Finances Sentence Examples
His finances were not a pretty sight.
Provincial governors were kept under strict supervision; extortion was practically unheard of; the jus Latii was bestowed upon several communities; special officials were instituted for the control of the finances; and the emperor's interest in provincial affairs was shown by his personal assumption of various municipal offices.
Their finances were indeed excellent; they kept regular accounts, and had already developed the modern principle of separating the civil list from the expenses of the government; but when they brought the tables of moneychangers into the temple, they were doing as the Templars had done before them, and were likely to suffer as the Templars had suffered.
His grandfather was a man of ability, an enterprising merchant of London, one of the commissioners of customs under the Tory ministry during the last four years of Queen Anne, and, in the judgment of Lord Bolingbroke, as deeply versed in the " commerce and finances of England " as any man of his time.
Marcian repudiated the payment of tribute to Attila; he reformed the finances, checked extravagance, and repeopled the devastated districts.
He restored discipline in the army, which under Vitellius had become utterly demoralized, and, with the co-operation of the senate, put the government and the finances on a sound footing.
Cynthia Byrne handled the finances.
If something happened to him, you would need to take over the finances.
Charles devoted the rest of his life to the gigantic task of rehabilitating Sweden by means of a reduktion, or recovery of alienated crown lands, a process which involved the examination of every title deed in the kingdom, and resulted in the complete readjustment of the finances.
He began his reign under good auspices, with Turgot, the greatest living French statesman, in charge of the disorganized finances; but in less than two years he had yielded to the demand of the vested interests attacked by Turgot's reforms, and dismissed him.
AdvertisementIt was the perfect opportunity to talk to Alex about their finances.
She thought it was irresponsible of me not to be involved with the finances.
Like Alex, she had been overwhelmed by grief and burden of finances.
When the budget has passed both chambers it is promulgated by the president under the title of Loi des finances.
The Public Debt Administration plays so considerable a part in the finances of the Ottoman Empire, and its history is of such importance that a special section of this article will be devoted to it below.
AdvertisementThe financial straits of Turkey after the war became so acute that the sultan was compelled to consent to a measure Public of foreign control over the finances of the country; the administration of the public debt being established in December 1881.
The finances were speedily put on an excellent footing, means were provided for carrying on the war to a successful issue (one of the chief expedients being the raising of the Sound tolls) and on the conclusion of peace Oxe, as lord treasurer, not only reduced the national debt considerably, but redeemed a large portion of the alienated crown-lands.
Violent fluctuations have, however, taken place from year to year, according to the state of Italian finances.
He was of good family, and after studying at the university of Naples he entered the public service, and was for many years employed in the office of the administration of finances.
Special officials were naturally attached to the service of the finances.
AdvertisementThe avarice with which both Tacitus and Suetonius stigmatize Vespasian seems really to have been an enlightened economy, which, in the disordered state of the Roman finances, was an absolute necessity.
This is why, besides the disciplinary measures which regulated the elections, the celebration of divine service, the periodical holding of diocesan synods and provincial councils, are found also decrees aimed at some of the "rights" by which the popes had extended their power, and helped out their finances at the expense of the local churches.
Besides the ministry which had come with the regent, Reorgan- the council of state, and the departments of the four ization on ministries of home, finances, war and marine then Portu- existing, there were created in the course of one year a supreme court of justice, a board of patronage and administration of the property of the church and military orders, an inferior court of appeal, the court of exchequer and royal treasury, the royal mint, bank of Brazil, royal printing-office, powder-mills on a large scale, and a supreme military court.
Public works and education were advanced, and the finances rose to a degree of prosperity previously unknown.
The first was the chaotic confusion of the finances resulting from the maladministration of the national resources since the deposition of Dom Pedro II., and the corruption that had crept into every branch of the public service.
AdvertisementThe difficulties in the reorganization of the finances of the state, which Dr Campos Salles had to face on his accession to Reforms power, were very great.
Penna's presidency was distinguished by his successful efforts to place the finances on a sound basis.
He then passed the laws on the press, suppressing the censorship. By reorganization of the finances, the protection of industry and the carrying out of great public works, France regained its economic prosperity, and the ministry became popular.
In general the new native policy was successful, though trouble arose from the difficulty, due to crippled finances, of securing an administrative personnel of the best type.
The Florentines now turned their eyes towards Lucca; they might have acquired the city immediately after Castruccio's death for 80,000 florins, but failed to do so owing to differences of opinion in the signory; Martino della Scala, lord of Verona, promised it to them in 1335, but Lucca broke his word, and although their finances were not then very flourishing they allied themselves with Venice to make war on him.
In his short reign peace was established both at home and abroad, the finances were well regulated, and the various administrative services were placed on a basis that afterwards enabled Spain to pass through the disastrous war with the United States without even the threat of a revolution.
The main causes of these conflicts on the continent were the monopoly of power by the patricians, acts of violence committed by them, their bad management of the finances and their partisan administration of justice.
He set himself to work to establish law and order throughout the state, to arrange its finances, and to encourage the settlement in Hail of artificers and merchants from abroad; the building of the citadel and palace commenced by Mehemet Ali, and continued by Abdallah Ibn Rashid, was completed by Taal.
But their rule was troubled by continual wars and insurrections; the support of the Beduin Arabs was imperfectly secured by pensions, which formed a heavy burden on the finances of the state; 1 and in later times the dynasty was weakened by family dissensions.
When the country went bankrupt in 1869, a triple control was estab lished over Tunisian finances, with British, French French.
These were gradually retired, however, through the efforts of the mercantile classes, aided by the parliamentary statutes of 1751 and 1763, and by about 1763 the finances were again placed on a sound money basis.
Yet, great as had been the services of the tax at a time of national danger, Gladstone could not consent to retain it as a part of the permanent and ordinary finances of the country.
The finances were squandered in gratifying the king's unbridled prodigality, and the treasury was drained by his luxurious habits, by the innumerable gifts and pensions he distributed among his mistresses and courtiers, by his war expenses and by his magnificent buildings.
But neither the king's character, nor the confusion of the Prussian finances due to his extravagance, gave promise of any effective action.
On reaching the province, Pliny celebrates the emperor's birthday, and proceeds to examine the finances of Prusa.
Work was begun on the arsenal in 1883 and continued as the finances of the state permitted; it is capable of turning out new warships and of executing repairs of all kinds for the Mediterranean squadron.
His finances, therefore, remained embarrassed despite the comparative pause in the war, although in 1339 he had repudiated his debt to his Italian creditors, a default that brought about widespread misery in Florence.
The mayor is superintendent of the department of public affairs, and each of the other administrative departments (accounts and finances, public safety, streets and public improvements, and parks and public property) is under the charge of one of the councilmen.
From 1858 to 1862 and 1864 to 1867 he was finance minister, and did much to reduce the somewhat chaotic finances of Canada into order.
The finances of the state were economically managed, and taxpayers were most carefully guarded from oppression.
He received the title of minister of state on his return to France in April 1649, remained loyal to Mazarin during the Fronde, and was made superintendent of finances in 1653.
For two years Espartero ruled Spain in accordance with his Radical and conciliatory dispositions, giving special attention to the reorganization of the administration, taxation and finances, declaring all the estates of the church, congregations and religious orders to be national property, and suppressing the diezma, or tenths.
His first task was to set his house in order; he reorganized the finances, created the army, and started Piedmont on a path which if not liberalism was at least progress.
In terms of a treaty concluded in 1867 for ten years, renewed in 1877 for a similar period, and continued in 1887 with the proviso that it should be terminable on two years' notice, the finances and the entire government of Waldeck-Pyrmont are managed by Prussia, the little country having found itself unable to support unassisted the military and other burdens involved by its share in the North German Confederation of 1867-187 r and subsequently as a constituent state of the German empire.
The first care of the new emperor was to reward his noble partisans with appointments that removed them from Constantinople, and his next was to repair the beggared finances of the empire.
Upon a platform which called for radical reforms in the administrative departments, the civil service, and the national finances, Cleveland was nominated for president, despite the opposition of the strong Tammany delegation from his own state.
His fall left the finances of the state disorganized, the pensions fund depleted, diplomatic relations with France strained in consequence of the massacre of Italian workmen at AiguesMortes, and Sicily and the Lunigiana in a state of revolt, which he had proved impotent to suppress.
Grey was manoeuvred out of office, and Sir John Hall and Sir Harry Atkinson, able opponents, took the reins with a mission to reinstate the finances and restore confidence.
He determined that Cuba should not be taken over by the United States, as all Europe expected it would be, and an influential section of his own party hoped it would be, but should be given every opportunity to govern itself as an independent republic; by assuming supervision of the finances of San Domingo, he put an end to controversies in that unstable republic, which threatened to disturb the peace of Europe; and he personally inspired the body of administrative officials in the Philippines, in Porto Rico and (during American occupancy) in Cuba, who for efficiency and unselfish devotion to duty compare favourably with any similar body in the world.
A realization that the continuation of independent and rival corporations retarded growth eventually led to a compromise by which the two were united as two wards of the same village in 1839, the autonomy of each being still recognized by an odd arrangement whereby each maintained practically independent management of its finances and affairs.
During the four years for which he held that office, although he allowed the finances of the colony to get into confusion, he endeavoured to improve its condition by introducing the vine, sugar-cane and tobacco plant, and by encouraging the breeding of horses and the reclamation of land.
Under his sway the town was modernized and developed, but the finances were badly administered, and Fazy became more and more a radical dictator.
The Democratic party (liberal-conservative) ruled from 1865 to 1870, and did much to improve the finances of the state.
Where there were one bishop and a number of presbyters and deacons in a church, the presbyters constituted the bishop's council, and the deacons his assistants in the management of the finances and charities and in the conduct of the services.
After the 10th of August he was again given charge of the finances in the provisional executive council, though with but indifferent success.
Four special commissions were appointed to superintend the administration of justice, the police and the finances.
It is, however, charged at one time during this period that his finances were disordered, and his private life not above suspicion.
Personally most frugal, Leo reduced taxes, made justice less costly, and was able to find money for certain public improvements; yet he left the finances more confused than he had found them, and even the elaborate jubilee of 1825 did not really mend matters.
Its duty is to deliberate upon all administrative matters, including the budget, and it possesses certain powers over the finances; (3) The Financial Delegations (created by decree in 1898), an elective body whose duty is to investigate all matters affecting taxation and to vote the budget.
Under this view he considered the political institutions relating to commerce, to finances, to ecclesiastical and military establishments.
A constitution on the French imperial pattern granted by the king remained practically inoperative, an arbitrary bureaucratic regime was instituted, the finances were from the beginning in a hopeless condition, and the country was drained of men and money for Napoleon's wars.
Payments of arrears, now amounting to upwards of 4000 florins, was not, however, in the desperate condition of the imperial finances, to be hoped for; and he was glad, while retaining his position as court astronomer, to accept (in 1612) the office of mathematician to the states of Upper Austria.
Desperate, as was the state of his finances, thanks to his previous extravagance, he found money to purchase the services of some three-and-twenty soldiers of the praetorian guard.
All these tendencies, although strongest in municipal finances, are general.
Of recent years the growing stringency of both national and local finances by enormously increased disbursements has made important the question of the relation of national with state and local taxation.
He spent large sums upon new buildings and in endowing the monks, and in his endeavour to relieve the pressure of taxation disorganized the finances of the state.
Calonne soon afterwards passed over to England, and during his residence there kept up a polemical correspondence with Necker on the finances.
The causes of their subsequent estrangement are obscure, but it was possibly due to the empress's lavish expenditure in charity and church building, which endeared her to ecclesiastics but was a serious drain on the imperial finances.
Two chambers were established, the one formed of nobles and the other of elected representatives; but although they were authorized to control the finances, their power with regard to legislation was very circumscribed.
As minister-plenipotentiary at Cassel, between the years 1804 and 1806, he took a prominent share in the formation of the confederation of the Rhine; and after the battle of Jena he returned to Prussia as administrator of the public domains and finances.
Charles's chief claim to remembrance is that he was the first ruler to adopt the system of hiring his soldiers out to foreign powers as mercenaries, as a means of improving the national finances.
By his extravagance the king exhausted the treasure amassed by his father, burdened his country with heavy taxes, and reduced its finances to chaos.
The government of the country and the control of the finances passed mainly into the hands of an assembly called the Landtag or Landschaft, which had been organized in 1392.
The finances and the judicial system were reorganized,a class of civil servants and a national militia founded,and several small districts were brought under the duke's authority.
Though his own sympathies, and those of his allpowerful minister, Max Josef von Montgelas, were, if anything, French rather than Austrian, the state of the Bavarian finances, and the fact that the Bavarian troops were scattered and disorganized, placed him helpless in the hands of Austria;.
To him belong the ultimate direction of foreign affairs, the power to declare war and peace, to make treaties and alliances, and to dissolve one or both chambers of parliament, the supreme command of the army and navy, the supreme administration of the state finances and of the colonies and other possessions of the kingdom, and the prerogative of mercy.
He restored the finances of the state, and extended its commercial supremacy in the East Indies.
The assembly of notables claimed the right of voting the budget, and thus came into conflict with the foreign controllers who had been appointed to guard the interests of the bondholders in the management of the Egyptian finances.
There was no army, the administration was chaotic, and the finances were in a hopeless state.
As regards its legislative functions, the empire has supreme and independent control in matters relating to military affairs and the navy, to the imperial finances, to German commerce, to posts and telegraphs, and also to railways, in so far as these affect the common defence of the country.
This was partly due to the cnmmercial and industrial depression of the early years of the century, partly was another outcome of the federal constitution, which made it difficult to adjust the budget to the growing needs of the Empire without disarranging the finances of its constitutent states.
The finances of the province have been well administered, and only in recent years has a debt been incurred, chiefly owing to the construction of a provincial railway to aid in the development of the northern districts.
The minister of finance has charge of the finances of common affairs, prepares the joint budget, and administers the joint state debt.
Apart from the perennial discontents of Magyars and Sla y s, the confusion and corruption of the administration, and the misery caused by the ruin of the finances, had made the Habsburg dynasty unpopular even in its German states, and in Vienna itself a large section of public opinion was loudly in favour of the claims of Charles of Bavaria.
On the i 1 th of March a meeting of " young Czechs " at Prague drew up a petition embodying nationalist and liberal demands; and on the same day the diet of Lower Austria petitioned the crown to summon a meeting of the delegates of the diets to set the Austrian finances in order.
An agreement was made by which the emperor was to be crowned at Pest and take the ancient oath to the Golden Bull; Hungary (including Transylvania and Croatia) was to have its own parliament and its own ministry; Magyar was to be the official language; the emperor was to rule as king; there was to be complete separation of the finances; not even a common nationality was recognized between the Hungarians and the other subjects of the emperor; a Hungarian was to be a foreigner in Vienna, an Austrian a foreigner in Budapest.
The bad condition of the finances rendered it, however, impossible to carry out any very great measures.
The miserable state of public finances and the depression of trade doubtless helped to induce them to perform a duty which they ought to have performed from the first; but their chief motive was the desire to escape the menace of universal suffrage or, at least, to make sure that it would be introduced in such a form as to safeguard Magyar supremacy over the other Hungarian races.
The first use which the new government made of their power was to settle the finances, and in this their best work was done.
Official.The Reports on the Finances, Administration and Condition of Egypt, issued yearly since 1892 (the reports 1888-1891 were exclusively financial).
The terms agreed upon in this instrument, known as the London Convention, were embodied in a khedivial decree, which, with some modification in detail, remained for twenty years the organic law under which the finances of Egypt were administered.
In 1883 the supervision exercised over the finances by French and British controllers was replaced by that of a British official called the financial adviser.
This restriction, therefore, is at the same time the chief safeguard for the purity of Egypts finances.
Compte gniral de la4ministration des finances, issued yearly at Cairo.
Under this rgime the resources of the country were impoverished, while the finances fell into complete and incomprehensible chaos.
The power of the Caisse de la Dette, which had virtually controlled the execution of the international agreements concerning the finances, was swept away, together with almost all the other financial fetters binding Egypt.
Sixtus next set to work to repair the finances.
The Danish treasury receives nothing from these possessions; on the contrary, Iceland receives an annual grant, and the West Indian islands have been heavily subsidized by the Danish finances to assist the sugar industry.
The administration of Greenland entails an annual loss which is posted on the budget of the ministry of finances.
The finances also would need careful attention; but the subject is obscure, and we cannot accept Asser's description of Alfred's appropriation of his revenue as more than an ideal sketch.
Christian's finances were certainly readjusted thereby, but the ultimate gainers by the confiscation were the nobles, and both education and morality suffered grievously in consequence.
The Potsdam regiment of giants was disbanded, but the real interests of the army were carefully studied, for Frederick realized that the two pillars of the Prussian state were sound finances and a strong army.
He supported Bedford in his attempts to restore order to the finances.
As an administrator of his principality he displayed rare energy, issuing numerous ordinances, appointing expert officials, and in particular establishing the finances on a scientific basis.
In each of the years 1837 to 1840 he gave a course of lectures, of which the last only (upon " Hero Worship ") was published; they materially helped his finances.
The expedition was undertaken on his suggestion and its success was largely due to his energy and enthusiasm; in September 1749 £ 183,650 (English) in coin was brought to Boston to cover the outlay of Massachusetts, and largely through Shirley's influence this was used for the redemption of outstanding paper money, thus re-establishing the finances of the province, a subject to which Shirley had given much attention.
In the year of his accession he abolished an old edict concerning the censorship. He also furthered in many ways the internal administration of the state, and especially that of the finances.
Indeed the king's horror of Jacobinism was morbid in its intensity, and drove him to adopt all sorts of reactionary measures and to postpone his coronation for some years, so as to avoid calling together a diet; but the disorder of the finances, caused partly by the continental war and partly by the almost total failure of the crops in 1798 and 1799, compelled him to summon the estates to Norrkoping in March 1800, and on the 3rd of April Gustavus was crowned.
From 1813 the popular representatives had some share in the management of the finances.
The point most frequently criticized in the finances of India is the " home charges " which amount on an average to about 182 millions a year.
The same view recommended itself to the authorities at home, partly because it would place their finances on a more stable basis, partly because it seemed to identify the zamindar with the more familiar landlord.
His first care on arrival in India was to restore equilibrium to the finances, which were tottering under the burden imposed upon them by the Burmese War.
Early in 1891 he succeeded Crispi as premier and minister of foreign affairs by forming a coalition cabinet with a part of the Left under Nicotera; his administration proved vacillating, but it initiated the economies by which Italian finances were put on a sound basis and also renewed the Triple Alliance.
The commercial and financial collapse that followed lasted through the greater part of the last three decades of the century; but settled government and improved finances subsequently contributed to a slow but steady recovery in the trade and industrial activities of the city.
Yazid discovered soon that the system of taxation as regulated by Hajjaj could not be altered without serious danger to the finances of the empire, and that he could not afford the expenses which his prodigal manner of life involved.
He took good care of the finances, reformed the administration, was an excellent commander in war, and maintained order as far as possible.
Until 1904 the finances of Korea were completely disorganized; the currency was chaotic, and the budget was an official formality making little or no attempt at accuracy.
The finances flourished under the capable control of Mr (afterwards Sir) M`Leavy Brown, C.M.G.
In the older and larger towns it soon went beyond what the bishops thought proper to tolerate; conflicts ensued; and in the 13th century several bishops obtained decrees in the imperial court, either to suppress the Rat altogether, or to make it subject to their nomination, and more particularly to abolish the Ungeld, as detrimental to episcopal finances.
In1763-1765an investigation of the finances of the colony, forced by the up-country party, showed widespread corruption, and resulted in the collapse of the tide-water oligarchy, which had been in power since 1660.
To this school he rendered valuable service by several pamphlets on financial questions, and numerous articles representing and advocating its views in a popular style in the Journal de l'agriculture, du commerce, et des finances, and the Ephemerides du citoyen, of which he was successively editor.
The plural form (Les Finances) was particularly reserved for this application, while the singular came to denote business activity in respect to monetary dealings (as in the expression la haute finance).
The fact that no ingenuity of modern research has been able to construct a real budget of expenditure and receipt for any part of the long centuries of the Empire is significant as to the secrecy that surrounded the finances, especially in the later period.
In French, Leroy-Beaulieu, Traite de la science des finances (1877; 3rd ed., 1908), is the standard work.
The city was left almost bankrupt, and as a means of relief the legislature of the state in January 1879 repealed the city's charter, and, assuming exclusive control of its taxation and finances, constituted it simply a "taxing district," placing its government in the hands of a "legislative council."
The office of superintendent and many others dependent upon it being abolished the supreme control of the finances was vested in a royal council.
While he was reforming the finances of the nation, and organizing its navy, he always found time to direct the management of his smallest farm.
To the last he maintained the pretence of personal rule, but the machinery of government fell out of gear, and the disorder of the finances was never remedied before the revolution of 1789.
By revisers elected annually the Riksdag controls the finances of the kingdom, and by an official (justitieombudsman) elected in the same way the administration of justice is controlled; he can indict any functionary of the state who has abused his power.
It was for them that Racine wrote his Esther and his Athalie, and it was because he managed the affairs of St Cyr well that Michel Chamillart became controller-general of the finances.
This system of annual review and adjustment of the public finances obtains not only in the British colonies, but in British India.
In federal governments such as the United States, the German empire, or the Argentine republic, the budgets of the several states of the federation have to be consulted, as well as the federal budgets, for a knowledge of the finances.
He reformed the post-office, improved the banking system of Russia, regulated the finances, constructed roads, and united the Uniate and Orthodox churches.
The dilapidated finances were set in good order by the "currency realization ordinance" of 1777.
It exceeded £90,000,000 in 1890, and in1891-1892the finances of the kingdom reached a crisis, from which there was no escape except by arranging for a reduction in the amount payable as interest (see History, below).
A general election, in February 1906, was followed by three changes of ministry, the last of which, on the 19th of May, inaugurated the regime known in Portugal as the dictadura or dictatorship. JoaoFranco, the new prime minister, was conspicuous among Portuguese politicians for his integrity, energy and courage; he intended to reform the national finances and administration - by constitutional means, if possible.
The finances of Idaho are in excellent condition.
To obtain the support of the wider classes of the population, they determined in 1847 to propose at their session of the following year that the towns should have a more extensive representation at the diet, that the control of the estates over the finances of the country should be made more stringent, and that the Bohemian language should be introduced into all the higher schools of the country.
The finances of the country in the early summer of 1864 were in a critical condition; a few days before leaving office Secretary Chase had been compelled to withdraw from the market $32,000,000 of 6% bonds, on account of the lack of acceptable bids; gold had reached 285 and was fluctuating between 225 and 250, while the value of the paper dollar had sunk as low as 34 cents.
The brother of Ferdinand, Don Carlos, the first pretender, fought seven years, during the minority of Isabella, to dispute her title, and her rights were only maintained through the gallant support of the army, the Cortes and the Liberals and Progressists, who at the same time established constitutional and parliamentary government, dissolved the religious orders, confiscated the property of the orders and of the Jesuits, disestablished the Church property, and attempted to restore order in finances.
Christian first appointed her controller of the Sound tolls, and ultimately committed to her the whole charge of the finances.
The expenditure necessitated by the efforts of the king to attain his object involved a heavy strain on the finances of the state, reacting on its internal policy.
Picault, who acted as agent of the celebrated Mahe de la Bourdonnais, governor of the Ile de France (Mauritius), named the principal island Mahe and the group Iles de la Bourdonnais, a style changed in 1756, when the islands were renamed after Moreau de Sechelles, at that time controleur des finances under Louis XV.
During the war the supplying of the army in the field had caused an artificial inflation of trade, and the Sprigg ministry had pursued a policy of extravagant expenditure not warranted by the finances of the colony.
Aided by his faithful friend Maximilien de Bethune, baron de Rosny and duc de Sully (q.v.), he reformed the finances, repressed abuses, suppressed useless offices, extinguished the formidable debt and realized a reserve of eighteen millions.
In order to explain to Newton the cause of the delay, Halley in his letter of the 22nd of May alleges that it arose from " the president's attendance on the king, and the absence of the vicepresidents, whom the good weather had drawn out of town"; but there is reason to believe that this was not the true cause, and that the unwillingness of the council to undertake the publication arose from the state of the finances of the Society.
His strict orthodoxy on the subject of the Trinity and the Incarnation, together with his vigorous eloquence, combined to make him peculiarly obnoxious to the Arian faction, which was at that time in the ascendant through the protection of the emperor Valens; and in 375, the synod of Ancyra, convened by Demetrius the Arian governor of Pontus, condemned him for alleged irregularities in his election and in the administration of the finances of his diocese.
They provided that he was to do nothing without the consent of a permanent council of fifteen barons and bishops, and that all his finances were to be controlled by another committee of twenty-four persons.
After the victory of Fontaine-Frangaise (1595), Henry took Jeannin into his council and in 1602 named him intendant of finances.
As superintendent of finances under Louis XIII., he tried to establish harmony between the king and the queen-mother.
In this reign a standing commission was established to superintend the finances, and the members of this body, all of whom belonged to the upper classes, gained considerable power in the state, mainly at the expense of the towns.
A period of quietness now set in, and the condition of the kingdom, its education, its agriculture and its trade and manufactures, began to receive earnest attention, while by frugality, both in public and in private matters, King William helped to repair the shattered finances of the country.
Necker, as director-general of the finances, set forth the condition of the treasury and proposed some small reforms. The Tiers Etat (Third Estate) was dissatisfied that the question of joint or separate deliberation should have been left open.
The finances remained in disorder, and assignats of the face value of 900,000,000 livres were issued by the Legislative Assembly in less than a year.
The finances had been so thoroughly ruined that the government could not have met its expenses without the plunder and the tribute of foreign countries.
Little was done to improve the finances, and the assignats continued to fall in value.
The finances were in the last distress; the anti-religious policy of the government kept many departments on the verge of revolt; and commerce was almost suspended by the decay of roads and the increase of bandits.
With the growth of the episcopate, however, the deacons became the immediate ministers of the bishop. Their duties included the supervision of Church property, the management of Church finances, the visitation of the sick, the distribution of alms and the care of widows and orphans.
As, however, the armaments and finances of Servia were unequal to a conflict with Austria-Hungary, while Great Britain, Russia, France and Italy counselled peace, the skupshtina, meeting in secret session on the 11th of October 1908, determined to avoid open hostilities, and sent M Milanovich, the minister for foreign affairs, to press the claims of Servia upon the powers.
The main purpose he put before himself was to produce an economic revival in Spain by abolishing internal custom-houses, throwing open the trade of the Indies and reorganizing the finances.
Camacho took a prominent part in all financial debates and committees, was offered a seat in the Mon cabinet of 1864, and was appointed under-secretary of state finances in 1866 under Canovas and O'Donnell.
As abbot he distinguished himself by his activity in building, in administering the finances of his house and in collecting a library.
Clarendon, A Sketch of the Revenue and Finances of Ireland (1791); the annual reports of the Flax Supply Association and other local bodies, published at Belfast; reports by the Department of Agriculture on Irish imports and exports (these are a new feature and contain much valuable information).
The Magyars had, however, resolved to subject Croatia-Slavonia to the crown of St Stephen, and in 1867 had secured control of the finances and electoral machinery.
After 1650 its fortifications were strengthened; its finances were put on a better footing; and its trade, especially with England, began again to prosper; important steps being taken with regard to its organization.
Its inhabitants had grown unaccustomed to work; The its finances were ruined by dishonesty, disorder, and Bourbons, a very heavy foreign debt.
Colbertvery envious of Hollands wealthprepared the finances, le Tellier the army and de Lionne the alliances.
All the more remarkable spirits of the time, like prophets in Israel, denounced a tyranny which put Chamillart at the head of the finances because he played billiards well, and Villeroy in command of the armies although he was utterly untrustworthy; which sent the patriot Vauban into disgrace, banished from the court Catinat, the Pre Ia Pense, exiled to Cambrai the too clear sighted Fnelon, and suspected Racine of Jansenism and La Fontaine of independence.
In Spain itself, tutored by misfortune, the efforts of the kings ministers, in the latter part of his reign, were directed to restoring order in the finances and reviving agriculture Reactionary and industry in.
From 1875 to 1881, when not too much engrossed in more pressing affairs, his governments turned their attention to the reorganization of the finances, the resumption of payment of part of the debt coupon, and the consolidation of the colonial and imperial floating debts.
He introduced order into the disorganized finances of the college and procured the confirmation of Laud's decree, which reserved five of the Eton fellowships for members of King's College.
In October 1776 Necker was made finance minister of France, though with the title only of director of the treasury, which, however, he changed in 1777 for that of director-general of the finances.
He did great good in regulating the finances by attempting to divide the taille or poll tax more equally, by abolishing the "vingtieme d'industrie," and establishing monts de piete (establishments for loaning money on security).
In 1788 the country, which had at the bidding of the literary guests of Madame Necker come to believe that Necker was the only minister who could "stop the deficit," as they said, demanded Necker's recall, and in September 1788 he became once more director-general of the finances.
His activity in the cabinet was by no means confined to the finances.
He reached Cairo in March, and was at once appointed by Ismail as president of a commission of inquiry into the finances, on the understanding that the European commissioners of the debt, who were the representatives of the bondholders, and whom Ismail regarded as interested parties, should not be members of the commission.
Although he brought a certain degree of order into the finances, his poverty and the constant inroads of external enemies prevented him from seriously improving the condition of the country.
The years from 1850 to 1859 were devoted to restoring the shattered finances of Sardinia, reorganizing the army and modernizing the antiquated institutions of the kingdom.
Owing to his extravagance he left a large amount of debt to his nephew and successor, Louis II., and on this account the control of the finances was transferred from the prince to the estates.
Under Louis's successor Ferdinand, who was a Roman Catholic and brought the Jesuits into Anhalt, the state of the finances grew worse and led to the interference of the king of Prussia and to the appointment of a Prussian official.
Festival finances have been the subject of sometimes acrimonious debate in Sidmouth for many years.
Finance Choices - Banking Best Buys Finance Choices takes the baloney out of the mystifying world of personal finances.
New Millenium, finances chronic, Shanghai and New York the perfect tonic.
And handling the sheer complexity of changes in personal finances after re-starting work will make big demands.
By March 1912, the club's finances were in such disarray that a receiver had to be called in.
Centrale Stop, in Tamworth Road opened on 10th December 2005 following a major fiasco over the finances.
We also need to have regard to the impact of the minimum wage on public sector finances.
Apart from the need to arrest the fugitives, it was pointed out that there are serious problems with the finances of the court.
A for of no a of a kept going, finances.
The idea of managing finances seems almost inconceivable in the context of student life.
Despite these serious inroads into the family's finances Lord Bath has not spared himself to improve the existing Longleat holding.
On 8 March 2006, the scheme was approved virtually intact, despite pressure on NHS finances.
As with many rich aristocrats, Sebastian appears neglectful of his own finances.
You can use this oracle to gain insights about love and relationships, finances, career planning, and much more!
You ca n't overdraw money, so it may be good thing if you're not good with watching your finances.
In recent years the finances of football have been a grotesque parody of the Italian financial system.
So a top priority for the next Conservative government should be to restore prudence to the management of the nation's finances.
This sounds ridiculous, you don't know people, you've not got the finances or the contacts.
Looking for a tired 3.8 E Type roadster to restore as a lightweight replica finances permitting.
Success over the next seven weeks is what fires and finances Irish Rugby.
They have a stranglehold on the nation's finances.
Public company finances a surprise suggestion coverage to or.
This successful fundraising, together with extremely thrifty and efficient hard work helped to steady RNIB's finances by the end of 2004/05.
Though the sale of offices and oppressive taxation which disgraced his pontificate may in part be explained by the desperate condition of the papal finances and by his saving up gold for a crusade, nevertheless he indulged in unbecoming pomp. Showing favouritism toward his family and his nation, he brought untold disaster on the Church.
The war lasted from February to September 1517 and ended with the expulsion of the duke and the triumph of Lorenzo; but it revived the nefarious policy of Alexander VI., increased brigandage and anarchy in the States of the Church, hindered the preparations for a crusade and wrecked the papal finances.
The peace of 1839 had settled all differences between Holland and Belgium, and the new king found himself confronted with the task of the reorganization of the finances, and the necessity of meeting the popular demand for a revision of the fundamental law, and the establishment of the electoral franchise on a wider basis.
He subsequently became tutor to Louis Urbain Lefevre de Caumartin, afterwards intendant of finances and counsellor of state, whom he accompanied to Clermont-Ferrard (q.v.), where the king had ordered the Grands Jours to be held (1665), and where Caumartin was sent as representative of the sovereign.
Departmental Finances.Every department has a budget of its own, which is prepared and presented by the prefect, voted by the departmental council and approved by decree of the president of the republic. The ordinary receipts include the revenues from the property of the department, the produce of additional centirnes, which are levied in conjunction with the direct taxes for the maintenance of both departmental and communal finances, state subventions and contributions of the communes towards certain branches of poor relief and to maintenance of roads.
He hastened to employ Germans for the reorganization of his finances and his army, and set to work in the determination to maintain his empire in spite of the difficulties surrounding him, to resist the encroachments of foreigners, and to take gradually the reins of absolute power into his own hands, being animated by a profound distrust, not unmerited, of his ministers.
The material interests of the island were neglected in the scramble for place and power; the finances fell into disorder, and the party which came off worst in the struggle systematically intrigued against the governor-general of the day and conspired with his enemies at Constantinople.
Webster, supported by William Pinkney and William Wirt, argued in February 1819, (I) that the power to establish a bank was to be implied from the general power given to Congress to administer the financial affairs of the nation, and was a means of administering the finances which was appropriate and within the discretion of Congress; (2) that "the power to tax is the power to destroy," and that a state had not the constitutional power to impose a tax upon any instrumentality of the government of the United States.
The finances of Turkey now collapsed, and the inevitable bankruptcy was declared, whereby more than through any other cause she lost such Deposition sympathies as she possessed in western Europe.
At Antonelli's death the Vatican finances were found to be in disorder, with a deficit of 45,000,000 lire.
The government had not elasticity enough to adapt itself to so profound a change in its ancient traditions; the finances became more and more hopelessly embarrassed, in spite of ruinous taxation; and attempts at European innovations in the court and army made matters only worse, so long as no attempt was made to improve Muhammad VI.
Under this duke and his son and successor, Ernest Frederick, the land was plunged into bankruptcy and a commission was appointed to manage its finances.
It was Madame de Polignac who obtained the appointment of Calonne as controller-general of the finances,' and who succeeded Madame de Guemenee as "governess of the children of France" after the bankruptcy of the prince de Guemenee in 1782.4 Again, in response to Mercy and Joseph II.'s urgent representations, Marie Antoinette exerted herself on behalf of Austria in the affairs of the opening of the Scheldt (1783-1784) and the exchange of Bavaria (1785), in which, though she failed to provoke active interference on the part of France, she succeeded in obtaining the payment of considerable indemnities to Austria, a fact which led to the popular legend of her having sent millions to Austria, and aroused much indignation against her.
He was charged with aiming at a dictatorship, with permitting or even encouraging the imprisonment, torture and execution without trial of political opponents, with maladministration of the finances and with aggression against the neighbouring states.
The revolt of the Ionian allies, and (in 411) the loss of the Hellespontine, Thracian and Island tributes (see Delian League), very seriously crippled her finances.
His attempt to reorganize the finances by the systematic levy of taxes was hailed with delight, but the government was not strong enough to carry the measures through, and the money which should have been used to pay the taxes was employed to purchase firearms. Thus the benign intentions of Mulai Abdel-Aziz were interpreted as weakness, and Europeans were accused of having spoiled the sultan and of being desirous of spoiling the country.
Joly de Fleury and DOrmesson, Neckers successors, pushed their narrow spirit of reaction and the temerity of their inexperience to the furthest limit; but the reaction which reinforced the privileged classes was not sufficient to fill the coffers of the treasury, and Marie Antoinette, who seemed gifted with a fatal perversity of instinct, confided the finances of the kingdom to Calonne, an upper-class official and a veritable Cagliostro of finance.
This sounds ridiculous, you do n't know people, you 've not got the finances or the contacts.
Success over the next seven weeks is what fires and finances Irish rugby.
There is little doubt that the sequestration of the monasteries estates was primarily motivated by the need to improve governmental finances.
Any dispute over finances is likely to sour the relationship to the detriment of both parties.
They have a stranglehold on the nation 's finances.
Has there been a rough estimate of potential savings in public finances through streamlining public administration?
This successful fundraising, together with extremely thrifty and efficient hard work helped to steady RNIB 's finances by the end of 2004/05.
Finances. Sometimes, the swaying factor in your argument for adoption boils down to money.
Get your finances in order as much as possible before beginning the adoption process!
Licensee and Members of the Household Information-This may include information on health, character and suitability, qualifications, finances, substitutes, and other employment.
Finances can be tight for single parents and the expense of the adoption can stretch a budget enormously.
With some patience, parents can develop ways of helping toddlers play that won't stress family finances.
Have your finances together and figure out just how much money you can put down for the foreclosed property.
Look at the state of your finances and try to come to an understanding about how much money you can spend on your class ring.
This will include W-2s and any other documents that played a significant role in the state of your finances for the given year.
Examine your finances to determine just how much you can afford to spend on a boat.
Being a cigarette smoker requires a hefty salary, as it's an expensive habit that can rob you blind if you don't maintain a keen eye on your finances.
Materials range from wood to metal to fiberglass and depend on your expertise and finances.
As long as you have enough to make installment payments, purchasing items in this manner can help you better manage your finances.
Before you use this type of purchase, however, you should understand how it works to avoid creating problems with your finances.
However, ensure that the card you select is right for you and your business' finances.
Usually ranging between 2-10 percent, these lower rates reflect the fact that banks often view business finances as more secure than personal ones.
Dealing with a collection agency should be a wake up call that now is the time to get your finances under control.
They may not leave information about your finances on an answering machine or tell anyone else why they are calling.
Because consulting services can be quite expensive and can lead to even further debt, it may be better to utilize other debt management services or become self-educated about how to reduce debt and budget household finances.
When it comes to create a personal budget to get out of debt, you need to prioritize your finances in order to increase your chance of being able to live within the budget you set.
When your finances are overwhelmed by debt, it may be possible to lower your expenses through debt negotiation.
Managing your finances means understanding your income and expenses.
The key to good money management is getting the information you need to understand your finances.
However, once you determine your basic income and expenses, you should gather even more information to take control of your finances.
Often times, your password is the only tool that protects you from identity thieves that can permanently damage your finances.
If you keep your accounts error-free and use online bill paying services to keep your finances in order, you may avoid burdening yourself with excess paperwork and chores.
Understanding your personal finances is a critical step toward a stable budget, debt management, and financial success.
Your finances include everything that requires or utilizes money in your life.
Knowing how your savings work for or against you is an important part of understanding your finances.
Understanding where your money is going as you spend it will help you control your budget and manage your personal finances.
After establishing a budget with a basic idea of income and spending, many people question the need to track their finances, particularly for long-term items such as home equity or company retirement plans.
Knowing where your finances stand, however, can be helpful in many cases.
Knowing how you can access all your personal finances can make an emergency less of a financial burden.
Not everyone needs help with their personal finances, but for individuals who do, there are different professionals to help with different types of money management needs.
Financial planners and consultants help individuals or families set financial goals and adjust their finances to meet those goals, whether it includes eliminating debt or simply growing investments.
Choosing the right source of professional help is an important step in making the most of your personal finances.
With a meticulous understanding of both your income and your spending as well as knowing how to harness all your assets, it is possible to control your finances and make them grow effortlessly.
During the repayment period, individuals may be restricted from opening new accounts and their finances will be periodically monitored as the counselor works with them to restructure their spending habits.
For example, if you know that you will spend $120 a month to gas up your car, buying a prepaid gas card and loading $120 onto the card monthly can be one way to keep your finances organized.
If you find yourself knee-deep in debt, call a debt consolidation agency right away and get back on track with your finances easily.
It is not unusual for a freshman to not understand how to balance their finances.
Whether their parents give them an allowance while away at college or they earn their spending cash by working at student jobs, learning how to manage finances is important.
Students can learn the basics of managing their finances by taking entry level finance or accounting classes, no matter what their major is.
Young adults can learn the proper handling of their finances from college courses or from their parents.
First, you will need to provide information about the finances of your law firm and a projection of your funding needs.
Many cardholders use their cards as a way to simplify their finances since the cards can only be used for gas station purchases.
To figure out what you need to do to keep your finances on track, fill out a budget worksheet, listing everything you spend in one month's time.
These numbers are meant to be more than just a rating for how well you manage your finances.
Being able to perform all your banking business in one place can simplify your finances.
Furthermore, the consolidation company may help the consumer better manage his or her finances to prevent the accumulation of additional debt.
Using online banking from Chase can be a great way to manage your finances from the comfort of your own home.
If you are ready to get your finances under control, a debt payoff calculator can be one of the tools you use to help you through the process.
The government benefits from individual consumers managing finances effectively because the overall economy benefits from financially fit consumers.
Managing your finances at college is an important part of your experience.
This can be helpful to students who are just learning how to manage finances.
In order to prove you are who you say you are, you will be required to answer a couple of questions regarding your personal finances when requesting your report online.
Hopefully, this will be a lesson to be more careful with your finances in the future.
Corporate cards offer a number of services that help large companies manage finances more efficiently.
As a new business owner, your first goal may be to keep business and personal finances separate, but this may be difficult to do.
When a person files for divorce, finances need to be dealt with as part of the legal termination of the marriage.
This is best for couples who are able to discuss finances after divorce calmly and fairly.
How do you handle your personal finances after years of your spouse taking care of the household budget?
You need to find someone you feel confident will represent your interests effectively and who you can trust with some very personal information about yourself, your finances and your marriage.
With the desire to assist project developers and entrepreneurs who are needed finances as well as those investors looking for financing vehicles, the Renewable Energy Finance Network Directory contains a wealth of information.
Building a windmill for use at your home or office is inexpensive and beneficial to both the environment and your personal finances.
In 1891, Twain was forced to move his wife and youngest daughter, Clara, to Europe so he could conduct a world lecture tour to pay-off debts and rebuild finances.
It may take longer to complete your bonus room project, however, avoiding sleepless nights over finances is always well worth the wait.
Not only are finances often an issue, but you also have to factor in little ones while making design choices.
Banking on the Internet can seem scary to people who have never handled their finances online.
Managing finances and paying your bills is easy with online banking at Wells Fargo, because the unique system they have set up streamlines and simplifies the process.
Every month, you will see what's left in your account so you can make smart spending decisions with the remainder of your finances.
If access to your finances doesn't provide the peace of mind you need, the vSafe system lets you archive your statements, as well as other important documents and records.
Once you have registered, you'll be effortlessly managing your finances online in no time.
Fortunately, online banking is arguably an even safer way to deal with your finances, and the offerings from Chase make online banking easy, even for those who have never done it before.
You can access your account from a mobile phone using the online banking system, allowing you to check your finances on the go.
The security controls that protect your finances against thieves are some of the most attractive features of online banking at Chase.
For most people, however, online banking is an easy-to-use, easy-to-master way to keep track of your finances in real time.
It's a good idea to set up a separate PayPal or checking account for your purchasing group, so this money doesn't get confused with anyone's personal finances.
Then make a realistic spending plan for getting your finances on track.
Once you have a plan in place that includes paying down debt and saving a portion of your pay for emergencies and retirement, your stress levels about finances will go down.
Often pressures build throughout the day as you cope with the stress of family, work, finances and more.
If finances permit, treat yourself to a massage from a licensed therapist.
Poor management of finances can force companies out of business and drive husbands and wives to divorce court over job-loss stress.
Coping with financial stress means taking charge of the finances and focusing on specific, goal-oriented plans to keep money troubles under control and prevent problems from occurring.
People stress about finances because they feel their money out of control.
Consider financial strategies that put you in charge of your finances and reduce your stress.
You may have financial stress because you lost your job or because you've been irresponsible with your finances.
Look at your lifestyle, daily routine, relationships, finances, and occupation to look for unrecognized reasons for stress.
While many of these scholarships might be awarded to underclassman that won't be attending anytime soon, the funds can really help when you're settling down to try and figure out college finances.
Whether you have two incomes or one, whether you handle the money jointly or one person takes care of the majority of the bills, it's important to communicate with one another regarding your finances.
This is the stage when work, relationships and finances begin to suffer.
Drinking can become a serious problem that destroys careers, finances and relationships.
Difficulty at work and with finances are common for alcoholics.
People might steal money for alcohol due to lack of finances, or they may prioritize alcohol over more necessary items such as food or house payments.
As vice president of a California investment firm, Tammy helps the rich and famous handle their finances.
The family moved from one trailer to another, occasionally staying with relatives or living in their car when finances were tight.
This former lead singer of Hole and widow to the late Kurt Cobain is a complete train wreck, so it really comes as no surprise that her finances are in shambles as well.
The instability hasn't impacted his finances at all.
A man who is so respected in the business community can't seem to figure out how to handle the finances.
With his legal fees stemming from his child molestation charges, Jackson's finances worsened.
Hammer's finances, it was his huge payroll that put him on the list of bankrupt celebrities.
For single moms, going back to school grants may be the only way they can justify the expense of going back to college because the grants will prevent them from jeopardizing the family finances.
Remember that college is a valid option for people of any age, so don't rule it out in the future if your finances prevent it now.
This makes grants an attractive option for students who do not have the stable finances necessary to repay large loans.
The EFC is a measure of your family's finances and determines how much the student will be expected to contribute toward the cost of college tuition.
Before rejecting a position based on finances alone, however, consider that your room and board is paid.
Actually beginning the work can be frustrating at times as you run into obstacles created by finances, time or geography.
No one is turned down because of lack of finances.
When you answer these questions you will have a clearer picture of how your lawn furniture can best serve your needs as well as how it will fit into your yard and your finances.
If finances are limited you will need to keep a careful eye on your patio design. n some states you may be able to get grants and special loans to defray some of the costs.
The website is a free service for consumers to learn more about loans and finances, and it is a paid service for banks and lenders who are hoping to have you as a client.
In addition, you'll need to take charge of your finances and have a good idea of what type of lifestyle you can afford.
Providing personal information about when you'll be leaving for a vacation, personal finances, address and phone numbers and where the door key is hidden are not safe to discuss online.
There are also features related to living within your means, getting the most for your money, and sharing your finances with others, including your children and favorite charities.
It names a person who will make decisions about your finances if you are no longer able.
Can your finances accommodate your housing choice?
In many cases, limited finances may prevent the elderly from staying active, as they may not be able to afford the hobbies or leisure activities of their younger years.
However, the remaining portions of medical bills not paid for by Medicare often put a strain on the limited finances of many seniors.
Your decision should begin with a frank discussion about needs and finances.
Some women have the finances and time for weekly hair appointments.
Information covers every retirement-related facet in an effort to answer questions on topics from finances to why some places are better for retirees to settle than others.
Another harmful consequence of video games is the depletion of finances.
Also, the parent's behavior is influenced by the parent's work, the parents' marriage, family finances, and other conditions likely to affect the parent's behavior and psychological well-being.
They also tend to have concerns about family life, worry about finances, and feel they are a drain on the remaining parent's resources.
Also, the issue of personal finances and single income families has become less important since adoption subsidies are available nationwide.
Capezio dance shop sponsors and finances a dance award and grant program for dancers who are making a difference in both the community and in the arts.
If you are the surviving spouse, it may be tempting to share your worries about finances or other adult matters.
If you build a permanent water fountain, then you'll have only one alternative when it suddenly becomes a detriment to your health, finances or even your well-being, which will be to empty the fountain of water and cease using it.
In the case of a wealth sector, simply add a little metal to your room and see if your finances begin to improve.
Focus is often on real-world learning, reading, community, personal finances, family, and personality and emotional development, with academics learned naturally along the way.
Nigeria spent many years under military rulers who mishandled the country's finances.
You will likely have to register as a job seeker and provide information about your finances and background so that the office can determine what programs match your qualifications.
Unlike other home mortgage companies, Countrywide encourages its customers in this program to use finances from outside sources like family members or non-traditional employment.
After carefully examining America's finances, including things like inflation and exports, the Fed adjusts banking interest rates.
But for many families, the sudden increase puts a substantial strain on their finances.
Mortgage rate calculators can simplify your decision-making process by giving you a general idea of how your finances may be viewed by a lender.
Not all home equity lenders are legitimate and choosing the wrong one could be devastating to your finances.
For example, online mortgage calculators are available to help you determine what type of mortgage payments your finances can handle.
These costs can add up to big dollars and can seriously stretch your finances if you are not prepared for them.
By being informed, you can make intelligent decisions about your finances.
Chase-owned properties are not necessarily eligible for any special discount when a buyer finances through Chase Home Finance.
Don't confuse pre-approval with pre-qualification; a prequalification is only based on a cursory review of your finances.
Finding the right Fresno mortgage lender can make a big difference in your finances.
While borrowers may need to attend educational seminars on home ownership and managing finances, it seems well worth the effort for many individuals.
For those who would rather not deal with finances through the Internet, customers can always call a customer service representative and tell them they want to make a payment.
If you are already stretching your finances to the limit then you may find that owning a home pushes you over the edge into real financial problems.
Wait to purchase a home until your finances are in better shape.
As with any situation involving finances, it is usually the best course of action to consult a knowledgeable professional.
While these types of refinance loans may be attractive to some people, it's wise to look at your finances and judge what you can afford first.
As with other grants and special mortgages, FHA loans may cost less, have much lower down payments, qualifying is much easier, and special help is available if finances become difficult and one feels the need to foreclose.
Choosing between a 15 and 30 year mortgage depends on your preferences and finances.
The term is commonly heard among those who are looking for new ways to organize their finances and the concept is certainly worth exploring.
Perhaps your finances have changed or maybe the economy has changed.
If you try to pay too much more each month, your finances may suffer.
Finances are one reason it is a good idea to carefully plan your pregnancy.
Can our finances handle the addition of another child?
While having a baby is a blessing, it can take a toll on the family's finances.
Couples who are considering another child should discuss their current finances.
Diapers, clothing, and general care costs can put an enormous strain on finances.
Already expectant parents may not have the option of putting off pregnancy until finances improve.
To families whose finances are already devastated paying for the cost of cancer treatment, these prices may be out of range.
With letter writing, you only get one chance to make a great impression, and if finances lie in the balance, you have even more pressure set upon you.
Being able to read what the funding is for allows people to know what activities are going on in the church, and how they can invest time and finances to become more involved.
People have been drawn into relationships with online matches who lied about their marital status, finances, even gender.
You might say something like, "I am not sure why you are telling me about your finances, so I don't know how you want me to respond?"
When you meet someone and are talking to him in real time, there is a limit to the things he can mislead you about, things such as marital status, education, finances, everything you can't see with your own eyes.
Finances should be talked about from the first date, in the early stages of the relationship - for assessing as talked about in the question above.
Protect your heart, your identity, and your finances by exercising caution in all online interactions.
How will we manage our finances once we get married?
Of course, not all relationships with an age difference are based on finances.
Studying the characteristics of diamond quality and being sure to buy a fine stone makes the jewelry not only an excellent investment in your relationship, but in your finances as well.
Before getting engaged, a couple should always discuss their relationship and their plans for the future, including finances, family plans, religious beliefs, and other factors that can impact a happy marriage.
There are so many other calls on a newly engaged couple's finances - from a new home to planning the wedding and other expenses - that many people need to watch the pennies very closely.
There are many calls on a couple's finances before they get engaged and working within a strict budget is often very necessary.
The amount that someone decides to spend on a gift is largely a personal preference and depends on individual finances.
The decision about an engagement ring's cost is one the couple should make only after careful consideration of their finances.
Content may include budgeting advice regarding the costs associated with the wedding or may concentrate on the sometimes tricky act of combining finances with a new spouse.
Metal element people tend to be great with numbers and, generally speaking, have a very good head for finances.
Women with this placement are usually interested in finances and social/intellectual pursuits, while the men may enjoy cooking.
That doesn't mean your future finances are going to be bleak.
People born under this sign are skilled with finances and know how to handle money well.
Hiding overindulgences or not discussing finances can help for awhile.
Taurus also rules the second house of finances; this is good since Taurus needs a lot of money to create the stability he needs.
Taurus's preoccupation with money is compulsory since this sun sign rules the second house of the zodiac wheel, which is the house of finances.
Parents and caregivers are faced with a lot of choices, such as how to tell them apart, sleeping arrangements, and budgeting finances.
Don't let Christmas blind you to the reality of your finances!
With world finances also moving in toward China, it appears that in part, some of Cayce's prediction is manifesting.
Before you create a zero-based budget, try tracking your spending for one month to ensure that you have an accurate picture of your finances.
Radio talk show host and personal finance expert Dave Ramsey has earned himself a nationwide following by offering easy-to-follow tips for people who are committed to getting their finances back on track.
According to Ramsey, "Ninety percent of solving a problem is realizing there is one." So, if you've already admitted that your finances could use some help, you're well on your way to success!
If you're tired of living from paycheck to paycheck, making money online can give you the breathing room you need to get your finances back under control.
Purchasing the perfect wig doesn't have to put a strain on your finances.
Your cell phone may be a vital part of your daily life, but you can do some serious damage to your finances if you go over your monthly minutes, send too many text messages, or incur excessive roaming charges.
In fact, taking control of your finances to avoid a potential bankruptcy filing is often seen as a sign of financial responsibility and a commitment to smart money management.
Sedu coupons can make professional grade hair styling tools more affordable for everyone to create great styles without flattening their finances.
You don't have to reveal the intimate details of your finances, but even young children will appreciate an explanation of how you and your spouse plan to save for the family's annual summer vacation.
Once you've gained control of your finances, you're free to focus on other priorities instead of spending all your time worrying about how to pay your bills and whether or not you'll have enough money to retire comfortably.
Managing your finances is a skill that you need to master before you can begin to implement any ways to save money.
While things may not always work out how you imagine, it is better to attempt to get your finances in control before the retirement party.
The fewer regular bills you have to pay after retirement, the better your finances will be.
However, we do want to stress that finances shouldn't come before your personal safety.
Ultimately, in order to be in control of your finances, you should work toward not even needing to know how to save money fast at all.
Whether you're trying to get out of debt or just looking for a way to bulk up your emergency fund, remembering a few basic household money saving tips will make it easier to keep your finances in order.
Regardless of your income, knowing where your money goes and planning your purchases wisely is the best way to get your finances back on track.
These classes will help you get your finances in order and give you an opportunity to meet other people who are interested in learning how to save money.
If you're struggling to keep on top of your monthly bills, a debt snowball calculator may be a helpful tool for getting your finances in order.
Consider Martin's money saving tips to be just one resource available to help you get your finances under control.
If you prioritize the steps you need to get your finances in order, making progress should be much easier.
By the time you've reached the last of the Dave Ramsey baby steps, your finances are in good shape.
Dave Ramsey budget forms can be a useful tool for helping you take control of your finances.
If you're struggling to get your finances in order, you may be wondering if Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University can help.
Instead of small group discussions, you'll have access to a chat room and forums where you can visit with other people who are also working to reform their finances.
To move forward with your finances, however, you need to stop laying blame for these problems and focus on finding constructive solutions."
Of course, the spending of the average family is not necessarily what is best for your finances.
By simply deciding to track where your money goes, you've made a big change in how you're able to handle your finances in the future.
Automatic Finances explains the three basic ways to get ahead.
Free printable budget worksheets provide a starting point for getting your finances in order.
Teens can take more control over finances in order to provide them with strong tools for the future.
There's no need to try to manage finances all by yourself.
If you don't have time to go to a yoga studio, but finances are not an issue, hiring a private instructor can be an effective option for doing yoga at home.
If a child worries about how parents stress over finances, or feel that parents assume the child will take care of the autistic sibling in adulthood, she may feel overwhelmed and depressed about the future.
If you've failed live within a budget, lenders will wonder about your ability to manage business finances.
Program is designed for budget-conscious entrepreneurs and small businesses with up to 25 employees who manage their finances using spreadsheet applications.
Keep the business and your personal finances separate.
The ability to balance a budget and keep up with finances is integral to bookkeeping businesses.
Consider these steps to raise capital for starting small business, and you'll find the process a bit less taxing on your finances and time resources.
Taking loans can also put your personal finances at risk should the venture fail.
One of the most important sections, the finances section contains information about your operating costs, profits and other financial data.
Employees with very basic finances may use IRS Form 1040 EZ.
Taxpayers with more complicated finances use IRS form 1040.
Using a profit and loss template is recommended as a way to begin recording the finances of a company.
This shows creditors how the business manages its finances.
The company provides competitive interest rates and finances dealership purchases.
By comparing the cost and itemizing, you can plan your finances accordingly.
Free fabric purse patterns are a great way to increase your accessory collection without radically decreasing your finances.
It's important to evaluate all supposedly free diet plans for both health and finances.
Don't let finances or time concerns prevent you from keeping fit.
The health insurance that you choose will greatly affect your medical care and your finances.
Does the company's payment policy work for your finances?
Worrying about finances will only add to their burden.
Unfortunately, the cost of these veterinary bills can put a serious dent in your finances.
Choosing your Health Savings Account is one of the most important decisions health care decisions you will make, one that may impact the health of your finances over the long-term.
Find out what's included in the quote and what is not, since this is the underlying effect on your finances.
The theory behind this action is that if you are irresponsible with your finances, you may be that way in your driving habits.
Your monthly premium will not change during the term of your policy, allowing you to plan your finances appropriately.
These advisors will want to review your finances as well as discuss your options for preparing for eventual retirement.
This will save money, but it's important to understand that if your coverage is too low, you are taking a significant gamble with the health of your family's finances.
If you don't have any money saved up for a rainy day but you still can't afford full comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, consider making use of other less expensive components of car insurance that can still protect your finances.
If finances allow, why not choose a cross-section of the bridal lingerie available?
Donations from local royalty helped the Mozart family rebound their finances slightly but Mozart's health continued to decline.
It's a good idea to discuss finances before the party starts so all guests know how much they will be expected to pay.
If finances permit, add a can of good Irish beer, such as Guinness, or a single-serving size bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur.
Currently, Mary manages the finances for the shop.
It's almost impossible to know which Gosselin is telling the truth and which impression of Kate Gosselin's finances is the most accurate.
The addict is eating, or in one case drinking, this food at the expense of health, relationships, and even finances.
Since this is considered a cosmetic procedure and is rarely covered by medical insurance, you'll need to take a hard look at your finances.
Regardless of your age or finances, you can flaunt well-groomed toenails and feel good about it.
Lastly, discuss finances with whomever else this operation will affect.
When needles injected into the skin simply aren't an option - whether for lack of finances or courage - then the Instant Targeted Wrinkle Treatment is an effective alternative.
Not only will you need to have the expendable finances to treat your skin, you'll also want to commit to your clear skin afterwards by avoiding the sun at all costs.
There was no reason why he couldn't do the finances or make the normal decisions.
There was a detailed itinerary of Byrne's movements and information on Byrne's health, finances, personnel records and lifestyle.
I don't think his finances are any too strong either.
If you want me to know about your finances, then show me.
While the subject of finances was settled, the same could not be made about babysitting.
She did all the cleaning, scheduling, finances.
These are all under the supervision of a state board of control of three members, appointed by the governor, which was created in 1909, and also has control of the finances of the state educational system.
He organized the national guard, applied the civil constitution of the clergy, and regulated the finances of the city so as to tax the rich heavily and spare the poor.
The Irsorier nearly always lives at the chief town of the department, and is assisted by a receveur particulier des finances in each arrondissement (except that in which the trsorier himself resides).