Flirting Sentence Examples
Flirting does not come easy to many people.
The first level of flirting is being friendly.
It must have nearly scared you to death when I started flirting with you.
We have a one-year-old neutered male that she has been flirting with.
The next level of flirting is more focused; I call this flirting with intention.
Learn about many aspects of dating, flirting, seduction, romance, love, relationships and related topics.
It is also important to set boundaries while flirting.
The key is to separate flirting from acting sexy.
Well... they had been flirting with each other in the car.
The dance was soon considered immoral with its flirting music!
AdvertisementThis will allow the two of you to sneak in some quality "flirting" time.
If he doesn't, then he's a loser and he's either changed his mind (guys, attention spans like small insects, I tell you what) or he was only just flirting to begin with.
By the way, my friends believe that if he doesn't like me, why would he even bother talking to me, or flirting with me?
Flirting with your boyfriend or stealing him from you.
At the same time, he was flirting with the idea of unisex clothing.
AdvertisementFlirting techniques are far reaching beyond simple dating tips.
Genuine compliments and entertaining humor are also always appropriate while flirting.
Flirting is about having a good time with another person and enjoying their company.
You would know who to move beyond flirting with and who to avoid.
So I can tell you from experience that flirting is something you can learn.
AdvertisementIntentional flirting is using subtle behaviors that show interest in someone you are attracted to.
The third level of flirting is more intimate.
This type of flirting is a type of sensual interacting, not sexual.
Often you will see this flirting going on between couples who seem to be so engaged with each other they don't notice others around them.
Holding hands, rubbing his back, or neck are physical expressions of flirting.
AdvertisementThe next time you're around someone that you view as a potential dating partner, use these flirting technique tips to find out if he or she feels the same way.
If it annoys you, you may not realize that he is flirting.
Paying attention is one of the best ways to know a guy is flirting.
Your friend gets to be in an intimate relationship with one woman, while flirting, teasing and implying that there is something more between the two of you.
I am glad to hear that you have been doing some homework on flirting and that you have been working on not letting your shyness hamper your social life.
Flirting is a way to draw attention to you.
Are you flirting with someone who's married?
The benefits of flirting include feeling attractive and the excitement of something new and unfamiliar.
If used for this purpose, flirting can reinvigorate a marriage that has grown stale.
However, if you are not careful, flirting can lead to an affair, which can hurt many people.
For the married man you have been flirting with, you crossed the line when you came on to him.
Start the conversation by telling him that some of his text messages and other behaviors make you wonder if he is flirting with you.
It sounds to me that your co-worker is flirting with you.
I also think you know this is happening and that you too have been innocently flirting with her.
Having unwanted attention from others serves another purpose; it keeps you flirting with her.
Although you may not intend to go any further than just flirting, continuing to engage with her in this manner may contribute to the unwanted attention she is getting from others.
If you have loved ones coming to you reporting that they saw your partner flirting or engaging in sexual behaviors with someone else, then it's a pretty good sign that your partner is cheating.
For many people, flirting comes naturally and those who are very warm and friendly might do it unconsciously.
Keep this in mind as you interpret flirting signals and know which signals to take seriously and which to let pass you by.
Here's some of the practical strategies that have worked for others in the past; remember, though, you and your intended recipient of the flirting are your own people, so what works for you may not work for everyone.
The fact is, if you can gracefully take a "no" and back off, that in itself makes a good impression, and may lead to her flirting with you later.
Above all, have fun as you perfect your flirting skills, and don't ever stop trying to make people feel special.
The simplest way to learn how to tell a man is flirting is to watch his attention.
If he's just watching TV or intent on his work, he's probably not flirting with anyone directly around him.
Does he seem to be leaning towards the possible object of the flirting?
When a man is attracted to you he will most likely express it by flirting and talking to keep you interested.
This male flirting signal is also a way for men to gauge your interest.
His pupils might be dilated due to the excitement of flirting.
Men might show some other signs of flirting, such as being nervous and tongue tied around you.
If you think a man might be flirting with you, it's probably true.
If you notice the signs of flirting, you can decide whether to flirt back or move on.
Men might think they are controlling the pace of the flirting, but it's women who give them the green light to keep interacting.
Making someone smile is an important part of flirting.
Also, men who are flirting usually tend to look at a woman a couple seconds longer than usual.
There are many ways to build your flirting skills so you'll be magnetic to girls.
Sometimes guys can seem too eager while flirting and this can be a turn off.
Flirting is like a game of give and take.
Flirting is a game, so be sure to enjoy every minute.
Surprise your Aries boyfriend with romantic gestures such as a well planned out evening of romance complete with candlelight, good food, and lots of shameless flirting.
The Scorpio's flirting style will be alluring to Taurus, and they'll usually be happy once the chase ends.
She is very skilled in the art of love, especially flirting.
Aries enjoys the art of pursuit, especially the first moves of flirting, and he’s very good at each stage of the chase.
Blair and Serena find Emma in a club flirting with another guy, but she runs off before they have a chance to talk to her.
Casual flirting is an art form throughout France.
So much of flirting is in the situation or picking up on a funny scenario.
Before you know it, you'll be flirting as if you were born in France.
If you're looking for ways to say I like you in French, you may want to know a lot more French flirting conversational phrases as well as more details on romance and courtship in Francophone countries.
The date clips showed lots of flirting, laughing, and even a kiss.
The ability to choose the right words at the right time is significant to successful flirting.
Try to bring questions that invite creativity, and don't forget that you're supposed to be flirting.
Also, keep in mind that a lot of the "games" we play, like flirting, are completely without conscious thought.
Flirting is the number one game most of us play and with good reason.
Teasing and use of humor are other examples of more focused flirting.
All of these examples are more direct ways of flirting with a guy.
Being in close physical proximity is an example of intimate flirting.
It also will give you opportunities to practice the first level of flirting - being friendly.
Volunteering is another way of meeting new people and practicing flirting.
I don't know if I'm flirting wrong or trying to hard.
Just a few decades ago flirting techniques were passed down either from mother to daughter or sister to sister.
Today flirting is not the skill taught by mothers anymore, so most of the knowledge on the subject comes from entertainment.
This makes your question "I don't know if I'm flirting wrong or trying to hard," far more common than you might think.
While there are techniques that one could use which will send an unintended message generally there is little flirting that is wrong.
Here are three things to keep in mind when flirting.
Eye contact, smiling, touching on the arm and laughing are all skills for flirting.
Thus your flirting is sending guys a mixed message.
Flirting is most successful when your body language matches your words.
Keeping in mind that flirting is mostly non-verbal, what makes someone want to get to know you?
The close is very important when it comes to flirting.
I'm now wondering if my lack of flirting (e.g., eye contact) at the second group event may have turned him off, preventing a possible dating opportunity.
You may be at the stage of dating exclusively while he sees your relationship as still being open to dating or flirting with others.
When you want to make sure the object of your affection figures out that you're interested in getting to know him or her better, it's a good idea to brush up on your flirting technique skills.
Winking is a questionable flirting technique.
Unless you're flirting with someone you know very well, or are in a situation where a wink seems to be particularly appropriate, it's generally not a good idea to risk using this type of nonverbal signal.
One of the reasons that winking isn't the best flirting technique is that such gestures don't always come across as being sincere.
A side benefit of brushing up your knowledge on how to flirt is that you'll be better prepared to recognize the signs of flirting when they are directed at you.
Do you know all the ways to know a guy is flirting?
Even though determining whether a guy is flirting can be difficult, there are actually many signs to look for.
All it takes to know if he is flirting is to be alert to the signs.
The most obvious way to know a guy is flirting is to see if he stares at you.
In fact, if he doesn't look at you often, it may be a sign that he really isn't flirting.
Once he has decided that he wants to talk with you, then his staring phase may be over and he is now ready to start flirting.
Often when a guy is flirting, he will want to touch you.
This is why you need to be alert to the signals to know for sure if he is flirting.
Watching him and his movements is one of the best ways to know a guy is flirting.
If he says that you are beautiful or that he would like to spend more time with you, he is obviously flirting.
I am quiet, shy, and not very good at flirting.
Many people don't realize there is a difference between flirting, which it sounds like you know how to do and making small talk, which you seem to have some difficulty with.
One other tip, focus on putting the 'other person' at ease when talking or flirting.
Flirting is one of those safe activities married people can engage in with little risk of harm.
However, when you crossed the line from flirting to suggesting having an affair, you took something that is fun and harmless and turned into something risky.
In order to get this flirting under control, you're going to need to respond like an adult and a step-mom.
If your boyfriend is flirting with other women, whether he intends to follow through or not, he is engaging in risky behaviors that may lead him to do something he later regrets.
However, when you engage in flirting behaviors with this co-worker, even if she doesn't get angry with you, you are still responsible for your behavior.
Are they flirting with you or is that how they talk to everyone?
Body language is a classic sign of flirting for both sexes.
When you see a guy that you are interested in at a party or some other social function try flirting with him.
Opportunities for flirting are nearly everywhere, so make sure you have some flirting knowledge.
You never know when you'll see that attractive guy or girl and want to give him or her some flirting signals that you're interested.
Once you know how to flirt, you'll find it's a gesture you can do to any degree, whether you're just casually flirting or if you've met a person you're serious about getting to know.
If you're trying to figure out if a guy or girl is interested in you, looking for flirting signals is the perfect way to get an answer.
Flirting signals that are spoken might be easier to detect, but if you're not paying attention, they might pass you by.
Just because you're on a date doesn't mean the flirting stops.
A date is the time when flirting has the volume turned up high, so be sure to watch for these signals that your date is possibly trying to charm you.
Most flirting signals are the same for guys and girls, but there might be a few small differences.
Flirting is a great skill to utilize to let a person know you are interested and available, so try practicing next time you meet someone attractive.
The books and such on "flirting" are, for the most part, produced for entertainment, not practicality.
This is a standard method of good conversation in any situation, whether flirting or not.
It may seem strange, but the way a man acts around his friends, towards waitstaff, or around strangers can be as much a part of flirting as the fabled "line."
What can begin with meaningless flirting can escalate and become more than you had bargained for.
Sometimes you can't be sure how to tell a man is flirting.
Someone who is flirting is firing all the same nerves as if he was hunting.
These are all subtle ways that a man may be flirting, even if he doesn't really know it yet.
The best kind of flirting not only expresses interest in you in flattering ways but also puts no expectation or demand on you.
Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a man is interested in you, but knowing the common signs men give when flirting can help solve this mystery.
Finally, there is a fine line between offending a woman and being flirtatious, so don't let a guy take flirting too far if you are uncomfortable.
For example, you're nervous about flirting with a girl or a boy and you ask him or her to please excuse you, it's your first time.
Isn't that why you are flirting in the first place?
If you're not sure whether flirting is welcomed, the act of asking can earn you permission and the chance to learn more about the person you're interested in.
The trick to flirting is accepting when the person you're flirting with doesn't want to take flirting anywhere.
You can always encourage deeper flirting another time and if it's rebuffed or avoided, then let it be.
Flirting should be fun and never forced.
Looking for a good date site for flirting?
Even more telling, in the summer of 2010, mobile phone access to date sites for flirting and hook-ups shot up 92 percent!
Aside from the sites mentioned above, here are some other sites which may work well for flirting.
The aptly named is a great example of a "standard" flirt site, with a lot of attention to "Safe Flirting."
The site gradually learns better what kind of people you're interested in, and eventually shows you more and more the kind of people you are likely to enjoy flirting with.
There's nothing wrong with just enjoying the conversation, flirting with no intention of pursuing it further.
Whatever date site for flirting you choose, enjoy the process, the game of getting to know each other and playing with the idea of love.
Busier schedules also mean that people want to know more about each other before they invest the time and energy of an actual "date," and online flirting can help filter out the obvious mismatches.
Here are some signs guys are flirting with you, whether it's at a party, among friends, or just in passing.
Not all signs guys are flirting are obvious.
Use your good judgment to know if his flirting is just for fun or because he really likes you.
Flirting tips for guys can help you learn how to tap into your best qualities and become confident around girls.
There are many components to flirting with girls.
What some guys might not realize is flirting is also more about feeling good on the inside than anything on the outside.
While things like a flashy car or material items can initially cause a girl to notice you, these tactics for flirting only go so far.
The most important of the flirting tips for guys is to just be yourself.
If the first girl you flirt with doesn't respond the way you'd like, brush it off and try out more flirting tips on someone else.
To this sign, flirting is an art form to indulge in whenever the opportunity arises.
His appeal is magnetic, and people succumb quite willingly to his talents of flattery and flirting.
The last thing you want to do is tease him by flirting with another man.
Unfortunately, there is a double standard when it comes to flirting.
Scorpio flirts without even thinking twice, but when it's him doing the flirting, that's totally different because he knows he's loyal to you.
Since everything is so highly charged between them, there is the possibility of this becoming a destructive relationship if accusations are flung and flirting is indulged.
Mark gets feelings for Lexie, Callie can't figure out whether Sadie (Melissa George) is flirting with her or being friendly.
Flirting is not part of the day to day interactions between men and women.
It's very important to understand that not all of this flirting leads back to the bedroom.
Flirting phrases in French language tend to be compliments, terms of endearment, and casual banter between two people.
It doesn't necessarily mean that someone wants to date you if they start flirting with you.
Learn the basic flirting phrases in French language and be ready with a snappy comeback during your next flirtatious encounter.
Most of the flirting in French is casual and part of the daily conversation.
Having several easy flirting phrases in French language memorized may give you more confidence as you participate in your first flirtatious conversation.
Obviously, just dropping one of these phrases randomly into a conversation isn't really flirting.
Travel Phrase offers many more flirting phrases to learn before you embark on your trip to France.
Knowing some romantic French phrases can also surprise and delight those with whom you're flirting.
Keep the flirting lighthearted and kind and you'll participate as if you were born to flirt.
The English language may have phrases such as "my pet" as a term of endearment, but the French love animal pet names when flirting.
Le chat (cat), le cochon (pig), even la poule (hen) may all be part of flirting.
Just as in English, there are some flirting phrases in French language that are just too passé to use.
Alta Lang has a whole list of flirting phrases to avoid so you don't come off sounding like a dinosaur.
Another common mistake is to mix up blatantly sexual terms with gentle flirting.
Flirting is light-hearted and full of banter, exchanging compliments and making funny jokes about a situation.
Remember too that flirting is part of the casual banter between men and women in France, and flirting back is not necessarily an automatic admission of liking someone.
The economy was going into an upswing and it was time to celebrate by embracing curves and flirting with a little extra vanity.
The Lacy Boyshort from Rebecca was designed especially for Lingerie Mart, and ladies everywhere are enjoying the comfortable flirting available with these panties.
No. 5 - The start comes on like maybe a little pop punk number, maybe a little 80s synth, but then, again, this is flirting with boy band-ness.
Since the residents of the home are both male and female there is plenty of flirting and competition.
Flirting begins to take place even though no one can actually see each other.
Did Bordeaux think she was flirting?
I wasn't flirting with him.
And more important, did Cade think she was flirting?
Why was it so hard to joke with him without flirting?
God, I can't believe I'm flirting with you!
She had been flirting with him and enjoying his clever side steps for the last few days, but she was tiring of the game.
We have a good chance of seeing the elusive wallcreeper here, flirting its wings like a big crimson-winged butterfly.
The cheeky underwear brand has taken the idea of the perfect flirting gift one step further.
We have a good chance of seeing the elusive Wallcreeper here, flirting its wings like a big crimson-winged butterfly.
If you're flirting and want to test the romantic waters, send a lipstick kiss his way and wait for his blushing response.
He shouldn't be flirting with other girls, but, you know, he is allowed to talk to them.
Did he tell you or was he just flirting?
Because sometimes, flirting is just flirting and it doesn't go anywhere or mean anything.
Sounds like he's flirting with you, but also toying a bit with your emotions.
Chat sites can be used to discuss school, relationships and for flirting.
Adults may check out the teenage chat rooms and pose as teens, even flirting with them.
You want to feel totally comfortable in your dress, whether you're in the living room with your family, talking to friends, or flirting with a guy.
Witnesses report that the pair were flirting openly and appeared to be having a great time.
When speaking of the budding romance between the two, Halle once said that she had "to work a little" when flirting with Aubry because he was so shy.
Well, by the way they spun the men into their web, mostly by shameless flirting on Parvati's part.
There is, traditionally, a great deal of flirting and playful banter taking place during the dance, entertaining for both dancers and audience alike.
For beach parties where you might want to do a bit of flirting, you could go for a cute dress or sarong coverup instead.
Their dating advice section includes articles such as Flirting Tips, First Date Conversation, What to Wear on a First Date, Chatting Someone Up and many more.
Initial services, including browsing, profiles, replies and flirting are free.
Therefore, even aggressive flirting with a fellow co-worker has the potential for grand risks.
It is free to create a profile, but you will need to pay a membership fee to participate in email dating, online flirting and attend special dating events.
Just because you are frequenting a room devoted to adult chat or sex chat, do not assume your attentions will be welcomed by everyone, or that all conversations will lead to flirting or cybersex.
Long ago in Victorian times, flirting was considered a serious art form.
Healthy flirting is much like a dance, with a rhythmic energy between two individuals.
Flirting can prelude seduction, but it does not have to be sexual or even romantic.
To use a good example, flirting is all about body language.
This is the essence of flirting; simply making the other person feel good about himself while at the same time keeping his interest.
I recognize flirting, but I am kind of scared to flirt with guys.
Like you, I too had trouble flirting with guys.
However, if your partner suddenly seems more concerned about having a private conversation - especially if that conversation looks (from the outside) like flirting - it may be time to get some honest conversation.
Rather a relationship of that nature--even if it's innocuous--is hidden from public view.In France, flirting and flattery is commonplace and is often done without the sexual undertones that you might find in the United States.
Had she been flirting - unconsciously?
She was flirting with him and he knew it.
His gentle flirting reminded her of how charismatic he could be, when not telling her she was getting ready to die.
Then why were you flirting with him?