Flask Sentence Examples
The flask is again brought to room-temperature, and re-weighed.
The distilling flask has an elongated neck so that Wurtz.
On the table were vodka, a flask of rum, white bread, roast mutton, and salt.
The flask is removed from the ice, allowed to attain the temperature of the room, and then weighed.
On distilling such a mixture under constant pressure, a mixture of the two components (of variable composition) will come over until there remains in the distilling flask the mixture of minimum vapour pressure.
It generally happens that much of the mercury column is outside the flask and consequently at a lower temperature than the bulb, hence a correction of the observed temperature is necessary.
For volatile liquids, a flask provided with a long neck which carries a graduation and is fitted with a well-ground stopper is recommended.
The flask is now partially exhausted, transferred to the cooling bath, and after standing the pressure of the residual gas is taken by a manometer.
The neck of the retort, or side tube of the flask, is connected to the condenser c by an ordinary or rubber cork, according to the nature of the substance distilled; ordinary corks soaked in paraffin wax are very effective when ordinary or rubber corks cannot be used.
The volume of the flask is determined by weighing empty and filled with water.
AdvertisementIn filtering into a vacuum the flask receiving the filtrate should be connected to the exhaust through a second flask.
The oxidation, which is effected by chromic acid and sulphuric acid, is conducted in a flask provided with a funnel and escape tube, and the carbon dioxide formed is swept by a current of dry air, previously freed from carbon dioxide, through a drying tube to a set of potash bulbs and a tube containing soda-lime; if halogens are present, a small wash bottle containing potassium iodide, and a U tube containing glass wool moistened with silver nitrate on one side and strong sulphuric acid on the other, must be inserted between the flask and the drying tube.
The retort may be replaced by a distilling flask, which is a round-bottomed flask (generally with a lengthened neck) provided with an inclined side tube.
The tetrachloride, WC1 41 is obtained by partial reduction of the higher chlorides with hydrogen; a mixture of the pentaand hexa-chloride is distilled in a stream of hydrogen or carbon dioxide, and the pentachloride which volatilizes returned to the flask several times.
In summer the club met at the Upper Flask, Hampstead Heath.
AdvertisementOne gramme of the ore is treated in a flask with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids and evaporated until all the nitric acid is expelled.
One gramme of ore is usually taken for assay and treated in a small flask or beaker with 10 cc. of hydrochloric acid.
In the reduction by metallic zinc, about 3 grammes of granulated or foliated zinc are placed in the flask, which is closed with a small funnel; when the iron is reduced, add 10 cc. of sulphuric acid, and as soon as all the zinc is dissolved the solution is ready for titration.
On distilling such a mixture, a mixture of constant composition will distil first, leaving in the distilling flask one or other of the components according to the composition of the mixture.
In 1826 Dumas devised a method suitable for substances of high boiling-point; this consisted in its essential point in vaporizing the substance in a flask made of suitable material, sealing it when full of vapour, and weighing.
AdvertisementThree old-established inns, the Bull and Bush, the Spaniards, and Jack Straw's Castle (the name of which has no historical significance), claim many great names among former visitors; while the Upper Flask Inn, now a private house, was the meeting-place of the Kit-Cat Club.
The female organ is essentially a flask-shaped structure; the neck of the flask growing out as the trichogyne, and the belly composed of an axial carpogenic cell surrounded by investing cells, and with one cell (trichophoric) between it and the trichogyne.
The earliest form of Leyden jar consisted of a glass vial or thin Florence flask, partly full of water, having a metallic nail inserted through the cork which touched the water.
They found that the germ of tetanus had been introduced into the fluid before the bottle was opened at Malkowal, and they thought it probable that this might have occurred owing either to insufficient sterilization or to the process of filling the bottle from a larger flask having been performed with defective precautions.
In the electrolytic method from o 5 to 5 grammes of ore are treated in a flask or beaker, with a mixture of io cc. of nitric and ro cc. of sulphuric acid, until thoroughly decomposed.
AdvertisementThe flask used for the dilution will also need to be accurately calibrated.
One interesting features was Colton's flask.
The thermometer is placed so that the bulb is near the neck of the retort or the side tube of the distilling flask.
The vapours pass through the inner tube, and the cold water enters at the end farthest from the distilling flask.
Dittmar showed that this may be avoided by leading a fine, steady stream of dry gas - air, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, &c., according to the substance operated upon - through the liquid by means of a fine capillary tube, the lower end of which reaches to nearly the bottom of the flask.
A tube closed at the bottom is traversed by an open narrower tube, and the arrangement is fitted in the neck of the distilling flask.
Occasionally this residue contains a small amount of iron in a difficultly soluble form; in that case the solution is slightly diluted with water and filtered into a larger flask.
This should be added about 3 cm 3 at a time, and the contents of the flask thoroughly mixed after each added about 3 cm 3 at a time, and the contents of the flask thoroughly mixed after each addition.
The feckin ' family thermos flask still chafes on amorous picnics with my secretary.
Dewar (flask) officials the only people who would open a dewar in transit?
Dewar (flask)r being used was cooled in a liquid nitrogen dewar to in order to minimize the dark current.
Dewar (flask)ce plugs may form in the neck of open dewar flasks and cause a build-up of pressure.
Dewar (flask)nning the cryostat, liquid helium is transferred from a storage dewar into the bath reservoir.
Polymeric material was violently ejected from the Dewar flask.
An engraved hip flask or engraved tankard can make the perfect personalized gift for that someone special.
A thermos or insulating flask allows hot drinks to be carried.
He would carry a flask of ale to drink.
Simply fill the stainless steel flask with your favorite tipple, hide inside the book, and slam shut.
As I had a small part in the design of the type of nuclear flask pictured, I would be very interested.
You can transport the strips in an empty thermos flask, as this protects them from sudden temperature changes.
The ceramic spheres each have a vacuum inside, similar to a mini Thermos flask.
The hip flask measures approx 5 inches / 12.5 cm tall, 3 inches / 7.5 cm tall.
He had fogotten to remove his powder flask from his pocket.
Be sure to drink the contents, as cask strength malt does not like to be stored in a hip flask for too long.
In the reduction by stannous chloride the solution of the ore in the flask is heated to boiling, and a strong solution of stannous chloride is added until the solution is completely decolorized; then 60 cc. of a solution of mercuric chloride (so grammes to the litre) are run in and the contents of the flask poured into a dish containing 600 cc. of water and 60 cc. of a solution containing 200 grammes of manganous sulphate, i litre of phosphoric acid (1.3 sp. gr.), 400 cc. of sulphuric acid, and 1600 cc. of water.
A Cossack who accompanied him had handed him a knapsack and a flask, and Nesvitski was treating some officers to pies and real doppelkummel.
Let's dwink to dwown our gwief! shouted Denisov, who had settled down by the roadside with a flask and some food.
He shrieked aloud; the flask dropped from his hand and broke in pieces.
Filter coffee from these coffee machines then passes through the filter basket on the coffee machines into a vacuum flask.
Where would George and Marion Kerby be without their flask?
Later, Italian fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli designed one especially for air raids - it was the same functional style, complete with a gas mask, flask and velvet turban.
This may be embroidered on a silk scarf, embossed on personalized stationery, or etched onto the side of a pen, flask or some other personal item.
Pour the water into the mop's water tank until it's filled, refilling the flask as needed.
College Sports Stuff - This store has OSU golf balls, beer mugs, bottle stoppers, bookends and even a stainless steel Buckeyes flask.
Practically any vessel may serve as a receiver - test tube, flask, beaker, &c. If noxious vapours come over, it is necessary to have an air-tight connexion between the condenser and receiver, and to pro vide the latter with an outlet tube leading to an absorption column or other contrivance in which the vapours are taken up. If the substances operated upon decompose when heated in air, as, for example, the zinc alkyls which inflame, the air within the apparatus is replaced by some inert gas, e.g.
The titration is complete when the blue colour is so faint that it is almost imperceptible after the flask has been vigorously shaken.
Phosphorous acid, P(OH) 3, discovered by Davy in 1812, may be ' obtained by dissolving its anhydride, P 4 0 61 in cold water; by immersing sticks of phosphorus in a solution of copper sulphate contained in a well-closed flask, filtering from the copper sulphide and precipitating the sulphuric acid simultaneously formed by baryta water, and concentrating the solution in vacuo; or by passing chlorine into melted phosphorus covered with water, the first formed phosphorus trichloride being decomposed by the water into phosphorous and hydrochloric acids.
A simpler arrangement, also employed by Tyndall, is to cause the rays to be reflected outwards parallel to one another, and to concentrate them by means of a small flask, containing the iodine solution and used as a lens, placed some distance from the camera.
Run water into the filling flask, which comes with the mop, until it is completely full.
This method did not give very certain results, for it could not be guaranteed that the growth in the inoculated flask was necessarily derived from a single bacterium.