Florida Sentence Examples
It started as a geezer bike for retirees in Florida and Arizona.
My parents, now residing in Florida, would attend the ceremony along with my older brother and his family who would fly in from Seattle, Oregon.
The building swayed gently in the strong winds whipping through southern Florida, and water pelted the windows across from her.
The soils of Florida have sand as a common ingredient.'
As regards climate Florida may be divided into three more or less distinct zones.
After the close of the war for the Union Mrs Stowe bought an estate in Florida, chiefly in hope of restoring the health of her son, Captain Frederick Beecher Stowe, who had been wounded in the war, and in this southern home she spent many winters.
By the treaty of Paris in 1763 Florida was ceded to England in return for Havana.
Hernan Cortes overran and conquered Mexico from 1518 to 1521, and the discovery and conquest of Guatemala by Alvarado, the invasion of Florida by De Soto, and of Nueva Granada by Quesada, followed in rapid succession.
On account of its warm climate, Florida has many resorts for health and pleasure, which are especially popular in the season from January to April; the more important are St Augustine, Ormond, Daytona, Palm Beach, Miami, Tampa, White Springs, Hampton Springs, Worthington Springs and Orange Springs.
In 1706 a Spanish and French expedition against Charleston, South Carolina, failed, and the Carolinians retaliated by invading middle Florida in 1708 and again in 1722.
AdvertisementIn the following year, Spain having declared war against Great Britain, Don Bernardo de Galvez (1756-1794), the Spanish governor at New Orleans, seized most of the English forts in West Florida, and in 1781 captured Pensacola.
By the treaty of Paris (1783) Florida reverted to Spain, and, no religious liberty being promised, many of the English inhabitants left East and West Florida.
Consequently, the people of Florida were for the most part loyal to Great Britain during the War of American Independence.
Interesting. Dusty found his mate and destroyed most of Florida.
Sofi had said similar before Dusty almost blew up Florida.
AdvertisementI'll release the locks, if you promise to take only what you need and not sell the rest, like the feds in Florida.
At the close of the Seven Years' War (1763) France ceded to Great Britain all her territory east of the Mississippi except New Orleans, and Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain.
The Florida Citrus Exchange has its headquarters here.
Whatever may be its true botanical name it is the plant known in commerce as " Sea Island " cotton, owing to its introduction and successful cultivation in the Sea Islands and the coastal districts of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
Nothing definite can be said with regard to a rotation of crops Sea Island Cotton - Carolina Sea Island Florida „ „ Georgia „ Barbados „ „ Egyptian Cottons Yannovitch.
AdvertisementThe Florida Keys, a chain of islands extending in a general south-westerly direction from Biscayne Bay, are included in the state boundaries, and the city of Key West, on an island of the same name, is the seat of justice of Monroe county.
The peculiar outline of Florida gives it the name of " Peninsula State."
No metals have ever been discovered in Florida.
Although the economic value of the phosphate deposits was first realized about 1889, between 1894 and 1907 Florida produced, each year, more than half of all the phosphate rock produced in the whole United States, the yield of Florida (1,357,365 long tons) in 1907 being valued at $ 6, 577,757; that of the whole country at $10,653,558.
Florida is also the principal source in the United States for fuller's earth, a deposit of which, near Quincy, was first discovered in 1893 and clay (including kaolin) is also mined to some extent.
AdvertisementAbout half of the varieties of forest trees in the United States are found, and 1 Almost everywhere limestone is the underlying rock, but siliceous sands, brought out by the Atlantic rivers to the N.E., are carried the whole length of the Florida coast by marine action.
The fisheries are very valuable; the total number of species of fish in Florida waters is about 600, and many species found on one coast are not found on the other.
The discovery of Florida's adaptability to the culture of oranges about 1875 may be taken as the beginning of the state's modern industrial development.
The cultivation of pineapples, in sub-tropical Florida, is proving successful, the product far surpassing that of California, the only other state in the Union in which pineapples are grown.
In 1903, according to the statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture, Indian corn ranked next to fruits .(as given in the state reports), but its product as compared with that of various other states is unimportant - in 1907 it amounted to 7,017,000 bushels only; rice is the only other cereal whose yield in 1899 was greater than that of 1889, but the Florida product was surpassed (in 1899) by that of the Carolinas, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas; in 1907 the product of rice in Florida (69,000 bushels) was less than that of Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Arkansas and Georgia severally.
The manufactures of Florida, as compared with those of other states, are unimportant.
In 1900 Florida ranked fourth in the manufacture of tobacco among the states of the Union, being surpassed by New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio; in 1905 it ranked third (after New York and Pennsylvania).
In the manufacture of fertilizers, the raw material for which is derived from the phosphate beds, Florida's aggregate product in 1900 was valued at $500,239, and in 1905 at $1,590,371, an increase of 217.9% in five years.
Florida's industrial progress has been mainly since the Civil War, for before that conflict a large part of the state was practically undeveloped.
The earliest explorations and attempts at colonization of Florida by Europeans were made by the Spanish.
The Council of the Indies claimed that since 1510 fleets and ships had gone to Florida, and Florida is shown on the Cantino map of 1502.
Soon after Easter Day he came in sight of the coast of Florida, probably near the mouth of the St Johns river.
From the name of the day in the calendar, Pascua Florida, or from the fact that many flowers were found on the coast, the country was named Florida.
He returned to Spain in 1514, and obtained from the king a grant to colonize " the island of Bimini and the island of Florida," of which he was appointed adelantado, and in 1521 he made another expedition, this one for colonization as well as for discovery.
The next important exploration of Florida was that of Panfilo de Narvaez.
Florida was also partially explored by Ferdinando de Soto in 1539-1540.
In the summer of 1559 another attempt at colonization was made by Tristan de Luna, who sailed from Vera Cruz, landed at Pensacola Bay, and explored a part of Florida and (possibly) Southern Alabama.
Menendez then turned his attention to the founding of a settlement which he named St Augustine (q.v.); he also explored the Atlantic coast from Cape Florida to St Helena, and established forts at San Mateo (Fort Caroline), Avista, Guale and St Helena.
When the English colonies of the Carolinas and Georgia were founded, there was constant friction with Florida.
The westward expansion of the United States made necessary American ports on the Gulf of Mexico; consequently the acquisition of West Florida as well as of New Orleans was one of the aims of the negotiations which resulted in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
After the cession of Louisiana to the United States, the people of West Florida feared that that province would be seized by Bonaparte.
When it was found that the Spanish governor did not accept these plans in good faith, another convention was held on the 26th of September which declared West Florida to be an independent state, organized a government and petitioned for admission to the American Union.
Livingston that West Florida was ceded by Spain to France in 1800 along with Louisiana, and was therefore included by France in the sale of Louisiana to the United States in 1803, declared West Florida to be under the jurisdiction of the United States.
Two years later the American Congress annexed the portion of West Florida between the Pearl and the Mississippi rivers to Louisiana (hence the so-called Florida parishes of Louisiana), and that between the Pearl and the Perdido to the Mississippi Territory.
The American government asked the Spanish authorities of East Florida to permit an American occupation of the country in order that it might not be seized by Great Britain and made a base of military operations.
By the treaty of 1819 Spain formally ceded East and West Florida to the United States; the treaty was ratified in 1821, when the United States took formal possession, but civil government was not established until 1822.
Indian affairs furnished the most serious problems of the new Territory of Florida.
There was a strong demand for the removal of these Creek Indians, known as Seminoles, and by treaties at Payne's Landing in 1832 and Fort Gibson in 1833 the Indian chiefs agreed to exchange their Florida lands for equal territory in the western part of the United States.
But a strong sentiment against removal suddenly developed, and the efforts of the United States to enforce the treaty brought on the Seminole War (1836-42), which resulted in the removal of all but a few hundred Seminoles whose descendants still live in southern Florida.
In 1845 Florida became a state of the American Union.
On the 10th of January 1861 an ordinance of secession, which declared Florida to be a " sovereign and independent nation," was adopted by a state convention, and Florida became one of the Confederate States of America.
The legislature of 1866 rejected the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution, and soon afterwards Florida was made a part of the Third Military District, according to the Reconstruction Act of 1867.
A new constitution was framed and was ratified by the electors, and Florida passed from under a quasi-military to a full civil government on the 4th of July 1868.
Drew (1827-1900), the Democratic candidate for governor, then secured a mandamus from the circuit court restraining the board from going behind the face of the election returns; this was not obeyed and a similar mandamus was therefore obtained from the supreme court of Florida, which declared that the board had no right to determine the legality of a particular vote.
Millspaugh's Flora of the Sand Keys of Florida (Chicago, 1907), a Field Columbian Museum publication, are of value.
Yocum's Civil Government of Florida (De Land, Florida, 1904); and the Revised Statutes of Florida (1892).
While Ponce was exploring Florida in 1513 the conquerors of Porto Rico had established their domination in the upper western portion of the island by a series of settlements.
The domestic dogs of some North American Indian tribes closely resemble the coyote; the black wolfdog of Florida resembles the black wolf of the same region; the sheepdogs of Europe and Asia resemble the wolves of those countries, whilst the pariah dog of India is closely similar to the Indian wolf.
In some localities, especially in the " Florida parishes," small quantities of rosin and turpentine are taken from the long-leaf pine, but this industry was unimportant in Louisiana before 1908.
They serve the trade of Lake Pontchartrain and the Florida parishes, the lumber, coal, fish, oyster and truck trade of New Orleans, and to some extent are the highway of a miscellaneous coasting trade.
During the American War of Independence he gave valuable aid to the United States; and when Spain finally joined in the war against Great Britain, Galvez, in a series of energetic and brilliant campaigns (1779-1781), captured all the important posts in the British colony of West Florida.
The machinations of Aaron Burr are of interest in connexion with Louisiana annals, and likewise the settlement and revolutionizing of West Florida by Americans.
A few days later the portion of West Florida between the Mississippi and Pearl rivers (the present " Florida Parishes ") was included in its boundaries, making them as they are to-day.
It divides the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico into two passages of nearly equal width, - the Strait of Florida, about I io m.
In 1908, by the opening of a railway along the Florida Keys, the time of passage by water between Cuba and the United States was reduced to a few hours.
All the characteristic species of the West Indies, the Central American and Mexican and southern Florida seaboard, and nearly all the large trees of the Mexican tropic belt, are embraced in it.
Cables connect the island with Florida, Jamaica, Haiti and San Domingo, Porto Rico, the lesser Antilles, Panama, Venezuela and Brazil.
A school was established by the government in Key West, Florida (U.S.A.), in 1905, for the benefit of the Cuban colony there.
From Cuba went the expeditions that discovered Yucatan (1517), and explored the shores of Mexico, Hernando Cortes's expedition for the invasion of Mexico, and de Soto's for the exploration of Florida.
The surrounding seas are shallow for the most part, but there are three well-defined channels - the Florida or New Bahama channel, between the north-western islands and Florida, followed by the Gulf Stream, the Providence channels (north-east and north-west) from which a depression known as the Tongue of Ocean extends southward along the east side of Andros, and the Old Bahama channel, between the archipelago and Cuba.
There is direct connexion with New York by steamers, which make the journey in about four days; and there is also connexion with Miami in Florida.
Livingston, the resident minister, in obtaining by purchase the territory at the mouth of the Mississippi, including the island of New Orleans, and at the same time authorized him to co-operate with Charles Pinckney, the minister at Madrid, in securing from Spain the cession of East and West Florida.
Columbus is served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, and the Seaboard Air Line railways, and three steamboat lines afford communication with Apalachicola, Florida.
Gaines took a prominent part in the operations against the Seminoles in Florida in 1817 (when he was in command of the Southern Military District) and in 1836 and during the Mexican War commanded the department of the South-West, with headquarters at New Orleans.
Tallahassee is served by the Seaboard Air Line and the Georgia, Florida & Alabama railways.
In 1824 Tallahassee, then virtually uninhabited, was formally chosen by the United States Government as the capital of the Territory of Florida, and it continued as the capital after the admission of Florida into the Union as a state in 1845.
Sumatra produced the best cigar wrappers of the world, and efforts to cultivate Sumatra tobacco in Florida under apparently suitable conditions of climate and soil were not successful.
The U.S.A. Department of Agriculture, in co-operation with local growers, devoted a great deal of attention and money to the problem, and Sumatra tobacco of very high quality is now produced in Florida and Connecticut.
When Cuban tobaccos were first introduced into Florida, the type broke up, but by carefully selecting the best plants and using them only as sources of seed for later crops, a good type was obtained.
On graduation at the United States Military Academy in 1835, he served in Florida with the 3rd Artillery against the Seminoles.
For about three months following this event he was held as a prisoner on parole within the limits of Charleston; then, because of his influence in deterring others from exchanging their paroles for the privileges of British subjects, he was seized, taken to St Augustine, Florida, and there, because he would not give another parole to those who had violated the former agreement affecting him, he was confined for forty-two weeks in a dungeon.
He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1834, and subsequently held pastorates at Newark, New Jersey (1851-1857), and Georgetown, Massachusetts; and from 1870 to 1877 lived in Florida, where he was state superintendent of public instruction in 1871-1873.
Graduating from West Point in 1831, he served with the 2nd Artillery in the Florida war in 1835.
The moccasin-snake ranges fromMassachusetts and Kansas to Florida and Texas and into Mexico, preferring swampy localities or meadows with high grass, where it hunts for small mammals and birds.
His first field service was in Florida against the Seminole Indians.
After the Mexican war he served in the West, in Florida and elsewhere; was married in 1850 to Miss Almira Russell of St Louis; became first lieutenant in 1853, and assistant-quartermaster with the rank of captain in 1855.
Recent limestones are being produced in this way and also in some places by the precipitation of calcium carbonate by sodium or ammonium carbonate which has been carried into the sea or formed by organisms. The precipitated carbonate may agglomerate on mineral or organic grains which serve as nuclei, or it may form a sheet of hard deposit on the bottom as occurs in the Red Sea, off Florida, and round many coral islands in the Pacific. Only the sand and the finest-grained sediments of the shore zone are carried outwards over the continental shelf by the tides or by the reaction-currents along the bottom set up by on-shore winds.
The north equatorial current divides into the current entering the Caribbean Sea and issuing thence by the Strait of Florida as the Gulf Stream, and the Antilles current passing to the north of the Antilles.
The result was the disputed election of 1876, when two sets of returns were sent to Washington from the states of Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oregon.
By the Florida treaty, finally ratified at that time, the claims of the United States to Texas, based on the Louisiana purchase, were given up, and the eastern and northern boundaries of the province were determined.
Under the Florida treaty of 1819-21 a portion of the Red river was to be the northern boundary of Texas east of the tooth meridian, but as there are two branches of%the river meeting east of the meridian the enclosed territory (Greer county) was in dispute.
It is here we find the Landolphia Florida, which yields the best rubber.
It is allied to the European species of shad and pilchard, and, like the latter, approaches the coast in immense shoals, which are found throughout the year in some part of the littoral waters between Maine and Florida, the northern shoals retiring into deeper water or to more southern latitudes with the approach of cold weather.
In 1512 (or 1513) Juan Ponce de Leon made the first recorded exploration of the coast of Florida and the Bahama Channel.
From Nombre de Dios or Porto Bello the convoys went to La Vera Cruz for the trade of New Spain, and returned home in July by the Florida straits.
But the Huguenots, under the inspiration of Coligny, made three attempts to found colonies to the south - at Rio de Janeiro in 1555-1567, near the present Beaufort, South Carolina, in 1562, and in Florida in 1565.
Moore, papers on archaeology of Florida and neighbouring states, Journal Acad.
It is served by the Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Line, the Georgia Southern & Florida and the Florida East Coast railways, and by several steamship lines.'
It is the largest railway centre in the state, and is popularly known as the Gate City of Florida.
Among the places of interest in the vicinity is the large Florida ostrich farm.
Jacksonville is the most important distributing centre in Florida, and is a port of entry.
The most active operations are carried on in Florida, where the phosphate was first worked in 1887 in the form of pebbles in the gravels of Peace River.
The land pebble is worked in central South Florida; the hard rock chiefly between Albion and Bay City.
Then the Florida deposits began to be worked.
In 1908 Florida produced 1,673,651 tons of phosphate valued at 11 million dollars.
All the other states together produce less phosphate than Florida, and among them Tennessee takes the first place with an output of 403,180 tons.
The Company promised to permit the patroons to engage in the fur trade, whenever it had no commissary of its own, subject to a tax of one guilder (40 cents) on each skin, and to engage in other trade along the coast from Newfoundland to Florida subject to a tax of 5% on goods shipped to Europe.
The Civil War in America, and the questions which arose from the relations of Great Britain with both belligerents, rendered the duties of the law officers of the crown more than usually onerous, and Palmer was called upon to take part, as adviser of the ministry, in the courts, and in the House, in the questions which arose in respect of the "Trent" and the "Peterhoff," the cruisers "Alabama" and "Florida" and the "Alexandra," a ship which was seized by the government, and other matters.
The Confederacy consisted of eleven states (Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Tennessee).
The "Florida" (built at Liverpool in 1861-1862) crossed the Atlantic, refitted at Mobile, escaped the blockaders, and fulfilled the instructions which, as her captain said, "left much to the discretion but more to the torch."
The Florida rice-rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is another well-known representative of the group. In the Old World the group is represented by the Persian Calomyscus, a near relative of Peromyscus.
It grows to a length of three feet and inhabits marshes in North and South Carolina, Florida and Texas.
The only species, P. striatus, is a much smaller creature, growing to six inches only, and striated black and yellow; it inhabits Georgia and Florida.
Rhineura of Florida, and also known from the Oligocene of South Dakota; Lepidosternum of South America; and Anops in America and Africa; Blanus cinereus, Mediterranean countries.
General Benjamin Lincoln, succeeding Howe, undertook to drive the British out of Georgia, but General Augustine Prevost, who had commanded in Florida, moved up and compelled Lincoln to retire to Charleston.
In February and March a Spanish force from New Orleans, under Don Bernardo de Galvez, invaded West Florida with success.
The special features of the Gulf Plain are the peninsular extension of the plain in Florida, the belted arrangement of relief and soils in Alabama and in Texas, and the Mississippi embayment or inland extension of the plain half-way up the course of the Mississippi river, with the Mississippi flood plain there included.
A broad, low crustal arch extends southward at the junction of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains; the emerged half of the arch, constitutes the visible lowland peninsula of Florida; the submerged half extends westward under the shallow Florida.
The southern part of the state includes the Everglades (qv.), a large area of low, flat, marshy land, overgrown with tall reedy grass, a veritable wilderness; thus giving Florida an unenvied first rank among the states in marsh area.
In Florida the system contains Y calcium phosphate of commercial value.
In California the effect of the strong equatorward turn of the summer winds is to produce a dry season; but in the states along the Gulf of Mexico and especially in Florida the withdrawal of the stormy westerlies in favor of the steadier trade winds (here turned somewhat toward the continental interior, as explained below) results in an increase of precipitation.
A southern portion of this zone, comprising a narrow strip along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida and up the Atlantic coast to South Carolina, is semi-tropical, and is the northernmost habitation of several small mammals, the alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), the ground dove, white-tailed kite, Florida screech owl and Chapman s night-hawk.
There is some resemblance to the Tropical life-zone at the south-eastern extremity of Texas, but this zone in the United States is properly restricted to southern Florida and the lower valley of the Colorado along the border of California and Arizona, and the knowledge of the latter is very imperfect.
The area in Florida is too small for characteristic tropical mammals, but it has the true crocodile (Crocodilus americanus) and is the home of a few tropical birds.
The Tropical belt of southern Florida has the royal palm.
The achievement of independence found the people of the United States owning the entire country between the Gulf and the Great Lakes, excepting only Florida, as far to the west as the Mississippi; but the actual settlements were, with a few minor exceptions, confined to a strip of territory along the Atlantic shore.
An excited controversy having arisen about the result of the balloting in the states of South Carolina, Florida, Oregon and Louisiana, the two parties in Congress in order to allay a crisis dangerous to public peace agreed to pass an act referring all contested election returns to an extraordinary commission, called the "Electoral Commission" (q.v.), which decided each contest by eight against seven votes in favour of the Republican candidates.
The first Europeans to enter the limits of the present state of Alabama were Spaniards, who claimed this region as a part of Florida.
By the treaty of Versailles, on the 3rd of September 1783, England ceded West Florida to Spain; but by the treaty of Paris, signed the same day, she ceded to the United States all of this province north of 30, and thus laid the foundation for a long controversy.
In 1812 Congress annexed to the Mississippi Territory the Mobile District of West Florida, claiming that it was included in the Louisiana Purchase; and in the following year General James Wilkinson occupied this district with a military force, the Spanish commandant offering no resistance.
This platform was endorsed by conventions in Florida and Virginia and by the legislatures of Georgia and Alabama.
All the nine climate belts in the United States, except that of southern Florida, are represented within its borders.
The products are so diversified that, with the exception of some tropical fruits of California and Florida, almost everything cultivated in the United States can be produced.
The sugar-cane crop declined in value after 1890, and each year more of it was made into syrup. In 1908 the tobacco crop was 2,705,625 lb, and the average farm price was 35 cents, being nearly as high as that of the Florida crop; Sumatra leaf for wrappers is grown successfully..
The yellow pines of the southern part of the state, which have a stand of approximately 1 3,77 8, 000 ft., yielded in 1900 rosin and turpentine valued at $8,110,468 (more than the product of any other state in the Union) and in 1905 valued at $7,705,643 (second only to the product of Florida).
The most important of the railways are the Central of Georgia, the Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Line, the Georgia and the Georgia Southern & Florida.
Its formation was due to a desire of the British government to protect South Carolina from invasion by the Spaniards from Florida and by the French from Louisiana, as well as to the desire of James Edward Oglethorpe to found a refuge for the persecuted Protestant sects and the unfortunate but worthy indigent classes of Europe.
On the small high island of Florida there is much undulating grass-land interspersed with fine clumps of trees; patches of cultivated land surround its numerous villages, and plantations on the hill-sides testify to the richness of its soil.
As captain of artillery and later as lieutenant-colonel he served against the British in South Carolina in 1779-80, but he was captured near Charleston in 1780, and was imprisoned at St Augustine, Florida, for a year.
For the conduct of Jackson in Florida, in the summary execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, he had only strong condemnation.
In 1764 he was made secretary to General Johnstone at Pensacola, West Florida, and when he returned, two years later, to England, after a quarrel with Johnstone, he was allowed to retain his salary as a pension.
In 1683, several families, chiefly Scotch, led by Henry Erskine, third Lord Cardross (1650-1693), established on the island a settlement named Stuart's Town (probably in honour of Cardross's family); but three years later most of the settlers were murdered by Spaniards from Florida and the remainder fled to Charleston.
On the British side, the naval force in American waters under Sir John Borlase Warren, who took up the general command on the 26th of September 1812, consisted of ninety-seven vessels in all, of which eleven were of the line and thirty-four were frigates, a power much greater than the national navy of America, but inadequate to the blockade of the long coast from New Brunswick to Florida.
His father, Thomas (1778-1851), was born in Rockingham (then Augusta) county, Virginia; he was hospitable, shiftless, restless and unsuccessful, working now as a carpenter and now as a farmer, and could not read or write before his marriage, in Washington county, Kentucky, on the 12th of June 1806, to Nancy Hanks (1783-1818), who was a native of Virginia, who is said to have been the illegitimate daughter of one Lucy Hanks, and who seems to have been, in 1 Lincoln's birthday is a legal holiday in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.
There was much opposition in these states to such a course, but the secessionists triumphed, and by the time President Lincoln was inaugurated, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas had formally withdrawn from the Union.
The persons in these three States - Georgia, Florida and South Carolina - heretofore 2 In November 1861 the president drafted a bill providing (i) that all slaves more than thirty-five years old in the state of Delaware should immediately become free; (2) that all children of slave parentage born after the passage of the act should be free; (3) that all others should be free on attaining the age of thirty-five or after the 1st of January 1893, except for terms of apprenticeship; and (4) that the national government should pay to the state of Delaware $23,200 a year for twenty-one years.
On the 1st day of January 1863 the final proclamation of emancipation was duly issued, designating the States of Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and certain portions of Louisiana and Virginia, as "this day in rebellion against the United States," and proclaiming that, in virtue of his authority as commander-inchief, and as a necessary war measure for suppressing rebellion, "I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated states and parts of states are and henceforward shall be free," and pledging the executive and military power of the government to maintain such freedom.
The college was removed to Glen Ellyn, Illinois, in 1903 and after 1906 to Ruskin, Florida.
It is served by the Apalachicola Northern railway (to Chattahoochee, Florida), and by river steamers which afford connexion with railways at Carrabelle about 25 m.
Macon is, next to Atlanta, the most important railway centre in the state, being served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, the Georgia, the Georgia Southern & Florida, the Macon Dublin & Savannah, and the Macon & Birmingham railways.
P. ruber, entirely light vermilion, extends from Florida to Para and the Galapagos; P. chilensis s.
Valdosta is served by the Atlantic Coast Line, the Georgia Southern & Florida, and the Georgia & Florida railways.
As secretary of state, Adams played the leading part in two most important episodes, - the acquisition of Florida and the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Ever since the acquisition of Louisiana successive administrations had sought to include a part at least of Florida in that purchase.
Before the Spanish government ratified the treaty in 1820, Mexico, including Texas, had thrown off allegiance to the mother country, and the United States had occupied Florida by force of arms. The Monroe Doctrine (q.v.) rightly bears the name of the president who in 1823 assumed the responsibility for its promulgation; but it was primarily the work of John Quincy Adams. The eight years of Monroe's presidency (1817-1825) are known as the "Era of Good Feeling."
In May the king's minister, Count de Florida Blanca, intimated to him that the one obstacle to a treaty was the question of the free navigation of the Mississippi, and for months following this interview the policy of the court was clearly one of delay.
It is connected by lines of steamers with Miami and Port Tampa, with Galveston, Texas, with Mobile, Alabama, with Philadelphia and New York City, and with West Indian ports, and by regular schooner lines with New York City, the Bahamas, British Honduras, &c. There is now an extension of the Florida East Coast railway from Miami to Key West (1 55 m.).
Towards the close of the 19th century this industry suffered from labour troubles, from the competition of Tampa, Florida, and from the commercial improvement of Havana, Cuba; but soon after 1900 the tobacco business of Key West began to recover.
In 1905 the value of factory products was $4,254,024 (an increase of 37.7% over the value in 1900); the exports in 1907 were valued at $852,457; the imports were valued at $994,47 2, the excess over the exports being due to the fact that the food supply of the city is derived from other Florida ports and from the West Indies.
In May 1814 he was commissioned as major-general in the regular army to serve against the British; in November he captured Pensacola, Florida, then owned by Spain, but used by the British as a base of operations; and on the 8th of January 1815 he inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy before New Orleans, the contestants being unaware that a treaty of peace had already been signed.
His conduct in following them up into the Spanish territory of Florida, in seizing Pensacola, and in arresting and executing two British subjects, Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert Ambrister, gave rise to much hostile comment in the cabinet and in Congress; but the negotiations for the purchase of Florida put an end to the diplomatic difficulty.
In 1821 Jackson was military governor of the territory of Florida, and there again he came into collision with the civil authority.
Jackson in the meantime had learned that Calhoun as secretary of war had wished to censure him for his actions during the Seminole war in Florida in 1818, and henceforth he regarded the South Carolina statesman as his enemy.
Irrigation has shown that with water, arid and barren plains, veritable deserts, may be made to bloom with immense wealth of semi-tropical fruits; and irrigation in the tropical area along the Colorado river, which is so arid that it naturally bears only desert vegetation, has made it a true humid-tropical region like Southern Florida, growing true tropical fruits.
Although a bishop was appointed by the pope for the vaguely defined territory of Florida so early as 1528, the oldest Catholic community in what is now the United States dates from 1565, when the Spanish colony of St Augustine was founded.
He escaped from the coast of Florida in an open boat, and after many vicissitudes reached England, an exile.
While a member of President Monroe's cabinet, Calhoun had favoured the reprimanding of General Jackson (q.v.) for his high-handed course in Florida in 1818, during the first Seminole War.
Specimens of Latinized names in connexion with ecclesiastical foundations are preserved in Strata Florida and Valle Crucis Abbeys.
In 1238 Llewelyn, growing aged and infirm, summoned all his vassals to a conference at the famous Cistercian abbey of Strata Florida, whereat David, his son by the Princess Joan of England, was acknowledged his heir by all present.
P. palustris (or P. australis) is the " Georgia pitch pine," or yellow pine of the southern states; it abounds on the sandy soils that cover so much of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Florida, and on those dry lands attains its highest perfection, though occasionally abundant on moist ground, whence its name.
As a part of West Florida, it passed into the hands of the British in 1763, and in 1779 was captured by Bernardo Galvez, the Spanish governor of Louisiana.
Both Landolphia florida and Landolphia owariensis are found.
Sailing from San Lucar in April 1538, he first went to Havana, his advanced base of operations; starting thence on the 12th of May 1539 he landed in the same month in Espiritu Santo Bay, on the west coast of the present state of Florida.
The second narrative is the famous history of Florida by the Inca, Garcilasso de la Vega, who obtained his information from a Spanish cavalier engaged in the enterprise; it was completed in 1591, first appeared at Lisbon in 1605 under the title of La Florida del Ynca, and has since passed through many editions in various languages.
The second was in respect of breaches of neutrality in allowing the "Alabama," the "Florida" (originally the "Oreto"), the "Shenandoah" and other Confederate vessels to be built and equipped on British territory.
It found that Great Britain was legally responsible for all the depredations of the "Alabama" and "Florida" and for those committed by the "Shenandoah" after she left Melbourne.
At first he was in accord with Jefferson's administration; he approved the Louisiana Purchase, and as early as 1803 advocated the purchase of Florida.
In 1836 Taylor was ordered from Wisconsin to take command against the Seminoles in Florida.
Then followed four years of harassing service in the Florida Everglades, whence he passed to the command of the First Department of the army, with headquarters at Fort Jesup, Louisiana.
The most valuable of the forest flora are the lianas, notably Landolphia florida, which yield the india-rubber of commerce.
Among these northern forms some from Texas and Florida have been referred to Glyptodon.
It is the seat of the University of the State of Florida, established at Lake City in 1905 and removed to Gainesville in 1906.
The Florida Winter Bible Conference and Chautauqua is held here.
It is very widely distributed from the Great Lakes to Florida and round the Gulf of Mexico, and extends as far west as the Rocky Mountains and beyond to Vancouver Island.
In 1857 he served in Florida against the Seminole Indians, and from 1857 to 1861 he was assistant professor of mathematics at West Point.
He ardently supported the policy of making Federal appropriations (of land, but not of money) for internal improvements of a national character, being a prominent advocate of the construction, by government aid, of a trans-continental railway, and the chief promoter (1850) of the Illinois Central; in 1854 he suggested that Congress should impose tonnage duties from which towns and cities might themselves pay for harbour improvement, &c. To him as chairman of the committee on territories, at first in the House, and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, it fell to introduce the bills for admitting Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon into the Union, and for organizing the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska.
In 1860 in the Democratic national convention in Charleston the adoption of Douglas's platform brought about the withdrawal from the convention of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, Florida, Texas and Arkansas.
Yet he was able to recover Minorca and Florida in the War of American Independence, and he finally extorted a treaty wiCi Algiers which put a stop to piratical raids on the Spanish coast.
The Eastern, the Anglo-American and the Commercial Cable companies united to celebrate the event, and from the university library a message was sent through Newfoundland, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Florida and Washington, and was received by Lord Kelvin seven and a half minutes after it had been despatched, having travelled about 20,000 miles and twice crossed the Atlantic during the interval.
But the cultivation of tobacco is confined almost exclusively to the valleys of the Connecticut and Housatonic rivers, and these lands are constantly and expensively treated with nitrogenous fertilizers; the grades raised are the broad-leaf and the Habana seed-leaf wrappers, which, excepting the Florida growth from Sumatra seed, are the nearest domestic approach to the imported Sumatra.
Damian didn't wait for Jonny to respond but used his magic to Transport himself to the Texas ranch where they'd set up shop after Dusty blew up southern Florida.
Even if your Oracle remains in Florida?
The South Florida Indians, however, are not supposed to have practiced agriculture.
The Florida Keys are known for their spectacular coral reefs, excellent marina facilities and quiet restful anchorages.
Health Council of South Florida Fort smith ark use trying to the average driver.
Zimmerman, the son of a former naval aviator, is a native of Orange Park, Florida.
His success story began in 1967 in a Tampa, Florida gym when he started bodybuilding.
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The Bahamas is made up of 700 islands and 2,000 sand cays that stretch across 100,000 square miles between Florida and Cuba.
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You may also come across conch chowder - a keys specialty, tiny blue crabs - a Florida delicacy and fresh scallops.
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Lord Rhys, as he was generally known, assumed patronage of Strata Florida and endowed the monastery with generous gifts.
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Detox, invigorate and awaken the body with the refreshing citrus scent of sunny Florida grapefruit and minty undertones of wild Tunisian rosemary.
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The monks of Strata Florida had sheepwalks here, and the higher ground was common for the cattle of their tenants.
So much so that South Florida's leading newspaper, Sun Sentinel, decided to mark this year ' showpiece with a supplement.
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Then you wonder why there's another tropical storm approaching the Florida Keys?
Extensions Why not extend your holiday with 4 nights at the medium class Chateau Miramar hotel overlooking the straits of Florida.
The holiday resort of Orlando offers people of every age a marvelous opportunity to enjoy the superb theme parks and sights of Central Florida.
It reminded me very much of when I was a little tike and the family went to Orlando, Florida for our summer hols.
Most people think of Florida as a place filled with sunshine, palm trees, and dazzling winter vacations.
Welcome to the villa World collection of villas with private pools in Florida.
On the fall of Florida Blanca, Moratin found another patron in Godoy, who provided him with a pension and the means for foreign travel; he accordingly visited England, where he began a prose translation of Hamlet, printed in 1798 but never performed.
The chief feature of the southern portion of the state is the Everglades, the term " Everglade State" being popularly applied to Florida.
The news of the destruction of Fort Caroline, and the execution of Ribaut and his followers, was received with indifference at the French court; but Dominique de Gourgues (c. 1530-1593), a friend of Ribaut but probably a Catholic, organized an expedition of vengeance, not informing his men of his destination until his three ships were near the Florida coast.
The total acreage of all land included in farms increased from 3,459,018 acres in 1890 to 3,609,784 acres in 1900, or from 60% to 62.6% of the total land area of the state, but the improved portion of this decreased during the decade from 1,727,387 acres to 1,076,879 acres, or from 49'9% to 29.8%; in no other state east of the Mississippi river was so small a proportion of the farm land improved at the close of the decade, although in Florida it was only a trifle larger.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
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It is rare to see a walker in the middle of nowhere in the hot Florida sun.
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Blackbeard 's Cruises Scuba Liveaboards Scuba diving liveaboard cruises to the Bahamas from Miami, Florida on three 22 passengers sailboats.
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So much so that South Florida 's leading newspaper, Sun Sentinel, decided to mark this year ' showpiece with a supplement.
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Then you wonder why there 's another tropical storm approaching the Florida Keys?
Winter (December to March) The winter in Florida is very mild and we have spent Christmas day sunbathing by the pool before.
Some parts of Florida have also been affected by Thrips infestations.
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Entries in our Web 's Woofer dog photo competition have now hit 85 - including one entry from Florida, USA.
The cottages in Strata Florida are wretched in the extreme.
Another record-breaking newborn, Amillia Taylor was born in Miami, Florida, on October 24, 2006.
The rail passes are good for travel nationwide or for parts of California and Florida.
Home Shopping Network had its beginnings in 1977, when an advertiser at a Clearwater, Florida, AM radio station could not pay his bill.
Marine Wholesales - This Florida based company has been in business for more than 10 years.
They also charge shipping, but customers have the option to wave the fee by picking up the fireworks directly from their warehouse in Orange Park, Florida.
Gulf Coast Supply operates out of Florida, but they ship anywhere in the United States (and Caribbean if you are from there).
They include Virginia, Arkansas, Nebraska, Connecticut, Minnesota, Florida, Kansas, Michigan, Illinois and Louisiana.
The Tanger model of outlet shopping has been highly successful, and today there are more than 30 Tanger malls in more than 20 states, from New York to Florida to Texas to California and dozens of locations in between.
Are you looking for an outlet mall in Orlando, Florida?
Check out the website of an outlet mall in Orlando, Florida, below and see if it's one where you'd like to shop.
A shopping shuttle is available from various Kissimmee, Lake Buena Vista and Orlando, Florida, hotels.
California, Texas, Florida and the area around New York City are your best options, which is great for those vacationing in those areas.
Or, if you are vacationing in some of the most popular spots like Florida or California or on the East Coast, then divert a couple of hours to enjoy a discounted shopping experience.
The exact address of this outlet mall is 1824 94th Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32966, located on Florida's east coast.
Some neighboring cities include Palm City, Florida Ridge, Fort Pierce and Palm Bay.
If you've been looking for an excuse to get away to a warmer climate, visit the Florida beaches or just shop in a city that isn't your own, Stay and Shop packages are available through the outlet mall's affiliate hotels.
He developed it seven years ago when we moved to Florida, and the condition seems to be getting worse.
The Florida climate may also not be the best for a cat with asthma.
Teri of Sunrise, Florida explains how she was discriminated against because her and her husband filed for bankruptcy over seven years ago.
A number of special equity Florida divorce cases have been heard over the years.
In 1980, the Florida Supreme Court found that special equity was "a vested interest which a spouse acquires because of contribution of funds, property, or services made over and above the performance of normal marital duties."
This term was originally used by a Florida court in 1932 as a means to award alimony to a wife who had been unfaithful to her husband.
In special equity Florida divorce cases, it's important to keep in mind that the idea of all marital property being divided equally is only a starting point for the Court.
Florida is not a community property state.
Instead, courts in Florida divide property in a divorce according to the theory of "equitable distribution".
Florida divorce laws use "equitable distribution" to divide property between spouses.
If you are seeking a divorce in Florida and are curious about what types and amounts of assets you may receive, consider seeking legal advice.
A Florida child support worksheet is an important legal document.
The Florida child support worksheet must be filled out in either black ink or typed.
The state of Florida has developed child support guidelines to be used by divorcing couples with children.
People who are getting a divorce in Florida should ensure that the child support guidelines they are using is the most recent version so that the figures are correct.
All of the child support guidelines used in Florida are based on monthly income.
Either parent can request that the Court award an amount other than what the Florida child support guidelines indicate.
The Florida child support worksheet is designed to keep the amount of child support fair by using set guidelines.
In those situations, a hearing will determine the appropriate level of child support for Florida residents.
Florida child support guidelines are used by judges to determine how much a non-custodial parent should pay.
Under Florida child support guidelines, a judge can modify an existing child support order if a substantial change in circumstances has occurred.
When making a ruling about child support in Florida, a judge will also consider the amount that the custodial parent pays for child care.
Under certain circumstances, the Florida child support guidelines provide for the amount payable to be changed.
Delivery and professional installation services are available throughout the Central Florida area.
Solar shingles were first conceived as a means to power solar water heaters in California and Florida.
Solaleya sells these homes from its U.S. headquarters in Florida.
In 2006, the University of Florida did some research on Acai and got some exciting results.
The University of Florida released results of a study in 2006 that presented preliminary evidence suggesting that acai can prevent some types of cancer, including inhibiting leukemia cell growth.
Even the researchers at the University of Florida, who conducted one of the most often quoted acai studies, cautioned that their findings were highly preliminary.
According to one study by the University of Florida, acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested in vitro.
Researchers at the University of Florida were one of the first groups in the United States to study the acai berry.
American InterContinental University - This school offers associate or bachelor degree programs in interior design at their campuses in South Florida, Atlanta, Los Angeles, London, and Dubai.
If you are seeking Florida schools with interior design majors, you'll enjoy a sun-drenched environment while studying at one of the top interior design programs.
The state of Florida requires interior designers to have a minimum of two years post high school education.
Florida interior designers are also required to pass the qualifying exam administered by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ).
Florida schools with interior design majors include large campuses, small universities, art schools, and internet programs.
Through his design firm, Brown has worked on projects across Georgia as well as in North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Washington and California.
For a bright, tropical touch, consider Florida Keys or Jamestown Blue.
The Michigan Secretary of State office renews license plates online while Florida Power and Light offers online payment options.
The first Burger King restaurant opened its doors in Miami, Florida in 1954.
The men recorded a shot of a hogfish floating effortlessly off the Florida Keys.
After a Florida or California vacation to see Mickey Mouse, free Disney scrapbook page layouts can help you organize your pictures and memorabilia into a scrapbook to capture the magic of your trip.
Outlet stores can be found in Massachusetts, New York, California, Florida and Nevada.
You will be on the beach a lot and you'll need to protect yourself because you can get burnt to a crisp very easily in the Florida sun.
Some schools, like that of Florida's middle schools, have adopted a color school code system for different grades.
House of Wu designs, imports and distributes their formal wear dresses out of their corporate headquarters located in Fort Myers, Florida.
The store list includes stores in Oregon, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Missouri, Michigan, Kansas, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Connecticut, Colorado, and Alabama.
While the coconut palm tree grows in tropical regions in the United States like Florida, they are judged more for their beauty, not for their commercial value.
If you get married in Florida or the Caribbean, it's best to avoid hurricane season and spring break season.
A Florida destination wedding is a dream come true for couples looking to tie the knot surrounded by family, friends and a bevy of natural beauty.
What's more, since Florida is easily accessible to travelers, there's little doubt that your wedding guests won't jump at the chance to watch you take the plunge.
Not all Florida destination weddings include extremely fancy receptions with big bands and sprawling buffets.
A Florida destination wedding may sound dreamy, but it doesn't happen without a lot of planning.
Get a link to the county's website from the Florida Association of Counties.
What's more, your guests will also incur costs to travel to your Florida destination wedding.
A destination wedding in an exotic locale, such as Florida can be dream come true, but it doesn't come without a price.
We drove the rest of the day towards our honeymoon house in Florida.
I drove the rest of the way to Florida non-stop.
Around 3 am we pulled into the driveway of my boss's house (thanks Captain Bob) in Stuart, Florida.
Some of the most popular places for couples to plan their honeymoons include Florida, Belize, Italy, Hawaii, and Aruba.
A Florida beach resort in this example could easily accommodate the couple's interests.
Many of the most popular honeymoon locations such as Florida, Aruba, and Italy offer all inclusive or combination packages allowing you to plan your honeymoon with ease.
Places in the central and southern areas of Florida typically label their off seasons in the summer time, and you can find some great deals.
Florida-Always a favorite, Florida offers wonderful honeymoon destinations all over the state, from Amelia Island in the northeast corner or the state to Sanibel Island in the central Gulf area, and as far south as Key West.
While parts of Florida can be warm anytime of the year, it also has cold spells.
Is your company a member of the Florida Limousine Association?
A number of citizens outside Bournemouth but within the UK and Wales may want to plan a wedding in the city, similar to United States citizens of Iowa hosting a wedding in Florida.
Clearwater Beach weddings on the beautiful Gulf coast of Florida can be romantic and exotic.
Before you begin planning your Florida destination wedding, you need to know what is involved in getting married in Clearwater Beach.
Waiting three days before the ceremony if you are a Florida resident (no waiting period for out of state couples).
Florida Wedding Services, LLC provides a listing of "suggested" local vendors for things from hair to attire to entertainment to limousine service.
Florida Gulf Beach Weddings has several packages available, starting at $600 for the Party of Two (no photographer) and goes upwards of $2,900 for the Beach Wedding Celebration.
Whether you are having a California beach wedding or one on the Gulf Coast of Florida, tent rental companies are located across the nation.
Cocoa Beach Florida weddings are a romantic idea for those who love the ocean and unique feel of an outdoor ceremony that rivals the traditional church wedding.
With a subtropical climate and plenty of sandy stretches of beach, this region of Florida has attracted countless tourists over the years.
Florida is known for its temperate weather, meaning you can get married practically any time of the year as long as a hurricane isn't in the forecast.
Florida Wedding Services can provide you with plenty of package options for your big day.
Dream Beach Weddings is another great Florida find.
Negroni Photography is another ideal option if you are looking for a photographer specializing in Cocoa Beach Florida weddings.
What you would wear to a beach wedding in September varies greatly from Florida to Maine.
Brides who live in California, Florida, or Hawaii should have little trouble finding tropical buds, but Midwestern brides may need to plan farther ahead for these.
Addiction Recovery, located in Florida, both offer treatment options.
Are you looking for a food addiction treatment center in Florida?
Florida has many facilities equipped to help people recover from food addiction and related disorders.
If you can't find the right treatment center in Florida, consider programs that are near the state.
This model is usually quite compatible with the treatment programs administered in Florida and elsewhere.
No matter whether you seek out treatment for a food addiction in Florida or some place else, make sure you get help.
Tropical bedding has long been a popular décor choice for beach houses in Florida, California, or other coastal areas, but this colorful yet calming theme isn't limited to the coastal states anymore.
They also display it in a room that would be delightful anywhere from Florida to New York, and California to Connecticut.
Born in Pensacola, Florida to Mary and Emmit Smith Jr., Emmit Smith (there was only one "T" back then) developed a love of football -- and a taste for stardom -- early in life.
Smith's impressive run continued into his college career, where he set 58 records for the University of Florida Gators.
Born in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963, John Christopher Depp II and his family moved over twenty times before settling in Miramar, Florida when he was seven.
Smith collapsed in a Florida hotel and died shortly thereafter.
Two days before her burial, a Florida court upheld a ruling that the former Playboy model should be buried in the Bahamas despite pleas from her estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, who wanted Smith buried in Texas.
Anna Nicole Smith, 39, died February 8, 2007 in a Florida hotel room of unknown causes.
One of the costliest and deadliest hurricanes in history, Katrina devastated much of New Orleans, Louisiana and several areas of Mississippi and Florida on August 29, 2005.
She died February 8, 2007 in her Florida hotel room.
In a report released March 26, 2007, the Broward County, Florida medical examiner stated that Smith "ingested several medications" but those drugs were at "therapeutic levels."
Trump had planned to do additional seasons of his show in Miami, Florida or Chicago, Illinois.
DeVito South Beach recently opened on Miami Beach, on Florida's trendy Ocean Drive.
While living in Florida, she became known as the "National Anthem Girl" after performing The Star-Spangled Banner at numerous area sporting events.
Moore attended a Catholic high school in Florida, but no longer practices the religion.
During her Orlando, Florida, concert, Beyoncé fell during a performance of "Ring the Alarm," amid a dizzying dancestep that involved whipping her head around.
On July 24, 2007, during a concert in Orlando, Florida, the singer took a tumble down a flight of stairs.
Nick Bollea, son of legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan, was involved in a car crash August 26, 2007 in Clearwater, Florida, that left him and his passenger injured.
Bollea sustained only minor injuries and was released the following day from St. Petersburg's Bayfront Medical Center in Florida.
Bollea is no stranger to car accidents - in 2006, the Lamborghini he was driving in Miami, Florida, caught fire.
Although she was born in Miami, Florida as a Cuban-American, Mendes was raised in Los Angeles, California as the youngest of four children.
Luciana Barroso and Matt Damon - Newly minted "Sexiest Man Alive" by People magazine, Matt Damon met Luciana Barroso while she was working as a bartender at a Miami Beach, Florida bar in 2003.
Sierra made headlines in April 2007 when she was arrested for hitting a Tampa, Florida bar patron on the head with a glass.
Professional golfer Tiger Woods crashed his SUV while leaving his home in Florida, striking a fire hydrant and a tree with the vehicle.
The Man Who Cried (2000) - Cate Blanchett won Chloturdis, Florida Film Critics and National Board of Review Awards.
The charity turned out to be the United Autism Foundation office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and representatives claim that Jasinski worked for the charity for a short period of three months.
The 19-year-old aspiring singer is being denied admission by various Florida universities.
When Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee and VH1 were shopping schools for the rocker's short-lived Tommy Lee Goes to College, they were also met with a resounding "No" by the University of Central Florida.
A Florida judge sentenced Nick to eight months in the county jail, 500 hours of community service after his release and he was ordered to complete alcohol awareness classes within one year of his release from jail.
She has accused her soon-to-be ex of trying to "dupe" her into signing a post-nuptial agreement and of hiding the proceeds from the multi-million dollar sale of their Miami, Florida home.
March 2006 - Arrested in Florida for his alleged involvement in a shoot-out and charged with two counts of carrying an unregistered concealed weapon.
From Florida, he moved to California and then again, back to Arizona working with old friend Mike Elliot on a morning radio show.
According to news reports, calls have been flooding in to the Florida state Department of Children and Families from concerned viewers.
Two years later, Anna Nicole Smith's death is revisited by Florida authorities.
Now, authorities in Florida are wondering if the actions on the part of the doctors and Stern had anything to do with her 2007 death.
Billy Mays was on board a US Airways flight from Philadelphia to Tampa, Florida, where he resided.
The man best known for hocking items like OxiClean, Mighty Putty and Mighty Mend It, died in his sleep in his Florida home.
By 1970, Depp, his parents, his brother and two sisters relocated to Miramar, Florida.
Matt Damon is married to Luciana Bozan Barroso, an Argentinean woman who was working as a bartender in Florida when the pair met in 2005.
He was part of the show from 1991 to 1993 and moved to Florida to be closer to the studio.
Rich's suit claimed that Ashley defamed his character by going on a Florida radio show and publicly, falsely accusing him of striking Ashley, which Rich maintains he never did.
It's hard telling, but it turns out that Tiger's "indefinite break" form golf isn't faring so well as spies report that she's moving out of their home in Florida and back to her native Sweden.
Yothers has also worked with Burt Reynolds at his dinner theater, located in Boca Raton, Florida.
He went on to attend the University of Florida and graduated with a degree in marketing.
Sofia Vergara's modeling and acting career brought her to Miami, Florida, with her son, mother, and sister in tow.
The Florida Straits cotton shirt is of a cotton poplin and can also include a logo.
The Pepsi Cola Scholarship at Florida Atlantic University is open to graduating high school seniors and current first-year students.
Grandparents spending in Oregon can benefit their grandchildren in Minnesota while aunts and uncles in New York can help out their nephews and nieces in Florida.
Brevard Community College is a two-year school located in Brevard County, Florida.
Brevard CC is also known for operating one of the largest public access telescopes in Florida on the Cocoa campus.
The University of West Florida is located in Pensacola, Florida and is one of the larger schools in the area.
The University of West Florida offers associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in a variety of areas.
The school features 49 degree programs, 110 specialization areas and the top honors program in the state of Florida.
The University of West Florida also has 300 online courses.
Gulf Coast Community College opened in 1957 in Panama City, Florida.
Gulf Coast is one of 28 public community colleges that opened after the Florida legislature established their network of commuter colleges designed to be located within accessible driving distance to the majority of the population.
The college, founded on the idea of equal opportunities for education for all citizens of Florida, continues that tradition by providing flexible scheduling, e-learning, distance education, weekend classes and hybridized classes.
Pensacola Christian College is an unaccredited, four-year private college located in Pensacola, Florida.
Division of Nursing provides nursing education, which has been approved by the Florida State Board of Nursing.
Located in Lake Worth, Florida, Palm Beach Junior College opened its doors in 1933 with just 41 students.
The school opened during the Great Depression and has the distinction of being the first public junior college to open in Florida.
Seminole Community College in Southern Florida changed its named to Seminole State College in the fall of 2009.
Other schools in Kiplinger's top five were University of Florida, University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary, and State University of New York at Binghamton.
The Florida government started the Bright Futures Scholarship in 1997.
These awards include the Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS), Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS) and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV).
Keep reading about Florida Colleges and Universities Distance Learning to find out if this opportunity is right for you and your own needs.
Before talking about Florida's system for distance learning, it is important to define exactly what distance learning is and how you need to prepare to learn in this new setting.
If you are looking for opportunities in Florida for this kind of learning experience, there are lots of choices at your fingertips.
Distance Learn.org contains the current course catalog for distance learning opportunities in Florida.
This page has links to the distance learning programs at several different Florida colleges and universities.
The Florida Colleges and Universities Distance Learning system offers you a great, cost-effective way to further your education and achieve your learning and professional goals.
The University of Florida is currently offering a doctoral distance learning program in audiology.
Despite a fewer number of ships, Celebrity Cruises offers a wide range of departure ports, including Fort Lauderdale and Miami in Florida as well as Galveston, TX and San Juan, Puerto Rico for various Caribbean voyages.
All the major Florida ports - Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Port Canaveral and Tampa - offer an assortment of Bahamas and Caribbean voyages, while other itineraries are available from New Orleans, Galveston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Boston.
In Florida, Holland America ships depart from Fort Lauderdale and Tampa.
Most people think that to cruise the western Caribbean, you must leave from a Florida port.
Caribbean itineraries include seven-night Western and Eastern itineraries from South Florida as well as seven-night Southern Caribbean itineraries from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
First, choose an itinerary and departure port in southern Florida, southern California, or along the Gulf of Mexico so less time during the voyage is spend cruising the open seas instead of visiting exciting cruise destinations.
StarLite Cruises is a romantic dinner cruise line in Florida that offers regular voyages in the Tampa and St. Petersburg regions on two outstanding vessels.
In addition to the fabulous ships, it is the outstanding StarLite Cruise employment practices that make this dinner cruise line one of the most popular in Florida.
Imperial Majesty Cruise Line Vacations is a small and relatively new cruise line offering two-night budget cruises from Florida to the Bahamas.
Regal Empress always departs from the same Port Everglades port in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on its way to Nassau in the Bahamas.
Regal Empress offers cruises between Nassau, Bahamas and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Ports of call include Key West, Florida and Cozumel, Mexico.
There are many day cruises in Florida to choose from, but the Bahamas cruise is a great decision for those who want to visit this enchanting Caribbean paradise.
Some people want to spend a weekend in the Caribbean so they fly to Florida to board a cruise.
A cruise from Florida or Texas to Cozumel takes several days and flying back only a few hours.
Some cruise lines simply move up and down the coast from New York to the Carolinas to Florida with or without excursions.
Royal Caribbean also offers dozens of land-based job opportunities at their corporate offices in Florida.
Royal Caribbean also offers jobs to engineers and computer specialists at their Information Technology Division center located in Miramar, Florida.
Some of the training will take place in Orlando, Florida, while the remainder will be on board the ship.
Its home is Port Canaveral, Florida, while its ports of call are in the eastern and western Caribbean.
Not only is the port less congested than those found in Florida, California and New York, but the trip is just as relaxing.
Whether it's the Amazon Rainforest or the Florida Everglades.
The home port of this massive luxury liner is Fort Everglades, Florida.
Disney Cruise Line offers a four-night Bahamas cruise that sets sail from Port Canaveral, Florida, with one day in Castaway Cay, one day at sea, and one day in Nassau.
Oasis of the Sea's home port is Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
You might find special rates for military personnel, Florida residents and Canadian residents.
The ship departs from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, so be sure to factor transportation to the port into your total cost when you calculate the cheapest price for MSC cruises in Caribbean waters.
A few of the cruises through the Panama Canal will also offer excursions to Key West, Florida.
The sailing include stops in San Diego, Acapulco, Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica, Aruba and Key West before arriving in Tampa, Florida.
During the month of December, Port Canaveral, Florida, is regularly used, though in some cases, a Los Angeles, California, port may also be available.
Most cruises leaving from Florida will have day excursions to the resorts before the sea leg of the trip.
These sailings take visitors from Port Canaveral, Florida, to Nassau and Castaway Cay, during a three-night cruise.
This popular cruise option leaves from Port Canaveral, Florida, and spends several days at sea.
Carnival Conquest leaves Galveston, Texas, and visits two ports in the Bahamas (Nassau and Freeport), as well as Key West, Florida.
Carnival offers a trip departing from Miami, Florida, stopping in Key West, Florida, and then sailing to Cozumel, Mexico.
This sailing departs from Miami, Florida and stops in the Bahamas.
It is five days long and leaves from Tampa, Florida.
Cruises leaving from Miami, Florida, make the trip to Cozumel and back in four days, often stopping in Key West, Florida.
Yet another option is to leave from Tampa, Florida, onboard the Carnival Paradise.
This cruise leaves from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and travels to Cozumel, Mexico, before arriving back in Fort Lauderdale.
The company's closest cruise port is in Miami, Florida.