Floating Sentence Examples
Like floating back to another time.
Panic seized her at the thought of floating through space until her air ran out.
No, Ne'Rin wasn't stupid enough to send her floating around space.
Some guy out on a yacht with his family spotted the body floating in the middle of the bay and hauled it in like Hemingway's fish.
He looked now at the Pratzen Heights, now at the sun floating up out of the mist.
She was floating on a cloud, gazing languidly down at mounds and valleys of white sand.
Her gaze dropped to her plate, and she stared at the runny beans and floating rice.
There was a boat floating on the water, and the fragrant lilies were growing all around the boat.
Hunter had interviewed the fisherman who thought he saw a body floating in the bay.
Shouldn't you be floating in the sky somewhere? she asked skeptically.
AdvertisementDarian studied him a moment before his gaze went to the flowers floating from the apple trees.
Yully was floating again.
They continued to watch as the children began tossing small stones at their floating treasure, trying to halt its progress, when the sound of a horn startled them.
Floating in the shocking cold, she oriented herself in the darkness.
He compared his conduct in that great post to that of a man floating down a river and fending off from his vessel, as well as he could, the various obstacles it encountered.
AdvertisementThere's a new term floating around; crystal ball search warrant.
Yully opened her eyes, suddenly aware she was floating two feet of the ground.
While he was able to do a lot of things with his power, floating above the ground wasn't one of them.
Pelagohydridae, for the floating polyp Pelagohydra, Dendy, from New Zealand.
There are also ten private graving and floating docks and one public graving dock.
AdvertisementMany of them live on the borders of the Mekong and the great lake, in huts built upon piles or floating rafts.
In 1897 Hamburg was provided with a huge floating dock, 558 ft.
Although Robert Hooke in 1668 and Ignace Pardies in 1672 had adopted a vibratory hypothesis of light, the conception was a mere floating possibility until Huygens provided it with a sure foundation.
Subsequently to the floating off of the entosternite the approximation of the nerve cords took place in the prosoma, and thus they were able to take up a position below the entosternite.
For an account of the courtship and dancing of spiders, of their webs and floating lines, the reader is referred to the works of M'Cook (30) and the Peckhams (31), whilst an excellent account of the nests of trap-door spiders is given by Moggridge (32).
AdvertisementFrom the roadstead, entrance is by a channel into the outer harbour, which communicates with seven floating basins about 115 acres in area and is accessible to the largest vessels.
In gold, 19,053,861 r (say) Floating indebtedness (a/es current, bills, &c.) Total, not funded, approx.
Mort's dock, another large dry dock, is at Mort's Bay, Balmain, while there are five floating docks with a combined lifting power of 3895 tons, and the three patent slips in Mort's Bay can raise between them 3040 tons.
At Riga there is a floating pontoon bridge over the Diina.
The floating boater is based in Little Venice in the very heart of London.
When the body is floating freely like a ship, the equilibrium of this liquid thrust with the weight of the ship requires that the weight of water displaced is equal to the weight of the ship and the two centres of gravity are in the same vertical line.
Equilibrium and Stability of a Ship or Floating Body.
While the population of Nejef is estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000, there is in addition a very large floating population of pilgrims, who are constantly arriving, bringing corpses in all stages of decomposition and accompanied at times by sick and aged persons, who have come to Nejef to die.
It is the principal waterway of Wurttemberg, and is greatly used for floating down timber.
Lavish expenditure followed and the government was soon anticipating its revenues by obtaining advances from guano consignees, usually on unfavourable terms, and then floating loans.
The Tankas are the boat people or floating population.
In this way was formed a broad disk of earth, floating on the circumambient air.
The harbour is entered from the roads by way of a channel leading to the outer harbour which communicates with a floating basin 22 acres in extent, on the east, and with the older and less commodious portion of the harbour to the north and west of the old town.
The "Floating Island" appears at intervals on the upper portion of the lake near the mouth of the beck.
The so-called water cabbage (Pistia Stratiotes) is a floating plant widely distributed in the tropics, and consisting of rosettes of broadish leaves several inches across and a tuft of roots hanging in the water.
Others are scavengers feeding on decaying organic matter; the pond skaters, for example, live mostly on the juices of dead floating insects.
Until modern times the city was built largely on floating pontoons or on piles at the edges of the innumerable canals and water-courses which formed the thoroughfares, but to meet the requirements of modern life, well-planned roads and streets have been constructed in all directions, crossing the old canals at many points and lined with well-built houses, for the most part of brick, in which the greater part of the erstwhile riparian population now resides.
Hathor, his mother, is persecuted by Typhon and escapes to a floating island with the bones of Horus, who revives and slays the dragon.'
Volcanic dust thrown into the air settles out slowly, and some of the products of submarine and littoral volcanoes, like pumice-stone, possess a remarkable power of floating and may drift into any part of the ocean before they become waterlogged and sink.
Buchanan, which has an arbitrary scale and can be varied in weight by placing small metal rings on the stem so as to depress the scale to any desired depth in sea-water of any salinity, the specific gravity being calculated for each reading by dividing the total weight by the immersed volume; (3) the total immersion areometer, which has no scale and the weight of which can be adjusted so that the instrument can be brought so exactly to the specific gravity of the water sample that it remains immersed, neither floating nor sinking; this has the advantage of 'eliminating the effects of surface tension and in Fridtjof Nansen's pattern is capable of great precision.
In navigation he suggested many new contrivances, such as water-tight compartments, floating anchors to lay a ship to in a storm, and dishes that would not upset during a gale; and beginning in 1757 made repeated experiments with oil on stormy waters.
Lake Xochimilco, celebrated for its chinampas, or "floating gardens,", is supplied very largely by fresh-water springs opening within the lake itself, which the city has partially diverted for its own water supply.
But the waves on the surface of a liquid, which are not of the sound kind, are both longitudinal and transverse, the compound nature being easily seen in watching the motion of a floating particle.
This was partly necessary to meet the uncertain conditions in floating when the distribution of supporting forces was unknown and there were chances of distortion.
The methods of erection may be classed as - (I) erection on staging or falsework; (2) floating to the site and raising; (3) rolling out from one abutment; (4) building out member by member, the completed part forming the stage from which additions are handled.
The convenience of erecting girders on shore is very great, but there is some risk in the floating operations and a good deal of hauling plant is required.
Sometimes a girder is rolled out about one-third of its length, and then supported on a floating pontoon.
The many floating and fragmentary notes of various dates that have found a place in the account of his reign in the book of Kings (q.v.) show how much Hebrew tradition was occupied with the monarch under whom the throne of Israel reached its highest glory; and that time only magnified in popular imagination the proportions of so striking a figure appears from the opinions entertained of him in subsequent writings.
They are often carried on floating ice to great distances, and to more southern latitudes than their own, no fewer than twelve Polar bears having been known to reach Iceland in this way during one winter.
After the close of the war efforts were first directed to clearing the financial situation by funding the floating debt, and taking steps (never fully consummated) towards contracting the currency.
It is sufficient to state here that the medusa is usually a free-swimming animal, floating mouth downwards on the open seas, but in some cases it may be attached by its aboral pole, like a polyp, to some firm basis, either temporarily or permanently.
Ships' cables of esparto, being light, have the quality of floating on water, and have long been in use in the Spanish navy.
Medusae thus form an important constituent of the plankton or floating fauna of the ocean, and compete with fish and other animals for the food-supply furnished by minuter forms of life.
The public indebtedness of Mexico includes a foreign debt payable in gold, an internal debt payable in silver, and a floating debt covering unpaid balances on appropriations, unpaid interest, and other credits and obligations.
The king of this district was Coxcoxtli, whose name has gained an undeserved reputation even in Europe as " Coxcox, the Mexican Noah," from a scene in the native picture-writing where his name appears together with the figure of a man floating in a dug-out tree, which has been mistaken even by Humboldt for a representation of the Mexican deluge-myth.
Coxcoxtli used the help of the Aztecs against the Xochimilco people; but his own nation, horrified at their bloodthirsty sacrifice of prisoners, drove them out to the islands and swamps of the great salt lagoon, where they are said to have taken to making their chinampas or floating gardens of mud heaped on rafts of reeds and brush, which in later times were so remarkable a feature of Mexico.
Melicertaceae; females tubicolous, usually attached, or forming spherical floating social aggregates; males free swimming.
Asplanchnaceae, plankton, dwellers in small pools, are, however, ovoid, and Trochosphaera is spherical and must owe its floating powers to the low density of the liquid in its enormously dilated bodycavity.
Lacinularia racemovata and Conochilus form free floating aggregates, the eggs, as laid, hatching and the young settling among the approximated gelatinous tubes of the parents.
The discovery of this significant looped arrangement of the morainic belts is the greatest advance in interpretation of glacial phenomena since the first suggestion of a glacial period; it is also the strongest proof that the ice here concerned was a continuous sheet of creeping land ice, and not a discontinuous series of floating icebergs, as had been supposed.
This system, which has been employed for the lowest weir on the Moldau, and for a weir at the upper end of the Danube canal near Vienna to shut out floods and floating ice, as well as on the Seine, possesses the merits of raising all the movable parts of the weir out of water in flood-time, and rendering the working of the weir very safe and easy.
His murderers evidently found out their mistake and repented of it, for the bishop's body was found at sea floating in a canoe, covered with a palm fibre matting, and a palm-branch in his hand.
The port possesses a floating dock 295 ft.
The only drawback to these good qualities is a certain liability to warp and bend, unless very carefully seasoned; for this purpose it is recommended to be left floating in water for a year after felling, and then allowed some months to dry slowly and completely before sawing up the logs; barking the trunk in winter while the tree is standing, and leaving it in that state till the next year, has been often advised with the larch as with other timber, but the practical inconveniences of the plan have prevented its adoption on any large scale.
On the 30th of June 1908 the bonded debt of the Territory was $3,979,000; there was on hand net cash, without floating debt, $677,648.48.
The Arab traders in the Levant certainly used a floating compass, as did the Italians before the introduction of the pivoted needle; the magnetized piece of iron being floated upon a small raft of cork or reeds in a bowl of water.
In the second part Peregrinus describes first an improved floating compass with fiducial line, a circle graduated with 90 degrees to each quadrant, and provided with movable sights for taking bearings.
In the dry season, however, it is obstructed by reefs, sandbanks, shallows, snags, trees and floating timber from the "Apostadero" up, so that even canoes find its ascent difficult, while savage hordes along its banks add to the dangers to be encountered.
For the substantial publication of these researches reference must be made to the Transactions of the Royal Society; but an account of many of them was incorporated in his best-known books, namely, the famous Heat as a Mode of Motion (1863; and later editions to 1880), the first popular exposition of the mechanical theory of heat, which in 1862 had not reached the textbooks; The Forms of Water, &c. (1872); Lectures on Light (1873); Floating Matter in the Air (188x); On Sound (1867; revised 1875, 1883, 1893).
The foreign boulders of granite, gneiss, &c., found in the coalmeasures of some districts, are quite as likely to have been dropped by rafts of vegetation as to have been carried by floating icebergs.
Under yet other conditions the quiescent yeast-cells floating on the surface of the fermented liquor grow out into elongated sausage-shaped or cylindrical cells and branching cell-series, which mat together into mycelium-like veils.
Floating on top of the molten metal, it rapidly oxidizes its phosphorus, and the resultant phosphoric acid combines with the lime in the overlying slag as phosphate of lime.
Olaf, in fact, turned his eleven ships into a floating fort.
Their internal structure consists of cells, disposed irregularly, and sometimes leaving spaces which are filled with air for the purpose of floating the leaf.
The empty fruits (after germination of the seed) are found floating in the Indian Ocean, and were known long before the palm was discovered, giving rise to various stories as to their origin.
The largest ships can enter the harbour, which has a minimum depth of 30 ft.; it has two dry docks, a graving dock and a floating dry dock.
They then look like floating logs; and thus they float or gently approach their prey, which consists of anything they can overpower.
The cash which reached the Egyptian treasury from the loans and floating debt was far less than the nominal amount of such loans, none of which cost the Egyptian government less than 12% per annum.
The whole proceeds of the loans and floating debt had been absorbed in payment of interest and sinking funds, with the exception of 16,000,000 debited to the Suez Canal.
By the Law of Liquidation the floating debt was paid off, the whole debt being consolidated into four large loans, upon which the rate of interest was reduced to a figure which it was considered Egypt was able to bear.
The taxes were habitually collected many months in advance, and the colossal floating debt was increasing rapidly.
The port is the most important on the west coast, and accommodates vessels of 3000 tons in a floating dock; there is also a graving dock.
A curious adaptation seems to occur in certain floating forms, in the presence of a gas-vacuole, which may be made to vary its volume with varying pressure.
They exhibit striking adaptations in these circumstances to the floating habit.
Some, however, are wanderers, either swimming actively with the aid of cilia, or floating inertly as the result of a specific weight closely approaching that of the medium.
Hottonia (water violet) is a floating water plant with submerged leaves cut into fine linear segments.
On the queen's first entry "a small floating island illuminated by a great variety of torches.
During the siege of Gibraltar in 1780-1782, Algeciras was the station of the Spanish fleet and floating batteries.
A structure is supported either by resting on the solid crust of the earth, as buildings do, or by floating in a fluid, as ships do in water and balloons in air.
It may well be that that operation must be regarded as done in the interest simply of the bullion itself, but that the subsequent operations of lightening the ship and floating her can only be properly regarded as undertaken in the common interest of ship, hemp, grain and freight.
Tests made for several successive years by means of culture media and sterile plates, demonstrated the perfect bacteriologic purity of the air, first drawn into the caverns through myriads of rocky crevices that served as natural filters, then further cleansed by floating over the transparent springs and pools, and finally supplied to the inmates of the sanatorium.
Its buildings stand on either bank of the river, but many of the inhabitants (who number nearly 50,000) occupy houses either floating on, or built on piles in the river.
The fleet, disabled by an epidemic, was, throughout the war, little more than a floating hospital.
There is a floating dock to lift 2000 tons, and at Stockton there is a patent slip to take large vessels for repair.
It is situated on both banks of the Euphrates, the two parts of the town being connected by a floating bridge, 450 ft.
The largest craft can always, enter and navigate the bay, and there are ample facilities of dry and floating docks.
He applied this principle of surface-tension to the explanation of the apparent attractions and repulsions between bodies floating on a liquid.
Such lenses are often seen formed by drops of fat floating on the surface of hot water, soup or gravy.
When such floating bodies come near the edge of the vessel they are drawn up to it, and are apt to stick fast to it.
The motion of small pieces of camphor floating on water arises from the gradual solution of the camphor.
If we place a small floating body in a shallow vessel of water and wet one side of it with alcohol or ether, it will move off with great velocity and skim about on the surface of the water, the part wet with alcohol being always the stern.
If the hoop enclose an area of (say) one-third of the maximum, and if the water be clean, camphor fragments floating on the interior enter with vigorous movements.
In the case of water the whole of the surface in front of the needle moves with it, while on the other hand the dust floating on alcohol is scarcely disturbed until the needle actually strikes it.
A few weeks after they drop down the river, lean and exhausted, numbers floating dead on the surface, so that only a small proportion seem to regain the sea.
His name for bonhomie and liberality attached the floating soldier-class of Macedonians and Greeks to his service.
The mass of floating tradition, which had come down from early days, with its tales of border raids and forays, of valiant chiefs and deeds of patriotism, is now rudely fitted into a framework of a wholly different kind.
Riga consists of four parts - the old town and the St Petersburg and Moscow suburbs on the right bank of the Dvina, and the Mitau suburb on the left bank, the two sides being connected by a floating bridge, which is removed in winter, and by a viaduct, 820 ft.
The substance called "ambergris," formerly used in medicine and now in perfumery, is a concretion formed in the intestine of this whale, and found floating on the surface of the sea.
It is connected with Calcutta by an immense floating bridge, 1530 ft.
It is under the control of a port trust, whose jurisdiction extends to the mouth of the Hugh and also over the floating bridge.
They are chiefly pelagic organisms, floating at or near the surface of the water, but occur also at great depths, and are sometimes fixed and sessile in habit.
Near this is Llyn y dywarchen (sod pool), with a floating island.
Besides the sedentary Cirripedia, numbers of the smaller forms, especially among the Entomostraca, subsist on floating particles of organic matter swept within reach of the jaws by the movements of the other limbs.
It resembles the ship in floating upon the air, as the ship a floats upon the water; in other words, the balloon is lighter than the air, as the ship is lighter than the water.
The so-called floating animals are depicted at figs.
In the matter of the estimation of their relative strength the main grievance of the Nonconformists is that the law classes as members of the Church of England that enormous floating population which is really conscious of no ecclesiastical allegiance at all.
It possesses a floating dock capable of lifting a vessel of 850o tons, a floating workshop, a patent slip for small craft, hydraulic cranes, &c. The minimum depth alongside the quays at low water is 23 ft., increased at places to over 30 ft.
Vossia, an aquatic grass, often floating, is found in western India and tropical Africa.
In the swampy lands of the upper Nile it forms, along with a species of Saccharum, huge floating grass barriers.
The scene presents to a European eye a panorama of singular novelty and interest - rice fields covered with water to a great depth; the ears of grain floating on the surface; the stupendous embankments, which restrain without altogether preventing the excesses of the inundations; and peasants going out to their daily work with their cattle in canoes or on rafts.
Upon his return he took up his residence in New York City, where (1868-1869) he was engaged in superintending the construction of an experimental floating battery.
The submerged leaves are long and grasslike, the floating leaves oblong or rounded, while the aerial leaves are borne on long, thin stalks above the water, and are often heartor arrow-shaped at the base.
The bulk of the inhabitants live in the floating houses characteristic of lower Siam, using as thoroughfares the creeks to the edges of which the houses are moored.
The Greeks form a floating population of merchants and small traders, anxious to amass a fortune and return home.
The state possesses a floating dock and a marine arsenal at Galatz.
There was an empty treasury, and the floating debt amounted to X7,000,000; maladministration was rampant in every department of the state; the national guard was mutinous, while the small army of regulars was badly organized and inefficient.
Before this, Delos - like Rhodes, the centre of the worship of the sun-god Helios, with whom Apollo was wrongly identified in later times - had been a barren, floating rock, but now became stationary, being fastened down by chains to the bottom of the sea.
The floating commerce of Spain had by the middle of the 17th century become utterly insignificant.
The history of Mecca is full of the record of these inundations, unsuccessfully combated by the great dam drawn across the valley by the caliph Omar (Kutbeddin, p. 76), and later works of Mandi.5 The fixed population of Mecca in 1878 was estimated by Assistant-Surgeon `Abd el-Razzaq at 50,000 to 60,000; there is a large floating population - and that not merely at the proper season of pilgrimage, the pilgrims of one season often beginning to arrive before those of the former season have all dispersed.
Many attempts have been made to reduce the chamber space by apparatus intended to bring about a better mixture of the gases, and to facilitate the interaction of the misty particles of nitrous vitriol and dilute acid floating in the chamber with each other and with the chamber atmosphere.
In some species young examples have been met with in which the nema ends above in a small membranous disk, which has been interpreted as an organ of attachment to the underside of floating bodies, probably sea weeds, from which the young polypary hung suspended.
The Graptoloidea have also been regarded by some as benthonic organisms. A more prevalent view, however, is that the majority were pseudo-planktonic or drifting colonies, hanging from the underside of floating seaweeds; their polyparies being each .suspended by the nema in the earliest stages of growth, and, in later stages, some by the nemacaulus, while others became adherent above by means of a central disk or by parts of their dorsal walls.
The creature is represented crawling on the sea-floor, but it may equally well have been a floating animal.
Originally, the name was given to the stalked barnacles (Lepadidae of C. Darwin), which attach themselves in great numbers to drift-wood and other objects floating in the sea and are one of the chief agents in the fouling of ships' bottoms during long voyages.
As regards terrestrial mammals (with which alone we are at present concerned), one of the most striking features in their distribution is their practical absence from oceanic islands; the only species found in such localities being either small forms which might have been carried on floating timber, or such as have been introduced by human agency.
The governor consists usually of a bell floating in a cast iron tank partially filled with water, and is in fact a small gasholder, from the centre of which is suspended a conical valve controlling the gas inlet and closing it as the bell fills.
Any deviation in pressure will cause the floating bell to be lifted or lowered, and the size of the inlet will be decreased or increased, thus regulating the flow.
To alarm the British force at Philadelphia the Americans floated kegs charged with gunpowder down the Delaware river towards that city, and the British, alarmed for the safety of their shipping, fired with cannon and small arms at everything they saw floating in the river.
A numerous floating population of labourers, attracted at certain periods by pressing work in the port, and afterwards left unemployed owing to the enormous fluctuations in the corn trade, is one of the features of Odessa.
The small dorsiventral plants are in both cases floating aquatics.
Originally called Klipdrift, the town was the first founded by the diggers after the discovery in 1867 of diamonds along the valley of the Vaal, and it had for some years a large floating population.
Hence it appears difficult to reconcile what is in effect a belief in the validity of the judgments of the moral consciousness with a belief that the real source and justification of that consciousness are to be found in the very sentiments and vague mass of floating feelings upon which it pronounces.
Then when an outbreak occurs the snow and ice melt, and in that way they sometimes give rise to serious catastrophes (jokulhlaup), through large areas being suddenly inundated by great floods of water, which bear masses of ice floating on their surface.
A luminous idea of the nature of these two classes of variation may be gained by conceiving of the, motion of a ship, floating on an ocean affected by a long ground swell.
The order contains about fifty species in fifteen genera, twelve of which occur in fresh water while three are marine; and includes both floating and submerged forms. Hydrocharis floats on the surface of still water, and has rosettes of kidney-shaped leaves, from among which spring the flower-stalks; stolons bearing new leafrosettes are sent out on all sides, the plant thus propagating itself in the same way as the strawberry.
Above Agram the Save is used chiefly for floating rafts of timber; east of Sissek it is navigable by small steamboats, but, despite its great volume, the multitude of its perpetually shifting sandbanks interferes greatly with traffic. Steamers also ply on the Una, the Drave below Barcs, and the Danube.
The normal annual expenditure amounts to about L56,000, while 24,000 is generally allotted to extraordinary works, such as new cuttings, &c. Between 1857 and 1905 a sum of about one and three quarter millions sterling was spent on engineering works, including the construction of quays, lighthouses, workshops and buildings, &c. Sulina from being a collection of mud hovels has developed into a town with 5000 inhabitants; a well-found hospital has been established where all merchant sailors receive gratuitous treatment; lighthouses, quays, floating elevators and an efficient pilot service all combine to make it a first-class port.
Laws idea was to ask the bank for the floating capital necessary, so that the bank and the Company of the West were to be supplementary to each other; this is what was called Laws system.
In his Discorso intorno alle cose the stanno su l'acqua, published in 1612, he used the principle of virtual velocities to demonstrate the more important theorems of hydrostatics, deducing from it the equilibrium of fluid in a siphon, and proved against the Aristotelians that the floating of solid bodies in a liquid depends not upon their form, but upon their specific gravities relative to such liquid.
On the other hand, those of the east and south are of great value for irrigation, and the Jticar and Segura are employed in floating timber from the Serrania de Cuenca.
The debts of Spain were further increased in 1891 by a consolidation of Io,ooo,000 of floating debt turned into 4% redeemable stock similar to that of 1882; and this did not prevent a fresh growth of floating debts out of annual deficits averaging two to three millions sterling during the last quarter of the 19th century.
The floating debt in 1900 had swollen to 24,243,300.
Consequently, the Spanish government had once more to attempt to make both ends meet by asking its creditors to assent to the suppression of all the amortization of imperial and colonial debts, and to a tax of 20% on the coupons of all the debts, whilst at the same time the Cortes were asked to authorize a consolidation and liquidation of the floating and war debts and an annual increase of 3,200,000 in already heavy taxation.
Under these modifications the Spanish debt at the close of the 19th century, exclusive of 44,000,ooo of treasury debt, consisted of 41,750,000 of exterior debt, still temporarily exempted from taxation on the condition of being held by foreigners, of 270,000,000 of 4% interior consols, and of 6o.ooo,ooo of new 5% consols, renlacing the war and floating debts.
From 1875 to 1881, when not too much engrossed in more pressing affairs, his governments turned their attention to the reorganization of the finances, the resumption of payment of part of the debt coupon, and the consolidation of the colonial and imperial floating debts.
They consolidated the floating debt proper in the shape of a 4% stock redeemable in 40 years, of which 70,000,000 was issued in 1882 by Seor Camacho, the greatest Spanish financier of the century.
The national debt, which consisted before the war of 234,866,500 of external Financial and internal consols ar,d redeemable debts, and and Political 24,2 50,000 of home floating debt, was increased Reoiganizaby 46,21o,ooo of Cuban and Philippine debts, which tion.
The seeds of life which continued floating in the air were carried down with the rains and produced vegetation.
This idea, which had for some time been floating in Mr Chamberlain's mind (see especially his speech at Birmingham of May 16, 1902), now took full possession of it.
The floating debt of warrants was practically cancelled in 1909, after a one-mill levy for four years for this purpose.
On standing, the distillate separates into two layers, an aqueous and an oily layer, the oil floating on or sinking through the water according to its specific gravity.
These Sigurd forged into a new sword, so hard that with it he could cleave the anvil and so sharp that it would sever a flock of wool floating against it down stream; and, so armed, he sought and slew the dragon.
The moons appeared through the branches in the jungle, almost alone in the dark sky except for a wisp of clouds floating beneath them. She watched the clouds pass. More came, quickly blocking the moons and stealing most of the light from the jungle. Katie sat up and blinked until her eyes adjusted to the new level of darkness. The sky took on an eerie silver glow, like it did in Maryland the night before a hard snow.
However, technical developments may make floating offshore wind farms economically feasible in the future.
Every moment they per- ceived some friend floating around them for a while -- then sinking into the dread abyss to rise no more.
A-line style from under the bust with pretty floating orange embroidered flowers dotted around.
The usual exploratory activities to Teddybear Island and solving anagrams from floating buoys ensured that boredom never even entered peoples heads.
Daphnia are found in large numbers sheltering under floating aquatics such as water-lilies.
Be aware that floating point arithmetic is not exact; matrices that are theoretically equal are not always numerically equal.
Each of these gets a chapter, along with a final chapter devoted to floating point arithmetic.
For safety, a second length of 9 mm dynamic rope attaches the floating ascender to the sit harness.
Introduction The basic assembler, as standard, does not have any support for true floating point instructions.
Top Pond Despite the hot weather the pond is still fishing extremely well especially with floating baits.
The beautiful crystal balls appear to defy the laws of physics, creating the magical illusion that they are floating in mid air.
All of our candles are made from local English beeswax with pure essential oils in the floating candles.
Frogbit, fringed water lily and amphibious bistort are all attractive floating plants.
The method used was segmented bloodworm on floating line.
I even wrote a small book in 1970 advocating floating rates.
Or there happened to be some nasty bug " floating around " the moment they turned the machine on.
Vega LED Beacons are factory sealed for life, and are ideal for use on floating buoys or at fixed sites.
On the Trout Lake, Tony Henderson of Retford had 20 fish including a 5lb rainbow using various buzzers on a floating line.
The Atlantic Sprint features large 260 mm diameter front disks with a triple parallel piston floating caliper and a 220 mm rear disk.
Two 260 mm front disks with floating calipers are assisted by a powerful 240 mm rear disk.
Brembo four-piston fixed calipers operate the front brake while twin-piston floating calipers activate the rear.
Nine upright stones support the heaviest capstone of any Cornish quoit which shows no signs of floating away.
The art work shows 2 cubes floating on a " magic carpet " in a galaxy of stars.
A crystal bowl filled with rose petals floating in water makes a smashing wedding centerpiece.
The judgment provided important guidelines on the meaning of " ordinary course of business " for the purposes of a floating charge.
The fabric This season, floating chiffon is in and according to Rhodes, we should make the most of it.
The modern galleon has also circumnavigated the globe, and is a floating museum open to the public.
A floating classroom to offer nature study to schoolchildren.
Any member of BW's staff whose work involves using workboats or floating plant needs to be assessed as competent to do so.
My patella was actually floating over the face of the lateral femoral condyle without the brace.
There was also a huge floating crane which could lift up to 250 tons.
When the rains came, Noah himself jumped on the now floating cruise crapper.
We are working very closely with our professional advisors, as this consortium requires a floating debenture in order to complete the deal.
There was also a vast amount of floating debris.
Next morning, a rubber dinghy is spotted floating in a nearby lake.
A Moorhen ran across the dense vegetation, including the floating duckweed, that covered 98% of the stream.
Nicole looked ethereal with her veil floating, like a vision in white.
A prominent euthanasia campaigner in Australia has announced plans to provide euthanasia campaigner in Australia has announced plans to provide euthanasia on a floating clinic moored in international waters.
It featured quick release wheels, floating front disks and a carbon fiber fairing - all very trick.
It just seemed a bit far-fetched, floating away like Noah without the animals.
Floating - With the floating installation method the floor is not mechanically fastened to any part of the subfloor.
Ned Minns Ned is developing a novel floating oscillating water column wave energy converter.
The boat then sank from beneath them, and he looked about to see anything floating.
Would you live in an hexagon world Christopher or just be free floating in space?
Battle was broken off as darkness fell, and the next day the Spaniards were amazed to see the Revenge still floating.
We were left with hundreds of Puffins all just floating in the evening calm.
Hybrid forms such as the mercury hourglass and seemingly floating steps serve as to bridge metaphors for time and space.
The gallery is the only floating contemporary art gallery in London.
About 80% of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually flakes of skin.
The first stage (which is the one indispensable preliminary to counseling) he calls 'free floating ' .
We live on that incredibly fragile, thin layer of plates floating on the subterranean sea of magma.
Goose tree goose tree Goose barnacles often attach themselves to the bottom of boats and any floating object.
Spectators had seats on a huge temporary floating grandstand with scoreboards for all to see.
The final virtual space is a vast underground hangar containing a floating field of numbers, all of which are estimates of Iraqi casualties.
They did say Chloe has gray matter heterotopia (gray matter floating in her brain ).
Administrative Receivership New provisions prohibit a floating charge holder from appointing an Administrative Receiver, subject to certain exceptions.
From the perimeter fence I could see the sinister black hulks of three submarines, floating in the dockyard.
I believe you have to go back to using a conventional floating hydrometer.
This is measured using a hygrometer, usually the glass floating type similar to those used by the home brew enthusiasts.
Only separated from the sea by a narrow rim of land, the lagoon is filled with floating icebergs.
One response to climate change has been the retreat of five ice shelves, floating extensions of the grounded ice sheet.
It is made inhospitable by extreme cold, a massive permanent ice sheet and floating ice shelves.
Generally, this is false for floating types, true for unsigned integers, and true for signed integers on most machines.
On your right you see a small round jellyfish floating upwards past you.
There is a lake 2km away that has a floating wooden jetty with a an enclosed shallow area for younger children, says Wyn.
It is around here that the old red lightship floating pub used to be.
They are then transferred to cages floating just below the surface of a freshwater loch.
One of the most important parts to check is the floating dial, which contains the magnetic needle.
This sculpting massage evokes a floating sensation, allowing you to let go almost immediately.
Floating rescue saves mire A dramatic rescue operation has saved large sections of rare raised mire from destruction.
Surely some floating pontoon moorings could be provided here?
Integer Arithmetic By default, Perl assumes that it must do most of its arithmetic in floating point.
They have a floating mullion fixed to one door sash, which allows the total aperture to be a clear opening with no obstructions.
For example, consider a floating point pipeline performing a multiplication.
She was opened as Ohio's only floating maritime museum in 1991.
The ship has been used for many years as a floating nightclub.
I was enjoying the sunset when I spotted an otter floating on its back under the pier, crac.. .
So when the result exceeds 52 bits or when floating overflow occurs, the result differs from that of scalar execution.
Exeter Ship Canal Two alien weeds, parrots feather and floating marsh pennywort, have invaded Exeter Ship Canal.
Concealed perforated pipes hidden below the water line would have spewed gasoline and then the floating fuel would have been ignited.
Floating behind her was a tray of mixed utensils and a large pitcher of Tralmark.
Current status floating water plantain is found only in Europe.
It has the most prolific population in the UK of the floating water plantain; a rare plant which has legal protection.
To resize a floating control bar move the mouse pointer over the edge of the control bar window.
We also played canoe polo with a bit of floating wood.
Areas of past peat cutting provide the main interest with open water with floating pondweed, bottle sedge and cowbane.
Two round piles for the floating mooring pontoon below lock 8 can be seen in the distance.
A floating landing stage was added making a very presentable appearance.
A rescue quoit or throw bag with at least 15m of floating line.
The mink rafts contain clay pads which are used to take prints of animals visiting the floating rafts.
The palette of propositions and transformational techniques give students a (floating) knowledge base for making claims recognizable as good contract arguments.
Brakes are Brembo 4-piston 280mm floating stainless steel rotor with a 220mm stainless steel rotor at the rear.
The place was staffed by bughousers - a floating population, like circus roustabouts - who worked in mental institutions.
Rv resort floating island pavilion.
Mule quot get of say a luxury Rv resort floating island pavilion.
The water was warm and so salty to make floating a pleasure and swimming a dream.
On a trip to Torquay the dog wanted to chase sea gulls - fine until he tried running on a patch of floating seaweed.
Some very sharp-eyed lookouts spotted the floating mines before any of our flotilla made contact.
Andrew and his fellow shipmates begin to get to know one another and start adjusting to their new floating home.
Front - Brembo floating stainless steel double disk, dia.
The magician's underwear has just been found in a cardboard suitcase floating in a stagnant pond on the outskirts of Miami.
The space between the seats also makes the thin, visually floating center stack clearly visible from the outside through the glass tailgate.
Floating Lines Strong Tapered Leaders. I fished a 8lb tippet for the first 2 days and then stepped down to a 6lb.
It utilizes an identical 1 " silk dome tweeter mounted within a floating aluminum double chamber and aligned vertically with 3.5 midrange driver.
Become a bit of a floating voter in recent years.
It was unusual in that it offered comparatively weak integer performance but very strong floating point performance.
I was sailing single handed through the Outer Isles, then floating weightless somewhere between Andromeda and Alpha Centuri.
Untitled - Yukako Shibata When objects sit on a mirror they appear to be almost floating - the three spheres become weightless.
Few drivers notice the huge bird with a five-foot wingspan floating effortlessly above the busy motorway.
A Latin version of them was published by Isaac Barrow in 1675 (London, 4to); Nicolas Tartaglia published in Latin the treatises on Centres of Gravity, on the Quadrature of the Parabola, on the Measurement of the Circle, and on Floating Bodies, i.
Total of floating debt.
The corpuscles floating in the fluid it contains are of definite B FIG.
The programme of construction which this initial expenditure was to cover was fixed at two battleships of about 16,000 tons displacement, one armoured cruiser of about 12,000 tons displacement, some few auxiliary vessels (destroyers and gunboats), and a floating dock to lift about 17,000 tons.
There are also two coal barge docks capable of floating io,000 tons of coal at one time.
Lake Xochimilco, celebrated for its chinampas, or " floating gardens" (see Mexico, Federal District Of), is supplied very largely by fresh-water springs opening within the lake itself, which the city has partially diverted for its own water supply.
Caesar, who had been hastily summoned from Illyricum, crossed the Loire and invaded Brittany, but found that he could make no headway without destroying the powerful fleet of high, flat-bottomed boats like floating castles possessed by the Veneti.
The blood is colourless, and has colourless amoeboid corpuscles floating in it.
This principle has been applied with great completeness and ingenuity of detail by Bryan Cookson to the construction of a "photographic floating zenith telescope," ??
For floating point types, digits is the number of radix digits in the mantissa.
The girl surfaced in a swirl of bubbles, her hair floating around her white shoulders like a shimmering russet mantle.
Mule quot get of say a luxury rv resort floating island pavilion.
When morning comes Alice finds herself floating on the serene lake with sunlight dappled through overhanging trees.
Every moment they perceived some friend floating around them, for a while, then sinking into the abyss to rise no more.
He was found by the standby divers, floating on the surface under the ice.
The magician 's underwear has just been found in a cardboard suitcase floating in a stagnant pond on the outskirts of Miami.
Or maybe just sunbathing on a warm sundeck floating along the sea?
Made from highly sugared and chilled green or black tea, ' pearl ' tea is served with chewy tapioca balls floating in it.
The gentle tinkle of sheep bells floating across the countryside makes a very relaxing sound.
For trilinear interpolation there are at least 8 floating point operations required for each interpolation evaluation.
Most Highland trout angling is ` loch style ' done with traditional floating line.
It utilizes an identical 1 silk dome tweeter mounted within a floating aluminum double chamber and aligned vertically with 3.5 midrange driver.
Street with tall someone or older applies only to floating united nations.
Large " icebergs " of floating foam were wafting down from Cromwell weir.
A walk down the zig zag path just below the suspension bridge brings you to Hotwells - the entrance to Bristol 's Floating Harbor.
Gravity is what keeps everything from floating around.
Buy some floating, disposable animal targets.
These and many more questions will be floating around in your head when it comes time to start putting a room together.
Slanted seating means better comfort while more vertical backs will have you floating periodically.
After you sign up for an account with an auction site, it may seem daunting with all the pricing, pictures and different categories floating around in front of you.
Stirring your drink will not result in the coolness provided by the microscopic chips of ice floating in your drink after a good turn in the cocktail shaker.
This drink is prized for the sunrise effect created by floating grenadine in orange juice.
The fewer cards you have floating around, the less the odds of a stolen or lost card causing havoc.
Plus, cardholders can earn double Membership Points when they book their travel on cruises, yachts and floating resorts - and then, in turn, use the Points for additional travel adventures.
From floating shelves to multi-shelf units, you can go as plain or fancy as your taste and pocketbook permits.
Try floating bookshelves and overhead bookshelves.
You may opt for floating floors or choose to use the lay down or glue down method.
Floating floor systems lock into one another via tongue and groove and are not attached to the subflooring.
In addition to wind power turbines, there exist magnetically levitated wind turbines, floating wind turbines, and airborne wind turbines.
The number one reason why it is essential that people recycle ink cartridges is that there are an awful lot of them floating around out there.
All that plastic has to end up somewhere, whether it be non-biodegradable trash in a landfill or as garbage floating in a waterway somewhere.
While water pollution solutions may seem like too little, too late when viewed in the light of major oil spills and floating plastic bag islands they are necessary to prevent these problems from growing worse.
A study in the May 2010 issue of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy found that offshore floating platforms could provide a way to use the deeper waters of the oceans.
Plastic pellets floating in seawater can also choke and poison sea life.
The murky bits you see floating in the bottle are called the mother of vinegar, and contain most of the goodness to be found in apple cider vinegar.
One good option is to use "floating" cupboards - storage units that are suspended on the wall instead of sitting on the floor.
Pale tan sand, soft blue skies with a few bright white clouds floating by, and aquamarine water as far as the eye can see.
Add a few scale models of pirate ships displayed on floating shelves and some canvas bedding or a window treatment that looks like sailcloth.
This kind of headboard is known as a floating headboard because it's not attached to your bed.
You could also opt to fill the bowl with floating candles.
Bookcases, floating shelves and built-ins provide room to store and display books, accessories, kids toys, electronic equipment and more without taking up valuable floor space.
For large tables, white floating candles drifting in a white ceramic bowl also adds a nice touch.
The men recorded a shot of a hogfish floating effortlessly off the Florida Keys.
A "sticker sneeze" occurs when an otherwise beautiful layout is accessorized with a hodge-podge of random stickers that appear to be floating between photos, journaling, and other page elements.
Floating stickers look awkward, so avoid potential problems by mounting tiny embellishments onto small chipboard squares or cardstock strips.
He developed a unique boot design that included a floating ribbed tongue instead of an overlap.
As you can imagine, with stress freely floating throughout your system, you may end up exhibiting many different signs of stress.
There are skills you can use while you are in the heat of the moment, and skills that can be utilized for free floating anger.
Sometimes, whether it's because of constant stress or because of leftover, nagging issues, you can experience free floating anger.
This look is a winner because it features a slightly poufy hem that almost looks as if it's floating above the ground.
Glass or Crystal Dishes-These can hold a beautiful arrangement or a combination of floating candles and flowers.
Floating pearl necklaces are especially lovely and a great update on the classic strand.