Fits Sentence Examples
It looks as if it fits you.
Natasha was still as much in love with her betrothed, found the same comfort in that love, and was still as ready to throw herself into all the pleasures of life as before; but at the end of the fourth month of their separation she began to have fits of depression which she could not master.
And in the same way the universal historians sometimes, when it pleases them and fits in with their theory, say that power is the result of events, and sometimes, when they want to prove something else, say that power produces events.
After all, she fits the bill.
He had fits of superstition which in healthier moments he despised.
If the coin is light the rod S fits into the uppermost step and the shoot stops over the right-hand slot.
If the coin is heavy, S fits into the lowest step and the shoot stops over the left-hand slot.
The supposition least favourable to Rousseau is that it was due to one of his numerous fits of half-insane petulance and indignation at the obligations which he was nevertheless always ready to incur.
Mark, in one of his fits of jealousy, banishes Tristan and Iseult from the court; the two fly to the woods, where they lead an idyllic life, blissfully happy in each other's company.
The speculum lies face upwards in a shallow bath of water (to preserve a uniform temperature), and the polisher fits loosely in a ring, so that the rotation of the speculum makes it revolve also, but more slowly.
AdvertisementIt was precipitated by one of those fits of passion to which the king was prone; but the influence of Hubert had been for some time waning before that of Peter des Roches and his nephew Peter des Rievaux.
After securing an animal of the right height, weight and disposition, with a saddle of a length of tree and a breadth of seat that fits the rider and that is lined to fit the back of the horse, with a bridle bitted to his mouth, the first step is to mount.
The silver kettle, which fits on a ring near the top of the outer covering, has a cup-like cover in which rice is placed with a little water; the ginseng is put in the inner vessel with water, a cover is placed over the whole, and the apparatus is put on the fire.
In his boyhood he suffered from epileptic fits, and could therefore not receive a regular education.
Such a passage fits very ill an island lying, as Ithaca does, just to the east of Cephalonia.
AdvertisementThere is no doubt that Leucas fits the Homeric descriptions much better than Ithaca; but, on the other hand, many scholars maintain that it is a mistake to treat the imaginary descriptions of a poet as if they were portions of a guide-book, or to look, in the author of the Odyssey, for a close familiarity with the geography of the Ionian islands.
Creak, and has been found to give satisfactory results on board ship. The circle is provided with two needles in addition to those used for determining the dip, one (a) an ordinary dip needle, and the other (b) a needle which has been loaded at one end by means of a small peg which fits into one of two symmetrically placed holes in the needle.
In religion he found but little comfort during his long and frequent fits of dejection; for his religion partook of his own character.
Indeed, the great man was sometimes provoked into fits of passion, in which he said things which the small man, during a few hours, seriously resented.
It is said that Mahomet occasionally uttered such a passage immediately after one of those epileptic fits which not only his followers, but (for a time at least) he himself also, regarded as tokens of intercourse with the higher powers.
AdvertisementIt had its hot fits and its cold fits, and it gave orders now to advance and now to retreat.
It fits the facts because it is derived from them.
This fits closely as to the upper part of the body, but flows loosely below the waist.
Morphine is recognized as one of the most useful drugs in the treatment of eclampsia, early injection often arresting the fits.
Bracton fits his definition of villenage into the Romanesque scheme of Azo's Summa of the Institutes, and the judges of the royal courts made sweeping inferences from this general position.
AdvertisementHence the illumination of the screen by the light passing through the hole is precisely what would be cut off by a disk which fits the hole, and the complement of fig.
The explanation of the apparent bounding of Christianity by Europe and its offspring is not, however, to be found in any psychological peculiarity separating the European races from those of other continents, nor in any special characteristic of Christianity which fits it for European soil.
The temporary fits of insanity into which he fell warned him to name a colleague.
He had been from his early youth subject to fits of melancholia, and during several short periods was actually insane.
Klostermann, however, takes the ch to be part of the Aramaic root demach, " to sleep "; the word would then mean " field of sleep " or cemetery (Probleme im Aposteltexte, 1-8, 1883), an explanation which fits in well with the account in Matthew xxvii.
The process by which the modern fits together all the obtainable remains of an antiquity, and reconstructs even that past which left no written record, lies outside the field of this article.
According to this school, man is a machine, no doubt the most complex and wonderfully adapted of all known machines, but still neither more nor less than an instrument whose energy is provided by force from without, and which, when set in action, performs the various operations for which its structure fits it, namely, to live, move, feel, and think.
Before he was ten his sports were interrupted by fits of remorse and despair; and his sleep was disturbed by dreams of fiends trying to fly away with him.
Ten brass blocks are arranged parallel to or around another brass block, and by means of a plug which fits into holes bored partly out of the common block and partly out of the surrounding blocks, any one of the latter can be connected with the common one.
These promises he observed more faithfully than Norman kings were wont to do; if the pledge was not redeemed in every detail, he yet kept England free from anarchy, abandoned the arbitrary and unjust taxation of his brother, and set up a government that worked by rule and order, not by the fits and starts of tyrannical caprice.
It roused one of the fits of wild rage to which he was not unfrequently liable; he burst out into ejaculations of wrath, and cursed the cowardly idle servants who suffered their master to be made the laughing-stock of a low-born priest.
Soon after the publication of Vivian Grey, Disraeli, who is said by Froude to have been "overtaken by a singular disorder," marked by fits of giddiness ("once he fell into a trance, and did not recover for a week"), went with the Austens on a long summer tour in France, Switzerland and Italy.
Cork possesses a combination of properties which peculiarly fits it for many and diverse uses, for some of which it alone is found applicable.
It is enough to determine with something like probability the century or half-century which best fits its historical data; and these appear to point to the reign of Manasseh.
But the twofold effect of civil warthe ruin of the farmers and the scarcity and high price of rural laborwas only reduced arbitrarily and, by fits and starts.
After 1802, finding himself attacked with a weakness in the limbs attended with frequent fits of falling, he mitigated the Spartan severity of his life, and consented to receive medical advice.
When a large body of fuel is required, the cylinder can be lengthened by an iron hoop which fits over the top ring.
Could've been a little more discreet, but it fits Rhyn's personality.
In the holidays you will have the opportunity to see where your project fits into the rest of the country.
We can now find anagrams where a word fits more than once into the original phrase.
She put them all on a durable plastic template that fits into a standard 3-ring binder for easy storage.
Richie fits 100 percent and you can feel the strong bondage and the vibes between all group members.
Always use a proper candleholder and make sure the candle fits firmly inside it.
Feel free to shop our online catalog for the exact printer ink that fits your needs.
Monitor is supplied with the Omron Medium Cuff which fits 22 - 32cm arm circumference.
With a simple metal clip that fits into pockets, the stick and/or crutch can readily be attached to the user's clothing.
It fits snugly into your lumbar curve, relieving strain on the lower back muscles.
Are you a doctor or physiotherapist with an interest in swimming, or know of anyone who fits this description?
The mean is trimmed since some incorrect ellipse fits produce extremely deviant parameter estimates that have a large influence on the mean.
North Bristol's Brunel satellite dialysis unit fits in with Government plans to expand haemodialysis capacity according to patients ' clinical and lifestyle needs.
The rather disjointed effect fits the disturbing nature of the theme.
All the guys are very talented and seeing them have epileptic fits along to their music for the camera was a treat.
During her last Christmas, in 2001, the fits began and she was diagnosed epileptic.
Occasionally, some individuals say they have blurred vision, feelings of unreality, faints, blackouts or even epileptic fits.
Her movements are strangely erotic but it's a wonderment that she fits in with the crowd as an obvious if not sexy robot.
So you develop an eschatology that fits your immorality.
Write clearly and make sure everything fits into the available space.
Debt advice fits your financial exclusion heading - will you fund it?
Whichever type of helmet you choose, you should make sure that it fits properly and that it is correctly fastened.
Febrile fits are relatively common - 1 in 20 children under the age of 5 have had a febrile fits are relatively common - 1 in 20 children under the age of 5 have had a febrile fit during a high temperature.
The Velcro closure features both self adjustment webbing and a self adjusting internal gusset and fits a variety of foot shapes very well.
Small 1-1/2 " dual scale dial tire gage fits handlebar or seat pack.
The next track, for solo harpsichord, fits the sequence beautifully.
The category that this new site fits might be considered competitive since it's all about Internet business.
Mathematicians undoubtedly use probability in a way that fits well with the propensity interpretation, but they leave it undefined.
The faux lambskin liner is washable, and the whole ensemble fits comfortably under a cabin seat.
Introducing the Xerox Phaser 6110 Series color laser printer - the affordable replacement to business ink-jet printers that fits in any space.
Elastic strap fits liner onto back of pushchair and top removes completely (with zip) to leave padded pushchair liner.
You can't mistake a masterful piece of pop majesty, and PLEASE STAND UP fits that bill perfectly.
There is also a winder which is a rubber disk which fits on the cordless drill by means of a stainless steel mandrel.
One size fits most - Durable, quality construction featuring premium quality neoprene and convenient hook and loop closures.
I will avoid discussing the nitty-gritty of the protocols and hardware, but instead explain how each bit fits into the overall picture.
This is a numeric pager that fits into a swanky Swatch watch.
This is exactly the sort of brilliant pastiche that fits very well into pantomime.
The daily usage pattern fits neatly into the quiet overnight period in the UK.
The only person who fits this prophetic profile is Jesus Christ the Lord.
Timing Approximately proportional to the number of FITS keywords to be edited.
The base has a square protuberance, which fits into the tap wrench.
This name fits well with Caledonian as a Scots word and we already have an ermine saltire on our University crest.
Best of all the entire shebang fits into its own carry bag.
There is a good range of glass shelving with various designs of brackets, which the shelving fits into.
Made of a soft rubber the rabbit fits snug at the base of the mans penis effectively helping maintain an erection.
The Cubic smooth option fits a smooth cubic spline to the data.
However, I believe that the dark frame subtraction does not like FITS files at the moment.
On most horns the crook has a tenon that simply fits into a corresponding socket on the body.
The acting, with its devilish comic timing, had me in fits.
The ultimate, cordless trackball fits advanced optics and digital radio technology comfortably into the palm of your hand.
It has a screw-down metal trivet, which fits on the cover and presumably there was originally an airtight seal.
A new incredible line of multi-speed vibrators with a unique ' sure grip ' handle that fits every hand.
My lover recenly bought an overbust corset and he has quite womanly hips so it fits rather snug.
Our standard fit Minki fleece wrap fits these diapers perfectly, but almost all our wraps work well with this diaper.
The script creates an x-axis if not present in the FITS lightcurve or XRONOS output.
Fischer next suggested that enzymes can only hydrolyse those sugars which possess a molecular structure in harmony with their own, or to use his ingenious analogy, "the one may be said to fit into the other as a key fits into a lock."
Undaunted by many failures, she dramatized several of her novels with moderate success - Francois le champi, played at the Odeon in 1849, and Les Beaux Messieurs de Bois-Dore (1862) were the best; Claudie, produced in 1851, is a charming pastoral play, and Le Marquis de Villemer (1864) (in which she was helped by Dumas fits) was a genuine triumph.
Into the square axial hole fits the square end of a hooked iron bar which projects several yards beyond the mouth of the furnace; by means of this bar a workman moves the fireclay cylinder about in the glass with a steady circular sweep. Although the weight of the iron bar is carried by a support, such as an overhead chain or a swivel roller, this operation is very laborious and trying, more especially during the earlier stages when the heat radiated from the open mouth of the crucible is intense.
Troostite and Sorbite, indeed, seem to be chiefly very finely divided mixtures of ferrite and cementite, and it is probably because of this fineness that sorbitic steel has its remarkable combination of strength and elasticity with ductility which fits it for resisting severe vibratory and other dynamic stresses, such as those to which rails and shafting are exposed.
His swimming exploit among the Hetware, allowance being made for poetic exaggeration, fits remarkably well into the circumstances of the story told by Gregory of Tours; and perhaps his contest with Breca may have been an exaggeration of a real incident in his career; and even if it was originally related of some other hero, its attribution to the historical Beowulf may have been occasioned by his renown as a swimmer.
But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind.
Kings and queens who wear a suit but once, though made by some tailor or dressmaker to their majesties, cannot know the comfort of wearing a suit that fits.
He grew still more irritable, and it was Princess Mary who generally bore the brunt of his frequent fits of unprovoked anger.
It 's a cult UK rag mag that fits in your bum bag as well as your life and your lager.
For cold rivets very tight fits are often provided by using reamed holes.
This name fits well with Caledonian as a Scots word and we already have an ermine Saltire on our University crest.
The driver fits easily over the Phillips screwdriver blade.
The shoe is a rectangular piece of wood with a semicircle cut into the far side so that it fits snugly around a disk.
The sigil method is often approached as if it were a ' one size fits all ' solution to every magical endeavor.
The fits and fasts were the means by which Sarah could prolong the solicitous attention she had received during her real illness.
The loose specimen has the same distinct coloring of spidery lines and fits well into the vault.
The emerging picture fits into one of the most stylized facts of citizen psychology.
Use swatches of material in the room to see how it all fits together.
Enigma comfortably fits the bill with its highly responsive synchro tilt finely tuned to match the users body size and weight.
But it also fits perfectly with the girl-next-door image that she 's had since she was Charlene, the tomboy mechanic in Neighbors.
Joining forces with the youth-oriented Underbelly venue fits perfectly with the future plans for the Gilded Balloon.
By default it contains only the FITS and VOTable handlers.
Control Window The main control window having loaded in some FITS and VOTable files.
A broken whelk shell reveals how the animal 's body fits within the curled chamber.
It fits perfectly with the alignment of the Roman road that exists just withing the walls of Grimston Park to the north.
The script creates an X-axis if not present in the FITS lightcurve or XRONOS output.
People having fits of apoplexy was a very common plot device in classic literature. Today, it’s more commonly known as a stroke, which just doesn’t sound as romantic.
My great uncle fits the cliché, "as old as the hills", better than anyone I know.
Because of her finicky attitude, Camille throws fits often.
Kickstarter is an alternate funding source, mostly for things, not services, but if your product fits it offers another way of achieving the same hypothesis-validating goal.
Finally, don't be surprised if that adorable outfit that you bought a month ago no longer fits your little one.
Beds-When you move your toddler from a crib to a bed, you need to make sure that the mattress fits the bed frame snuggly to reduce the risk of your child getting trapped between the mattress and bed.
As his teeth begin to develop, you can use a small amount of toothpaste on a cloth, toothbrush, or finger brush, which is basically a small, rubber toothbrush that fits on your finger.
Just make sure your baby fits securely in the carseat and that it faces the rear of the car.
Not only must you choose the correct toddler car seat, but you must make sure it fits your child properly.
Be sure the crib mattress is firm and fits the bed snuggly.
Once you have decided on a size, start with ordering one bra and see how it fits.
If it fits properly, it is best to stick with the same brand when ordering additional nursing bras.
It also fits around a woman's waist, giving her a place to rest her arms as she nurses her infant.
The pillow fits securely around her lower body and supports her as she sits on the floor.
This car seat fits very secure and tight both forward and backward and provides more than adequate cushioning all around.
Crib Mattress-Although it won't be your baby's primary bed, it is very important that the crib mattress fits the crib snuggly.
There are so many different styles to choose from, and you can have lots of fun creating your own or ordering a basket that perfectly fits baby's needs, whether baby is a boy or girl!
Some parents feel that a round bed or crib fits better into their nursery theme, as rounded cribs look more whimsical and childlike.
The traditional rocking recliner is very functional and fits perfectly in the corner of any room.
The back allows you to adjust the seat belt so it fits properly across your child's shoulder.
This gear fits into got to have cool baby stuff.
Purchase a soap making kit from your local craft store, and choose a mold that fits your shower theme.
It fits infants up to five pounds, and it is machine washable.
Gymboree's smallest size ("up to 7 pounds") often fits preemies well, and this is especially true with their sleepers.
This pattern fits most major brands of infant car seats and accommodates a five-point harness.
If you know the baby's gender, pink or blue fits right in, but so do red, yellow, white and green.
The pillow then fits around the cardboard tube, and the diapers are then added on top of the pillow.
This clip then attaches to a lead or tether that fits through the ring of the pacifier.
Baby tub-Preferably a tub that fits in a regular bathtub or a bathroom or kitchen sink.
Overlap the fabric on both sides, pulling the cloth around baby so that it fits snugly.
Look for one that fits your budget and space, as well as one that your toddler is excited to sleep in at night.
Finding 32 DDD nursing bras can be tricky, but it's also important that you find a bra that fits correctly even if that means searching a bit harder for the perfect fit.
Thus, you'll need a bra that fits and supports for the best breastfeeding experience.
Because your bra size will typically go up at least one size when breastfeeding, consider purchasing a larger bra, but be sure it fits properly.
If you have concerns about making sure you are ordering a bra that fits, their website contains a detailed fitting guide and also includes a measuring tape template you can download and print out.
This is why it is so important to choose a bra that fits your needs, and for many women Playtex nursing bras fit the bill.
Choosing baby monitors for your home requires research so that you can make sure to select the best monitor for your home that fits your needs.
Start by choosing a diaper bag that fits the new mom's style and taste.
Before you begin -and again when you have completed the process- look over the parts of the crib to ensure that nothing is damaged, that everything fits correctly and there are no broken pieces.
Purchase the seat that best fits your child's height, weight and comfort level to get the most protection while on the road.
Decide on whether or not a used SUV or new SUV fits your budget best.
Once you've found an online florist with good reviews and a satisfaction guarantee, you can choose the right arrangement that fits your relationship, the occasion, and your budget.
Use creative thinking and basic money saving skills, and you can have the ideal bridal dress at a price that fits your budget.
While you may find a dress that fits you perfectly, the odds are better that you will find a gown you love but it will need some alterations.
It is perfect for the comfy, casual room.You will need to decide which kind of armchair fits your style.
You may want to buy just one towel as a test to see how if it fits your needs and performs to your expectations.
Also, it will be much easier to make sure the chosen clothing fits her if she is present when you're shopping.
Take your time and learn how to buy an oven range that best fits your lifestyle and budget and you’ll end up with the ideal kitchen appliance for you and your family.
Again, the material you choose will depend on how the design of the table lamp fits your overall style.
Bringing him along will make sure that everything fits properly.
Pick the style that best fits your aesthetic and that fits into the bathroom of your dreams.
They also come with convenient closing mechanisms and elastic bands for snug fits.
There are toasters that have one long slot which fits two slices of bread crust to crust.
Finally, chose a toaster that fits your style and the style of your kitchen.
Below you will find advice on selecting a plan that fits your health and budget needs.
All you have to do is experiment by blending different colors on your lips till you create a shade that fits you!
Stores and catalogs usually offer shirts in standard sizes and you will need to really experiment to determine the brand and size that fits you best, aside from the other factors mentioned above.
Knowing the dimension of each of your pictures is incredibly important-it will save you from making guesses in stores about which frame fits a particular picture of yours.
If you are buying picture frames that will be mounted on your wall, be sure the frame's glass fits tightly and securely to the inside of the frame.
Our feet normally expand during the day, and a pair of boots that fits well and feels comfortable later in the day will feel comfortable the rest of the time as well!
Make sure a blouse fits well before you purchase it.
A hipster fits similarly to the brief, but they're designed with a lower-rise waistband that sits across your hips.
Like the other panties, you want to make sure that the pair you choose fits snuggly and lies flat across your skin without riding up.
If you want a camera that stores a couple hundred images, that is easy to operated and that fits into your pocket, then the less expensive models will suit you just fine.
These tips will help you choose an iPod that fits your lifestyle.
These tips can help you choose a camera phone that fits your lifestyle.
Check out service plans before you buy a camera phone to ensure that the monthly cost fits your budget.
One is the classic "candy bar" design, which is a cell phone that fits snuggly in your hand and has its screen and buttons exposed on one side.
You should also try on the watches you like to be sure the band fits comfortably around your wrist.
If your thumb fits comfortably in that space, then the shoes are a good fit.
If you find a tea and coffee basket that fits your recipient better, go ahead and purchase it.
Below you'll find some tips for choosing the luggage that best fits your travel needs and your bank account.
There is no "one size fits all" kayak type.
Although it can be tempting to go for the largest boat that fits your budget, you should be careful not to buy more boat than you need or can reasonably handle.
You simply click through a questionnaire to discover your perfect fits and where to get them.
Find something that fits and don't let the salespeople pressure you.
Some may say to just "choose what you like" or "choose what fits your personality" but unless you want to deal with the potential buyer's remorse, it's best to dig a bit deeper than that.
Best Buy offers a larger selection of video games than upscale department store-like merchants and may get Wii Fits in more often.
They seem to have a constant stock of Wii Fits either new or used. is true to its name on most of the merchandise they sell, but the Wii Fits typically are regular price if not higher.
If your schedule doesn't change much during the week this type fits those who may not need to change the settings every day.
Read the following descriptions to find out which category fits you the best.
Since you are now armed with the basic knowledge you need to pick out a digital camera, you should be able to find on that fits your needs and ability.
With so many handguns out there, it's a daunting task to find the one that fits your needs, wallet, and lifestyle.
With the above information, you should be able to find a scanner that fits your needs and can perform the functions you need it to.
Over time, a custom cover will pay off if it fits your vehicle well and protects your substantial purchase.
No matter your reason, you should pick a GPS that fits your needs.
Also, this type of mattress fits around you body for the best fit and feel.
Don't be afraid to compare price or even wait around for special deals if there's time-there's no need to scoop up the first one you see that fits your requirements.
Understanding exactly what you need from your computer will allow you to find the laptop that best fits your needs and budget.
Educate yourself and shop around to find the winder that best fits your requirements.
It's a good idea to know which watch or watches you're buying the winders for, and find a model that fits the watch.
Before you buy, you should know what's available at what prices, and what different features or benefits each one might have, so you can properly select one that fits within your budget and gives you what you need.
Take a look at some of the gifts below to see if any of them are good fits for someone you are having a hard time shopping for this holiday.
So, now that you know all the specs for your eReader comparison, how do you choose which one fits your needs?
You can now buy the Nook that best fits your needs and budget from a wide array of resources so you too can start enjoying all of your books anywhere, at any time.
Therefore, it’s important to choose one that fits comfortably within your budget while still providing the features you need.
S. Eliot believed a cat should have three different names, but you'll do well enough if you select just one name that truly fits your feline.
When shopping around, keep in mind where you plan to put this furniture so you wind up with a unit that fits.
However, finding a health plan that fits your cat's needs and is worth the price of the policy is another issue.
Let us know if you find a brand that fits your needs.
If you want a bed that fits your cat's size perfectly, take some measurements of your cat's width and length.
There really isn't an answer that fits every cat since personalities and levels of finickyness vary.
Take your time learning about what is available, and make your decision based on the cat that best fits your needs and lifestyle.
Cats can contract flu viruses and bacterial illnesses the same as any pet or human, and many of these sick periods will produce fits of sneezing.
Many second-graders love reading about interesting characters who are their age or slightly older, and Ramona fits the bill in both categories.
Compare the two to see which one fits your purposes.
The debt consolidation simply totals all of your debt and makes it into one lower monthly payment that fits your budget.
That's unfortunate, since a gift that fits in a regular envelope makes for an attractive option for those with friends and family abroad, especially in today's world of skyrocketing shipping costs.
The key is to take advantage of this card as it fits within your lifestyle.
If you hope to get a letter to settle a debt, or you have received one, act quickly and make a decision that fits your lifestyle and financial situation.
Take the time to be sure that the person you have chosen as your legal representative will conduct themselves in a manner that fits in with your own values.
If they don't have a shape that fits your piece perfectly, you can create your own.
Although you might be looking for an inexpensive futon frame, don't scrimp on the mattress and ensure that it fits with how you want to use the futon.
You can arrange the pieces in a way that fits the room, then rearrange them when you get bored.
You can use the old cushion foam to fit inside the new slipcovers you make, or you can purchase or make new foam cushions as well, if it fits the project and the budget.
The pieces can be arranged in a way that fits the room, then rearranged when a new look is desired.
Once you know the measurements of the room, you'll need to figure out what size sectional best fits the space.
I use the Geo-Globe set as it fits the best with my style.
If you're replacing webbing on a chair you can likely use either size as long as it fits the pre-drilled holes on the chair frame.
It's probable that they'll own something that fits your style, and you'll pay little to nothing to get the retro lawn pieces of your dreams!
What's most important about cushion size is that it fits the chair properly.
Even though every Amish master craftsman has a characteristic and unique style, each piece of furniture they produce fits into the general guidelines of a specific category of style and design.
This white bunk bed set includes a purple and pink tent that fits over the twin bed and resembles a princess tower.
If you have prior woodworking experience, you can create just the type of chair you need while making sure that it even fits in with your décor.
Before you purchase a rain barrel, you want to research which type best fits your purposes.
Another company called Earth Care Products has developed a peel-and-stick solar panel that fits the roofs of golf carts and powers them on a continuous basis.
Made of stainless steel it has a slim design that comes in a twelve ounce, eighteen ounce, and twenty-seven ounce sizes and fits most cup holders.
The size, for instance, can be changed in order to make a compost bin that fits a specific area in the garden or yard.
Choose the container that fits your budget and space requirements.
This means that it can be made a size that fits into the yard neatly or built in a special shape.
In addition to choosing the best type of diaper that fits in with the family's lifestyle and budget, the environmental impact also needs to be considered.
Make sure your college offers the program that fits your needs best.
There are a number of online interior design degree options, so you're sure to find one that fits your career goals and your schedule.
Choose the model in which you'll feel most comfortable and the one which fits your space.
Reclaimed barnwood gives furniture like dressers, buffets and hutches an antique, weathered look that fits the style perfectly.
I want to redecorate it so fits in better, but I can't afford to replace the black appliances.
Their style is sleek and modern, yet fits nicely into most style homes.
Since there is no official class meeting time, you have to make yourself "attend" class when it fits into your schedule.
When selecting bedding for your baby's crib, it is important to choose a set that fits the mattress properly, is made from comfortable material, and coordinates well with the nursery's overall decorating scheme.
The rustic textures and natural color palette is infinitely appealing and fits in with a relaxed lifestyle that is perfect for families.
Make sure to choose a style that fits your décor.
No matter what the preferred interior design style, the most important consideration is that it fits your lifestyle and personal preference.
Even if you find the 'perfect' vanity, make sure it fits your bathroom space.
If a family room serves more than one function, arrange it so it best fits the needs of the family.
If your nook is a booth, banquette, or fits snuggly against a corner, you'll want to add pillows to soften the lines and also create a homey inviting look.
It has a stretchy square pattern that form fits to your sofa.
By keeping the height of the backsplash in mind, you can choose a pattern and size of tile that fits well.
No one's personality fits into a particular category so no one's design style should either.
The Pottery Barn collection of blues is large enough that you are sure to find something that fits perfectly with your room.
The tenon is shaped so that it fits into a matching rectangular cavity called a mortise.
Let the glue dry before attempting to position the frame.To position the frame, you will need to first test the frame to see if it fits over the existing mirror clips.
If the frame fits properly, install the cardboard placement corners.
No matter what style you choose, make sure the size fits area and enough light is given.
If you like the idea of adding some texture and movement to your wall art and are considering using a tapestry in place of a painting, make sure you choose a tapestry that fits with the rest of your décor.
It's easy to find a train case that fits your personality while also serving to stow your precious cargo.
Gothic costumes are all the rage and the Tainted Fairy costume fits the mode.
The reduced size makeup fits perfectly inside of a clutch or in a jacket pocket, which makes touch-ups a breeze.
Choose wedding makeup ideas that fits your skin type and the underlying tones.
The case fits nicely in the palm of your hand and flips up.
Follow these suggestions every day or try them out for Halloween, if it fits in with your costume.
With just the click of a mouse button, you can send your resume and cover letter off to an agency that will match you up with a job that fits your skill level and could even lead to a permanent position.
When you find a school you feel fits your needs, you can request more information.
Whether you're searching for driving directions to your destination or researching a far-off country, with so many maps available online, you're sure to find one that fits your needs.
With so many different cameras for sale, it can be tricky to select the one that best fits your needs.
Make sure to select the photography mode that fits your subject; for instance,if you areshooting human subjects, select the portrait mode.
Adobe does, however, offer a 30 day trial version of the program so that users can get a better idea of whether Photoshop fits their needs and technology requirements.
Chef Nenes points out that the Art Institutes's Culinary Bachelor's Degree fits well into this demand.
Make sure the lid fits tightly but not too tightly so that your child can open it with ease at lunch time.
Before you can begin to organize your stickers, you'll need to spend some time thinking about what type of system best fits your crafting profile.
Sign up for customer newsletters from all your favorite online scrapbook supply stores, so you'll always know when there is a sale or promotion that fits your needs.
When you can't find free digital scrapbooking paper online that fits your needs, making your own customized paper is easier than you might expect.
Video tutorials bring your favorite teachers to your home to let you learn digital scrapbooking at a time that best fits your busy schedule.
From simple to intricate, you can find a postmark that fits your scrapbooking project.
Instead, create a space where everything fits your personal needs.
If you have small children at home or a full-time job that keeps you busy, selling online may be the most convenient option since you can work at a time that best fits your schedule.
The wide range of decorative and straight-edged scissors offered by Fiskars gives you plenty of choice to find the option that best fits your paper crafting needs.
Instead of rushing out to the nearest craft store when you need to find the perfect accent for your next layout, you can simply surf the Web and select a sticker design that fits your page theme.
Decide how you want to approach your princess scrapbook, and then choose the Disney character that best fits your ideal.
According to SkierNet, the average man requires shaped skis at a length of about 170 centimeters, while the average woman fits shaped skis a little shorter at about 150 centimeters.
When your snowboard fits right, you perform better.
Look for a board that fits based on boot size.
Choose a method that fits your comfort level and budget and experience instant stress relief!
Regardless of the type of work you do, look for a position with a schedule that fits your natural energy cycle.
When you find employment that allows you to use your talents in an environment that fits your personality, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of performing work that's naturally less stressful for you.
The size fits smaller or larger hands comfortably.
With so many options in teen clothing, any girl should be able to find a look that fits her perfectly, whether she's preppy, punk, or somewhere in between.
Lee's company philosophy is to bring more fits, styles, finishes, and Lee Jeans choices to the market than ever before.
The Relaxed Fit is not too tight and fits just right on the body.
When shopping for jeans, it can be a challenge to find the pair that fits properly in all the right spots.
If you try on several pairs in various sizes and cuts, you will be able to find the one that fits you best.
These programs are not all the same, so browse through them until you find one that fits your needs.
Regardless of the season, the colors don't matter much as long as it fits and looks good.
Whether you come up with twenty-four inches, or thirty-six inches, knowing this key number will ensure that the bodice of your dress fits correctly.
Make sure this pair fits you correctly and strive to get it in that classic shade of blue.
Enjoy this picture gallery and get inspired to choose a purple dress that fits your personality the best.
To achieve this elegant look a slim fitting long black dress fits the bill.
You can find the style that best fits your body and still keep the teal color.
Take your time with the other members and have fun choosing the best theme you can find that fits your class.
Finally, to top off your emo style, wear something quirky that fits your unique persona!
With an abundance of style and price point options, finding a Tiffany prom dress that fits and flatters the body is easy.
Whether you are trying to let go of someone, feeling lonely or wishing that things had turned out differently, you're bound to find something that fits your emotions on this site.
If a teen feels pressured to do anything such as using drug, or having sex, looking for information on the topic can help a teen make an informed decision that fits into his/her life.
With so many options in teen clothing, any girl should be able to find a look that fits her perfectly, whether she's preppy or punk, or somewhere in between.
While there is no "one size fits all" description, their Stop Bullying Now campaign identifies certain characteristics that hold true in many cases.
When choosing what type of gift to give, think about the teen's particular likes and hobbies and try to design an item that fits their personality.
Once you find an outfit that fits your style, accessorize it with some of the jewelry and the other accessories they have available for purchase.
Whether it is watches or pants, figure out what fits your personality and body the best.
If a poem is too long, or you cannot find a poem that fits your needs, then there are other options you can use for a graduation speech, card, or gift.
Sign up for several different auditions, then if your child is chosen you can pick which one fits your time schedule best, and also get their name out there for companies and agencies to see.
Buy the size that fits, and it will look fabulous.
While not all styles are available in all necklines, you are bound to find the combination of style, fabric, and neckline that fits your body type and personality.
While it may take more than one trip for you to find the perfect dress, it will be worth it in the end when your dress fits your personality just right.
Give yourself enough time to think of something that really fits your personality.
This way, you can be sure the dress fits perfectly.
Look for one that fits the weather and mood of your location.
The possibilities for a creative topper are virtually endless - just pick out something that fits your personality that you've never seen on a cake before.
However, make sure it still fits your wedding style.
Visit Impression Bridal to view the La Perle Collection of dresses, which come in a wide range of sizes and fits so every mom can find her dream dress.
For theme weddings, the bride may not be abl