Find Sentence Examples
I think I shall find them helpful.
The enemy will find it out.
I find it hard to believe you wouldn't help him if you could.
Lisa glanced up to find Giddon watching them thoughtfully.
Her parents are very anxious indeed to find a teacher for her.
Where did you find him?
I'll send it off to find out.
You will find them useful.
And as with ignorance, we may already have much of the data we need to find solutions.
How did you know where to find me?
AdvertisementHow in the world do the papers find out everything, I wonder.
Dulce watches you and tries to find things you do wrong.
Will you go with me and find Viney?
There you will find the adjutant on duty, said the official.
I find they almost always answer.
AdvertisementA man will not need to study history to find out what is best for his own culture.
I'll introduce you when I find her.
I find even the smallest child excellent company, and I am glad to say that children usually like me.
Even now I cannot find it in my heart to condemn them utterly.
He hurried to find the family of that civil servant in order to restore the daughter to her mother and go to save someone else.
AdvertisementI need to find her.
When she referred to our conversation again, it was to ask, "Why did not Jesus go away, so that His enemies could not find Him?"
You have to find the baby!
He did not even trouble to find out where Denisov had gone.
I have to find out about Annie.
AdvertisementIf I can't today have this child so abruptly placed in police care, I shall drive down the road and find another.
The police were desperate to find her.
My father will find us.
In the eradication of smallpox, as in the near-elimination of polio, I find both fascinating lessons of history and enormous reason for hope.
Why, I find it hard to understand them sometimes when they spell on their fingers.
Even those who seem for a long while not to have any, if you inquire more narrowly you will find have some stored in somebody's barn.
In the morning she opened her eyes to find Destiny's face only inches away from hers.
How could he find her?
As Jackson moved away, I heard him say to another officer, "Put a guard on him until we find out what happened."
I could find them.
I have to find my brother.
First off; we can't have you or anyone near you making any attempt to find out anything about us.
Where can I find you, my next little friend?
I, for one, would like to find a secure place in a medium size town, with all of us living nearby.
Nor would most authorities offer any help in a search to find the source of their tips when they were forced to admit to them.
He told me where to find the outfit in his closet.
If this other maniac Bryce could find us, so can he.
This monster had managed to find Merrill Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge his abilities.
How do we find out if she's the LeBlanc's?
I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes.
She looked at the pictures on his walls, not surprised to find them bland.
Pushing the cabinet closed, she jumped to find the stranger so close.
Staying in the basement where the Other could find and kill him wasn't his top choice, but at least he was in the house.
She knew she needed to leave him but couldn't find it in her to abandon the only place she'd ever felt safe.
I'll find a way to protect you.
I can call someone to come get you and then I think you shouldn't try to find me anymore.
Sweetheart, I'll find you no matter what.
He was too weak to stand, and yet he all but promised to find her.
I'll find a way to protect you, even if it takes a while.
I don't think you could find anything I wouldn't like.
We had two runaways in a row followed by a location Howie couldn't find and a wake-up interruption from outside noise.
Let me see what I can find on grateful Mr. Cooms.
She could find no negative remarks about the self-made man.
Defense attorneys alone will leave no stone unturned to find you.
Can you find a filial connection on line?
I'll have to find a way to keep her for a week or two I've been lonely so long now.
How do you find individual cases?
The police sometimes don't even hear the entire tip... just enough to lead them in the right direction, and find the person.
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
While the fools looked for my car nearby, I, in spite of excruciating pain, managed to escape their feeble efforts to find me.
He's going to find us, Ben!
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and force them tell.
In fact, I can't find any tips lately.
I don't know where we'll find a place to do our thing; this joint is like a zoo with honking horns and either back-fires or gunshots!
Did he find what he was looking for?
He didn't have anything on him after we put him down so I guess he didn't find what he was looking for.
Knowing the local police included Detective Jackson, I suggested he contact the Simi Valley attorney first to find out if the vehicle I saw was in fact his.
I never did find out what Howie told Detective Jackson but whatever was said, it put Jackson in a tizzy.
We were engaged in locating all of their victims we could find.
But that's the way it was inside; you always have to find somebody lower than you.
Lift the back-left tile on the patio and you'll find a key.
A little while and we'll be where no one will find us as we play our games.
How do we find out what states we're talking about?
It surprised me to find he'd carted more of his research to California than I'd expected.
Do you realize how many thousands of people tried to find us?
You won't find any information on what we need.
I find it interesting to observe Molly.
At under five and a half feet, she wasn't sure how she was supposed to find her brother among the people around her.
She turned to face him, surprised to find the man who'd almost killed her earlier.
Did you find him in the stash house?
If you're not there in half an hour, I'm coming to find you.
There weren't many places she could go where he couldn't find her, especially if Sofi kept interfering.
Her beautiful eyes no longer sparkled, and he was surprised to find he felt the absence of her warmth and liveliness.
The condo smelled of breakfast, and he looked around, satisfied to find it clean again.
He didn't have time for this, but he still couldn't find the will to leave her.
He ate anyway, surprised to find the chicken tender and juicy and the veggies still slightly crisp and well-seasoned.
You can cut apart any suspected vamp-pigs you find.
Dusty's men would know where to find her.
She sipped her drink, surprised to find it really was her favorite, a pumpkin spice latte.
Conflicted, she returned to the kitchen to find Jonny seated on a stool near a counter.
She wasn't surprised to find him gone.
Instead, he drew a deep breath and said, Find Bianca.
Are you even trying to find Bianca?
You want me to find a creature with untold powers with my human self?
Suddenly, he understood why the Watcher couldn't find her.
Unable to find her voice, she hurried around him to the table where she'd left her coat.
Part of her wanted to return to her home that very night, and another part of her feared what she'd find if she did.
She promised herself to find a way to check on him in the morning without her father finding out.
What did you find in the basement?
You didn't find a man chained to the wall?
I'll find someone else to do the job.
His instincts told him he needed to find the woman, and he closed his eyes.
We need to find a way out, and we can't walk out the front door.
Her father kept her on a tight leash; was there anywhere he wouldn't find her?
I find that hard to believe.
He looked down, and she bounded to the kitchen, surprised to find her breathing ragged after such a simple kiss.
The fact the mysterious creatures could find him whenever they wanted made him cautious about outright opposing them.
Xander, find me somewhere safe above ground.
Although, not before I find out what you are.
Find me when you're ready.
If you find Xander, you must tell me where he is.
He needed to find a vamp named Xander.
She went to lock her door, only to find the lock had been removed.
Sofi wasn't surprised to learn he was an Original Being and had known where to find this creature.
You'll find home is wherever we are.
This is the first time I've been able to find you.
A couple of them were talking quietly, but she didn't hear them, instead unable to fathom that anyone would find her life worth protecting after her father hadn't.
How did you find it?
She tried to balance herself only to find herself toppling over and over and over down a stairwell.
No one could find Damian's HQ unless they were on the guest list, or one of his Guardians revealed its location.
She was pretty sure Damian would find her no matter where she tried to go, but damn them all, she was going home.
She turned, startled to find the man in front her of the same make and mold as Damian's men.
He had to find her fast.
Silence, and he opened his eyes to find himself kneeling on the NOVA Sector's kitchen floor.
Darian—whoever he was—would drive her crazy if she didn't find a way to distract her thoughts.
She collected what she could find and perched in a chair, reading until sundown, when the hunger pangs hit her again.
He began to understand why and couldn't help but feel frustrated at having to find a way to win her instead of command her.
When the common sense fairy smacks you upside the head, you know where to find me.
We'll find out what she can do when our guests arrive.
She was surprised to find the idea of tasting him didn't repulse her, as if the intimate bond with him was natural.
If she didn't find one, she'd spend eternity weeping.
She stood, terrified of what she'd find when she went to the living room.
No part of her wanted to reveal what Gabriel told her or that she meant it when she said she would find a way to help him.
Second, find out when the general manager of the fast food joint where she worked was returning from maternity leave.
He didn't want to try to interpret the look or await her scathing return, not when he needed to find a place for them go to.
He brought us a vial of blood to replace you as a test subject, and he knows where we can find the information to break your bond to Rhyn.
I.m going to find my brothers.
How could he find out?
Find all the old men that live on the mountains or in the flat country around, and command them to appear before me one week from to-day.
I find this very easy to accept.
Many people have thought that any attempt to find the principles in her method would be nothing but a later theory superimposed on Miss Sullivan's work.
Answer me these questions, and then perhaps I may look at your bawbles and find them ornamental.
He evidently tried to find something to say, but failed.
How did they all find place in her?
Others in that heat and crush racked their brains to find some thought and hastened to utter it.
If it's that important to you, I'll find some one to take care of the ranch.
They'll find our tracks, won't they?
I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last.
Unless we know where to look, we won't find where his base is.
She wants to find a way to kill you, too!
Pierre motioned her forward, and she went, afraid of what she'd find.
These are the finest men you'll find anywhere, Linda grinned.
The driver had driven in circles and down every back alley he could find until Jule was confident there was no one tailing them.
She opened her eyes to find all three gazing at her with similar guarded looks.
Her chest was tight and her breath short, but she knew there was one way to find out what happened to Damian.
Fan out and find out if any others are alive!
There was a tug at her neck, and she touched it, surprised to find the necklace gone.
Did they find Czerno?
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
How long would it take Gabriel to find her and rescue her?
If her bond to him was like hers to Gabriel, he'd be able to find her no matter what.
She walked for ten minutes, carefully remembering where she went, so she was able to find her way back.
It took me too long to find Past-Death's soul.
You do not find Zamon.
She choked it back quickly, appalled she was able to find humor at such a time.
You always find one.
Darkyn would find her no matter what, but she had the urge to see trees.
Darkyn can read either to find out who grabbed her.
Harmony. When you find her.
I simply took on a form that you would not find threatening, Zamon answered.
I won't tell you how fascinating I find kitchen appliances.
She didn't know what the former deity sensed, but she wasn't going to stick around too long to find out.
Selyn could find her way home.
She prayed for Selyn to find her way home safely then led them through the portal into Hell.
And you'd better come too or you'll never find your way out of this hole.
I wouldn't even take a test to find out for sure.
Cynthia devoured every publication she could find on the subject and was looking forward to spending some quality time hiking the high country, if the demand of Bird Song's chores would allow snatches of free time.
When a child does something bad, we talk about it—try to find out why—make sure we all learn from our mistakes.
It was four o'clock and he'd just returned from Montrose to find Cynthia still damp from her shower.
Tell me you didn't find a dead guy, Martha.
Yeah. I guess we went in—a little way— but it wasn't so bad until the flashlight started dimming and I got scared we wouldn't find our way out in the dark.
At first I couldn't find 'em but when I did, I yelled at Caleb until he calmed down enough so we could get out.
Fred, who could find a mystery in a grilled cheese sandwich, hardly stirred.
David is going to find out who the guy in the mine is.
You'll find out soon enough.
Fred displayed a tad more interest in the mysterious find than the prior evening.
Let him rummage around inside it and find all those treasures himself.
First off, I'm going to find out who owns that mine.
Fred was dressed for the occasion—dapper suit, bow tie, and vest—while the Deans donned the grubbiest attire they could find.
Dean was hoping to find it or at least telltale signs that a body had decomposed on this spot, but no such evidence was apparent.
With renewed caution, the pair followed the chalk arrow, not the stones, expecting any minute to find someone barring their return.
I don't see the harm in Fred trying to find out whose bones Martha found.
What did you find?
I didn't find it in the same spot—it was down the tunnel.
I'm going to find out if it's human.
He could lie and tell them he was a police officer or sheriff and maybe squeeze some tidbit of information about recently released mom Patsy, but surely Fitzgerald would find out and tank his election ambitions, if those aspirations weren't already six feet under.
He decided to move on to problem number two and find out something about the tiny bone he'd discovered.
You didn't find anything up there to make you believe that shit, did you?
Remember, Caleb knew where to find the bones because someone told him.
So they told some young child about their find, assuming he'd report it and get them off the hook.
I couldn't find nothing on Josh without a last name, but Ed Plotke was in the phone book for six years between 1956 and 1962.
He lost sight of her while trying to find a parking spot.
We're just trying to find out who might be involved in covering up the matter.
All we were trying to do is respond to a little girl's wishes and find out the identity of the skeleton she found.
If I find out it was one of those Dawkins boys, I'll respond in like fashion, and out in the open, not hiding behind boulders.
She can't find her camera and wants to know if she left it in the Jeep.
I told her you'd go back tomorrow and try to find it.
With his hands free, he unfastened the larger flashlight and pointed it downward, trying to find a path level enough to search further, now absent the security of the totally expended rope.
After it was repeated, Dean answered it to find Lydia Larkin.
Of course her father went ballistic when he found out she was pregnant and tried to find Josh, but he didn't have any luck.
If something even more untoward than what the scene implied had actually occurred last evening, Dean would find himself squeezed between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
They spent the evening in their private quarters mulling over the possibilities and skirting the question that Lydia had actually killed her boss, which in spite of mounting concern, Dean continued to find unlikely.
Did you find out who he was?
I guess you can find anything on the Internet, can't you?
You will find much of your power diminished, especially among those who used to bow to you.
All she had to do was practice for a day or two and then find Gabriel.
Deidre turned to find the assassin staring at her.
She found herself reaching for her power again, only to find it gone.
If he can find us.
He can't find souls, let alone demons.
Deidre touched them, surprised to find they were tears.
The overload of emotions, the inability to read Gabriel's mind to find out what he thought, so she knew what to say or do.
Unlike me, they can read it to find who they want.
Find out who this one was issued to.
We went to the other side of the country to find her more funnel cakes.
I didn't stay to find out.
They seem to think if they can find it, they'll be able to replace you with a Death of their choice.
Gabriel checked Cora's thoughts, relieved to find her clean and started down the line.
They're tearing apart our home, trying to find something they think can remove me from my position.
But I can't find Wynn to help verify.
Darkyn was supposed to find us sooner.
Will you let me know if you find Erik's soul?
I don't suppose you will find a need to raise him or Kris as you did me.
All she had to do was find a way to prevent them from crippling her logic for now.
Even if they got human-Deidre away from Darkyn, Darkyn could find and reclaim her anywhere she was hidden, outside of Death's underworld.
She had to find a way to help Gabe.
Every time he didn't find it where it should be, he grew more homesick.
I can't read her mind or find all the deals in the Oracle.
There is another way, and I'll find it.
I mean, you're about to find a way into the underworld.
She didn't expect to find the human alive, let alone of a mindset to make a joke.
She went back to her room, startled to find Gabriel there.
If both of their mates disappeared, she saw them starting an all-out war rather than trying to find them.
Determined to find some peace and quiet, Wynn ignored the men racing in different directions through the hallways and went to one of the back stairwells.
He should be able to find his mate no matter where she was – but couldn't.
And find his soul, before it was crushed and he was sent to Hell.
In jest, he stated that Jonathan was merely seeking the best fashion example he could find.
Warm fingers clutched Carmen's hand and she looked down to find Jonathan watching her anxiously.
He could search years and never find a woman like you.
It crossed her mind to go in and find him, but he didn't need assistance and probably needed the time to himself as well.
She could live a lifetime and never find someone so perfectly fit to her wants and desires.
You need to tell the police where to find him.
The doctor said they could find no reason for him to stay in a coma, except the possibility of brain damage from lack of oxygen or blood loss.
He would be embarrassed if he woke to find he looked like Rip Van Winkle.
One day she arrived to find him struggling to sit up in bed.
He would find out soon enough.
She glanced up to find him staring at the spot on the floor.
Katie says I'd better find a way to communicate with you.
Maybe she can find something he missed.
How did you find out you could talk?
There was no point in telling her what she would find there.
You could find a good doctor, Logan added.
Whoever owned the soul, he or she was important to find their way to Death's jewelry box.
On the smallest of chances she was alive, she would've had to find a loophole to surrender her duty without losing her soul.
Why was he disappointed not to find …more?
I'll find the others.
His gaze went back to the dead man Rhyn wanted him to find.
The way he said it, he didn't find it interesting at all.
Bet I could show you a few things you won't find in the Kamasutra.
She wanted to feel his large hands on her body and to find out what it was about him that made her feel like he was the only real person she'd ever met.
He opened to her, and she was thrilled to find he tasted as good as he smelled.
Dazed, she was surprised to find they were standing in the bedroom of the bungalow.
You know how to find me.
He'd watched over Katie every night for months while she and Rhyn struggled to find their paths.
You didn't find that funny.
I will find it, Gabriel.
Hope I find it first.
The idea she'd hidden it somewhere he couldn't find was driving him mad, along with the scent of the human blood coating the walls of the far bedroom.
He'd find the missing soul.
Maybe, if she returned to her apartment, she'd find everything was back to normal.
Reviewing their day together, she couldn't find any instance where he'd directly tipped her off.
Could she find her way back to the Sanctuary?
She was surprised to find it bothered her.
If what Wynn said was true, Gabriel needed as much time as he could find to figure out how to save her.
Terrified she'd find him in the tub, nothing more than a pile of bones, she pushed herself away from the wall and focused hard on calling a portal.
Rhyn, whose last words to her had been to find him, if she wanted to know the full story.
Deidre turned around to find the hole between places had closed already.
When she awoke, it was to find the face of the boy, Toby, hovering over hers.
Rhyn is supposed to find the basement angels new homes.
You'd have to find them a new home in a few months anyway, when I die.
Find me, love, when you're ready.
Come find me later.
I will find a way to stop it, now that Wynn told me what's wrong.
You'll find it hard to kill yourself when I'm the one who determines who lives and dies.
She didn't believe for one minute he was going to find a way to prevent her from dying in three months.
I find out I was a sociopathic deity.
There's nowhere you can go where I can't find you.
Until I find my own place.
If I find a cure, we'll revisit this conversation.
She checked the master bath, half-expecting to find bones in the tub.
He searched their bodies to find another twenty souls they'd already claimed.
I knew you'd find it worthy.
Not even Wynn – who claimed to be her friend – came to find her.
Gabriel, if you can't find an option to save me, will you swear to let me live out what I have left in peace?
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
If Tamer didn't find the tidbit of history from the time-before-time about forced soul extraction, the plan was never going to have more than a five percent chance of working, even with Wynn.
They had a journey to make together before they were in a functional relationship, but they'd never have that chance, if he didn't find a way to buy them all time.
He just needed to find the right combination of factors that would allow him to withdraw the soul from her head without killing her.
If we're able to find the souls before demons, we'll be back on track.
Her gaze went to the kitchen, and she smiled as she recalled Gabriel putting up her latest find.
She was in a lot of trouble, but at least, if Wynn left, he'd tell Gabriel where to find her.
Darkyn was supposed to find me much earlier, according to our agreement.
Deidre crossed the room, terrified she'd find Gabriel's name gone.
Whatever happened, whatever this is" Deidre gestured wildly at the tattoo on her back "Gabriel will find a way to fix it.
How do I find it when I'm stuck here?
Where did we find her?
She climbed in wordlessly, not surprised to find it cold.
Find any siblings and get their blood.
She squeezed through the hole in the wall to find there wasn't enough of the floor left to walk on let alone make it to the door across the apartment.
She pulled on the jumper, not expecting it to fit and surprised to find the leather-like material as flexible as spandex.
One day, she'd wake up and find herself on the Metro again.
She took the roll and bit into it, surprised to find it tasted perfect.
You will find I'm a reasonable…man.
He wanted to keep Sasha talking, to find out what it was about this woman that was so special that both Sasha and Kris wanted her.
She steeled herself and turned, expecting to find a monster.
She knelt beside the fish and unwrapped them with a grimace, cheered to find the section of rope nearly five feet long.
I can find you even there, and I will.
He'd find her no matter what, and he wasn't going to be swayed by her neck next time.
She closed her eyes and offered her neck, surprised to find her pulse quickening in excitement.
I asked Gabriel to find you days ago.
Terrified of what she'd find on the other side, she stepped through and tripped.
She'd never thought she'd find a reason to want some creature to suck her blood; if ever, now was the time.
As for your mating…maybe you can find a way to undo what you did.
And then you'd have to find someone older than Andre to wipe my memory and put everything the way it was.
She didn't want to find out, but she wasn't following him blindly.
Only to find herself staring at the bubbles of blood forming from within his fist, which was clamped around the blade of a knife a few inches from her face.
She roamed the apartment again and opened all the closets and drawers, not surprised to find them filled, as if she'd lived there all her life and hadn't just arrived.
You're weak and foolish and Gods, if I could find a magic pill that'd knock some sense into you --
I'm leaving now so I can find a safe place for you.
It doesn't matter what I feel, Rhyn, when I know I don't belong in this world or here with you, and I know without a doubt I won't survive, even if you find some place on another planet to stash me!
You ever find it odd you feel comfortable waking up to find me here?
She looked up to find both hideous beasts staring at her, drooling.
You.ll find making friends is hard when everyone hates you.
I.ll be with Katherine, if you need to find me.
If she didn.t find a way to push him away, she risked messing up both of their lives.
Sasha may not have pulled the trigger on Andre, but someone he knew where to find their oldest brother, who had been protecting Katie when he was rendered dead-dead.
And find out if Iliana made it to her destination.
I will make him our tool, Jade said, his mind working fast to find a way to keep Darkyn from destroying everyone.
Hannah had been a kept woman with no problems since meeting Gio, whereas Katie had always struggled to find her path.
You.ll find our chefs the best in the world, the host said, ignoring Katie to address her sister.
They can find you on the Sanctuary, too.
They can find you everywhere, except Hell.
Just remember, there.s nowhere you can run where we can.t eventually find you.
Treat them as you did her, and you.ll find they fall into line.
Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave.
Where demons and Immortals can.t find you?
Jade rifled through his pockets, part of him praying he didn.t find the vial.
Take the bodies and throw them into the sea, where no one will find them.
We will find this Ully and take him to Hell for interrogation.
He said he sent someone to find you, she forced herself to say.
You wake up one day and find he.s turned from child to man overnight.
Another Sanctuary maybe, so I can find my friend Ully?
She heard no signs of the demon pursing but trotted down the stairs, hoping to find another way into the dungeons where the Immortal warriors lived.
I hope they find him.
He.d find a way to deal with the loss that ate a hole through his body.
Kris rose to find his brothers.
Do you ever find it difficult to follow the Code when it seems so wrong to do so?
For her sake, he had to find a way to live with Katie, or their differences would turn into a family feud.
You will find him and bring the vial or the girl to me, or I will spend eternity tormenting you!
If he found her, he might find the vial.
Not until I find Ully and test the vial you brought me.
At least she wouldn.t be around long enough to find out.
Go find your master and come back when you have an answer.
Jade walked into Darkyn.s open chamber to find the demon arming himself for battle.
He glanced to the rocks where Katie had been, only to find she was gone.
He taken her and run away somewhere safe where no one would ever find them, as he initially wanted to do.
And I'll find you a man.
He'd continue the war until he won back his planet and birthright by force, then find another way to heal his planet.
He was helpless to find her.
If she looked, she feared she might find him amused.
After Kiera's three months of tormenting him, he would find turning the tables satisfying.
He says to enter the main house by the first entrance you find.
She'd found them when trying to find the invisible bathroom door.
Just when she was about to dart away from the door and hide behind any piece of furniture she could find, the footsteps stopped.
She pushed herself away from the doorframe and retreated to her room, only to find the prisoner's bracelet didn't work.
How did she find the one to take her home without telling Romas?
He was kidnapping her, taking her far away to a place Evelyn would never find her.
He could be from some other planet, one far enough away that Romas would never find her!
If he channeled that fire, he might find he liked her defiant passion.
Instead, she forced herself to leave and find something to do.
Can you find fault with that?
He sifted through memories to find who might be connected to his youngest sister.
How did a woman like this find her way to him of all men?
She reached out and took them, surprised to find them there and even more surprised at how strongly she'd missed them.
She debated returning to her quarters until she could find a more private moment to approach him.
I find nothing alarming in what we will discuss.
If she proved to be as he suspected she was, she might find herself the first woman in his society given the official position of strategy battle planner, a position traditionally held by the dhjan alone.
You must look beyond yourself to find a way to win her, A'Ran, or the planet is lost.
It was not possible that any man could take her or that there was any place she could go that he could not find her.
Her look of soul-deep sorrow touched him, and he recalled what he felt as a youth to find his father and mother dead and his family hunted and forced out of their own home.
He held her for a long moment, surprised to find her sorrow echoed in his breast at knowing she might choose to leave.
If she stayed, she'd never find help!
She wanted to curl up in the pod and sob until he rescued her, even knowing he'd never know where to find her.
Furious, she threw them and turned to find two of the beings kneeling by the grass, touching them.
She turned to find him staring at her from across the dwelling.
She couldn't read the writing, but she knew the numbers well enough to find the grids.
If he wanted Qatwal destroyed, he would find a way to do it.
She looked to Evelyn only to find the group had already moved away toward the distant dwelling.
With heart racing he began to sense what he would find beyond.
I'll talk to her and find out what's going on.
Somehow I knew what I'd find.
I hope the Boston sisters find some use for these awful things.
Then, as if to change the subject, she added, to Fred, "I'm sure you'll find she was happy, wherever she lived."
I can't let him find me!
It was probably silly of me to believe Jerome could find me, just from one little charge card transaction.
She added, Perhaps I'll find one of those clocks that just flashes lights!
What did you find out about Annie Quincy?
What else did you find?
I looked for your books in the library, Miss Turnbull, but we couldn't find them.
I can't find it.
But this is a real find!
This girl can find a handhold on a sheet of glass and she's as strong as any man I know.
I noticed the newspaper always gave a big spread for weddings, so as long as I was there I thought I'd try and find Annie and the Reverend's marriage.
Did you find a room?
If I had a date when this Lola lady died, I might find something, but I'm not sure what good it would do us.
Then I half-wake to find a naked body all over me.
Weller's only concession was to say he'd talk to Shipton in hopes of getting him to leave voluntarily, if he could find the time.
All you have to do is find out what property 'Mrs. Cummings' owned a hundred years ago.
Did you find out where Annie worked?
She paused, trying to find the right words.
I been trying to find out some poop about that guy on the Internet but it's a whole lot easier checking out hundred year old folks than living ones.
The five of us sat together at the restaurant this evening and after Edith and I went to the ladies room, we came back to find Claire livid and Mr. Shipton laughing.
She didn't seem surprised to find others in the living room and took a seat next to Effie, looking less a nighttime specter than an exhausted victim.
Did you find her?
Someone cut the son of a bitch's line and I'm the one who's stuck trying to find out who did it.
If you don't come up with some answers, you're going to find the police at our door, asking you some pretty pointed questions.
My guess is any place Edith ain't is where you'll find Ryland for a while.
You didn't find out anything else, 'cleaning' the rooms?
He woke with a start, to find Edith Shipton, with only her long blonde hair covering the body that was snuggling against him!
His heart raced as he began to sense what he would find.
We could probably find out for sure if we kept checking enough records.
So we're supposed to find boxes and do the packing, too?
If you can't find a fixed rappel, you have to rig one, but at popular climbing spots, like in the ice park, there's lots of choices 'cause it's climbed so much.
Because if someone doesn't find him soon, Jerome Shipton is going to be a dead man!
Dean jogged up the hill to ice park, hoping to find Penny and Mick, and perhaps Donald Ryland, before confronting Jerome Shipton.
You may temporarily find a safe distance to travel undetected, but eventually you will be found and dealt with.
You will find sleeping to be an unnecessary luxury as well.
Sarah broke down weeping at the hopelessness, and as much as Jackson desired to comfort her, he could not find the strength.
They sprinted, only to find the interloper faster.
They were cultured, not at all savages, and for the first time since his capture, he held a glimmer of hope that he might find some semblance of happiness again.
The bottom line is, if this guy really loves you, he will find it in himself to accept you, fangs and all.
Jackson returned to the drawing room to find Sarah exactly where he left her.
He would find a bar where gangs hung out and purposely pick a fight with the biggest, most obnoxious member.
At this time of day, the best option would be to go to Stanton Street where the expensive boutiques were, and hope to find a lonely, rich wife getting back at her husband by spending his money.
He grieved for years and Sarah worried for a time that he might find someone to stake him.
Should I go find a little afternoon delight or kill some time here and wait for tonight?
Rage welled up as he went to find her.
If it is meant to be, you'll find her again.
That is gorgeous, wherever did you find it?
We'll find an open road for you.
I don't know about forever, but you'd be hard pressed to find a better view.
You know, you will never find a better woman than Sarah.
He went into the kitchen where he knew he would find the culprit.
I just have to find out.
Well then, I need to find new pieces to buy.
Tomorrow we'll find the ones you wanted and you will take them.
I'm glad you find this amusing.
He steadied himself with his hands on his knees for a moment, panting; then opened a bottle and started to drink, fast; desperate to find oblivion.
He rose slowly and headed downstairs to find Sarah on the sofa.
Well, I thought maybe I would wait until the next full moon, then find Elisabeth and let her rip out what's left of my guts.
He didn't see any way to ever find that emotion again, not now.
I went by your house and took a chance I might find you here.
That's why I came here last month, to find a group and deal with them.
He needed time to find some control over his emotions.
When she closed her laptop, Jackson said, "I thought after, we could head toward the water and find a restaurant for lunch, then walk the beach if it's not too cold."
She glanced up to find that date smiling down at her.
I'm glad you find my character flaws amusing, 'cuz I have a boat load of them.
I can't find words for how beautiful that was, tender and haunting all at once.
He began drinking the scotch fast, hoping to find some reprieve.
Sarah entered the panty to find him drinking straight from a bottle.
Well, she wants to do a little research to see if she can find an explanation.
Climbing the stairs, he hoped to find her in his bed.
This isn't exactly the best way to go about turning, but in the end, I suspect you will find it to be the right decision.
I know this is not how you planned your life with him, but I am certain, when all is said and done, you'll find this to be the best course for you both.
I'm glad you find the fact that I'm going to need stitches amusing...
Because they usually tire of living long before they show age and find someone to stake them.
I will just have to find a way to deal with it.
They went in for dinner to find that Sarah had kept to her promise.
He heard someone on the stairs and turned to find Connor's sister descending.
You do not find me the least bit attractive.
As he rose to find Elisabeth, he noticed her engagement ring on the nightstand with a note under it.
How did you find me?
I didn't find you.
She looked up and said, "Sarah, I think I can find something that will satisfy you."
She climbed into the truck to find shoes everywhere.