Fissure Sentence Examples
A fissure was formed extending nearly 9 m.
I managed to get the demons out and repair the fissure.
The portal fissure has been slightly opened up to show the vessels passing through it; the other fissures are represented in their natural condition - closed.
Nasal bones large and stout, co-ossified, and standing out freely above the premaxillae, from which they are separated by a deep and wide fissure; the latter small, generally not meeting in the middle line in front, often rudimentary.
It occurs in its matrix, either in or closely associated with fissure veins or disseminated through rock masses.
The right and left hepatic ducts, while still in the transverse fissure, unite into a single duct which joins the cystic duct from the gall bladder at an acute angle.
In the Orthorrhapha, in the pupae of which the appendages of the perfect insect are usually visible, the pupa-case generally splits in a straight line down the back near the cephalic end; in front of this longitudinal cleft there may be a small transverse one, the two together forming a T-shaped fissure.
It was in seeking to close up the fissure in his system represented by this dualism that his successors succeeded only in adding weakness to weakness by reducing the principle of sufficient reason to that of formal identity (see Wolff) and representing all thought as in essence analytic. From this it immediately followed that, so far as the connexion of our experiences of the external world does not show itself irreducible to that of formal identity, it must remain unintelligible.
The copper is mostly a copper glance passing into chalcopyrite; it is found in fissure veins with granite.
The ores are almost exclusively gold, tellurides being the most characteristic form, and occur in fissure veins.
AdvertisementIt will be seen that the umbilical fissure (u) divides the organ into right and left halves, as in the lower vertebrates, but that the ventral part of each half is divided into a central and lateral lobe.
A new fissure sealant has been introduced to the dental market.
The first drops down a fissure in the floor, which leads down to a stalagmite boss partway along the hand traverse.
It is a true rock plant, suitable for a fissure, vertical or sloping to the sun, and does best amongst a mixture of a little loam, peat, sand, or grit, where it can root to the depth of 2 feet.
S. oppositifolia and its varieties succeed in deep, open, rich, loamy soil, and are finest in a fissure or on a ledge of the rock garden, where the roots can ramble backwards or down to any depth.
AdvertisementIn tracing the lobulation of man's liver back to this generalized type, it is evident at once that his quadrate lobe does not correspond to any one generalized lobe, but is merely that part of the right central which lies between the gall bladder and the umbilical fissure.
The liver is tolerably symmetrical in general arrangement, being divided nearly equally into segments by a well-marked umbilical fissure.
He has also worked recently in southern Iceland on 934 AD Eldgja fissure eruption that produced the largest lava flow in historic times.
Once a U shaped hole has been formed a fissure is created between two dunes.
The eyebrow was elevated, The palpebral fissure was widened on the affected.
AdvertisementBack down at stream level you reach a hairpin bend with an inlet entering on the right from an impenetrable fissure.
It may still be enough to cause long term damage or weakness in the cortical areas above in the central longitudinal fissure.
The other ten which surrounded the Fendahl Core at the moment the local time fissure implosion destroyed it, were simultaneously obliterated.
The first section has a deep fissure which contains bubbling lava.
The present eruption fissure is located between these two volcanic centers with a direction parallel to the regional tectonic lineament.
AdvertisementIn the mining sett (mining boundary) there are a multiplicity of fissure lodes.
The best-known fissure of this character is Almannagjá at Thingvellir.
There is very little grey matter in the cortex of the hemispheres, the surface of which is devoid of convolutions, mostly quite smooth; in others, for instance pigeons, fowls and birds of prey, a very slight furrow might be compared with the Sylvian fissure.
From near the entrance of the optic nerve, through the original choroidal fissure, arises the much-folded pecten, deeply pigmented and very vascular, far into the vitreous humour.
Copper, lead and zinc are produced in small quantities, being found in fissure veins with gold and silver.
A quartz vein or bed of hard rock may show itself as a sharp ridge or as a well-defined bench; a stratum of soft rock or the line of a great fissure, or the weakening of the strata by an anticlinal fold, may produce a ravine or a deep valley.
Separating Franconia and Pemigewasset ranges is the romantic Franconia Notch, overlooking which from the upper cliffs of Profile Mountain is a remarkable human profile, The Great Stone Face, immortalized by Nathaniel Hawthorne; here, too, is the Franconia Flume, a narrow upright fissure, 60 ft.
The earlier supposition that these vast lava flows came chiefly from fissure eruptions has been made doubtful by the later discovery of flat-sloping volcanic cones from which much lava seems to have been poured out in a very liquid state.
The lode was an ore channel of great dimensions included within volcanic rocks of Tertiary age, themselves broken through pre-existing strata of Triassic age, and exhibited some of the features of a fissure vein, combined in part with those of a contact deposit and in part with those of a segregated vein.
To the left of this is the fissure for the ductus venosus, and to the left of this again, the left lobe, in which a broad shallow groove for the oesophagus may usually be seen.
To the left of this is the left lobe of the liver, separated from the quadrate lobe by the umbilical fissure in which lies the round ligament of the liver, the remains of the umbilical vein of the foetus.
Sometimes this fissure is partly turned into a tunnel by a bridge of liver substance known as the pons hepatis.
The posterior boundary of the quadrate lobe is the transverse fissure, which is little more than an inch long and more than half an inch wide.
This fissure represents the hilum of the liver, and contains the right and left hepatic ducts and the right and left branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein, together with nerves and lymphatics, the whole being enclosed in some condensed subperitoneal tissue known as Glisson's capsule.
Behind the transverse fissure the lower end of the Spigelian lobe is seen as a knob called the tuber papillare, and from tree right of this a narrow bridge runs forward and to the right to join the Spigelian lobe to the right Vena cava in its fossa lobe and to shut off the transverse fissure from that for the vena cava.
Fissure between the free edge water forms which carry the young in brood-pouches formed by the ctenidia have suppressed this larval phase.
The other churches are of minor interest; close to that of La Trinita is the Montagna Spaccata, where a vertical fissure from 6 to 15 ft.
Nor was the fissure in the Protestant ranks closed, and Charles took advantage of this disunion to conquer Gelderland and to mature his preparations for overthrowing the league of Schmalkalden.
Opium rather than morphine is also usually employed to relieve the pain of haemorrhoids or fissure of the rectum.
A well sunk in these formations without striking any fissure or water-bearing flint bed, receives water only at a very slow rate; but if, on the other hand, it strikes one or more of the natural water-ways, the quantity of water capable of being drawn from it will be greatly increased.
With the exception of the Red Marls forming the upper part of the Keuper, most of the New Red Sandstone is permeable, and some parts contain, when saturated, even more water than solid chalk; but, just as in the case of the chalk, a well or borehole in the sandstone yields very little water unless it strikes a fissure; hence, in New Red Sandstone, also, it is a common thing to form underground chambers or adits in search of additional fissures, and sometimes to sink many vertical boreholes with the same object in view.
Any horizontal fissure in a weak place would, in the nature of things, strike somewhere a stronger place, and the final failure would be deferred.
The best-known fissure of this character is Almannagjá at Thingvellir.
In Abyssinia the Ashangi traps are certainly post-Oolitic. In East Africa the fissure eruptions are considered to belong to the Cretaceous.
The Spigelian lobe is represented by a flat surface between the postal fissure and the posterior border, not distinctly marked off from the left lateral by a fissure of the ductus venosus, as this vessel is buried deep in the hepatic substance, but the caudate lobe is distinct and tongue-shaped, its free apex reaching nearly to the border of the right lateral lobe.
The anther consists of lobes containing the minute powdery pollen grains, which, when mature, are discharged by a fissure or opening of some sort.
Its roof is a single flat stratum of limestone; its walls are well marked by lines of stratification; dripstone also partly covers the walls, fills a deep fissure at the end of the cave, and spreads over the floor, where it mingles with an ancient bed of ashes, forming an ash-breccia (mostly firm and solid) that encloses fragments of sandstone, flint spalls, flint implements, charcoal and bones.
Fissure after fissure, running with remarkable constancy N.W.