Fitting Sentence Examples
Her room was tiny, barely fitting a twin-sized bed and a small, wooden dresser.
After the fitting, Carmen retrieved Destiny.
A broken nose was fitting punishment.
It is fitting that Miss Keller's "Story of My Life" should appear at this time.
While she'd most likely be out on the job, he'd case the place, now that his detective hat was fitting so well.
There weren't many candidates fitting that description.
Lana's skin was soft, her body fitting comfortably against his.
It was a fitting close to such a life as his.
I thought it fitting, given the amount of misery she caused men like us.
Meeting his parents, them accepting me, fitting in with the new place, you know.
AdvertisementAs God is the Saviour, and the chief end of the revelation is redemption, it is fitting that the miracles should be acts of divine deliverance from physical evil.
Lisa stared at him, fragments of the night before slowly fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle.
After all, it is only a question of probabilities, and the difficulties of fitting a wife and child into the story seem to be very great, whether we conceive them left behind by Demetrius in Italy, or sent out of the country before him.
Industries include ship and boat building and fitting, and motor engineering.
His only important precursors in serious poetry were Ennius and Lucilius, and, though he derived from the first of these an impulse to shape the Latin tongue into a fitting vehicle for the expression of elevated emotion and imaginative conception, he could find in neither a guide to follow in the task he set before himself.
AdvertisementThe world has nothing to show, in the way of stone-cutting and fitting, to equal the skill and accuracy displayed in the Inca structures of Cuzco.
In all tsetse-flies the proboscis in the living insect is entirely concealed by the palpi, which are grooved in their inner sides and form a closely fitting sheath for the piercing organ; the base of the proboscis is expanded beneath into a large onion-shaped bulb, which is filled with muscles.
Johanan solaced his disciples on the fall of the Temple by the double thought that charity could replace sacrifice, and that a life devoted to the religious law could form a fitting continuation of the old theocratic state.
Part was in the river fitting out under Blake, who had not fully recovered from his wound.
Monk and Rupert were fitting out a fleet of nearly the same strength in the Thames.
AdvertisementParliament would grant the king no supplies, and he could find the means of fitting out a fleet only by defrauding his creditors.
An officer whose nature, as the event showed, was interpenetrated with the spirit of legality was a fitting servant of a revolution whose aim it was to substitute legality for personal caprice as the dominant principle of affairs.
In his hands the history of Florence became a text on which at fitting seasons to deliver lessons in the science he initiated.
A small hole is left in the centre of each segment, which is kept open during the fitting to prevent undue pressure upon any one, but is stopped as soon as the circle is completed.
The consecration of material objects and in general their use in religion and cult was consistently avoided by the Manicheans; not because they failed to share the universal belief of earlier ages that spirits can be inducted by means of fitting prayers and incantations into inanimate things, but because the external material world was held to be the creation of an evil demiurge and so incapable of harbouring a pure spirit.
AdvertisementThis suspension is then run through a conical mill in order td remove all grit, the cones of the mill fitting so tightly that water cannot pass through unless the mill is running; the speed of the mill when working is about 3000 revolutions per minute.
Modern writers rather dwell on the perfect organization demanded by his scheme, the training of a nation to combined labour, the level attained here by art and in the fitting of masonry, and finally the fact that the Great Pyramid was the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world and now alone of them survives.
Their axes were made of tough stones, sawn from the block and ground to the fitting shape.
The main girders rest on the revolving platform, and the ends of the bridge are circular arcs fitting the fixed roadway.
The older gardens have followed too closely the idea of small cages, designed to guard an animal securely rather than to display it in a fitting environment, but if exercise, light and air are provided, animals do better in a relatively small than in a relatively large enclosure.
Every act of every person has not only a moral value producing merit or demerit, but also an inherent power which works out its fitting reward or punishment.
But its aristocratic organization, based as this was on property qualifications which gave the greatest voting power to the richest men, prevented it from being a fitting channel for the expression of plebeian claims. Hence the plebs adopted a new political organization of their own.
On the south side of the town there are three harbours - the large western or merchant harbour, the western flank of which is formed by a great mole joining the fortifications which traverse the breadth of the island on this side; the middle harbour, used chiefly for fitting out and repairing vessels; and the eastern or war harbour for vessels of the Russian navy.
He succeeds in fitting the Homeric topography to this latter island, and suggests that the name may have been transferred in consequence of a migration of the inhabitants.
In machinery, abrasion between moving surfaces has to be prevented as much as possible by the use of suitable materials, good fitting and lubrication.
Having for some time learnt to be aggressive, she girded herself for the difficult work of teaching the nations a higher faith than a savage form of nature-worship, and of fitting them to become members of an enlightened Christendom.
The " refinery process " of fitting pig iron for the puddling process by removing the silicon without the carbon, is sometimes used because of this difficulty in making a pig iron initially low in both sulphur and silicon.
Later friendly relations between the United States and Great Britain, where, among the upper classes, there was a strong sentiment in favour of the Confederacy, were seriously threatened by the fitting out of Confederate privateers in British ports, and the Administration owed much to the skilful diplomacy of the American minister in London, Charles Francis Adams. A still broader foreign question grew out of Mexican affairs, when events culminating in the setting up of Maximilian of Austria as emperor under protection of French troops demanded the constant watchfulness of the United States.
It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
About a year later he was consecrated to the see of York, not, however, in England, where perhaps he could not find the fitting number of orthodox prelates, but at Compiegne, Agilbert being now bishop of Paris.
This was fulfilled in the letter, but in spirit set aside, for one body of men was trained after another until the larger part of the male population were in a position, when a fitting opportunity should occur, to take up arms for their country.
At a time when much speaking has depressed, has almost exterminated eloquence, he maintained that robust, powerful and vigorous style in which he gave fitting expression to the burning and noble thoughts he desired to utter."
He was full of enthusiasm for liberty; the struggle of the Greeks to throw off the Turkish yoke enlisted his warmest sympathy, and at one time he seriously thought of entering the West Point Academy and fitting himself for a soldier's career.
They are often shed throughout life, the successors lying on the inner side, and with their caps partly fitting into the wide open roots of the older teeth.
The last words of it may be quoted; they form a fitting epitaph for the noblest of English kings.
There was also the sort of unofficial censorship, undefined by law but real, which communities exercised against those who had been pro-German or who were now less ready than their neighbours thought fitting to subscribe for loans and the Red Cross, and to observe food regulations.
The wall consists of a basis of cellulose, and in some cases readily breaks up into a definite number of plates, fitting into one another like the plates of the carapace of a tortoise; it is, moreover, often finely sculptured or coarsely ridged and flanged.
But in other respects his last years were cheered by marks of general regard and admiration, in which non-Catholics joined; and after his death (16th February 1865) there was an extraordinary demonstration of popular respect as his body was taken from St Mary's, Moorfields, to the cemetery at Kensal Green, where it was intended that it should rest only until a more fitting place could be found in a Roman Catholic cathedral church of Westminster.
In very early times attempts were made to furnish it with a fitting close; but neither of the supplements which we find in manuscripts can be regarded as coming from the original writer.
A mixture of pounded brick, clay and ashes was then ground finely in water to the consistence of cream, and successive coats of this mixture were then applied with a brush, till a second skin was formed all over the wax, fitting closely into every line and depression of the modelling.
The introduction of gas as an illuminant, about 1816, at once induced a large demand and a novel description of metal fitting; and the craft fell under the control of a new commercial class, intent on breaking with past traditions, and utilizing steam power, electro-deposition, and every mechanical and scientific invention tending to economize metal or labour.
To avenge these disasters and recover the prisoners preparations were made in India on a fitting scale; but it was the 16th of April 1842 before General Pollock could relieve Jalalabad, after forcing the Khyber Pass.
In his Saggiatore Galileo states that he solved the problem of the construction of a telescope the first night after his return to Padua from Venice, and made his first telescope next day by fitting a convex lens in one extremity of a.
The work lost in pulling a given length of rope over a pulley is found by multiplying the length of the rope in feet by its stiffness in pounds, that stiffness being the excess of the tension at the leading side of the rope above that at the following side, which is necessary to bend it into a curve fitting the pulley, and then to straighten it again.
His Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property with References to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law - a bulky volume known to practitioners as Benjamin on Sales - is the principal text-book on its subject, and a fitting monument of the author's career at the English bar, of his industry and learning.
It was in every way fitting, however, that he who had been the mainspring of the war from the beginning, and had borne far more than his share of its burdens and discouragements, should end it with the campaign of Yorktown, conceived by himself, and the surrender of Cornwallis (October 1781).
For Edward, Henry III.'s son and heir, who had been created earl of Chester by his father and put in possession of all the royal claims in Wales, was generally credited with a strong determination to crush for ever Welsh independence, should a fitting opportunity to do so present itself.
The relationship of Talmudism to the Old Testament has been likened to that of Christian theology to the Gospels; the comparison, whether fitting or not, may at least enable one to understand the varying attitudes of Jewish thinkers to their ancient sources.
It was discovered by Captain (afterwards Sir James) Ross, during his expedition of 1829-1833, and was named after Sir Felix Booth, who had been chiefly instrumental in fitting out the expedition.
At this juncture the president assumed that the constitution gave him the power of nominating and maintaining in office any ministers he might consider fitting persons for the purpose, and that congress had no right of interference in the matter.
The retirement of Lord Rosemead (Sir Hercules Robinson) from the post of high commissioner was, however, taken advantage of by the British government to appoint an administrator who should at the fitting opportunity insist on the redress of the Uitlanders' grievances.
His time was much better employed in fitting his old pupil, Burgundy, for a kingship that never came.
The molecules which lead to the production of anti-substances are usually known as antigens, and each antigen has a specific combining affinity for its corresponding anti-substance, fitting it as a lock does a key.
After two successful voyages, Eudoxus left the Egyptian service, and proceeded to Cadiz with the object of fitting out an expedition for the purpose of African discovery; and we learn from Strabo, who utilized the results of his observations, that the veteran explorer made at least two voyages southward along the coast of Africa.
A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties.
The reasons leading to the great undertaking, in which Eusebius had no predecessors, were in part historical, in part apologetic. He believed that he was living at the beginning of a new age, and he felt that it was a fitting time, when the old order of things was passing away, to put on record for the benefit of posterity the great events which had occurred during the generations that were past.
This blending of the two systems of education produced the happy result of fitting this Moslem chief in an eminent degree both for the sacerdotal functions which appertain to his spiritual position, and for those social duties of a great and enlightened leader which he was called upon to discharge by virtue of that position.
It settled until our own day the succession of years from the Creation to the birth of Christ, fitting the Old Testament story into that of ancient history.
Nevertheless Marignan was in the main the work of the gendarmerie, the last and greatest triumph of the armoured lancer; and as a fitting close to the battle the young king was knighted by Bayard on the field.
After asserting these in detail under nine different heads, he speaks under a tenth of his proficiency as a civil engineer and architect, and adds lastly a brief paragraph with reference to what he can do in painting and sculpture, undertaking in particular to carry out in a fitting manner the monument to Francesco Sforza.
The female flower is enveloped in a closely fitting sac-like investment, which must be regarded as a perianth; within this is an orthotropous ovule surrounded by a single integument prolonged upwards as a beak-like micropyle.
Calcium phosphate, mixed with sand and carbon, is fed into an electric furnace, provided with a closely fitting cover with an outlet leading to a condenser.
The fitting of the knife-edges is of great importance.
They only apply accurately to divisions by 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25 or 50; but they have the convenience of fitting in with the denary scale of notation, and they can be extended to other divisions by using a mixed number as numerator.
Then came the Dutch war, bringing with it a suspicion that some at least of the money given for paying sailors and fitting out ships was employed by Charles on very different objects.
Other epidermic appendages are the horns of ruminants and rhinoceroses - the former being elongated, tapering, hollow caps of hardened epidermis of fibrous structure, fitting on and growing from conical projections of the frontal bones and always arranged in pairs, while the latter are of similar structure, but without any internal bony support, and situated in the middle line.
As the teeth of the upper and the lower jaws work against each other in masticating, there is a general correspondence or harmony between them, the projections of one series, when the mouth is closed, fitting into corresponding depressions of the other.
Bruce's heart rests in Melrose, but his bones lie in Dunfermline Abbey, where (after the discovery of the skeleton in 1818) they were reinterred with fitting pomp below the pulpit of the New church.
Another famous statue is one from Gabii, in which she is finishing her toilet and fastening the chlamys over her tunic. In older times her figure is fuller and stronger, and the clothing more complete; certain statues discovered at Delos, imitated from wooden models (oava), are supposed to represent Artemis; they are described as stiff and rigid, the limbs as it were glued to the body without life or movement, garments closely fitting, the folds of which fall in symmetrical parallel lines.
In 1907-1908 the university had a faculty of 15 and 250 students, of whom ioi were in the Furman Fitting School.
Over this was a tightly fitting tunic (roar, lend) reaching below the hips with a girdle at the waist.
Rarely has a man been able to carry out his system so completely, though perhaps in these first years he had to take more disciplinary measures than he had intended against the Reds, and granted more favours than was fitting to the Catholics, his allies in December 1848 and December 1858.
It did not seem fitting at first to confer ecclesiastical investiture by such military and worldly emblems as the sword and sceptre, nor to exact an oath of fealty.
Fine action is the best criterion of everything fitting properly, and all a horse's points ought to harmonize or be in proportion to one another, no one point being more prominent than another, such as good shoulders, fine loins or excellent quarters.
The fitting of the eyepiece at the upper end of the tube is provided with a graduated circle.
Then Carmen showered and left for the dress fitting, leaving Alex with Jonathan and Destiny until Maria arrived.
Fitting. Black cat for an Oracle.
It was a detail that caused considerable consternation to the guy who was fitting the wooden framework for the ceiling.
A great fitting, highly absorbent diaper which, despite the name, comes in 3 sizes to fit newborn babies through to toddlers.
This ensures that the work is relevant to you and immediately actionable, fitting the demands of your organization and your customers.
This brilliant event was milestone marking the Advent of a new era for SGI and a fitting tribute to round out its tenth year.
Seems to me a fitting choice of word in the context, even if it is imported Americana.
This in turn should improve artificial limb fitting, comfort and quality of life for below-knee amputees.
Their public commemoration in the new memorial in the national memorial arboretum is very fitting.
Fitting the padded armrest to the tunnel making sure it is not mounted off center.
There is the possibility that incorrectly assembled respiratory therapy devices connected to a tight fitting facemask could also be a hazard.
Many years ago you could buy a motorhome awning specifically designed for rear fitting.
Other jobs carried out during the day included fitting two wicket posts and removing contaminated ballast.
All the cars ' ceiling panels have been fitted, and a start has been made on fitting the aluminum beading over the joins.
A carved ivory mythical beast is mounted on the metal fitting.
It was a fitting conclusion to what was another fantastic evening for Swindon Speedway and another significant step toward a Play-Off berth.
Ideal for providing a frontal ' port ' to your fans by fitting in to the plastic front bezel of your case.
However he could improve for the fitting of first time blinkers.
Cover the cabbage with a clean cloth and a closely fitting wooden board.
This really meant that they saved a few bob by not fitting a real top, a sliding roof or proper side windows.
Loose fitting clothes required such as tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts to leave you free enough to practice those kicks.
Were you thinking of fitting a servo with drum brakes?
The foot may develop callus over sites that are taking extra pressure, eg from ill fitting footwear.
The fitting of the Powrtouch caravan mover to the caravan mover to the caravan does NOT require any welding or drilling of the chassis making fitting simple.
The showroom also has a car seat fitting bay to help set your mind at rest.
Will Young was inspired casting, fitting the era perfectly and showing off his wonderful voice to perfection.
In Germany there are specialists fitting catalytic converters to cars which didn't have them originally.
Titus Salt stood almost alone in fitting smoke burners to his factory chimneys in Bradford.
The crack in the final overhang provides a fitting climax.
We recommend the use of bracing frames during the fitting process to ensure that closers are not ' pinched ' out of shape.
Downstairs, the new light fitting falls on Thelma's head, causing concussion.
At Eden Magistrates ' Court Potter admitted obstructing a constable by fitting a jamming device to his car which prevented police recording his speed.
If you have a corset, wear it at the first fitting, as it will take at least an inch from your waist.
Again often neglected, why waste time and effort if you can avoid fitting crampons!
It's a fitting culmination to the three years work that went into the project.
Because of this, fitting a lower slide cutaway results in enrichment and vise versa.
Their solution was the fitting of one of their hydraulic dampers; model HB 28 to every trap door.
We're like ill fitting dentures against the gum of reality.
But as he sets out to bury his dear departed wife in fitting style, nothing quite goes to plan.
Reduce heat losses by fitting a hot water tank jacket, insulating hot water pipes and consider installing double-glazing.
A 20mm dowel was inserted through the antler and buffalo horn base for strength and to take the 12mm brass screw connector fitting.
I make a Renaissance version by fitting a tenor drone in a common stock with the bass drone.
Thus from their loss has grown a fitting epitaph.
Only fitting that for a list henry niewenglowski becquerel ESP the source of.
Solution Fitting a new temperature sender should rectify this fault.
Theodore, journeying through all parts, ordained bishops in fitting places, and with their assistance corrected such things as he found faulty.
The presentation of the award to them both was a fitting climax to the festival finale.
Fitting could not be simpler for the Zeton electric fire, which needs only an electric socket near by.
The boiler was sent away some time ago for overhaul, which has included the fitting of a brand new firebox.
We have a professional Pointe fitting service, which means no more long trips to London to get fitted.
For the most intricate fitting jobs, especially matching design repeats and complicated border work, insist upon a fully qualified fitter.
Cloth Fitting Your pool cloth should always be fitted by a qualified or experienced fitter.
This would include replacing an electrical fitting, socket outlets, control switches and ceiling roses.
Use light fittings only for lighting - never run an electric appliance from a lamp fitting.
I came across this quote recently, and it seems fitting here... .
Can I enroll on one of the Society's saddle fitting courses?
Manufactured from pressure treated softwood and is supplied with all galvanized fixings and full fitting instructions.
Fitting flywheel weights helped to cure the problem, showing that too small a flywheel weights helped to cure the problem, showing that too small a flywheel was no good.
All exhausts are supplied complete with fitting kits and high level kits include the full spacer kit to retain the original passenger footrests.
He is not marrying, not fitting in, not settling down, not sticking around to organize funerals.
Chase Screwcutting Accessory - an unusual fitting to find on a lathe already equipped with a full screwcutting gearbox.
For now, on a moody, overcast day, the " purple haze " seems fitting.
Its elasticated hem ensures its close fitting, and hence reduces drafts.
We do not recommend fitting a leather pad to this style of hoop Boxer 3 - A plain hoop with glass windstop.
Past sessions have covered the Drug Tariff, health & safety, first aid, measuring and fitting hosiery and professional practice issues.
Two short humanoids wearing black tight fitting outfits emerged from the object.
Doctors also performed an ileostomy to help relieve pressure in his stomach which involved fitting him with a " bag " to collect waste.
Jackets are slim fitting, straight legs trousers and skinny jeans in dark indigo and dog-tooth check are worn low.
All gone interactive with simulators installed so you can try out their clubs and have some advice regarding possible custom fitting.
The oven door should be tight fitting and the door interlock working.
Tho all its faults I made a decision to persevere and ordered Snoopers motorcycle fitting kit for £ 19.95.
This fitting could also be used to attach the Garmin neck lanyard.
M any rivals thought John James had been too lavish in fitting out a new shop.
Thinner doors will be weakened by fitting mortice locks, so robust deadlocking rim locks should be used.
Includes four disposable masks (OK to wear until soiled or damaged) and important fitting instructions.
Italy is the nursing mother of Mazzini, who is the fitting child of such a parent.
The spring-set is mounted on a bracket which has an extension to form a mounted on a bracket which has an extension to form a mounting for a lamp fitting, when required.
The fitting of the Powrtouch caravan mover to the caravan does NOT require any welding or drilling of the chassis making fitting simple.
The Trust is grateful to Trustee Caroline Collier and her team at the Arnolfini for organizing this extremely moving and fitting event.
The only fitting is a marble mural tablet of 1851.
Carriage bogie overhauls continued, along with the fitting of new wheels to replace those with casting defects.
If you crack a fitting while removing it, don't panic!
Clothing Try wearing some loose fitting pants to accentuate the feeling of drag on your legs.
It's only fitting that their passing-out parade should be identical to their full-time comrades.
Allows the caliper piston to be wound back for the fitting of new brake pads.
The LiteTracker has a high strength polycarbonate casing with a metal grip clip and D ring fitting for attachment to webbing or clothing.
The transformation process adopted will be that of a rubber sheeting transformation involving the fitting of piecewise polynomial surfaces to the link data.
It is fitting that the little redhead should enjoy the final word on his idol.
In Britain, giant redwoods were called Wellingtonias, in what was considered a fitting tribute to the Iron Duke.
This may be done by fitting the offset model through sample points using least squares regression fitting.
After fitting the straight line, the remaining variability about the line can be measured by the sum of squared residuals, 1070.
Wearers of tight fitting respirators must be clean-shaven in the area of the mask seal.
They frequently develop foot and hoof problems, are malnourished, become parasite ridden and wear poorly fitting harnesses.
Smaller, standard boilers were fitted, which resulted in the fitting of a distance piece on top of the smokebox saddle.
Consider fitting some units that are open fronted or have clear safety glass so that foodstuffs and cooking utensils can be seen.
To allow the fitting to slide in to the housing you may have to countersink this screw.
Rubber rings are compressed between the fitting and the pipe in such a way as to produce a watertight seal.
Stu's Good Friday farewell to The Regulars proved a fitting send-off for the man who put the band together.
I was dubious of whether I needed a shim but after fitting this heatsink I concluded that it is not needed.
Wear wide fitting shoes, preferably with a leather upper which will allow a stretch Avoid high heeled shoes.
Fitting of automatic fuel shut-off valves which are activated by the fire detection system should be considered.
This was seen as a costly exercise but the owners felt that the cost of not fitting silencers was even greater.
The primary utility of this procedure rests in fitting damped sines or the damped exponentials that occur in multicomponent exponential decays.
Window locks for virtually all types of windows, including skylights, are available from DIY stores, and are well worth fitting.
Dektite retrofit roof flashing fitting instructions Trim the cone of the Dektite flashing to suit the flue pipe using sharp tin snips.
All down to not fitting some spare spark plugs.
I had trouble finding a method of fitting it to the heatsink whilst still being able to mount the motherboard standoffs.
In the MINI S Convertible on the windscreen there is a warning sticker about fitting child seats.
The loose fitting pull-on gown is made from khaki cotton, with a hem edged with dark brown suede fringing.
Loose fitting clothing will keep you cool high factor sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
After cleaning any swarf away, I refitted the elbow, and then fitted the hose fitting with some PTFE tape on the threads.
Spray both sides which need to be stuck and allow the area to become tacky before fitting and applying pressure.
Detailed fitting instructions are included as are wire connecting terminals and plumbing fittings.
You place tesserae of the desired color in the spaces, cutting and fitting smaller shapes if neccessary.
Incorporating an auto release lever throttle, with left or right fitting handle.
Suitable for fitting into doors, walls or glass (not toughened or double glazed) to a maximum depth of 2 " .
Try leaving the trapdoor cover off or fitting a small fan to keep it ventilated.
A fitting tribute was paid to Captain A C Green, composer of the famous setting of Sunset.
It is claimed that she was abducted and raped by an alien wearing a loose fitting metallic green tunic.
It was awaiting vinyls and fitting out of ticket machines etc on Saturday and may be expected to enter service later next week.
William Breeze brings the track to a fitting end with layered electric viola rising to crescendo.
Fitting is quite a serious symptom, with dangers of inhaling vomit causing respiratory spasm.
The reel seat is a screw winch fitting made of very strong carbon construction.
When fitting in wooden greenhouses use wood screws (not supplied) in place of the cropped headed bolts & nuts.
Prefold A quick drying flat diaper which is folded into a pad and held in place by a close fitting Velcro wrap.
In the middle of this slide a stiffly fitting brass disk is inserted, to which a small turn-table motion may be communicated by an attached arm, acted on by two fine opposing screws accessible to the astronomer; and by their means the " fixed web " may be rendered strictly parallel with the movable one.
This theory, plausible and attractive as it is, and fitting in, as it does, with the acknowledged primitive character of the Australian blackfellow, overlooks, nevertheless, the Tasmanian difficulty.
On the fitting out of the first Grinnell expedition, in 1850, to search for Sir John Franklin, Kane was appointed surgeon and naturalist under Lieut.
A careful reading of the score to this English text reveals not a single false emphasis or loss of rhetorical point in the fitting of words to notes, nor a single extra note or halt in the music; and wherever the language seems stilted or absurd the original will be found to be at least equally so, while the spirit of Wagner's poetry is faithfully reflected.
The first edition of the Systeme du monde was inscribed to the Council of Five Hundred; to the third volume of the Mecanique celeste (1802) was prefixed the declaration that, of all the truths contained in the work, that most precious to the author was the expression of his gratitude and devotion towards the "pacificator of Europe"; upon which noteworthy protestation the suppression in the editions of the Theorie des probabilites subsequent to the restoration, of the original dedication to the emperor formed a fitting commentary.
There was another palace of still more wonderful character, built by the presbyter's father in obedience to a heavenly command, in the city of Bribric. Should it be asked why, with all this power and splendour, he calls himself merely "presbyter," this is because of his humility, and because it was not fitting for one whose sewer was a primate and king, whose butler an archbishop and king, whose chamberlain a bishop and king, whose master of the horse an archimandrite and king, whose chief cook an abbot and king, to be called by such titles as these.
The arrangement of the leaves on the stem and branches (see Phyllotaxy, below) is such as to prevent the upper leaves shading the lower, and the shape of the leaf serves towards the same end - the disposition of leaves on a branch or stem is often seen to form a "mosaic," each leaf fitting into the space between neighbouring leaves and the branch on which they are borne without overlapping.
Repairs to the chimney & fitting of pumice liner at Nant Rhys are planned for a work party in October.
The lighting performance of fittings that take reflector lamps is determined by the lamp itself rather than the fitting.
Food is kept fresh in two easy-clean compartments, sealed by close fitting lids and refrigerated by a built-in ice pack.
Linear regression I have made my views known on the dangers of fitting straight lines.
Instead of fitting the solar system around the earth, we should make the earth with the other planets revolve around the sun.
The top has an elasticated halter neck strap and ruched back for comfortable fitting.
The same effect can be achieved in an ordinary saucepan with a close fitting lid.
The new cantrail on the fitting side was made from two sections of wood using a scarf joint.
Care must be taken when fitting not to scratch the bike paintwork.
Stu 's Good Friday farewell to The Regulars proved a fitting send-off for the man who put the band together.
Calvin Klein Body Hip Brief These close fitting hipsters have a low slung design, creating a trendy brief that... No reviews yet.
Services provided by the Gloucestershire Home Safety Check Scheme include home safety visits, child safety service and smoke detector fitting.
The Tots Wrap is more waterproof and snug fitting.
The main base is part of a broken spotlight fitting.
Loose fitting clothing will keep you cool High factor sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
Bow thruster tube in, ready to go into Andrew 's fitting shop.
This collection is a fitting token of gratitude for his contribution to philosophy.
Suitable for fitting into doors, walls or glass (not toughened or double glazed) to a maximum depth of 2 .
The fitting of less knobbly tires will make the bike usable on tarmac.
I'm fitting low-profile tires to my car - what should the tire pressures be?
There are also three Undamped Algorithms for fitting sinusoids via a modification of the least-squares Prony method.
The new sheets were cut from some packing cases I had and were undercoated ready for fitting the next weekend.
The fitting of a rear underrun device on trucks is obligatory nowadays.
Aboard the Beagle, Darwin found himself fitting many of his observations into Lyell 's general uniformitarian view.
With an unprejudiced treatment of the matter it was not difficult to make a fitting choice.
It is a fitting and long overdue tribute to the valorous service of one of America 's most celebrated fighting divisions.
My priority was n't developing a washboard stomach or fitting into a tight t-shirt without looking like a sack of jellyfish.
Features abbreviated slimline EVA handle, Fuji GPS reel fitting, and Zirconium rings.
I had no trouble fitting my infant seat in there and belting it securely in place.
A baby shower sailboat theme is especially fitting for a little boy.
If you have concerns about making sure you are ordering a bra that fits, their website contains a detailed fitting guide and also includes a measuring tape template you can download and print out.
When setting your timeline for a dress purchase, plan on approximately two to four fittings with the initial fitting and the final fitting spaced about two months apart to allow for any weight fluctuations that might occur.
Bring all the accessories and undergarments that you will wear on the wedding day with you to each fitting.
A canister with a tight fitting lid kept in a cool, dry place will keep the tea fresh the longest; up to a month.
One kind has an elastic edge all the way around for easy fitting over the sides and corners of the mattress.
We all know of the pajama suit combinations - these feature a loose fitting shirt type of an upper garment normally with a collar and loose pajama pants that are long or and come with or without pockets.
Some people like wearing close fitting clothes in all weather, others prefer to sleep in the buff, so go for whatever gives you the greatest comfort.
Sleepwear on the whole should always be loose fitting and made from natural materials if possible.
Try and avoid wearing synthetic materials that are very close fitting.
Nevertheless, see that the underwear is close fitting, neither too loose nor too tight at the crotch and the waistband.
Sports underwear is typically tight fitting with no seams.
Though manufacturers make standard waist sizes, the rest of the fitting varies greatly from brand to brand.
Make it a point to wear close fitting tops or dresses or even a T-shirt when you go bra shopping.
A close fitting dress will allow you to see the bra line or shape clearly and also show you how it will look under tight fitting clothes.
For special dresses like evening gowns, it is best to take them along with you and try the bra along with the correct dress for the best judgment on fitting.
Sports bras provide broader bands and stronger, close fitting support for hectic activities.
Loose fitting sleepwear is the most comfortable since it does not bind or constrain.
On the other hand, if you are always warm and kicking off your covers, look for loose fitting, lightweight cotton nighties that do not constrain or bind.
Always go for a fitting in the evenings, since this is the time our feet are swollen and sneakers that feel comfortable at this time will offer you the best fit going forward in time.
This is important since different materials behave differently and you will be able to judge the fitting much better.
Do not use the pair of socks available at the store to check the fitting of the shoes - even a small change in the thickness of the socks can change the fitting of the shoe significantly.
Satins, silks and nylon are usually closer fitting than cottons and blends.
Slips meant for form fitting dresses cannot normally be worn with loose skirts, for instance.
A woman with a small waist and wider thighs may have a hard time fitting boyshort panties that fit comfortably.
Each computer is different, so yours will have a particular SIMM designed for it that contains the exact number of pins fitting eaxctly into a slot on your computer motherboard or the engine of the computer.
Err on the side of the shoe being roomy versus tight fitting, your foot expands as you run and tight running shoes can create havoc on your feet.
They want to look their best and that means a properly fitting suit that holds its shape and flatters the body, rather than drawing attention to flaws and bulges.
This means a visit to an eye doctor, an eye exam, and a proper fitting for contact lenses.
Electric space heaters can be plugged directly into any electric socket and do not require special wiring or fitting.
These shops often include an on-site service center as well as services like proper fitting, assembly, and advice for maintaining your new bike.
Bring a violin teacher to give you advice on fitting and the quality of the construction.
Luckily, there's an extremely wide selection of high-quality young chapter books in the children's market, and it's not too hard to find at least a few titles that are fitting for a kid you know.
The Ramona books are especially fitting for kids with older siblings, as Ramona constantly struggles to maintain sanity when her older sister, Beezus, is around.
Bedding should be warm and comfortable and fitting of the surroundings.
In most cases you should be able to mold the plastic tray by placing it in hot water and fitting it over your teeth.
It only seems fitting that a scent pairing white floral notes with chocolate should be the subject of a wild, uninhibited advertising campaign.
It's fitting, then, that the tint collection consists primarily of blush-like colors.
The palette wastes some valuable space by only fitting three color pans into its page.
It's only fitting, then, that the fragrance's notes capture this aura.
This shell snaps snugly on to the back of your iPad thanks to its form fitting cut and embedded magnet, giving the device a bit of protection and making it easier to grip.
The store specializes in boots, boot fitting, foot beds and alignment.
The instructor then consults with the boot fitting team, who makes the appropriate boot adjustments.
When purchasing a graduation card, consider a card fitting the personality of the student.
This way, you'll be able to zero in on the types of clothes you truly like, instead of haphazardly throwing sixty items over your arm to take to the fitting room.
You won't have to worry about fitting a trip to the mall in between school and soccer practice.
You'll want to have at least a couple of form fitting sweaters in a variety of colors.
To achieve this elegant look a slim fitting long black dress fits the bill.
Tiffany is known for their full-length ball gown dresses, and recent collections feature everything from sleek and form fitting to full-skirted full-length dresses.
For the above body types, you want to avoid form fitting.
It is important that you purchase a dress that is either perfect fitting or bigger.
This will ensure you have the right fitting.
Wear snug fitting clothing for your photos, but not too tight.
Note, however, that the ethic trend is not for everyone and if you're more about fitting in than standing out, your best bet is to stick with rocker chic, or to explore the next category.
Beyond the basic tees and tanks, you'll also find from fitting camis and graphic printed tee-shirts in this category.
Too many females, including teens, wear improperly fitting bras.
For proper fit, book a private appointment at a formalwear shop and set aside a few hours for measuring and dress fitting.
Finally, if you find a dress online, be sure to order in plenty of time to allow for any fitting adjustments.
They have fitting rooms available so you can try whatever you like on before you purchase it.
The short prom dresses are form fitting, and often feature ruffles or bows.
Dresses are designed to be either form fitting or flowing.
Your dress's style should reflect your own personality along with fitting in your budget.
Sleek and slim - If you're looking for something show off your curves, you'll love this tight fitting long length dress.
Once you have your final fitting, there should be no more dieting.
With the entire world open to you in your new lives together, it is fitting to start it by turning your wedding into a destination adventure.
In fact, holiday decorations are inexpensive and readily available; beautifying the church and place of reception for a yuletide wedding can be done in a manner fitting almost any budget.
Shorter styles can still be very classy, but fitting for a casual wedding.
Tight, very form fitting dresses may also inhibit movement.
Since bridesmaids also take part in the wedding dance it's only fitting to give them a music box playing the wedding song.
You want to receive it time to have several fitting sessions.
That upscale bridal boutique might be all the rage but will you really want to travel 90 minutes each way every time you need a fitting?
The choice you make may depend on your personal preference, the amount of room you need, or fitting it into a color or year theme.
Located near Salt Lake City, Utah, their dress experts can help you choose an appropriate temple and/or reception dress fitting for a fashionable bride.
No matter what, you will need some fitting, so be sure to have a good seamstress lined up before you start shopping.
Instead, use a motif, monogram, or typefaces that are fitting to the venue and set the appropriate tone, but are slightly more personal or unexpected.
With over 200 professionals employed, the store boasts personal attention to the bride from the start of her search to the final fitting.
It features advice on all things wedding gowns, from finding the perfect dress to what to expect at a fitting.
Chiffon overlays can also be used to make the dress more fitting for a formal occasion while still making it easy to wear on the beach.
If your personalities are calm and serious, people may find silly vows disconcerting and not fitting with who you are as a couple.
Be sure to choose stationary to print the reception invitation on that is fitting with the formality of the wedding.
A cupcake stand is the traditional way to display a lot of cupcakes, but if you're having a really big wedding, you might worry about fitting all of the treats on the stand.
Baking and decorating are inherently celebratory activities, so it's only fitting to welcome a new season and a magnificent holiday with a fresh tray of sweet treats.
Easter egg cupcakes can be colorful and beautiful, making them fitting for something as simple as a children's birthday bash or as classy as a fancy springtime dinner party.
It seems only fitting Pamela Anderson was born in a month befitting a bikini.
Given Paris' well-documented love of the club scene, it is only fitting that Hilton launched her own nightclub chain.
Ray has adopted her own abbreviated language that seems almost fitting for a show that caters to those who are short on time.
Although her music isn't 100 percent "squeaky clean," her songs do maintain an innocence fitting her age.
Pictures began surfacing of Jennifer Lopez in billowy clothing as opposed to her usual form fitting outfits.
Since digging into celebrity life is something of an international pastime, it's only fitting that a handful of sites stand out as the best, most reliable sources of free photographs.
In general, you don' t have to worry about clothing you buy online fitting well.
Also, since boxers are roomier than briefs, they can create difficulties when they are worn under snug fitting pants.
Toddler sizes are notorious for fitting differently depending upon the size.
Fitting overalls appropriately for your child is more than just searching for her traditional size.
Most of the boutique's dresses are special order to insure proper fitting.
In the summer, try a tank top or form fitting T-shirt.
Ski hats, close fitting watch caps, bucket hats in heavy fabrics and French-type berets are all perfect for fall weather.
As such, they look best when well-fitted, although you don't want to spend too much time in fitting a suit, considering that it will likely be soon outgrown.
A decent seamstress can often have a baby's dress done in the space of a day - and there is no fitting required.
However, sometimes you can get some money just by fitting a very specific set of criteria, such as having the last name Zerbe and majoring in computer science, for example.
Unfortunately, it's common for students to struggle with fitting all of their activities into the time slots they have available.
When fitting your dog for a halter, you'll probably want to go into a local pet store and ask for assistance.
When fitting your dog for a chain slip collar, measure the circumference of your dog's neck, and then add two to three inches.
If you have your dog's measurements handy, you will be able to find a better fitting T shirt on your first trip to the store.
Make sure you use a container with a tight fitting lid and store the seed in a garden shed, garage or another location convenient to your bird feeder.
Fitting laminate flooring properly isn't that difficult, but it is important.
This is why fitting laminate flooring properly is so important!
Depending upon the type of wood laminate you choose, you may need to lay the planks with glue, or you may simply use the tongue-and-groove method of fitting the pieces together.
Fitting laminate flooring isn't that difficult with the exception of the tough areas, like corners, angles, and vents.
They typically fit tongue and groove, with the tongue portion nailed into the sub-floor and the groove fitting over the tongue and concealing the nails.
When upgrading from a single to a double sink, you may be able to add T-fittings to the existing water lines and a Y fitting to the existing drain line.
Faucet replacements and other plumbing tasks usually require a double wrench approach in which you use one wrench to hold a pipe securely and employ a second wrench to tighten or loosen the adjoining fitting.
If you have iron pipe in your home, you can join it with copper or PVC via a special transitional fitting.
Install the corner pieces first by dry fitting each panel and adjusting the fit of each according to how square your walls are.
To make sure that you are getting a furnace that will heat your home and save you money, while fitting into your current budget, consult this guide before you purchase.
Proper window measurements will go a long way toward ensuring both a well fitting replacement window, and that you get the right estimate on cost.
Whether you are retro fitting an old ceiling, installing lighting in a new home, working in a ceiling that is insulated or one that is not, these lights have a fixture that will work for you.
This metal seems to provide the most fitting accent for the warm colors of the glass.
A ring size chart will allow someone to find the perfect size by placing a favorite and well fitting ring on the chart and assessing the size.
Confirm how the charms are fitted - There are different ways of fitting charms to bracelets and it is important to establish how a charm fits to an existing bracelet.
You don't want any part of it fitting tightly, so make sure you zip your jacket and move your arms around to test the seams.
Moisture-wicking clothing is pleasant, but in truth, any old T-shirt will do as long as it is clean, appropriate and loose fitting.
Like the shirt, the most important thing is for the pants to be clean, loose fitting -- and no holes or weak seams.
Chances are, if you haven't found your sacrificial pair of pants at a resale shop, you've scoured your closet and have instead decided to donate your favorite, best fitting, most comfortable pair of denim blues to the cause.
A suit consisted of a slim-cut, knee-length coat with narrow fitting shoulders and wrists.
On his lower portions, a man wore close fitting breeches that came to the knee, stockings and black shoes.
New York City-based Michael Andrews Bespoke is one such company that offers custom fitting and exquisite tailoring.
For men who've never had the benefit of a bespoke service, can you tell our readers what goes into a custom fitting?
A slim fitting black trench coat, in leather or velvet or even just wool, makes a man look sexy and dangerous, no matter what his size or stature.
Usually made of plastic, an emergency rain suit has the advantage of fitting in a glove compartment or in a backpack.
These great looking shorts are relatively slim fitting, but not too tight.
Since the economy was booming, it was only fitting that designers delivered the goods that made it possible for men to shop for luxury attire.
Yes, you can wear denim in certain business casual situations, as long as your jeans are of the pulled together, well fitting variety.
A proper fitting suit jacket will boast sleeves that end at the point where your hand and wrist meet.
A great fitting pair of jeans is a must for anyone.
Buffalo offers slightly more expensive, relaxed fitting jeans.
A fitted shirt will work well under suits that are also slim fitting and look great when worn without a jacket.
Most salespeople are more than happy to assist you in fitting.
Stays Cool Tailored Fit Broadcloth Buttondown Collar Dress Shirt is an option for men who want a slim fitting shirt.
Once you find a great fitting pair of Lee jeans, you may want to purchase more than one pair since they are sure to be worn often.
Paired with nicely fitting blue jeans and the shoes and accessories you'd like, you'll be ready to take on nearly anything.
Whether you are looking for colorful men's socks to jazz up your casual Friday attire or the best looking and fitting hosiery for your formal wear, Stacy Adams men's socks are a guaranteed good choice.
Use their personal shopper, who will ask you some questions to determine what style you like and then outfit you with a complete wardrobe fitting both your taste and your budget.
The basic baseball-cap style is the same throughout and they all feature fitting so that you can tailor your hat to your needs.
For a cuppa that's good to the last drop, just remember to keep your loose tea or teabags in a container with a tightly fitting lid.
Use plastic storage containers with tight fitting lids to keep a variety of pests out of the items you are storing.
Properly fitting hosiery can be hard to find for women of any size, so it is no surprise that manufacturers have finally recognized the need for quality plus size nylons.
However, if you have proper fitting plus size shorts, bright colors can look great!
You can usually get a good fitting wherever you purchase your bras.
If you have basic sewing skills, an empire dress is a good project because so little fitting is required.
The best a company can do from afar is to guess your contours and without ever seeing you in person you are risking a bra as awkward fitting as what you could have just as easily purchased down the street.
Lane Bryant has long maintained that its clothing isn't just about fitting the plus size consumer, but also about being fashionable.
Falling just below the knee, this easy fitting beaded A-line silhouette dress features romantic butterfly sleeves and a scoop neckline.
Wearing one under a form fitting dress will make your body look curvy and voluptuous with smooth sleek lines.
A loose fitting top, this would look great over a pair of jeans or other dark slacks.
No matter how much you spend on a business suit, if it is ill fitting, it won't convey the image you want to project.
A virtual fitting room won't help you when you're shopping online.
Proper strap fitting, along the shoulders as well as across the back, is a key area to focus on when selecting bras.
Well fitting clothing is a must for any yoga class.
If in doubt, get measured at a bra fitting location.
Scour the racks and stack up everything you like - you can take your time when you're in the fitting room.
The image makes the importance of properly fitting gear that looks as lovely as it feels readily apparent.
This is a company that recognizes that whatever your size, you are still busy and active and in need of properly fitting high-performance gear for cycling, swimming, jogging and strolling.
Some dresses may have built-in support but it helps to have a properly fitting undergarment in case the outfit lacks this feature.
In the winter months, a form fitting exercise Capri can be layered under warm outerwear, pants or sweats for an extra layer of protection against the cold.
Improperly fitting shorts can add unnecessary bulk to your silhouette.
However, it's important to note that this guarantee only applies to pants tagged Sag Harbor's Fitting GuaranteeTM, so double check what you're buying if the guarantee is important to you.
Bike shorts should meet these criteria to the letter; by nature they are form fitting and can be constricting in some circumstances.
Because tube tops are form fitting, your skirt shouldn't fit as close to your body.
Choose a tube top with slight ruching in the empire waist which then flares out in a flattering way (great for women who don't want tight fitting tops that cling to their bellies).
You can further camouflage a tummy by wearing a loose fitting top or slip a gauzy cotton shirt over another shirt, leaving the over-shirt unbuttoned.
Women who can hem their own clothing save quite a bit of money when it comes to tailoring, but there are other considerations besides pant length when it comes to well fitting garments for shorter women.
Take several pieces of lingerie into the fitting room with you and examine the way they look on you.
Besides fitting larger-sized feet, these socks also have greater elasticity around the calf and ankles.
They are all form fitting, thanks to the body-hugging fishnet material.
The company offers several T-shirt styles in their plus size line, including v-neck, form fitting, and vintage fit cuts.
Shopping for a size 18 cocktail dress will probably entail spending lots of time in the fitting room - if only because you'll be overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices available to you!
A large number of styles are available to plus size women, but if you have trouble fitting into a women's plus size cycling short, another option to consider would be men's shorts.
If you carry your weight more around the middle, you may want to choose denim shorts that come to mid-thigh, worn with a loose fitting blouse and a pair of wedges to accentuate your legs.
It hugs the body with a snug fit which helps prevent chafing that can result when wearing loose fitting shorts that get damp from sweat and then rub and irritate the skin when repetitive movements such as cycling are performed.
Today's plus size capri tights reach mid-calf and are made of form fitting fabrics such as Lycra and Spandex.
They can be form fitting, such as the yoga pant, which is a tightly fitted, stretchy spandex material.
They can also be loose fitting and comfortable, such as wide legged sweat pants.
The pants can be loose fitting and wide legged, or tightly fitted.
Ever since the Chanel models were first spotted in tightly fitting black dresses, the little black dress has become a staple in women's closets.
For a look that mixes modern with classic, go to Bonton for Calvin Klein skinny jeans that are straight fitting, allowing you to wear them in a slightly more professional setting, should you choose.
Instead, it's more like a "normal" flat fitting waistband found on any pair of jeans, and has the reputation for fitting a variety of body types without that unattractive gap.
If you are comfortable with your body type, a form fitting dress is an attractive choice.
Otherwise, a form fitting dress looks good, too.
Finding a great fitting pair of blue plus size skinny jeans is a must for anyone who wants to keep up with the latest trends while looking fashionable.
Since skinny jeans can make your hips look wider, avoid wearing them with a form fitting top.
In addition to simply fitting, your swimsuit should also make you look and feel like a million bucks!
If you are a comparatively new knitter, a cocoon sweater or shrug is one of the easier things you can make as it requires so little shaping and fitting.
Plus size robes are loose fitting garments with short, kimono, or long sleeves.
A babydoll is one piece of lingerie you can feel confident buying without first trying on, since it has minimal fitting.
True plus size cocktail dresses have a generous cut in the armholes, girth, and bust to accommodate the fitting and comfort needs of the extended size woman.
It's always a good idea when shopping online to check the size charts and fitting information for each specific site.
Skirts are slim fitting or full and gathered.
Also fitting trampolines between ten to fourteen inches, this model features the patentee Triple Back Up design.
Do not wear clothes that are loose fitting or have flowing sleeves while using the stove or oven.
When you have your fireplace burning, always use a well fitting protective fireplace screen to keep all sparks and embers safely inside.
Never wear clothes that are loose fitting or have hanging sleeves when cooking outdoors.
Loose fitting clothing and comfortable shoes are all you need.
If you find yourself fitting the above description, online dating gives you another option.
These can be helpful especially in people who toss and turn, or those having trouble fitting the device.
Anyone who uses a CPAP or BiPAP machine is invited to visit their free monthly clinic to get their questions answered and fitting problems solved.
The center has a team of five very qualified dentists and prosthodontists who are experienced in a variety of dental procedures including custom fitting dental appliances.
A dentist can offer help for snoring by fitting oral devices that keep the airway passage open, allowing for unobstructed breathing.
Any dentist should be able to accommodate your needs by fitting your with an oral device that prevents snoring.
He is a member of the Dental Sleep Disorders Dental Society and has over ten years of experience fabricating and fitting custom-fitted oral appliances.
Dentists in the Virginia Beach area can offer help for snorers by fitting them with oral devices.
One user suggests the company exaggerates the claims that it works because the chinstrap is a one size fits all and there is no medical fitting, testing or positive, scientific results to support the product's claims.
Sleep dentists in Chesapeake offer help for snoring and sleep apnea by fitting patients with an oral device that repositions the jaw to open the airway passage.
Many dentists not affiliated with the AADSM are perfectly capable of fitting patients with oral devices for sleep apnea.
Dentists can offer a solution for sleep apnea by fitting patients with custom oral appliances worn during sleep.
If the dentist finds a need, a fitting follows the examination for an oral device that repositions the jaw to free the airway passage during sleep.
Leaving it loose will usually cause it to leak since it is not fitting tightly up against the face.
A sleep study may be conducted at any time (before or after the fitting) to ensure the device is working properly.
A leaky, dirty, or poorly fitting mask can lead to skin irritation, pressure sores, and pain.
The dental professionals often go above and beyond the typical requirements for fitting patients with oral appliances to alleviate sleep related breathing problems.
Sleep dentistry in Oakland includes dentists affiliated with sleep apnea associations, orthodontists, and prosthodonics, but nearly any dentist is capable of fitting patients with oral appliances.
Selecting a properly fitting mask is important because the patient has to be comfortable enough to sleep while wearing the device.
A well fitting mask can make all the difference in a patient's treatment for the nighttime breathing problem.
A sleep dentist can help patients with obstructive sleep apnea and severe snoring by fitting oral devices that move the jaw slightly forward, which opens the airway passage.
Problems with CPAP can be associated with old or poorly fitting masks which need to be replaced.
The NTI-tss device requires a visit to a dentist for proper fitting as well as subsequent fittings to ensure the product works well.
While fitting your own mouth guard at home may be appealing, some people may prefer to have a custom fit product to ensure effectiveness and quality.
Try to find shades that do not slide down the nose and are well fitting so that there are no red marks or other telltale imprints left behind on baby.
An eye doctor can give you a prescription and ensure you select properly fitting contact lenses.
Your eyeglasses prescription only has information for vision correction, not the information for eye fitting.
Have your glasses professionally readjusted periodically to keep them fitting properly.
An eyeglass laboratory is a location dedicated to the precious manufacturing, fitting, and customization of eyeglasses, and this center may also offer other services like eyeglass repair and eye health counseling.
If there is a fitting center on location at the lab, you can have your quality lenses installed directly into your frames for an affordable price.
Some severe eye infections are caused by a toxic reaction to the lens or lens solution, so it's important to visit your eye doctor for a proper fitting and contact lens care instructions.
In some offices, you may need to go in for a separate contact lens fitting.
Either type requires a contact lens fitting and a prescription from an eye care professional.
It may be wise to speak with your optician or directly with a representative from a local eyeglass lab in order to find out if they have experience fitting prescription lenses into Halcyon goggles.
They've accomplished this by offering precise fitting (to block the blinding rays of glare), using their High Definition Optics (for clarity) and by employing lenses that utilize various colors to improve depth perception.
Optical frames will have to be purchased at a boutique due to the fitting concerns.
They even offer a guide on properly fitting your lenses which can be a helpful tool when replacing the lenses of your Ray-Bans.
Dr. Lindsay specializes in prescription sportswear and contact lenses, and if you just need clear single vision lenses, you can probably get a fitting the same day as your eye exam.
Once you've gone in for an exam and fitting, you'll be able to order your contacts right on their website.
If you are a regular contact wearer, all you will need is your eye doctor to explain the fitting specifications for your lenses.
The Sunglass Hut is a reliable place to purchase designer styles and receive quality customer service, fitting, and warranty agreements.
Given Mr. Six's love for all things dancing, it's fitting that the party should get started with dancing Thriller style.
The sound effects are perfectly fitting for a game of this caliber, what with the weak metallic clanking noises that the cars make when they collide.
The voices for the characters are fitting for most of them, but the male Barbarian voice sounds a little dim-witted.
The sound of blocks exploding, the little "bwoop!" sound effect when rows of blocks pop-up; it's all very rudimentary but very fitting.
This is a fitting analogy for a game that hinges itself on movie spoofs ranging from Saving Private Ryan to The Matrix.
It is a little cartoony, but fitting for this game.
The title,Super Sonic Warriors, is quite fitting given the incredible speed found in this game.
The soundtrack is very dramatic, but fitting for the game.
Music is fitting for this game, like a soundtrack from a great action movie.
I found his voice very fitting to the atmosphere of the game because as you are completing your missions, he also interjects other commands, comments, or helpful hints.
Brutally aggressive and unrelenting, this native of Australia carries several weapons with him on his loose fitting thug's outfit.