Fix Sentence Examples
Daddy wants to fix your foot.
I meant... do I have time to fix you a hot lunch?
Try as I might, I couldn't fix the time or the location anywhere close to the present where we wanted to be.
I can fix it!
You can't fix a war that's been on for hundreds of thousands of years.
Can't you fix this?
They fix beautiful thoughts in her memory.
After all of Jonny's childhood injuries she'd healed, she couldn't fix her own heart!
I can't fix this one.
You-- and Darian-- have to fix this.
AdvertisementAnd then I fix it.
I can fix the village!
Fix them like Bianca fixed you!
I can fix it.
Well how do you expect him to fix it?
AdvertisementI swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a fix as never before and might have lost half his army but could not have taken Smolensk.
To Pierre's timid look of inquiry after reading the letter she replied by asking him to go, but to fix a definite date for his return.
I take it you don't want to fix those snakes.
Unfortunately, it occurred over night and we couldn't fix the time in spite of three attempts to do so.
We're trying to get a fix on Mrs. Gustefson's cell phone.
AdvertisementI thought I might be able to fix the time setting by trial and error but I was at a loss establishing a location.
We can't fix it from the mortal realm.
If he fixed me, why can't he fix her?
Whatever my half-brother did to her, that should fix it, he explained.
Just fix us some supper instead of goggling at a naked woman and getting all tingly when we don't have time.
AdvertisementGabriel had to fix this.
I can't fix whatever is wrong down there, Gabriel said in frustration.
Finding a mate wasn't a priority, not when he was trying to fix his world.
He didn't know why they broke in the first place or how to fix them if it happened again.
In hand-to-hand fighting before the walls of Newcastle, Douglas is said to have won Sir Henry's pennon, which he swore to fix upon the walls of Dalkeith.
Wages have also been the subject of legislation; special commissions have been empowered to regulate the wages in the so-called " home " industries (sweating), and an arbitration board has been appointed to fix the salaries of clerks in the metal industry, thus minimizing the danger of conflicts in respect of wages having to be settled by means of strikes.
On his death in 1580, after a brief reign of seventeen months, the male line of the royal family which traced its descent from Henry, first count of Portugal (c. i ioo), came to an end; and all attempts to fix the succession during his lifetime having ignominiously failed, Portugal became an easy prey to Philip II.
This innate power of variation has enabled the florist to obtain, and ultimately to "fix," so many remarkable varieties.
Castlereagh's great efforts were rewarded by a declaration that the slave trade was to be abolished, though each power was left free to fix such a date as was most convenient to itself.
So, if you can find a way to fix it, we'll be much obliged to you.
But the poor little girl couldn't fix her attention.
Then during the first day spent in inaction and solitude (he tried several times to fix his attention on the masonic manuscripts, but was unable to do so) the idea that had previously occurred to him of the cabalistic significance of his name in connection with Bonaparte's more than once vaguely presented itself.
If he fell into my hands, when I'd caught him I'd bury him in the ground with an aspen stake to fix him down.
We are thus able to fix its exact position; for a little to the west of Bow church is Bread Street, then came a block of houses, and the next thoroughfare was Friday Street.
The various wards were each presided over by an alderman from an early period, but we cannot fix the time when they were united as a court of aldermen.
But, though we may refuse to accept the accuracy of this figure of Nabonidus, it is not possible at present to fix a definite date for the early kings of Agade.
The extraordinary variety of form and complication of structure exhibited by the appendages of the scolex are adaptations to fix FIG.
Laws were passed, for example in 1503, requiring that new ordinances of "fellowships of crafts or misteries" should be approved by the royal justices or by other crown officers; and the authority of the companies to fix the price of wares was thus restricted.
Besides giving to the world the first accurate description of the holy city and the Haj ceremonies, he was the first to fix the position of Mecca by astronomical observations, and to describe the physical character of its surroundings.
Although the double standard was in force, gold was practically demonetized by the monetary reform of 1872 because of the failure to fix a legal ratio between the two metals.
But to spread and fix the enamel so that neither at the rim nor in the interior shall there be any break of continuity, or any indication that the base is copper, not porcelain, demands quite exceptional skill.
By way of revenge, Aeschines endeavoured to fix the blame for these disasters upon Demosthenes.
For instance, some species of Philodendron have a growth like that of ivy, with feeding roots penetrating the soil and clasping roots which fix the plant to its support.
It then proceeds to fix the point of difference in the fact that no agreement had been reached on the question "whether the true body and blood of Christ are corporeally present in the bread and wine" ("Nit vergleicht haben wir uns, ob der war leib and plut Christi leiblich im brot and wein sey").
In 1888 an elective commission was established with power to fix maximum rates, which has met with general commendation throughout the country.
Let us fix our attention on a small area dS of the boundary of the s (3) qi „ and so on.
German New Guinea was annexed on the 16th of November 1884, when the German flag was raised in Friedrich Wilhelmshafen and a trading company was established on the north-east coast, and in 1885 the two countries agreed to fix their boundaries through the then neutral areas of the country.
The organization of cities and villages is provided by the legislature, which may restrict their powers of taxation and of contracting debts and may fix salaries.
The mullahs, who fix the burial fees, derive an enormous revenue from the faithful.
Shepard, meant to sell it for one cent, but under the arguments of Greeley he was persuaded to fix the price at two cents.
The impact stresses depend so much on local conditions that it is difficult to fix what allowance should be made.
It is not easy to fix the average stress s per sq.
The attempt to fix maximum prices broke down, owing to the temptations to secret dealing, and, as in England, the card system had to be introduced.
It is not possible from the available data to fix the exact date of any of these topes, but it may be stated that the smaller topes are probably of different dates both before and after Asoka, and that it is very possible that the largest was one of three which we are told was erected by Asoka himself.
Acquaintance with foreign systems of twenty-eight lunar divisions tended doubtless to fix its position, which remained, nevertheless, always equivocal.
In the absence of all external evidence respecting the formation of the canon, we are driven to internal evidence in our endeavour to fix the dates at which these three collections were thus canonized.
In many Lamellibranchs a gland is found on the hinder surface of the foot in the mid line, which secretes a substance which sets into the form of threads - the so-called " byssus " - by means of which the animal can fix itself.
Translations from one language into another may help to fix the reading of the original, or this again that of the translation.
The history of the dynasty of the Danishmand is still very obscure, notwithstanding the efforts of Mordtmann, Schlumberger, Karabacek, Sallet and others to fix some chronological details, and it is almost impossible to harmonize the different statements of the Armenian, Syriac, Greek and Western chronicles with those of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish.
After the Reformation five in succession lived in Drogheda and there were buried, though there is now nothing to fix the spot where any of them lies.
Although he had no share in drawing up the Napoleonic code, he did more than any other lawyer to fix its interpretation.
Other countries however still appear to cling to the belief that it is wisest to fix a maximum rate of legal interest.
The quantity N may serve to fix the third fundamental unit.
Fossil corals fix the geological age of the rock.
But, if we fix arbitrarily the temperature the pressure of equilibrium can have one value only.
Thus by fixing one variable we fix the state of the whole system.
Similarly if we have F more unknowns than we have equations to determine them, we must fix arbitrarily F coordinates before we fix the state of the whole system.
Hence all attempts to fix accurately the level of perpetual snow in the Alps are fallacious, and can at the best approach only to local accuracy for a particular district.
It is also employed in the case of liquid manures to fix the ammonia.
To fix our ideas let us assume that the iron contains 4% of carbon.
In 1413 he went to Germany on an embassy to the emperor Sigismund, the object of which was to fix a place for the assembling of a general council.
But it is forgotten that both the plant and the soil enjoy special powers of selective absorption, which remove and fix the better constituents of the water and leave the less valuable.
It was empowered to arrange the fundamental laws of the confederation; to fix the organic institutions relating to its external, internal and military arrangements; to regulate the trade relations between the various federated states.
A further provision empowered the Bundesrat to fix the hours of labor in unhealthy trades; this was applied to the bakeries by an edict of 1895, but the great outcry which this caused prevented any further extension.
Roger soon began to fix his eye on the Saracen capital.
It is impossible to fix a date for the beginning of the Phrygian kingdom.
In any case the owners of an alp fix the greatest number of cows which it can support during the summer without being permanently damaged.
A Railway and Warehouse Commission has authority to fix freight and passenger rates for each road.
The first piece of Christian literature which has an independent existence and to which we can fix a date is St Paul's first Epistle to the Thessalonians.
He does not hesitate to fix all eyes upon Himself.
While the general period in which the book belongs may thus be determined with fair probability, it is less easy to fix the dates of its several parts.
The story begins with Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, who became fired with zeal to fix definitely the spots where the great events of Christianity had taken place, and in A.D.
Each field is measured, and an assessment placed upon it according to the quality of the soil without any attempt to fix the actual average produce.
When European adventurers found the way to India, cotton and silk always formed part of the rich cargoes that they brought home, and the early settlers were always careful to fix their abode amid a weaving population, at Surat, Calicut, Masulipatam or Hugli.
With regard to the land revenue, the essence of his procedure was to fix the amount which the cultivators should pay at one-third of the gross produce, leaving it to their option to pay in money or in kind.
The great bazar at Kabul was blown up with gunpowder to fix a stigma upon the city; the prisoners were recovered; and all marched back to India, leaving Dost Mahommed to take undisputed possession of his throne.
After remaining two days at the Pole to secure sufficient observations to fix the position, Amundsen and his party returned to Framheim in 38 days, picking up the depots in succession and making an average of 23 m.
The systematic tendency of the proper motions is so marked that the motions of a very few stars are quite sufficient to fix roughly the position of the solar apex; but attempts to fix its position to within a few degrees have failed, notwithstanding the many thousands of determined proper motions now available.
Having determined to fix the order of succession in so formal a manner as to take away all pretext for future contentions, he executed a deed by which he appointed his eldest son Mahommed his immediate heir, and after him the second, Abdallah, and after Abdallah the third, Qasim.
It enables him to fix fleeting memories and to communicate with his fellows.
Yet it is in the detail of his logical investigations, something too volatile to fix in summary, that Lotze's greatness as a logician more especially lies.
To fix a weighted point and a weighted plane in Euclidean space we require 8 scalars, and not the 12 scalars of a tri-quaternion.
In order to convert a chain into a mechanism it is necessary to fix one link in it.
To find the corresponding centroic for the link c, fix c and repeat the process.
To determine the validity of these claims, which had been complicated by transfers and subdivisions, and to fix their boundaries, which were often very vaguely described, proved a very formidable undertaking; and the slow process of confirmation greatly retarded the development of the Territory.
The assembly is to have the right to fix its own time of meeting, and its decision in matters ecclesiastical is not to be subject to any review.
It would be well-nigh impossible to exaggerate the services rendered to the ancient British tongue, and consequently to the national spirit of Wales, by these Elizabethan and Jacobean translations, issued in 1567, 1588 and 1620, which were able definitely to fix the standard of classical Welsh, and to embody the contending dialects of Gwynedd, Dyfed and Gwent for all time in one literary storehouse.
In these processes, which do not take place at equal rates in different cases, all kinds of survivals remain lodged, and embarrass every attempt to fix the place of specific religions in any general course of development.
The heir offered to fix the amount at 500 florins, but Spinoza accepted only 300, a sum which was regularly paid till his death.
Ultimately they sink to the bottom and fix themselves to shells, stones or other objects, and rapidly take on the appearance of minute oysters, forming white disks 2 o in.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
The discoveries that some species of nitrifying bacteria and perhaps pigmented forms are capable of carbon-assimilation, that others can fix free nitrogen and that a number of decompositions hitherto unsuspected are accom fished by Schizomycetes have ut thequestions of P Y Y, P d nutrition and fermentation in quite new lights.
In other words the substances, which when forming part of the cells fix the toxin to the cells, constitute antitoxin molecules when free in the serum.
For they grow in length in the later works; and it is often possible by comparing them one with another to fix, not the date, but the comparative age of the books in which they occur.
It is not as yet possible to fix the exact boundaries of the original home of the Chaldaeans, but it may be regarded as having been the long stretch of alluvial land situated at the then separate mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, which rivers now combine to flow into the Persian Gulf in the waters of the majestic Shatt el `Arab.
Such forms when undisturbed fix themselves to the bottom and rest with their mouths and tentacles uppermost.
A state Board of Railroad Commissioners (three appointed by the governor), created in 1907, became in 1910 a Board of Public Utility Commissioners with jurisdiction over all public utilities (including telephones and telegraphs); its approval is necessary for the issue of stock or bonds, but it has no power to fix rates.
The first quarterly meeting of Chairman, the newly-elected council is held on the 16th or on such, Ch other day within ten days after the 8th as the county council may fix.
The same committee appoint the deputyclerk, and fix the salaries of both officers.
The council appoint a committee called a county rate committee, who from time to time prepare a basis or standard for county rate, that is to say, they fix the amount at which each parish in the county shall contribute its quota to the county rate.
The county council may establish a parish council in a parish which has a population of less than 300, and may group small parishes under a common parish council; in every case they fix the number of members of the parish council.
He holds office at pleasure, and receives such remuneration as the council fix, and he performs all the duties of an overseer, or such of them as may be prescribed by the terms of his appointment.
Attempts have been made by Laplace and his successors to fix certain limits within which the obliquity of the ecliptic shall always be confined.
It is impossible to fix the date of his death.
The Cape government, for the purposes of carrying the railway from the Vaal river to Johannesburg, had advanced the sum of f600,000 to the Netherlands railway and the Transvaal government conjointly; at the same time it was stipulated that the Cape government should have the right to fix the traffic rate until the end of 1894, or until such time as the Delagoa Bay - Pretoria line was completed.
The larvae of corals are free swimming ciliated forms known as planulae, and they do not acquire a corallum until they fix themselves.
Suppose we fix on a certain sequence of names " one," " two," " three,"..
The attempt to fix certain opinions on the nation which were pleasing to those in power was abandoned by king and parliament alike.
He himself advocated with some force that it would be wiser and more popular to fix the county franchise at 20 and the borough franchise at 6 rateable value; and he contended that such a settlement could be defended on the old principle that taxation and representation should go together, for 20 was the minimum rent at which the house tax commenced, and a rateabie value of 6 was the point at which the householder could not compound to pay his rates through his landlord.
De Morgan's writings, however excellent, give little idea of the perspicuity and elegance of his viva voce expositions, which never failed to fix the attention of all who were worthy of hearing him.
Nothing, however, remains to fix the date or explain the history of the fortification.
The office of deacon is almost as old as Christianity itself, though it is impossible to fix the moment at which it came into existence.
Another commission was also appointed to draw up a system of weights and measures based on the length of the metre and to fix the nomenclature, which on the report of the commission was established in 1795.
One such public meeting must be held annually to pass the budget and fix the taxation for the year.
To fix the ideas let us suppose that the additional attraction is only an impulse received at the moment of passing the point P. The first effect will evidently be to change either the velocity or the direction in which the planet is moving at the moment, or both.
They were accordingly able to fix in advance the approximate positions of these objects with reference to ecliptical stars which served as fiducial points for their determination.
It is not to be expected that modern scholars should be able to fix the exact year or even decade in which such a book was written.
Take a piece of thread of length AA', and fix it at its extremities by means of pins at the foci.
In the province of Tours, attempts have been made to define more clearly the centre of the forgeries, and the most recent authorities fix upon Le Mans.
Eratosthenes was the founder of scientific chronology in his xpovoypacNa in which he endeavoured to fix the dates of the chief literary and political events from the conquest of Troy.
The researches of Bouche-Leclercq, Cumont and Boll have enabled us to fix with a considerable degree of definiteness the middle of the 4th century B.C. as the period when Babylonian astrology began its triumphal march to the west, invading the domain of Greek and Roman culture and destined to exercise a strong hold on all nations and groups - more particularly in Egypt - that came within the sphere of Greek and Roman influence.
The right of the state to fix " reasonable " rates remained unquestioned, but American experience has not found such laws efficacious.
Owing to the softness of the outline, it is not possible to fix the position of the axis with precision; but, so far as observations have been made, it is found that it lies near the ecliptic, though deviating from it by a quite sensible amount.
If, however, we fix the points lying towards the margin of the field of view, the diaphragm gradually cuts off more and more of the rays which were necessary to fill the pupil, and in consequence the brightness gradually falls off to zero.
If, however, we discover plantbearing strata interstratified with deposits containing marine fossils, we can fix the period to which the plants belong, and may be able to correlate them in distinct areas, even though the floras be unlike.
The Apostolical Constitutions, for instance, fix it at three years; 1 the synod of Elvira at two.
I can fix it, the Grey God swore, his large body seated and hunched as he held his head.
He sends a human to the divine world, the Black God to some in-between place, and you think he can fix anything?
What the hell on this stupid planet was too hard for a god to fix?
As much as I hate to do this, I need for you to help me fix this, Rhyn said.
But … something is off. She might be trying to fix it.
I used self adhesive Velcro to fix in place.
She stated, Jamie never wants to eat anything I fix for dinner.
A " best fit " between the detections and the optical background is used to precisely fix the astrometry of each field.
Fix CHMOD intrinsic to work with file names that have embedded blanks, commas, and so on.
But this will cause more breakage and the users will be required to do more to fix things.
Like the review says - if it ai n't broken don't fix it - well, I'd say this is the problem.
Later, Talbot changed to using silver bromide to fix his prints.
My caffeine fix was served by a rather brusque Italian woman today.
Trees grow using the energy of the sun to fix carbon from the atmosphere.
This in itself was not surprising, since plants normally fix CO2 in the dark using PEP carboxylase as part of their respiratory pathway.
Maybe if enough good people write moderate letters to Google protesting, their plumbers will get out a wrench and fix this leaking cesspit.
We always prefer to use screws to fix the cladding to the frame even if we are using plasterboard.
I would rather fix a cleat down nearer to the deck so that I can drop the sail easier when coming ashore.
The image of a road succinctly conveys the valuable idea that the study of card magic is a journey, not a quick fix.
Also, what is the best way to fix plaster cornice to the walls & ceilings?
However, K you don't intend to do anything crafty, then you won't need this fix.
Among immigrants fix a small proportion south Dakota smoking.
Mrs. A. Weatherley will fix a date for voluntary litter collection.
The Dent Company can fix hail damage, door dings, creases and dents softball size and sometimes.. .
I've found deleting duplicates seems to fix this pretty readily.
Now we wait for the civil engineers report on what needs to be done to fix it.
It is a quick fix driven by political expediency.
Then drill through the end posts and fix straining eye bolts.
There are a few typedef fiddles I'd like to add, then I'll cut a bug fix release.
White Stilton & Lemon For a quick and easy cheesecake, top a digestive cookie with a generous helping for an instant bliss fix.
It reduces by 13% on the ' technical fix ' scenario, cutting carbon dioxide emissions by around 9% .
Return to top Can anybody fix tiles, or should you use a specialist tile fixer?
It is a useful tool for tweaking your green screen during setup, rather than trying to fix flaws in the edit bay.
Do think you there's anything we can do fix some of the problems already caused by global warming?
Jon Cooper produced some brackets to fix the lineside hut handrail to the hut.
To fix this broken hidden hinge, see the gory photo sequence mentioned above.
In celebrating the incarnation, we fix our gaze upon the mystery of the Trinity.
Common problems and cures listed - many of which you can fix yourself with only the remote control handset or a soldering iron.
Paul from Foxton Boats came to fix the oil leak, which turned out to be a fuel leak.
A government wedded to the apparent technical fix of nuclear power, leaving a costly and deadly legacy for generations to come.
Karen Page, Matt Murdock's former lover, has traded away the Man Without Fear's secret identity for a drug fix.
Accessories - We can supply all types of visors and ear protection (including ear muffs to fix on to safety helmets ).
All bracket fix newel turnings and the exception of the half newel are packaged without universal fixing brackets.
Unary operators seem a good way to fix the '1 ' + '1 ' = '11 ' problem (FAQ, 4.21 ).
And if I don't have enough parallelism, the CPU is idle it goes to sleep until you fix the external memory.
Plants use the sunâs energy to fix carbon by photosynthesis and dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen to help build proteins.
Forget slimming pills, there is no quick fix remedy.
What you need is a good man to fix fences and tanks and chicken poops and be generally useful in the house as well.
However, the ability of some soil clays to fix or release potash complicates the picture.
Learn to fix a puncture or change your brake blocks.
Magazines can provide a quick fix but it is short lived.
Can we have the patience to trust in long-term fundamental schemes like this instead of expecting to find some magic quick fix?
Once in position screw fix the end rafter into the frame.
In-Camera red-eye Fix analyzes each image and automatically finds and corrects any accidental red-eye, which can occur in flash photography.
The management committee shall appoint and fix the remuneration of all such other staff as may in their opinion be appropriate.
Remuneration 2.4 The court does not, however, fix the official receiver's remuneration 2.4 The court does not, however, fix the official receiver's remuneration.
If you can see daylight between the slates then there has been slippage and you need a professional roofer to fix it.
I have just had a new sand and cement screed installed and I want to fix large terracotta floor tiles.
Fix it to the base unit by bedding the sink onto beads of low modulus silicone.
Riley immediately dismissed him, and it was just left for Hreidarsson to receive his fix of the magic sponge before another Murphy corner.
That will fix your missing sound problem and improve your stuttering picture... but I am still getting a little picture stutter on Freeview!
There were also subsequent reports that the free fix was not adequate.
Three or four interrupted sutures are used to fix the mesh superiorly.
In order to fix these problems, the acyl-CoA synthetase community needs to decide what to do.
Sept 14 version - bug fix for tablature files Saved tablature files Saved tablature files sometimes crashed on loading.
I got my latest fix at Santa Fe, a New Mexican restaurant on East Street where I finally had those shrimp tacos!
The next step is to fix the side trellis to the posts.
Decorate the parcel with any pastry trimmings, brushing these with milk or beaten egg to fix in place.
I also loved using a tuba instead of a bass- gives me my brass band fix at the same time!
To move a window from one virtual desktop to another, fix it, switch desktop, then unfix it.
The main fix is to prevent -t option giving a segmentation violation.
Tune into Entertainment Daily for your fix of gossip, from the biggest A-list stars to desperate wannabes.
Why do I have adverts selling washing machines but also give free help to fix washing machines?
Fix taps, waste and trap Connect to soil stack 32mm waste pipe.
It is difficult to fix the period with precision, as the judge (or duke) Gozbert is not known through other sources.
When at last they were driven to the Strait they would drift over on rafts or in clumsy shallops; being thereafter left in peace to concentrate their race, then possibly only in an approximately pure state, in the island to which the Dravidians would not take the trouble to follow them, and where they would have centuries in which once more to fix their racial type and emphasize over again those differences, perhaps temporarily marred by crossing, which were found to exist on the arrival of the Whites.
At length the whole population agreed to fix their capital at Malamocco, a compromise between the two incompatible parties, marking an important step towards final fusion at Rialto.
The inro (medicine-box), which it mainly served to fix in the girdle, has been driven out of fashion by the new civilization imported from the West, and artists who would have carved netsuke in former times now devote their chisels to statuettes and alcove ornaments.
The rising of Sothis (Sirius) at the beginning of the inundation was a particularly important point to fix in the yearly calendar (see below, Chronology).
The native attitude of consciousness towards existence is reliance on the evidence of the senses; but a little reflection is sufficient to show that the reality attributed to the external world is as much due to intellectual conceptions as to the senses, and that these conceptions elude us when we try to fix them.
No sharp line can be drawn between pathogenic and nonpathogenic Schizomycetes, and some of the most marked steps in the progress of our modern knowledge of these pasteurianum, which is anaerobic, and can fix nitrogen only if protected from oxygen by aerobic species.
The attitude itself is as old as Scepticism; but the expressions "agnostic" and "agnosticism" were applied by Huxley to sum up his deductions from those contemporary developments of metaphysics with which the names of Hamilton ("the Unconditioned") and Herbert Spencer ("the Unknowable") were associated; and it is important, therefore, to fix precisely his own intellectual standpoint in the matter.
Lastly a pyrogenic reaction or bad fix may occur depending upon the substances injected and their endotoxin content.
It is not a quick fix for the problems facing the industry in the wake of decoupling.
The newlywed Munroes purchase a rundown, ramshackle cottage and plan to fix it up themselves, primarily to escape her meddling father.
Remuneration 2.4 The court does not, however, fix the official receiver 's remuneration.
In-Camera Red-Eye Fix analyzes each image and automatically finds and corrects any accidental red-eye, which can occur in flash photography.
If you can fix the error by reentering corrected information, you can do so here.
Rhizobium bacteria in the nodules fix atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the legume plant.
Then I 've Got My Own Problems To Fix manages to make riot grrl sound ethereal.
The cyanobacteria and algae that make up the crusts can fix atmospheric nitrogen and sequester carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere.
Audio and video restoration tools Fix poorly shot footage using Studio 's new cleaning and restoration tools.
They all belonged to some high school or college kid who could n't afford to fix them or pay the sky-high insurance rates.
That will fix your missing sound problem and improve your stuttering picture... but I am still getting a little picture stutter on Freeview !
Sept 14 version - bug fix for tablature files Saved tablature files sometimes crashed on loading.
I got my latest fix at Santa Fe, a New Mexican restaurant on East Street where I finally had those shrimp tacos !
They see a problem in terms of something they can fix from on - high with the copious use of tother peoples money.
We Fix offers a complete management service, providing approved tradesmen to complete the job in a timely manner and to the highest standard.
Those seeking a sugary fix ca n't go wrong with their hot treacle sponge with custard - a tasty treat for only £ 1.70.
Alternatively fix him to a trellis panel - or sit him on your timber decking to spout into a pebble pool below.
Using advanced triangulation methods your receiver only needs to ' see ' two or three satellites to give a usable position fix.
Now we'll fix you up for a trifling amount.
I also loved using a tuba instead of a bass- gives me my brass band fix at the same time !
Hope you didnât tuck into the turkey too enthusiastically, else the National Health Service might not fix it for you.
It is intended that parallels may be drawn between the 'technological fix ' and the resistance to an uncritical reliance on statistics.
The engine wouldn’t start so clearly I’d done something wrong when putting it back together, but realizing this gave me no insight into how to fix my mistake.
Maybe some of your co-workers know someone nice to fix you up with.
Remedy-Some recalled products actually have kits which can be requested to fix the problem.
Finger foods are a quick fix for cranky toddlers, especially for between meal snacks and when away from home.
Fix red eye in photos before submitting.
Check out games like Dora's Great Big World, Super Duper Dolphin, Dino Dan's Dino Dig, and Bot's Silly Fix It Game.
If you find that you are missing something, contact the manufacturer for a replacement instead of trying to fix it.
Perfect for any casual gamer looking to get his or her video game fix!
Improperly installed memory can damage your computer, requiring far more than just a simple upgrade to fix.
You should also request that they fix these issues if you buy the car.
Tech Turn is another place to buy refurbished Apple laptops, though they fix and repair the laptops at their one tech center.
CoolMax is able to fix the common issue of heat retention.
You have a computer repair shop and need a constant supply of computer parts on-hand to fix computers.
Using Emmi-dent is not a permanent "fix" for tooth discoloration.
When my pets or any visiting animals have little accidents, I go into my "have to fix it" mode!
Squeeze some water onto the wood you want to fix and then lay the wet paper towel over the wood.
It is a quick and easy fix to a smelly cat litter problem, right?
Consolidating debt can save borrowers hundreds or thousands of dollars in interest payments, but it is not always an automatic fix to all financial woes.
Look at the negative information on your report and see if there is anything you can fix right now by bringing an account up to date or by working out a payment plan with the lender.
Think about the payoff not as a quick fix but as a lifestyle change.
There are a few options to pursue when you are in over your head in debt, but none of them are a quick and easy fix.
The process can take up to three months; it is not a quick fix.
Fraud alerts do not immediately fix identity theft problems.
If the lender fails to take steps to fix the problem, contact an attorney or the Federal Trade Commission directly.
The sooner you spot mistakes like this, the easier it is to fix the problem.
Although the process takes much less time than litigation, mediation is not an instant or one-shot fix.
Ask each family member to describe something seen in the neighborhood that was unsightly or needed repair and ask how he could fix it.
Other manufacturers will simply send out a replacement cushion to fix the problem.
Although chair arms and casters are pretty easy to replace, chair backs and seats aren't, so stick to chairs with cosmetic problems only, a more involved fix may end up costing you more than the chair is worth.
Professionals see ruined couch cushions all the time and will probably be your best bet at getting a great-looking permanent fix.
Instead of buying new lawn furniture, you can go out and get some lawn furniture repair parts and fix pieces up yourself.
There are several different furniture parts that may be required to fix lawn furniture.
Make sure you are honest with yourself before you start, as you could end up causing problems that cost more to fix than the money you saved by purchasing the kits.
You already know all about hitting the outlets to get your clothes shopping fix, but did you know the outlets can be a great source for discount furniture shopping as well?
Another great thing to keep in mind when considering bathroom decorations is whether or not there are issues in your bathroom you fix with accessories.
Bathrooms often see quite a bit of moisture which will affect the quality of the new paint job over time, so painting tiles in a bathroom is usually seen as more of a temporary fix than a permanent one.
Fix the twig so it can also serve as a place card holder.
When you are ready to fix them to the wall for good, make a light pencil tracing around the edge of the dot before you pull it down.
For medium coverage, check out the Studio Fix Liquid.
Women who want heavier coverage should go to their local counter and try Full Coverage, Studio Stick SPF 15, Studio Tech or Studio Fix.
Luckily, teeth problems are easier to fix than skin.
It's a great technique because if I do see something that doesn't look right in the photo, I go back, fix it, and then take another picture.
If you're currently a Studio Fix Fluid foundation wearer, for example, you may not wear the same shade in Select Sheer Pressed Powder.
Jojoba oil and a few bobby pins are a quick fix to upgrade your look and create a cleaned-up do.
Two such foundation powders are MAC Studio Fix and Laura Mercier's Foundation Powder.
If you must get your deep and dusky fix, you can adapt the following techniques to your application for added versatility.
If you're ready to ditch the eyeliner pencil in lieu of a permanent fix, take a look at the following forms of tattooed cosmetics.
You can slather on the sunscreen and get your bronze fix with a great sexy eye shadow look for summer.
While playing old games on the computer may not get you that same feeling you used to have back in the day, you have more options online to visit to get your daily Atari fix.
It was originally designed to fix common photo errors including blurring and red-eye.
The program is effective if you are looking to fix simple photo mistakes or restore old pictures.
However, it takes a long time to apply an auto fix to several photos at once.
Quick fixes, which can be found on this demo site, include how to fix an underexposed or overexposed photograph, accurate resizing techniques, masking and montage techniques and even subtler editing tricks like selecting a subject's hair.
In addition, it may deter you from attempting to fix your own camera.
Another option is to select an authorized Sony camera dealer to fix your broken model.
If you have the skills to fix your own camera, you may opt to contact an authorized Sony camera parts shop.
However, in most cases, unless you have a background in camera repair, experts recommend leaving the work to professionals, as it will end up costing you more to fix further damage sustained by limited skills.
Aperture features adjustment presets that can quickly fix common photo imperfections and Quick Brushes designed to handle other common editing tasks.
Usually, a weekday dinner is a quick fix affair, which rarely gives the cook time to contemplate the side dish not to mention actual time to cook the sides.
But a scrapper does what it takes to get her fix, so if it means going into debt to purchase the foundations for fabulous layouts, then that's exactly what she does.
The following article will highlight the best areas where skiers can get their fix without having to leave the state.
It's easy to focus on things to complain about, or things you want to fix, but when you incorporate thoughts of gratitude it changes your mindset and reduces stress.
They also offer an opportunity to think about the reasons for your anger and to develop a solution to fix any challenges you are facing.
Find out what to bring to the prom and how to fix the most common gown issues for this special night.
Learn how to use each of the above tools to fix prom gown issues.
Fix what you can, laugh it off and have fun!
If you have access to a pasture or woods, create a trail through the field, and station various "spooks" along the trail, or fix up a basement with boxes, sheets, etc., and have some friends dress up as ghosts and goblins.
If you need to keep a bad dress and want to fix a disaster, hire a tailor to help you.
Make sure that you overestimate the measurements of any cuts you make, as it is much easier to cut again than to try to fix an error.
While you might think that a broken zipper or button is a dealbreaker, remember that most tailors and dry cleaners can fix these details for around $15.
They prevent cells from getting damaged and help to fix existing damage.
Get your protein with your caffeine fix!
If something doesn't fit properly, the tailor will have to fix it then and there.
Bags sell anywhere from $5 to $100, depending on the purity and amount of drug sold.Besides the less popular injection form, addicts get their fix by smoking or snorting the fine, white to brown colored powder.
And the best way I could get my nicotine fix was to fire up a cigarette and inhale the smoke.
And only a Power Greater than himself or I call God, could remove the mental obsession of a nicotine fix or shall I say smoking cigarettes.
That too is an indication that the BDD itself can't be resolved by simply trying to fix the body part.
This way, the frosting will not have crusted and it is easier to fix any mishaps.
In 2004, the young actress wanted to improve her appearance so she underwent cosmetic surgery to fix her lop-sided cleavage and tone up her abdomen.
Around Christmas 2006, the rocker underwent reconstructive surgery in Paris, France to fix the problems left from an earlier surgery.
Or is it just a quick fix that will eventually backfire?
He told the press that the surgeon was going to try to fix the tightness around his eyes and if it didn't work, he would be full of regret for having had the procedure done.
Fortunately, these flaws are simple to fix.
Their catch phrase is "You break it…we fix it!"
Those for toddlers up to size 4T have solid color waist and leg bands, usually in green or dark blue, and the busy patterns feature Manny and text from the show, such as the "You break it, we fix it" phrase.
The sticky strips can fix ripped luggage, hem skirts, secure boxes, identify suitcases, and fill seams of an adjoining cabin, among other things.
And if I can't find some kind of home remedy and fix her, she could get very sick and may have to be put down.
Owners want to fix the problem as quickly as possible and ease their pet's suffering.
It's a terrible feeling to watch your dog suffer and not be able to fix the problem.
Barking collars for small dogs can fix one of the main problems people have with these pets - the noise.
While pesticides and herbicides may kill pests in your lawn, they don't fix the underlying problems.
Check and fix the supporting structure for the clematis vine.
Most plants from the legume family have the ability to "fix" nitrogen, making them perfect choices for companion planting.
A new liner minimizes reconstruction while still providing an updated look, reducing lead exposure common in older models, and offering a fix for any nicks or breaks in the tub surface.
If you are looking for a quick flooring fix that will last while you save for real wood floors, laminate flooring is a good choice.
Fix It Up is another show chock full of DIY ideas.
Set the panel in the doorframe and fix it in partway at an angel with mails.
This helps fix the trim into place as well as give a more finished appearance.
Whether you just want to fix a dripping faucet or install cornice boards, or you plan to build a garage or home addition, there is information available to get you started.
After evaluating the drawings of your faucet, you may decide to stay with your present manufacturer, or even just repair the faucet you have by swapping out parts or components to fix a leak or improve the fixture's cosmetic appeal.
If everything still looks good, the blades themselves might be warped from heat, moisture or both, and changing them out may fix the problem.
Learn to fix a leaking shower head in minutes.
This fix is a maintenance issue rather than a repair, but it will require disassembly.
It's a good idea to perform both of these jobs when fix a leaking shower head.
The actual steps to fix the damaged sheetrock vary depending on the extent of the damage.
If you get into the middle of a project and realize you're in over your head, you'll be out the money for any materials you've already used and you'll have to pay for a contractor to fix it.
Flaws may be acceptable if the piece still looks good or it is something the shopper can easily fix at home.
Rugged, masculine and a bit rebellious, cutting off a favorite pair of Levi's may be the perfect summer wardrobe fix for Coed students and suburban men alike.
If it's a fine garment, it can and should be mended - there are plenty of specialists who will fix your cardigan and have it looking new again in no time.
If the fabric is dyed, then this is likely to have been done with natural dyes, although organic consumers should note that even many natural dyes use chemical mordants to fix the dyes.
To fix your clay soil you must improve drainage, make it easier to till, and create better overall soil quality.
The organic fix for sandy soil is also compost.
For example, some plants such as legumes like soybeans can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.
It is much easier to take in a garment that is too big than to try and fix it if it's too small.
Plus Size Fix features such a large inventory of club dresses for the curvaceous woman that your hardest decision will be picking which one (or ones) you want for your next night out.
Plus Size Fix features a wide variety of flattering garments for women sizes 14-24, including clothes that work for the nightclub, parties and dressy occasions.
A tailor can fix pants that are just a smidge too long, suit jackets with sleeves that extend a touch too far or a dress you would prefer to fall a couple of inches shorter.
Hybrid vehicles have a lot of delicate instrumentation, making them more complex to fix.
If you're around when they discover these pranks, you'll be able to watch as the drama unfolds, and fix it for them before any damage is done.
The target of your prank will be trying to fix his or her "broken" monitor.
There's no need for formal wear, but do fix yourself up, and fellas, that includes a clean shave.
The ombudsmen working for this organization are dedicated to protecting seniors' rights and enhancing the quality of their care, and are supposed to work with you to fix the problem or report the neglect to the proper authorities.
Talk to your stylist about the best way to hide your thinning hair without doing a hideous comb over or other obvious fix.
Sleeping in the right position is also an easy fix for some individuals.
Eating a large amount of food before bed is not likely to help you to fix sleep problems you may have.
A slight change in your CPAP routine may be all you need to fix any problems and regain your enthusiasm.
Some procedures, like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) remove excess tissue from the throat and soft palate, while others fix structural problems that disrupt breathing during sleep.
Sometimes you need a quick fix until you can drop your glasses off for repair.
This results in saving the money involved with paying a fee much larger than the cost of the eyeglass parts necessary to complete the fix.
This guide to eyeglass parts will help you identify and purchase what you need to fix your eyewear easily.
Eyeglass Repair will fix your glasses with eyeglass replacement parts, with the average cost totaling $22.
With 30 years of experience, they can easily fix a pair of glasses that might not otherwise be repairable on your own.
Is there a way you can fix your glasses at home, or will you have to book an expensive eye doctor's appointment?
Keep in mind that the easiest option is to contact your optometrist and have a professional fix the situation.
They might have access to certain methods that will fix your glasses, or they might be able to repair or replace the lenses for you.
You might pay a small fee for buffing the lenses, and that might not fix the problem.
Additionally, if it's one of your prescription lenses that is damaged, you'll need to have the store you purchased them from fix the lenses; Maui doesn't replace those lenses unless they are "unique" in some way.
Perhaps you broke a lens and you're looking for a way to fix it without parting with your old faithful frames.
When planning to repair a pair of Ray-Bans, you may need to order a screwdriver made to fix Ray-Bans.
Include your personal contact information and a brief description of the damage that you want them to look at and fix due to negligent manufacturer workmanship.
There is really no other recommended fix for this problem except for super glue and this should only be used as a last resort.
However, even super glue is just a temporary fix because the frame will eventually break again where it is already weak.
Super glue can provide a temporary fix for any break, although it can permanently damage the finish of your frames.
This way, you'll be able to get your fashion fix without breaking the budget.
Sunglass Replicas is another great online site to turn to for your Versace fix.
Be prepared to pay more than the typical $10.00 or so for drugstore reading glasses, of course, since they will be made just for your eyes and are not a "one size fits all" fix.
They're a great fix for someone who wants to change their look in a subtle way during the daytime.
This means that while it would be nice to use colored contact lenses as a "quick fix" to block or prevent floaters, that simply isn't the case.
Repairs can be done to replace those parts as well as to fix minor items such as a bent frame or a loose screw or hinge.
You can also ride Space Mountain, get your Sci-Fi fix on Star Tours, or have family fun on the Astro Orbitor.
You can fix some issues easily enough, but do take due diligence when trying any of these techniques.
If you'd rather not invest in such products and technology, many video rental stores (like Blockbuster) have more professional equipment to fix scratched discs, including Nintendo Wii games.
That's why the Virtual Console is a great place for fighting game fans to get their fix.
For some of these games, it may be possible to fix the scratches.
Like Grandpa said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
You can't find your way out to fix the camera.
Although the Nintendo Revolution may be going someway to fix this with downloadable retro content from past consoles, but we'll have to wait and see how successful that turns out to be.
Good problem-solving skills are a must, since you will come across issues that may be difficult to figure out and fix.
Downloading video games is the quickest way to get your gaming fix.
And finally, if these sites haven't given you your fix of video game downloads, there's always the option of search engines.
Recently, they came out with the 3rd game bug fix.
Gamers now have no choice but to turn to the Madden series for their official NFL licensed fix.
They're completely free, and some of them will give you enough of a fix that you don't even need to spend your time and money on the full thing.
So you've grown tired of the real Legos and need some free Lego video games to get your Lego fix?
People clamor to find new number puzzles and more ways to get their sudoku fix online.
One of the main reasons why you may want to make backup copies of your PlayStation 2 games is because it can sometimes be challenging to fix scratched video games.
If you're looking for a quick fix, this game definitely delivers a solid tennis engine combined with the cartoony antics of Mario, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser and friends.
He leaves it to you, his loyal son, to fix this problem.
For those looking for a Pokemon-like fix, prepare for the Summer 2009 release of Monster Hunter 3.
Rather than spending days or weeks playing one game, Oasis lets you get your fix in two or three minute spurts of play that connect to a larger story.
And when you decide you want a little PSX fix, you probably don't want to have to play all the way through the games the hard way.
Fix the Mixed Up Puzzle - Instead of moving puzzle pieces around to different locations, turn them clockwise until they are in the right position.
Only have a few minutes but you still want your nostalgic game fix?
The Prince decides that the only way to fix things is to go to the island where the Sands of Time started, and travel back in time to prevent them from ever being created.
Cult followings can't fix the writing, the directing, and the plain-old bad acting.
LoveToKnow has done a bit of research to find out where you can get your Trivia fix.
However, if it is just to fix some minor changes or overcome certain bugs, the online community is a better source.
If you loved a game and are lusting after the sequel, but the reviewers all hate it, it's time to visit one of these places so you can get your fix without the horrible aftertaste of "Ewwww, I actually own this piece of sequelized crap!"
Testers spend half their time punching data into a bug database that tracks all the bugs as they go through phases - initial discovery, discussion, initial fix, testing, and if necessary, re-fixing and retesting.
Instead, they decided to try and fix what wasn't broken, and in the end I feel that they released an inferior product.
So all is forgiven seeing as there aren't really any problems time won't fix.
If the joints are loose, a little wood glue can fix them with no problem.
If you're looking for a quick fix without investing a lot of cash, try the Swiss Gear Airbed with Pump, which ranges from $39.99-$49.99.
Byam recognized errors in the written plans, but he knew he could fix them.
This type of damage may be an easy fix, depending on how significant it is.
Mechanical systems, including steering and electrical problems can be an easy fix in some situations or an expensive one, depending on the amount of damage.
If any of your appliances require repair, the fix is usually pretty straightforward and only requires that you unplug it and replace the unit.
There is currently an upgrade being worked on by Palm to fix this issue.
Those companies work hard to fix security flaws and if you don't keep the phone updated, then a privacy attack can't really be blamed on them.
Of course, the web being the great source of information that it is, there are any number of sites dedicated to telling you how to fix your phone yourself.
Is there anything you can do to fix your wet cell phone problem?
Do not attempt to fix the device yourself if you do not have extensive technical knowledge and training.
In it, the "fix" for the dropped bars was not described as a new iPhone design or any change in the hardware itself.
God may also be the wish-granter and can fix anything.
Problems are treated by changing the way the system works rather than trying to fix a specific member.
Surgery might be needed to fix this injury.
The pacifier is an easy fix that may cause parents not to seek to understand what is bothering the baby.
Fix any dripping faucets or broken fixtures.
Now is not the time to try elaborate at home treatments such as coloring or home perms unless you are experienced, since most stylists would not have the time to fix any potential mistakes, even emergency ones.
Many hair care lines now carry products that can either fix or mask a multitude of hair woes.
Be able to fix your style during the evening if it comes loose.
You may need to have an alternative style in mind that you can arrange easily if you can't fix a formal prom hair style.
Click on each picture for more information about better alternatives and how to fix these bad hairstyles.
A pampering salon service is the perfect indulgent fix for the beach bride!
Although not as common, some brides have freelance hairstylists present at their ceremonies to fix and fluff their coifs prior to their grand entrance.
A Ouidad haircut may be the perfect fix for natural curl shaping and styling.
That way you'll be able to see how the style wears and fix any potential issues that might arise.
Secure with pretty bobby pins, or opt for a pencil if you're desperate and need a quick fix.
If you want freedom from shampooing or simply need a quick fix, consider stashing this purse size powder with you at all times.
And by all means, if it's not broke- don't fix it!
Unless you plan on making braids and ponytails your only styling option, layers are the perfect fix for lifeless hair and work on nearly everyone.
For a quick fix, keep curls tamed in a nape hugging bun for instant style.
If your child misses a problem, have him go back and fix the mistake.
It can also alert you to any inaccuracies that you may be able to fix before your lender sees it.
If you see the error first and fix it, you can avoid losing out on a home mortgage later.
Make sure the facts are correct, and take steps to fix any problems.
You should also be aware that investment properties are not limited to homes that you buy at a reduced price, fix up, and then sell for a profit (also referred to as flipping houses).
They also offer a fixed rate product that is called a stepped fix rate, which American lenders sometimes call a ladder.
This gives the homeowner the opportunity to fix any defects found in the inspection before the house is viewed by prospective buyers.
There may not be a quick fix to getting out of a mortgage mess, but there are steps homeowners can take in order to try to get mortgage issues back under control.
Do not look at having a baby as a quick fix for a bad marriage.
If you learn how to fix a hem yourself, you can save quite a bit of money over a lifetime because you won't need the services of a tailor.
A pair of scissors can trim trailing threads and bandages, and if you bring a needle and thread, you can reattach a swimsuit strap or fix an embarrassing hole right in the restroom, changing room, or cabana.
There's also a media section that shows you the publications Salinas Swimwear has appeared in recently, so if the website doesn't satisfy your fashion fix, you'll know where to find more swimsuit photos to feast your eyes on.
The Speed Socket is designed to offer more peripheral vision, giving you a better fix on where the competition is without having to turn your head and compromise your stroke.
Slips are very common causes of embarrassment as well, although at least these are quicker to fix.
If you're the type of person who prefers a quick fix, pills might seem like the easiest way to deal with a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamins for thinning hair can boost the body's overall ability to produce hair, but they can't fix hair that's been thin from birth.
Again, a simple dressy shrug can fix almost every case of misshapen biceps.
If you feel a little washed out in a white dress that shows a lot of skin, that's nothing a layer of sunless or gradual tanner won't fix.
Searching for your missing part is easy as you can search by both brand name and type of small appliance you are trying to fix.
The person who answers the phone will not be able to tell you what you need to fix your appliance.
The most simple fix for this type of problem is to check your breaker box and flip on the tripped switch.
If your microwave is still under warranty, you should find out the problem with your microwave is covered before spending money to fix it yourself.
Most of the common problems that occur with a Braun shaver have an easy fix you can do yourself.
Replacing the razor blade unit is a quick fix to this problem.
While some issues with a Norelco shaver may require a visit to a small appliance parts and repair store for assistance, you can fix most of the basic problems that occur with your razor yourself.
Most common problems with Remington shavers have an easy fix.
Using an air purifier for asthma and allergy symptoms has long been rumored to be a fix for seasonal and chronic symptoms.
Instead of buying a new blender, why not fix your current one with Waring blender replacement parts?
While some microwave breakdowns require a technician, in many cases you can fix the unit yourself.
You can try to fix many simple problems yourself first.
For many of these problems the fix is fairly simple.
There are several ways to fix a turntable that doesn't rotate.
Always unplug the unit when performing a repair, and if you are unsure of your ability, hire a professional to fix it.
People that have Cuisinart appliances should be aware of the resources that they have to fix their items.
Unfortunately, when people want to fix their items, they are unsure what parts to obtain because they don't have the little booklet that contains this information.
When your blender breaks, it makes sense to determine whether you should fix it or replacing it entirely.
One of the easiest problems to fix is the leaky bottom cap.
The next easy problem to fix is a cracked plastic blender jar.
This is an easy fix; simply purchase a new jar and use it instead of the old one.
One of the harder problems to fix when it comes to blender repair is the motor burning out.
Don't throw away your old blender when you can fix it with Hamilton Beach blender replacement parts.
Before tossing it away, consider purchasing a replacement part to fix the problem.