Flash Sentence Examples
One screen was a flash of colors and shapes.
When another flash painted the night, he was sure.
A flash of irritation crossed his gaze.
The room lit up with a bright flash of lightening, and thunder rattled the windowpane.
A flash of a dream went through her mind.
She took a step back at the flash of heat.
A flash of cool energy zipped through him as their lips met.
She glanced toward the dark cell and saw the silver eyes flash dangerously.
A brilliant flash of lightning made the furniture in their bedroom stand out in relief.
She saw the flash of a street lamp.
AdvertisementHe glimpsed the sparkle of a tear in the flash of on-coming headlights.
It was a last flash of gaiety.
Realization crossed her features and with it another flash of anger.
It wasn't a flash of understanding, but a spark.
The woman in his arms ducked her head again and closed her eyes, missing the flash of darkness that crossed his mind and face.
AdvertisementAs Two gazed at Damian, another flash of images driving him to his knees.
I remembered the flash light in the Jeep, from the last time.
Quick as a flash she said, "My think is white, Viney's think is black."
What if a ray of light should flash through the darkened chambers of my soul?
I was dragged to my feet from behind by my captor as police burst through the door and the room ignited with the blinding glow of several flash lights.
AdvertisementDusty pulled his phone free and saw Toni's number flash across the screen.
The flash of her reflection in the mirror caught her attention.
A little further ahead, they glimpsed a white flash of tail as a deer bounded crossed the trail no more than fifty feet ahead of them.
She had greeted ten men and two women before she felt the first flash of cold.
Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.
AdvertisementA flash of lightning jerked her attention to the clouds again.
There was another flash, and the light disappeared.
In a flash I knew that the word was the name of the process that was going on in my head.
At the same instant he was dazzled by a great flash of flame, and immediately a deafening roar, crackling, and whistling made his ears tingle.
Her own words bounced off the wall and came back as a flash of memory and imagination.
The same breeze giving the curtains heartburn tossed her hair around, and she pushed it aside, a flash of red making her gasp.
During thunderstorms the record from an electrograph shows large sudden excursions, the trace usually going off the sheet with every flash of.
The earliest form of testing instrument employed for this purpose was that of Giuseppe Tagliabue of New York, which consists of a glass cup placed in a copper water bath heated by a spirit lamp. The cup is filled with the oil to be tested, a thermometer placed in it and heat applied, the temperatures being noted at which, on passing a lighted splinter of wood over the surface of the oil, a flash occurs, and after further heating, the oil ignites.
The deliverance of the besieged from a surprise, by means of a flash of light which revealed the advancing masses of the Macedonian army, has rendered this siege memorable.
From the flash of the rifles, it was clear that the French main position was still intact, and as every body of troops within thirty-six hours' call had been engaged there seemed little prospect of renewing the struggle next morning.
If chlorine be bubbled up into a jar of acetylene standing over water, a violent explosion, attended with a flash of intense light and the deposition of carbon, at once takes place.
In a flash he realized his danger and made prompt arrangements to begin his retreat on Namur, the only line to France that was then available.
Whereupon he seized the oracular tripod, and so entered upon a contest with Apollo, which Zeus stopped by sending a flash of lightning between the combatants.
We see lightning before we hear the thunder which spreads out from the flash, and the more distant the flash the longer the interval between the two.
The observer measures by a clock or chronometer the time elapsing between the receipt of the flash, which passes practically instantaneously, and the receipt of the report.
When the interval between a flash and a report is measured, the personal equations for the two arrivals are, in all probability, different, that for the flash being most likely less than that for the sound.
An observer with his ear to the tube noted the interval between the arrival of flash and sound.
If the fork makes exactly 32 vibrations and the wheel 8 revolutions in one pendulum beat, then the positions will be fixed, and every two seconds, the time of a complete pendulum vibration, he will see the two positions looked at flash out in succession at an interval of a second.
Then the first flash in the new position is viewed by the 8Nth passage of the opening, and the second flash in the original position of the first is viewed when the pendulum has made exactly N beats and by the (8 N + i)th passage of the hole.
He began, too, to take an active interest in politics over the Eastern Question, but his enthusiasm was at the moment a flash in the pan.
Sir William Watson (1715-1787) in England first observed the flash of light when a Leyden jar is discharged, and he and Dr John Bevis (1695-1771) suggested coating the jar inside and outside with tinfoil.
The sudden flash which disclosed to the eyes of Hebal the whole epic of humanity cannot be reproduced in language trammelled by time and space.
His logic, while never obtruded, was rarely at fault; but lie loved the flash of the rapier, and was never happier than when he had to face down a mob and utterly foil it by sheer superiority in fencing.
Young caught the " flash spectrum " of the reversing layer, at the moment of second contact, at Xerez de la Frontera in Spain, on the 22nd of December 1870.
They were traveling in a sandy ravine when she spotted a flash of color in the distance.
A flash of lightning followed by an ear-splitting clap of thunder caused a squeak of protest from Cynthia Dean.
She opened and closed her incredibly long legs with a flash of thigh, flipping over her robe, and exposing her knee.
When they kissed, the room lit up with a brilliant flash of lightning.
I don't think I can look that desperate if I tried, she said, amazed at Toni's brazen attempts to flash Xander.
There was single drop of blood on her cheek, a flash of red that clearly had been enhanced and shaded the same hue as the necklace dangling in the space between them.
With extremely fast access times and low power consumption flash harddrives are a very interesting choice, especially to the portable market.
For a more advanced and interactive online presence, our design team can use animated Flash technology to create high impact web sites.
I didn't even mind the flash animation at the start - in fact, I was just blown away by the pictures.
You will probably want to flash the title bar more than once to attract attention.
Available in Playback Mode, the D-Lighting function lets users select images with excessive backlight or insufficient flash.
Broken links, disabled back buttons, the Flash intro - everybody has a web bugbear.
Care must be taken whenever the group need to enter a flash flood canyon or area.
Likewise be very chary of Flash animation, or splash pages at all.
A symbol is a graphic, a button or a movie clip that is stored in a Flash movie's library.
Some other bright comet may soon flash into view.
This being said, SCORM does not at present provide for two-way communication " to the browser " or " to Flash " .
Flash movies are a popular way to make websites more compelling.
The measurement of thermal diffusivity by laser flash is an alternative way of determining the thermal conductivity of liquid alloys.
There was no flash, but we noticed a strong smell of burnt cordite.
Juvenile water rail have been showing well and there have been a few reports of spotted crakes from Neumann's Flash.
In a flash of inspiration, we donned crampons.
To view the latest Knowledge Dimension online demos you need to have the latest flash player.
The built-in flash has a diffuser to disperse the light from the onboard strobe to assist in eliminating backscatter.
Yes, that little dimple could be a trout rising; that flash underwater may be a trout taking a nymph.
The system booted up on the newly created flash BIOS diskette.
Armed only with science and sex appeal, Flash is out to thwart the evil Emperor Ming's plans of galactic domination.
The deep channel could fill suddenly following a flash downpour.
Note that the flash drives we have claim to require 500mA, which is unusually high for a flash drive.
The Imation Clip Flash Drive features the smallest of USB flash drives, safely encased in a durable, rubberized shell.
The problem being that Flash downloads in a linear fashion from frame 1 through to the last frame.
Suppose father doesn't like shock wave flash object download him!
In this mode, the camera fires a fill-in flash to illuminate your subject and give you balanced lighting.
Typically wedding photographers use fill-in flash all the time.
The switch also features flash upgradeable firmware to allow future upgrades -- unique in this price band.
Sarah, you got way too much flack based on a misunderstanding of the Flash's purpose.
With a built-in flash on the body, you'll now only need your camcorder for shooting still or moving pictures under and conditions.
This, combined with a new automatic pop-up flash, means that youâll never miss out on the action.
A " Skylark " badge was carried on the tail; a green ' lightning flash ' was added to the fuselage sides.
Daylight fill-in flash Avoid losing your subject in a shadow when there is a strong light in the background.
One example was electronically operated indicator flasher systems being RF susceptible, resulting in 50-100% increase in flash rate when transmitting.
Across Asia an exceptionally early and heavy monsoon caused flash floods, landslides, and hailstorms.
These spot weather events bigger than 50 km across, but miss the smaller-scale storms that feed flash floods.
Giving control over depth of field in the pictures and helping to control the amount of light from the manual flash guns.
He's also a bit of a ' flash git ' according to some - including, at times, his younger brother Rodney.
Considering a momentary glimpse of the world, that might flash up, sublime.
Then, she has sudden flash of herself underground, screaming, covered in yellow goo.
I fail to believe that a badger called lizard (the greatest) could beat my rabbit flash Gordon!
In-depth examination of Flash and an excellent route to become a grandmaster Flash.
A chrome horn casting grille was added to the horn casting, along with a chrome flash down the center of the front mudguard.
Macromedia Flash Player is the standard for delivering high-impact, rich Web content.
If an update for MDaemon is present you will see the tray icon flash and an email will be sent to the postmaster.
Normally, the flash exposure I would use with brightfield illumination would " freeze " the motion of the cilia.
We just can't see how a such a long, cheesy flash intro serves your site?
Sites that repeat the Flash intro each time the same user visits the home page raise the ire of most web users.
Brand X played jazz-rock, but that didn't mean they surfed on a tide of flash.
The Flash costume consists of a bright red and yellow jumpsuit with attached boot tops and headpiece.
News flash kiddo, I'm already allergied up to my eyeballs and swollen like a balloon.
All the cash awards will flash and pressing the start button will use a knockout and highlight an award.
The next 60 revolutions of the crank will flash the led to verify the positioning is OK.
Some aircraft carry the fin flash while others carry the rudder markings.
A flash smelter operating continuously produces a matte containing 65 wt% Cu and 36 wt% Fe from a pure CuFeS 2 concentrate.
The latest flash memory drives allow for more than you can possibly imagine.
The conditions are closest to those of a mock mirage which can also produce a green flash.
A chrome front mudguard rail set which protects the front mudguard's gorgeous paint finish with a stylish flash of chrome.
So Bronagh steps up, bends over and puts the ball down on the tee giving everyone a flash of her hairy muff.
Theres a purple neon in there, but without the flash you couldn't see a thing.
But what about just having the already stored error code flash alternately with mileage on the already existing digital odometer?
Dont get too close to your subject; the flash power can be so strong that your subject is completely overexposed.
Then came a flash of lightning followed by a loud peal of thunder.
My system has external peripherals like SDRAM, Flash memory etc. I have to boot my linux OS from Flash memory.
Interactive Flash Tutorial Photomultiplier Tubes Discover how photomultipliers work by amplifying the electrons generated by a photocathode exposed to a photon flux.
Shutter control Most, if not all, close-up photographs are taken with the use of flash.
Rapid flash function enables up to three shots per second, enabling high speed flash photography.
Kinetic studies on the nanosecond timescale are also possible using a laser flash photolysis instrument.
Yesterday I went to a flash mob which all in all, was utterly pointless.
Our expert development team, interface designers, 3D modelers and games designers create powerful Flash and Shockwave content that focuses on your targets.
I saw a ptarmigan flash by, it's white body picked out against a black rock outcrop.
The radicals themselves are generated using a flash pyrolysis method, an effective technique to generate high radical yields.
Flash has been led astray by Tommo, who I hear is in to some very raunchy stuff.
Many different versions of the same image may be uploaded; thumbnail, high rent versions of the same image may be uploaded; thumbnail, high res, flash, graphic and more.
It even supports an additional flash unit which Sony Ericsson claims will eliminate red-eye.
In-Camera red-eye Fix analyzes each image and automatically finds and corrects any accidental red-eye, which can occur in flash photography.
The machine then says ' This sounds like a jackpot ' and flash's and spins the reels playing some stupid music.
Flash image rotator by Lisa To edit the Flash image rotator, you will need to use Macromedia Flash MX.
The image of the bdelloid rotifer was exposed using electronic flash.
Certainly, this is a bug in Firefox, and by no means a shortcoming of the flash satay method itself.
The H System's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
Cheshire's stronghold for the dingy skipper, a Local Biodiversity Action Plan species, is on Ashton's Flash.
Figure 2. Wing of a great skua showing the bold white flash of feathers.
The i310 has all the latest features, including a 2 megapixel camera with flash, microSD slot, document viewer and TV output.
They joy with the digital SLR is the instant replay when experimenting with macro, flash, etc. Hope this help.
Now some clever so-and-so 's have figured out a way of opening pop-ups by using Flash, and bypassing Firefox's pop-up blocker.
Their lashes flash blue or violet, and they are particularly solicitous of male shoppers.
In this case, the ERT will flash a light and operate a sounder to attract your attention.
Night Scene mode synchronizes the flash with a slow shutter speed to properly expose subjects against a backdrop of city lights or sunset sky.
Over £ 100 to move my flash seems a bit steep!
Quad Flash Almost all underwater strobes are either hand held or mounted on arms.
In such cases, an external strobe must be triggered from the internal flash via a slave sensor.
You can select the metering from spot to center weighted averaging, Preview the depth of field, slow sync the flash.
What's your flash sync speed on the EOS?
High speed sync is for daylight flash synchronization where you'd be using a fast shutter speed without the flash.
You can set the flash to activate automatically, always fire, never fire or slow synchro.
Nothing too techy or flash about it, just a great " fun " phone.
Link back template Shop Professionally designed html and flash templates for your web project.
I am working on some more flash toons, please bear with me.
White balance can be altered from auto to daylight, cloudy, tungsten, 2 fluorescents, flash and 2 customs.
Moths such as the red underwing have brightly colored hindwings, which the moth when disturbed will quickly flash.
Some have recently been trained to capture video evidence in specially equipped vans that can be sent to flash points to film public disorder.
Click here to install the latest version of Flash Player.
Suddenly there was a startling flash of brilliant white lightning; thunder rolled and boomed out.
These two had a slight amount of flash but nowhere near as much as some barrow wights which was quite a relief!
Its history comprises one brief flash of tragic glory and a long obscure happiness.
Examples of Selenops (Clubionidae) lie flat and absolutely still on the bark of trees, to which their coloration assimilates, and spring like a flash of light upon any insect that touches their legs; the Lycosidae dart swiftly upon their prey; and the Salticidae, which compared with other spiders have keen powers of vision, stealthily stalk it to within leaping distance, then, gathering their legs together, cover the intervening space with a spring and with unerring aim seize it and bury their fangs in its body.
The well-known rule of a mile for every five seconds between flash and peal gives a fair estimate of the distance of the lightning.
In loud sounds, such as a peal of thunder from a near flash, or the report of a gun, the effect may be considerable, and the rumble of the thunder and the prolonged boom of the gun may perhaps be in part due to the breakdown of the wave when the crest of maximum pressure has moved up to the front, though it is probably due in part also to echo from the surfaces of heterogeneous masses of air.
Most of the metallic vapours that produce this lie too close to the photosphere for the separation to be made except during eclipses, when a flash spectrum of bright lines shines out for, say, five seconds after the continuous spectrum has disappeared, and again before it reappears (see Eclipse).
Many different versions of the same image may be uploaded; thumbnail, high res, flash, graphic and more.
In-Camera Red-Eye Fix analyzes each image and automatically finds and corrects any accidental red-eye, which can occur in flash photography.
The flash modes you can use are auto, fill, off, digital red-eye reduction.
The machine then says ' This sounds like a jackpot ' and flash 's and spins the reels playing some stupid music.
I tried to compensate for this by rerunning the test in manual mode and adjusting the flash brightness.
Flash Image Rotator by Lisa To edit the Flash image rotator, you will need to use Macromedia Flash MX.
I then switch it for a scrunched up piece if flash paper.
They have five minute flash floods that do n't even give you time to scurry for shelter.
The origin of Methodism in Flash is shrouded in obscurity, .
The H System 's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
They joy with the digital slr is the instant replay when experimenting with macro, flash, etc. Hope this help.
Now some clever so-and-so 's have figured out a way of opening pop-ups by using Flash, and bypassing Firefox 's pop-up blocker.
The online list says that the Queen also has five cocker spaniels named Bisto, Oxo, Flash, Spick, and Span.
Over £ 100 to move my flash seems a bit steep !
Photo features include an auto focus lens and a strobe flash, along with high-quality video recording.
Melbourne swamped by flash floods Perched on the roofs of their cars, they look out bewildered on a city inundated with flash floods.
What 's your flash sync speed on the EOS?
High speed sync is for daylight flash synchronization where you 'd be using a fast shutter speed without the flash.
There 's also a Flash teaser trailer up at the official site.
Link back Template Shop Professionally designed html and flash templates for your web project.
A thunder cloud passing over, caused the leaf gold to strike the sides of the glass very quick at each flash of lightening.
I would get an exposure setting without flash, underexpose by a stop or two, and then let the AF360 do the rest.
A flash of lights and the whir of a motor went past us at the same moment at uncomfortably close quarters.
There is even a built-in flash for shots as close as 15cm that highlights objects while protecting against any unwanted whiteout effects.
These two had a slight amount of flash but nowhere near as much as some barrow wights which was quite a relief !
An interactive Java tutorial is provided to explore how a ruby laser is excited by a xenon flash tube to produce coherent red light.
What can be better than logging on to the Internet and buying your movie tickets in a flash?
When you get to the cineplex, just flash the ticket receipt on your cell phone and you're on your way to the concession stand to stock up goodies before the house lights dim.
Keep in mind that MP3 players with hard drive storage will cost a bit more, but they're worth it, because they offer more music storage than MP3 players with flash memory.
Fresh or flash frozen - Seafood frozen while it's still fresh.
If multimedia business presentations involving rich media objects like videos, animations and audio is what you do, you may choose Macromedia Flash.
Though somewhat cumbersome, Macromedia Flash allows flexibility and ease of integration between music, movie clips, animated objects and backgrounds to provide a very rich multimedia experience.
Media configurations can be used for games, music and video that have front ports where digital camera flash memory cards can be plugged in and downloaded.
Although aimed at slightly different audiences (the iPod at an older, more image-conscious crowd, the U2 at budget shoppers), these two flash music players have a lot in common.
Both devices are flash players, offering durable, skip-free playback that's an absolute necessity for active music listeners.
The iPod Nano is Apple's answer to the flash player generation of portable music players (we'll ignore the screenless iPod Shuffle).
Flash Memory Players - These types have the lowest amount of memory, and hold fewer songs than other choices.
Cameras of this type offer automatic settings for lighting, red-eye, and flash.
Get them an inexpensive flash drive plus a few dollars.
Solid-state drives are similar to flash drives, but the main difference is that they can save data when power is turned off.
Some routers allow the USB port to accept USB flash drives and portable hard drives, the contents of which can then be viewed over the network by other computers.
However, depending on the site you use for reading children's books online, you may need an updated version of Flash to properly view the text, especially extra features like voice or animation.
They provide USB Flash memory, dual connectivity and powerful processors for fast transactions.
Flash steam- Water below the ground can heat in excess of 200 degrees Celsius.
Nothing says movie star quicker than the flash of red lips.
Flash back to the original glamour queen and create your own Marilyn style.
A Lancome Cosmetics version of the home self-tanning product is the Flash Bronzer.
We were having such fun; I couldn't help but flash my biggest smile of pleasure.
With the flash and glam of the MAXwear Lip Color sets, this lipstick is perfect for daytime fun or an evening out.
Too much makeup, dramatic designs, and too much flash or color can detract from a professional look.
A swipe across each lid would easily add a flash of color to the lids.
Otherwise, it's just right for adding a flash to your lids without going over the top.
From season to season, runway to runway and country to country, styles, colors and designer's themes change in a flash.
Consider it the instant antidote to a dull, dreary day, a miracle worker when you don't look or feel your best and an adorable piece of eye candy to add a flash of color to your vanity.
Two of the colors (Painkiller and Flash) are exceptionally bright, while the rest of them are on the lower-key end of the spectrum.
I can't wear them at the same time, but Flash looks fabulous when worn wet as an eyeliner.
You can play games using either a downloadable client or a Flash program that runs on the site.
Flash Games Online This website offers a variety of games in different genres.
The image in the card may be animated, or the lettering may float about and flash different sayings.
Depending on the programming behind a game, you may receive an error message from your browser saying that you need to upgrade to the latest version of Java or Flash.
It's a flash movie focusing on the basics of online banking rather than Bank of America itself.
Ultimate Flash Sonic Game - This is a fast-paced Sonic game where you can choose to play as Sonic, Tails, Cream or Knuckles.
NetFunCards is a unique site with free birthday cards that include flash cards, printable cards, e-cards and animated greetings.
Free Online Games - Find lots of easy flash games to play on this website, including Close Combat, Skies of War, Tactical Assassin, just to name a few.
Some game websites are heavy on 3-D games whereas others focus on short flash games.
Web-based virtual pets are generally little graphics that are either animated GIFs or made in Flash.
Flash critters are a little more complexm allowing you to interact with them using your mouse.
Some are made from basic Flash and are interactive to a lesser degree.
Your baby resides in a small Flash video that you can visit on the site or embed in any web page or online profile.
Most websites that let you play free fun games online now usually host Java, Flash or Shockwave-based games.
Before you start clicking on games, ensure you have the Flash, Shockwave and Java plugins installed.
ArcadeBoss.com also boasts more than 1,000 Flash arcade games.
They are available in Flash and Shockwave formats.
Stories vary from game to game and the following websites offer some of the best versions of Flash or free embedded sushi games available on the Internet.
To play sushi online games make sure you have the last version of Flash, Shockwave or Microsoft Silverlight installed on your system.
If you know the name of the Atari game you want to play, head over to Triplets and Us to play the Flash and Shockwave versions.
Keep in mind that some games are only in Flash, Shockwave or Java so your best bet is to have all three technologies installed.
You probably already have Flash installed because many websites utilize Flash to run ads, slideshows and video.
The ghosts flash, which indicates you have the option of eating them.
The games are made in Flash, but they are recreated very well.
Typically, free online crossword puzzles use Java or Flash programming that allows you to enter letters in separate squares.
Most of the online puzzles are created with Flash or Java, so that means you can simply use your mouse to click and drag the cursor to select the word.
Since online word searches are in Flash or Java, you can usually play timed or untimed puzzles.
The site uses Flash, so make sure you have Flash installed before you begin, otherwise you'll have to postpone your word searching for a few minutes.
Flash, Java and Shockwave are the three most common vehicles for posting older games.
All the games were created with Flash and even though the titles of the games include "Flash", they are great reproductions of the original games.
The only items you should be downloading are Flash, Shockwave and Java because your computer needs them to run the online, browser-specific games.
To play Jeopardy online, you must be running Windows 98 or later, Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and Macromedia Flash 6 or later.
Many of the online calculators use Java and Flash so ensure you have both of those already installed on your computer.
The website also includes videos, Flash animation and RSS feeds.
No matter what your lighting, try to take photos near the natural light of a window and don't forget to use your flash.
Don't forget that you can use your flash outdoors, too.
If you find that your subjects have shadows under their eyes or chin, you may want to use a flash to fill in those shadows.
Depending on the lighting conditions, you may want to utilize a flash as well.
Back then, Longley and Martin used cameras encased in waterproof housing and multiple pounds of highly explosive magnesium flash powder to illuminate their underwater environment.
Even though most cameras come equipped with a built-in flash, when shooting images underwater it's beneficial to have a separate flash or strobe.
Having an external flash unit is especially critical if you are planning to capture pictures in deep, dark, low visibility environments such as caves or shipwrecks.
The new cover easily slides over the lens and flash to turn the camera off, and away from them to turn it on.
In addition to being able to handle a wide range of situations, digital SLR cameras can accommodate hundreds of different lenses and flash options.
In regards to flash flexibility, the small built-in flash attached to compact cameras is no match for the powerful flashguns available for digital SLRs.
This diffuses the flash and eliminates red eye.
Contributors are not limited to photographs; iStockphoto also accepts illustrations, flash artwork, videos, and even audio.
Scene button provides 17 user-selectable shooting modes such as night, flash, low light, portrait, fireworks and snow.
If you are shooting indoors, then position your subject by a door or window and avoid using your camera's flash.
When photographing young children, consider turning off your camera's flash and using as much natural light as possible.
Kids have a tendency to squint when flash pops in their eyes.
The Quick Take had an internal memory that stored up to 32 images, automatic flash and exposure, and a simple panel of controls.
In addition, a flash system can be added to the S90 which further increases its possibilities, and the 10 megapixel images have the high quality Canon is famous for.
If you will be using backlighting for outdoor shots, you'll want to remember to bring along a reflector or fill-in flash.
Not only will your flash work more effectively, but you'll also be able to capture natural expressions from the child's perspective.
Flash and studio lighting are usable, but should be carefully balanced, as newborn skin tones can be pale with ruddy blotches that can be highlighted with this type of light.
If you will be using flash, bounce it off of another surface instead of using it directly on the baby.
This will avoid glare from the flash being reflected back into the camera.
Using your camera's flash can make the difference between a successful self portrait and a failed attempt.
If you are in a situation where there are heavy shadows, use your flash.
The best flash is a hot shoe mounted flash with a head that swivels.
Aim this flash away from yourself, pointing it upwards, sideways or at a nearby wall to bounce the light.
First of all, you'll want a camera that allows you to control settings like film speed, aperture, and allow you to control the flash manually.
For example, using the flash to fill-in a subject's face on a perfectly sunny day.
The reason for this is that the flash is too close to the lens and the light that is cast on your subject tends to be unflattering.
Experiment with flash in situations where you might not need to to bring your subject out of the background.
When taking pictures of the moon you should also disable your camera's flash.
When taking shots of the moon at night you will get far better results if you manipulate the flash yourself and manually set ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.
You may think that your camera's flash will aid in taking stellar shots of fireworks, but it is unlikely that a built-in flash or even an add-on will be powerful enough to further illuminate the night sky.
Your best option is to disable your camera's flash and use natural light sources to illuminate your shots.
For serious photographers, the ability to switch lenses, use external flash units and manipulate manual settings makes it imperative to own a digital SLR with all the bells and whistles.
Use less flash when shooting inmanual mode. Instead, use the shutter speed and aperture tomake adjustments to thelighting.
The same applies to the built-in flash in automatic; instead, try using natural lighting or secondary light sources.
If a flash is necessary, use the camera’s fill-flash.
You can also use an external swivel on the hot shoe, or experiment with slave flash units to optimize lighting.
Flash diffusers are not only a necessity for portrait, studio and wedding photography, but can mute harsh shadows in outdoor scenes.
The XT's flash rates to about 13 at ISO 100 and features improvements such as more clearance above the lens, reduction in "red-eye" occurrences and the ability to adjust different flash elements independently of one another.
The camera's flash exposure lock button, which fires a test flash before the actual exposure, is the final step in getting the perfect exposure setting for every image.
Amateur shutterbugs typically rely on the camera's built-in flash to light their shots, advanced shooters should avoid using flash and instead, manipulate natural light to bring out the details and texture in a photo.
This is important for beginner photographers, as you will want to have easy access to your camera's flash and other modes.
Once you create digital scrapbooking paper that you like, remember to save it in a safe place such as on a USB flash drive.
Many interactive games are programmed using Flash, so your web browser will need to be capable of playing Flash animations in order to enjoy these activities.
Couples must also be careful when photographing a black and white cake, because an inappropriate amount of light or camera flash can wash out delicate design details in the monochrome pattern.
Scott has been writing a lot of flash fiction, and is also developing a series of stories for middle grade readers about three ten-year-old friends who are all geniuses, but a little nerdy.
Still other stars go in the opposite direction, placing environmental concerns above their own needs for flash and speed.
Whether it was an intentional publicity stunt or the unfortunate mix of a sheer black material and flash photography has never really been determined, but either way, a definite oops.
It has an expandable hood with faux fur, taffeta lining, pit zips should more ventilation be needed, a goggle pocket and retractable flash pass pocket.
Schedules and priorities can change in a flash, and well-meaning friends may not always be able to follow through on your pet's care as planned, leaving Fido in a lurch.
Another advantage to using natural sunlight is that you can skip using the flash.
That's the result of the flash reflecting back from his retinas.
The flash also makes some dogs very jumpy, and that makes it even more difficult to get the shot you want.
To preserve the high quality and nutritional value, meats used in Bravo products are flash frozen.
Usually these tattoos were from a set of stereotypical symbols- courage, patriotism, and defiance of death-later referred to as "flash."
In the early 2000s, flash includes a wide variety of stock art used for tattoos.
Like you practiced spelling in grade school, these players might make flash cards with chord names on them so they can quiz themselves randomly.
Many jewelry designers add gemstones to Celtic earrings for a flash of distinctive color and sparkle as well as adding additional meaning to the design.
Opals are known for their inner fire and good quality opals will catch and reflect the light so that bright colors flash through the stone.
H&M - High-end designer looks at a fraction of the price, they also happen to have several items that can recreate a retro look in a flash.
If visions of the Old West flash through your mind when you think of the ideal outerwear, then men's western jackets are the way to go.
Freeze Resistance - Crops that would normally be killed by a flash freeze may be much more tolerant if you are using the genetically modified seeds.
For women who suffer from hot flashes, a bed jacket can easily be slipped off, then put back on when the flash passes.
When jumpsuits broke onto the fashion scene in the spring, some people thought they were nothing more than a flash in the pan that would fizzle out before they caught on.
Be sure to leave a few buttons unbuttoned to flash a little leg, and show off trim ankles in strappy black satin pumps.
If you need to get dressed in a flash, these styles have your back.
Stay behind a safety shield or screen if an experiment you are watching could result in an implosion, explosion or fire flash.
Classroom helpers work on a wide variety of tasks, such as helping children learn to read, going over missed exam questions and working through flash cards and games.
Would you believe some women never experience a hot flash?
It is easiest to buy a small package of bleach from a beauty supply store, such as Salon Care Blue Flash powder bleach and a bottle of crème developer.
Scratch resistant coatings, gradient lenses, and mirror or flash coatings are available in a variety of styles.
The Flash is perfectly at home in the brightest of conditions, on a mountain top, on a beach, or on a street.
All the products featured in this category offer 100% UV protection and the flash mirror technology.
So while you're perched up on that deer stand, you won't just be wasting your time in the dark, hoping to see the flash of a white tail.
Uvex Orbit Ski Goggles have a matte blue or metallic blue frame with amber or amber flash lenses.
They can't rely on flash and brand names to draw in their primary sales, so they use their high-quality offerings to keep repeat business from both the standard and business (wholesale) consumer.
The Flash Pass is Six Flag Magic Mountain's pay-for-the-privilege exclusive front of line ride access.
When added to general admission, guests using a Flash Pass have four V.I.P. ride opportunities they can arrange however they wish.
Flash Passes start at $34, and only a limited number are available to keep them effective.
Flash Passes are available for every roller coaster except Der Rollschuhcoaster.
The cost is $15 in addition to park admission, and Flash Passes are not available every day.
Fortunately, Flash Pass is available for the coaster and can allow riders to bypass the lengthy line if they are willing to pay the extra charges for the privilege.
Avoid the long wait in line by purchasing a Flash Pass virtual ride reservation system.
To speed through the lines in a flash, consider adding the Flash Pass to a daily admission ticket and take advantage of shorter lines (availability varies).
Many Six Flags guests enjoy the shorter lines available with the Flash Pass, but if you plan your visit for a less crowded day you can skip this added expense and still enjoy all your favorite attractions.