Fired Sentence Examples
I thought I got fired from that job.
He fired at another figure trying to force its way into the circle.
Alex fired twice more and the bear dropped to the ground.
She reached for her lap top computer on the coffee table and fired it up.
I thought Dr. Mallard was the only doctor you hadn't fired yet.
She aimed and fired.
If you'd fired me, or even hit me...
His words blasted through her thin armor and she fired in defense.
Within the entrenchment stood ten guns that were being fired through openings in the earthwork.
The weapon hadn't been cleaned since it was last fired, but all six chambers contained bullets.
AdvertisementA bullet fired by a French sharpshooter hit him in the fleshy part of his leg.
On the twenty-fourth of August the battle of the Shevardino Redoubt was fought, on the twenty-fifth not a shot was fired by either side, and on the twenty-sixth the battle of Borodino itself took place.
Did you get fired?
Alex pointed the rifle into the air and fired twice.
If he threw out every woman he slept with, she'd have to save this option for a last resort, in case he fired her the morning after.
AdvertisementThe recital of their travels fired the youthful imagination of young Marco Polo, son of Nicolo, and he set out for the court of Kublai Khan, with his father and uncle, in 1265.
A great gun was fired to different points of the compass and all the country within its range, including the town of Cuddalore, passed into the possession of the English.
Affairs were brought to a climax by a series of conflicts which took place at Canea on the 4th of February; the Turkish troops fired on the Christians, a conflagration broke out in the town, and many thousands of Christians took refuge on the foreign warships in the bay.
In 1770, on the 5th of March, in a street brawl, a number of citizens were killed or wounded by the soldiers, who fired into a crowd that were baiting a sentry.
Berzelius, who, fired with enthusiasm by the original theory of Dalton and the law of multiple proportions, determined the equivalents of combining ratios of many elements in an enormous number of compounds.2 He prosecuted his labours in this field for thirty years; as proof of his industry it may be mentioned that as early as 1818 he had determined the combining ratios of about two thousand simple and compound substances.
AdvertisementAbout half-past eight the combat began to wane, and the last shots were fired at ten.
Explosive mixtures of marsh-gas and air may be fired by an unprotected light.
Another Burmese war was the result, the first shot being fired in January 1852.
He raised his gun and fired at the great beast.
Early in his presidency, in a 1953 address that would become known as his "Cross of Iron" speech, he declared, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
AdvertisementHow ridiculous it is to say I had drunk so copiously of the noble spirit of Dr. Howe that I was fired with the desire to rescue from darkness and obscurity the little Alabamian!
They'll be fired on at the crossing.
All the guns, without waiting for orders, were being fired in the direction of the conflagration.
Another in the same place turned round and fired in the air; a third was striking the horse Kutuzov himself rode.
And they did indeed get somewhere, though not to their right places; a few eventually even got to their right place, but too late to be of any use and only in time to be fired at.
Once a Frenchman Tikhon was trying to capture fired a pistol at him and shot him in the fleshy part of the back.
It seemed to Petya that at the moment the shot was fired it suddenly became as bright as noon.
If we write them down, we could get fired.
Jule threw himself down as she leveled it and fired.
When the bear continued toward him, he fired.
She couldn't be late again for her job as an assistant general manager of a fast food joint, or she'd be fired.
Lana raised the laser gun, closed her eyes and fired.
The sound was like a rifle shot and for a fleeting second Dean feared someone had fired.
There were no sounds of pursuit, no sounds of arrows being drawn or fired.
I definitely don't want to get fired.
At least she wasn't fired.
Within the enclosure of the Khalifa's house is the tomb of Hubert Howard, son of the 9th earl of Carlisle, who was killed in the house at the capture of the city by a splinter of a shell fired at the Mandi's tomb.
Italy, Piero de' Medici, encouraged by the league, enlisted a number of mercenaries and marched on Florence, but the citizens, fired by Savonarola's enthusiasm, flew to arms and prepared for an energetic resistance; owing to Piero's incapacity and the exhaustion of his funds the expedition came to nothing.
Towards the end of the same year a young workman of Tarragona, Oliva Marcousi, fired at the king in Madrid.
During the honeymoon a pastrycook named Otero fired at the young sovereigns as they 'were driving in Madrid.
When used for ore smelting, the reduced metal and the accompanying slag were to be caught, after leaving the arc and while still liquid, in a hearth fired with ordinary fuel.
Hong-Kong or Victoria harbour constantly presents an animated appearance, as many as 240 guns having been fired as salutes in a single day.
Then the pile was fired.
In 1736 a smuggler named Wilson, who had won popularity by helping a companion to escape from the Tolbooth prison, was hanged; and, some slight disturbance occurring at the execution, the city guard fired on the mob, killing a few and wounding a considerable number of persons.
Porteous, who was said to have fired at the people with his own hand, was brought to trial and sentenced to death.
The temptation proved too great for the artillery, who promptly fired into the midst of the cavalry camp (Forton's division) which lay nearest to them.
So sudden had been their onset that very few were hit until the infantry had been passed; then the latter, recovering from the shock, turned and fired into the cavalry from behind, whilst a whole fresh division of French horsemen charged them in flank.
These songs, which fired the poet's comrades to deeds of heroism in 1813, bear eloquent testimony to the intensity of the national feeling against Napoleon, but judged as literature they contain more bombast than poetry.
An able commander and an adroit diplomatist, Lysander was fired by the ambition to make Sparta supreme in Greece and himself in Sparta.
Sir Thomas Teddemaii, who was sent by Sandwich to attack the Dutch at Bergen, was suspected by the Danish governor of intending to play false, was fired on by the batteries, and was beaten off.
When it subsided the ship was still afloat, but she was nothing but a gutted hull lighted by a dying glare, and she fired no more.
When the coal is fired by the blast of an explosion it is often necessary to isolate the mine completely by stopping up the mouths of the pits with earth, or in extreme cases it must be flooded with water or carbonic acid before the fire can be brought under.
Differences, of course, there are; and, if we like to say so, every difference is unique, but this does not mean that they are given in absolute independence of everything else, " fired at us out of 1 See Mind, New Series, xii.
While Lincoln was at Worcester Shays planned to capture the arsenal at Springfield, but on the 25th of January Shepard's men fired upon Shays's followers, killing four and putting the rest to flight.
The castle was founded in 1583 by Hideyoshi; the enclosed palace, probably the finest building in Japan, survived the capture of the castle by Iyeyasu (1615), and in 1867 and 1868 witnessed the reception of the foreign legations by the Tokugawa shoguns; but in the latter year it was fired by the Tokugawa party.
It was found that projectiles fired from a rifled gun deviated laterally from the line of Sights for fire owing to the axial spin of the projectile, and that if the r i fled spin were right-handed, as in the British service, the deviation was to the right.
The disadvantages that still remain are that the sight has to be removed every time the gun is fired, and the amount of deflection is limited and has to be put on the reverse way to that on a tangent scale.
On the 17th of March 1691 Leisler's force fired on the king's soldiers, killing two and wounding several.
Cannons were fired at half-hour intervals, alternately at Montmartre and Montlhery, 17 or 18 m.
Cannons were fired at the two stations at intervals of five minutes.
When the gun was fired, the circuit was broken, and the break was recorded on the paper.
They fired a shell weighing 485 lb, with a bursting charge of 17 lb.
On 10th June 1840, the queen and Prince Albert Attempts on the were driving up Constitution Hill in an open carriage, queen's when Oxford fired two pistols, the bullets from which life.
The series of attempts on the queen was closed in 1882 by Maclean, who fired a pistol at her majesty as she was leaving the Great Western Railway station at Windsor.
Brussels suffered severely in 1695 from the bombardment of the French under Villeroi, who fired into the town with red-hot shot.
Devoting his evenings to private investigations in a rough laboratory fitted up at his home, Perkin was fired by some remarks of Hofmann's to undertake the artificial production of quinine.
They began in 1860 at the funeral of the widow of General Sobinski, killed in 1830, and on the 27th of February 1861 they led to the so-called Warsaw massacres, when the troops fired on a crowd which refused to disperse.
On this occasion the distant forts La Miotte and La Justice fired with effect at a range of 4700 yds., affording a conspicuous illustration of the changed conditions of siege-craft.
After this failure Tresckow once more resorted to the regular method of siege approaches, and on the 2nd of February the second parallel was thrown up. La Justice was now bombarded by two new batteries near Perouse, the Perches were of course subjected to an "artillery attack," and henceforward the besiegers fired 1500 shells a day into the works of the French.
The battle was over on the right before he fired a shot, and Lee had been able to use nearly all his right wing troops to support Jackson.
In its efforts to break into the gaol and court-house the mob was confronted by the militia, and bloodshed and loss of life resulted; during the rioting the courthouse was fired by the mob and practically destroyed, and many valuable records were burned.
By means of a well-chosen value of n, determined by a few experiments, it is possible, pending further experiment, with the most recent design, to utilize Bashforth's experimental results carried out with old-fashioned projectiles fired from muzzle-loading guns.
Starting with the experimental values of p, for a standard projectile, fired under standard conditions in air of standard density, we proceed to the construction of the ballistic table.
The Black Mountain tribes fired on a force within British limits.
The king was fired at and wounded on returning from a visit to his mistress on the 3rd of September 1758.
She grounded on the eastern bank and the charges were fired.
The bath is heated internally with the current rather than by means of external fuel, because this arrangement permits the vessel itself to be kept comparatively cool; if it were fired from without, it would be hotter than the electrolyte, and no material suitable for the construction of the cell is competent to withstand the attack of nascent aluminium at high temperatures.
He fired a pistol at the prince close to his head, and the ball passed under the right ear and out at the left jaw.
As the 42nd Highlanders pushed forward to Kumasi, the town was found full of Ashanti soldiers, but not a shot was fired at the invaders.
Any surplus not needed for the family is sold in its sun-dried state to the collector, who takes it to the hong, where it is fired, blended and packed for exportation.
Upon completion of the sifting, the tea is again fired, and while warm it is packed tightly into lead-lined chests, and the lead covers completely soldered over it, so that it may be kept perfectly air-tight until required for use.
Some members of that society formed a conspiracy against his life, and a shot was fired at him in the archiepiscopal chapel under circumstances which led to the belief that his escape was miraculous.
On Sunday the 18th of March 1582, as the prince came out of his dining-room Jauregui offered him a petition, and William had no sooner taken it into his hand than Jauregui fired a pistol at his head.
Clay for the "Baggers," or cases in which the wares are fired, is mined in the vicinity, but the raw materials for the fine grades of pottery are obtained elsewhere.
But fired by enthusiasm for the Greek revolution and by Byron's example, he was no sooner qualified and admitted to practice than he abandoned these prospects and took ship for Greece, where he joined the army and spent six years of hardship amid scenes of warfare.
The Russian cavalry mass, after crossing the ridge, moved towards Balaklava; a few shots were fired into it by a Turkish battery and a moment later the Heavy Brigade charged.
A large boat, gaily decked out, representing that in which the victim used to be conveyed, was anchored near, and a gun on board fired every quarter of an hour during the night.
Mengin, however, state that they were fired on, in open boats, in the Bay of Aboukir.
While the guns of the citadel, those at Old Cairo, and even those of the palace of al-Bardisi, were thrice fired in honor of al-AlfI, preparations were immediately begun to oppose him.
The ensuing night in Cairo presented a curious spectacle; many of the inhabitants, believing that this envoy would put an end to their miseries, fired off their weapons as they paraded the streets with bands of music. The silhdgr, imagining the noise to be a fray, marched in.
Here they were fired on by some soldiers from the houses; and with this signal a terrible massacre began.
The bombardment ceased at 5 P.M.; but a few rounds were fired by the Inflexible and Temeraire on the morning of,the 12th at the right battery in Ras-el-Tin lines.
The enemy occupied the hills and fired upon the cavalry.
He had very little adaptability in dealing with his fellows; the crowd, as a crowd, fired his enthusiasm, but he was unable to cope with the individuals that composed it.
The final shots were fired about 1.30 P.M.
On the stage of Palestine, an outlying district of the Roman Empire, the home of the Jewish nation, now subject but still fired with the hope of freedom and even of universal domination under the leadership of a divinely anointed King, a new figure has appeared.
The story begins with Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, who became fired with zeal to fix definitely the spots where the great events of Christianity had taken place, and in A.D.
In the former case, the first reaction is produced in castiron pans or " pots," very heavy castings of circular section, fired from below, either directly or by the waste heat from the mufflefurnace.
The sulphuric acid, of which 6 or 7 parts are used to one of impure liquid hydrochloric acid, is always reserved for usein the same process, by driving off the excess of water in a lead pan, fired from the top, so that the principal expense of the process is that of the fuel required for the last operation.
The flame issuing from the furnace by (o) is always further utilized for boiling down the liquors obtained in a later stage, either in a pan (p) fired from the top and supported on pillars (qq) as shown in the drawing, or in pans heated from below.
If purer and stronger soda-ash is wanted, the boiling down must be carried out in pans fired from below, and the crystals of monohydrated sodium carbonate " fished " out as they are formed, but this is mostly done after submitting the liquor to the purifying operations which we shall now describe.
Ghazni was reached 21st July; a gate of the city was blown open by the engineers (the match was fired by Lieut., afterwards Sir Henry, Durand), and the place was taken by storm.
But the invasion of Timur left no permanent impress upon the history of India, except in so far as its memory fired the imagination of Baber, the founder of the Mogul dynasty.
The nawab's officers fired upon a British boat, and forthwith all Bengal was in a blaze.
A few shots were fired - it is not known who fired first - on the 15th, the Swiss regiments 'stormed the barricades and street fighting lasted all day.
In 1795 he fought a duel with Colonel Waitstill Avery (1745-1821), an opposing counsel, over some angry words uttered in a court room; but both, it appears, intentionally fired wild.
Valens either perished on the field, or, as some said, in a cottage fired by the enemy.
One of the two bullets fired penetrated the abdomen.
That is to say, it is not so much an outcome of studies in antiquity as an exhibition of emancipated modern genius fired and illuminated by the masterpieces of the past.
Starting from an experiment, narrated by Priestley, in which John Warltire fired a mixture of common air and hydrogen by electricity, with the result that there was a diminution of volume and a deposition of moisture, Cavendish burnt about two parts of hydrogen with five of common air, and noticed that almost all the hydrogen and about one-fifth of the common air lost their elasticity and were condensed into a dew which lined the inside of the vessel employed.
In another experiment he fired, by the electric spark, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (dephlogisticated air), and found that the resulting water contained nitric acid, which he argued must be due to the nitrogen present as an impurity in the oxygen ("phlogisticated air with which it [the dephlogisticated air] is debased").
Our knowledge of the explosion of ordinary black powder was also greatly added to by him, and in conjunction with Sir Andrew Noble he carried out one of the most complete inquiries on record into its behaviour when fired.
Tar is prepared largely from P. sylvestris; it is chiefly obtained from the roots, which, mingled with a few logs, are arranged in a conical or funnel-shaped hollow made on the steep side of a hill or bank; after filling up, the whole is covered with turf and fired at the top, when the tar exudes slowly and runs into aniron vessel placed below, from the spout of which it is conveyed into barrels.
In the summer of 1852 the shah was attacked, while riding in the vicinity of Teheran, by four Babis, one of whom fired a pistol and slightly wounded him.
On the green stand a monument erected by the state in 1799 to the memory of the minute-men who fell in that engagement, a drinking fountain surmounted by a bronze statue (1900, by Henry Hudson Kitson) of Captain John Parker, who was in command of the minute-men, and a large boulder, which marks the position of the minute-men when they were fired upon by the British.
Pitcairn ordered them to disperse, and on their refusal to do so his men fired a volley.
On their return they were continually fired upon by Americans from behind trees, rocks, buildings and other defences, and were threatened with complete destruction until they were rescued at Lexington by a force of moo men under Lord Hugh Percy (later, 1786, duke of Northumberland).
The life and death of Cato fired the imagination of a degenerate age in which he stood out both as a Roman and a Stoic. To a long line of illustrious successors, men like Thrasea Paetus and Helvidius Priscus, Cato bequeathed his resolute opposition to the dominant power of the times; unsympathetic, impracticable, but fearless in demeanour, they were a standing reproach to the corruption and tyranny of their age.
C. French (a native of Concord) marks the spot where once " the embattled farmers stood and fired the shot heard round the world " (Emerson).
The city was to be fired, and those who opposed the revolution were to be slain; all debts were to be cancelled; and there was to be a proscription of all the wealthy citizens.
The magazine was attacked by the mutineers, but the little band defended to the last the enormous accumulation of munitions of war stored there, and, when further defence was hopeless, fired the magazine.
His spirit was fired by hearing of the deeds of explorers and adventurers, and having formed a plan to conquer the Canary Islands he raised some money by pledging his Norman estates, and sailed from La Rochelle on the 1st of May 1402 with two ships, commanded by himself and Gadifer de la Salle.
As a young girl she was fired by the aspiration after intellectual liberty that animated so many young Russian women at that period, and drove them to study at foreign universities, since their own were closed to them.
As the Swiss advanced in three huge columns, the French guns fired into them with terrible effect, but the assailants reached the intersected ground bordering the stream, and thus protected from the rush of the French gendarmerie, they debouched on the other side, and fell upon the landsknechts.
In the centre meanwhile the two infantries stood fast for eight hours, separated by the brook, while the artillery on both sides fired into it at short range.
Indeed, it may be remarked that he, like many other penitents who, in general terms, acknowledge themselves to have been the worst of mankind, fired up, and stood vigorously on his defence, whenever any particular charge was brought against him by others.
Some of the field artillery, which had now crossed the Alma, fired steadily into the closed masses of the Russian reserve, and the Vladimir regiment lost half of its numbers under the volleys of the Guards.
The first shot actually fired in the war was at Kraipan, a small railway station within the colony, 40 m.
These two outrages fired Northern passion and determination.
The poll-tax was no more than the spark which fired the mine; it merely provided a good general grievance on which all malcontents could unite.
The British traders had already pushed far into the Atlantic before Columbus discovered America; fired by the success of the great navigator they continued their adventures, hoping like him to discover a short north-west passage to Cathay and Japan.
The allied squadron, however, was stopped by the forts at the mouth of the Peiho, which fired on the vessels; a landing party, which was disembarked to storm the forts, met with a disastrous check, and the squadron had to retire with an acknowledged loss of three gunboats and 400 men.
The same hatred of lawlessness and violence which fired him with a divine rage against the Indian malefactors was aroused by the violence and lawlessness of the Parisian insurgents.
To alarm the British force at Philadelphia the Americans floated kegs charged with gunpowder down the Delaware river towards that city, and the British, alarmed for the safety of their shipping, fired with cannon and small arms at everything they saw floating in the river.
A petition to that effect having been exposed for signature on the altar in the Champ de Mars, a disturbance ensued and the National Guard fired on the crowd, killing a few and wounding many.
Legend says that during a siege the bullets fired into the town were caught by her in the folds of her dress.
The police fired, and two lives were lost, Mr Henry Labouchere and Mr (afterwards Sir John) Brunner, both members of parliament, being present at the time.
There is a well-known Scottish legend to the effect that a certain old witch was once fired at in her shape as a hare, and that where the hare was hit there the old woman was found to be wounded.
Shots were fired, and a riot occurred in which many Armenian and some Moslem lives were lost.
Dinas clay is found at various places in the Vale of Neath in South Wales, in the form of a loose disintegrated sandstone, which is crushed between rollers, mixed with about i% of lime, and moulded into bricks that are fired in kilns at a very high temperature.
Are you afraid of getting fired? she asked with a grin.
If Lydia Larkin had heard Westlake's admission before she fired the fatal shot, it was apparently lost in her mind in the mayhem that followed.
You stumbled — but if that's what it takes to get fired around here, I'd better start packing.
You seemed adamant about not being fired a few minutes ago.
On the second match point against him, the demoralized American fired a long forehand from a fairly innocuous blocked return of service.
Richard Archibald from Ballymoney Gled tae finally hear fae sae many Scotch folk that're aa fired up aboot thair ain leid.
Now Issac started thinking about a cannons, now he knew that the faster you fired the cannon ball the further it went.
They had large war machine like catapults called ballista that fired arrows and a sort of giant catapult that fired massive pieces of rock.
Ken fired at the Canadian soldiers, having a banger at the end of the riffle to give a bang sound.
Snow White Fired by the head of DisneyWorld after she said she was feeling bashful.
He fired two blunderbusses in the air from the top of the house, and they went off.
Guns being fired, tanks advance firing, battleships firing a broadside, gas hissing out of cylinders.
Both sides claimed that the other fired the first broadside.
Doctors testified that rubber-coated steel bullets being fired from too close a range apparently caused several of the 13 deaths.
At my home we had a double twist candlestick made of fired London Clay.
Two days later a police tear gas canister was fired into a mosque during Friday prayers.
After the British ship had fired a single 64lb cannonade, the French vessel surrendered, fearing it would be outgunned.
Mains gas fired central heating warms the home, in which all fitted carpets are to remain.
Current Work Raku and smoke fired figurative ceramics and bowls.
Baldwin, confused and somewhat chagrined aimed his pistol away from MacDonell and fired it high and wide in the air.
A semi-fermented tea of fine quality, traditionally hand rolled and fired in baskets over pits containing red hot charcoal.
The fired bone china is left in its original white color.
The clan crest Quaich The Clan Crest Quaich is a classic quaich with a clan crest transfer fired into the center of the bowl.
There are many proven technologies available today for reducing air pollutant emissions from pulverized coal fired power plant.
The Second Class fired at 150 yards with three shots off-hand and three from a rest for an all green cockade.
The fatal shot was fired, and Nelson ' s spinal column was broken.
Tom Shelley reports Particles fired in a plasma at supersonic speeds are producing metal matrix composites of superior properties at surprisingly modest cost.
As a finale, they turned the leaflets into paper planes and fired then across the terminal concourse!
The bolt would probably have been fired by artillery such as a ballista, which was a type of large crossbow.
Dropping to a crouch Darkhawk leveled his gnomish crossbow and fired three bolts at the beast but all three missed.
Rear Double Bedroom 2 with airing cupboard, Halstead gas fired boiler.
He said Iraqi air defense units had fired on the planes.
I employ fabby local designers to get the glue gun fired up!
The property benefits from oil fired central heating and Upvc double-glazing.
All properties have gas fired central heating, cavity wall insulation and uPVC windows to give a high level of thermal efficiency.
These cloisons were then filled with colored enamel which was fired to fuse the enamel to the metal.
The parachute flares are fired into the air to produce a very bright light which slowly descends on a parachute illuminating a large area.
Experiments with fired clay and plaster stamps yielded similar problems to stone, and the plaster rapidly became friable.
In a parting gesture, the Web publisher you fired replaced photos of board members with sheep.
According to the findings of the federal grand jury, Ninety bullets were fired inside the apartment.
The IRA fired several shots at Lowry who was not injured but a lecturer at the university was wounded by the gunfire.
Kenny Deuchar replaced James Grady at half-time and the targetman fired a half volley from the edge of the box down Roy's throat.
The raid uncovered one stun-gun, one tear-gas canister and one imitation handgun that fired blanks.
An exploding harpoon is fired into the whale's body.
Whales are still caught with a grenade tipped harpoon fired from a cannon.
These locomotives were mechanically fired and could produce in the region of 3000 drawbar horsepower.
Protesters who escaped say government troops fired into the crowd, killing hundreds of people.
The piece is then fired again in a raku kiln to a point where the glaze has melted enough to form a brittle skin.
The Doctor called, and shouted, and fired signals, and Duk made piteous lamentations; but there was no response.
The shells were always fired via a mortar launcher.
But it was giraffes that really fired up these ancient Saharan artists - some are impressively large and remarkably lifelike.
The entire channel six news team will be there, except for Phil, the boom mike operator, who's getting fired tomorrow.
Ray, 58, was chasing two muggers who had stolen his female friends ' handbag when they fired.
Being closely pursued by the savages, one of them fired a musket over their heads.
The manager professed to believe that shots might lawfully be fired at any time unless gas was observable at the actual time of blasting.
A larger catapult called an onager fired stone shots weighing about 50kg and could hit a target 270 meters away!
Never the less, inexperienced US troops overreacted, as they did in Kabul, and fired into the crowd killing 14 civilians.
He was deathly pale, yet he seemed fired with a hope; his eyes shone.
Club hit, ' The Bump & Grind ', one of the many mighty Friendly productions fired out, invoked sheer Pandemonium.
The parachute flares are fired into the air to produce a very bright light which slowly descends on a parachute flares are fired into the air to produce a very bright light which slowly descends on a parachute illuminating a large area.
To guard against frost damage they are fired to 1160 degrees centigrade yet remain porous allowing roots to breathe and preventing waterlogging.
I fired this discovery out into the darkness with the greatest promptitude.
Don't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
Also near here is where the first shots of the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 were fired.
Within the blink of an eye, a single gunshot was fired and our screen had turned blood red and our screen had turned blood red.
He just got fired from Alabama for bring a loaded revolver into class.
It was a double action revolver - it could either be fired with the hammer in the uncocked position or from the cocked position.
The property which benefits from full central heating and hot water supplied via a oil fired boiler has also been fully rewired.
Eyewitnesses said US troops then fired on a crowd close to the building from nearby rooftops.
The ship came complete with 36 brass cannons that fired a salute to the Prince.
A 41 gun salute was fired from the Tower to welcome the arrival of the Queen's first grandchild.
Dubbed " la petite chef ", she quickly fired her opening culinary salvos.
We also enjoyed a refreshing mixed fruit salad, fired up with hot and sour sauces and spices.
News that depleted uranium shells were fired in Britain was announced many years ago.
Roman sherds and glass fragments; fired bricks on higher parts; one glazed Islamic sherd seen.
Indeed some reports suggest that they took no notice when being fired at with a 12-bore shotgun!
Guest Suite Bedroom 2 (S) built in cupboard housing oil fired hot water cylinder, slate window sill.
Uruguayan striker silva fired them into a deserved lead after a high ball over the top left the visitors all at sea.
I think some of the fillers used included slag and ash from iron works and coal fired power stations.
On view is the original Darby furnace where he first used his coke fired iron smelter.
Königsberg fired first, targeting via shore spotters, the monitors replying using spotter aircraft.
All her work is raw glazed, slip-decorated stoneware which, once fired is soda glazed with sodium compounds other than salt.
I started painting with under glazes onto fine white stoneware fired in an electric kiln.
In this bedlam no shots were fired and no punches were thrown, but New Orleans seemed like a city unhinged.
A number of shots were fired at him, but he wasn't hit, and walked away unscathed.
O'Brien stroked in a break of 60 to pull a frame back, but Michie fired in 75 to seal victory.
City's joy was short lived however as just seven minutes later the visitors restored their lead when England fired in a left-foot volley.
The decorated wares are finally fired to 1300 centigrade in a reducing atmosphere to produce distinctive flowing colors.
Current Work Gas reduction fired domestic and exhibition porcelain ware.
In the latest test, to destroy a dummy warhead fired from Alaska, the interception missile never even got off the ground.
South's best chance came when another dribbling run from James Bridge was fired just wide of the goal.
The property is also very cozy for winter lets - there is wood fired central heating plus a wood burner in the main salon.
While in Malacca Xavier met one Yajiro, a Japanese exile (known to the biographies as Anger, Angero car Anjiro), who fired him with zeal for the conversion of Japan.
The first shots fired were outside Potchefstroom, which was then occupied by a small British garrison (see Potchefstroom).
Scarcely a shot had since the beginning of Dec. been fired after dark by the British; Australasian and Indian troops, who were holding the long line stretching from the Gulf of Saros to near Gaba Tepe, so as to accustom the foe to quietude during the night watches.
As a result, Massachusetts was the only northern state in any way prepared for war when the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter; and her troops began to muster in Boston on the 16th of April, the very day after President Lincoln's call for volunteers.
The axis of an elongated shot would move parallel to itself only if fired in a vacuum; but in air the couple due to a sidelong motion tends to place the axis at right angles to the tangent of the trajectory, and acting on a rotating body causes the axis to precess about the tangent.
All at once it seemed to him that he was being fired at.
This one, a young soldier, his face deadly pale, his shako pushed back, and his musket resting on the ground, still stood near the pit at the spot from which he had fired.
The problem of pressurizing a hot assembly with soft pyrophyllite gaskets must be investigated further; perhaps the gaskets can be fired before use.
Do n't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
Within the blink of an eye, a single gunshot was fired and our screen had turned blood red.
I only recall seeing the revolver fired on one other occasion.
Huge quantities of gas and hundreds of rubber bullets were fired at this stage and many of the rioters were injured.
A 41 gun salute was fired from the Tower to welcome the arrival of the Queen 's first grandchild.
Bismark had fired six salvos of 15 inch shells.
The terracotta face on the left is from an entire sarcophagus made of fired Nile silt mud.
The pieces are often fired several times before I am satisfied with the results.
Water came from the roof and washing was done in a wood fired sauna bath, built in the basement.
Indeed some reports suggest that they took no notice when being fired at with a 12-bore shotgun !
Uruguayan striker Silva fired them into a deserved lead after a high ball over the top left the visitors all at sea.
The ore was then crushed with stones ready for smelting in granite furnaces fired with wood.
His activities ranged from stoker fired plant and fluidized beds to supercritical boilers and gasification.
John Leach Pottery Wood fired oven to table stoneware pots.
Tell the order taker to tell the manager to tell his supervisor he 's fired.
Tamping the tobacco, he fired up a lighter to the pipe.
When wanted to alter anything, we just fired up a debugger and twiddled the bits.
A number of shots were fired at him, but he was n't hit, and walked away unscathed.
Stoneware is a highly fired and almost vitrified ceramic composed of clay and sand coated with a salt glaze.
City 's joy was short lived however as just seven minutes later the visitors restored their lead when England fired in a left-foot volley.
Current Work Gas reduction fired domestic and exhibition Porcelain ware.
He said shots were being fired over the protesters ' heads from an Israeli watchtower nearby.
Shots fired at guys hiding around corners never whiz past; they always strike the edge of the building near the character 's face.
South 's best chance came when another dribbling run from James Bridge was fired just wide of the goal.
Any shot fired upon the wormhole exit will actually hit the owning players clan hall.
Our consensus is that he must be fired for his lack of competence.
If you get another censure from the manager, you will be fired.
After the aide let out a government secret, he was fired from his position.
Biodiesel blends can also be used in a standard oil fired furnace or boiler, making it an alternative fuel source for heating residential homes.
According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, your best bet when it comes to commonly accessible water heaters, is to go for gas fired.
Gas fired water heaters offer huge monetary savings.
They have been fired twice, once prior to glazing and a second time after to create an incredibly durable product.
A few of my favorite brands are Revlon Colorstay Softflex in Red Velvet, Loreal Endless Comfortable 8-Hour in Fired Up.
No matter how you lost your job, whether you were fired, laid off, or even quit, you'll need time to mentally adjust to this new major change in your life.
Excessive tardiness can also result in you getting fired.
My husband lost his temper and fired him on the spot for referring to me as, "the bride from hell," over the microphone.
He forgot to mention that he was fired after two hours.
In 2003, Sheen was cast in the sitcom Two and a Half Men, but was fired from the show in 2011 after allegations of drug and alcohol abuse and erratic behavior.
Donald Trump just said "You're Fired!" to one of his own.
After Kepcher was herself fired from the Trump Organization, it was announced that Ivanka Trump would take over on the sixth season of The Apprentice.
Knight. Reports swirled that he would be fired from the cast of the hit medical drama, Grey's Anatomy, but the cast and producers moved beyond the incident and all seemed well again.
The team who fails or loses the task must meet Trump back in his boardroom, where someone (maybe two or three) will be fired.
Because of this show, Donald Trump has trademarked his "You're Fired!" catchphrase.
His time there was brief, however, when Seinfeld was fired from the series.
Lefebvre was fired by Donald Trump on the April 15 episode of the series, which just finished its sixth season.
However, billionaire Donald Trump, who has been O'Donnell's nemesis for months, told People that ABC fired her.
It looks like it may be Donald Trump's turn to be fired.
The show did feel the absence of two of Trump's sidekicks -- Carolyn Kepcher, who was fired herself last year, and George Ross, who only made occasional appearances.
The celebs won't escape the boardroom either, as each week, one of them will be fired.
Her popularity declined on The View and after she was fired from the show in 2006, Jones Reynolds, an attorney, went on a one-year hiatus.
According to the judge's ruling, Price unlawfully fired the nanny from her job.
Katie Price fired nanny Rebecca Gauld after the two had a disagreement about holiday time off while filming Price's documentary, The Baby Diaries.
Despite the rumors about the status of her job at Teen Vogue, Conrad is denying that she was fired.
Some rumors say he was fired and some say that the United Autism Foundation isn't even a charity, but a fraudulent storefront.
If you've ever heard a Sarah Silverman routine, it comes as no shock that she was fired from a job she once held as a writer and performer on Saturday Night Live.
Silverman often jokes that she was hurt by how she was fired from the show, claiming it was done by fax.
It wasn't long before Kimmel was fired, but not for his jokes.
He was fired because the station was changing formats and The Me and Him Show didn't have a place in the new format.
After leaving Seattle, Kimmel and Voss made the move to Tampa, only to get fired again when that station too changed formats.
They were both fired from that station and Kimmel decided to give up on the radio business for, among other things, lack of job security.
The following year, Phillips was fired from the show, but later returned clean and sober one year later.
Finally, earlier this year, he was fired from a movie for his behavior.
Reps for both sides deny that Wahler was fired due to drug and alcohol use.
Her abuse also led to her being fired from One Day at a Time and various drug related arrests.
In the real world this isn't such a big deal, but in Hollywood it's the kind of thing that can get a stylist fired!
Other rumors said her behavior was increasingly erratic and she was recently fired from the set of a film because of it.
Murphy's husband came out publicly to state that his wife did not suffer from an eating disorder and did not get fired from any movie for her behavior.
As a result, executives fired Washington from the show.
Though she was eventually fired from Transformers, Fox has since described the pressure she felt to lose weight before she got her big break in the series.
Selena and Saldivar had been arguing about missing papers and tax receipts when Saldivar fired her gun.
Sheen’s title was stripped when Warner Bros. fired him from the sitcom in March of 2011 for erratic behavior.
The celeb baddie fired back by taking his live show on the road, with a sold-out US tour called My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option.
On March 7, 2011, CBS and Warner Brothers officially fired the actor.
There's no reason not to get the collector bug fired up early.
Home Depot was founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1978, by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank after the pair were fired from the positions they held at Handy Dan.
Ceramic tile is a combination of clay and shale that is kiln fired.
Glazed ceramic can be fired multiple times to achieve the effects the designer wants.
Porcelain tile is a ceramic that can be glazed or unglazed, but is typically kiln fired at very high temperatures.
Fired at a high temperature they roll the substance into a pancake-type shape and then hand-cut into small tiles.
When a glass is called fused, it is usually window-type glass that is first cut into various shapes and then fired.
The sinter process begins with powered glass put into molds and then fired to melt the glass into shapes.
The tiles need to be fired in a kiln to make the painting permanent.
Ceramic tiles are made from clay, talc and other natural materials and once formed are fired under intense heat.
Electric tankless units take longer than gas fired units as well, which results in less efficiency and a longer wait time.
If your house is heated with gas, getting a gas fired demand heater will provide you with better service and lower energy bills over time.
The piece is fired a final time to fuse the sections together in what appears to be a seamless piece of glass.
Below are just a few of the categories to choose from, whether your goal is to annoy your wife, get fired from your job, or risk getting your kid expelled following that next parent-teacher conference.
In agent lingo, burned means set up and fired.
The most recent salvo in the vicious turf battle for football video gamers was fired in December 2004 when Electronic Arts bought the exclusive rights to NFL players, stadiums, and teams for five years.
The right trigger fired your primary selected weapon and the left trigger fired your lock-on missiles.
And if you were wondering, yes, I fired on them, but they were immune to my firepower.
Apparently when Halo fired, it shook itself to pieces and the portal couldn't withstand it.
It's more difficult to avoid turtle shells fired from your opponents.
The right trigger fired and the left jumped.
Weapons can be fired while you're driving, proving that gangsters are almost as dexterous as Olympic gymnasts.
This character appears right when you are getting fired on by a bunch of nasty robots.