Fir-cones Sentence Examples
At first sight this singular structure appears so like a deformity that writers have not been wanting to account it such, 2 ignorant of its being a piece of mechanism most beautifully adapted to the habits of the bird, enabling it to extract with the greatest ease, from fir-cones or fleshy fruits, the seeds which form its usual and almost invariable food.
In Great Britain the whole of the Upper Cretaceous strata are of marine origin, and have yielded no land-plants beyond a few fir-cones, drift-wood and rare Dicotyledonous leaves in the Lower Chalk.
The higher Eocene strata of England - those above the Bournemouth Beds - are of marine origin, and yield only drifted fruits, principally fir-cones.
Do the curious checkered sacks beneath his chin represent fir cones or grapes?