Fire Sentence Examples
A fire burned brightly in the fireplace.
They were sitting around the fire and trying to keep themselves warm.
The fire leaped into life; the flames encircled me so that in a moment my clothes were blazing.
Then he poured over them all the kerosene oil that was left in his oil-can, and lighting a match set fire to the pile.
He shifted, a familiar fire in his blood.
Royce and Fritz left the fire together.
They drew up closer to the fire and felt thankful that they were safe from the raging storm.
They all asked for reinforcements and all said that the Russians were holding their positions and maintaining a hellish fire under which the French army was melting away.
I had many a genial thought by the cabin fire "as I sailed."
She fed and hobbled the mules and then started a fire to cook supper.
AdvertisementHis eyes found Bianca, who stood shivering in the rain, staring towards the fire, as if waiting for Jonny to reappear.
The fire snapped as it grew.
Someone had a fire going and a pot of coffee on.
It was set on fire by mischievous boys, one Election night, if I do not mistake.
Though completely waterlogged and almost as heavy as lead, they not only burned long, but made a very hot fire; nay, I thought that they burned better for the soaking, as if the pitch, being confined by the water, burned longer, as in a lamp.
AdvertisementThen a cheerful soldier ran up, begging a little fire for the infantry.
The fire flickered feebly, its passion curbed by time as well.
She managed to get into her boots without dislodging any wildlife and found a fire ready.
There was a stir among the officers in the shadow beyond the fire, and one tall, long-necked officer, walking round the fire, came up to Dolokhov.
The fire was burning down, though, so she added more wood.
AdvertisementHe made a fire and prepared her nightly soup.
No one had given Tushin orders where and at what to fire, but after consulting his sergeant major, Zakharchenko, for whom he had great respect, he had decided that it would be a good thing to set fire to the village.
When she came through the living room the fire was roaring, but Cade was nowhere in sight.
She shifted her attention to the fire and rubbed the beginnings of a crick from her neck.
Cade finally left the fire and sat down beside her on the couch.
AdvertisementNearly caused a fire.
Ooh! lamented Aniska, who at the sight of the fire felt that she too must give expression to her feelings.
Is the fire only for you?
Fritz and Royce were squatted close to the fire, probably not wanting to get far from the food.
Bordeaux stood and moved around the fire, careful to keep outside the circle of light.
A dark form hunkered before the fire, feeding small twigs to the flames.
He turned his attention to the fire and tucked another piece of bark into the bright coals.
The fire was lower but still burning.
Her body caught on fire just thinking about it.
He jabbed at the fire a few times.
As I passed by the volunteer resident keeper's site, I saw an elderly couple in lounge chairs by a cold fire pit.
Do it, and I fire you.
Bread I at first made of pure Indian meal and salt, genuine hoe-cakes, which I baked before my fire out of doors on a shingle or the end of a stick of timber sawed off in building my house; but it was wont to get smoked and to have a piny flavor.
It was I and Fire that lived there; and commonly my housekeeper proved trustworthy.
This fire was already burning itself out.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began eating the mash, as they called the food in the cauldron, and he thought it more delicious than any food he had ever tasted.
It had a peculiarly strong effect on him because at the sight of the fire he felt himself suddenly freed from the ideas that had weighed him down.
No, I went to look at the fire, and they arrested me there, and tried me as an incendiary.
He handed the horses over to the soldier who was stirring the pot and squatted down on his heels by the fire beside the officer with the long neck.
She handed Bordeaux a plate full of flapjacks she had been keeping warm by the fire and poured some honey over the top.
She returned to the fire and found the men filling their bowls.
Then she added, Every volunteer fire buck and EMT has a noise on his wheels.
You'd probably fire my ass the first day on the job.
I wouldn't tell that ninny if his shoes were on fire and he was standing at a leaky gas pump.
Paul was about to fire him, and perhaps more.
Did you fire your gun?
Self-defense. I figured when you won, you'd fire me.
After you beat me and win the election, there's no way you can fire me.
Fire flashed in his eyes.
She glared at him, the blue fire in her eyes stirring his blood.
What did you do, Gabriel? she demanded at last, the fire flaring in her eyes once more.
Her body was on fire, her hands shaking, her thoughts so scattered, she wasn't able to think.
I'll make sure Deidre hasn't set the place on fire yet.
Long after the fire burned down, she stared at the ashes, tears coursing down her cheeks.
What lit that fire of passion wasn't the romancing – or at least if it did, romance wore a different face for her.
Probably to be thrown into a lake of fire.
A charge of fire tore through her, and Deidre's eyes flew open.
My parents died in a house fire when I was eighteen.
His tone was controlled, his features calm, his eyes the only indication of the fire in his blood.
Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.
Her gaze settled on Jade, whose dark eyes still held the fire of danger.
The smiled faded from his half-brother.s face, and Sasha.s gaze went to the fire.
He set his glass down and looked again at Sasha, who had yet to glance away from the fire.
Hannah stood close to her, and Katie stared at the door, willing their fire to keep the demons at bay.
They clung to each other, molding their bodies as one until the raging fire of passion consumed her.
She heard disconcerting sounds of heavy weapons fire in the distance, and the forest smelled as if it were burning.
Placing some eggs into a saucepan she ran enough water to cover them and placed them over a fire on the stove.
I'll bet it's beautiful in the spring, and I can imagine Christmas here with a big tree over there and a roaring fire in the fireplace...
The one-room shack was neat, with pallets on one side, a fire at its center, a small area to prepare food and crates lining one wall that acted both as storage and seating.
His mother's body was as cold as the extinguished fire.
A fire was in her eyes, the cold smile on her face again.
The spark of fire in the rough ruby was enough to draw Xander from his musings.
Fire shot through her, and the world around her warped and changed like in a dream.
Fire flashed in the teen's gaze.
Had he decided to fire her?
I'll wait to fire you until I figure out why you're working for me in the first place.
He nipped her neck, and she gasped, yearning and fire tearing through her.
That stopped whatever fire she was about to direct his way.
She was okay, if she was spitting fire at him.
The scent of oak and amber and his calming presence eased some of her tension while filling her lower belly with fire.
Gas fires, as a substitute for the open coal fire, have many points in their favour, for they are conducive to cleanliness, they need but little attention, and the heat is easily controlled.
After a rite intended to secure its perfect ceremonial purity, a part of the victim, the vapa, was removed, held over the fire and finally cast into it.
The chief buildings were destroyed in 1901 in a fire started by a band of thieves.
In the survey of London (1598) by John Stow, 125 churches, including St Paul's and Westminster Abbey, are named; of these 89 were destroyed by the great fire.
The plague was scarcely stayed before the whole city was in flames, a calamity of the first magnitude, but one which in the end caused much good, as the seeds of disease were destroyed, and London has never since been visited by such an epidemic. On the 2nd of September 1666 the fire broke out at one o'clock in the morning at a house in Pudding Lane.
I had just sunk my head on this when the bells rung fire, and in hot haste the engines rolled that way, led by a straggling troop of men and boys, and I among the foremost, for I had leaped the brook.
The very nearness of the fire but cooled our ardor.
The fire, fanned by the breeze, was rapidly spreading.
As he sat bending greedily over it, helping himself to large spoonfuls and chewing one after another, his face was lit up by the fire and the soldiers looked at him in silence.
Now why are you asking silly questions about the Fire Brigade?
The other, from the countess, described their last days in Moscow, their departure, the fire, and the destruction of all their property.
Coming out onto a field under the enemy's fire, this brave general went straight ahead, leading his men under fire, without considering in his agitation whether going into action now, with a single division, would be of any use or no.
And his division remained under fire for some time quite uselessly.
She looked up, somehow seeming small in spite of her height, but there was fire in her eyes.
Deidre paced to the fire.
She swiped the hand away, blinking to clear her gaze as she stared into a fire.
Her move toward the fire was reflected in a small mirror behind the desk in front of which he stood.
He perched on the edge of the desk, the fire casting shadows across his perfect, chiseled features.
The pain in his chest couldn't equate with the pain and distress shooting through him like cold fire.
She watched in fascination, not understanding what it was until a floor several below hers exploded into flying stone and fire.
Sasha was staring into the fire, pensive.
The whole top of the building --where the hostel was housed --was on fire.
She didn't look up as they walked through a comfortable living room with several guests talking loudly about the fire.
His gaze turned from amber to fire, and she wondered if she'd pushed him too far.
Fire slid through his body as he contorted and changed shapes.
He gazed into the black flames of the fire in the hearth.
She struggled into a sitting position, her neck achy from her spot sleeping on the floor before the fire.
Except he hadn't planned on stoking the fire with Kisolm for what would certainly end in another war.
If he channeled that fire, he might find he liked her defiant passion.
A fire blazed away in the cozy room.
He rose and crossed to the fireplace and began to bank the fire as the hall clock struck eleven times.
Dean remained in the room long enough to turn out the parlor lights and finish banking the fire.
Riding in a police car is the next best thing to a fire engine.
Dean started a fire for the returning guests but then joined his wife and stepfather in the kitchen.
At other moments, I am as distressed as the sinner that I am, being dragged to hell's fire beyond.
I read a passage in a novel last evening as I sat by the fire, trying to wile away these idle hours.
It had something to do with Bird Song and I think she was afraid you'd fire her.
The others followed and the trio went back inside where Dean began building a fire.
The fire ebbed to glowing coals in the silent old building and she snuggled against him.
She appeared to be in her early thirties, had chestnut brown hair that fell in soft waves around her shoulders with thin streaks of what looked like fire running through it.
Both her scent and the fire running though her hair were unmistakable.
Virtually every car he owned confirmed he was a 'player'. The Lovebirds had started a fire and were sitting on the divan in front of it.
Jackson started a fire, stood staring into it for a few minutes then said, "I'm going up, goodnight kids."
Connor and Sarah were cuddling in front of the fire.
After dinner they sat in the drawing room, by the fire Jackson had started.
Rapid fire questions were leveled at Jackson.
The remaining two sat in front of the fire drinking port.
Jackson had started a fire and stood with his hands on the mantle, watching the flames.
The dairy was warm, a fire burning brightly in the home made wood stove.
Alex was here... and he knew how to light a fire.
Still, marrying Josh while another man was so capable of lighting her fire didn't seem fair - especially when Josh couldn't.
I'll give you a charge of— Fire tore through her, and she gasped, the pain nearly driving her unconscious before it ceased.
If what she said were true, the oasis around them was on fire.
Lana grew uneasy and watched the sky flare with rocket and laser fire from the battle at the Peak.
She was responsive, hungry and yielding, a combination that lit his blood on fire.
More laser fire lit the area where Elise had gone.
If he were smart, he would have turned around and walked out until Benny beat the fire out of his body.
Stepping onto the ledge outside, Lana heard the sounds of gun and laser fire too close for her comfort, along with the beat of helicopters in the dark skies.
Lights from lasers and muzzle fire spotted the forest below them before they reached an urban area, mostly dark with several patches of electricity.
Can you fire a weapon?
The sun sat low on the horizon, and the morning air was still and filled with the scent of fire and death.
Laser fire chased them across the sky, and he gripped the edge of the open bay tightly, not wanting another fall from the sky.
The helo left them at Texarkana, the southernmost point on their map, before missile fire from the other side of the river erupted.
The missile fire stopped when the helo retreated.
We even had to learn to start fire from scratch.
She sat back, comfortable with the warmth of the fire.
I set up my micro to draw their fire.
Brady, you can't cross with the missile fire!
Brady set his micro to track any laser fire before pulling his mask over his face.
The micro warned him of incoming fire, sending the visuals to the implant in his brain.
The sats would be on backup power right now, eliminating her chance of communicating without drawing the fire of the missiles.
Lana stood and moved to the far side of the rocks, facing the area where the missile fire fell.
Laser fire sounded as his other guard whirled and fired on Brady.
It was still dark, and the moons of the underworld hadn't moved far across the sky. He sat, uneasy with the dream exchange with Death. A small fire burned between him and Katie, whose pale features and shadowed eyes were showing the effects of both her pregnancy and the toll the underworld took on mortals.
Rhyn focused the little bit of magic he had remaining on the wood. Fire sprang up. With it, Rhyn felt a stitch of the seam binding his power snap.
The place where Katie touched him in his dream stung. Rhyn moved out of the drizzle, close to the fire, and peeled off his shirt. There was a welt resembling a bee sting where she'd touched him.
The angel was still shivering despite the fire. He needed dry clothes and probably, human food. There was one place where Rhyn could find them.
The forest was growing dark when he reached the tree to find the angel sitting in front of a dead fire, shaking with cold.
You couldn't add wood to the fire?
Rhyn started the fire again and sat beside Toby. He handed him the bag of clothing and food. Toby withdrew the clothing skeptically.
Rhyn was alone on the island sanctuary in his dreams and awoke to the feeling that his magic had slipped even more from its binding. His body was hot from the inside out despite the cold rain falling in the forest. The fire had died overnight. He pushed the waterproof cloak off him.
Gabriel glanced at her and straightened. He handed her more food and water cubes then motioned for her to seat herself by the fire.
The assassin shook his head and crouched near her, warming his hands by the fire.
Katie almost protested his abrupt dismissal then rolled so her back was to the fire. Something was really off about Gabe. She fingered the gems on the new necklace.
She'd never seen anything like it, a combination of power, agility and fire.
You could ask Arthur yourself if he were here, but he's out on Fire Island with his latest bimboy and all their little friends.
She turned and looked at him, fire in her eyes.
She turned to him with fire in her eyes.
Carmen kept a fire burning in the fireplace and slept in the living room.
As she replaced the lid, the fire alarm went off.
She melted in his arms, consumed by the raging fire of emotion his embrace never failed to ignite.
She clamped a lid on her temper and turned the fire down to simmer.
Half the orchard was on fire while the other half rained delicate pink-white blooms from the apple trees.
Fire still raged at one end of the orchard, filling the air above the trees with black smoke.
His touch sent fire through her, and she shivered at the sensation.
The last time she saw it, it was on fire.
He continued to gaze at her, his eyes showing the same fire Darian's had when he returned from killing Others.
Darian's scent and touch overwhelmed her while his hot kisses set fire to a desire stronger than any she'd ever experienced.
Her hands were shaking and her body on fire with something she'd never felt before.
She felt his magic swell around him, the fire in his gaze sizzling through her blood.
The contact of their skin was causing a raging fire within him.
Fire blazed through her as Bianca snatched her leg.
Bianca dropped to her knees beside her, and her cold healing fire tore through Jenn.
Her blue eyes flashed with familiar fire, fire that used to make his blood hot for her.
Yully's hair blazed like a fire, her skin as pale as the obelisk.
The blast was short but sucked her magic and left her feeling as if her insides were on fire.
Fire and ice ripped through her, sucking the air from her lungs.
What the fire didn't incinerate, the electrified clouds would.
The fire wasn't far behind her, while the clouds had reached the tops of what trees were still standing.
The tree was on fire but still standing.
Struck by the familiarity of the scene, she paused as the fire reached the top of the hill.
The last time she'd seen the orchard, it'd been on fire.
White fire spewed from the ground upward, towards the sky.
The glow of fire made him squint as they neared the field.
He nodded as if expecting the response and seated himself at a small table near the fire.
The fire provided the only light in the large, airy chamber, its glow and shadows flickering across the room.
The fire mesmerized him as he thought.
Taran threw himself onto his back in front of the fire, exhausted.
His gaze lingered on the fire.
Fire exploded in her gullet as an arrow pierced her from behind.
She looked from it to the fire, then tossed it.
Dark memories lingered like smoke after a fire.
Rob's eyes flashed fire, but his tone was cold.
We're building a fire pit here for a campsite.
Without another word, he began shoveling dirt around the outside base of the fire pit.
The black remains of a fire indicated that people did more than swim.
With astonishing agility, the Grey God outmaneuvered lightening, weaving through the bursts of purple fire in a lethal dance.
By Darian's occasional laugh and the hungry fire in Xander's features, they enjoyed killing.
Jonny gripped her arm, and she barely closed her eyes before his familiar fire flew through her.
Jessi's insides felt like they were on fire.
Light surrounded her, and fire tore through her.
She flushed, as much from the fire building within her as his words.
A year of fruitless negotiation followed, during which the pamphlets of the reformer set all Germany' on fire.
There is a story that he constructed a burning mirror which set the Roman ships on fire when they were within a bowshot of the wall.
Douglas was buried in the church of the Savoy, where a monumental brass (removed from its proper site after the fire in 1864) still records his death and interment.
He perished at sea on board a steamboat which was totally consumed by fire while on a voyage from New York to Boston, on the night of the 13th-14th of January 1840.
The oldest part of the building was in some measure rebuilt in 1811, and the present chapel was erected to replace one destroyed by fire in 1779.
He was present with his pupil at the battle of Steinkirk, and "faced fire," says Marshal Luxembourg, "like a grenadier."
A fire without light, compared to the heat which gathers in a haystack when the hay has been stored before it was properly dry - heat, in short, as an agitation of the particles - is the motive cause of the contraction and dilatations of the heart.
The building in which this fire was kept was the Prytaneum, and the chieftain (the king or prytanis)probably made it his residence.
He destroyed the royal palace by fire, an act which has been variously estimated by historians.
In 1536 it was almost totally destroyed by fire, and in 1654 largely ruined by the explosion of a powder magazine.
It was almost entirely rebuilt after a destructive fire in 1834, and ranks among the handsomest provincial towns in Austria.
The object of all heating apparatus is the transference of heat from the fire to the various parts of the building it is intended to warm, and this transfer may be effected by radiation, by conduction or by convection.
An open fire acts by radiation; it warms the air in a room by first warming the walls, floor, ceiling and articles in the room, and these in turn warm the air.
Therefore in a room with an open fire the air is, as a rule, less heated than the walls.
With another form of gas stove coke is used in place of the perforated asbestos; the fire is started with the gas, which, when the coke is well alight, may be dispensed with, and the fire kept up with coke in the usual way.
The coil is encased with firebricks and brickwork, and the smoke from the fire is carried, off by a flue in the ordinary s " way.
The smallness of the pipes renders it liable to damage by frost, but this accident may be prevented by always keeping in frosty weather a small fire in the furnace.
In small houses all requirements may be satisfied with a boiler heated by the kitchen fire.
Much damage was done to the tower, and the nave roof perished, for the fire reached practically every part of the building, though the stonework of the nave suffered comparatively little.
A greater volume of fire can thus be obtained, but the great height of the cavalier makes it an easy target for a besieger's guns.
From Stolze's investigations it appears that at least one of these, the castle built by Xerxes, bears evident traces of having been destroyed by fire.
It was besieged in 1641 and 1643, and in 1645 it was partly destroyed by fire.
Thus for the 7th, 14th, 21 st, 28th and also the 19th days of the intercalary Elul it is prescribed that "the shepherd of many nations is not to eat meat roast with fire nor any food cooked by fire, he is not to change the clothes on his body nor put on gala dress, he may not bring sacrifices nor may the king ride in his chariot, he is not to hold court nor may the priest seek an oracle for him in the sanctuary, no physician may attend the sick room, the day is not favourable for invoking curses, but at night the king may bring his gift into the presence of Marduk and Ishtar.
In 1902 the greater part of the building was destroyed by fire.
The ship brought-to opposite a group of natives, who were cooking over a fire.
His apologists explain that his action was merely "official," but Bonner was one of those who brought it to pass that the condemnation of heretics to the fire should be part of his ordinary official duties.
On the 25th of November Cromwell charged Manchester with "unwillingness to have the war prosecuted to a full victory"; which Manchester answered by accusing Cromwell of having used expressions against the nobility, the Scots and Presbyterianism; of desiring to fill the army of the Eastern Association with Independents to prevent any accommodation; and of having vowed if he met the king in battle he would as lief fire his pistol at him as at anybody else.
The service was, however, interrupted in August 1909 by a fire, which destroyed part of the Glace Bay station, but was re-established in April 1910.
In his last illness he was cauterized, and on seeing the burning iron he addressed "brother Fire," reminding him how he had always loved him and asking him to deal kindly with him.
The cost of fire brigades, infant asylums, evening and holiday schools, is classed as optional expenditure.
The first of the three fires laid down is the garhapatya, or householder's fire, so called because, though not taken from his ordinary house-fire, but as a rule specially produced by friction, it serves for cooking the sacrificial food, and thus, as it were, represents the domestic fire.
From it the other two fires, the anavaniya, or offering fire, and the dakshinagni, or southern fire, used for certain special purposes, are taken.
The principal other ceremonies of this class are the new and full moon offerings, the oblations made at the commencement of the three seasons, the offering of first-fruits, the animal sacrifice, and the Agnihotra, or daily morning and evening oblation of milk, which, however, is also included amongst the grihya, or domestic rites, as having to be performed daily on the domestic fire by the householder who keeps no regular set of sacrificial fires.
The building of this altar is spread over a whole year, during which period the sacrificer has to carry about the sacrificial fire in an earthen pan for at least some time each day, until it is finally deposited on the completed altar to serve as the offering-fire for the Soma oblations.
This was damaged by fire in 1731; the other is undamaged.
Property is communal and theft is only recognized as to things of absolute necessity, such as arrows, pigs' flesh and fire.
Fire is the one thing they are really careful about, not knowing how to renew it.
All things are said to be developed out of an original being, which is at once material (fire) and spiritual (the Deity), and in turn they will dissolve back into this primordial source.
The timber is much used in some rural districts for flooring, and is durable for indoor purposes when protected from dry-rot; it has, like most poplar woods, the property of resisting fire better than other timber.
Wheeler with his small band of soldiers and the European and Eurasian residents were exposed for 21 days to the fire of the mutineers, is merely a bare field, containing the well where many women and children were shot while getting water.
In September of the same year (1666) the fire occurred, and the old St Paul's was completely gutted.
Frost-cracks, scorching of bark by sun and fire, &c., anc wounds due to plants which entwine, pierce or otherwise materially injure trees, &c., on a large scale.
Here he set fire to the cedar roof of the palace of Xerxes as a symbol that the Greek war of revenge against the Persians had come to an end.
The streets of Portland are generally well paved, are unusually clean, and, in the residence districts, where the fire of 1866 did not extend, they are profusely shaded by elms and other large trees - Portland has been called the "Forest City."
In 1886 a large central portion of the city, about 200 acres, was destroyed by a fire resulting from a Fourth of July celebration.
About 1330 B.C. Khurba-tila was captured by Kuri-galzu III., the Kassite king of Babylonia, but a later prince Kidin-Khutrutas avenged his defeat, and Sutruk-Nakhkhunte (1220 B.C.) carried fire and sword through Babylonia, slew its king Zamama-sum-iddin and carried away a stela of Naram-Sin and the famous code of laws of Khammurabi from Sippara, as well as a stela of Manistusu from Akkuttum or Akkad.
It dates from the 14th century, but was partly restored after a fire in 1543.
In building up the heap a number of narrow vertical passages are left to afford a draught for the fire.
The ore is kindled from above and the fire so regulated (by making or unmaking air-holes in the covering) that, by the heat produced References.
The chamber has a safety value at the top of its vault, which is so balanced that the least surplus pressure from within sends it up. The first puff of sulphur vapour which enters the chamber takes fire and converts the air of the chamber into a mixture of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide.
When compressed it is also used largely as a refrigerating agent, and in virtue of its property of neither burning nor supporting combustion it is also used as a fire extinctor.
With the exception of the churches and a few stone buildings, Bulacan was completely destroyed by fire in 1898.
They originated in 1645, when, according to their belief, God the Father descended in a chariot of fire on Mount Gorodim, in the province of Vladimir, and took up his abode in a peasant named Daniel Philippov, who chose another peasant, named Ivan Suslov, for his son, the Christ.
A few months later occurred in Moscow a great fire, which destroyed nearly the whole of the city, and a serious popular tumult, in which the tsar's uncle was murdered by the populace.
His grandfather had obtained from Venice an " artist " who undertook " to build churches and palaces, to cast big bells and cannons, to fire off the said cannons and to make every sort of castings very cunningly "; and with the aid of that clever Venetian he had become the proud possessor of a " cannon-house," subsequently dignified with the name of " arsenal."
This maximum rate depends upon the kind of coal used, whether small, friable, bituminous or hard, upon the thickness of the fire, and upon the correct design and setting of the blast-pipe.
This, besides reducing the efficiency of the furnace, introduces the danger of fire to crops and buildings near the line.
Cars built almost entirely of steel, in which the proportion of wood is reduced to a minimum, are used on some electric railways, in order to diminish danger from fire, and the same mode of construction is also being adopted for the rolling stock of steam railways.
Gas has the disadvantage that in case of a collision its inflammability may assist ally fire that may be started.
In the principal square stands the town hall, built in1448-1457in the VenetianGothic style, and skilfully restored after a fire in 1876; opposite is a clock tower resembling that of the Piazza di San Marco at Venice.
While the ark carried with Israel's host symbolized His presence in their midst, He was also known to be present in the cloud which hovered before the host and in the lightning ('esh Yahweh or " fire of Yahweh ") and the thunder (kol Yahweh or " voice of Yahweh ") which played around Mount Sinai.
Doubtless the secret fire of a consuming, but as yet ungratified, literary ambition also troubled his repose.
Disciplined troops as they were, they resisted the temptation to escape Ferrara's fire by breaking out to the front; but the whole Spanish line was enfiladed, and on the left of it the papal troops, who were by no means of the same quality, filled up the ditch in front of their breastworks and charged forward, followed by all the gendarmerie.
Rictiovarus in disgust cast himself into the fire, or the caldron of boiling tar, from which they had emerged refreshed.
Signs of this fire are still visible on the walls, which are in part tinged red by the flames.
Stung by this insult, he neglected the fire of war which had been lighted at Caesarea, and hastened to Jerusalem.
As for the " Declaration," the original records of the transactions of Mecklenburg county were destroyed by fire in 1800, but it is claimed that a copy of the " Declaration " was made from memory in the same year, and when, in 1819, a controversy had arisen as to where the movement for independence originated, this copy was published, first in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Gazette and then in many other newspapers.
In 1785, at Abingdon, Maryland, he laid the corner-stone of Cokesbury College, the project of Dr Coke and the first Methodist Episcopal college in America; the college building was burned in 1795, and the college was then removed to Baltimore, where in 1796, after another fire, it closed, and in 1816 was succeeded by Asbury College, which lived for about fifteen years.
The town was unsuccessfully besieged in 1625, during the Thirty Years' War, but was taken by the Swedes in 1632 and nearly destroyed by fire.
There is no suggestion of the popular idea that the mitre symbolizes the " tongues of fire " that descended on the heads of the apostles at Pentecost.
The houses are built of clay with (generally) flat roofs impervious to fire.
It was opened in 1873, destroyed by fire almost immediately, and reopened in 1875.
The best MS. is the Heidelberg MS., written in Germany, probably in the 8th century; but this perished in the fire at Mommsen's house.
When Vespasian was proclaimed emperor at Alexandria,Domitian escaped with difficulty from the temple of the Capitol, which had been set on fire by the Vitellians, and remained in hiding till his father's party proved victorious.
The town and neighbourhood have been long noted for their lime and cement, and large quantities of potters', pipe, fire and other kinds of clay are sent to Staffordshire and to foreign countries.
Further incursions made by the Danes in 998 and in 1015 under Canute probably resulted in the destruction of the priory, on the site of which a later house was founded in the 12th century as a cell of the Norman abbey of Lysa, and in the decayed condition of Wareham in 1086, when 203 houses were ruined or waste, the result of misfortune, poverty and fire.
In the vestibules dirty water is still to be met with, but the hells are full of scorching consuming fire, except Krun's domain, where is nought but dust, ashes and vacancy.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light, but was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the "black water," and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
The Sidra Rabbet knows of three total destructions of the human race by fire and water, pestilence and sword, a single pair alone surviving in each case.
Yet in his last year he revisited Metz, preaching amid great enthusiasm, with all his wonted fire.
After the Great Fire of 1666 he constructed a model for the rebuilding of the city, which was highly approved, although the design of Sir C. Wren was preferred.
During a halt on the peninsula of Pallene, Aethilla and the other captive women set fire to the ships.
In 1854 the town was almost destroyed by fire and was rebuilt.
In 1479 a fire consumed the earlier buildings along the Rio, and these were replaced (1480-1550) by the present Renaissance structure.
Owing to a fire which gutted a great part of the palace in 1574, the internal appearance of the rooms was completely changed, and the fine series of early Paduan and Venetian paintings which decorated the walls of the chief rooms was lost.
Though the state papers of Venice have suffered from fire and the series begins comparatively late, yet their fullness and the world-wide sweep of Venetian interests render this collection an inexhaustible storehouse of data for students.
After the great fire of 1872 it became possible, in the reconstruction of the business district, to widen and straighten its streets and create squares, and so provide for the traffic that had long outgrown the narrow, crooked ways of the older city.
On the 9th-1 oth of November 1872 a terrible fire swept the business part of the city, destroying hundreds of buildings of brick and granite, and inflicting a loss of some $75,000,000.
Within two years the whole area, solidly rebuilt and with widened and straightened streets, showed no traces of the ruin except an appearance superior in all respects to that presented before the fire.
Half-hearted attempts after the peace to repair the ruined mines failed; the town became impoverished, and in 1770 was devastated by fire.
In addition a lease frequently contains covenants for renewal of the lease at the option of the lessee, and for repairs or insurance against damage by fire by the lessee.
Microscopic examination of a specimen of mature cotton shows that the hairs are flattened and twisted, resembling somewhat in general appearance an empty and twisted fire hose.
It is either set in the first instance at some distance from the engine and well, or is subsequently removed sufficiently far away before the drill enters the oil-bearing formation, and until the oil and gas are under control, in order to minimize the risk of fire.
Thus it was on a kingdom of crusaders who had lost the crusading spirit that a new Crusade swept down; and Saladin's army in 1187 had the spirit and the fire of the Latin crusaders of 1099.
The Poem of the Cid is but a fragment of 3744 lines, written in a barbarous style, in rugged assonant rhymes, and a rude Alexandrine measure, but it glows with the pure fire of poetry, and is full of a noble simplicity and a true epical grandeur, invaluable as a living picture of the age.
They will hold their arms over their heads until the muscles atrophy, will keep their fists clenched till the nails grow through the palms, will lie on beds of nails, cut and stab themselves, drag, week after week, enormous chains loaded with masses of iron, or hang themselves before a fire near enough to scorch.
Philosophical sanction and explanation of this belief was then found by bringing it into relation with the theory of the prima materia, which was identical in all bodies but received its actual form by the adjunction of qualities expressed by the Aristotelian elements - earth, air, fire and water.
The prima materia was early identified with mercury, not ordinary mercury, but the " mercury of the philosophers," which was the essence or soul of mercury, freed from the four Aristotelian elements - earth, air, fire and water - or rather from the qualities which they represent.
This statement represents a doctrine widely held in the 13th century, and also to be found in the Greek alchemists, that everything endowed with a particular apparent quality possesses a hidden opposite quality, which can be rendered apparent by fire.
He has, he adds, tested gold made by alchemists, and found that it will not withstand six or seven exposures to fire.
In 1871 much of it was destroyed by a forest fire.
They withdrew in the following year, when the Turks set fire to the city.
Among other buildings are a picturesque old castle dating from the 13th century, now in ruins with the exception of a few rooms used as a prison; the new castle, used as a fire watch-tower; and the town hall.
Atlanta is the Southern headquarters for a number of fire and life insurance companies, and is the third city of the United States in the amount of insurance business written and reported to resident agents, the annual premium receipts averaging about $10,000,000.
It has been in large part rebuilt since a fire in 1836, and possesses a castle, with various collections, a museum of antiquities, an old town hall and churches.
A terrible fire swept the central part of the city on the 12th of April 1908.
Much discussion had centred about fire or the "igneous principle."
Sometimes this principle has weight, and sometimes it has not; sometimes it is free fire and sometimes it is fire combined with the earthy element; sometimes it passes through the pores of vessels, sometimes these are impervious to it; it explains both causticity and non-causticity, transparency and opacity, colours and their absence; it is a veritable Proteus changing in form at each instant."
The frost-bitten individual must not be brought near a fire nor even into a warm room.
The church tower dates from 1521, but the old town was destroyed by fire in 1833.
Froissart relates that he was burned to death through his bedclothes catching fire; Secousse says that he died in peace with many signs of contrition; another story says he died of leprosy; and a popular legend tells how he expired by a divine judgment through the burning of the clothes steeped in sulphur and spirits in which he had been wrapped as a cure for a loathsome disease caused by his debauchery.
Tattnall not only brought the Toeywan under fire, but lent the aid of his boats to land detachments to turn the Chinese defences.
We hear that Heraclea surrendered under compulsion to Hannibal in 212 B.C. and that in the Social war the public records were destroyed by fire.
They entered Italy on the north-east under the leadership of Antonius Primus, defeated the army of Vitellius at Bedriacum (or Betriacum), sacked Cremona and advanced on Rome, which they entered after furious fighting and a frightful confusion, in which the Capitol was destroyed by fire.
The city was founded in 1736, but was completely destroyed by fire in 1832.
They often set fire to a village by night and captured the inhabitants when trying to escape.
The white inhabitants of Cape Francois were massacred and the city in great part destroyed by fire.
The attack on the centre was repulsed by the cool and steady fire of the Guards, and the left wing maintained its position with ease, but the French cavalry for the second time came to close quarters with the reserve.
Since satisfaction was not given for this and the forts were being strengthened at the instigation of Arabi Pasha, the war minister, the British admiral, Sir Beauchamp Seymour (afterwards Lord Alcester), sent an ultimatum on the 10th of July and opened fire on the forts the next day.
It was several times won and lost by the Romans, and twice destroyed by fire.
With some, of course - such as the god of fire - the connexion with the good deity was a priori indissoluble.
Beyond the Lord and his Fire, the Gathas only recognize the archangels and certain ministers of Ormazd, who are, without exception, personifications of abstract ideas.
Thereupon Ormazd will hold a judicium universale, in the form of a general ordeal, a great test of all mankind by fire and molten metal, and will judge strictly according to justice, punish the wicked, and assign to the good the hoped-for reward.
Its centre was the holy fire on the altar.
The fire altars afterwards developed to fire temples.
The zinc plates are then drawn close together by means of straps, and suspended before a fire until the drying is effected.
The building suffered from fire in 741, and, after it had been repaired by Archbishop Albert, was described by Alcuin as "a most magnificent basilica."
At the time of the Norman invasion the Saxon cathedral, with the library of Archbishop Egbert, perished in the fire by which the greater part of the city was destroyed, the only relic remaining being the central wall of the crypt.
On the 2nd of February 1829 the woodwork of the choir was set on fire by Jonathan Martin, a madman.
On the 2nd of May 1840 a fire broke out in the S.W.
The cathedral of Notre-Dame, one of the finest Gothic churches in France, was founded in the 11th century by Bishop Fulbert on the site of an earlier church destroyed by fire.
The upper woodwork was consumed by fire in 1836, but the rest of the building was saved.
The more conspicuous buildings are the ancient Gothic cathedral (restored in 1866, and again in 1870 after the interior was destroyed by fire), with its lofty tower, the cavalry barracks, the ex-convent of the Capuchins at a little distance from the city, and the seminary in which are preserved the famous Oscan inscription known as the Cippus Abellanus (from Abella, the modern Avella, q.v.) and some Latin inscriptions relating to a treaty with Nola regarding a joint temple of Hercules.
A powerful revival broke out at Bala in the autumn of 1791, and his account of it in letters to correspondents, sent without his knowledge to magazines, kindled a similar fire at Huntly.
Arequipa is the seat of a bishopric created in 1609-1612, and possesses a comparatively modern cathedral, its predecessor having been destroyed by fire in 1849.
In 1675 it was captured by imperial troops, but in 1677 it was retaken by the French and nearly all destroyed by fire.
With Sebastiani's encouragement the Porte resisted these demands; in one day a thousand guns were ranged along both sides of the Bosporus; and after a stay of ten days the British fleet was ordered to leave, and was considerably damaged by the fire of the forts while passing down.
Aeetes required of Jason that he should first yoke to a plough his bulls, given him by Hephaestus, which snorted fire and had hoofs of brass, and with them plough the field of Ares.
Successful so far by means of the mixture which Medea, daughter of Aeetes, had given him as proof against fire and sword, Jason was next allowed to approach the dragon which watched the fleece; Medea soothed the monster with another mixture, and Jason became master of the fleece.
In view of these troops the Prussian line, which had advanced faultlessly as if on parade, halted to prepare its bayonet attack by fire, and, once halted, it was found impossible to get them to go on again.
Sebastiani, commanding the advanced guard, overtook the Russians in the act of evacuating Moscow, and agreed with the latter to observe a seven hours' armistice to allow the Russians to clear the town, for experience had shown the French that street fighting in wooden Russian townships always meant fire and the consequent destruction of much-needed shelter and provisions.
Napoleon passed the night in a house in the western suburb and next morning rode to the Kremlin, the troops moving to the quarters assigned to them, but in the afternoon a great fire began and, continuing for two days, drove the French out into the country again.
At length when both sides were exhausted by their efforts he sent forward nearly a hundred guns which tore asunder by their case-shot fire the enemy's line and marched his reserve right through the gap. Had he possessed an adequate cavalry force the victory would have been decisive.
He seemed unaware of the vital importance of the moment, crouched shivering over a bivouac fire, and finally rode back to Dresden, leaving no specific orders for the further pursuit.
On the 10th day of the month every household shall take a firstling male without blemish, of sheep or goat, and should kill it on the 14th at even, and sprinkle the two sideposts and lintel with the blood, and eat the roasted flesh, not sodden, including head, legs and inwards; all remaining over until the morning to be burnt by fire.
The first month on the 14th day of the month is the Passover; the 15th day of this month shall be a feast; seven days unleavened bread to be eaten; first day a holy assembly with fire offering, two young bullocks and one lamb and seven firstling he-lambs without blemish, with appropriate meal offering and one he-goat for sin-offering; on the seventh day another hol assembly.
A trench was dug, in which a fire was lighted; a victim was sacrificed, and its blood poured into the trench; the body, upon which incense and fruits, honey and wine were thrown, was then cast into the fire.
It suffered greatly in the fire of 1671, and has since been impoverished by plunder'and neglect.
Many of those that are movable have been transferred to Madrid, and many others have perished by fire or sack.
On the night of the 1st of October 1872, the college and seminary, a part of the palace and the upper library were devastated by fire; but the damage was subsequently repaired.
His battle-pieces have movement and fire, warm colouring (now too often blackened), and great command of the brush, - those of moderate dimensions are the more esteemed.
In 1824, after the conquest of Psara by the Turks, he commanded the Greek forces which prevented the further progress of the Sultan's fleet, though at the cost of the loss of many fire ships and men to themselves.
In the forcing of peaches fire heat is commonly applied about December or January; but it may, where there is a demand, begin a month sooner.
After the end of April little fire heat is required.
The danger of loss from forest fires, such as that of 1894, emphasized the necessity of forest preservation, and resulted (1895) in the creation of a special state department with a forest commissioner and five wardens with power to enforce upon corporations and individuals a strict observance of the forestry laws, the good effects of the law being evidenced by the fact that the fire losses in forest lands for the first twelve years of its operation averaged only $31,000 a year.
Junot, believing the allied August21, left to be weakly held, attacked it without reconnoitring, but Wellesley's regiments, marched thither behind the heights, sprang up in line; and under their volleys and bayonet charge, supported by artillery fire, Junot's deep columns were driven off the direct road to Lisbon.
Wellington's columns, under Beresford, were now called upon to make a flank march of some two miles, under artillery, and occasionally musketry, fire, being threatened also by cavalry, and then, while the Spanish troops assaulted the north of the ridge, to wheel up, mount the eastern slope, and carry the works.
The old church was destroyed in the great fire of 1842, and the new building, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 13th century Gothic, was erected 18 451874.
The great fire of 1842 (5th-8th of May) laid in waste the greatest part of the business quarter of the city and caused a temporary interruption of its commerce.
He succeeded in his purpose and made his escape under the fire of the batteries with a loss of only one man wounded.
The story in picturesque fashion makes Patrick challenge the royal authority by lighting the Paschal fire on the hill of Slane on the night of Easter Eve.
It chanced to be the occasion of a pagan festival at Tara, during which no fire might be kindled until the royal fire had been lit.
The "Dartmouth" then opened "a defensive fire," and the action became general at once.
On account of its transparency and its resistance to fire and sudden changes of temperature, mica has been much used for the windows of stoves and lanterns, for the peep-holes of furnaces, and the chimneys of lamps and gas-burners.
It was often a "hearth tax" (fouage), when each fire, i.e.
Supposing the pot to be filled with melted lead to be treated, the fire is withdrawn beneath and steam introduced.
Elaborate rules are accordingly drawn up to secure the maximum of benefit, and the minimum of inconvenience, from this sacred fire; and in the application of these rules does savage casuistry consist.
This line of princes continued till 1760 without any remarkable event, when, in the reign of Rao Ghodji, the country was invaded four times by the Sinds, who wasted it with fire and sword.
The town was almost totally destroyed by fire in 1759 and 1826.
St Elmo's fire is most frequently observed at low levels through the winter season during and after snowstorms.
He has ever been the patron saint of Mediterranean sailors, who regard St Elmo's fire as the visible sign of his guardianship. The phenomenon was known to the ancient Greeks, and Pliny in his Natural History states that when there were two lights sailors called them Castor and Pollux and invoked them as gods.
The second group represents, first, the birth of Mithras; then the god nude, cutting fruit and leaves from a fig-tree in which is the bust of a deity, and before which one of the winds is blowing upon Mithras; the god discharging an arrow against a rock from which springs a fountain whose water a figure is kneeling to receive in his palms; the bull in a small boat, near which again occurs the figure of the animal under a roof about to be set on fire by two figures; the bull in flight, with Mithras in pursuit; Mithras bearing the bull on his shoulders; Helios kneeling before Mithras; Helios and Mithras clasping hands over an altar; Mithras with drawn bow on a running horse; Mithras and Helios banqueting; Mithras and Helios mounting the chariot of the latter and rising in full course over the ocean.
Finally a fire desolated the earth, and only the creatures of Ormazd escaped.
Besides the administration of sacraments and the celebration of offices on special occasions, the priest kept alight the eternal fire on the altar, addressed prayers to the Sun at dawn, midday and twilight, turning towards east, south and west respectively.
The bull was to be sacrificed to Mithras, who was to mingle its fat with consecrated wine and give to drink of it to the just, rendering them immortal, while the unjust, together with Ahriman and his spirits, were to be destroyed by a fire sent from Heaven by Ormazd.
The regard entertained by the natives for Caramuru (signifying man of fire) induced them to extend a hospitable welcome to his countrymen, and for a time everything went on well.
But the whole of this latter structure was destroyed by fire in 1650 while in occupation by the soldiers of Cromwell; and the more modern parts were begun during the Protectorate, and completed in the reign of Charles II.
Partially destroyed by fire in 1 447 and afterwards rebuilt, it was sacked in 1650 and again in 1688, and then gradually fell into decay.
Maria di Provenzano, a vast baroque building of some elegance, designed by Schifardini (1594) Sant' Agostino, rebuilt by Vanvitelli in 1755, containing a Crucifixion and Saints by Perugino, a Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni, the Coming of the Magi by Sodoma, and a St Anthony by Spagnoletto (?); the beautiful church of the Servites (15th century), which contains another Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni and other good examples of the Sienese school; San Francesco, designed by Agostino and Agnolo about 1326, and now restored, which once possessed many fine paintings by Duccio Buoninsegna, Lorenzetti, Sodoma and Beccafumi, some of which perished in the great fire of 1655; San Domenico, a fine 13th-century building with a single nave and transept, containing Sodoma's splendid fresco the Swoon of St Catherine, the Madonna of Guido da Siena, 1281, and a crucifix by Sano di Pietro.
The name of the town was Idsall when in 1591 a fund was raised by royal favour in Shropshire and neighbouring counties in order to rebuild it after a serious fire.
In February 1868 a great fire destroyed the whole of Migne's printing premises, but he established a new house in Paris, which was purchased in 1876 by the publishers Gamier Freres, who still own all the works brought out by Migne.
Before the latter event, however, the family had been seriously impoverished by a great fire, which destroyed several valuable buildings, but notwithstanding this, the mother left to each of her six children some little fortune.
His great desire for instruction, however, at last induced his family to send him back to Bergen, to his uncle, and there he remained, eagerly studying, until the destruction of that city by fire in 1702, when he was sent to the university of Copenhagen.
In the spring he returned to Copenhagen with recovered health and spirits, and worked quietly at his protean literary labours until the great fire of 1728.
Sloops, fire - ships, bomb-vessels and royal yachts were said to be not rated.
The Pemberton mills, built in 1853, collapsed and afterwards took fire on the 10th of January 1860; 90 were killed and hundreds severely injured., Lawrence was chartered as a city in 1853, and annexed a small part of Methuen in 1854 and parts of Andover and North Andover in 1879.
A magnificent Gothic parish church was destroyed by fire and gunpowder in 1790 to make way for a building of little merit in Italian style.
In his cosmogonic treatise on nature and the gods, called Hevr4tvxo (Preller's correction of Suidas, who has E7rTaµuXos) from the five elementary or original principles (aether, fire, air, water, earth; Gomperz substitutes smoke and darkness for aether and earth), he enunciated a system in which science, allegory and mythology were blended.
Chronos begat fire, air and water, and from these three sprang numerous other gods; Smoke and darkness appear in a later tradition.
The police force and fire companies in the larger cities are organized on a military basis, and are sometimes used for military purposes.
The former, bred in the tradition of the Napoleonic battle, looked for the decision only from the employment of "masses"; the latter, trained with the breech-loader and without war experience, expected to decide battles by infantry fire only.
Within a few days of the fire three several plans were presented to the king for the rebuilding of the city, by Christopher Wren, John Evelyn and Robert Hooke.
The first great impetus of change in the configuration of London was given by the great fire, and Evelyn records and regrets that the town in his time had grown almost as large again as it was within his own memory.
The Act of Parliament " for rebuilding the city of London " passed after the great fire, gave the coup de grace to the carpenters as house-builders.
After setting forth that " building with brick was not only more comely and durable, but also more safe against future perils of fire," it was enacted " that all the outsides of all buildings in and about the city should be made of brick or stone, except doorcases and windowframes, and other parts.
In 1838 the second Royal Exchange was destroyed by fire; and on October 28, 1844, the Queen opened the new Royal Exchange, built by Mr (afterwards Sir William) Tite.
The fire of 1666 destroyed all the documents of the Parish Clerks Company, and in its hall in Silver Street only printed tables from about the year 1700 are to be found.
On " Dingaan's day " the Boer force received the attack of the Zulu while in laager; the enemy charged in dense masses, being met both by cannon shot and rifle fire, and were presently attacked in the rear by mounted Boers.
After the defeat Dingaan set fire to the royal kraal (Umgungindhlovu) and for a time took refuge in the bush; on the Boers recrossing the Tugela he established himself at Ulundi at a little distance from his former capital.
The money so spent, if judiciously used, insures the undertaking against loss by diminishing the mining risk, and is thus analogous to premiums paid to insure against fire or other sources of loss.
By using compressed air vitiation of the mine air is avoided, as well as all danger of fire or explosion of gas.
A fire underground speedily becomes formidable, not only in coal but also in metal mines, on account of the large quantity of timber used to support the excavations.
The difficulty of extinguishing an underground fire in this way is, however, very great, as on account of the poisonous products of combustion it is impossible to attack it except in the rear, and even there the men are always in great danger from the reversal of the FIG.
These laws are enforced by mine inspectors of the timber produces falls of ground, making necessary the excavawho are empowered to call upon the courts and other government tion and removal at times of hundreds of tons of heated rock and burning coal, in order to reach the fire.
When direct attack is no longer practicable, it is possible to extinguish the fire by sealing the mine workings, and exhausting the supply of oxygen.
It is necessary, however, to keep the mine sealed until the burning timbers, or coal, and the red-hot rocks have become cool, or the fire will again break out.
Where an effective sealing of the mine is impracticable it is sometimes possible to extinguish the fire from the outside of the mine by constructing a large reservoir or tank in the upper part of the mine-shaft and suddenly releasing a large volume of water by opening dischargedoors.
Where the fire is in or near the shaft this method has proved very effective.
If the fire is in working places to the rise the water may not reach the burning portions of the mine, but will effectually seal them.
The troops started for the shore in flotillas of boats soon after dawn at all points, their approach covered by the fire of battleships and cruisers, and in all cases the boats were not fired upon until almost the last moment.
The Turks were in strong force in that quarter, and, as the hours passed and the defenders (3rd and r ith Divs.) massed, the situation became such as to render any French advance out of the question; indeed, but for the fire of the warships the troops who had landed could barely have maintained themselves.
But the enemy speedily brought effective flanking artillery fire to bear on the beach and on the boats; the troops, both officers and men, were inexperienced, the ground to be advanced over was hilly, scrub-clad and extremely broken, and considerable confusion arose.
On the other hand, the Turks, who were commanded by Essad, had likewise dug themselves in, and they could bring an effective artillery fire to bear on the Anzac trenches from three sides, the prospect of the landing force making any effective progress under the awkward conditions of ground in which it found itself was remote, and Birdwood's contingents had in reality been even less successful than had those detailed for Helles as regards securing an adequate area on the enemy's shores before the defence gathered strength.
In spite of the discouraging conditions in which they found themselves, and of the constant annoyance suffered from hostile artillery fire, the troops were in fair heart, while the tactical efficiency of the recently created divisions, which had not been of a high standard when they arrived in the theatre of war, had appreciably progressed.
Just before the last boats sheered off the masses of stores which it had been necessary to abandon were set on fire, and only from the glare set up by this conflagration were the Turks made aware that their opponents had evaded them yet again.
Its beautiful picture gallery, containing portraits of several of the famous princes of the house of Wettin, was almost totally destroyed by fire in January 1905.
The church of St Editha, originally founded in the 8th century, was rebuilt, after being burned by the Danes, by Edgar, who made it collegiate, but the existing Decorated building, was erected after a fire in 1345.
The manufactured goods are either removed gradually from a constant source of heat by means of a train of small iron trucks drawn along a tramway by an endless chain, or are placed in a heated kiln in which the fire is allowed gradually to die out.
For a few isolated purposes, however, it is desirable to use a glass which has not been touched upon either surface and thus preserves the lustre of its " fire polish " undiminished; this can be attained in crown-glass but not in sheet, since one side of the latter is always more or less marked by the rubber used in the process of flattening.
The wire gives the glass great advantages in the event of fracture from a blow or from fire, but owing to the difference in thermal expansion between wire and glass, there is a strong tendency for such " wired glass " to crack spontaneously.
The fire may well have caused the natron, an impure form of carbonate of soda, to combine with the surrounding sand to form silicate of soda, which, although not a permanent glass, is sufficiently glass-like to suggest the x11.4 FIG.
It is also recorded that pierced silver disks were suspended by chains and supported glass lamps " wrought by fire."
The most prominent building is the palace, formerly the residence of the dukes of Liegnitz, rebuilt after a fire in 1835 and now used as the administrative offices of the district.
Owing to a fire caused by lightning its fine church of St Julien, dating from the 14th century, which had escaped serious injury during many wars, was destroyed in 1817 (since rebuilt).
Assyria, however, was aided by civil war in Elam itself; the country was wasted with fire and sword,, and its capital Susa or Shushan levelled with the ground.
According to Justin, it prophesied the destruction of the world by fire.
The simoniacal election of Pietro Mezzabarba as bishop of Florence (1068) caused serious disturbances and a long controversy with Rome, which ended in the triumph, after a trial by fire, of the mdnk Petrus Igneus, champion of the popular reform movement; this event indicates the beginnings of a popular conscience among the Florentines.
Pulpit warfare was waged between Savdnarola and his opponents, and the matter ended in his being forbidden to preach and in a proposed ordeal by fire, which, however, never came off.
The "Fortitude" and "Juno" kept up a cannonade for 22 hours and then hauled off, the former being on fire and having sixtytwo men killed and wounded.
The fire from the batteries on shore produced no impression until a hot shot set fire to the "bass junk with which, to the depth of 5 ft., the immensely thick parapet was lined."
They are structures of solid masonry, containing vaulted rooms for the garrison, and providing a platform at the top for two or three guns, which fire over a low masonry parapet.
The chief defect of the tower was its weakness against vertical fire; its masonry was further liable to be cut through by breaching batteries.
In Barbadoes there are still many estates making good Mascabado sugar; but as the juice is extracted from the canes by windmills, and then concentrated in open kettles heated by direct fire, the financial results are disastrous, since nearly half the yield obtainable from the canes is lost.
The Exeter gild also gave assistance when property was destroyed by fire.
The brethren were aided in old age, sickness and poverty, often also in cases of loss by robbery, shipwreck and conflagration; for example, any member of the gild of St Catherine, Aldersgate, was to be assisted if he "fall into poverty or be injured through age, or through fire or water, thieves or sickness."
To destroy the seeds, &c., of weeds, and the larvae of insect pests, a fire is often lighted, kept from the ground itself by intervening wood logs, or the seed-bed is thoroughly steamed.
To start a new furnace, the front side is closed provisionally by a brick wall, a fire lighted inside, and the temperature raised very gradually to a white heat.
If zinc be heated to near its boiling-point, it catches fire and burns with a brilliant light into its powdery white oxide, which forms a reek in the air (lana philosophica, " philosopher's wool").
Although this primitive furnace could be made to act, its efficiency was low, and the use of a separate fire was disadvantageous.
The streets formerly consisted largely of mud hovels, but since a great fire in 1894, which destroyed large parts of James Town and Ussher Town, more substantial buildings have been erected.
It was built after a fire in the 17th century on the site of a church said to have been founded in the 5th century; it has two towers, and contains some valuable relics.
The best mode of destroying cockroaches is, when the fire and 1 The word is a corruption of Sp. cucaracha.
The Hevea product is obtained annually by tapping the trees and coagulating the sap over a smoky fire, but the caucho is procured by felling the tree and collecting the sap in a hollow in the ground where it is coagulated by stirring in a mixture of soap and the juice of a plant called vetilla.
The town was almost entirely destroyed by fire in 1327, after which the emperor Louis the Bavarian, in recognition of the loyalty of the citizens, rebuilt it very much on the scale it retained down to the beginning of the 19th century.
In the spring of 1861 the Federals set fire to several war vessels in the Gosport navy yard on the Elizabeth river and abandoned the place.
Passing the first of these vessels with terrific broadsides, the "Merrimac" rammed the "Cumberland" and then turned her fire again on the "Congress," which in an attempt to escape ran aground and was there under fire from three other Confederate gun-boats which had meanwhile joined the "Merrimac."
While directing a fire of hot shot to burn the "Congress," Commodore Buchanan of the "Merrimac" was severely wounded and was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant Catesby ap Roger Jones.
According to some he was the god of consuming fire; others saw in him the bright sky, or the heaven; still others recognized in him a storm god, a theory with which the derivation of the name from Heb.
The association of Yahweh with storm and fire is frequent in the Old Testament; the thunder is the voice of Yahweh, the lightning his arrows, the rainbow his bow.
Yahweh leads Israel through the desert in a pillar of cloud and fire; he kindles Elijah's altar by lightning, and translates the prophet in a chariot of fire.
The fighting in Telnitz was perhaps the hardest of the whole battle, but the inevitable retreat, every part of which was now under the fire of the French on the plateau, was terribly costly.
The Palazzo della Ragione, with its great hall on the upper floor, is reputed to have the largest roof unsupported by columns in Europe; the hall is nearly rectangular, its length 2672 ft., its breadth 89 ft., and its height 78 ft.; the walls are covered with symbolical paintings in fresco; the building stands upon arches, and the upper storey is surrounded by an open loggia, not unlike that which surrounds the basilica of Vicenza; the Palazzo was begun in 1172 and finished in 1219; in 1306 Fra Giovanni, an Augustinian friar, covered the whole with one roof; originally there were three roofs, spanning the three chambers into which the hall was at first divided; the internal partition walls remained till the fire of 1420, when the Venetian architects who undertook the restoration removed them, throwing all three compartments into one and forming the present great hall.
In 1689 Newry was set on fire by the duke of Berwick when in retreat before Schomberg.
A creature of the Arrabbiati, a Franciscan friar named Francesco di Puglia, challenged Savonarola to prove the truth of his doctrines by the ordeal of fire.
And, when the Franciscan declared that he would enter the fire with Savonarola alone, Fra Domenico protested his willingness to enter it with any one in defence of his master's cause.
The causticity of alkaline bodies was explained at that time as depending on the presence in them of the principle of fire, "phlogiston"; quicklime, for instance, was chalk which had taken up phlogiston, and when mild alkalis such as sodium or potassium carbonate were causticized by its aid, the phlogiston was supposed to pass from it to them.
Provost Robertson belonged to the Clan Donachie, and by this marriage the robust and business-like qualities of the Lowlander were blended with the poetic imagination, the sensibility and fire of the Gael.
It was destroyed by the Lombards with fire and sword, and it was then that it lost practically all its monuments of the Roman period.
On the 15th of August 1867 the tower and roof were destroyed by fire and considerable damage was done to the rest of the edifice.
There is also a tradition that some kind of general history was compiled in 620 but destroyed by fire in 645.
The present head, however, isa later substitute f or the original, which was destroyed by fire.
The roof was thatched, and perhaps had a gable at each end with a hole to allow the smoke of the wood fire to escape.
The town is timber-built and modern; and the Protestant church, town-hall, and schools were all rebuilt after fire in 1890.
Heresy is a spiritual thing,"he says," which one cannot hew with any iron, burn with any fire, drown with any water.
Hydrants are fixed in all the streets for the use of the fire brigade, which has a well disciplined and efficient personnel, and does not lack opportunities for the exhibition of its skill in a town built largely of wood.
Both police and fire brigade are under the command of a single Keishi-sokan (inspector-general).
The first was the sun of earth; the second, of fire; the third, of air; the fourth, of water; the fifth (which is the present) was unnamed.
But most probably this deity had another less abstract name, and the horrible worship offered in the one temple which he really had under the Incas, accorded with his true cosmic significance as the god of the subterranean fire.
In all these biographies there is internal evidence of confusion; many of the incidents related are elsewhere told of other persons, and certain of them are quite irreconcilable with his character, so far as it can be judged of from his writings and from the opinions expressed of him by his contemporaries; we may safely reject, for instance, the legends that he set fire to the library of the Temple of Health at Cnidos, in order to destroy the evidence of plagiarism, and that he refused to visit Persia at the request of Artaxerxes Longimanus, during a pestilential epidemic, on the ground that he would in so doing be assisting an enemy.
The Zulus attacked with great gallantry but were received with so deadly a fire that they could not come within thirty yards of the rifles.
There was a last fruitless assault, delivered by some of the Confederate brigades on the right that had not received Beauregard's order against Nelson's intact troops, who were supported by the fire of the gunboats on the Tennessee.
In1907-1908the institution had 28 buildings (including the old State Capitol, built in 1840), a teaching and administrative force of nearly 200 members and 2315 students, of whom 1082 were in the college of liberal arts; the university library had about 65,000 volumes (25,000 were destroyed by fire in 1897), and the university law library, 14,000 volumes; and the total income of the university was about $611,000.
Earthquakes, and a fire in 1901, have done considerable damage to the town.
In 16J3 the town was nearly destroyed by fire, and it again suffered in 1679 and 1690; after which an act was passed forbidding the use of thatch.
Pliny shows that for this purpose the gold was placed on the fire in an earthen vessel with treble its weight of salt, and that it was afterwards again exposed to the fire with two parts of salt and one of argillaceous rock, which, in the presence of moisture, effected the decomposition of the salt; by this means the silver became converted into chloride.
The city suffered severely by fire in April 1910.
Owing to a destructive fire at Nicomedia, Pliny suggests the formation of a volunteer fire-brigade, limited to 150 members.
It was named after the second wife of Jason, Glauce, who plunged into it to quench the fire of, the poisoned bridal garments given her by Medea.
He is worshipped under a threefold form, fire on earth, lightning and the sun.
In the later form of the story Philoctetes was the friend and armour-bearer of Heracles, who presented him with his bow and poisoned arrows as a reward for kindling the fire on Mt Oeta, on which the hero immolated himself.
His connexion with the fall of Troy indicates that the fire-god himself set fire to the city; in like manner no other than the fire-god was thought worthy to kindle the pyre of Heracles.
The original temple was said to have been built by Aleus, the founder of the city; it was superseded by a larger one which was destroyed by fire in 395 B.C. The rebuilding was entrusted to Scopas, the great sculptor; and it is probable that he not only acted as architect, but also provided the sculptural groups which ornamented the pediments.
So sudden was the collision that the Prussian advanced guard battery had to fire case to clear its own front.