Fixation Sentence Examples
The fixation of nitrogen as a nitride has not been attended with commercial success.
Followed by bone grafting and percutaneous screw fixation to support joint and graft.
A process called nitrogen fixation helps convert nitrogen from the air into ammonia.
It is, in fact, fully established that these leguminous crops acquire a considerable amount of nitrogen by the fixation of the free nitrogen of the atmosphere under the influence of the symbiotic growth of their root-nodule-microbes and the higher plant.
An e mail received from the casualty's friend confirmed the team diagnosis and noted that the ankle required plating and external fixation.
The challenge is to obtain stable fixation of the ulna without violating the trochlear notch with screws.
The volar approach avoids dorsal blood supply, Percutaneous fixation is possible in undisplaced fractures.
In white-out conditions, there is a danger of target fixation leading to disorientation.
The fixation made evident the cytoplasm that surrounds the great central vacuole.
What is the complement fixation titre of antibody in the serum?
AdvertisementSurya Color Fixation - Formulated to extend the color of dyed hair and to revitalize damaged hair to bring back shine.
The term cataplexy, coined in 1902 by a Dr.Loëwenfeld, comes from the Greek word kataplexis meaning "fixation of the eyes."
Immobilization by external fixation uses splints, casts, or braces.
Internal fixation involves the use of metallic devices inserted into or through bone to hold the fracture in a set position and alignment while it heals.
Virtually any hip fracture requires open reduction and internal fixation so that the bone will be able to support the patient's weight.
AdvertisementVision also involves fixation and eye movement abilities, accommodation (focusing), convergence (eye aiming), binocularity (eye teaming), and the control of hand-eye coordination.
In FSH, surgical fixation of the scapula can help compensate for shoulder weakness.
This binocular fixation (both eyes looking directly at the same object) is necessary to see three-dimensionally and to aid in depth perception.
They should chew sugarless gum or eat sugar-free hard candy to redirect the oral fixation that comes with smoking and to prevent weight gain.
Even if you don't have a specific David Bowie fixation, there's a tremendous appeal about 70s glam fashion, and not just for Halloween.
AdvertisementThe second album, which shortly followed, was entitled, strangely, 'Oral Fixation' and was, of course, dedicated to her English-speaking followers.
Nitrogen fixation genes can also be added, thus reducing need for artificial fertilizers.
It may be that the concept of cementless fixation was prematurely condemned on the basis of remediable design flaws.
Testing ideas says he was looking its consequent fixation.
The type of internal fixation used is determined by the complexity of the fracture.
AdvertisementFor this reason, many orthopedic consultants now favor surgical fixation.
In some hydroids the founder-polyp, developed from a planula after fixation, throws out numerous outgrowths from the base to form the hydrorhiza; these outgrowths may be radially arranged so as to form by contact or coalescence a flat plate.
The outcome of the whole round of changes, however, is the fixation of a certain part of the radiant energy absorbed by the chlorophyll.
It is convenient to place in a small envelope gummed to an upper corner of the sheet any flowers, seeds or leaves needed for dissection or microscopical examination, especially where from the fixation of the specimen it is impossible to examine the leaves for oilreceptacles and where seed is apt to escape from ripe capsules and be lost.
With few exceptions they are composed (i) of a minute organ of fixation (the scolex), which marks the proximal attached end of the body; (2) of a narrow neck from which (3) a number of segments varying from three to several thousands are budded off distally.
The apical senseorgan is used for temporary attachment to the maternal vestibule in which development takes place, but permanent fixation is effected by the oral surface.
Fixation takes place by means of this sucker, which is everted for the purpose, part of its epithelium becoming the basal ectoderm of the ancestrula.
Finally, in the Phylactolaemata, the larva becomes an ancestrula before it is hatched, and one or several polypides may be present when fixation is effected.
Robert Boyle, who made many researches on the origin and nature of fire, regarded the increase as due to the fixation of the particles of fire.
Again, no single point in the cortex evokes the act of ocular convergence and fixation.
The combined nitrogen of dead organisms, broken down to ammonia by putrefactive bacteria, the ammonia of urea and the results of the fixation of free nitrogen, together with traces of nitrogen salts due to meteoric activity, are thus seen to undergo various vicissitudes in the soil, rivers and surface of the globe generally.
Intermediate between these two types are species which have the power of temporal fixation by the exumbral surface.
The idea of a calyculate ancestor, though by no means connoting fixation, turned men's minds in the direction of the fixed forms, simply because in them the calyx was best developed.
A very few new mutant alleles can drift to fixation in this manner.
Examination of fixation using vertical prisms is useful in diagnosing amblyopia in the absence of strabismus.
The next best discriminator was a fixation disparity variable.
A common method of prescribing in the UK is to determine the amount of prism required to eliminate a fixation disparity.
These early events have been proposed to be the primary cause of the decline of the nitrogen fixation process under water deficits.
We have mini, small and large fragment sets for plate and screw fixation of fractures.
Biodegradable implants have been used in other sites particularly in the area of fracture fixation.
Increase in CO 2 does not translate into an increased in carbon fixation in photosynthesis; no increase is likely in the longer term.
The enzyme catalyzes the first step in carbon dioxide fixation in these plants and good inhibitors might be effective herbicides.
Nor is the use of context among the processes that occurs during an initial eye fixation.
Failure of fixation in tibial plateau fractures is very high in elderly patients due to poor bone quality.
Along with my sci-fi fixation, I am also a huge comic book geek.
James mcmanus tricked into thinking off you will past their fixation.
The Haber process is the fixation of the atmospheric nitrogen.
Other properties include nitrogen fixation, plant growth and disease resistance.
The opening chapter summarizes the case, including a much appreciated explanation of how biological nitrogen fixation actually works, at a simple level.
Also important for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a specialized set of cytochromes required for respiration in the low oxygen concentration found in legume nodules.
In particular his knowledge of astronomy was profound, and he was one of the first to compile a Calendar of the Jewish year, thus preparing the way for the fixation of the festivals by means of scientific calculations.
Two antagonistic processes proceed simultaneously, the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the reverse change, and either process is accelerated by an increase and retarded by a decrease in temperature.
No stalk .1 has been seen by Simroth or Fritz Muller, but in other respects the larva r 2 resembles the stages in the development of Megathyris p and Terebratulina which immediately precede fixation.
It can be shown that in many cases when bacteria are injected the serum of the treated animal has no bacteriolytic effect, and still an immune body is present, which leads to the fixation of complement; in this case bacteriolysis does not occur, because the organism is not susceptible to the action of the complement.
This stage takes place in the stroma of the chloroplasts and involve the fixation of carbon dioxide and the synthesis of glucose.
This demonstrated a desire to be taken seriously as a band, though the single was misplaced amongst the British pop scene and America's fixation on grunge.
In Ieptolinae the embryonic development culminates in a polyp, which is usually formed by fixation of a planula (parenchymula), rarely by fixation of an actinula.
In the liverworts we find fixation of the thallus by water-absorbing rhizoids; in certain forms with a localized region of water-absorption the development of a primitive hydrom or water-conducting system; and in others with rather a massive type of thallus the differentiation of a special assimilative and transpiring system.
Fixation of Nitrogen.Another, and perhaps an even more important, instance of symbiotic association has come to the front during the same period, it is an alliance between the plants of the Natural Order Leguminosae and certain bacterium-like forms which find a home within the tissues of their roots.
The exact way in which the utilization or fixation of the nitrogen is effected remains undecided.
That the fixation of the gas is carried out by the fungal organism either in the soil or in the plant, and the nitrogenous substance so produced is absorbed by the organism, which is in turn consumed by the green plant.
Whichever opinion is held on this point, there seems no room for doubt that the fixation of the nitrogen is concerned only with the root, and that the green leavec take no part in it.
The alimentary canal, which may be represented by a vestigial structure, is accordingly not functional, and the larva does not become pelagic. A pyriform organ is present in most Gymnolaemata as well as the sucker by which fixation is effected.
This Rabbi bore a large part in the fixation of law, and his decisions are frequently quoted.
The tissues and fluids are treated by various histological methods, but, to speak generally, examination is made either in films smeared on thin cover-glasses and allowed to dry, or in thin sections cut by the microtome after suitable fixation and hardening of the tissue.
Collins's process is one of almost perverse fixation.
Carmen has this fixation about having to pay for everything on her own... not using MY money.
Hydra must, in short, be a living representative of the ancestor of which the actinula-stage is a transient reminiscence in the development of higher forms. It may be pointed out in this connexion that the fixation of Hydra is only temporary, and that the animal is able at all times to detach itself, to move to a new situation, and to fix itself again.
According to Wulfert [60] the primitive germ-cells of Gonothyraea can be distinguished soon after the fixation of the planula, appearing amongst the interstitial cells of the ectoderm.