Fine-grained Sentence Examples
Isolated gritty fragments of minerals may be felt in the generally fine-grained homogeneous mass.
The wood is fine-grained, frequently with a beautiful wavy figure, yellowish white to light brown in colour; it is very hard, tough and durable.
All along the bank of the river Chambal the country is deeply intersected by ravines; low ranges of hills in the western portion of the state supply inexhaustible quarries of fine-grained and easily-worked red sandstone.
Of these the most important is the great oval mass of granite in the North, composed of two varieties; one, coarse-grained and older, forms the outside rim, while the fine-grained and newer type occurs in the interior.
Other long-tailed pterodactyles occur well preserved in the Upper Jurassic (lithographic stone) of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, which is so fine-grained as to show impressions of the wing-membrane.
These fine-grained materials are at first mixed with broken and more or less weathered rock fragments and coarser mineral particles in the soil and subsoil, but by the action of wind and rain they are swept away and deposited in distant situations.
The timber is hard, durable, and fine-grained, taking a high polish, and valued for its many industrial uses.
Although it may be exceedingly fine-grained, there is usually very little clay in alluvium.
The seeds are roasted and eaten by the natives; the timber, which somewhat resembles walnut, is soft, fine-grained, and takes a good polish, but is not durable.
Good building materials are obtained from many of the rocks of the country, among which the Raialo limestone (a fine-grained crystalline marble) and the Jaisalmer limestone stand pre-eminent.
AdvertisementFor sculpture and various architectural purposes white, fine-grained marble was brought from Paros and Naxos.
They vary in texture from a fine-grained compact oolite to a coarse-grained rock composed of angular or rounded fragments, and they commonly exhibit strongly marked false bedding.
Often this felsitic devitrified glass is so fine-grained that its constituents cannot be directly determined even with the aid of the microscope, but chemical analysis leaves little doubt as to the real nature cf the minerals which have been formed.
Fine-grained galena is usually richer in silver than the coarsegrained.
Slates and fine-grained sandstones appear here freely through the glacial drift.
AdvertisementA particularly fine-grained mud is formed on the low coasts of the eastern border of the North Sea by a mixture of the finest sediment carried down by the slow-running rivers with the calcareous or siliceous remains of plankton.
They are dark blue-grey, fine grained and durable, and are much used for flagging and kerbing and for sills, caps and steps.
The wood is fine grained and satiny.
A hard and fine-grained quartzite sandstone was quarried at Jebel Ahmar behind Heliopolis, and basalt was found thence along the eastern edge of the Delta to near the Wadi Tumilat.
It is comparatively fine-grained and of a greyish colour.
AdvertisementThe rock is a very compact and fine-grained mixture of felspar, quartz and mica, often graduating to mica schist, quartzite and gneiss.
The iron deposits occur in more or less fine-grained gneiss or granulite (Gellivara, Grangesberg, Norberg, Striberg), or separated from the granulite by masses of augitic and amphibolous minerals (gronskarn), as in Persberg and Nordmark.
Another palm of much economic importance in Colombia is the "tagua" (Phytelephas macrocarpa),which grows abundantly in the valleys of the Magdalena, Atrato and Patia, and produces a large melon-shaped fruit in which are found the extremely hard, fine-grained nuts or seeds known in the commercial world as vegetable ivory.
There are several fine public buildings, mostly built of red brick and a fine-grained white stone quarried in the neighbourhood.
The older sandstone remains weathered and discolored and recent repair work in fine grained yellow ashlar is clearly visible.
AdvertisementThe ascent of the Wrekin, along the main track, initially found dark fine-grained dolerites, which were very weathered and somewhat crumbly.
On the NE margin there are minor injections of a very fine-grained material.
However, if you want to get home this weekend, don't be too fine-grained in the objectives you analyze.
For this purpose, new cemented carbide compositions, based on extremely fine-grained carbide, have been introduced.
The ore was so fine-grained that the mechanical methods of concentration then in use could not trap it.
Methods for studying social interaction such as Conversational Analysis and Discourse Analysis would provide too fine-grained an analysis for the purposes of requirements gathering.
The ceramic is a fine-grained mixture including barium titanate and similar materials with a high permittivity.
A possible basal unconformity has been observed with a fine grained conglomerate lying on the hard Devonian quartzite.
The building, which is of a fine-grained red sandstone, has apparently been at one period of great extent.
We propose that the crucial mineral added to the murky brown syrup to help produce the crystalline sugar was fine-grained calcite.
Its fine-grained, unstratified silt contains the remains of many terrestrial animals, including fifteen mammals.
Follow that with a fine-grained sandpaper to create a smooth surface.
Wine Spectator commented "Big and ripe, a mouthwatering wine with tingly acidity bringing harmony to a wash o plum, blackberry, cherry and dusky spice flavors, which persist on the fine-grained, not terribly tannic finish."