Financial expert Sentence Examples
He entered the Italian Senate in 1871, and had already secured a reputation as a financial expert before his Questione monetaria appeared in 1874.
The payment could be made in cash or a transfer of property of equal value.The paying spouse may want to consult with a financial expert to determine what the best course of action would be in his or her particular situation.
For example, a financial expert might examine another period in history when interest rates were similar and then compare that historical instance to present day conditions.
Additionally, take a look at the household budget and spending plan ideas that financial expert Mike Schiano shared with LoveToKnow Save.
The debt snowball approach is a debt repayment method popularized by financial expert Dave Ramsey.
In this CBS News Early Show segment, financial expert Dave Ramsey addresses single parent issues such as whether or not to keep the family home, establishing a budget, and creating a support network to save on daycare.
A large or complex business may wish to hire an accountant or financial expert to generate a profit and loss statement.
Zander Insurance Group is a well known company of financial expert Dave Ramsey's fans.
Dave Ramsey is a highly-respected financial expert who presents Christian-based advice pertaining to getting out of debt and living on a cash basis.