Flying Sentence Examples
Quinn says she's flying out here.
She turned to run, panic flying through her at the feral look he gave her.
Her emotions were flying and intense.
Deidre's heart was flying at his nearness.
As inconvenient as it would be, Betsy and I would continue to travel north each weekend, flying at Howie's expense.
The other pen and pad of paper went flying out the window.
Alex didn't know about her fear of flying and she'd just as soon he didn't learn.
When Dean struck out at the alarm clock, he sent it flying across the room.
Toward what place was the eagle flying when you last saw it?
He must have been flying a hundred miles an hour to make that mess.
AdvertisementI remembered the flying saucer analogy.
Her blood was flying with desire.
She watched in fascination, not understanding what it was until a floor several below hers exploded into flying stone and fire.
She rolled onto her stomach away from him, blood flying with desire and heat.
You wouldn't have to make a big deal out of; like seeing a flying saucer, I added with a smile.
AdvertisementThe two brothers stared at each other, and she choked back a sob, joy and horror flying through her.
A friend who is staying in Telluride has a private plane and is flying back to the coast.
Deidre gasped, gaze flying up to him.
No we're flying back at eight.
It then leaps into the air and alights upon its four feet, but instantaneously erecting itself, it makes another spring, and so on in such rapid succession as to appear as if rather flying than running.
AdvertisementWeight and power are always associated in living animals, and the fact that living animals are made heavier than the medium they are to navigate may be regarded as a conclusive argument in favour of weight being necessary alike to the swimming of the fish and the flying of the bird.
I don't much give a flying you-know-what who cut her husband's rope as long as no one is blaming me, or any of us.
To avoid the delay thus caused the branch line which would occasion the diamond crossing if it were taken across on the level is sometimes carried over the main line by an over-bridge (" flying junction ") or under it by an under-bridge (" burrowing junction ").
A similar map has been in progress for Sumatra since 1883, while the maps for the remaining Dutch Indies are still based, almost exclusively, upon flying surveys.
The birds, as Mr Necker very truly describes, appear like flying brilliant sparks."
AdvertisementThe British government rejoined by commissioning a flying squadron and by calling attention to the London Convention, reserving the supervision of the foreign relations of the Transvaal to Great Britain.
The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of evening).
A system more elaborate than anything antecedent was then introduced under the name of flying transport.
He suggested the use of experimental tanks for testing the powers of ship models, invented an ear-trumpet for the deaf, improved the common house-stove of his native land, cured smoky chimneys, took a lively interest in machine-guns and even sketched a flying machine.
This flying machine consisted of a light frame covered with strong canvas and provided with two large oars or wings moving on a horizontal axis, and so arranged that the upstroke met with no resistance while the downstroke provided the lifting power.
By the 6th century it was evidently virtually independent again; its Christianization had begun with the immigration of Monothelite sectaries, flying from persecution in the Antioch district and Orontes valley.
They inhabit the densest jungles and are very shy, avoiding contact with strangers, and flying to the hills on the least alarm; but they bear a good character for honesty and truthfulness.
Among the fish may be mentioned the tunny, dolphin, mackerel, sardine, sea-bream, dentice and pagnell; wrasse, of exquisite rainbow hue and good for food; members of the herring family, sardines, anchovies, flying-fish, sea-pike; a few representatives of the cod family, and some flat fish; soles (very rare); Cernus which grows to large size; several species of grey and red mullet; eleven species of Triglidae, including the beautiful flying gurnard whose colours rival the angel-fish of the West Indies; and eighteen species of mackerel, all migratory.
Among its ecclesiastical edifices (nine Roman Catholic and four Protestant churches) the most noteworthy is the Roman Catholic cathedral, with huge pointed windows, slender columns and numerous flying buttresses, which, begun in the 13th century and consecrated in 1546, belongs to the period of the decadence of the Gothic style.
With drums beating and colours flying, every unit within call went forward for the final effort.
But the remainder of the troops had to be withdrawn, and confusion breaking out in their rear, exposed to all the random bullets and shells of the French, a panic ensued, thousands of men breaking away and flying in wildest confusion through Gravelotte towards the west.
The same day he charged his fellow-citizens to keep the national flag flying on their houses.
Flying from the country, he encountered the plague at Pinczoff; three of his four children were carried off; and he himself, worn out by age and misfortune, died in solitude and obscurity at Schlakau in Moravia, about the end of 1564.
The " Nurnberg " ceased firing for several minutes to allow her to surrender, then gave her a final broadside, and she went down at half-past nine with flag flying.
Finally the presence of the flying lizards (Pterydactylus, Rhamphorhynchus) and the ancient birds (Archaeopteryx) is determined from remains in a most wonderful state of preservation in these ancient deposits.
Instead, the country was traversed by flying columns, and the guerillas dealt with by a French service of " contre-guerilla," who fought with much the same savagery as their foes.
He is god of omens and ruler of the omen birds; but the hawk is not his messenger, for he never leaves his house; stories are, however, told of his attending feasts in human form and flying away in hawk form when all was over.
The market cross is of the 14th century, much restored, having an open arcade supporting a pinnacle, with flying buttresses.
They associate in parties and are mainly arboreal, leaping from bough to bough with an agility that suggests flying through the air.
But, with the exception of these two battalions, the French army was quickly transformed into a flying rabble.
There is a considerable variety of insects, many of them with remarkable peculiarities of structure, and with a predominance of forms incapable of flying.
The valley of the Rhine from Coblenz to Deutz was ravaged, and the advance of winter prevented Charles from sending more than a flying column to drive back the Saxons.
Other prairie birds are the prairie chicken, and there are a great many birds that sing while flying; among them are the horned lark, bobolink, Smith's longspur and chestnut collared longspur, lark-sparrow, lark-bunting and Sprague's pipit.
Abandoning therefore all a priori theoretical assumption, Bashforth set to work to measure experimentally the velocity of shot and the resistance of the air by means of equidistant electric screens furnished with vertical threads or wire, and by a chronograph which measured the instants of time at which the screens were cut by a shot flying nearly horizontally.
Europeans in the East know these animals as "flying lemurs."
In 1907, in northern Ireland, a farmer's house was troubled with flying stones (see Poltergeist).
In grass countries, where "flying fences" are found, the rate of speed must of necessity be quicker than when about to take a Devonshire bank of some 7 ft.
Flying fences consist of a hedge with or without a post and rail, and with or without a ditch on one or both sides; consequently a horse has to jump both high and wide to clear them.
All hedges on banks, banks and doubles must be ridden at slowly; they are usually of such a size as to make flying them impossible, or at least undesirable.
In 1548 he took the degree of master of arts; but in the same year he found it necessary to leave England on account of the suspicions entertained of his being a conjurer; these were first excited by a piece of machinery, which, in the Pax of Aristophanes, he exhibited to the university, representing the scarabaeus flying up to Jupiter, with a man and a basket of victuals on its back.
Its gesticulations at this time have been well described by Professor Collett in a communication 1 Hence in many languages the Snipe is known by names signifying "Flying Goat," "Heaven's Ram," as in Scotland by "Heatherbleater."
The collar, only worn by the knights grand cross, is of gold, and consists of Hungarian crowns linked together alternately by the monograms of St Stephen, S.S., and the foundress, M.T.; the centre of the collar is formed by a flying lark encircled by the motto Stringit amore.
Hamilton Benn were busy laying a smoke screen, supported by the "Faulknor" (flying Commodore Hubert Lyne's broad pendant), "Lightfoot," "Mastiff," "Afridi," "Swift" and "Matchless."
Fitzwalter escaped a trial by flying to France.
The Pteropus edulis (kalong, flying fox) is to be met with almost everywhere, especially in the durian trees.
But as soon as the flying leaves were collected and reprinted they became popular.
After finishing his studies in the Egyptian capital he set sail for Greece; but the ship was driven by contrary winds to Italy, and he seized the opportunity of paying a flying visit to Rome.
In 1833 when Shah Shuja, flying from Afghanistan, sought refuge at his court, he took from him the Koh-i-nor diamond, which subsequently came into the possession of the British crown.
The Bhonsla raja forfeited Orissa to the English, who had already occupied it with a flying column, and Berar to the nizam, who gained a fresh addition by every act of complaisance to the British government.
Flying lizards abound in the forests.
As was to be expected, they were worsted; eleven small flying columns of the Moslems, sent out in various directions, sufficed to quell the revolt.
The California vulture, the largest flying bird in North America and fully as large as the Andean condor, is not limited to California but is fairly common there.
The Virginia deer is common in the bottomlands; a few beaver still frequent the remoter streams; in the higher portions are still a few black bears and pumas, besides the lynx, the Virginia varying hare, the woodchuck, the red and the fox squirrel and flying squirrels.
In the 5th century it suffered like Corinth from the commercial rivalry of Athens in the western seas, and was repeatedly harassed by flying squadrons of Athenian ships.
He was commissioned commodore on the 6th of February 1898, and on the 24th of March, although lowest on the list of commodores, he was put in command of the "flying squadron," with the "Brooklyn" as his flagship, for service in the war with Spain.
Although the favourite haunts of the condor are at the level of perpetual snow, yet it rises to a much greater height, Humboldt having observed it flying over Chimborazo at a height of over 23,000 ft.
Amongst the rodents squirrels abound, and the so-called flying squirrels are represented by several species.
In the 5th century numbers of the Celtic inhabitants of Britain, flying from the Angles and Saxons, emigrated to Armorica, and populated a great part of the peninsula.
It behoves us then at the outset to scrutinize very carefully the general configuration of flying animals, and in particular the size, shape and movements of their flying organs.
Flying animals differ entirely from sailing ships and from balloons, with which they are not unfrequently though erroneously compared; and a flying machine constructed upon proper principles can have nothing in common with either of those creations.
The ship floats upon water and the balloon upon air; but the ship differs from the balloon, and the ship and the balloon differ from the flying creature and flying machine.
The analogies which connect the water with the air, the ship with the balloon, and the ship and the balloon with the flying creature and flying machine are false analogies.
A sailing ship is supported by the water and requires merely to be propelled; a flying creature and a flying machine constructed on the living type require to be both supported and propelled.
In order to meet these peculiarities the travelling organs of aquatic and flying animals (whether they be feet, fins, flippers or wings) are made not of rigid but of elastic materials.
The peculiarities of water and air as supporting media are well illustrated by a reference to swimming, diving and flying birds.
In aerial flying everything FIG.
These changes in the direction of the long axis of the bird in swimming, diving and flying, and in the direction of the stroke of the wings in sub-aquatic and aerial flight, are due to the fact that the bird is heavier than the air and lighter than the water.
The physical properties of water and air explain in a great measure how the sailing ship differs from the balloon, and how the latter differs from the flying creature and flying machine constructed on the natural type.
The balloon is a mere lifting machine and is in no sense to be regarded as a flying machine.
It resembles the flying creature only in this, that it is immersed in the ocean of air in which it sustains itself.
The balloon floats because it is lighter than the air; the flying creature floats because it extracts from the air, by the vigorous downward action of its wings, a certain amount of upward recoil.
The balloon is passive; the flying creature is active.
The balloon is controlled by the wind; the flying creature controls the wind.
The balloon in the absence of wind can only rise and fall in a vertical line; the flying creature can fly in a horizontal plane in any given direction.
The balloon is inefficient because of its levity; the flying creature is efficient because of its weight.
The inertia of the mass of the flying creature enables it to control and direct its movements in the air.
The only facts in natural history which appear even indirectly to countenance the flotation theory are the presence of a swimming bladder in some fishes, and the existence of membranous expansions or pseudowings in certain animals, such as the flying fish, flying dragon and flying squirrel.
It may be stated once for all that flying creatures are for the most part as heavy, bulk for bulk, as other animals, and that flight in every instance is the product, not of superior levity, but of weight and power directed upon properly constructed flying organs.
This fact is important as bearing on the construction of flying machines.
It shows that a flying machine need not necessarily be a light, airy structure exposing an immoderate amount of surface.
The flying machine must be multum in parvo.
Extensive inert surfaces indeed are contra-indicated in a flying machine, as they approximate it to the balloon, which, as has been shown, cannot maintain its position in the air if there are air currents.
A flying machine which could not face air currents would necessarily be a failure.
These appliances as indicated should not be unnecessarily expanded, but when expanded they should, wherever practicable, be converted into actively moving flying surfaces, in preference to fixed or inert dead surfaces.
As there are active and passive surfaces in the flying animal, so there are, or should be, active and passive surfaces in the flying machine.
The active surfaces in flying creatures are always greatly in excess of the passive ones, from the fact that the former virtually increase in proportion to the spaces through which they are made to travel.
Nature not only distinguishes between active and passive surfaces in flying animals, but she strikes a just balance between them, and utilizes both.
She regulates the surfaces to the strength and weight of the flying creature and the air currents to which the surfaces are to be exposed and upon which they are to operate.
In her calculations she never forgets that her flying subjects are to control and not to be controlled by the air.
While, however, diminishing the surfaces of the flying animal as a whole, she increases as occasion demands the active or wing surfaces by wing movements, and the passive or dead surfaces by the forward motion of the body in progressive flight.
The elytra serve as protectors to the wings when the wings are folded upon the back of the insect, and as they are extended on either side of the body more or less horizontally when the insect is flying they contribute to flight indirectly, in virtue of their being carried forward by the body in motion.
The bodies of flying creatures are, as a rule, very strong, comparatively light and of an elongated form, - the bodies of birds being specially adapted for cleaving the air.
Flying creatures, however, are less remarkable for their strength, shape and comparative levity than for the size and extraordinarily rapid and complicated movements of their wings.
He further pointed out that the wings of flying creatures (contrary to received opinions, and as has been already indicated) strike downwards and forwards during the down strokes, and upwards and forwards during the up strokes.
Lastly he demonstrated that the wings of flying creatures, when the I By the term aeroplane is meant a thin, light, expanded structure inclined at a slight upward angle to the horizon intended to float or rest upon the air, and calculated to afford a certain amoune, of support to any body attached to it.
The figure-of-8 and kite-like action of the wing referred to lead us to explain how it happens that the wing, which in many instances is a comparatively small and delicate organ, can yet attack the air with such vigour as to extract from it the recoil necessary to elevate and propel the flying creature.
This space, as already explained, is practically a solid basis of support for the wing and for the flying animal.
If the wings were not driven at a high speed, and if they were not eccentrics made to revolve upon two separate axes, they would of necessity be large cumbrous structures; but large heavy wings would be difficult to work, and what is worse, they would (if too large), instead of controlling the air, be controlled by it, and so cease to be flying organs.
To meet these peculiarities the insect, bird and bat are furnished with extensive flying surfaces in the shape of wings, which they apply with singular velocity and power to the air, as levers of the third order.
The power is represented by the wing, the fulcrum by the air, and the weight by the body of the flying animal.
The flying body must act against gravitation, and elevate and carry itself forward at the expense of the air and of the force which resides in it, whatever that may be.
In this case the air in rapid motion strikes the under surface of the kite and forces it up. The string and the hand are to the kite what the weight of the flying creature is to the inclined planes formed by its wings.
The existence of such a law is very encouraging so far as artificial flight is concerned, for it shows that the flying surfaces of a large, heavy, powerful flying machine will be comparatively small, and consequently comparatively compact and strong.
This is a point of very considerable importance, as the object desiderated in a flying machine is elevating capacity.
The way in which the natural wing rises and falls on the air, and reciprocates with the body of the flying creature, has a very obvious bearing upon artificial flight.
A bird when flying is a body in motion; but a body in motion tends to fall not vertically downwards, but downwards and forwards.
It only remains to be stated that the wing acts as a true kite, during both the down and the up strokes, its under concave or biting surface, in virtue of the forward travel communicated to it by the body of the flying creature, being closely applied to the air, during both its ascent and its descent.
If the wing was inelastic, every part of it would reverse at precisely the same moment, and its vibration would be characterized by pauses or dead points at the end of the down and up strokes which would be fatal to it as a flying organ.
It is easy to understand from this figure how the wing always flying forwards furnishes a persistent buoyancy.
A rigid wing can never be an effective flying instrument.
The kite-like surfaces referred to in natural flight are those upon which the constructors of flying machines very properly ground their hopes of ultimate success.
These surfaces may be conferred on artificial wings, aeroplanes, aerial screws or similar structures; and these structures, if we may judge from what we find in nature, should be of moderate size and elastic. The power of the flying organs will be increased if they are driven at a comparatively high speed, and particularly if they are made to reverse and reciprocate, as in this case they will practically create the currents upon which they are destined to rise and advance.
We are now in a position to enter upon a consideration of artificial wings and wing movements, and of artificial flight and flying machines.
After Pettigrew enunciated his views (1867) as to the screw configuration and elastic properties of natural wings, and more especially after his introduction of spiral, elastic artificial wings, and elastic screws, a great revolution took place in the construction of flying models.
Degen in 1816 and Ottoris Sarti in 1823, followed Cayley at moderate intervals, constructing flying models on the vertical screw principle.
Henson's flying machine, designed in 1843, was the earliest attempt at aviation on a great scale.
Stringfellow, who was originally associated with Henson, and built a successful flying model in 1847, made a second model FIG.
By 1893-1894 both had embodied their views in models and large flying machines.
Langley, who occupied the position of secretary to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., made many small flying models and one large one.
They were all constructed on a common principle, and were provided with extensive flying surfaces in the shape of rigid aeroplanes inclined at an upward angle to the horizon, and more or less fixed on the plan advocated by Henson.
While Langley conducted his preliminary experiments in 1889, he did not construct and test his steam-driven flying models until 1893.
These were made largely of steel and aluminium, and one of them in 1896 made the longest flight then recorded for a flying machine, namely, fully half a mile on the Potomac river.
C. Ader, who had already tested, with indifferent results, two full-sized flying machines, built a third apparatus with funds furnished by the French government.
Thanks, however, to the efforts of automobile engineers, great improvements were now being effected in the petrol engine, and, although the certainty and trustworthiness of its action still left something to be desired, it provided the designers of flying machines with what they had long been looking for - a motor FIG.
Santos Dumont, after a number of successful experiments with dirigible cigarshaped gas balloons, completed an aeroplane flying machine.
In January 1910 Delagrange was killed by the fracture of one of the wings of a monoplane on which he was flying.
The table below gives some details, approximately correct, of the, principal experiments made with flying machines up to 1908.
When Galileo visited Rome in December 1615 he was warmly received by Bellarmine, and the high regard in which he was held is clearly testified in Bellarmine's letters and in Galileo's dedication to the cardinal of his discourse on "flying bodies."
It seems most probable that the Lebanon offered refuge to Antiochene Monothelites flying from the ban of the Constantinopolitan Council of A.D.
Barca is said to have owed its origin to Greek refugees flying from the tyranny of Arcesilaus II.
The existence of these plantations was kept secret, and it was with that object that they were destroyed by fire by the French on the appearance in the harbour in 1778 of a vessel flying the British flag.
For the French always followed him at a cautious distance, cutting off his stragglers, and restricting the area of his ravages by keeping flying columns all around his path.
Thomas, who as a lad had ridden on the barons' side at Evesham, followed the king's wars for half a century of his long life, flying his banner at Falkirk and at Bannockburn, in which fight he was taken by the Scots.
His son and heir-apparent, Maurice of Berkeley, was the hero of a misadventure recorded by Froissart, who tells how a young English knight, displaying his banner for the first time on the day of Poitiers, rode after a flying Picard squire, by whom he was grievously wounded and held to ransom.
Dermoptera (Colugo, or Flying Lemur).
In 108 Cleopatra Kokke called Alexander to Egypt, and Soter flying to Cyprus took his brother's place and held the island against his mother's forces.
On the Algerian coast, however, boats not flying the French flag have to pay heavy dues for the right to fish, and in the early years of the 10th century the once flourishing fisheries at La Calle were almost entirely neglected.
The kima, a great mussel weighing (without shell) 20 to 30 Ib, and other shellfish, are eaten, as are also dogs, flying foxes, lizards, beetles and all kinds of insects.
In 1867, with his flag flying in the "Franklin," he visited Europe.
Yehl's powers of metamorphosis and of flying into the air are the common accomplishments of sorcerers, and he is a rather crude form of first father, " culture-hero " and creator.2 Among the Karok Indians we find the great hero and divine benefactor in the shape of, not a raven, nor an eagle-hawk, nor a mantis insect, nor a spider, but a coyote.
Mailer 7 mentions the view that the humming-bird, as the most beautiful flying thing, is a proper symbol of the heaven, and so of the heaven-god, Huitzilopochtli.
It soon becomes apparent to the onlooker when the queen has joined the flying multitude of bees in the air, for they are seen to be closing up their ranks, and in a few moments begin to form a solid cluster, usually on the branch of a small tree or bush close to the ground.
Some two hundred years later the priests of Amen (Ammon), flying from Thebes, founded a quasi-Egyptian capital at Napata.
The Stud-Book is silent, and other authorities differ, as to the date of the importation of this celebrated Arab, some saying he came over in the year 1700, others that he arrived somewhat later; but we know from the Stud-Book that Manica (foaled in 1707), Aleppo (1711), Almanzor (1713), and Flying Childers (1715) were got by him, as also was Bartlett's Childers, a younger brother of Flying Childers.
In 1731, being then the property of Mr. Coke, he was teazer to Hobgoblin, and on the latter refusing his services to Roxana, the mare was put to the Godolphin, and the produce was Lath (1732), the first of his get, and the most celebrated race-horse of his day after Flying Childers.
The Darley Arabian's line is represented in a twofold degreefirst, through his son Flying Childers, his grandsons Blaze and Snip, and his great-grandson Snap, and, secondly, through his other son Bartlett's Childers and his great-great-grandson Eclipse.
Flying or Devonshire Childers, so called to distinguish him from other horses of the same name, was a bay horse of entirely Eastern blood, with a blaze in his face and four white feet, foaled in 1715.
Flying Childers-the wonder of his timewas never beaten, and died in the duke of Devonshire's stud in 1741, aged twenty-six years.
Snip too had a celebrated son called Snap (1750), and it is chiefly in the female line through the mares by these horses, of which there are fully thirty in the StudBook, that the blood of Flying Childers is handed down to us.
He was for several years called Young Childers,-it being generally supposed that he was a younger brother of his Flying namesake, but his date of birth is not on record,-and subsequently Bartlett's Childers.
Herod's dam was Cypron (1750) by Blaze (1733), son of Flying Childers.
This mare was by Eclipse's son Alexander (1782) out of a mare by Highflyer (son of Herod) out of a daughter of Alfred, by Matchem out of a daughter of Snap. Bustard (1813), whose dam was a daughter of Shuttle, and his son Heron (1833), Sultan (1816) and his sons Glencoe (1831) and Bay Middleton (1833) and Middleton's sons Cowl (1842) and the Flying Dutchman (1846), Pantaloon (1824) and his son Windhound (1847), Langar (1817) and his son Epirus (1834) and grandson Pyrrhus the First (1843), are representatives of Castrel and Selim.
He was thus ten years the senior of Herod, representing the Byerly Turk, and sixteen years before Eclipse, though long subsequent to Flying Childers, who represent the Darley Arabian.
Howie is flying out to D.C. on Friday morning.
He's not only seen Howie's flying saucer but he had proof, pictures with little green men, and an owner's manual to their ship, and, by his definition a self-centered jerk with most of his brain somewhere on an Interstate highway or a motor home grill stands in his way from announcing his findings and waiting for a call from the Nobel committee.
Bianca drew a heart around her ex-boyfriend, Aaron's, name, followed by a huge X. She'd pined for him for five years, accepting his excuses of flying around the world for work while he just went across town to his wife.
Jule could see the energy flying to her.
Unable to quell the panic flying through her, she wasn't willing to test the waters to discover if demons were restricted from harming their mates like Immortals.
Later, much later, Dean had spelled her, sitting up with Martha, who was far more upset with the prospect of flying Bird Song's nest than she let on during the daylight hours.
Her breathing was erratic, her pulse flying, her lower belly ablaze with warmth.
Her thoughts were flying again in anticipation of seeing A'Ran.
Instantly the grinding of his teeth stopped, and his ragged breathing began to slow. He uncurled, and she withdrew her hand before he disappeared from the dream again. Even so, she wasn't able to shake the warmth of his magic flying up her arm and through her, reminding her of what it was like being near him when she was alive. Even the skin of a half-demon was smooth and warm. She used to resent the way his touch made her feel like she belonged to him, until she'd walked into the Caribbean knowing he might never touch her again.
The idea of flying was terrifying – and a boat trip surrounded by water for days wasn't very appealing either.
Her heart lurched at the sight of him, and her blood began flying through her in a mixture of excitement and desire.
I wasn't usually so callous in putting flying saucers before family, but this was an exceptional case!
The booklets described the aircraft of fighter aces flying various types of aircraft.
Argaty is the perfect place to observe the spectacle of the Kites ' flying acrobatics.
In addition to flying fast, they are capable of impressive aerial acrobatics.
At the end of January 1940, the F¸hrer had sent his chief military adjutant on a flying tour of the western front.
He first started recreational flying in 1986, and began learning competition aerobatics in 1994 in Alan Cassidy's Pitts S2A.
Therefore precise indoor aerobatics & 3D flying are a reality.
Then flying at 50 feet he attacked an aerodrome where approximately 19 machines were either landing or attempting to take off.
Saturday Hazel and Len put on a free air display with many military aeroplanes flying over on their way to a display.
Flying Officer CASHMAN and Flying Officer SAUNDERS posted to this station for fighter affiliation duties.
And now there's more aggro after Gallas sends Dani flying - Lampard rushing in in full Anglo-Saxon mode.
During the second half of 1940 at least eleven reconnaissance aircraft flying from French airfields are known to have operated over Bath.
Any kind of flying, except as a fare-paying passenger on a scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft over an established route.
This text assumes that you are flying an average jet airliner.
Small numbers of Royal Flying Corps aeroplanes are kept at readiness to combat possible enemy airship raids.
While flying, a person should drink plenty of fluids and avoid smoking, caffeine, and excessive alcohol.
On January 24th I passed my flying test and achieved a lifetime ambition of becoming a qualified pilot!
They range from regular human like colossi to flying colossi and even amphibious colossi.
People with frequent angina pains or unstable angina pains or unstable angina should avoid flying.
A sex crazed flying ant with a clown's face!
They are accompanied by clown musicians, freak acrobats, hip-hop dancers, flying jugglers and trapeze artists.
Flying via hot air ballon dates back to the end of 18th century.
And when Paris eventually returns as Aphrodite's augur his galley is, of course, a flying bedstead.
Flying to las great big Bertha a string of like now catch.
This weeks bestseller is ' ICY ', the sexy bags just won't stop flying out of here!
An adult carrot fly is a very small black fly which has been described as " a low flying miniature cruise missile " .
Chances are he saw a rotor blade closely followed by his ass flying past his shoulder blades.
Moreover, our attempts to establish the presence of advertising blimps flying in the vicinity of the observations was also fruitless.
It sent the bluebirds flying nearer a play-off berth and The Foxes into a right hole.
Something a bit bluesy now with Evil Twin by Eamon Alger's Flying Dreams.
He tells everyone in a rather boastful voice that flying is fun he is really enjoying the war.
Page 13 1 [View of Sango's boomerang flying through the air.] Sango { off } Hiraikotsu!
Small rocket boosters on each satellite keep them flying in the correct path.
Complete the training with a " B " or better rank to get the Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick.
On the 7 January I saw a bumblebee flying twelve weeks early!
He emerged the champion, flying the burgee for Bembridge Sailing Club (BSC ).
In summer look for the six-spot burnet, a day flying moth with bright red and green-black wings.
We saw 6 Great bustards at first then they were joined by 2 more flying in.
In Figure 8, the high flying buttresses have been used to build a very high nave with very large windows.
One day we had approximately 150 buzzard like birds flying around the derrick mast of the rig a truly amazing site.
All RAF cadets over 13 3 months who have studied these subjects may have flying lessons.
And flying an RC chopper in your front room is even sillier than riding a bicycle around the bathroom, isn't it?
Flying off to a warmer climate - a fun site which calculates for you the air pollution caused by any flight route you choose.
We're flying home this morning in dirty clothes.
The stratocumulus cloud obscured vision for day flying migrants and migrant watchers alike.
We decided to stay till sunset for the evening flight and were rewarded with eighty Philippine cockatoos flying into the roost tree.
So will the tricolore be flying high or will there be something for the French cockerel to crow about?
They run workshops which will give you the chance to create a flying machine or handle giant cockroaches.
There is a good chance of seeing the Andean condor, the world's largest flying bird.
It is a designated nature reserve and we watched condors flying overhead.
Now, the later, younger additions are flying the coop.
It's a flying disk with the addition of an elasticated cord attached to the center.
The Russian cosmonauts now had over 24 hours flying time in space, the American's about thirty minutes.
There is also a flying mission which I found to be absolute crap!
Parking by the side of the road we saw a few crossbills flying over the pines.
There will be large-scale models of his inventions; his flying machine, tank and giant crossbow.
Hannah Shields won the ladies ' event last year and, to judge from the senior cross-country on Saturday, is in flying form.
Options include four levels of difficulty, day or night flying, crosswind and turbulence effects, and cloud.
And I answered, I varda a flying roll; the length thereof is dewey dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits.
Wheatears were flying around as well, prior to emigration and the Mute Swan couple were accompanied by nine dirty gray cygnets.
At some point my flying hand hits cymbal bruising wrist which soon swells.
And I answered, I varda a flying roll; the length thereof is dewey dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits.
And in his pocket we found one of those warning messages dated the day before and stamped with the flying dagger.
Flying myriad miles century brought nostalgia course quot says dalton.
The only damage sustained was caused by flying debris.
Crew members need to be alert to the possibility of flying debris during a rapid decompression.
Open daily from 10.30am with flying displays at 11.30am, 2pm and 4pm.
One this particular night I saw a doodlebug flying toward us, I could clearly see the flames billowing out of the tail.
In April 2006, Iran said it shot down a U.S. surveillance drone flying over the country.
The sun shone on a group of 26 ferruginous duck flying passed the boat.
Do a little flying, turns dud in afternoon.
Ideal for flying on dark ' muggy ' winter days or as it gets dusk - you see things MUCH BETTER in the gloom!
Small groups of Sand Martin were flying low over the pools heading eastwards with a few young Swallow mixed in.
A few Cattle egrets were seen flying off to their feeding grounds.
Always watch that sparks and flying embers do not set light to anything.
There was a certain amount of shipping in the harbor, all flying the white ensign.
With a record of having been shot down seven times during the next two years, GG's flying career was subsequently highly eventful.
Kite surfing holidays combine the exhilaration of kite flying with the adrenalin.. .
I arrived at the site late evening, and immediately picked up an adult Gyr flying along the cliff face - what a bird!
Our flying falcons can get to over 100 MPH.
He took up aerobatics in 1994 originally to overcome a fear of flying in extreme attitudes.
The whole day was idyllic apart from the many noisy jet fighters flying over on training missions.
The " Flying Tops, " as they were called, were never finalized in Germany.
A single small finch flying over which might have been one!
A few more finches are flying around, some dropping into the dense scrub beneath us, presumably to roost.
He left London on 31 October, flying first-class on BOAC via Calcutta and Singapore.
No longer content to pay a flying visit, it was the whole forenoon that he dedicated to his solitary friend.
For instance, bedrooms on a property that have a flying freehold will not necessarily line up with the outside walls of downstairs.
His castle was guarded by flying gargoyles, and the crypt entrance was protected by animated skeletons (think Ray Harryhausen ).
So you hit on a unique sales gimmick, and hey presto they're flying off the shelves.
Their ancestors were flying birds, as shown by the similarities in their pectoral girdle to that of modern flying species.
Back to top flying You are allowed to fly a glider from the age of 16.
Take a break and watch the gliders if they are flying.
The duty free trolley with the rather sad looking teddy bear wearing flying goggles.
I soon discovered that my quest for flying passage goshawks would take time, study and determination.
The extraordinary X-UFO is an incredibly graceful flying machine that's so revolutionary even the boffins at Area 51 would be agog!
And an American flying gunship shot up a civilian wedding engagement party in Afghanistan, provoking outrage throughout the Islamic world.
You can even lead your men into battle riding tall in a tank or flying over the battlefield in your own gunship!
On a second dive at this site, Gilli spotted a flying gurnard in the grass.
This leg proved quite hard work at times as we were flying into an increasingly gusty head wind.
The flying gyroscope has been thrown over 600 feet.
Angel was winning, flying through the air with her blond hair trailing, triumph in her face, eyes victorious.
The flying hawk goes up to the sky, The fish jump to the depths.
And that's why he was so heartbroken when he discovered the Flying V missing.
This is the prolog to an account of an experience of my own, flying a hellcat on a mission against the Japanese Navy.
An oncoming car honks and crashes into Mulder, sending him flying up into the windshield, which cracks.
Up here Wreathed hornbills were seen flying over the immensly dense mountain slopes.
Kite Surf Wales - Learn to kite Surf Wales - Learn to Kitesurf... basic power-kite flying through to kite buggying, kite mountain-boarding and kite surfing.
I also do things like flying kites at Ashton Court, play cricket with all the family, go for walks along the coast.
Their dreams were dominated by the glorious spectacle of panic-stricken infantrymen flying before the sabers of a troop of mounted lancers.
As we approached the landing strip, I could see the ground flying past, underneath us.
That, unlike the fictional wasps or flying lemurs, the effects of our being here will be very real.
By flying in by helicopter or pulling up in a luxury limo.
She began to scratch frantically, parting the litter this way and that, bits of white flying like snow onto the hall linoleum.
The world of Droon is amazing - full of magic, flying lizards, and fun, furry creatures.
This time the UK's most creative, exhilarating, and downright loony flying event will be held in Scotland!
The Falcon is a skilled aerial hunter, flying low over the tree tops to take their prey by surprise.
Spitfires and Hurricanes perform low-level flying displays, and the Bonhams Sale of fine cars and automobilia is held in the evening.
What started off as a dissection of a bird's wing later became a flying machine.
Author Michelle malkin rented out on flying cloud across clear blue water.
Look for the chapel in a cave up on the left, and crag martins flying around the crags on the right.
This process includes all matting, ramping and flying of cables to avoid hazards.
Perform incredible mentalism, rising cards, card from pocket, flying signatures, and more.
With so many packets flying around the internet, some of them arrive at routers at the exact same microsecond.
Now the Little Bird has achieved a major milestone in its development by flying unmanned for the first time.
I am flying in a PA28 - 161 Piper Warrior which is a single engined 4 seater low wing monoplane.
This is the first report on these Nature Notes pages of a nocturnal native moth with a short flying time in July.
Classic story of USAAF fighter pilot flying P-51 mustangs over Europe.
There were some large insects flying around sipping nectar from the wild flowers up there.
Back in Cork, members of the local flying column are in the cinema watching a silent newsreel.
First birds we spotted in the dark were lesser nighthawks flying high around the spotlights.
Air Pacific also fly nonstop from LAX to NAN, but that's 11 and a half hours of flying.
He is flying 11 square meters of ripstop nylon designed to harness the awesome power of the wind.
The public seemed oblivious to the dangers of low flying aircraft.
In summer, the rare ring ouzel can sometimes be seen flying above the high moors of The Long Mynd.
A jet flying overhead could crash into my office.
He lowered the pantograph and both he and his assistant lay down on the floor to be safe from ' flying ' insulators.
Flying Express Durham Tees Valley Airport is situated six miles east of Darlington and handles approximately one million passengers a year.
The result was a generous package of six weeks paternity leave, which enabled us to get off to a flying start.
Coastal Command aircraft were flying North Sea reconnaissance patrols.
In August 1914, flying pennant A 40, she carried troops of the Australian Expeditionary Force to the United Kingdom.
Already VR has successfully helped treat phobias like fear of flying.
Older woman with flying phobia I am immensely grateful.
They formed flying pickets, going from factory to factory bringing more workers out.
Saddam may be a nasty piece of work but he had nothing to do with flying planes into the World Trade Center.
He made flying fish and the duck billed platypus!
Their aerial flying displays they catch their insect prey on the wing are amazing to watch.
One of two UFOs flying at low altitude settled to the ground near an amateur prospector in a remote area of Canada.
Alternative view here £ 20.00 / $ 37.40 Old Gold Contorted Dragon Flying dragons are one of the most powerful human protectors.
They included teeth and bones of crocodiles, small furry reptiles such as Stereognathus, turtles, flying pterosaurs and many more.
He cites information on flying and amateur radio as examples.
The Department of Defense has begun flying in the first of over a million humanitarian daily rations to be sent to the region.
Angels are confused with flying reindeer, one of which even has a red nose.
There have been many accounts in the British Isles of dragons and/or flying reptiles.
A cathedral hull, moss vault ribbed with flying buttresses.
We saw a roadside Woodcock Orchid Ophrys scolopax and had a fine view of a Short-toed Eagle flying over.
Now riders are facing up, lying on their backs, going backward, something that is unique to flying roller coasters.
You may see birds gathering twigs and flying off with them, or hear noisy rooks in the tree-tops fighting over nesting materials.
They are often seen flying together at dusk to reach communal roosts to spend the night.
He also holds an instrument rated commercial pilot's license and has keen interest and experience flying sailplanes and hang-gliders.
Does Caribbean resort royal sandal make more the foot flying cloud.
His editor tells him a flying saucer is coming from Roswell.
Wildlife has remained scanty apart from the flying fish which have a habit of landing on the ship's deck overnight.
Would purely sentimental values justify flying a plane which is dangerous?
At least two policeman also had very serious face injuries from the stones flying through the air.
Anyone nearby was liable to be struck by flying shards of cast iron two inches thick.
The blast, felt up to 30 miles away, sent shards of glass flying over six blocks.
Also on the pelagic 20 Manx shearwater were seen well south of the islands flying strongly southwest, migrating?
Yesterday they were content to rediscover the art of holding leads by beating Leeds in a match not short of flying shrapnel.
By 1760 the flying shuttle, which halved the labor of yarn production, was in general application.
Super car experiences, tank and off-road driving days, flying lessons, helicopter sightseeing flights and much, much more.
The interactive pieces in Clauss's Flying Puppet gallery become chronologically more complex, yet retain their deceptive simplicity.
On top of all this is a straw skep with bees flying round it.
Flying Fish trains and recruits yacht skippers and sail, dive, surf, windsurf, ski and snowboard instructors.
Pomarine skua -- 3 flying north past the Fajara hotel on 12th and 14th.
I used to see skylarks flying high up, and kites circling in the sky.
However, we were flying out first thing, which left no slack for the rescue mission.
The course is a dual slalom, punctuated by jumps that send most cowboys flying.
We may see sloths en route and there is always a plethora of amazingly colored birds flying around us.
Within its shade we'll live and die, Tho cowards flinch and traitors sneer, We'll keep the red flag flying here.
If the birds do not wash the soda off their feathers then it can collect and prevent them from flying.
He finds some solace in making a young child's dreams of magic come true by flying her across the night sky.
The hard work meant crews were flying operational sorties within 36 hrs of arriving in theater.
Our friendly space cadets will help you build and launch - a flying rocket!
She said she saw a sparrow flying away with its wings on fire.
Flying across London on the way to Heathrow is pretty spectacular.
We were slowly being passed by yachts flying colorful spinnakers.
The selection of five spitfires includes the oldest Spitfire still to be flying and the last ever operational aircraft.
The noise was left to two pairs of Mal lards takign flight and then flying overhead squawking madly.
In addition flying squirrels seemed to slightly prefer some types of edges.
Itinerant bands bang and blow their loudest; organ boys grind monotonously; ballad singers or flying stationers make roaring proclamations of their wares.
Flying jibs on bowsprits, mizzen staysails, square sails, you name it, one of our members has tried it.
At our lunch stop at the southern end, I looked up to see a large stork flying over.
We also have a private observation sun deck for enjoying the sun or watching the native birds flying overhead.
They had their banners flying and were wearing full battle armor with the drums beating a regular tattoo.
It was just me, strapped to a chair in the middle of nowhere, inside a flying teacup.
The transits to and from Canada were particularly testing for the pilots, given that they were flying over some extremely inhospitable terrain.
He tries every trick in the book to get out of flying, but is repeatedly thwarted.
A wild swan flying hurriedly inland alone promised sad tidings from the sea.
Bill Armstrong, Malta had suffered tinnitus for many years caused by flying activities in R.A.F. during World War II.
By this point Borrell was flying with sweat dripping from his now topless body.
They may convert onto a 4-seat type instead of the two-seat trainer so that they can take family and friends flying.
Low-cost flying goes transatlantic The first transatlantic low-cost flights are to launch between the UK and Canada.
Now is your chance to swing from the flying trapeze with the greatest of ease!
Also, flying in a slight breeze is quite tricky.
Time away from flying was usually devoted to the holy trinity of sun, shopping or sleep.
The Flying Rescue bonus allows you to double or even triple your initial wins.
Related articles Meet Chris Beardshaw Find out all about charismatic Chris, Flying gardener and one of the presenting triumvirate of Gardeners ' World.
I was suddenly and rudely enlightened when I heard the twang of the bow, and saw the arrow flying straight toward me.
Illogical skeptics will complain that any hypothesis can be induced in this framework, such as a giant purple unicorns or flying cats.
In a few completely unscripted events, buildings were blown apart sending debris flying in all directions - an awesome sight to behold.
The case for man-made UFOs is stronger than ever whereas the evidence for ' alien flying saucers ' is wholly untenable.
The guru is more than happy to help, you orchestrate several virtual classroom sessions and send out the flying guru blog URL.
Dynamics of the vortex wakes of swimming and flying vertebrates.
It only needs a slight whiff of wind to send them flying through the air.
If the orange windsock is flying DO NOT take any inflatables into the sea.
Peter James went flying into the air when he hit the right hand bank and snapped a lower wishbone on landing.
Another vast concussion made the ground writhe under the flying feet of his mount.
The flying species are also distinguished from ordinary flyingsquirrels by the circumstance that the additional bone serving for the support of the fore part of the flying-membrane rises Pigmy African Flying-Squirrel (Idiurus zenkeri).
The family is represented by two flying genera, Anomalurus and Idiurus; the latter containing only one very minute species (shown in the cut) characterized by its small ears and elongated tail.
Dactylopsila is easily recognized by its attenuated fourth finger and parti-coloured fur; the flying species are classed as Petauroides, Petaurus, Gymnobelideus and Acrobates, the last no larger than a mouse; while Dromicia, Distaechurus and Acrobates are allied types without parachutes (see Phalanger).
It is of importance for our understanding of the position of the Ratitae in the system, that the wing-skeleton of the ostrich and rhea is an exact repetition of that of typical flying birds; the bones are much more slender, and the muscles are considerably reduced in strength also to a lesser extent in numbers, but the total length of the wing of an ostrich or a rhea is actually and comparatively enormous.
The hill has borne its present name since about 1770, when it became the last refuge of a small band of Illinois flying before a large force of Pottawattomies, who believed that an Illinois had assassinated Pontiac, in whose conspiracy the Pottawattomies had taken part.
It is chiefly in the " flying " flocks and not in the breeding flocks that the disease is rife, and it is so easily communicable that a drove of scab-infested sheep passing along a road may leave behind them traces sufficient to set up the disorder in a drove of healthy sheep that may follow.
The third tractatus of this volume deals with birds - including among them bats, bees and other flying creatures; but as it is the first printed book in which figures of birds are introduced it merits notice, though most of the illustrations, which are rude woodcuts, fail, even in the coloured copies, to give any precise indication of the species intended to be represented.
The shore terrace descends by a steep cliff to the sea, forming the "rise" of a submarine "tread" in the form of fringing reef which surrounds the island and is never uncovered, even at low water, except in Flying Fish Cove, where the only landing-place exists.
The typical bas relief, which is found in great abundance in the museums of Europe, invariably represents Mithras, under the form of a youth with conical cap and flying drapery, slaying the sacred bull, the scorpion attacking the genitals of the animal, the serpent drinking its blood, the dog springing towards the wound in its side, and frequently, in addition, the Sun-god, his messenger the raven, a fig-tree, a lion, a ewer, and torch-bearers.
In 1903 he experimented with an aerodrome capable of carrying a man, but repeated accidents prevented it from being launched, and finally through lack of funds the experiments had to be abandoned without the machine ever having been free in the air (see also Flight And Flying).
Niven, F.R.S., called the degree table, determines the change of direction of motion of the shot while the velocity changes from V to v, to shot flying nearly horizontally, To explain the theory of this table, suppose the tangent at the point of the trajectory, where the velocity is v, to make an angle i radians with the horizon.
It includes Sciuropterus, represented by small species from the northern parts of both hemispheres; Pteromys, comprising large flying-squirrels, ranging from India and the Malay countries to Japan, characterized by the long cylindrical tail and large inter-femoral membrane; and Eupetaurus, represented by one very large dark grey, long-tailed and longhaired species from Astor and Gilgit, which differs from all other members of the family by its tall-crowned cheek-teeth (see Flying Squirrel).
When flying, flamingos present a striking and beautiful sight, with legs and neck stretched out straight, looking like white and rosy or scarlet crosses with black arms. Not less fascinating is a flock of these sociable birds when at rest, standing on one or both legs, with their long necks twisted or coiled upon the body in any conceivable position.
The forelimbs are always a pair of wings, the fifth digit or "little" finger being enormously elongated for the support of a smooth flying membrane (seen in specimens from the lithographic stone of Bavaria).
On the contrary, it favours the belief that it should be a compact and moderately heavy and powerful structure, which trusts for elevation and propulsion entirely to its flying appliances - whether actively moving wings, or screws, or aeroplanes wedged forward by screws.
No practical good can therefore accrue to aviation from elaborate measurements of the wings and body of any flying thing; neither can any rule be laid down as to the extent of surface required for sustaining a given weight in the air.
It is incorrect to say the wing strikes vertically downwards, for, as already explained, the body of a flying bird is a body in motion; but as a body in motion tends to fall downwards and forwards, the wing must strike downwards and forwards in order effectually to prevent its fall.
Similarly imbricated epidermic productions form the covering of the undersurface of the tail of the African flying rodents of the family Anomaluridae; and flat scutes, with the edges in apposition, and not overlaid, clothe both surfaces of the tail of the beaver, rats and certain other members of the rodent order, and also of some insectivora and marsupials.
As it grew darker, I was startled by the honking of geese flying low over the woods, like weary travellers getting in late from Southern lakes, and indulging at last in unrestrained complaint and mutual consolation.
As if Nature could support but one order of understandings, could not sustain birds as well as quadrupeds, flying as well as creeping things, and hush and whoa, which Bright can understand, were the best English.
They seized him by his arms; but he was so strong that everyone who touched him was sent flying.
A fresh wave of the flying mob caught him and bore him back with it.
He knew it was Napoleon--his hero--but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant creature compared with what was passing now between himself and that lofty infinite sky with the clouds flying over it.
I feel like sitting down on my heels, putting my arms round my knees like this, straining tight, as tight as possible, and flying away!
It was only by the keener wind that met them and the jerks given by the side horses who pulled harder--ever increasing their gallop--that one noticed how fast the troyka was flying.
He looked and recognizing in her both the old and the new Sonya, and being reminded by the smell of burnt cork of the sensation of her kiss, inhaled the frosty air with a full breast and, looking at the ground flying beneath him and at the sparkling sky, felt himself again in fairyland.
But he liked them; liked that mad driving at twelve miles an hour, liked upsetting a driver or running down a pedestrian, and flying at full gallop through the Moscow streets.
He listened with weary ears to the ever-recurring sounds, distinguishing the whistle of flying projectiles from the booming of the reports, glanced at the tiresomely familiar faces of the men of the first battalion, and waited.
You can even see the crows flying.
At Austerlitz he remained last at the Augezd dam, rallying the regiments, saving what was possible when all were flying and perishing and not a single general was left in the rear guard.
A botanist notices that the bee flying with the pollen of a male flower to a pistil fertilizes the latter, and sees in this the purpose of the bee's existence.
Low flying, produced monthly, has a regular readership in excess of 2,500.
Replica shirts will be flying off the shelves at the moment.
Does caribbean resort royal sandal make more the foot flying cloud.
Bullets had been flying about the street all the morning, ricocheting off from the walls in a highly unpleasant manner.
Birds are meant to be roaming free, flying or swimming in the lake.
The roomy congenial cockpit of the Rotax Falke, with its side by side seating, is ideal for flying youngsters.
Russians ' flying visit Monday 3rd January 2005 A GROUP of Russian visitors ruffled a few feathers with a surprise trip to the Capital.
He also holds an instrument rated commercial pilot 's license and has keen interest and experience flying sailplanes and hang-gliders.
Salvos of cruise missiles were already flying toward Baghdad and the beginning of the land operations was virtually at hand.
This sounds fast compared to the majority of reported flying saucer sightings.
Wildlife has remained scanty apart from the flying fish which have a habit of landing on the ship 's deck overnight.
We offer total flexibility, flying with scheduled airlines plus great discounts when you book online.
Of schoolyard atrocities, infanticide and airplanes flying into buildings.
A layout of Fantasyland could include photos taken on "Dumbo the Flying Elephant" and "It's a Small World."
If you're flying to Vail, take a flight to Denver, and change for a flight to Eagle County.
Even if you're flying into California, chances are you'll have to rent a car and drive to the resort location.
Lastly, are you going to match your date, or are you flying prom solo?
My future is my present / my past is flying by / my dreams are all coming true / I'm thankful for this time.
Having a wedding without the whirr of helicopters flying overhead or paparazzi hiding in the bushes is proving to be quite the challenge for couples who are in the public eye.
Whether you're flying to a Caribbean island or taking a cruise, you'll be surprised at the savings you'll accrue when traveling off season.
See the country without driving and pay less money than flying.
Travelers are required to present valid passports when flying to Caribbean destinations, and in 2009 valid passports will be required for cruise travelers as well.
It could include creative details such as parapets, a flying dragon, or a prince and princess wedding cake topper.
Having the ceremony while flying above the sights can be wonderful experience for couples.
Including additional time in flight, flying for longer than the package terms or purchasing extra photos often incure higher costs.
One popular print, Jurassic Jungle, has a very realistic-looking, jungle scene complete with volcanos and dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, flying Pterodactyls, and more.
Many of the patterns feature streamers of colorful ribbons and often rainbows and lush mountainside and flying birds.
Ashlee Simpson vs. Her Old Nose - Shaun White died when his head was bashed in by a flying tomato, and the Old Nose caught it when Ashley shoved a stool and bucket into the nostrils, creating a murderous sneeze.
Bruce and his alleged mistress have been spotted together many times at a beach club in Jersey, while Patti has been seen flying solo with couple's three children.
Farrah Fawcett first appeared in guest roles on I Dream of Jeannie, The Flying Nun and The Partridge Family, and had her first film role in Myra Breckenridge in 1970.
It is already flying off the shelves in his hometown of Richmond, Virginia.
While the initial reaction had her merchandise flying off the shelves (and subsequently being sold on eBay), recent news says that the line fizzled.
Over the past few months, a maelstrom of rumors have been flying about concerning the coupling of Heroes stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia.
Of course, given Pollard's track record, rumors started flying soon after she chose Weisgerber, with many gossipers saying he was cheating on her or that their relationship was heading for a breakup.
While it's too early to tell if any serious movie executives are going to take advantage of Haim's talents, rumors have been flying online that Haim will join the cast of the highly anticipated sequel to The Lost Boys.
Britney flying in to welcome her new niece isn't unusual, but the fact that the private plane loving songstress flew commercial is.
He enjoys flying his own private jets, which comes in handy for his busy celebrity family which includes his wife, actress Kelly Preston.
Of course DiCaprio and others of his status enjoy flying first class, but it's not unusual to see him in the halls of major airports.
From a fear of flying, to cringing at the sight of spiders, even the rich and famous have their fair share of phobias.
Aretha Franklin - The legendary songstress is said to have a fear of flying, a phobia she shares with fellow artist Cher.
Jennifer Aniston - This former Friends star joins the ranks of aviophobic celebs who are crippled by a fear of flying.
Michael Jackson - The legendary artist had aviophobia, a fear of flying, and some speculate that his fear of germs drove him to wear masks in public.
There are so many reasons to buy plush socks it's no wonder that they are flying off store shelves.
It is soft and warm, and has an embroidered image on the back of a football flying through the uprights.
When the weather gets colder, winter coats for toddlers start flying off the racks.
As the only cruise port in Texas, Galveston is convenient for travelers interested in Caribbean itineraries but who don't want to spend the first part of their vacation flying across the country to reach the departure port.
Zip lines offering a high flying view of the tropical jungle.
When looking for a wedding cruise New Orleans couples can also consider flying to other ports that may depart to different locations.
These sailboats catapult individuals with the explosive momentum of flying cannonballs.
A cruise from Florida or Texas to Cozumel takes several days and flying back only a few hours.
The number one rule to follow regardless of whether you are driving from your home to the point of embarkation, or you are flying there, is to pack light.
Depending on the time of year and discounts on flying, you may find sizable discounts traveling like this.
There isn't much you'll miss out on by taking a Hawaiian cruise rather than flying in and staying on land.
Most Hawaiian cruises are on the longer side, at least six nights, but you may be surprised by just how little they cost, especially if you're comparing the cost of a cruise to flying out and staying in a hotel.
If you are unable to cruise longer, consider flying to one of the Caribbean Islands and taking local cruises around the islands.
Due to its remote location, you will likely have to spend a fair amount of time flying to your port of departure.
If most of the family does not live near a major port, then you will have to discuss the cost of flying in from your respective hometowns.
A seat belt may hold your dog in place, but it won't keep any flying objects from hitting him during a crash.
If you are traveling with your dog, you will need a health certificate if you are flying.
If flying, be sure your crate is approved by the USDA and FAA.
Your dog could also be hit by insects flying by, which may not sound like much,but what if it is an insect that stings?
Others attract useful bugs such as pollinating insects to the garden bed, and the more pollinators flying around doing their jobs, the greater the amount of vegetables produced.
The band was flying from Nova Scotia to Nebraska on United Airlines.The incident occurred as the band was changing planes at Chicago's O'Hare airport.
Rocket Roll - The Ibanez version of the Gibson Flying V, this guitar is all rock and roll.
You can build a Strat-style, Tele-style, SG-style, Les Paul-style and even a Flying V-style guitar.
There are two things you will have to know to play fear of flying -- the chords and the order in which they are played.
The chord progression to "Fear of Flying" is timed strangely and can be difficult to play.
Playing the song "Fear of Flying" will require a bit of practice, even after you know the chords and tabs.
Chose your favorites from a variety of themes, including Kitty flying airplanes, doing aerobics and dancing the hula!
On the "Kayt Was Here" blog a woman expressed her dismay at flying through Denver International and seeing several men wearing the short pants with birkenstock sandals, calling it the "pants of the devil".
They are great to wear if you are flying and plan to be seated for a long period of time.
Airforce crew members flying in or visiting areas with freezing temperatures below -60 degrees Fahrenheit were given a hooded parka as part of their equipment.