Flores Sentence Examples
The government maintains a naval school at Flores, a school of mechanics in Buenos Aires, an artillery school on the cruiser " Patagonia," and a school for torpedo practice at La Plata.
Volunteers came from all parts of Europe, and it is said that among them was Sir Richard Grenville, afterwards famous for his fight in the "Revenge" off Flores in the Azores.
Several large islands fill the upper bay near the eastern shore; some are used as coal deposits for the great steamship companies, and one (Flores) is used as an immigrants' depot.
Selections were included in a volume of Flores compiled at Verona in 1329; and a MS. of bks.
A depth of 2789 fathoms also occurs north of Flores.
In former times Mexico was overrun with mendicants (pordioseros), vagrants and criminals (rateros), and the " Portales de las Flores " on the east of the Plaza Mayor was a favourite " hunting-ground " for them because of its proximity to the cathedral; but modern conditions have largely reduced this evil.
The Lake of Peten or Laguna de Flores, in the centre of the department of Peten, is an irregular basin about 27 m.
In an island in the western portion stands Flores, a town well known to American antiquaries for the number of ancient idols which have been recovered from its soil.
The chief chronicles for the reign are Gervase of Canterbury's Gesta regum, Ralf of Coggeshall's Chronicon, Walter of Coventry's Memoriale, Roger of Wendover's Flores historiarum, the Annals of Burton, Dunstaple and Margan - all these in the Rolls Series.
The principal rivers of the state are the Maracassume and Tury-assu, the Mearim and its larger tributaries (the Pindare, Grajahu, Flores and Corda) which discharge into the Bay of Sao Marcos, and the Itapicuru and Monim which discharge into the Bay of Sao Jose.
AdvertisementOwing to the prevalent dry easterly winds from the arid plains of north Australia, Timor, like Ombay, Flores and other neighbouring islands, has a much drier climate, and a poorer vegetation, than islands further west, and has few perennial streams and no considerable rivers.
It is divided into four administrative districts - Timor, Rotti and Savu, Larantuka (eastern Flores) and Sumba.
According to Roger of Wendover in his Flores historiarum under the year 1228, an Armenian archbishop, then visiting England, was asked by the monks of St Albans about the well-known Joseph of Arimathaea, who had spoken to Jesus and was said to be still alive.
This version is given in Flores historiarum by Roger of Wendover, who quoted from an earlier writer.
In the early part of 1830 a separation was effected from the Colombian federation, and the country was proclaimed an independent republic. General Juan Jose Flores was the first president, and in spite of many difficulties, both domestic and foreign, he managed to maintain a powerful position in the state for about 15 years.
AdvertisementThe democratic Urbina now became practically dictator, and as the attempt of Flores to reinstate Noboa proved a total failure, he was quickly succeeded in 1856 by General Francisco Robles, who, among other progressive measures, secured the adoption of the French system of coinage, weights and measures.
Distrust in his policy, however, was excited by the publication of some of his private correspondence, in which he spoke favourably of a French protectorate, and the army which he sent under Flores to resist the encroachments of Mosquera, the president of New Granada, was completely routed.
His power was first restricted to Guayaquil and Esmeraldas, and finally General Rinaldo Flores drove him from Guayaquil, and Veintemilla fled (July 1883) to Peru.
In 1888 Dr Antonio Flores succeeded Caamano, the four years following being passed in peaceful conditions.
The Flores Island quarantine station is 12 m.
AdvertisementIn1864-1865Brazil intervened in the affairs of the republic, blockaded the port, and reinstated ex-president Flores.
Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Banka and Billiton, with their adjacent islands - and the Little Sunda Islands, of which the more important are Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba and Timor.
They are versions of three medieval stories taken from French and German sources, and dealt with the Chevalier au lion, of Chrestien de Troyes, with Duke Frederick of Normandy, and with Flores and Blancheflor.
Ahlstrand) Flores och Blancheflor (ed.
There is more than one meaning of Flores discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
AdvertisementMonastic history is represented by Higdens voluminous Polychronicon, which succeeds the Flores historiarum.
But Papuans of mixed blood are found throughout the island (unless the Karons be of Negrito stock), and from Flores in the west to Fiji in the east.
Perhaps if she is the victim of time travel, yes, but other than that a name like Lady Katherine Vazquez or Erika Flores might be better suited.
Politically Sumbawa, with its four independent states, belongs to the confederated states of the government of Celebes and its dependencies, a situation to be explained by the fact of the old supremacy of the Macassaresi over Sumbawa, Flores and Sumba.
Flores stanni is a finely divided mixture of the metal and oxide obtained by fusing the metal in the presence of air for some time.