Fins Sentence Examples
We provide you with masks, and snorkel fins.
All the fins have a rounded outline; the short dorsal fin is without a spine, but the males possess a very thick and flattened outer ray in the ventral fins.
The fins of Pteropods are now interpreted as the expanded lateral margins of the foot, termed parapodia, not homologous with the siphonof Cephalopods which is formed from epipodia.
Short fins add just a little extra power to your normal kick strength.
Cephalic shield pointed behind; shell internal, chiefly membranous, with calcified nucleus, nautiloid; parapodia forming fins.
Ventral fins below or in front of the pectorals, the pelvic bones posterior to the clavicular symphysis and only loosely attached to it by ligament.
The alimentary sac is simple elegans from the fins of and devoid of caeca.
They resemble the latter in the elongation of the body, the large number of vertebrae (240 in Gymnotus), and the absence of pelvic fins; but they differ in all the more important characters of internal structure.
The most marked case of such inversion in comparative anatomy is that of Carl Gegenbaur (5826-5903), who in arranging the fins of fishes in support of his theory that the fin of the Australian.
One of the causes of these sudden advances is undoubtedly to be found in the acquisition of a new and extremely useful character., Thus the perfect jaw and the perfect pair of lateral fins when first acquired among the fishes favoured a very rapid and for a time unchecked development.
AdvertisementIt by no means follows, however, from this incontrovertible evidence that the acquisition either of the jaw or of the lateral fins had not been in itself an extremely gradual process.
The ventral fins are slightly anterior to the origin of the dorsal fin; and the spine consists of from fortyseven to forty-nine vertebrae.
According to one story she was the daughter of HOlgi, the eponymous king of Halogaland (northern Norway); according to another she was the wife of HOlgi and daughter of Gusi, king of the Fins.
Into these fins, which are largely cuticular and strengthened by radiating bars, a single layer of ectoderm cells projects.
The centre of the skin between the fins is very narrow and the skins taper at each end, particularly at the tail.
AdvertisementA somewhat rare fish is the Polypterus, which has thick bony scales and 16 to 18 long dorsal fins.
Sharks are caught in enormous numbers with hook and harpoon; the flesh is considered by some to have aphrodisiacal properties; the dried fins and tails are exported to China; the oil is used for smearing boats.
They agree with fishes in the possession of median fins, and resemble the large majority of early fishes in their unequal-lobed (heterocercal) tail, but they have no ordinary a.v.l., c., Central.
The chief products for export are copra, tortoise-shell, mother-of-pearl, sharks' fins and trepang.
In order to meet these peculiarities the travelling organs of aquatic and flying animals (whether they be feet, fins, flippers or wings) are made not of rigid but of elastic materials.
AdvertisementThe pectoral and ventral fins are so articulated as to perform the functions of feet, the fish being enabled to move, or rather to walk, on the bottom of the sea, where it generally hides itself in the sand or amongst sea-weed.
The larvae are free-swimming and have the pelvic fins elongated into filaments.
The pelvic fins are abdominal in position, long and pointed in shape, and the pelvic bones are connected with the caracoids.
These fins contain numerous (15-17) rays, a feature in which the fish differs from the Acanthopterygians.
Many catfish and some other species have sharp spines (often barbed) on their fins.
AdvertisementBoth dorsal fins have a dark blotch at the rear.
With such short fins, and with them being so densely spaced, it is particularly sensitive to dust buildup.
But the UK way is to machine down the fins to original size and use a standard flywheel cowling.
This addition has a massive aluminum fin count of up to 140 fins, which provides maximum heat dissipation.
More visible are the big pectoral fins, on either side just behind the head.
Back to Top My fish has ragged fins / fin rot...?
Try opening up the case and checking to make sure there's no build-up of dust on the CPU cooling fins.
The pectoral fins are short and the tail fluke has a pronounced notch.
I saw some pale blue parrot fish and red squirrel fish with their V-shaped tail fins, each about fourteen inches long.
These fish are both notable for their large dorsal fins, and are generally peaceful aquarium inhabitants.
Using a two flute end mill, mill one side of the fins away to provide a place to mount the led.
They can also exhibit extreme lethargy with long spells laying on the bottom with clamped fins.
If there is, get a vacuum with the crevice nozzle attached and very gently clean the fins.
Despite the large pectoral fins and the strange color, I think this species is a Blenny, Lipophrys pholis.
Note the long pectoral fins that give this species its name.
No, it's the female resting just above the sea bed, her huge pectoral fins stretched out on either side!
This means they are easily damaged or destroyed by objects hitting them; such as lobster pots or diver's fins.
On one occasion a black-tip reef shark took an unhealthy interest in one of the team's fins.
For effective propulsion, the fins must be entirely submerged.
But he, poor man, disturbed only a couple of fins while I was catching a fair string, and he said it was his luck; but when we changed seats in the boat luck changed seats too.
On one occasion a black-tip reef shark took an unhealthy interest in one of the team 's fins.
Its silver scales glisten and sparkle in the sunshine, its blood red fins move in time with its mouth and gills.
The concave dorsal fin begins above the base of the ventral fins.
In choosing fish, select ones that hold their fins erect, and avoid those with split fins, hold their fins tight against their bodies, hover at the bottom of the tank or hide in the corners.
Center the bottom of the storm window and drive a screw at the two bottom corners of the side fins.
A mermaid dress is tightly fitted through the waist and thighs then flows out after the knee, giving the appearance of a mermaid's fins.
This frog features larger back legs and fins along the top of his head.
If your goldfish has a velvety-orange coating on its body or on its fins, then it is probably suffering from Velvet disease, which cause by a parasite called Oodinium pillularis.
Typical symptoms of Chilodonella include lethargy, loss of appetite, clamped fins and labored breathing.
Swim fins, also known as flippers, are devices worn on a swimmer's feet that mimic the action of a fish's tail fin, driving the swimmer through the water at a faster rate than bare feet will allow.
Don a pair of fins, a sleekly designed swim cap, and a racing suit, and you'll find yourself jetting though the water like a Barracuda in no time!
Fins are usually made from durable polyurethane, and the best brands are manufactured to be resistant to chlorine, and ultraviolet exposure, giving them a longer wear-life.
Medium fins will add even greater power to your kick, but the increased fin length will slow down the speed of your kicks.
Long fins are the style typically used for scuba diving.
Mono fins are a bit different from basic flippers in design, featuring a single blade.
These fins can be used for strength training during swim workouts, and are also the regulation foot wear for a sport called Fin Swimming, in which swim racers compete to complete a designated distance in the fastest time.
If swimming is good, working out with fins is even better.
Wearing swim fins increases the amount of resistance your muscles experience as you kick, guaranteeing you'll put your leg muscles to full use.
As mentioned previously, wearing fins forces you to kick harder in order to move the water.
Stronger legs, and that additional strength will carry over into normal swimming when you're not wearing your fins.
Wearing swim fins actually forces the ankles to fully extend into a straight line, similar to a ballet dancer on point.
This new found flexibility, just like the increased strength, will still be there when the fins come off.
Since wearing swim fins increases leg strength and flexibility, the lower half of the body is better able to remain level with the upper body, a much better position for achieving forward thrust.
Swim fins aren't just fun to wear, they can actually be beneficial to your body in many ways.
They are often part of the standard gear used during swim lessons, along with other equipment such as swim fins and swim caps.
You may want to add a forum to discuss competitive swim wear and practice issues, as well as a place to post links to articles about swimsuits and equipment like goggles or fins for upper body workouts.
Originally made out of wood, they are obviously a far cry from the advanced material swimming fins are made of today.
Underwater divers and other aquatic enthusiasts appreciate the usefulness of swimming flippers, or fins, every time they take a dip.
Human feet provide poor propulsion, so fins help move the body through the water; this is a big help when a diver is carrying equipment that creates drag.
While the history of swimming goes back well before Ben Franklin's time, his simple idea for swim fins has revolutionized water sports, and is constantly improved upon today.
A great way to get a workout, go faster and yet not overtire yourself when swimming is to don Zoomers swim fins, by Finis.
They look funny on land, but swim fins can be very useful in the water.
The result is you condition your body and improve your technique, making swim fins just as important for champions as those who are just learning to swim.
What makes Zoomers swim fins special is their short blades.
An efficient kick is key and Zoomers swim fins help the swimmer achieve and maintain efficiency.
Most champion swimmers don't practice at top race speed, but using swim fins can keep you nearer that speed without the work, thus allowing you to condition your legs and improve your other muscles, ensuring you are race-ready.
Unlike the flippers kids might wear, when you are training with real swim fins, you don't want to just put them on and start kicking.
Calf stretching is especially important, because the use of any swim fins can cause a Charlie horse.
The fins are going to change your workout and while the point is to improve your performance without overtiring, you don't want to start off doing your usual workout or you will indeed get tired.
Test the fins as you go and see what sort of speed you can comfortably maintain.
Be sure to time yourself - over the course of a few weeks, you will be able to judge how long you are swimming with the fins and how much stronger you are growing.
You can buy Zoomers fins at any shop that sells swim accessories, both online and at brick and mortar stores.
Zoomers notes that the red fins are made for competitive swimmers who already have a powerful kick while the blue fins are for those who use swimming as part of their exercise routine but don't do so every day.
While the size chart is fairly straightforward, you may prefer to visit a swim shop instead and ask the advice of a sales assistant, just to make sure you are getting the right fins for your feet.
You can heighten the exercise with swim fins if you like, but nothing beats knowing exactly how to use a stroke to its best advantage.
This sort of research can guide you towards things like the best water wings and swimming fins - accessories that can give you a stronger workout and improve your stroke, whether you are a competitive swimmer or not.
Swim fins propel swimmers through the water at accelerated speeds and give them advantages during friendly racing competitions.
As the oil is heated, the heat moves across the fins, or coils, on the unit.
Here are some tips on where to fins a soy candle making kit or how to make your own.
In addition, you will need sheer, iridescent fabric to place over the Lycra for the fins.
For the fins, make two pillow inserts per skirt in a fin shape and stuff them.
Next, attach the fins to the bottom of the tubular skirt, sewing the sides together, so that it looks like one fin.
Stitch lines in the fins to create a ribbed effect.
Most feature little tails and tops made from iridescent fabric, lightly padded fins with decorative stitching, and expandable side vents that allow for extra kicking room.
Soft mermaid fins are ideal for little girls, as they hide shoes and don't compromise movement.
The site has an enormous selection of provocative mermaid costumes featuring fitted tops, sequin skirts with ruffled organza fins and glittery starfish headpieces.
A fish costume generally must consist of the body of the fish, and the fins and scales.
Depending on how creative you want to get, and on the style of costume, numerous other details may be required, from fish scales to mermaid fins.
As the guide directs, simply purchase sticky-backed foam sheets in various colors, which you can use to make scales and fins for the outfit.
The Legend of Nessie website lists water-based sightings within Loch Ness of a bump, a bump with a tail and even fins dating back into the 1800s, with recent sightings occurring as late as 1998.
Asagi - These koi are blue/grey and have red markings on their sides, fins and bellies.
The main disadvantage of shopping at a mega store is the lack of high-quality, high-dollar knitting supply like you will fins at your LYS.
The Aqualogix leg fins provide multi-directional drag resistance to increase the difficulty of kicking, extending and curling water exercises that target the thighs.
Have all divers try racing with swim fins.
The Trigla polyommata, or flying garnet, is a greater beauty, with its body of crimson and silver, and its large pectoral fins, spread like wings, of a rich green, bordered with purple, and relieved by a black and white spot.
The edges of the foot form parapodia, often transformed into fins.
They are all pelagic, the foot being entirely transformed into a pair of anterior fins; eyes are absent, and the nerve centres are concentrated on the ven tral side of the oesophagus.
The next six families include the animals formerly known as Gymnosomatous Pteropods, characterized by the absence of mantle and shell, the reduction of the ventral surface of the foot, and the parapodial fins at the anterior end of the body.
Head very large, not marked off from the body; neither branchia nor suckers; fins situated near the middle of the body.
The gobies (Gobius) are small fishes readily recognized by their ventrals (the fins on the lower surface of the chest) being united into one fin, forming a suctorial disk, by which these fishes are enabled to attach themselves in every possible position to a rock or other firm substances.
There are two dorsal fins, the anterior near the head, composed of 11-14 feeble spines, the second near the tail with all the rays soft except the first, and behind the second dorsal five or six finlets.
Having no spines to their fins, the Gadids used, in Cuvierian days, to be associated with the herrings, Salmonids, pike, &c., in the artificially-conceived order of Malacopterygians, or soft-finned bony fishes.
Spadella P. Langerhans, with a pair of lateral fins on the tail and a thickened ectodermic ridge running back on each side from the head to the anterior end of the fin.
There are no traces either of paired fins or of dermal armour.
The ventral fin is also elongated, and all the fins are destitute of spines.
In its gorgeous colours the opah surpasses even the dolphins, all the fins being of a bright scarlet.
There was no sign of any fins, horns or other appurtenances.
In such transparent and seemingly bottomless water, reflecting the clouds, I seemed to be floating through the air as in a balloon, and their swimming impressed me as a kind of flight or hovering, as if they were a compact flock of birds passing just beneath my level on the right or left, their fins, like sails, set all around them.