Flushes Sentence Examples
It takes about 6 weeks to remove entirely the whole of the first and succeeding flushes, going round the estate once a week.
In the third and fourth flushes only one large leaf, and after that - say during October, November and part of December - no soft leaf growth is left that can be harvested in good order.
During the season of yield the flushes are tore.
Then he added for emphasis, "That's where Philadelphia flushes its toilets."
Flushes on the acidic Barden and Blubberhouses moors are home to bog pimpernel and bog pondweed.
There are several nutrients that can help alleviate the discomfort of hot flushes.
Symptoms of hormonal changes include vaginal dryness, skin problems, hot flushes, night sweats and itching.
Adverse events included nausea, headache, gastrointestinal pain, flushing, dyspepsia, asthenia, loss of appetite, vomiting and hot flushes.
The moss Calliergon cuspidatum is characteristic of many calcareous flushes in the east midlands.
These natural approaches can help normalize hormone levels, diminish hot flushes, and relieve the insomnia and anxiety that many women experience.
AdvertisementWet flushes, shallow ditches and small scrapes also benefit lapwing by providing additional sources of invertebrate food.
Open, stony flushes of M11 Carex demissa Saxifraga aizoides mire are also well-represented.
That'll make some and flushes combined bonus quads in Victorian parlor and more.
This had to be done because the GL hardware flushes the pipeline automatically on every vertical retrace and has no command to flush.
Telling him to shut it, she flushes red, tho whether from embarrassment or guilt I can't tell.
AdvertisementOne tip; sage is excellent for hot flushes - make a cup of tea out of dried sage.
To provide suitable conditions for the reserve's specialist soldier flies encroaching scrub is periodically cut back from around wet flushes.
Basic flushes are dominated by sedges accompanied by rushes, a few grass species and some choice herbs.
The flushes are typically dominated by a range of small sedges such as carnation sedge and long-stalked yellow sedge.
In places the lower cliffs, backshore and cliff crevices are influenced by freshwater seepages, flushes and springs.
AdvertisementFlushes are associated with lateral water movement, and springs with localized upwelling of water.
Telling him to shut it, she flushes red, tho whether from embarrassment or guilt I ca n't tell.
One tip; Sage is excellent for hot flushes - make a cup of tea out of dried sage.
To provide suitable conditions for the reserve 's specialist soldier flies encroaching scrub is periodically cut back from around wet flushes.
If you choose the pressure assisted one, prepare for expensive maintenance, noisy flushes, and an up-front expense when you purchase the toilet.
AdvertisementOne of the more common first signs of menopause are hot flushes.
Hot flushes are thought to be triggered by an action from the temperature controlling part of the brain.
Night sweats are similar to the flushes, and are likely to be associated with a sudden drop in estrogen as opposed to a low level of it.
Once estrogen hormones settle down and levels stabilize, the sweats and flushes tend to subside.
Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are experienced by 75 to 85 percent of women in America.
Roll the virtual dice and score high points to win by getting three of a kinds, full house, flushes, straights and other combinations listed on your play card.
Although the flowing blood flushes debris from the wound, running water should also be used to rinse away dirt.
The doctor then irrigates, or flushes, the wound with saline solution forced through a syringe under pressure.
There is also a bathroom on this floor that includes a walk-in shower that plays music, a sink and a toilet that "flushes".
Using acai berry products flushes excess waste and toxins from your body.
Drinking water flushes out skin toxins, too.