Flying-machine Sentence Examples
He suggested the use of experimental tanks for testing the powers of ship models, invented an ear-trumpet for the deaf, improved the common house-stove of his native land, cured smoky chimneys, took a lively interest in machine-guns and even sketched a flying machine.
The ship floats upon water and the balloon upon air; but the ship differs from the balloon, and the ship and the balloon differ from the flying creature and flying machine.
The analogies which connect the water with the air, the ship with the balloon, and the ship and the balloon with the flying creature and flying machine are false analogies.
A sailing ship is supported by the water and requires merely to be propelled; a flying creature and a flying machine constructed on the living type require to be both supported and propelled.
The physical properties of water and air explain in a great measure how the sailing ship differs from the balloon, and how the latter differs from the flying creature and flying machine constructed on the natural type.
The balloon is a mere lifting machine and is in no sense to be regarded as a flying machine.
The flying machine must be multum in parvo.
A flying machine which could not face air currents would necessarily be a failure.
As there are active and passive surfaces in the flying animal, so there are, or should be, active and passive surfaces in the flying machine.
The existence of such a law is very encouraging so far as artificial flight is concerned, for it shows that the flying surfaces of a large, heavy, powerful flying machine will be comparatively small, and consequently comparatively compact and strong.
AdvertisementThis is a point of very considerable importance, as the object desiderated in a flying machine is elevating capacity.
Santos Dumont, after a number of successful experiments with dirigible cigarshaped gas balloons, completed an aeroplane flying machine.
They run workshops which will give you the chance to create a flying machine or handle giant cockroaches.
The extraordinary X-UFO is an incredibly graceful flying machine that's so revolutionary even the boffins at Area 51 would be agog!
What started off as a dissection of a bird's wing later became a flying machine.
AdvertisementI was then for a time the Head of the finest Flying Machine that was ever known to exist, and we did many wonderful things.
We are suitably impressed that Da Vinci sketched a design for a submarine and a flying machine.
This flying machine consisted of a light frame covered with strong canvas and provided with two large oars or wings moving on a horizontal axis, and so arranged that the upstroke met with no resistance while the downstroke provided the lifting power.
He was said to be the inventor of a kind of flying-machine, a wooden pigeon balanced by a weight suspended from a pulley, and set in motion by compressed air escaping from a valve.'
The construction of a flying machine was next attempted.
AdvertisementFlying animals differ entirely from sailing ships and from balloons, with which they are not unfrequently though erroneously compared; and a flying machine constructed upon proper principles can have nothing in common with either of those creations.
It shows that a flying machine need not necessarily be a light, airy structure exposing an immoderate amount of surface.