Fire-signs Sentence Examples
Sagittarians get along well with fire signs like Leo.
Other fire signs often understand Aries better than anyone else.
This means that out of the three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Leo is less prone to movement.
For example, fire signs generally do well with other fire signs, but signs of a different quality might have different temperaments; Aries, is cardinal (action) fire, while Leo (fixed) is creative fire.
In general, Leo is thought to do well with most air and fire signs.
Sagittarius is drawn to fellow fire signs Aries and Leo, but his truest mate is an air sign since fire cannot live without air.
Fire signs are compatible with other fire signs and air signs.
This fire sign is typically attracted to other fire signs such as another Aries, Sagittarius or Leo.
Although fire signs can also do well with other fire signs, since they share a basic nature, air signs provide a complimentary environment to foster relationship growth.
This air sign is so accomplished in social skills, the fire signs perks up the moment the water barer walks onto the scene..
AdvertisementIn your search for what sign goes best with Aquarius, you may stumble upon a chart for an earth or water sign that has enough planets in air or fire signs to make it a compatible match for Aquarius.
The fire signs of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo tend to overheat Virgo's circuits, while the air signs of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius simply baffle Virgo with their need to understand and dissect emotions.
If yes, just know that Aquarius does best with the air signs and the fire signs of the zodiac.
The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, at least based strictly on the sun signs, don't pair nearly as well with Aquarius as the air and fire signs do.
Since fire is symbolic of the "spark of life," people with fire signs are passionate, assertive, spontaneous, and energetic.
AdvertisementStay away from the Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, as well as Air signs Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius; they''ll only serve to get on your nerves.
This of course leaves us with the Air and Fire signs to contend with.