Flood Sentence Examples
Carmen felt warmth flood her face.
No stone left unturned until I see the blood of my tipster-nemesis flood the ground beneath her panicked body.
A soft light was beginning to flood the bedroom when she finally fell into an exhausted sleep.
In a flood of tears and half-controlled sobs she got to her feet, and handkerchief to her face, dashed across the room toward the entrance.
Midhat caused many of the dams to be destroyed and for some years occasional steamers were run between Meskene and Hillah in flood time, from April to August.
The flood of nations begins to subside into its normal channels.
The full import of his actions hit her, bringing a flood of warmth to her face.
The warmth returned to his eyes, chasing a flood of heat up her throat.
She neared him, sensing a flood of raw emotion she didn't understand.
It was like a switch to release the flood.
AdvertisementAs a matter of fact, they are an alluvial deposit spread out by the same flood waters.
His son also died and became the national household deity of the Ahoms. The origin of mankind is connected with a flood legend.
How did the call center respond to the flood of interest?
She braced herself for a flood of his power, but it didn't come.
This underground network of old river-beds underlying the great alluvial plains must be filled to repletion before flood waters will flow over the surface.
AdvertisementLocal annals specially mention the plague of 1648, the flood of 1651 and the earthquake of 1829.
His laughter sent a flood of warmth up her neck and into her face.
If the irrigator neglected to repair his dyke, or left his runnel open and caused a flood, he had to make good the damage done to his neighbours' crops, or be sold with his family to pay the cost.
His eloquence was now at the flood.
Having by a great effort got away to the left from that flood of men, Kutuzov, with his suite diminished by more than half, rode toward a sound of artillery fire near by.
AdvertisementA flood of brilliant, joyful light poured from her transfigured face.
In consequence of the disastrous flood of 1882, important embankment works were executed along the Adige at a cost of £300,000.
Millions of commercial articles in metal-work, wood and ivory flood the European markets, and may be bought in any street in Europe at a small price, but they offer a variety of design and an excellence of workmanship which place them almost beyond Western competition.
In 1772 appeared a tract on The Principles of Bridges, suggested by the destruction of Newcastle bridge by a high flood on the 17th of November 1771.
Another flood occurred in 1645.
AdvertisementThese were the walling round of the Tower and the rebuilding of London Bridge, which had been almost destroyed by a flood.
They retained the belief that the germs of all things slept for ages within the dark flood, personified as Min or NU.
It is clear, however, that the primeval flood and the world-egg (out of which came heaven and earth) are referred to.
The island of Griend (or Grind) once boasted a walled town, which was destroyed by flood at the end of the 13th century.
We have seen that written documents have been preserved in Mesopotamia to which such a date as 4500 B.C. may be ascribed with a good deal of confidence; and that from the third millennium B.C. a flood of contemporary literary records comes to us both from Egypt and Mesopotamia.
At the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, David was carried away by the flood of enthusiasm that made all the intellect of France believe in a new era of equality and emancipation from all the ills of life.
The first ended with the Flood, so that any consequences of Adam's sin were, strictly speaking, of limited duration.
The Bad Lands of the White river are also noted for their wealth of animal fossils, which have been found in such quantities as to cause geologists to believe that the vertebrates perished there in droves during a severe storm or flood.
The Gambia is in flood from November to June, when the Barraconda rapids are navigable by small boats.
The ordinary process before 1906 was to dam small streams and " coulees "(deep gulches in which water flows intermittently) and flood the surrounding country.
It is deep, fairly rapid, subject to a regular rise and flood every autumn, but not to sudden freshets, and is affected by the tide 50 m.
Their relentless use of water caused a flood in their lawn.
Sometimes, for instance, the excerpts from the older documents form long and complete narratives; in other cases (as in the account of the Flood) they consist of a number of short passages, taken alternately from two older narratives, and dovetailed together to make a continuous story; in the books of Judges and Kings the compiler has fitted together a series of older narratives in a framework supplied by himself; the Pentateuch and book of Joshua (which form a literary whole, and are now often spoken of together as the Hexateuch) have passed through more stages than the books just mentioned, and their literary structure is more complex.
The most disastrous occurred in 1875, 1856 and in 1770, when the flood level at Castets attained the record height of 422 ft.
Since fossils afford an immediate and generally a decisive clue to the mode of deposition of rocks, whether marine, lacustrine, fluviatile, flood plain or aeolian, they lead us naturally into palaeophysiography.
Matthew, and are shown to contain fluviatile or channel beds with water and river-living forms, and neighbouring flood-plain sediments containing remains of plains-living forms. Thus we may complete the former physiographic picture of a vast flood plain east of the Rocky Mountains, traversed by slowly meandering streams.
So man was made first of clay, but he was strengthless and senseless and melted in the water; then they made a race of wooden mannikins, but these were useless creatures without heart or mind, and they were destroyed by a great flood and pitch poured down on them from heaven, those who were left of them being turned into the apes still to be seen in the woods.
On account of the rapid deposition of sediment near the main channel at times of overflow, the flood plain, as is normally the case on mature valley floors, has a lateral slope of as much as 5, 10, or even 12 ft.
These changes become revolutionary in times of flood.
The highest flood is 3.5 ft.
The lowest flood on record has risen only to 5.5 ft.
It is a terrible river when in flood.
Flood fill to foreground - PLOT 136 to 143 Flood fill starting at the given point and continuing until foreground pixels are found.
Calm flood tides are best for spinning in the summer.
The geology of the earth actually is a beautiful mosaic of rock formations that confirm the historical veracity of Noah's Flood.
In flood time the country at places becomes a huge lake, through which it is extremely difficult to find the channel.
P. Nilsson, however, take the XbTpot to mean "water vessels," and connect the ceremony with the Hydrophoria, a libation festival to propitiate the dead who had perished in the flood of Deucalion.
Under ordinary conditions the sluices are raised to admit boats to pass from the half flood to half ebb, so that the river remains tidal up to Teddington, the next lock.
The river when in flood, at which time it has a depth, of 40 ft., scours a channel through the bar, but the Orange is at all times inaccessible to sea-going vessels.
There is usually a short dry season on the upper Amazon in January and February, which causes two annual floods - that of November - December, and the great flood of March - June.
The average rainfall throughout the whole Amazon valley is estimated by Reclus as " probably in excess of 2 ' metres " (78.7 in.), and the maximum rise of the great flood is about 45 ft.
This is especially true of the flood plains where the annual inundations prevent the formation of humus and retard forest growth.
It is a region of light rainfall, and cultivation depends chiefly on the Gash flood.
Overwhelmed by the Saracen flood in A.D.
The centenary of his birth in 1904 was celebrated by a flood of articles in the newspapers and magazines, naturally coloured by the new controversy in England over the Tariff Reform movement.
By the end of October the last Turkish regular had quitted Magyar soil, and, to use the words of a contemporary observer, one quarter of Hungary was as utterly destroyed as if a flood had passed over it.
It renders the task a more complicated one; at the same time it removes some serious difficulties and throws a flood of light on every group of the animal kingdom.
Pursued closely and finding the rivers in flood De Wet hid some of his men under Kritzinger near the Orange and himself doubled back, traversing again the line of posts east of Bloemfontein.
Our oldest native historical document in Syriac - the account of a severe flood which visited Edessa in Nov.
The results of these experimental researches by many inquirers into the constitution of the brain have transformed our conceptions of cerebral physiology, and thrown a flood of light on the diseases of the brain.
He was as conspicuously deficient in the statesmanship as he was in the oratorical genius of such men as Flood, Plunket or Grattan.
The rise of the Ghazal river in flood time is barely 3 ft., a depth sufficient, however, to place an enormous area of country under water.
Forty years before his visit a flood is said to have occurred, which passed down the river till it was blocked by sand-drifts at Thuwerat, 50 m.
Where the lake waters flood the stream mouths, there are excellent harbours, and lake navigation is therefore of high importance.
The river is always charged with a great quantity of silt which during flood season is deposited over the surrounding plain to the great enhancement of its fertility.
In time of flood it is united with the smaller lake of Labchistas to the north.
In Stuart times all ranks of society believed in her, and referring to her supposed foretelling of the Great Fire, Pepys relates that when Prince Rupert heard, while sailing up the Thames on the 10th of October 1666, of the outbreak of the fire "all he said was, ` now Shipton's prophecy was out.'" One of her prophecies was supposed to have menaced Yeovil, Somerset, with an earthquake and flood in 1879, and so convinced were the peasantry of the truth of her prognostications that hundreds moved from their cottages on the eve of the expected disaster, while spectators swarmed in from all quarters of the county to see the town's destruction.
The creek was an impassable flood in winter but easily fordable in summer.
Later when the ice retreated farther and the unloaded streams returned to their earlier degrading habit, they more or less completely scoured out the valley deposits, the remains of which are now seen in terraces on either side of the present flood plains.
The best explanation suggested for bess is that, during certain phases of the glacial period, it was carried as dust by the winds from the flood plains of aggrading rivers, and slowly deposited on the neighboring grass-covered plains.
The special features of the Gulf Plain are the peninsular extension of the plain in Florida, the belted arrangement of relief and soils in Alabama and in Texas, and the Mississippi embayment or inland extension of the plain half-way up the course of the Mississippi river, with the Mississippi flood plain there included.
The valley floor is covered with a flood plain of fine silt, having a southward slope of only half a foot to a mile.
The floods of the Mississippi usually occur in spring or aummer; Owing to the great size of the drainage basin, it seldom happens that the three upper tributaries are in flood at the same time; the coincident occurrence of floods in only two tributaries is of serious import in the lower river, which rises 30, 40, or occasionally 50 ft.
A few of the large streams may, when in flood, spr.ead out in a temporary shallow sheet qn a dead level of clay, or playa, in a basin centre, but the sheet of water vanishes in the warm season and the stream shrinks far up its course, the absolutely barren clay floor of the playa, impassable when wet, becomes firm enough for crossing when dry.
Some of the bess is thought to have been derived by the wind from the surface of the drift soon after the retreat of the ice, before vegetation got a foothold upon the new-made deposit; but a large part of the bess, especially that associated with the main valleys, appears to have been blown up on to the bluffs of the valleys from the flood plains below.
This arrangement has been provided at several weirs on the Thames, to afford control of the flood discharge, and reduce the extent of the inundations; the largest of these composite weirs on that river is at the tidal limit at Teddington, where the two central bays, with a total length of 2421 ft., are closed by thirty-five draw-doors sliding between iron frames supporting a foot-bridge, from which the doors are raised by a winch.'
What is clearly erroneous or faulty may as clearly be intended, and therefore not to be removed by the critic. In Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" (3455, 3457) astromie is used for astronomie, and Noe and Noel (Christmas) confused, "Nowelis flood" (345 1, 3457), because the speaker is an illiterate carpenter.
There was a disastrous fire in 1829, an epidemic of yellow fever in 1839, and a flood in 1840, but the growth of the city was not seriously checked; the cotton receipts of 1846 were 212,019 bales, and in 1847 a cotton factory was built.
Thus a fall in the gradient at any point in the course of a stream; any snag, projection or dam, impeding the current; the reduced velocity caused by the overflowing of streams in flood and the dissipation of their energy where they enter a lake or the sea, are all contributing causes to alluviation, or the deposition of streamborne sediment.
A few large streams enter the lower Apure from the south, but they are frequently entangled in lateral canals, due to the slight elevation of the plains above sea-level, the waters of the Apure, especially during flood time, having opened a great number of canos before reaching the Orinoco.
The average strength of the current in flood is about 4 m.
It is very doubtful whether this was possible, and an impartial historian must take into account the insuperable difficulties encountered by the medieval popes in their efforts to stem the flood of fanaticism.
By the end of August everything is burnt up; August and September are the low-water months in the rivers, March to May the time of flood.
It was the Mamluk rulers of Egypt that checked the death-bringing flood.
Of earlier bridges one, which crossed at High Street, was swept away by the flood of 1621, and another, constructed by General Wade in 1723-1733, was apparently the predecessor of Smeaton's bridge.
The German conquerors of the Rhenish districts were singularly little affected by the culture of the provincials they subdued, and all traces of Roman civilization were submerged in a new flood of paganism.
The flood waters of the Chambezi and other streams, which deposit large quantities of alluvium, are gradually solidifying the swamp, while the Luapula is believed to be, though very slowly, draining Bangweulu.
Like Flood, with whom he was on terms of friendship, he cultivated his natural genius for eloquence by study of good models, including Bolingbroke and Junius.
The influence of Flood did much to give direction to Grattan's political aims; and it was through no design on Grattan's part that when Lord Charlemont brought him into the Irish parliament in 1775, in the very session in which Flood damaged his popularity by accepting office, Grattan quickly superseded his friend in the leadership of the national party.
He conspicuously lacked, indeed, the grace of gesture which he so much admired in Chatham; he had not the sustained dignity of Pitt; his powers of close reasoning were inferior to those of Fox and Flood.
This was the constitution which Molyneux and Swift had denounced, which Flood had attacked, and which Grattan was to destroy.
He was, however, anxious for moderate parliamentary reform, and, unlike Flood, he favoured Catholic emancipation.
Having quarrelled with Flood over "simple repeal" Grattan also differed from him on the question of maintaining the Volunteer Convention.
In 1792 he succeeded in carrying an Act conferring the franchise on the Roman Catholics; in 1794 in conjunction with William Ponsonby he introduced a reform bill which was even less democratic than Flood's bill of 1783.
It is certain that, until the cultivator availed himself of the natural overflow of the Nile to saturate the soil, Egypt must have been a desert, and it is a very small step from that to baling up the water from the river and pouring it over lands which the natural flood has not touched.
When a river partakes of the nature of a torrent, dwindling to a paltry stream at one season and swelling into an enormous flood at another, it is impossible to construct a system of irrigation canals without very costly engineering works, sluices, dams, waste-weirs, &c., so as to give the engineer entire control of the water.
Similar in character was the ancient irrigation of Egypt practised merely during the Nile flood - a system which still prevails in part of Upper Egypt.
Probably nowhere is there an agricultural population so prosperous, and so free from the risks attending seasons of drought or of flood.
The season of its rise and its fall, and the height attained by its waters during the highest flood and at lowest Nile vary to a comparatively small extent.
In 1907, for instance, when the flood was nearly as low as in 1877, the area left unwatered was little more than 10% of the area affected in 1877.
The second is hardly less valuable, and consists in the remarkable richness of the alluvium brought down the river year after year during the flood.
Until the r9th century irrigation in Egypt on a large scale was practised merely during the Nile flood.
It is easy, then, when the Nile is low, to cut short, deep canals in the river banks, which fill as the flood rises, and carry the precious mud-charged water into these great flats.
So soaked is the soil after the flood, that the grain germinates, sprouts, and ripens in April, without a shower of rain or any other watering.
Mehemet Ali began by deepening the canals of Lower Egypt by this amount, a gigantic and futile task; for as they had been laid out on no scientific principles, the deep channels became filled with mud during the first flood, and all the excavation had to be done over again, year after year.
The height of pier from edge of flooring to spring of arch; was 28.7 ft., the spring of the arch being about the surface-level of maximum flood.
The ancient system seems simple enough; but in order really to flood the whole Nile Valley during seasons of defective as well as favourable floods, a system of regulating sluices, culverts and syphons is necessary; and for want of such a system it was found, in the feeble flood of 1888, that there was an area of 260,000 acres over which the water never flowed.
When the surface-water of a river is higher than the fields right and left, there is nothing easier than to breach the embankments and flood the fields - in fact, it may be more difficult to prevent their being flooded than to flood them - but in ordinary floods the Nile is never higher than all the bordering lands, and in years of feeble flood it is higher than none of them.
In years of very favourable flood this high-level canal would not be wanted at all; the irrigation could be done from the main canal, and with this great advantage, that the main canal water would carry with it much more fertilizing matter than would be got from the tail of the highlevel canal, which left the river perhaps 25 m.
The result has been, as already stated, that with a complete failure of the Nile flood the loss to the country has been trifling compared with that of 1877.
To render the basin lands of the Kena province independent of the flood being bad or good, another barrage was built across the Nile at Esna at a cost of £i,000,000.
The idea of ponding up the superfluous flood discharge of the river is not a new one, and if Herodotus is to be believed, it was a system actually pursued at a very early period of Egyptian history, when Lake Moeris in the Fayum was filled at each Nile flood, and drawn upon as the river ran down.
In these years, too, owing to the extension of drainage works, the irrigable area of Egypt was greatly enlarged, so that if perennial cultivation was at all to be increased, it was necessary to increase the volume of the river, and this could only be done by storing up the flood supply.
The first difficulty that presented itself in carrying this out, was that during the months of highest flood the Nile is so charged with alluvial matter that to pond it up then would inevitably lead to a deposit of silt in the reservoir, which would in no great number of years fill it up. It was found, however, that the flood water was comparatively free from deposit by the middle of November, while the river was still so high that, without injuring the irrigation, water might go on being stored up until March.
These, when fully open, are capable of discharging the ordinary maximum Nile flood of 350,000 cub.
In May, or earlier when the river is late in rising, when the demand for water increases, first the upper and then the under sluices are gradually opened, so as to increase the river supply, until July, when all the gates are open, to allow of the free passage of the flood.
No assessment can be levied on lands which have not been watered, and the law of Egypt requires that in order to render land liable to taxation the water during the Nile flood must have flowed naturally over it.
In addition to these great perennial canals, much has been done since 1878 in enlarging and extending what are known as the " inundation canals " of the Punjab, which utilize the flood waters in the rivers during the monsoon season and are dry at other times.
Great storage works are necessary to equalize the flow of the streams and to save the flood waters.
But the flood of anecdote and criticism overflowed the narrow channel.
Westport, a little inland town - platted 1833, a city 1857, merged in Kansas City in 1899 - now a fashionable residence district of Kansas City - was a rival of Independence in the Santa Fe trade which she gained almost in toto in 1844 when the great Missouri flood (the greatest the river has known) destroyed the river landing utilized by Independence.
With the Renaissance and the new learning, Hellenism came in again in flood, to form a chief part of that great river on which the modern world is being carried forward into a future, of which one can only say that it must be utterly unlike anything that has gone before.
Though rain seldom falls, exhalations from the river, especially when the flood has begun to subside, render the districts near the Nile damp during September, October and November, and in winter early morning fogs are not uncommon.
Its limits east and west are determined bi the higher ground of the deserts, to which the silt-laden waters 0 the Nile in flood time cannot reach.
Mareotis has no outlet, and the water is kept at a uniform level by means of powerful pumps which neutralize the effect of the Nile flood.
A western arm has been cut off from the lake by a dyke, and in this arm a thick crust of salt is formed each year after the evaporation of the flood water.
This again depends upon the fertilizing sediment brought down by the Nile and the measure in which lands beyond the natural reach of the flood water can be rendered productive by irrigation.
All tenants are under obligation to guard or repair the banks of the Nile in times of flood, or in any case of sudden emergency.
The kind of crops cultivated depends largely on whether the land is under perennial, flood or basin irrigation.
Into these basinswhich vary in area from 600 to 5o,ooo acreswater is led by shallow canals when the Nile is in flood.
Cotton, sugar and rice are the chief summer crops; wheat, barley, flax an.d vegetables are chiefly winter crops; maize, millet and flood rice are Nih crops; millet and vegetables are also, but in a less degree, summer crops.
The approximate areas under cultivation in the various seasons are, in summer, 2,050,000 acres; in flood, 1,500,000 acres; in winter, 4,300,000 acres.
Continuing to rise with ever-increasing rapidity, a revenue of close on 12 millions was collected in 1901 and 1902, in spite of the fact that during the latter of these two years the Nile flood was one of the lowest on record.
The non-literary Greek remains in papyri and inscriptions which are being found in great abundance throw a flood of light on life in Egypt and the administration of the country from the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus to the Arab conquest.
When the slope down which a river runs has become very slight, it is unable to carry the sediment brought from higher regions nearer its source, and consequently the lower portion of the river valley becomes filled with alluvial deposits; and since in times of flood the rush of water in the high regions tears off and carries down a greater quantity of sediment than usual, the river spreads this also over the lower valley where the plain is flooded, because the rush of water is checked, and the stream in consequence drops its extra load.
These flood plains are sometimes of great extent.
Flood plains may be the result of planation, with aggradation, that is, they may be due to a graded river working in meanders from side to side, widening its valley by this process and covering the widened valley with sediment.
Or the stream by cutting into another stream (piracy), but cutting through a barrier near its head waters, by entering a region of looser or softer rock; and by glacial drainage, may form a flood plain simply by filling up its valley (alluviation only).
Sections of the Missouri flood plain made by the United States geological survey show a great variety of material of varying coarseness, the stream bed being scoured at one place, and filled at another by currents and floods of varying swiftness, so that sometimes the deposits are of coarse gravel, sometimes of fine sand, or of fine silt, and it is probable that any section of such an alluvial plain would show deposits of a similar character.
The flood plain during its formation is marked by meandering, or anastomosing streams, ox-bow lakes and bayous, marshes or stagnant pools, and is occasionally completely covered with water.
When the drainage system has ceased to act or is entirely diverted owing to any cause, the flood plain may become a level area of great fertility, similar in appearance to the floor of an old lake.
The flood plain differs, however, inasmuch as it is not altogether flat.
The city suffered severely in 1874 from a fire started by a fire-cracker on the 4th of July and from a flood caused by a great rain-storm on the 26th of the same month, but these calamities were followed by years of great prosperity and rapid growth.
In 1907-1908, through the efforts of a committee of the Board of Trade, interest was aroused in the improvement of the city, appropriations were made for a "city plan," and flood walls were completed for the protection, of the lower parts of the city from inundation.
This narrative clearly intends to account for the origin of these various arts as they existed in the narrator's time; it is not likely that he thought of these discoveries as separated from his own age by a universal flood; nor does the tone of the narrative suggest that the primitive tradition thought of these pioneers of civilization as members of an accursed family.
Probably the passage was originally independent of the document which told of Cain and Abel and of the Flood; Jabal may be a variant of Abel.
Lamech dies in the year of the Flood.
Ba11, 3 Lamech is an adaptation of the Babylonian Lamga, a title of Sin the moon god, and synonymous with Ubara in the name Ubara-Tutu, the Otiartes of Berossus, who is the ninth of the ten primitive Babylonian kings, and the father of the hero of the Babylonian flood story, just as Lamech is the ninth patriarch, and the father of Noah.
Though Scotland is pre-eminently land of mountain and of flood," yet its leading physical features are not the lofty ridges carved out of the primeval plateau Valleys.
If the Aksu (or Murghab) and the Pamir river from Lake Victoria are to be considered in the light of independent tributaries, it is probable that the Ab-i-Panja contributes as large a volume of glacial flood to the Oxus as either of them.
The Oxus river, as seen in flood at this part of its course, is an imposing stream.
Its winter channel may be estimated at from two-thirds to three-fourths of its flood channel, except where it is confined within narrow limits by a rocky bed, as at Kilif, where its un varying width is only 540 yards.
The cultivation, supported by canals drawn from the Oxus, the heads of which are constantly being destroyed by flood and again renewed, is of a very high order.
As the flood poured over Syria and flowed south, Israel (Samaria) suffered grievously, and the gaps caused by war and deportation were filled up by the introduction of new settlers by Sargon, and by his successors in the 7th century.
As the tenth patriarch Noah corresponds to the tenth prehistoric Babylonian king, Xisuthros in Berossus, Ut-napistim or Atrahasis in the cuneiform tablets, the hero of the Babylonian flood story.
Probably, as Gunkel, Dillmann and others suggest, it came originally from a cycle of stories different from that which contained the account of the Flood.
The Hadas, in time of flood, reaches the ocean near Adulis in Annesley Bay.
The tide of strict construction was setting in strongly in his state, and he was borne along with the flood.
A settlement was established here in 1791 by Joseph Jahns, in whose honour it was named, and the place was soon laid out as a town, but it was not incorporated as a city until 1889, the year of the disastrous Johnstown flood.
In the flood area of the upper Kapuas, of which mention has already been made, there occurs Lake Luar, and there are several lake expanses of a similar character in the basins of the Barito and Kutei rivers.
Some valuable tobacco land, which, however, is somewhat liable to flood, and some remarkable burial-caves are found in the valley of the Kinabatangan.
Navigation is greatly impeded by shifting banks of silt, and especially by five rapids which can only be traversed when the river is in full flood.
Throughout the whole, the researches made since 1860 have not only added a great throng of new species, genera and families, but have thrown a flood of light upon questions of their phylogeny, systematic arrangement, horizontal and bathymetric distribution, organization, habits of life and economic importance.
The faithful were encouraged to drown all tendency to thought in an ever-increasing flood of sensuous emotionalism.
The vast mass of documents and finished literary work thus given to the world has thrown a flood of light upon Guicciardini, whether we consider him as author or as citizen.
In the flood season it usually leaves its banks and inundates the lowlands, spreading over the sands a rich deposit of silt; and on account of this characteristic it is sometimes called " the Nile of New Mexico."
The Rio Grande project was planned in 1907 for the storage of the flood waters of the Rio Grande near Engle, New Mexico, in order to reclaim about 155,000 acres of land in New Mexico and Texas, and to deliver to Mexico above the city of Juarez 60,000 acre-feet of water per year, as provided by a treaty (proclaimed on the 16th of January 1907) between that republic and the United States.
Not only does its level occasionally rise in flood as much as 50 ft.
The larger scheme includes three large reservoirs in the Mesaoria to hold up and temporarily store the flood waters of the Pedias and Yalias rivers.
The laws of Howel Dda throw a flood of interesting light upon the ancient customs and ideas of early medieval Wales, but as their standard of justice is founded on a tribal arid not a territorial system of society, it is easy to understand the antipathy with which the Normans subsequently came to regard this famous code.
These lands are very extensive, and present every degree of fertility and elevation, from the vast chars of pure sand, subject to annual inundations, to the firm islands, so raised by drift-sand and the accumulated remains of rank vegetable matter, as no longer to be liable to flood.
The endeavours of Swedish statesmen to bind the hands of their future king were due to their fear of the rising flood of the Catholic reaction in Europe.
More important, however, are the supplies to be derived from the control of flood water, millions of cubic feet of the best soil being annually washed into the sea.
Having caught a cold from a flood which inundated his house, he died in November 1633, at the age of fifty-seven, apparently in needy circumstances.
The old town was swept away by a flood in 1823, and the present town stands 4 m.
Among the buildings in the burned section restored since 1906, the Union Trust, Mutual Savings, Merchants Exchange, Crocker, Flood and the Call (newspaper) buildings are notable.
For the reservation of the water-partings in the past considerably denuded by lumbermen and ranchmen the increase of the forest areas, and the creation of reservoirs along the rivers, to control their erratic flow 2 and impound their flood waste for purposes of irrigation, much has been done by the national government.
The rapids, or porogs, form a serious obstacle to navigation; it is only for a few weeks when the river is in flood that they are passable, and even then the venture is not without risk and can only be undertaken with the assistance of special pilots.
It was assumed by deists in debating against the orthodox, that the flood of error in the hostile camp was due to the benevolent cunning or deliberate self-seeking of unscrupulous men, supported by the ignorant with the obstinacy of prejudice.
The ancient books, preserved in the Pali Pitakas, being mainly occupied with the details of Arahatship, lost their exclusive value in the eyes of those whose attention was being directed to the details of Bodhisatship. And the opinion that every leader in their religious circles, every teacher distinguished among them for his sanctity of life, or for his extensive learning, was a Bodhisat, who might have and who probably had inherited the karma of some great teacher of old, opened the door to a flood of superstitious fancies.
A disastrous flood, caused by heavy rains and the sudden overflow of the Santa Catarina river on the 28th of August 1909, swept away about one-fourth of the city, drowning1200-1400persons, and destroying about $12,000,000 (Mex.) worth of property.
The flood of 1900 carried away about ± m.
The flood of 1900, when the river both above and below Rome extended over the whole width of its valley, from hill to hill, and over most of the low ground at its mouth, gave an idea of the conditions which must have existed in prehistoric days.
In 1903 a heavy rainfall caused a flood which continued from the 8th to the 19th of October and destroyed not less than $7,000,000 worth of property.
Leighton, The Passaic Flood of 1903 (Washington, 1904), being numbers 88 and 92 of the Water Supply and Irrigation Papers of the U.S. Geological Survey.
The tide turned from flood to ebb during the action, and the surface current which in the Channel sets to the west with the ebb began to carry the fleets with it.
Those on the right bank all come from Queensland and bring down enormous volumes of water in flood time; on the left bank the most important tributaries are the Gwydir, Namoi, Castlereagh, Bogan and Macquarie.
These are commonly called lakes, but are in reality shallow depressions receiving water from the overflow of the rivers in times of flood, and in return feeding them when the floods have subsided.
Buchanan's severe epigram, perhaps the only unfriendly words in the flood of contemporary praise, may be explained as a protest against the compromise which Major appeared to offer rather than as a personal attack on his teacher.
Zola's object was a prosecution for libel, and a judicial inquiry into the whole affaire, and at the trial, which took place in Paris in February, a fierce flood of light was thrown on the case.
In years of exceptional flood the Seistan lakes spread southwards into an overflow channel called the Shelag which, running parallel to the northern course of the Helmund in the opposite direction, finally loses its waters in the Gaod-i-Zirreh swamp, which thus becomes the final bourne of the river.
In 1170 a great flood caused immense devastation in the north and helped to form the Zuider Zee.
Nevertheless it has a certain historical importance, for two reasons - (1) because it marks that period in Longfellow's career when, though he had left nature, he had not yet found art, and (2) because it opened the sluices through which the flood of German sentimental poetry flowed into the United States.
West of Knysna, and separated from the seashore by a sandbank only, are a series of five vleis, turned in flood times into one sheet of water and sending occasional spills to the ocean.
The Ka`ba was again entirely rebuilt after the flood of A.D.
The highest flood, common to the two periods, was that which occurred in the middle of February 1883.
Under modern legislation no such abstraction of water is usually allowed, even if limited to times of flood, except on condition of an augmentation of the natural dry-weather flow, and this condition at once involves the construction of a reservoir.
It is only necessary, however, to provide for these exceptional discharges during very short periods, so that the rise in the water-level of the reservoir may be taken into consideration; but subject to this, provision must be made at the bye-wash for preventing such a flood, however rare, from filling the reservoir to a dangerous height.
Furthermore there is a state association engaged in irrigation projects, and the United States Reclamation Service, established by an Act of Congress in 1902, has projects for utilizing the flood waters of the Umatilla, Malheur, Silvies and Grande Ronde rivers, the waters of the Owyhee and Wallowa rivers and Willow Creek, and the waters of some of the lakes in the central part of the state.
The flood season begins in March and continues till September, the average depth of the river rising from 9 to 24 ft., and the velocity of the current increasing from 3 to 7 m.
It was by this latter route that the traders brought back to India the Brahmi alphabet, the art of brickmaking and the legend of the Flood.
This is probably an ancient oracle independent alike of the flood story and the genealogical scheme in Gen.
He knew well that the appeal to abstract reason and the hatred of aristocracy would spread over Europe like a flood, and, as -he was in the habit of considering whatever was most opposed to the object of his dislike to be wholly excellent, he called for a crusade of all established governments against the anarchical principles of dissolution which had broken loose in France.
It belongs entirely to the lowlands, and is very crooked, has a slow current and divides much into canos and strings of lagoons which flood the flat, low areas of country on either side.
Henry Flood, who was two years younger than Burke, had gone to complete his education at Oxford.
After a disastrous flood in 1904 the course of this spring was straightened and six stone bridges placed across it.
After the prothalli have attained some size and bear sexual organs the pots should be occasionally sunk in water so as to flood the prothalli for a few minutes and facilitate fertilization.
The students of the university he taught in daily lectures, passing in review the weightiest and lightest authors of antiquity, and pouring forth a flood of miscellaneous erudition.
By provoking England, France, Holland and the Empire at once it brought a flood of disaster on Spain for which Alberoni was held responsible.
Other events of this reign were the parliament of Drogheda, held by Sir Edward Poynings, which gave the control of Irish legislation to the English council (" Poynings's Act " - the great bone of contention in the later days of Flood and Grattan), and the battle of Knockdoe, in which the earl of Kildare used the viceregal authority to avenge a private quarrel.
Angelica Kauffmann worked long in Ireland; James Barry and Sir Martin Archer Shee were of Irish birth; and on the whole, considering the small number of educated inhabitants, it must be admitted that the Ireland of Flood and Grattan was intellectually fertile.
The quarrel and reconciliation of Flood and Grattan (q.v.), the kindly patriotism of Lord Charlemont, the eloquence, the devotion, the corruption, are household words.
Yet the special commission shed a flood of light on the agrarian and Nationalist movement in Ireland.
After a thaw or heavy rain, the subterranean rivers flood the mountain hollows of the Karst; and a lake thus formed by the river Gajka, near Otocac, has occasionally filled its basin to a depth of 160 ft.
But all the indications go to show that there were at least two distinct popular narratives, one of which ignores the flood.
But in the later, he takes only one pair, and subsequently Elohim blesses Noah and makes a covenant never again to destroy all flesh by a flood.
Here the width of the stream increases at flood time to woo or 1500 yds., and though it narrows at the somewhat dangerous rapids of Rumde Gilla to 150 or 180 yds., it soon expands again.
As the Niger and the Benue have different gathering grounds, they are not in flood at the same time.
The flood rises with great rapidity, and reaches 50, 60, or even 75 ft.
A noteworthy feature of the Seistan lagoon is that in times of excessive flood it overspreads a vast area of country, both to the north and south, shutting off the capital of Seistan (Nusretabad) from surrounding districts, and spreading through a channel southwards, known as Shelag, to another great depression, called the Gaud-i-Zirreh.
By that ridge all communication with Seistan must pass in time of flood.
The rush of the Mahommedan flood sent terror all over Europe, but the little opposition it encountered south of the Pyrenees is to be easily explained, and the victory, though genuine, was more specious than substantial.
During flood season there is also a steamship service on the Blue Nile.
On lands near the rivers the durra is sown after the flood has gone down and also at the beginning of the rainy season.
Thus in the five years1907-1911inclusive an immense mass of new material was acquired which throws a flood of light on the archaeology at once of Egypt and the Sudan.
During his reign a great flood, called the Ogygian deluge, was said to have overwhelmed the land.
He throws a flood of light upon the manners and ideas of his own age; he sometimes comments with surprising shrewdness upon the broader aspects and tendencies of history.
A Syrian official record from this reign, preserved in the Edessene Chronicle, gives a somewhat detailed account of a violent flood (autumn, 201) of the Daisan river which did much damage, destroying 1 The inscription, which is difficult to read, connects the structure with Shalmat the queen, daughter of Ma`nu, who cannot be identified with certainty, and refers to some image(s), which probably excited the pious vandalism of the Arabs.
In 668 occurred another destructive flood (Theophanes, p. 537), and in 678 an earthquake which destroyed part of the " old church," which the caliph Mo`awiya I.
Westward from the Lower Tennessee river the surface of the East Gulf Coastal Plain rises rapidly to the summit of a broken cuesta or ridge and then descends gently and terminates abruptly in a bluff overlooking the Mississippi Flood Plain.
In the swamps of the western part of the state, especially on the Mississippi Flood Plain, the cypress is dominant.
The deep deposit of silt on the Mississippi Flood Plain is even more fertile.
When not in flood the river is often fordable, and between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea there are then more than fifty fords - some of them of historic interest.
Early May was still tornado season in northwest Arkansas, but this storm was forecasted to be only a flash flood threat.
She stopped fighting the demon and felt its power flood through her, taking control.
The low lying areas were inundated by flood waters.
There was also a fair amount of flood debris everywhere, which was slightly ominous.
We are looking particularly at the marsh area, the need for flood abatement set against a healthy reedbed with its attendant wildlife.
At Magude, the river has been well above flood alert level for more than a month.
The uncertainty analysis is continued at a scale more recognizable to civil engineers by examining decision-making in relation to flood alleviation.
The majority of people had no problems with surface water or storm drainage, flood alleviation seems to have lessened the previous problems.
A glass atrium will run through the center of the building, allowing natural light to flood in.
These can erupt sheets of flood basalt lava at the Earth's surface.
The excitement started by a seal launch from the two foot high bank and running the flood swollen beck down into the sea.
Do flood bunds reduce or exacerbate the damage caused by floods?
Severely damaged, total burnout or flood damage with no serviceable parts, or already a stripped out shell.
Care must be taken whenever the group need to enter a flash flood canyon or area.
Thus, the present system remains intact and there is unlikely to be a flood of claims for wrongful conviction or unlawful detention.
Worldwide, some 30% of the best croplands lie on flood plains and are vulnerable to flooding.
They will also cover existing customers where flood defenses will be completed within five years.
Floodlights produce a wide flood of light and are mostly used for lighting cycloramas, sky cloths and other large expanses of set.
The alluvial flood plains in the Gulf region and the south east suited pines and swamp cypress.
I tried to pretend I couldn't see the flood debris on the head high ledges.
It is therefore interpreted as a flood tide delta.
In 1625 a large flood caused devastation from Tiverton down to Exeter.
Some flood drawdown releases were made from reservoirs but overall stocks are still close to capacity.
The old OS map shows the branch heading south east, between flood embankments.
The SSA for flood defense is based on the actual expenditure on the levy in the previous year.
Suzy had survived a flood, lost an arm, and her head drooped to one side.
We were devastated by the flood of complaints that came in.
Indeed, one church replied with such enthusiasm about its portraits that the two researchers concerned felt almost overwhelmed by the flood!
You know that in July 2004 Bangladesh experienced a devastating monsoon flood, it's worst ever.
Pulborough, St Mary, like Wisborough Green's St. Peter, sits on high ground overlooking a flood plain of the River Arun.
The river has an extensive flood plain which is still regularly inundated.
Fertile alluvial flood plains have been cleared for agriculture, making alluvial forest a threatened habitat at a European scale.
There was 12 feet of water with a strong flood tide.
The flood map of Britain to be unveiled by Norwich Union next week has been dismissed by an industry expert as a publicity gimmick.
After the recent rain the the lagoon was in flood, covering the glasswort, Salicornia sp, completely.
Two large, fully glazed patio doors flood the room with daylight.
They all carve deep gorges through the mountains before spreading into wide flood plains in the lowlands.
Gulls were a welcome site among the Black headed gulls were a welcome site among the Black headed Gulls on the flood.
The same flood of liberal humanism which has broken the back of the Church of England, flooded also across Western Catholicism.
In addition, David Wilson Homes has been ordered to pay for infrastructure improvements such as traffic management and flood control.
Friday, 2nd November, 2001 Manchester Roadhouse Support from Valerie The Lollies return to the Manchester venue made infamous by The Great Flood.
Your point about the flood warning slightly irritated me.
Prior to the flood, the earth may have been one large landmass.
Higher sea levels could inundate small islands, flood coastal lowlands, and erode sand dunes.
This can range from a flood or fire to a serious computer malfunction or information security incident.
The Rocket House on Great Eye, seen here across the flooded marsh, survived this flood.
Milton Friedman in a flood to see any quotes.
No more the wounded dragged from stinking mud, Or the constant rain that starts the flood.
The flood of Afghan opium has swamped Pakistani security forces.
Nepal flood Moving images of a glacial lake outburst flood in Nepal.
The epic of Gilgamesh - the oldest surviving epic poem and greatest paean to friendship in literature containing the pre-biblical sources of The Flood.
Much of the development area is on the flood plain, which will put London at greater risk.
I was a very precocious child and started worrying about things like where all the water had come from for the Flood.
The improvement in image quality is demonstrated in the measured signal-to-noise ratio of flood exposure images.
Here we pass another sluice which in time of flood is opened up to fill an impounding reservoir.
Opportunities for owners to improve the flood resilience of their properties will be discussed.
They have an outdoor, flood lit ice hockey rink outside.
The ABI welcomes the Government's continued commitment to managing flood risk, which has enabled the industry to make this commitment.
The Wild Rose roundup contains a roundup of flood stories.
There is a Priority Order for delivering sandbags at times of flood.
The money is aimed at minimizing the impact of the flood in the education, water sanitation sectors.
The photos above and below show the clay silt deposited by the flood water.
Approaching Salter's Lode Lock somewhat fast to get steerage, as going with a serious flood tide.
The flood came in darkness, with a sudden surge of water.
From dawn, thousands flood through the gates to practice tai chi, ballroom dancing, sword-fighting and backward walking.
Why else dost thou think I have caused a flood to descend upon the earth?
Is the NOMAIL setting really a time bomb that may flood your mail directory unexpectedly?
The rear view one is on the straight, again in Kennington, toward the flood with the warning triangles in the picture.
The new flood warning system is outlined below in four stages.
In addition to the proposed work to improve flood protection, several weirs will be modified to allow fish movement along the river Alne.
In the 17th century, flood water was lifted by chain pumps with tipping buckets, powered either by waterwheels or horse whims.
Flood waters disappear often within a distance of a few miles, being absorbed by porous soil, stretches of sand, and sometimes by the underlying bed-rocks.
Lieutenant John Oxley went down the Lachlan (1817) during one of these periods of flood, and the great plains appeared to him to be the fringe of a vast inland sea.
Notwithstanding the protection afforded by sand-dunes and earthen embankments backed by stones and timber, the Frisian Islands are slowly but surely crumbling away under the persistent attacks of storm and flood, and the old Frisian proverb "de nich will diken mut wiken" (" who will not build dikes must go away") still holds good.
But when at the very last extremity through famine, a tempestuous flood enabled the vessels of Orange to reach Leiden, and the investing force was driven to retreat (October 3, 1 574).
As the river leaves the mountain, ever growing by the accession of tributaries, it ceases, save in flood time, to be a formidable instrument of destruction; the gentler slope of the land surface gives to it only power sufficient to transport small stones, gravel, sand and ultimately mud.
There are stony wastes, or alluvial fans, where mountain streams emerge upon the plains, in time of flood, bringing detritus in their torrential courses from the mountain canyons and depositing it along the mountain base.
The alluvial portion of the state, especially below the mouth of the Red river, is an intricate network of these bayous, which, before their closure by a levee system, served partially, in time of flood, to carry off the escaping surplus of river waters.
Nineveh, according to Herodotus, was besieged by Cyaxares and the Medes but saved by Madyes and the Scythians some twenty or more years before the Medes in alliance with Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, finally took it, c. 606 B.C. Much conjecture has been lavished upon the varying accounts which have reached us of the capture, but it seems probable that a heavy flood or the besiegers burst the great dam and while thus emptying the moats launched a flood against the west wall on the inside and thus breached the defences.
A visit to the English House of Lords excited boundless admiration for Lord Chatham, of whose style of oratory Grattan contributed an interesting description to Baratariana (see Flood, Henry).
Aspiring to liberate himself at once from foreign control, he summarily dismissed Mustafa Pasha Fehmi (15th January 1893), whom he considered too amenable to English influence, and appointed Except in so far as it was necessary to call out men to guard the banks of the Nile in the season of high flood.
He was singularly sweet-tempered, and shrank from the impassioned political bitterness that raged about him; bore with relative equanimity a flood of coarse and malignant abuse of his motives, morals, religion, 4 personal honesty and decency; cherished very few personal animosities; and better than any of his great antagonists cleared political opposition of illblooded personality.
The Pennsylvania railroad bridge withstood the strain, and against it the flood piled up a mass of wreckage many feet in height and several acres in area.
A season of light rain may be sufficient for the needs of Abyssinia, but there is little surplus water to find its way to the Nile; and a shortness of rain means a low Nile, as practically all the flood water of that river is derived from the Abyssinian tributaries (see Nile).
In April 1780 Tandy was expelled from the Dublin volunteers (see Flood, Henry) for proposing the expulsion of the duke of Leinster, whose moderation had offended the extremists.
The volunteers (see Flood, Henry) extorted partial free trade (1779), but manufacturing traditions had perished, and common experience shows how hard these are to recover.
Noah, the father of Ham, Shem and Japheth, appears as the hero in the Hebrew version of the flood (see Deluge; Noah).
The improvements will help to reduce rainwater run-off from the road, which often causes nearby houses to flood.
Effects of spatial resolution on a raster based model of flood flow.
The ABI welcomes the Government 's continued commitment to managing flood risk, which has enabled the industry to make this commitment.
The Wild Rose Roundup contains a roundup of flood stories.
Many flood runoff generation models are extremely vulnerable to uncertainty in precipitation.
Flood waters had scoured out big, elliptical scallops in the rock.
The skate park will be flood lit to allow for skating to continue through dark evenings.
Waiting in the bottom chamber for the flood tide to slack off.
With the flood slackening off in the tidal River Dee we get ready to go.
The storm continued to flood homes and snarl traffic this weekend.
Opening the Iraqi spigot would flood world markets and drive prices down substantially.
Approaching Salter 's Lode Lock somewhat fast to get steerage, as going with a serious flood tide.