Foil Sentence Examples
Foil dinners are easy to assemble and cook.
What would be the perfect foil for the Zero?
Using only scotch tape and a piece of foil, turn it into a Christmas tree.
Remove lamb, tent with foil, and allow it to rest while potatoes cook.
Place in a covered roasting ting tin, or wrap in foil.
Commercially pure tin is used for making such apparatus as evaporating basins, infusion pots, stills, &c. It is also employed for making two varieties of tin-foil - one for the silvering of mirrors (see Mirror), the other for wrapping up chocolate, toilet soap, tobacco, &c. The mirror foil must contain some copper to prevent it from being too readily amalgamated by the mercury.
This article will explain some of the reasons for changing your passwords and give you tips on how to choose the best passwords to foil identity thieves and protect yourself.
Naomi Watts is the perfect foil to the ten-ton grumpy gorilla, who savages his way through tropical Jurassic forestland and 1930's Manhattan alike.
Renan, Les rabbins francais, pp. 647 foil.; Perles, Salomo ben Abraham ben Adereth, pp. 15-54; Jewish Encyclopaedia, s.v.
The cathodes, which are sheets of thin lead foil weighing 12 lb to the sq.
AdvertisementOn the history of Neoplatonism with special reference to the decline of Roman polytheism, see, e.g., Samuel Dill, Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire (1898), pp. 82 foil.
Benjamin Franklin and Bevis devised independently the form of condenser known as a Franklin or Leyden pane, which consists of a sheet of glass, partly coated on both sides with tin foil or silver leaf, a margin of glass all round being left to insulate the two tin foils from each other.
The jar has a certain capacity C which is best expressed in microfarads or electrostatic units (see Electrostatics), and is determined by the surface of the tin foil and thickness and quality of the glass.
Bruce 's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone 's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip.
A sledgehammer was applied with no dent; hardly paper backed foil radar reflector easily torn by a 4 year old.
AdvertisementRemove the tenderloins from the grill and cover loosely with foil.
It 's not any thicker than tin foil in a pack of cigarettes.
Remove the chicken and place on a plate, cover loosely with foil.
Slowly the foil turns into a real, solid aluminum can which he sets down on a table with a loud thud.
Line a large wok or pan with 2 to 3 layers of strong foil with a 8 cm overhang.
AdvertisementToutain, Les Cites romaines de la Tunisie (1895); Atlas archeologique de la Tunisie, published by the Ministry of Public Instruction (1895 foll.); Atlas archeologique de l'Algerie, published by Stephane Gsell (1900 foil.); Toulotte, Geographic de l'Afrique chretienne (1892-1894); Corpus inscriptionum latinarum, vol.
Keep them warm in a low oven or over a pan of simmering water, with a tent of foil over them.
You can remove the foil later once your kittens good litter habits become ingrained.
Try placing tin foil, double sided tape, or upside down carpet runners (spike-side up) in the soiled area to further discourage Kitty from pottying there.
Products with food or oil stains, waxy coatings, stickers, foil accents, or lamination are generally unable to be recycled.
AdvertisementInstead of using foil or plastic wrap to store leftovers, use reusable containers.
Also known as wall sconces, these wall lamps are made using the same Copper Foil Method used to make Tiffany table lamps.
Each piece is wrapped in copper foil and soldered together.
This technique is known as the Copper Foil Method, which is how original Tiffany lamps were made.
Tape aluminum foil over the side of your object you just cut the whole in.
Be sure to cover the whole area with aluminum foil that is firmly taped down.
The aluminum foil and tape over the open hole should be as taut as possible.
Some would even recommend covering the whole object in foil, but this is up to you.
Available options include faux chrome, glowing edges, posterization, neon glow, colored foil, faux enamel, halftone, colored edges, hot wax coating, magnifying lens, and solarize.
Cooking a Thanksgiving turkey doesn't have to be a big trauma...all you need is patience and a little foil.
One thing that most first-time turkey cooks forget is to foil the bird.
To keep the white meat from becoming overcooked while the dark meat finishes cooking, you need to take a piece of foil and place it over the turkey breast.
If the idea of molding a piece of foil to a scorching hot turkey breast seems like it would be a difficult proposition, I assure you it is.
This is why you want to mold the foil to the turkey breast before you place it in the oven and keep it to the side until the breast is done cooking.
Place the foil on the breast of the turkey, molding it tightly to the turkey.
Remove the foil form the turkey, but keep it handy.
Place the molded foil onto the breast of the turkey and roast for another 45 minutes.
Foil Wrapped - Cooking a turkey wrapped in aluminum foil produces very moist meat because the turkey steams in its own juices.
Tear off a piece of heavy duty aluminum foil three times the length of the turkey.
The ends of the foil should overlap, and the sides should come up around the bird.
When using a thermometer, insert it through the foil.
Spread the sugar out on a small piece of foil and place the foil in your oven without turning it.
Cover glass baking dish with aluminum foil and bake for 90 minutes, until the garlic and shallots are soft.
Allow the lamb to rest outside of the oven, lightly covered with foil, for 30 minutes before carving and serving.
Heavy duty aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and airtight containers appropriate for food storage are good choices to keep food fresh and safe to eat.
For this recipe, you'll need a roll of parchment and a stapler, though if you don't have parchment, aluminum foil will work just fine.
Remove the veal to a plate, cover loosely with foil.
If you are wary of plastic, you can bundle food in aluminum foil packets or in folded parchment paper for similar effect.
Remove the foil and bake until golden brown.
Wrap the foil around the salmon into a packet and seal it.
Place the medallions on a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.
Another new addition to the TPC scrapbook collection is the "Undersea Adventures," which features fun holographic foil embellished paper, stickers, rub-ons and stamps.
Loosely cover the dish with aluminum foil or a cover and bake for thirty minutes at 350.
Grilling veggies in aluminum foil preserves their natural juices more successfully than many other methods, and it's the least messy of the grill strategies.
Tear off large pieces of aluminum foil for each vegetable group.
Marinate the vegetables or mix them with olive oil, and brush the foil pieces with olive oil.
Finally, wrap each piece of foil tightly in a neat package, and place it on the grill.
Vegetables in foil may not have the same smoky aroma or taste as those cooked right on the grill, but they're just as tender and flavorful.
For vegans or vegetarians using a grill that's also cooking meat, to avoid cross-contamination use the foil method of grilling vegetables.
Some people like to clean the corn completely and wrap it tightly in aluminum foil to prevent the corn kernels from burning.
Cover the lasagna with foil, and bake for 30 minutes.
Take the foil cover off, and continue baking the lasagna for 20 more minutes or until crisp at the edges and bubbly on top.
If the coffee is packed in tins instead of foil packaging, it will be more expensive.
Each coffee wedding favor comes in a foil package with enough coffee to brew 8 to 10 cups.
Brightly colored garlands made of foil or silk leaves.
As favors, truffles can also be individually wrapped in foil and placed into tulle or organza bags.
After being separated into teams, participants are given either tin foil or rolls of toilet paper.
If you choose to use foil, cover those with a white or ivory tinted frosting so that the silver from the foil is completely covered.
Print the label off and attach it to the foil surrounding the bar.
Create a homemade version by using cake-wrapping foil to cover a piece of cardboard cut to the correct size.
Line the bottom of a deep bowl with a sheet of aluminum foil.
If you wish to use agitation to speed up the process time, then place the water in a canning jar with several strips of aluminum foil.
Like the previous solution, you want to line the bottom of the pot with aluminum foil.
To pull it off wrap everything in a coworker's office in foil, including office supplies, the desk, the chair and the computer.
If you have extra left over, you can even cover the floor and the walls with foil.
The brown arms of this sunglass are the perfect foil for the Fire Iridium lens.
Note about the scoring & tasting Our tasting's are always conducted completely blind where the bottles are typically wrapped in foil to conceal the labels, then poured.
Our tasting's are always conducted completely blind where the bottles are typically wrapped in foil to conceal the labels, then poured.
Foil cutters cut the foil around the cork, allowing you clean access to the cork.
Most wine shops offer some type of foil cutters.
Remove all of the foil from around the neck of the bottle so that you can see the wine as it passes through the neck.
This dinner in foil can be cooked to perfection on top of the grate.
Seal the edges of the foil, wrapping the ingredients tightly inside.
Place the foil packets on top of a low grate (nearer to the coals) and cook until done, about 1 hour.
You'll probably find that a roll of aluminum foil will come in handy, as will a cleaning brush and liquid dish soap.
Choose vegetables that you can use to create salads, use as toppings for burgers and other main courses, and that you can wrap in foil and cook on the grill.
Foil dinners, also known as hobo stew, are one of the easiest campfire cooking meals.
Take two pieces of heavy-duty foil and layer them one on top of the other.
Fold and wrap the foil securely around the stew.
Take one foil dinner out of the fire and check that the meat is done before eating.
Eat your foil dinner directly from the foil.
Cut a banana lengthwise and lay it on a piece of foil.
Foil dinners are one of the simplest campfire cooking meals you can make.
Cover it with foil and put in the coals for about 20 to 40 minutes.
Foil dinners are another option if you don't want to bring a lot of cooking supplies with you.
Stack two pieces of heavy-duty foil and layer them on top of each other.
Place chopped potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions and a teaspoon butter on the foil.
Wrap the following ingredients in a double layer of foil and put in the fire pit for 30 minutes.
Condoms usually come rolled in a ring shape and are individually sealed in an aluminum foil, cardboard, or plastic pack.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and put all the ingredients into a roasting pan and cover the pan tightly with foil.
Put into an oven proof dish and cover with foil.
If you are making more than one sheet of cookies just slide the foil, cookies and all, onto a wire rack to cool and place a fresh sheet of foil on the cookie sheet.
If you don't have a lid, a nice chunk of foil will work just as well.
You do not need to prick the skin or wrap them in foil, but I do suggest that you place them on a cookie sheet with a rack in it to catch the very sticky liquid that will seep from the sweet potatoes as they bake.
Cover them with a sheet of foil and let them rest for 15 minutes.
Tent the lamb with a piece of foil and let it rest for 15 minutes before carving it.
Remove the steaks to a plate and tent loosely with foil.
Remove the duck from the pan and set aside, tented with foil.
Foil highlights involves painting color onto hair, and folding it into a foil.
Larger chunks of hair are more difficult to pull through the cap's holes; if you have a helping hand or are experienced enough to do it yourself, consider using sheets of highlighting foil instead.
People with curly manes should find a colorist that knows how to paint hair highlights without using foil.
If you are only adding sections of color, you can keep the lightened sections separated with foil.
At-home highlighters will find thicker sections of hair are harder to lift evenly and may even cause bleed marks from the weight of the sections wrapped in foil packets.
Highlights can be added by a foil, cap, or freehand technique.
Highlights may be done by painting the color onto the hair with a tint brush, pulling the strands to be highlighted through a special highlighting cap, or using by using foil.
They may be able to produce more special effects like foil and embossing than you would be able to accomplish on a home printer.
The wonderful thing about origami flowers is that you can customize the colors, and even use shiny foil paper to make them extra special for your wedding.
Use proper origami paper for the first few figures before moving onto foil paper or other materials.
Origami dragons can be rendered in a variety of textures and colors, but red or gold glossy or foil paper will give them a traditional appearance.
Origami paper also comes in a rayon mesh, opalescent foil, and with holographic glitter.
Foil paper makes bright shiny paper ball ornaments that can stay up through New Year's.
The classic origami frog can be made from traditional Japanese washi paper, smooth origami paper, foil origami paper, translucent origami paper, and wrapping paper.
If you would like to display your frogs in a natural setting, create a pond with aluminum foil wrapped around a round or oval cardboard form.
To that end, the sundresses, pareos and rompers at Everything But Water are the perfect foil for your new swim style.
One of the more intriguing looks in this category is the Foil Camouflage.
Named so for its slightly reflective material, the Foil Camouflage is much more than just a print bikini.
Whether that print is flame metal, foil camouflage or a white leopard micro bikini is entirely up to you!
Finally we come to the White Mesh Bikini with mini Foil Flame.
Subtle embellishments are also very popular, as well as foil treatments on fabrics.
Wear it as a solid or a print that incorporates the warmth of brown with splashes of color or foil.
The company uses state-of the art technology down to its double foil packaging.
Foil-based electric razors feature a structure of fine metal bands (foil) with many holes wrapped over an oscillating cutter block.
The foil stays in place while the cutter block moves from side to side and cuts the hair as it enters the foil.
Foil and cutterbrick shavers resemble regular shavers in that foil connects to the cutterbrick, which contains the blades.
In addition to a smoother shave, electric shavers are safe to use because of Braun's patented foil technology.
The Series 7 uses a foil shaving system and includes an LCD with a cordless operating time of 50 minutes.
The Series 5 utilizes a foil shaving system with the Clean and Renew for maximum efficiency.
Series 3 razors feature a triple action free float system, Smart Foil, the Clean and Renew system, a precision setting switch, long hair trimmer, and come in silver, gray, and black.
An extra wide 13 mm foil shaver covers a large amount of space in a short period.
The foil is a series of three to five metal blades that work with the cutter block to provide a close shave.
Since a man's facial skin can be tough, and the blades see frequent use, the foil will occasionally wear out and need replaced.
The cutter block is a metal or plastic block that holds the foil in place.
The cutter block can be purchased as a set with the foil or separately.
Since the foil wears out more then the cutter block, it may be a good idea to purchase the cutter block individually when needed.
This brush is used to clean the foil and cutter block on the shaver.
All models of Braun shavers come with a protective cap that covers the foil and cutter block and reduces any risk of injury.
Replacing the foil and cutter blocks may be more difficult.
Carefully remove the old foil or cutter block and attach the new foil or cutter block following the instructions that came with your shaver.
The Braun shavers use a foil device with three razor blades inside.
If the foil device is new, the problem may be due to blockage from hair and shaving cream.
Try cleaning the foil with a small brush.
Replace the foil unit that holds the razor blades will correct this problem.
If your skin is still irritated after replacing the foil, the problem may be with the razor itself.
This shaving unit is comprised of a square block containing several razor blades and a foil unit on top to protect the skin.
Just like the shaving heads, the foil head will dull with time and need replaced.
Items designed for frequent replacement, such as the shaving or foil heads, are simple to replace.
Following the instructions given in your shaver's user manual, remove the old shaving or foil head.
There are several Remington shaver parts for Remington's line of foil and rotary electric shavers.
Remington carries both foil and rotary shavers in the electric razor line.
Foil razors use two pieces, the screen and the cutter.
The cutter is the razor blade system for foil shavers.
The screen and cutter for foil shavers can be purchased as a set.
Unlike the cutters used on foil razors, rotary razors have small circular cutters.
Like the foil models of electric shavers, Remington sells sets including both the head and cutter for their rotary shavers.
Both foil and rotary models of Remington shavers include a rechargeable battery.
Remington has replacement heads for both their foil and rotary electric razors.
No matter what you are preparing, consider lining your roaster oven's cookwell with aluminum foil before placing the ingredients.
Once the prepared food has been removed from the cookwell, simply remove the foil and throw it away.
Rinse and dry the cookwell and your roaster is ready to cook with again.If you forget to line your roaster oven with foil, you may need to soak off the stuck on food.
Place the finished turkey on your countertop and cover it with a tent of tin foil.
Before you can choose the ideal electric razor for your face, you should know that there are two different varieties to pick from – foil and rotary.
Foil shavers feature one or two floating heads which have oscillating cutters behind a perforated screen.
This type of electric razor glides over the contours of your face and in comparison tests, foil gives a slightly closer shave when compared with rotary shavers.
While rotary shavers are edged out by foil razors in the closeness category, they beat the competition in the price category and they are easier to clean than the foil type.
For instance, on, the Remington F4790 Pivot and Flex Men’s Foil Shaver are the top picks.
The site lists the Braun Series 7 760cc electric razor as the best all around shaver, the Philips Norelco Arcitec 1050X as the best rotary shaver and the Panasonic Vortex HydraClean ES8109S as the best wet/dry foil shaver.
Foil shaver for men -- The Remington F5790 Pivot and Flex Rechargeable Foil Shaver is a popular men's shaver.
You might also want a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil to place the mold on when you pour the wax.
If your Christmas flowers came wrapped in florist's foil, you'll have to remove it to let the water flow through the pot.
Working over newspaper covered with plastic drop cloth or non-stick foil, drizzle white glue on the edges of the pine cones and sprinkle glitter over the glue.
Design the wrapper with aluminum foil and fabric to make a vertically standing candy bar.
If needed, you can create your own belt from black velour remnants and gold foil.
The starches will make a nice foil for your turkey gravy.For best taste, you should sauté your vegetables before stuffing your bird.
However, this characteristic also lends itself well as a foil for recipes to allow other flavors to dominate.
As a whole, the blend is a good foil for just about any type of recipe.
Teff flour will be a nice foil for root vegetable, poultry, and winter squash recipes.
A gold foil star can be great motivation for many children, or set up a system where the child gets a reward every time he or she collects a certain number of stars or stickers.
Inexpensive foil labels or small stickers complete the package.
Contrary to whimsical rumor, Oscars are not made of chocolate and wrapped in gold foil.
There is also a foil to the plot when Ian ends up getting arrested at the film's conclusion.
Plain cardboard boxes can be dressed up with a little wrapping paper, and line the inside of the box with wax paper or foil.
When Santa Barbara ended, Walker returned to Pine Valley and Liza, as a foil for Dixie's relationship with husband Tad.For over a decade, Walker portrayed Liza Colby as she matched wits with some of the most eligible bachelor's in town.
Erica Kane debuted with All My Children in 1970 as more of a home wrecker and romantic foil than leading lady.
The character provided the business foil to Gina's professional designer.
The business tycoon has served as the romantic lead and corporate foil in Genoa City for more than thirty years.
Some cartridges have a plug that can be removed and others have a foil seal over the hole to the reservoir.
If you're cartridge has foil don't peel it all the way off as it is needed to reseal the hole.
Foil stamping is done after the card stock is printed and before it's cut to size.
While you can buy a nice brass bristled grill brush with which to clean your grill, a ball of tin foil can serve the same purpose.
After that time, turn off the grill and run balled tin foil over the heated grate.
You can also used the ball foil to scrap off food immediately after grilling.
Decorate around the edges of the front and back cover by wrapping the edges with thin strips of aluminum foil, glued down to make a border.
On the back write another message and again make a border of foil.
Squeeze the paint color out onto a plastic palette or foil.
You can also use items like aluminum foil, old Christmas or birthday cards, outdated calendars, milk cartons, egg cartons, tin or coffee cans, and many other things.
Metallic yarns or yarns with bits of foil also lend themselves to robots; however, furry or hairy yarns with metallic elements will not be as effective as smooth yarn with no pile.
Lay the cardboard piece flat on the table, and glue down a strip of aluminum foil to create a frozen lake or river.
Top with sauce and fold up ends of foil to form loose, but tightly sealed packet.
Line a large baking sheet with foil, place the ham in enough stacks to accommodate each chicken thigh.
Simply combine the ingredients and stir together, pouring evenly into 12 foil baking cups that have been prepared with cooking spray.
Line the baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Other vegetables are wrapped in foil or "packets" made from aluminum foil to enhance flavor and keep the food moist.
These noodles are a perfect foil for any kind of Asian-style salad that might include sesame oil, fresh ginger, rice wine vinegar and blanched vegetables such as snap peas, sliced green onions, and red or yellow bell peppers.
Remove the steak from the heat, tent with foil and allow it to rest for about five minutes so the juices will re-distribute throughout the meat.
Put a half cup of water in a foil baking pan, and add prepared lobster.
After the turkey is finished roasting, let is rest under tented foil for about 15 minutes before carving and serving.
Most notably, there is the Foil Print Racerback.
This is a bold and eye-catching pj set that is done in red with black trim and features gold foil letting on the front.
Many retailers refused to carry the book and when they did, it was released in silver foil, as to protect it from public view.
Be sure to line each box with cellophane or foil.
Pin or tape ends of foil holiday garland streamers letting them dangle royally from ceilings and doorways.
To make an easy "magic mirror," cut a tall cardboard rectangle from an appliance box and cover one side of it with wide aluminum foil.
Finally, don't forget to have lots of pirate-themed snacks for guests to enjoy, like gold foil wrapped chocolates, goldfish crackers, red punch and more.
One was with security chief Odo, his constant foil.
Available in a wide variety of hues, foils are applied on top of a foil primer.
They are then pressed with a cotton ball (or foil sealer), then peeled back.
It's in the freezer, in a plastic bag wrapped with foil.
Grece et Rome (Geneva, 1838); Greenidge, Roman Public Life, p. 65 foll., 102, 238 foil.
Two other works, containing accounts of the work of himself and his pupils, are Philosophische Studien (1883-1902) and Psychologische Studien (1905 foil.).
This is all we know for certain about the goddess and her cult; but the name naturally suggested myth-making, and Anna became a figure in stories which may be read in Ovid (l.c.) and in Silius Italicus (8.50 foil.).
Fisher, Excavations at Nippur (1st part 1905, 2nd part 1906); Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, a monumental edition of the cuneiform texts found at Nippur, with brief introductions and notes of a more general character (1893 foil.).
Dr John Bevis of London suggested, in 1746, the use of sheet lead coatings within and without the jar, and subsequently the use of tin foil or silver leaf made closely adherent to the glass.
About half the outside and half the inside surface is coated smoothly with tin foil, and the remainder of the glazed surface is painted with shellac varnish.
In other cases, Leyden jars or condensers take the form of sheets of mica or micanite or ebonite partly coated with tin foil or silver leaf on both sides; or a pile of sheets of alternate tin foil and mica may be built up, the tin foil sheets having lugs projecting out first on one side and then on the other.
For the purposes of wireless telegraphy, when large condensers are required, the ordinary Leyden jar occupies too much space in comparison with its electrical capacity, and hence the best form of con denser consists of a number of sheets of crown glass, each partly coated on both sides with tin foil.
The tin foil sheets have lugs attached which project beyond the glass.
When glass tubes are used it is better to employ tubes thicker at the ends than in the middle, as it has been found that when the safe voltage is exceeded and the glass gives way under electric strain, the piercing of the glass nearly always takes place at the edges of the tin foil.
Owing to the variation in the value of the dielectric constant of glass with the temperature and with the frequency of the applied electromotive force, and also owing to electric glow discharge from the edges of the tin foil coatings, the capacity of an ordinary Leyden jar is not an absolutely fixed quantity, but its numerical value varies somewhat with the method by which it is measured, and with the other circumstances above mentioned.
At ordinary temperatures it unites directly with many other elements; thus with hydrogen, combination takes place in direct sunlight with explosive violence; arsenic, antimony, thin copper foil and phosphorus take fire in an atmosphere of chlorine, forming the corresponding chlorides.
Leaves of aluminium foil may with advantage be substituted for gold-leaf, and a scale is sometimes added to indicate the angular divergence of the leaves.
The needle, a piece of paddle-shaped paper thinly coated with silver foil, is suspended by a quartz fibre, its extreme lightness making it possible to use a very feeble controlling force without rendering the period of oscillation unduly great.
To reconcile the ways of God to man had been the ambition of Chrysippus, as we know from Plutarch's criticisms. He argued plausibly that natural evil was a thing indifferent - that even moral evil was required in the divine economy as a foil to set off good.
His logic, while never obtruded, was rarely at fault; but lie loved the flash of the rapier, and was never happier than when he had to face down a mob and utterly foil it by sheer superiority in fencing.
After cooling a little, water is added, and then a few grammes of aluminium foil free from copper.
On this foil the copper in the solution is all precipitated by electrolytic action in a few minutes, and the aluminium is dissolved by the addition of an excess of sulphuric acid.
The ore is treated as described in the cyanide method until the copper precipitated by the aluminium foil has been washed and dissolved in 5 cc. of nitric acid; then 0.25 gramme of potassium chlorate is added, and the solution boiled nearly dry to oxidize any arsenic present to arsenic acid.
If the eye was placed at the focus, no sensation of light was observed, although small pieces of charcoal or blackened platinum foil were immediately raised to incandescence, thus giving rise to visible rays.
Platinized platinum (platinum foil upon which a thin film of platinum had been deposited electrolytically) and charcoal were rendered incandescent, black paper and matches immediately inflamed, ordinary brown paper pierced and burned, while thin white blotting-paper, owing to its transparency to the invisible rays, was scarcely tinged.
In Fleitmann's test, the solution containing the arsenious compound is mixed with pure potassium hydroxide solution and a piece of pure zinc or aluminium foil dropped in and the whole then heated.
Howie obsessed over the recent incident, a man now twice able to foil his efforts.
After the bland meal was over and the tin foil discarded, Dean donned his coat and walked up town.
The velvet-eyed descendant of Eve shot a fearful glance at him and continued, still casually tracing invisible arabesques with her foil's point.
In other places the piano provides a foil to the bassoon, with sparkling arpeggios in a high register.
Also you will not be able to use the helium to inflate foil balloons and all of the 30 latex balloons.
All of these balloons float considerably longer than the normal 18 " foil balloon.
Puddings are easy too - foil wrap peeled bananas with a little syrup.
It included snowflakes made from foil, and an isometric snowflake created out of silver baubles, suspended at the base of the Eye.
The book is bound in red buckram, with silver foil title in the manner of a journal book of the times.
Aluminum Aluminum is often reacted with chlorine by passing dry chlorine over aluminum foil heated in a long tube.
One study found that about 20% of aluminum in the diet comes from the use of aluminum cookware and foil.
Before long they also started to dress the lighting canopy with hanging foil decorations - and sales rocketed.
Wrap the roll loosely in greased foil and place in a large saucepan.
It involves cutting pieces of galss to form a pattern followed by wrapping the edges with thin strips of metallic foil.
Please put only clean aluminum foil in the bank.
The walls of your growing room should be painted white or covered with aluminum foil to reflect the light.
The best utensils for cleaning a barbecue are a wire brush or crumpled tin foil.
How do I remove the broken glass from the copper foil without causing further damage?
Cover the bottle with black paper or silver foil to make the worms think they are underground!
Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, researchers working with Rutherford in Manchester, bombarded gold foil with alpha particles.
Place foil packet of vegetables on the cooking grate beside steak during the last 10 minutes of grilling time.
Using the foil to hold the butter, coarsely grate it into the mix.
Disposable helium A disposable tank contains enough helium to inflate 50 x 9 " latex balloons or approximately 25 x 18 " foil balloons.
An 18 inch helium filled foil balloon is a super newborn baby gift for a girl or boy.
The front of the note carries a foil hologram which switches from an image of Britannia to the figure 20.
Peter Lynn Vortex is a twin skin closed cell foil kite from the Peter Lynn stable.
Initial experiments will incorporate the use of ETFE foil and future development may lead toward a new materiality and possibly a real product.
Our foil wrapped chocolate coins contain only high quality milk chocolate.
Slightly tilt the bottle and carefully remove the wire muzzle and foil.
To bake, season the fish and wrap in foil parcels with some fresh herbs, and a little white wine and/or stock.
Edison develops tin foil cylinder phonograph; files patent for it on December 24 which is awarded on February 19, 1878.
Quarter the peppers, remove the stem and white pith and lay them skin side upwards on a foil lined grill pan.
Bring a jacket potato wrapped in foil to cook in a bonfire.
Bruce's Watson is a humourous foil to Rathbone's intense seriousness - although Holmes himself is not averse to the odd witty quip.
Small arms, described as ' high-powered rifles ' USA 1988 US Customs foil bid to buy rifles from gun dealer in Alabama.
Remote monitoring technology has already enabled the Co-Op to foil an armed robbery at a store near Sheffield.
The only disappointment is that the tartare sauce doesn't come in a little foil sachet.
Now roll out the clay into the desired shape and rough the outside using either some course sandpaper or your ball of silver foil.
The " drinking straws " would be passed through a hole or tear in the foil top.
A long thin strip of conductive foil moves within a magnetic field to generate a current hence voltage.
The second is a foil positioned in-between the two trimmers which remove the short stubble the left behind.
If using a foil underlay on concrete there is no need to lay a plastic film moisture barrier first.
A piece of scrunched up foil rotating on a desk.
You'll also need to have either a no-stick baking sheet or have a silicon sheet or foil to cover a baking sheet.
To brown, remove foil for the last 30 minutes of cooking.
Tent it with aluminum foil and allow it to stand for 30 minutes before carving to allow the juices to reabsorb.
Remove the foil or cover and continue baking for 15-20 minutes until cooked thoroughly and mozzarella is melted and bubbly.
You can also prepare soups, stews and foil packet casseroles at your campsite.
There are several ways this can be done including the use of stencils, airbrush patterns, foil transfers or by painting 'lace' nail art freehand.
To concede that the master was the greater man and the greater statesman does not imply that Mazarin was but a foil to his predecessor.
In front of the naked eye was held a piece of copper foil perforated by a fine needle hole.
Bunsen may be regarded as the originator of the second method, and it was he who devised the small cone of platinum foil, sometimes replaced by a cone of parchment perforated with pinholes, arranged at the apex of the funnel to serve as a support for the paper, which is apt to burst under the pressure differences.
Dennstedt, which was first proposed in 1902, the substance is vaporized in a tube containing at one end platinum foil, platinized quartz, or platinized asbestos.
Both popes attempted to foil the disaffected cardinals by convening councils of their own; but their efforts were doomed to failure.
It may be diminished by introducing clippings of platinum foil, pieces of porcelain, glass beads or garnets into the liquid.
In the first place, a hare, when found, generally describes a circle in her course which naturally brings her upon her foil, which is the greatest trial for hounds.
The Golden Temple is so called on account of its copper dome, covered with gold foil, which shines brilliantly in the rays of the Indian sun, and is reflected back from the waters of the lake; but the building as a whole is too squat to have much architectural merit apart from its ornamentation.
She hardly rivalled Lady Jane Grey as the ideal Puritan maiden, but she swam with the stream, and was regarded as a foil to her stubborn Catholic sister.
The electrolysis is generally conducted with platinum electrodes, of which the cathode takes the form of a piece of foil bent into a cylindrical form, the necessary current being generated by one or more Daniell cells.
The metal in mass is not affected by hot or cold water, the foil is very slowly oxidized, while the amalgam decomposes rapidly.