Flooding Sentence Examples
Flooding of portions of permanent-way 24 22.
Hopefully her family would be in the restaurant now – safe from any flooding on the highway.
True to form, he showed no reaction to the surprise visitor as he casually flipped on the switch, flooding the room in light.
Remember your home could be at risk from flooding.
An uncomfortable warmth surged up her neck, flooding her cheeks.
His first attempt, made in the same year, at the Dolcoath mine in Cornwall, failed in consequence of an accident to one of the pendulums; a second attempt in 1828 was defeated by a flooding of the mine, and many years elapsed before another opportunity presented itself.
In addition mining operations are subject to interruption and added expense from explosions, mine fires, flooding, and the caving-in of the workings.
The idea was even mooted of damming up the river near Hauconcourt, and thus, flooding out the whole of the civil population of Metz; but expert civil engineers, who were sent for from Germany, reported against the proposal.
The annual flooding now appears to be actually beneficial to the stonework, by removing the disintegrating salts and incrustations.
For the purpose of getting rid of the water, and obviating the flooding of such deep workings, it has been found necessary to construct drainage works of some magnitude.
AdvertisementPrince Andrew, leaning his arms on the raft railing, gazed silently at the flooding waters glittering in the setting sun.
The million dollar hunt for the Psychic Tipster was flooding the press; I suppose as intended.
He retreated toward the bathroom just as the door opened—and just as Dean hit the light switch and rolled to the floor, flooding the room in brightness.
She clamped both hands over her mouth, warmth flooding into her face.
Upon the advent of the Left to power, however, he accepted both gift and pension, and worked energetically upon the scheme for the Tiber embankment to prevent the flooding of Rome.
AdvertisementThis ceremony arose out of a dinner held annually at Dagenham, on the Essex shore of the Thames, by the commissioners for engineering works carried out there in 1705-1720 - a remarkable achievement for this period - to save the lowlands from flooding.
Instead of facing the difficulties, the president preferred to put off the day of reckoning by flooding the country with inconvertible notes, with the result that the financial crisis became more and more aggravated.
There were also arrangements for flooding the arena, but these can only have been in use before the construction of the greater part of the subterranean portion with its cages, &c. The whole amphitheatre measures 489 by 381 ft., and the arena 245 by 138 ft.
The destruction of the grasses on the hillsides by overgrazing in recent years has increased the flooding by temporary streams, and consequently has tended to deepen and increase the gulleys and channels of the mountains and valleys.
But most of all did they dislike his practice of flooding England with strangers from beyond seas, for whom offices and endowments had to be found.
AdvertisementRock salt is extracted from underground caves by flooding, then evaporation.
Carmen clamped her sagging jaw shut and tore her gaze from him, an uncomfortable warmth flooding her neck and face.
Carmen stared at him, warmth flooding up her neck again.
Three guards surrounded Rissa, whose writhing, squealing horse was as much of a menace to her as the attackers flooding from the forest.
A similar sacrifice in the shape of pillars is often necessary to support the surface, either to avoid injury to valuable structures or to prevent a flooding of the mine.
AdvertisementThe mine workings may also be flooded Flooding of by large bodies of underground water.
Similar flooding takes place in several other important northward-flowing rivers in Canada, the St Lawrence at Montreal affording the best-known instance.
This deep digging, however, which reached the sand of the original marsh, released much ground water and resulted in the permanent flooding of the site.
A heavy cloudburst on the night of Wednesday 10th July 1968 resulted in New Bradwell suffering its worst flooding for many years.
However, during periods of flooding, hours may be extended to handle round-the-clock coverage.
The rise of the Tiber and the flooding of Rome in December 1870 (tactfully used by Victor Emmanuel as an opportunity for a first visit to the new capital) illustrated the imperative necessity of reorganizing the drainage of the city and of constructing the Tiber embankment.
For decades the area has been blighted by sewer flooding during heavy rains, causing significant damage to local homes.
Large skylights in the south facing roof bring light flooding into the bedroom.
I 'm considering laying them all bar a few and then flooding the voids under with a very wet mortar slurry.
The flooding occurred in southeast Asia along the Mekong river.
The primary driver was the urgent need to prevent the frequent flooding of the town center from the river.
Snow, flooding, gales, washed-out bridges, sea damage, and many other incidents are all examined.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country 's woes.
They are also useful for special conditions, for instance helping to dry a property after flooding.
By signing up with Marlboro, Newport, Camel and other brands, you can keep a steady assortment of coupons flooding your inbox.
A geographical survey will show if they property is prone to flooding.
This can lead to more intense storms and flooding.
The effect of rising sea levels is catastrophic on smaller islands and coastlines, causing displacement of populations and coastal flooding.
As the earth's temperature rises above normal levels, ice caps begin to melt and increase the chances of flooding.
In addition, wetlands are vital sources of navigation, industry and protection from flooding.
Flower essences work by flooding the imbalanced soul quality with its positive, healthful attributes, thus displacing negative energies and correcting imbalances.
A good photojournalist knows the value of combining talent and training to take stunning shots of newsworthy events from world wars to local flooding.
According to news reports, calls have been flooding in to the Florida state Department of Children and Families from concerned viewers.
Fashion is an active market, and with enterprising and creative students flooding into design schools it's no surprise that a few years later each young designer wants to hit the market with his own concepts.
It's worth the extra effort to make sure dampness or flooding problems are addressed before remodeling begins.
Healthy gutters can prevent roof damage, water damage, wood rot and even basement flooding.
Flooding can often be solved by installing a sump pump.
When purchasing a home warranty plan, make sure it covers the specific damage your home may incur, such as frozen pipes or flooding.
The threat could result from an outbreak of a disease or infection, winter storm, fire, flooding, power outage or loss of communication.
If you live in an area that is at risk for flooding, take steps to prepare for this type of event.
This disaster was the last in a long line of flooding problems for the park, but the owners of the park were even more concerned with the way the park was outgrowing its land.
Another, more dramatic, cognitive-behavioral approach is called flooding.
Blood transfusions and injections of blood products may broadcast viral diseases like hepatitis that stress the immune system by flooding it with foreign proteins.
Water damage can be major as in the case of flooding where the damage is very visible.
In December of 2008, the Catholic Charities of Paterson, New Jersey, organized a large furniture "give-away" to households that were destroyed by flooding from the April storms of 2008.
Most families in the area had their homes partially destroyed by flooding that filled basements and first floors of many buildings.
While the homes could be cleaned and repaired, the flooding destroyed entire collections of furniture and family possessions.
This Paterson charity helped organize the countless donations that flowed in from area donors, and provided a new start to the poorest families hit the hardest by the flooding, and who couldn't afford to refurnish their homes.
From natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the Japanese earthquake to flooding from spring rains, families lose furniture.
Avoid flooding the room with silly, vulgar, or commercial comments.
Will we be plagued with volcanoes becoming active, earthquakes shaking the globe and tidal waves flooding the planet, or will it be a spiritual transition?
A surge of reported sightings from a wide variety of people began flooding in, as did a great number of claims that were later debunked as hoaxes.
The athletic look is very popular, and as such, there are numerous shoes flooding the market.
Flooding caused by a torrential downpour left her trapped in her vehicle.
All you need is a user name, password, and a valid email address which you can choose to hide to avoid spam email flooding your inbox.
Your doctor will be able to wade through the diet news flooding the airwaves, newspapers and Internet and offer you sound guidance regarding how much fat to include in your diet based on your personal medical history.
Over and over we're told to eat healthy, but if you don't understand heart healthy diet guidelines it is easy to get lost in the sea of misinformation flooding the market.
Locations usually classified as high risk are those areas that have a history of flooding or have a high likelihood of future flooding based on nearby bodies of water.
There is no standard flood insurance policy that covers every single instance of flooding within a home or other property.
When researching competitive quotes on flood insurance applicants should be sure to list everything they want covered, whether it is flooding from a natural disaster or flooding as a result of burst pipes within the house or property.
You may need to take out a separate policy or add a special rider for protection to cover any damage or loss to your belongings due to flooding or hurricanes.
Flood insurance is not covered in a standard homeowners insurance policy issued through Progressive, although damage from flooding may be covered adequately by a renters or condo insurance policy.
If you live in an area prone to hurricanes or flooding, verify that your policy includes sufficient wind damage and flood coverage.
Travelers Insurance rental coverage also includes protection from damage caused by flooding.
Others include natural disasters, such as lightning, tornadoes, and flooding.
Belongings may not be thrown away, especially in cases of natural disasters such as flooding or a hurricane, until a representative of the company has inspected the damage.
It pays for losses due to severe weather, flooding, vandalism, and fire.
Condominiums on the beach have a higher likelihood of flooding than condos not located anywhere near bodies of water and, for this reason, some insurance companies are reluctant to provide coverage for these structures.
Even before smartphones became popular, several varieties of MP3 cell phones started flooding the market.
Hopefully her family would be in the restaurant now – safe from any flooding on the highway.
The storm will inundate low-lying areas, with 4 million people at risk of flooding in the UK alone.
The inundated grasslands were prone to flooding.
A day later the forecast had turned ominous - heavy rains all weekend and flooding in the metro area.
The county escaped the worst affects of the flooding in the eastern counties which centered on Essex.
Libyans began flooding into the country, not as conquerors but apparently as refugees fleeing famine in north Africa.
Upstream of the tidal weir, river flow has the greatest impact on flooding.
Fires can be cause in this way and rats can even gnaw through pipes, causing flooding.
Flooding can also be caused in other ways eg from sewers, run off or rising groundwater.
This provision will be inserted in revised guidance on planning for flooding which will go out for consultation later in the year.
Redshank chicks can be spotted feeding in the damp grassy hollows left by winter flooding, gorging on the variety of insects.
Damage from Hurricane Katrina is complicated by widespread flooding from breached levees.
Flooding on Sunday also trapped 69 miners underground at a mine in Jiaohe city in China's northeastern Jilin province, Xinhua reported.
There were also no signs, to warn motorists of flooding.
The flooding event at Boscastle in August 2004 highlights the damage that can be caused by heavy convective precipitation in the UK.
Flooding is the major and most frequently recurring natural disaster in Britain.
Threat to Property from Flooding The Council can provide sandbags in the event of a flooding emergency.
And where more and more may be threatened by rising sea levels and flooding rivers.
However, it is prone to serious flooding during the monsoon season of June to September.
To consolidate our work in the area of flooding, POST convened a seminar in the House of Commons on 29 April 2002.
In addition to reducing the incidence of flooding, there will also be fewer disruptions arising from emergency repairs to defective sewers.
We will also make a payment equivalent to your annual sewerage charges each time flooding occurs subsequently.
Often flooding incidents reported to Arun DC relate to a combination of land drainage, highway flooding, and foul or surface water sewerage.
In the Oldham area, relatively shallow pits were dug due to flooding problems.
I'm considering laying them all bar a few and then flooding the voids under with a very wet mortar slurry.
The do-gooders continued to protest despite reports flooding in from around the country of regular truants being hauled off to school by shocked parents.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country's woes.
Intermittent flooding will reduce the incidence of unwanted weedy species.
When the river rises, these crops, which often form a very important part of the year's produce and are termed Nabari, are still in the ground, and they require water in moderate and regulated quantities, in contradistinction to the wholesale flooding of the flats beyond.
It shouldn't have been flooding her like it was, as if someone there was feeding her while Darian seemed to be sucking it out of her, despite her attempt to restrain it.
He couldn't stem the memories flooding his mind and felt the wound of Darian's death reopen wider than it had originally been.
He retreated toward the bathroom just as the door opened—and just as Dean hit the light switch and rolled to the floor, flooding the room in brightness.
College graduates were affected by the temporary contract workers flooding the job market.
Worldwide, some 30% of the best croplands lie on flood plains and are vulnerable to flooding.
The rains typically start in July and October brings the heaviest downpours with frequent flooding in the capital.
Eighty thousand properties are at risk in towns and cities from flooding caused by heavy downpours that overwhelm urban sewers and drains.
Measures or policies taken to address coastal erosion or flooding can often pose a new risk to historic assets.
The lake was formed by the flooding of a 64 acre gravel extraction site.
The very large quantity of output made available for export under these exceptional conditions brought about the flooding of the British and other markets with sugars at depressed prices, not unfrequently below the prime cost of production, to the harassment of important industries carried on by British refiners and sugar-growing colonies.
William, in his turn, with an army wholly insufficient to meet the French in the open field, was able to persuade wag gi s h his countrymen to open the dikes and by flooding the land to prevent its occupation by the enemy.
The river enlarged the canal, and finding a steeper gradient than that to its mouth, was diverted into the Colorado desert, flooding Salton Sea; 1 and when the break in this river was closed for the second time in February 1907, though much of its water still escaped through minor channels and by seepage, a lake more than 400 sq.
The global sea levels have risen between four and eight inches in the last century, and if this continues, communities that occupy low lying regions along the coasts risk devastating flooding.