days have clear plastic folders that are filed together in a ring binder.
Specialized portfolios can come with non-glare and non-reflective folders so that the artwork can be viewed properly.
AdvertisementInvest in a file cabinet or folders labeled for housing, transportation, taxes and health care expenses.
Students might use them for books, folders, pens, et cetera.
Start by purchasing a filing cabinet (if you don't already own one) and hanging file folders.
Label the folders accordingly, for example, tax-deductible expenses, contracts and bills to be paid.
Build folders on the site to organize your messages and add notes to help you remember important communications.
AdvertisementThese electronic records are available if you don't have access to the files and folders in your home.
There are hundreds of containers, shelves, folders, dividers, gadgets and gizmos designed to help you get things in order, but it doesn't matter which one you use.
Scrapbookers love finding multiple uses for their supplies, and Cuttlebug embossing folders expand the projects possible with Provo Craft's popular tool.
Cuttlebug embossing folders are used to press a three dimensional image into cardstock, craft foam, mesh, chipboard, and other scrapbook media.
The folders come in several different styles.
The basic folders are 5-inch by 7-inch, and have an overall pattern.
These folders are perfect for embossing photos mats and cards.
Some of the designs are available individually, but others come in sets of four or six themed folders, like the four piece "Plum Blossom" set with an Asian theme or the six piece "Winter Wonderland" set with winter and Christmas designs.
Although the folders are designed for Provo Craft's machine, Cuttlebug embossing folders can also be used in other machines.
Other scrappers have discovered that it's possible to use the Cuttlebug embossing folders even without a die-cut machine.
Deleting iPhone apps that are inside of your organized folders works in exactly the same way.
One of the features built into newer versions of iOS is the ability to create folders.
Enter the "wiggle" mode as described above, and then drag app icons on top of each other to create folders so they will be better organized.
Get instructions to printable online origami animals for intermediate to advanced folders at Origami-Fun's Origami Animals.
Origami boxes are a fun project for paper folders of all skill levels.
For paper folders in search of a challenge, there are a number of online resources with instructions for how to create stylish boxes that are sure to impress your family and friends.
Intermediate and advanced origami folders usually understand the basics of folding origami flowers.
More advanced origami folders can create their own dragon diagrams or use complicated diagrams designed by famous origami experts.
Some of these diagrams are simple enough for children, while others are only for advanced origami folders.
His Compact Dragon is perfect for more intermediate to advanced paper folders.
Most dragon models are intended for intermediate to expert folders.
It also would not hurt to let the contact person know your origami skill level, as some clubs may be for more advanced paper folders, while others are dedicated to doing more simple origami figures.
Your club might be for people who are novice folders, or perhaps more for people who are into making 3D origami and other complicated diagrams.
Expert paper folders could lead the group in making a traditional figure, providing help and advice when needed.
Great models for beginner folders to practice with are simple origami birds.
To create the bloom of a rose, origami folders use the "twist fold," a breakthrough fold invented by Shuzo Fujimoto in 1981.
Starting out with beginner models, the compilation takes paper folders from 2D to 3D, from rose bud to full bloom.
Thus, for most origami folders, it takes more than a few tries before the rose is done right.
Below are some relatively simple dragons more suitable for paper folders at the beginner or intermediate level.
Orikane, or money origami, allows folders to create many designs with dollar bills to put in the tree once they have learned how to make a money tree.
Similar to the technique used for folding gum or candy wrappers, this project is easy for paper folders of all skill levels.
Mastering a rose is a source of pride for many folders.
They come in an array of levels that are suitable for most intermediate to advanced folders.
Look for one that has a familiar base and terminology if you are a beginning folder; expert folders can try their hand at any of the complicated rose figures.
Origami videos vary in quality, since many are made by amateur paper folders.
The dragon and the Pegasus are popular choices with expert folders, and you can't go wrong with either.
However, plenty of other options for making birds are available to folders who want to create a flock of their own.
When it comes to making origami birds, many folders find they have the choice between making flapping birds and regular bird figures that simply represent the look of a bird.
When learning how to make Star Wars origami, keep in mind that most models are intended for adult paper folders with significant origami experience.
These projects can be great for beginners or for advanced folders who simply want to practice some of the more basic skills.
There are projects available for paper folders of all skill levels, including several origami hearts that are easy enough for a child to fold with minimal assistance.
These flowers are a classic Japanese image, and they are fairly simple for beginning paper folders.
This site also offers hints for first-time folders and additional resources for finding other designs.
The shirt offers folders a basic project that helps them familiarize themselves with folding techniques and using rectangular money instead of square origami paper.
Novice origami folders who still want to give the gift of money but don't have the time to fold the money shirt themselves can still give this gift.
After mastering the art of how to make an origami money shirt, many folders want to include more clothing items in their Japanese origami fashion collection.
Kids and new folders alike with enjoy making the shirt as a tip, as part of a figure collection or simply as a way to pass the time.
The rosette is one of the first projects most novice paper folders complete.
The instructions are in a foreign language, which means folders need to be advanced enough to follow along with the photographs in order to create the triangle box project.
Origami folders know that dollar bills folded into roses are a great project with several practical uses.
With just three to five bills needed for most projects and some basic folding skills, most beginning to intermediate level folders can make beautiful roses with dollar bills.
This is perfect for folders who need to see techniques demonstrated instead of just reading through instructions.
This does complicate the instructions slightly; however, most folders should have no trouble figuring out the corresponding photos.
If your airplane flies well, you’ll want to be able to share your work with other paper folders.
Popular Mechanics has five airplane designs for intermediate to advanced paper folders.
From easy tissue paper flowers to the complicated Kawasaki rose, learning to fold flowers is a rite of passage for origami folders.
Plus, since the games are online, you do not need to clutter your computer's memory and desktop with files and folders that will only be used during the holiday season.
For most teachers, a planner, notebook with lesson plans, folder for storing student papers, extra folders as needed and a case for pens, pencils and other small pieces of equipment will be a good start.
The difference here is that you have very tight, separate compartments that will hold a laptop computer, file folders and a section to organize pens, calculator and other business necessities.
Things like pencils, pens, notebook paper, folders, and face tissues are all fairly standard items that can be used in all grade levels.
Where to store coins-You'll want to purchase some coin folders to store your kids' coins.
Choose coin folders that are designed for different coins.
By purchasing these folders, you can easily see what coins you still need to purchase.
Finally, safeguard your collection by keeping your coins preserved in coin folders or albums.
Simply using manila file folders and magic markers to create big flashcards with each letter can lead to all kinds of fun games.
Office Max, Office Depot, and Staples are all popular destinations for purchasing pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, and other basic back-to-school necessities.
Dealers love to see customers walk in carrying folders with web printouts indicating that they had done their homework and have more or less made a decision to buy.
Labels and Tabs for hanging file folders can be produced and printed as well.
If keeping your dictation organized is something that is important to you, you will be impressed with the fact that this product gives you 10 file folders for storage purposes.
CarDecor - Here, you'll find many girlie items including a unique six pocket driver organizer that holds your phone, PDA, iPod and letter size folders.
What they don't know is that there's a hidden camera trying to catch them in the act of looking at their competitor's private medical folders.
After the install is complete, you will see your file folders on the left side of the screen and the available images on the right side.
Check file folders, emails and receipt piles to locate your records.
However, space gets used up quicker when you add databases, e-mail folders, images, graphics and audio/video feeds to the mix.
Highlight all of the files and folders where your webpage is stored on your computer, and click the upload function to upload all of the files to your httpdocs directory on the web server.
Setting permissions on folders, creating MySQL databases, and other tasks familiar to SysAdmins are required.
The " Folders " section covers a number of bioethical topics, including embryo research, stem cells, cloning, and pre-implantation diagnosis.
Using folders Clicking on the organize folders button enables you to create a new folder, delete or rename folders.
A Your are viewing the cached copy of the Login page that is stored in your temporary internet folders on your local drive.
Refer to Section 3.4 of the Outlook User Guide to find out how to set up and use sub folders.
We hope there will be a major folder/separable presence at Cyclefest 2000 - the very provisional program already includes one event specifically for folders.
Another series of folders are border designs.
There are also several specialty folders for tags, labels, monograms, journaling boxes, and a series of small designs that come in sets of four.
If you already have a file cabinet, simply hang these folders in a designated drawer.
Look for colored folders if you want to arrange your scrapbook paper by color.
Still yet, some would like to see just folders and loose papers.
They'll keep clicking at the icons, wondering why the folders aren't opening up.
Initially, when you first format a Sony Memory Stick via the PSP, you get folders for photos, music, game, and savedata'.
This makes the memory card show up in the same way that a USB flash drive would, allowing you to drag and drop content into your custom folders.
Use Categories to put the apps into different folders, making it easier to find the app you want to use at any given moment.