Fluids Sentence Examples
In the latter case, the densities of the fluids will be inversely proportional to the volumes thus displaced.
The first volume of the Histoire et memoires de l'Academie (1733) contains many original papers by him upon a great variety of physical subjects, such as the motion of fluids, the nature of colour, the notes of the trumpet, the barometer, the fall of bodies, the recoil of guns, the freezing of water, &c.
Adopting the hypothesis of two fluids, Coulomb investigated experimentally and theoretically the distribution of electricity on the surface of bodies by means of his proof plane.
In the animal kingdom, also, it is very widely distributed, being sometimes a normal and sometimes a pathological constituent of the fluids and tissues; in particular, it is present in large amount in the urine of those suffering from diabetes, and may be present in nearly all the body fluids.
In 1628 Castelli published a small work, Della misura dell' acque correnti, in which he satisfactorily explained several phenomena in the motion of fluids in rivers and canals; but he committed a great paralogism in supposing the velocity of the water proportional to the depth of the orifice below the surface of the vessel.
It was more fully developed in his Traite des fluides, published in 1744, in which he gave simple and elegant solutions of problems relating to the equilibrium and motion of fluids.
P. Hachette (1769-1834) in1816-1817published memoirs containing the results of experiments on the spouting of fluids and the discharge of vessels.
Julius Weisbach (1806-1871) also made many experimental investigations on the discharge of fluids.
A fluid, as the name implies, is a substance which flows, or is capable of flowing; water and air are the two fluids distributed most universally over the surface of the earth.
Fluids again are divided into two classes, termed a liquid and a gas, of which water and air are the chief examples.
AdvertisementHaematemesis is vomiting of blood, the colour of which may be altered by digestion, as is also the case in melaena, or passage of blood with the faeces, in which the blood becomes dark and tarrylooking from the action of the intestinal fluids.
Laennec, to whom we are indebted for the practice of auscultation, freely admits that the idea was suggested to him by study of Hippocrates, who, treating of the presence of morbid fluids in the thorax, gives very particular directions, by 1 " Hippocrates Cous, primus quidem ex omnibus memoria dignus, ab studio sapientiae disciplinam hanc separavit, vir et arte et facundia insignis " (Celsus, De medicina).
After death the presence of alcohol can be detected in all the body fluids.
In 1738 appeared his Hydrodynamica, in which the equilibrium, the pressure, the reaction and varied velocities of fluids are considered both theoretically and practically.
We must remember that the ocean is a continuous sheet of water of a certain depth, and the conditions of continuity which hold good for all fluids require that there should be no vacant space within it; hence if a single water particle is set in motion, the whole ocean must respond, as Varenius pointed out in 1650.
AdvertisementThat the results do not agree even 1 " On the Cohesions of Fluids," Phil.
Not only was he the first discoverer of the rotifers, but he showed "how wonderfully nature has provided for the preservation of their species," by their tolerance of the drying-up of the water they inhabit, and the resistance afforded to the evaporation of the fluids of their bodies by the impermeability of the casing in which they then become enclosed.
Living at the time he did, when the doctrines of the humoral pathologists were carried to an extreme extent, and witnessing the ravages which disease made on the solid structures of the body, it was not surprising that he should oppose a doctrine which appeared to him to lead to a false practice and to fatal results, and adopt one which attributed more to the agency of the solids and very little to that of the fluids of the body.
In 1714 Ditton published his Discourse on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and The New Law of Fluids, or a Discourse concerning the Ascent of Liquids in exact Geometrical Figures, between two nearly contiguous Surfaces.
The acetate and the citrate are valuable mild diuretics in Bright's disease and in feverish conditions, and by increasing the amount of urine diminish the pathological fluids in pleuritic effusion, ascites, &c. In tubal nephritis they aid the excretion of fatty casts.
AdvertisementThis action, at first sight somewhat obscure, is due to the extreme pupillary contraction which removes the mass of the iris from pressing upon the spaces of Fontana, through which the intraocular fluids normally make a very slow escape from the eye into its efferent lymphatics.
The quantity of substance which diffuses through unit area in one second may be taken as proportional to the difference in concentration between the fluids at that area and at another parallel area indefinitely near it.
It seems, therefore, that general laws respecting the absolute quantity and the nature of heat are more likely to be derived from elastic fluids than from other substances."
It may be noted that in a paper on the "Proportion of the gases or elastic fluids constituting the atmosphere," read by him in November 1802, the law of multiple proportions appears to be anticipated in the words - "The elements of oxygen may combine with a certain portion of nitrous gas or with twice that portion, but with no intermediate quantity," but there is reason to suspect that this sentence was added some time after the reading of the paper, which was not published till 1805.
The Stem and its' subdivisions or branches raise to the light and air the leaves and flowers, serve as channels for the passage to them of fluids from the roots, and act as reservoirs for nutritive substances.
AdvertisementThe wonder, however, seems to be that it does not occur more frequently, seeing that fluids must pass from stock to scion, and matter elaborated in the leaves of the scion must certainly to some extent enter the stock.
Latex-tubes abound in the tissues of Lactarius, Stereum, Mycena, Fistulina, filled with white or coloured milky fluids, and Istvanffvi has shown that similar tubes with fluid or oily contents are widely spread in other Hymenomycetes.
Conduction, however, is generally understood to include diffusion of heat in fluids due to the agitation of the ultimate molecules, which is really molecular convection.
In measuring conduction of heat in fluids, it is possible to some extent to eliminate the effects of molar convection or mixing, but it would not be possible to distinguish between diffusion, or internal radiation, and conduction.
His experiments and his treatise (written before 1651, published 1663) on the equilibrium of fluids entitle him to rank with Galileo and Stevinus as one of the founders of the science of hydrodynamics.
It is also a constituent of the blood, of milk, and other animal fluids.
His published work includes Algemeene Theorie der VloeistojJen (General Theory of the Fluids, 1881).
Subsequent papers by Dulong were concerned with " New determinations of the proportions of water and the density of certain elastic fluids " (1820, with Berzelius); the property possessed by certain metals of facilitating the combination of gases (1823 with Thenard); the refracting powers of gases (1826); and the specific heats of gases (1829).
Canton (1 753, 1 754) When, for instance, a positively electrified body was found to induce upon another insulated conductor a charge of negative electricity on the side nearest to it, and a charge of positive electricity on the side farthest from it, this was explained by saying that the particles of each of the two electric fluids repelled one another but attracted those of the positive fluid.
It was then assumed that each of the two constituents of the neutral fluid had an atomic structure and that the so-called particles of one of the electric fluids, say positive, repelled similar particles with a force varying inversely as a square of the distance and attracted those of the opposite fluid according to the same law.
Frequent doses of a teaspoonful of tannin dissolved ' in water should be administered, together with strong tea and coffee and mucilaginous fluids.
Leslie's theory was afterwards treated according to Laplace's mathematical methods by James Ivory in the article on capillary action, under "Fluids, Elevation of," in the supplement to the fourth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, published in 1819.
Theory Of Capillary Action When two different fluids are placed in contact, they may either diffuse into each other or remain separate.
All that we have to observe at present is that, in the cases in which the fluids do not mix of themselves, the potential energy of the system must be greater when the fluids are mixed than when they are separate.
If three fluids which do not mix are in contact with each other, the three surfaces of separation meet in a line, straight or curved.
For if in the triangle abc the side ab is taken so as to represent on a given scale the tension of the surface of contact of the fluids a and b, and if the other sides be and ca are taken so as to represent on the same scale the tensions of the surfaces between b and c and between c and a respectively, then the condition of equilibrium at 0 for the corresponding tensions R, P and Q is that the angle ROP shall be the supplement of abc, POQ of bca, and, therefore, QOR of cab.
Thus the angles at which the surfaces of separation meet are the same at all parts of the line of concourse of the three fluids.
If four fluids, a, b, c, d, meet in a point 0, and if a tetrahedron AB CD is formed so that its edge AB represents the tension of the surface of contact of the liquids a and b, BC that of b and c, and so on; then if we place this tetrahedron so that the face ABC is normal to the tangent at 0 to the line of concourse of the fluids abc, and turn it so that the edge AB is normal to the tangent plane at 0 to the surface of contact of the fluids a and b, then the other three faces of the tetrahedron will be normal to the tangents at 0 to the other three lines of concourse of the liquids, an the other five edges of the tetrahedron will be normal to the tangent planes at 0 to the other five surfaces of contact.
When a solid body is in contact with two fluids, the surface of the solid cannot alter its form, but the angle at which the surface of contact of the two fluids meets the surface of the solid depends on the values of the three surface-tensions.
If a and b are the two fluids and c the solid then the equilibrium of the tensions at the point 0 depends only on that of thin components parallel to the surface, because the surface-tensions normal to the surface are balanced by the resistance of the solid.
If the tension of the surface between the solid and one of the fluids exceeds the sum of the other two tensions, the point of contact will not be in equilibrium, but will be dragged towards the side on which the tension is greatest.
In this case the fluids must mix.
Conversely, if two fluids mix, it would seem that T'12 must exceed the mean of T 1 and T2; otherwise work would have to be expended to effect a close alternate stratification of the two bodies, such as we may suppose to constitute a first step in the process of mixture (Dupre, Theorie mecanique de la chaleur, p. 372; Kelvin, Popular Lectures, p. 53).
If the three fluids can remain in contact with one another, the sum of any two of the 3 quantities must exceed the third, and T 31 I by Neumann's rule the directions of the interfaces at the common edge must be parallel to the sides of a triangle, taken proportional to T12, T23, T31.
If the above-mentioned condition be not satisfied, the triangle is imaginary, and the three fluids cannot rest in contact, the two weaker tensions, even if acting in full concert, being incapable of balancing the strongest.
We are thus led to the important conclusion that according to this hypothesis Neumann's triangle is necessarily imaginary, that one of three fluids will always spread upon the interface of the other two.
For All Fluids And For All Similar Tubes Similarly Wetted, The Weight Of A Drop Would Then Be Proportional Not Only To The Diameter Of The Tube, But Also To The Superficial Tension, And It Would Be Independent Of The Density.
The equilibrium of the fluids would now be unstable if it were not for the tension of the surface which separates them, and which, when the orifice of the vessel is not too large, continues to preserve the stability of the equilibrium.
Plants appear to be less subject to their attacks - possibly, as has been suggested, because the acid fluids of the higher vegetable organisms are less suited for the development of Schizomycetes; nevertheless some are known to be parasitic on plants.
In the first place, the extremely small size and isolation of the vegetative cells place the protoplasmic contents in peculiarly favourable circumstances for action, and we may safely conclude that, weight for weight and molecule for molecule, the protoplasm of bacteria is brought into contact with the environment at far more points and over a far larger surface than is that of higher organisms, whether - as in plants - it is distributed in thin layers round the sap-vacuoles, or - as in animals - is bathed in fluids brought by special mechanisms to irrigate it.
Ciliary movements, which undoubtedly contribute in bringing the surface into contact with larger supplies of oxygen and other fluids in unity of time, are not so rapid or so extensive when compared with other standards than the apparent dimensions of the microscopic field.
The tissues and fluids are treated by various histological methods, but, to speak generally, examination is made either in films smeared on thin cover-glasses and allowed to dry, or in thin sections cut by the microtome after suitable fixation and hardening of the tissue.
The general principle in their preparation is to supply cutt;va- the nutriment for bacterial growth in a form as nearly g y similar as possible to that of the natural habitat of the organisms - in the case of pathogenic bacteria, the natural fluids of the body.
To obtain growth of an anaerobic organism on the surface of a medium, in using the plate method, and also for cultures in fluids, the air is displaced by an indifferent gas, usually hydrogen.
A considerable amount of work has been done in connexion with this subject, and many observers have found that fluids taken from the living body in which the organisms have been growing, contain toxic substances, to which the name of aggressins has been applied.
We are, accordingly, justified in definitely concluding that their appearance in large amount in the blood, as the result of active immunization, represents an increased production of molecules which are already present in the body, either in a free condition in its fluids or as constituent elements of its cells.
His first communication to the Royal Society, read in June 1801, related to galvanic combinations formed with single metallic plates and fluids, and showed that an electric cell might be constructed with a single metal and two fluids, provided one of the fluids was capable of oxidizing one surface of the metal; previous piles had consisted of two different metals, or of one plate of metal and the other of charcoal, with an interposed fluid.
In 1821 he was busy with electrical experiments and in 1822 with investigations of the fluids contained in the cavities of crystals in rocks.
The ship, in virtue of its being immersed in two fluids having different densities, can be steered and made to tack about in a horizontal plane in any given direction.
He published numerous works on different branches of physics, including A Complete Treatise on Electricity (1777), Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air and other permanently Elastic Fluids (1781), History and Practice of Aerostation (1785), Treatise on Magnetism (1787), Elements of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (1803), Theory and Practice of Medical Electricity (1780), and Medical Properties of Factitious Air (1798).
Whilst very weak, its action is perfectly balanced throughout all nervous tissue, so much so that Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton has suggested its action to be due to its replacement of sodium chloride (common salt) in the fluids of the nervous system.
But given time, all such compounds, if they contain enough bitumen to render them water-tight, appear to settle down even at ordinary temperatures as heavy viscous fluids, retaining their fluidity permanently if not exposed to the air.
Considerable burns on the face or body may result from the application of sulphuric acid in the practice known as "vitriol-throwing," a brownish black eschar serving to distinguish the burns produced by this acid from those of other corrosive fluids.
These had channels whereby fluids poured into the receptacles could be drained off.
The study of the physical properties of fluids in general constitutes the science of hydromechanics, and their applications in the arts is termed hydraulics; the special science dealing with the physical properties of gases is named pneumatics.
But here we distinguish between fluids according as they are gases or liquids.
Externally, it is not absorbed by the unbroken skin, but when applied to the broken skin, sores, ulcers and mucous surfaces, the ferric salts are powerful astringents, because they coagulate the albuminous fluids in the tissues themselves.
These figures, originally studied on account of the light they were supposed to throw on the nature of the electric fluid or fluids, have reference to the distribution of electricity over the surface of non-conductors.
While in the alimentary canal they are subjected to the action of the digestive fluids and the varied contents of the stomach and intestines, and after absorption they come under the influence of the constituents of the blood and lymph, and of the chemical action of the tissue cells.
Orally Giving fluids by mouth will only help mildly affected rabbits.
While flying, a person should drink plenty of fluids and avoid smoking, caffeine, and excessive alcohol.
The body fluids which contain enough HIV to infect someone are blood, semen, vaginal fluids including menstrual blood, and breast milk.
Within the cell the major cation is potassium; in contrast, in plasma and extra cellular fluids the major cation is predominantly sodium.
The majority of children can be given dextrose free maintenance fluids.
For intravenous drips, Solu-Cortef must be mixed only with suitable fluids (saline, dextrose, or dextrose in saline ).
Simple treatment with fluids and atropine usually suffices, tho vasopressors (e.g. ephedrine) may be necessary.
A separate prescription sheet records the intravenous fluids given.
Perhaps girls take your precious bodily fluids or something.
Complex tectonic and volcanic forces involving icy viscous fluids combined to develop the deformed pattern of this landscape.
Checks on standards at large users of metalworking fluids have resulted in the serving of Notices requiring improvements.
Fluid inclusion studies will tell us about the pressures and temperatures of the pore fluid inclusion studies will tell us about the pressures and temperatures of the pore fluids during flow.
However, sexual excitement stimulates the production of lubricating fluids, so prolonged foreplay can help prevent painful intercourse.
Gages can be filled with a variety of fluids including glycerin, mineral oil and silicone oil.
Does heparin, when added to the fluids infused through a peripheral catheter, reduce local catheter-related problems and extend catheter life?
Fluids to support the liver lemon water add a freshly squeezed lemon to a glass of hot water.
Tears, nasal secretions and tissue fluids contain lysozymes which destroy invading ' foreign ' material.
And, the HSC has said that the new occupational exposure limits cannot be derived for mineral or water-mix metalworking fluids.
Intimate samples include blood, semen or other bodily fluids, dental impressions or a swab from any body orifice other than the mouth.
Additionally, the sun can be quite intense and you should take care to drink plenty of fluids while on the beach.
A number are used as solvents in glues, paints, nail varnish removers, dry cleaning fluids and de-greasing compounds.
The Bohlin Gemini rheometers from Malvern Instruments are an advanced range of modular and compact rheometers with ' fluids to solids ' capability.
The SR5 is a universal controlled stress rheometer suitable for use with complex fluids such as polymer melts, creams and lotions.
It is therefore natural to study the macroscopic parameters of the fluids under different conditions, such as steady and oscillatory shear.
Furthermore, if your child is sick be sure to replace lost fluids with frequent small sips of cold, still water.
Many materials behave both like elastic solids and viscous fluids, a phenomenon referred to as viscoelastic properties.
Fluids to support the liver Lemon water add a freshly squeezed lemon to a glass of hot water.
The trace elements and isotope systematics will be compared to current knowledge of MOR hydrothermal fluids.
A 20% loss is usually well tolerated provided fluids are given to maintain the circulating volume.
Most neonatal units have feeding regimens for babies requiring formula milk or intravenous fluids.
In his Memoire sur le refraction des corps solides (1741) he was the first to give a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon which is witnessed when a body passes from one fluid to another more dense in a direction not perpendicular to the surface which separates the two fluids.
Wright and others, in recent work on opsonins, have shown that, by injecting dead cultures of the causal agent into subjects infected with the organism, there is produced in the body fluids a substance (opsonin) which apparently in favourable conditions unites with the living causal bacteria and so sensitizes them that they are readily taken up and destroyed by the phagocytic cells of tissues.
This acquired immunity is brought about by the development of a protective body as a result of the struggle of the cells and fluids of the body with the invading bacteria and their toxins.
His theory of the motion of fluids, the germ of which was first published in his memoir entitled Theoria nova de motu aquarum per canales quocunque fluentes, communicated to the Academy of St Petersburg as early as 1726, was founded on two suppositions, which appeared to him conformable to experience.
The theorems of hydrostatics are thus true for all stationary fluids, however, viscous they may be; it is only when we come to hydrodynamics, the science of the motion of a fluid, that viscosity will make itself felt and modify the theory; unless we begin by postulating the perfect fluid, devoid of viscosity, so that the principle of the normality of fluid pressure is taken to hold when the fluid is in movement.
We may, therefore, write for the pressure at a height y p= - pgy, T A b e ?; y t L - == --ti where p is the density of the liquid, or if there are two fluids the excess of the density of the lower fluid over that of the upper one.
More experimental data for the pulsatile flows of non-Newtonian fluids are needed.
His theory of the universe was that it is composed of a series of increasingly rarefied fluids.
Increase your intake of fluids to rehydrate the skin.
Make sure you are drinking enough water to replace lost fluids.
Dr. Binding 's research interests encompass all aspects of the rheology of complex fluids.
Malvern will also be showing its Gemini modular and compact rheometer system with ' fluids to solids ' capability.
Saliva is a mixture of mucus and serous fluids, each produced to various extents in various glands.
Once your bowel starts working again, you will be able to try sips of fluids.
The impervious nature of the material ensures that there is no leakage or spillage of body fluids during removal.
What should we do if there is a spillage of blood or body fluids?
Avoid sugary foods, which can make you tired in the long run Drink plenty of fluids - water your brain !
These groundbreaking studies could see supercritical fluids spearheading a truly green alternative for the global chemical industry.
The pulsating bubble tensiometer used to measure dynamic surface tension of fluids.
Coin cleaning machines used in conjunction with special cleaning fluids enhance the properties of the cleaning fluids by gently vibrating the coins.
Our results have appeared in four key papers, taking the analysis through increasingly complex flows for both viscous and viscoelastic fluids.
The higher viscosity fluids are more suited for fork use.
Stoneware is highly vitrified and is hard and impervious to fluids.
Don't forget to drink lots of water during your hike to replenish the fluids you've lost.
The nursing staff will also give your baby an IV for intravenous fluids as she may not be able to eat on her own.
The baby also experiences hormonal shifts that help them absorb fluids into the body and away from the lungs during labor and delivery.
The baby does not travel through the birth canal so the fluids are not pushed out of the lungs during the delivery, and the babies do not have the same hormonal changes as those who undergo vaginal births.
If your new vet was able to give him IV fluids in time, she may have been able to reverse the dehydration before it was too late.
This form of FIP most often progressives very rapidly and the cat"s belly will swell due to the accumulation of fluids.
These range from household solvents such as paints, paint thinners and some cleaning fluids, to solvents used for personal care, including nail polish removers and perfumes.
Fluids collect the earth's heat in the winter which the system transfers into your home.
Nonpoint source pollution or run-off pollution includes apparently minor household contaminants such as lawn chemicals or car cleaning fluids.
Bleaching in this manner has been known to cause teeth to become more sensitive, especially to hot and cold fluids.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and will be effective in removing the free radicals from the fluids in your body.
Fresh watermelon or oranges are also a good source of fluids to help your body stay properly hydrated.
Making a point of drinking plenty of fluids each day will help your system to eliminate toxins.
The truth of the matter is bodily fluids are exchanged during intercourse, causing a risk of pregnancy whether or not the guy happens to be a pull out champion.
Potassium aids in digestive health, as well as maintaining bodily fluids and normal heart functions.
Sprout seeds require an ample water supply to grow, but you must make sure your growing kit has unobstructed drainage holes to rid your trays of excess fluids.
Since titanium doesn't react to sweat or other bodily fluids, it doesn't cause the body to break out in rashes or hives.
If not, she's going to need a sub-Q saline injection to keep her fluids up until she recovers.
Their function is to allow the exchange of nutrients, gases, and fluids between the body's tissues and lungs.
Rest, plenty of fluids and time will have your working dog back on the agility course or at the weight pull competition in no time!
Hydration is typically carried out by administering IV fluids containing a balance of electrolytes in a hospital setting.
Like IV fluids, this medication is delivered intravenously to be most effective.
Since copious vomiting and diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, the animal is typically hospitalized and rehydrated by administering IV fluids that contain a balance of electrolytes.
Like IV fluids, this medication is most effective when it's delivered intravenously.
One reason that fiberglass is such a popular choice for whelping boxes is the fact that the surface area is nonporous, keeping it from absorbing bodily fluids that may harbor unhealthy substances and making it is easy to clean.
Puppies will rarely survive if they do not receive sufficient intravenous fluids.
It has "seeped" some fluids, some of the partial leaves are still firm while others are completely withed, the most center leaf is still bright green and standing tall.
The inserts are primarily responsible for absorbing the fluids produced by babies and toddlers; covers act as the waterproof barrier that prevents fluids from leaking.
Goggles can block sharp instruments or glass, preservation chemicals used in dissections, bodily fluids, dust, splatters, bacterium, or flying objects-all things you are likely to find in one type of science class or lab or another.
Certain corrosive vapors trigger the body to flood the lungs with fluids, effectively drowning the person.
Medical personnel will also provide supportive care as needed, such as intravenous fluids or mechanical ventilation.
Calculi (pl.) can cause problems by lodging in and obstructing the proper flow of fluids, such as bile to the intestines or urine to the bladder.
In addition, until about age two, children's kidneys are not able to concentrate urine and preserve body fluids as efficiently as adult kidneys.
Obese individuals and those with poor circulation or who take medications to reduce excess body fluids (diuretics) can be at risk when conditions are hot and humid.
Heat exhaustion is caused by exposure to high heat and humidity for many hours, resulting in excessive loss of fluids and salts through heavy perspiration.
The child needs to continue drinking fluids and should be watched carefully for further signs of heat-related illnesses.
Rest and replacement of fluids and salt is usually all the treatment that is needed, and hospitalization is rarely required.
Breathing and heart rate are monitored, and fluids and electrolytes are replaced intravenously.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages; drink frequently, even if not thirsty.
Before the 1970s, some coaches felt it was good training to limit the amount of fluids athletes drank at practices.
Electrolytes-Salts and minerals that produce electrically charged particles (ions) in body fluids.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)-Immunoglobulin type gamma, the most common type found in the blood and tissue fluids.
Since the TORCH test is a screening or first-level test, the pediatrician may order tests of other body fluids or tissues to confirm the diagnosis of a specific infection.
The child may be given additional fluids, possibly intravenously, to help remove the bilirubin.
These include dressing the child lightly, applying cold washcloths to the face and neck, providing plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, and giving the child a lukewarm bath or sponging the child in lukewarm water.
In cases of severe blood loss, medical treatment may include the intravenous replacement of body fluids.
Traumatic shock-A condition of depressed body functions as a reaction to injury with loss of body fluids or lack of oxygen.
If the patient is dehydrated, intravenous fluids will be administered.
Rest, a healthy diet, plenty of fluids, limiting heavy exercise and competitive sports, and treatment of aches with acetaminophen (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Medipren) will help the illness pass.
The infection is highly contagious and may lead to severe dehydration (loss of body fluids) and even death.
Oral rehydration therapy (drinking enough fluids to replace those lost through bowel movements and vomiting) is the primary aim of the treatment.
If the diarrhea becomes severe, it may be necessary to hospitalize the patient so that fluids can be administered intravenously.
Bland fluids such as apple juice, liquid flavored gelatin, or lukewarm broth are easiest to drink.
In the event of severe disease, the doctor may use intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
Fluids such as water, breast milk or formula (if applicable), electrolyte replacement drinks, diluted juice, or clear broths should be encouraged.
Herpes simplex virus is transmitted by infected body fluids (such as saliva) when they contact breaks in another person's skin or mucous membranes.
Fluids are replenished by having the child consume clear liquids.
A child too sick to drink may be hospitalized and given intravenous fluids.
To help control migraines, the child should eat three balanced meals at regular intervals, take a multi-vitamin supplement to maintain adequate nutrient needs, and drink four to eight glasses of non-caffeinated fluids per day.
Parents should make sure their child drinks enough fluids, eats three well-balanced meals each day, gets plenty of sleep, and balances activities to avoid an over-crowded schedule that may cause stress and lead to a headache.
Electrolytes are salts (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, and bicarbonate) that become ions when mixed with fluids in the body and blood and have the ability to conduct electricity.
Restoration of fluids and electrolytes through intravenous means is the swiftest means to achieve fluid balance.
Athletes who have over-exerted themselves in hot weather may also require rehydration with IV (intravenous) fluids.
An IV for rehydration can be in place for several hours to several days and is generally used if a patient cannot drink fluids.
Patients receiving IV therapy need to be monitored to ensure that the IV solutions are providing the correct amounts of fluids and minerals needed.
Patients need to take fluids by mouth before an IV solution is discontinued.
In most cases, the patient reports a burning or stinging sensation at the site of the needle or IV catheter, especially when new IV fluids are started or the speed of the IV drip is increased.
Once the child can keep fluids down orally and urine output has returned to normal, then intravenous rehydration is discontinued.
Most children don't relapse once they are home if they can continue taking fluids by mouth.
Many health practitioners advise increasing fluids and breathing in warm, humidified air as ways of loosening chest congestion.
In the hospital, the child will be given replacement fluids through an IV.
This treatment is vital since a patient in shock will die unless those lost fluids are replaced quickly.
Diarrhea is caused by infections or illnesses that either lead to excess production of fluids or prevent absorption of fluids.
Parents should also call the doctor if a child is vomiting so often that he or she cannot keep fluids down, has a high fever, complains of severe abdominal pain, or shows no improvement in symptoms after 24 hours.
Oral rehydration solution (ORS) or intravenous fluids are the choices; ORS is preferred if possible.
To prevent dehydration, individuals suffering from diarrhea should take plenty of fluids, especially water.
Replacement of fluids and electrolytes is important for people experiencing diarrhea.
Parents should be sure that their children who experience diarrhea drink plenty of fluids and replace electrolytes with an oral rehydration solution.
Children who require hospitalization receive fluids intravenously and supplemental oxygen through a mask or nasal cannulae (small tubes into the openings of the nostrils).
Men leak fluids from their penises before and after ejaculation that can cause pregnancy and carry STDs.
If there is any doubt as to the diagnosis, then a specimen of body fluids (mucus, urine) can be collected and combined with fluorescent-tagged measles virus antibodies.
These tests allow direct detection of streptococcal antigens in body fluids such as urine or blood serum or from a throat swab.
The individual does not need to avoid food or fluids before the test.
Insulin is made by the pancreas and facilitates the movement of glucose from the blood and extracellular fluids into the cells.
The mineral content of the body may be measured by testing samples of body fluids, most commonly blood plasma, red blood cells from whole blood, and urine.
The affected person may also require treatment such as intravenous fluids for complications of poisoning such as shock, anemia, and kidney failure.
Fluids, nutrients, and drugs can be injected.
For example, children are taught to use the bathroom before bedtime and to avoid drinking fluids after dinner.
The lymphatic system also participates in the transport of fluids, fats, proteins, and other substances throughout the body.
Following vigorous activities that involve sweating, lost fluids should be replaced by drinking water.
Dehydration can be a problem, so children should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids.
They also are given intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
The affected child should be encouraged to drink fluids such as water, breast milk or formula (if applicable), electrolyte replacement drinks, or clear broths.
Fluids and food are not taken by mouth until the mother's digestive function returns.
Also, some vaccines, including those for influenza, measles, and mumps, are grown in the laboratory in fluids of chick embryos, and should not be given to children who are allergic to eggs.
Severe dehydration requires medical treatment with intravenous (IV) fluids and may require hospitalization.
Preventing dehydration by maintaining fluids in the body may help reduce the risk of renal vein thrombosis.
It is important to try to encourage the child to take in adequate amounts of fluids, in the form of ice chips or Popsicles if other foods or liquids are too uncomfortable.
As the distention increases, fluids continue to increase, and the intestine absorbs less.
Intravenous fluids may be given to maintain fluid levels and urine output or to correct dehydration that already has occurred.
Heat cramps are more likely to occur when the child has not taken in enough fluids before, during, and after the activity.
If the child has any signs of dehydration, generous amounts of fluids and an oral rehydrating solution containing glucose and electrolytes should be given.
They are essential for replacing fluids, minerals, and salts.
Prolonged, severe dehydration requires medical treatment with intravenous (IV) fluids and may require hospitalization.
Fluids should be encouraged during all strenuous activities, especially in warm weather.
Make sure the child drinks enough fluids before, during, and after sports and other activities.
After the activity, encourage the child to continue drinking water to replace lost fluids.
Hepatitis B is a form of viral hepatitis that is also known as serum hepatitis, due to its ability to be spread through body fluids and blood.
The best treatment is to ensure that the child drinks a lot of fluids and eats well.
Parents can help children with their baths; encourage them to drink enough fluids; and prompt them to do deep breathing and muscle strengthening exercises.
Blood tests may be required regularly to track levels of fluids and salts in the blood.
Adequate nutrition and fluids improve the chances for a full recovery from encephalitis.
It is important for the child to continue drinking fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration from diarrhea or vomiting.
Catheter-A thin, hollow tube inserted into the body at specific points in order to inject or withdraw fluids from the body.
Breast milk or formula provides all the fluids a healthy baby needs.
A powerful diuretic and fluids to restore normal sodium concentrations are administered rapidly at first.
This supportive care includes bed rest, drinking extra fluids, gargling with warm salt water, and taking pain relievers.
There are problems with the child holding food or fluids in the affected side of the mouth, resulting in drooling or difficulty swallowing.
The realization of looking different-not being able to smile, close an eye or even hold fluids in the mouth properly is highly upsetting to parents, and embarrassing and frustrating for the child.
Shock can occur when the released histamine causes the blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure; histamine also causes fluids to leak from the bloodstream into the tissues, lowering the blood volume.
Pulmonary edema can result from fluids leaking into the alveoli (air sacs) of the lung.
Other treatments may be given by medical personnel, including oxygen, intravenous fluids, breathing medications, and possibly more epinephrine.
Intravenous fluids will be infused to prevent dehydration and to correct electrolyte imbalances that may have already occurred.
Corticosteroids such as prednisone and intravenous (IV) fluids may be temporarily given while the child begins a GFD.
Staph bacteria can spread through the air, but infection is almost always the result of direct contact with open sores or body fluids contaminated by these organisms.
Intravenous fluids are given for several weeks while the bowel heals.
Home care includes drinking plenty of fluids, resting, not smoking, increasing moisture in the air with a cool mist humidifier, and taking acetaminophen (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol) for fever and pain.
Parents should encourage fluids by frequent offers of small amounts of the child's favorite liquids.
The child is also be given fluids and possibly drug therapy to thin mucus secretions (mucolytic agents) or medication to open the airways of the lung (brochodilators).
Aspiration-The process of removing fluids or gases from the body by suction.
Cilia produce lashing or whipping movements to direct or cause motion of substances or fluids within the body.
Consolidation-A condition in which lung tissue becomes firm and solid rather than elastic and air-filled, arising because of accumulated fluids and tissue debris.
Kidney involvement requires monitoring and correction of blood fluids and electrolytes.
They may require fluids and nutrients to be administered through an intravenous line, in which a small needle is inserted into a vein in the hand, foot, arm, leg, or scalp.
If a premature infant is unable to nurse at the breast or drink from a bottle, fluids and nutrients may be administered intravenously or with a tube in the nose or mouth that empties into the stomach (called gavage feeding).
Surfactant-A protective film secreted by the alveoli in the lungs that reduces the surface tension of lung fluids, allowing gas exchange and helping maintain the elasticity of lung tissue.
Dehydration can result from loss of fluids through persistent vomiting and diarrhea; it is one of the most frequent and serious complications of food poisoning.
When more fluids are being lost than are replaced, dehydration may occur in the very young and in the elderly, as well as in individuals who take diuretics.
Treatment of food poisoning, except for botulism, focuses on preventing or correcting dehydration by replacing critical fluids and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
Electrolytes are mineral salts that form electrically charged particles (ions) in body fluids; they help control body fluid balance and participate in many essential body functions.
Pharmacists can recommend effective, pleasant-tasting, electrolyte replacement fluids that are available without a prescription.
To prevent dehydration, a doctor may decide to give fluids intravenously.
Make sure that the child drinks plenty of fluids but avoids acidic juices like orange juice because they irritate the throat.
In addition, parents should anticipate that their children may eat less during the first 24 hours after the injection, and they should receive plenty of fluids.
Intravenous fluids and injections of antihistamines or corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone also are administered.
In the hospital, fluids and electrolytes are given to correct imbalances that have arisen from the breakdown of cellular metabolism.
The victim is also checked for head, neck, and other injuries, and intravenously fluids may be started.
Children with UTIs should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids and wipe themselves properly after a bowel movement.
The best treatment is to make sure that the child drinks a lot of fluids and eats well.
The loss of fluids through diarrhea and vomiting can upset the body's electrolyte balance, leading to potentially life-threatening problems such as heart beat abnormalities (arrhythmia).
More severe dehydration requires medical treatment with intravenous (IV) fluids and may require hospitalization.
If dehydration is absent, drinking generous amounts of fluids, such as water or juice, is adequate.
Minimal to moderate dehydration can be treated by giving the child generous amounts of fluids, including water, clear liquids, and oral rehydrating solutions containing glucose and electrolytes.
They are essential for replacing fluids, minerals, and salts lost from diarrhea or vomiting, and should be given when diarrhea or vomiting first occur.
Fluids that are not based on these properties-such as cola, apple juice, broth, and sports beverages-are not recommended to treat dehydration.
It is also found in body fluids, including semen, saliva, urine, feces, breast milk, blood, and secretions of the cervix (the narrow, lower section of the uterus).
Body fluids or tissues can be tested to reveal CMV infection.
If vomiting cannot be controlled, so that fluids cannot be kept down, fluids may be administered intravenously to prevent dehydration.
It is found in saliva, urine, and other body fluids and can be spread through sexual contact or other more casual forms of physical contact such as kissing.
Past or recent infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) can be identified by antibody tests and CMV can be grown from body fluids.
The child should drink plenty of fluids.
It is transmitted primarily by exposure to contaminated body fluids, especially blood and semen.
The most common complication is dehydration secondary to a refusal to drink fluids because of mouth pain and difficulty swallowing.
The organism can be transmitted by person-to-person contact or by contact with nasal discharges and other body fluids.
The bacterium can be grown on chocolate agar or identified by blood cultures or Gram stain of body fluids.
Deficiency or imbalance in sodium and potassium does not usually result from a lack of these minerals in the diet, but from imbalances in body fluids.
Although diarrheal fluids deplete a number of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium), the main concern in avoiding shock is replacing sodium and water.
Children may be given oral pediatric preparations to gradually restore fluids and minerals.
This condition generally occurs in children who have a stomach flu characterized by vomiting and diarrhea or who cannot or will not take enough fluids to compensate for excessive losses associated with fever and sweating of acute illness.
In the maintenance phase, calories and fluids are given.
Severe dehydration is a medical emergency requiring intravenous fluids immediately.
Moderate dehydration can be treated orally, but severe dehydration requires the child to take fluids intravenously (IV).
Ensuring that children always drink adequate fluids during an illness helps to prevent dehydration.
Parents can prevent dehydration in infants and children who are vomiting or who have diarrhea by increasing fluids to compensate for losses.
Children who are not ill can maintain proper fluid balance by drinking water or fluids even before they are thirsty.
Children should drink fluids before going outside to exercise or play (especially on a hot day).
Control bleeding using direct pressure; minimize or avoid contact with blood and other body fluids.
The only other treatment is supportive and involves careful monitoring of fluids to prevent dehydration, rest in a quiet, dark room to decrease paroxysms, and suctioning of mucus from the lungs.
Burn treatment consists of relieving pain, preventing infection, and maintaining body fluids, electrolytes, and calorie intake while the body heals.
Also, because burns dramatically deplete the body of fluids, replacement fluids are administered intravenously.
Children must be taught never to play with matches, lighters, fireworks, gasoline, and cleaning fluids.
An intravenous line (IV tubing into the veins) is established to allow fluids to be administered as needed during surgery.
Ancient Greek and Roman physicians invoked nature, claiming that the proportions of the various humors or fluids in the bodies influenced personality.
Cortisol-A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that is important for maintenance of body fluids, electrolytes, and blood sugar levels.
Persons with diphtheria require bed rest with intensive nursing care, including extra fluids, oxygenation, and monitoring for possible heart problems, airway blockage, or involvement of the nervous system.
Adequate to copious intake of fluids are also recommended.
Treatment will take place over a period of several days, including administration of insulin, usually in combination with administration of intravenous fluids and salts to restore fluid and electrolyte balance.
This process usually involves the administration of fluids intravenously.
Extreme sunburns that blister may require treatment in a hospital burn unit and intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.
Hydrops fetalis is characterized by an accumulation of fluids within the baby's body, giving it a swollen appearance.
The baby may also receive oxygen and intravenous fluids containing electrolytes or drugs to treat other symptoms.
Hydrops fetalis-A condition in which a fetus or newborn baby accumulates fluids, causing swollen arms and legs and impaired breathing.
The system removes tissue fluids from intercellular spaces and protects the body from bacterial invasions.
Exudation-Leakage of cells, proteins, and fluids through the blood vessel wall into the surrounding tissue.
You will be required to have an IV delivering Pitocin and fluids.
If you are stressed, run down, eating poorly, not drinking enough fluids, or not getting enough rest, you're a prime candidate for mastitis.
Many pregnant women do not drink enough healthy fluids.
It is vital for the healthy pregnancy that you drink at least eight glasses of water or healthy fluids (64 ounces) a day.
Healthy fluids include milk and 100% fruit juice.
Drinking plenty of fluids during pregnancy helps provide amniotic fluid for your baby and flush excess wastes from your body.
Fluids - drinking at least 8 glasses of water, milk, 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices each day is necessary to maintain the right amount of amniotic fluid around your baby.
Male condoms are placed over the penis and prevent body fluids (such as sperm) from coming into contact with another person.
Drink bland fluids such as water or lemonade, in small amounts throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
The placenta is a sac filled with blood and other fluids.
Few women experience a powerful release of fluids, however.
While this well-known indicator conjures dramatic images, the fluids do not always appear in the unmistakable gush many people associate with water breaking.
After the procedure, it's necessary to confirm that the inserts are in place and that no fluids can pass through them.
Another visit to the doctor for a confirmation test is necessary to make sure that the tubes are blocked and that no fluids can pass through them.
The woman's body has considerably more fluids and the kidneys increase exertion.
Long term chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration and an overall weakening of the body due to loss of fluids.
However, this and other whole food supplements can be beneficial if used in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise and plenty of fluids.
Soluble fiber is fiber that is somewhat broken down by fluids; therefore, it forms a gel-like substance in the large intestine.
While most hotel rooms and rental apartments are perfectly clean and hygienic, they often have a chemical smell from cleaning fluids or have more unpleasant smells.
Drink plenty of fluids and don't overexert yourself.
Silver engagement rings can be cleaned with a soft cloth and it is also possible to purchase special jewelry cleaning fluids that will keep silver in tip top condition.
Celiac disease can also cause your body to retain fluids, especially in advanced stages of malnutrition.
If your blood protein levels drop, your body will attempt to elevate their levels by retaining fluids.
Fluid retention can reach a point where your body can no longer contain the fluids within your circulatory system.
Instead, fluids may leak into your surrounding body tissues in a condition called edema.
Some scientists think that since these creatures seem to prefer drinking an animal's blood to eating its flesh, this might be a symptom of the disease that increases the creature's need for fluids.
Gold. Gold is also used to make body jewelry but should not be used for the initial piercing since body fluids from the healing process can degrade the medal and create an infection.
Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to impose regulatory oversight for an industry based on the practice of injecting metal salts and fluids into the skin.
Avoid contact with bodily fluids during the healing period since your piercing is an open wound.
While leather straps look great, they can be damaged by harsh cleaning fluids or alcohol rubs.
After class, you should cool down and drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
Passengers, cargo, fluids, and other items are not included in this weight.
This number represents the manufacturer's top recommendation for the combined weight of your vehicle, cargo, fluids, and passengers.
You vehicle's compliance certification label should include the gross combination weight rating (GCWR), which is the maximum total for the weight of your vehicle, passengers, cargo, fluids, and trailer.
Overheating - You may need to replenish fluids that are causing your car to overheat.
Vehicle Curb Weight - This is how much your new car weighs with all fluids and all of your desired accessories installed.
Sometimes, it'll stay buried in your glove compartment until you need to perform maintenance that requires knowledge about what fluids are required or what component you need to purchase for repairs.
A sedentary lifestyle hinders many of the body's natural processes and when toxins build up in the blood and lymph fluids, your chance for disease increases markedly.
Always be sure to drink plenty of fluids to prevent bowel dehydration and constipation.
Weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, and if you're weighing more after a big meal, it's probably because of the fluids and undigested food in your body.
Taking in plenty of fluids will also help with digestion and aid in cell regeneration.
Dieters may very well lose the promised 10-15 pounds, but the problem is that most of the weight lost will be primarily from fluids, not fat, and will return once the dieter resumes eating normally.
Remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day along with any meal plan.
They control the body's regulation of fluids going in and out of the organs and cells.
Sodium also regulates blood volume and blood pressure, transmits impulses for muscle contraction and nerve function, and regulates the acid balance in the blood and body fluids.
To help reduce these symptoms, drink plenty of fluids and increase fiber gradually.
Additionally, drink plenty of fluids to help force fiber through the digestive system, approximately 8, 8 oz glasses of water is ideal.
In addition to fat loss, you will lose water weight as your body increases its excretion of fluids.
Eating a diet rich in fiber and nutrients, avoiding alcohol and other irritants and getting enough fluids are good recommendations not only for the improvement of symptoms of gastritis, but also for general good health.
While other fluids may help to quench your thirst, water is the only liquid that can actually help to remove waste and toxins from your body.
If you are exercising every day, you will need far more fluids than on a day when exercise is not present.
As you increase your exercise, your body's requirements for water will be higher than before to replace fluids lost through sweat.
Since you will sweat, you need to replenish your fluids, so don't forget your water.
Proper hydration before, during, and after exercise is absolutely essential to help your body replenish lost fluids.
Drink plenty of water to ensure that any fluids lost during exercise do not cause an electrolyte imbalance.
However, active people may need even more fluids to prevent dehydration.
You can keep your baby hydrated with a variety of fluids and protect their skin from distressing sunburns by applying a specially formulated sunscreen.
When a female mosquito takes the first stab at the flesh of a human, she injects her saliva into the skin along with anticoagulants, digestive fluids and enzymes.
Mosquitoes inject foreign fluids and enzymes into their victim's body when the female uses her razor sharp bite.
These fluids, containing digestive acids and other bodily substances, cause an uncomfortable and itchy allergic reaction in most people.
At the bite scene, the body develops a raised itchy bump containing the substances and fluids that irritate the skin as our bodies try to fight off the foreign enzymes.
It is always best to avoid scratching mosquito bites, as spreading the enzyme fluids across the surface of the skin may cause a brutal hive outbreak or a full blown allergic attack that may require medical treatment.
Blood conglomerates, viruses and digestive fluids immediately enter the body of the victim.
In most cases, the fluids cause a mild allergic reaction in the victim, which then produces the swollen, itchy mass known as the mosquito bite.
Intravenous fluids will be given, as well.
You should change the dressing before bodily fluids have soaked through.
Certainly if the blood or other fluids have already soaked the bandage, you should change it.
Most importantly, try to stay indoors with the air conditioning on during hot and humid weather and stay well-hydrated with plenty of fluids.
Anytime that you need a barrier of protection from chemicals or fluids, a lab coat will be a smart choice.
He managed to keep his body fluids up by frequent gulps to replenish his rapidly diminishing energy.
In 1744 Alembert applied this principle to the theory of the equilibrium and the motion of fluids (Trcite de l'equilibre et du mouvement des fluides), and all the problems before solved by geometricians became in some measure its corollaries.
Its solvent power is also utilized in the production of various colouring fluids, where the colouring matter would not dissolve in water alone; thus aniline violet, the tinctorial constituents of madder, and various allied colouring matters dissolve in glycerin, forming liquids which remain coloured even when diluted with water, the colouring matters being either retained in suspension or dissolved by the glycerin present in the diluted fluid.
His first contributions to mathematical physics were two papers published in 1873 in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy on "Graphical Methods in the Thermodynamics of Fluids," and "Method of Geometrical Representation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Substances by means of Surfaces."
They also occur in the fluids of the living organism.
They are usually insoluble in water, alcohol and ether; and their presence as solutes in vegetable and animal fluids is not yet perfectly understood, but it is probably to be connected with the presence of salts or other substances.
Mucins occur in most of the slimy fluids of the body; they vary in composition with their source.
A magnetizable substance was supposed to consist of an indefinite number of spherical particles, each containing equivalent quantities of the two fluids, which could move freely within a particle, but could never pass from one particle to another.
When the fluids inside a particle were mixed together, the particle was neutral; when they were more or less completely separated, the particle became magnetized to an intensity depending upon the magnetic force applied; the whole body therefore consisted of a number of little spheres having north and south poles, each of which exerted an elementary action at a distance.
The Memoirs of the Berlin Academy from 1761 to 1784 contain many of his papers, which treat of such subjects as resistance of fluids, magnetism, comets, probabilities, the problem of three bodies, meteorology, &c. In the Acta Helvetica (1752-1760) and in the Nova acta erudita (1763-1769) several of his contributions appear.
Repair Of Injuries In the process of inflammation we have a series of reactions on the part of the tissues, and fluids of the body, to counteract the ill effects of irritation or injury, to get rid of the cause, and to repair its results.
In resenting such insults, a remarkable uniformity and regularity in the processes is brought about by the different cells and fluids of the healthy tissues of the body.
The sensible properties and physical alterations of animal fluids and solids depended upon different proportions, movements and combinations of these particles.
Notwithstanding these inventions of the Alexandrian school, its attention does not seem to have been directed to the motion of fluids; and the first attempt to investigate this subject was made by Sextus Julius Frontinus, inspector of the public fountains at Rome in the reigns of Nerva and Trajan.
The theorem of Torricelli was employed by many succeeding writers, but particularly by Edme Mariotte (1620-1684), whose Traite du mouvement des eaux, published after his death in the year 1686, is founded on a great variety of well-conducted experiments on the motion of fluids, performed at Versailles and Chantilly.
He applied this principle to the motion of fluids, and gave a specimen of its application at the end of his Dynamics in 1743.
The resolution of the questions concerning the motion of fluids was effected by means of Euler's partial differential coefficients.
This calculus was first applied to the motion of water by d'Alembert, and enabled both him and Euler to represent the theory of fluids in formulae restricted by no particular hypothesis.
Following in the steps of the Abbe Charles Bossut (Nouvelles Experiences sur la resistance des fluides, 1777), he published, in 1786, a revised edition of his Principes d'hydraulique, which contains a satisfactory theory of the motion of fluids, founded solely upon experiments.
Normal butyric acid or fermentation butyric acid is found in butter, as an hexyl ester in the oil of Heracleum giganteum and as an octyl ester in parsnip (Pastinaca sativa); it has also been noticed in the fluids of the flesh and in perspiration.
The treatment is far from satisfactory, and consists in keeping up the strength and diluting the poison in the blood and in the urine by the administration of bland fluids, such as soda-water, milk and plain water, in quantities as large as possible.
The fermentation will create a thick scum on top of the liquid, killing any pathogens and separating the seeds from their natural fluids.
Workers who hold jobs where they may come into contact with bodily fluids must complete an approved blood borne pathogens training course every year.
Other effects of OHS include visual blurring when the optical disk swells and strain on the heart as it tries to pump fluids through.
Stay hydrated - Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to avoid nighttime dehydration.
Kidney failure - When the kidneys malfunction, body fluids including electrolytes go off balance, which can lead to muscle spasms.
If the problem persists, there are special cloths and fluids that you can purchase to safely remove smudges from the lenses.