Fluctuation Sentence Examples
The value of the exports from India to Kabul also shows great fluctuation.
The sensation of sound is produced by rapid fluctuation in the pressure of the atmosphere on the tympanum of the Charac- ear.
By this fluctuation the pond asserts its title to a shore, and thus the shore is shorn, and the trees cannot hold it by right of possession.
There is an annual fluctuation in the level of the lake, varying from a minimum of 9 in.
Of course, that may mean 1800 one day and 1400 the next -- life is life and a little fluctuation is inevitable, but the important thing is what you end up with on a weekly basis.
At one rod from the shore its greatest fluctuation, when observed by means of a level on land directed toward a graduated staff on the ice, was three quarters of an inch, though the ice appeared firmly attached to the shore.
So if a driver's gas usage jumps from $100 a week to $200, you can easily spot the fluctuation and decide if it is in line with his increased route mileage.
The uncertainty of home fuel oil prices and the constant fluctuation in pricing makes the general public vulnerable and at the mercy of high oil prices.
This sudden fluctuation can trigger symptoms of depression in women who are already susceptible.
The cycle is the result of a hormone fluctuation that signals the ovaries to release eggs for fertilization.
AdvertisementRemember, temperature fluctuation and light are our enemies here, right?
The kitchen is the worst offender in temperature fluctuation in the whole house!
The ideal temperature to store Pinot Noir and other red wines is 52 degrees fahrenheit; however, a storage temperature that ranges from about 40 degrees to 65 degrees will work provided there is very little fluctuation in temperature.
Like the 1/1 ARM, the maximum fluctuation allowed is 6 percent.
It is the fluctuation of estrogen that is to blame for the unpleasant migraines and can be made worse for women who choose to take the combined (estrogen and progestin)low dose pill.
AdvertisementLater, the world of electronics allowed the conversion of sound waves from a microphone into "electromagnetic fluctuation" that gets imprinted into magnetic tape or, in the case of today's digital recorders, a digital memory chip.
Cold spots are the most commonly reported form of paranormal activity that involves temperature fluctuation.
You can also store items in your garage or basement if the temperature fluctuation isn't too great.
When choosing simple carbohydrates ranked higher on the glycemic index, it creates a more dramatic fluctuation in blood glucose and insulin levels.
Brady could've lost it in the river, but she should still pick up some electromagnetic fluctuation, if he was anywhere except the bottom of the river.
AdvertisementThis fluctuation finds a parallel in the age at which the Levites were to serve; for neither has any reasonable explanation been found on the traditional view.
The pitch of a musical sound depends on the number of cycles passed through by the fluctuations of the pressure per unit of time; the loudness depends on the amount or the amplitude of the fluctuation in each cycle; the quality depends on the form or the nature of the fluctuation in each cycle.
The speaker seeks to make intelligible the appearance of art and contrivance in the world as a result of a natural settlement of the universe (which passes through a succession of chaotic conditions) into a stable condition, having a constancy in its forms, yet without its several parts losing their motion and fluctuation.
To obtain a correct idea of this region it must be borne in mind also that the course of the river and the features of the country on both banks are subject to constant fluctuation.
The points just noted apply also to the average fluctuation and the standard deviation, but it is probable in these cases that daily or even weekly quotations would be sufficient to yield the information sought for with sufficient exactness for purposes of comparison.
AdvertisementWere it not for the use of some such device the arc would be liable to constant fluctuation and to frequent extinction.
There has been no increase, and, indeed, no large fluctuation until quite recently in the output of New Zealand, which averaged £1,054,000 per annum from 1876 to 1898, but the production of the two years 190oand 1905 rose to £1,425,459 and £2,070,407 respectively.
But this is not the original picture, and, since very contradictory representations of Solomon's reign can be clearly discerned, it is necessary in the first instance to view them in the light of an independent examination of the history of the preceding and following periods where, again, serious fluctuation of standpoint is found.
Not only does the milk of different races and breeds of cows vary within comparatively wide limits; the milk of the same animal is subject to extensive fluctuation.
The prices quoted are subject to constant fluctuation and represent purely trade prices for bulk, and it should be explained that the very great variations are due to different sizes, qualities and colours, and moreover are only first cost, before skins are dressed and prepared.
Few, on the contrary, as was pointed out by C. Babbage, are less subject to fluctuation than the duration of life amongst people taken in large aggregates.
The prices of the wines also are subject to great fluctuation, but in fair years will vary, according to class and quality, from;IO to 30 per hogshead for the better growths.
The production of coal in Great Britain, though marked by, fluctuation, has, on the whole, largely increased, and in 1901 the output was 42% greater than that of 1881.
When the fluctuation in the position of the pole was fully confirmed, its importance in astronomy and geodesy led the International Geodetic Association to establish a series of stations round the globe, as nearly as possible on the same parallel of latitude, for the purpose of observing the fluctuation with a greater degree of precision than could be attained by the miscellaneous observations before available.
In consequence, the change in the amplitude of the fluctuation through the seven-year period is not so well marked as before 190o.
Later volumes of the Astronomical Journal contain discussions of the causes which may produce the annual fluctuation.
When the upper limit is infinity, so that the limits correspond to the inclusion of half the primary wave, C and S are both equal to by a known formula; and on account of the rapid fluctuation of sign the parts of the range beyond very moderate values of v contribute but little to the result.
As the oscilla swung in the wind, oscillare came to mean to swing, hence in English "oscillation," the act of swinging backwards and forwards, periodic motion to and fro, hence any variation or fluctuation, actual or figurative.
These measures have served to give greater stability to the value of the circulating medium, and to prevent the ruinous losses caused by a constant fluctuation in value, but the rate established prevents the further appreciation of the currency.
This is subject to considerable fluctuation, and varied in 1900 to 1908 from 2S.
By some writers the word " mutation " is applied only to large and suddenly appearing variations which are found to be capable of hereditary transmission, whilst the term " fluctuation " is applied to small variations whether capable of transmission or not.
By others the word " fluctuation " is apparently applied only to those small " acquired " variations due to the direct action of changes in food, moisture and other features of the environment.
This fluctuation, due partly to the different circles in which the biblical narratives took shape, and partly to definite reshaping of the traditions of the past, seriously complicates all attempts to combine the early history of Israel with the external evidence.