Filling Sentence Examples
She returned to the fire and found the men filling their bowls.
After a silent grace, they began filling their plates.
Both inched toward her, the inhuman growling filling the hall.
It wasn't much, but with the cold cuts it made a filling meal.
He watched, sorrow and then fury filling him.
The place was a long way off, and while they were judging, what with one thing and another, filling in the papers all in due form--the authorities I mean--time passed.
She focused hard on the clasp, her senses filling with him.
She dragged the two suitcases from under her bed and began filling them with clothes from the closet.
He spoke to Harrigan, who was filling out a report on a daylight burglary.
Jessi staggered under the grocery bags filling her arms.
AdvertisementIt seems Viney had attempted to take a glass, which Helen was filling with stones, fearing that she would break it.
Her eyes were filling with tears and she didn't want him to see.
I'm just filling in.
She lifted the tiny hand and kissed it, tears filling her eyes again.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
AdvertisementThen he took off when the well ran dry— and his girlfriend started filling out.
Each spoke to him as he swam, filling his head with visions as they told him their stories.
After filling the coffee pot and setting the timer, he began turning out the lights.
Daily the beans saw me come to their rescue armed with a hoe, and thin the ranks of their enemies, filling up the trenches with weedy dead.
Clara identified some of the bushes - all the while filling Megan in on the goings on in town.
AdvertisementShe listened joyfully (as though she had not expected it) to the charm of the notes reverberating, filling the whole empty ballroom, and slowly dying away; and all at once she felt cheerful.
She returned to her bunk and lay down, cold fear filling her.
Ustilago, and filling a greenhouse with hydrocyanic acid gas when young insects are commencing their ravages, e.g.
Vegetation of all sorts acts in a similar way, either in forming soil and assisting in breaking up rocks, in filling up shallow lakes, and even, like the mangrove, in reclaiming wide stretches of land from the sea.
A very large quantity of sediment is rapidly filling the gulf.
AdvertisementThe right and left lobes themselves are rent asunder (so to speak), so that they are freely visible from above, filling the corners formed by the hemispheres and the cerebellum.
These are always printed in the editions on the same page as the Mishnah and Gemara, the whole, with various other matter, filling generally about 12 folio volumes.
This gives a new and moral filling to the conception of " supernatural revelation."
By this time the alteration of the coast-line and the filling up of the lagoons had probably commenced, and no historical importance attaches to its subsequent fortunes.
In the restoration of the outlines of ancient and medieval geography in Asia Sven Hedin's discoveries of the actual remains of cities which have long been buried under the advancing waves of sand in the Takla Makan desert, cities which flourished in the comparatively recent period of Buddhist ascendancy in High Asia, is of the very highest interest, filling up a blank in the identification of sites mentioned by early geographers and illustrating more fully the course of old pilgrim routes.
In order to reach water sufficiently deep for the steamers, the railway tracks have been carried by earth filling about seven-eighths of a mile into the bay.
The result is that the tracery itself has to support the structure above it - is, in fact, constructional - whereas in most other countries the tracery is merely, as it were, a pierced screen filling in a constructional arch.
There is a Cid of history and a Cid of romance, differing very materially in character, but each filling a large space in the annals of his country, and exerting a singular influence in the development of the national genius.
Sand bars keep filling up the mouths of these channels, necessitating frequent dredging and extension of the breakwaters, work undertaken by the Federal government, which also maintains a most comprehensive and completeystem of aids to navigation, including lighthouses and lightships, fog alarms, gas and other buoys, life-saving, storm signal and weather report stations.
The Stadium, in which the Panathenaic Games were held, was first laid out by the orator Lycurgus about 330 B.C. It was an oblong structure filling a natural depression near the left bank of the Ilissus beneath the eastern de clivity of the Ardettus hill, the parallel sides and semicircular end, or acev50vn, around the arena being partially excavated from the adjoining slopes.
It can be shown that a more efficient washing results from alternately filling and emptying the funnel than by endeavouring to keep the funnel full.
In 1484 he went to Michael House, Cambridge, where he took his degrees in arts in 1487 and 1491, and, after filling several offices in the university, became master of his college in 1499.
Next, proceeding from this region in an easterly direction, are the Neogene freshwater formations, filling up the greatest part of the north-east of Bosnia, as also a zone of flysch intermingled with several strips of eruptive rock.
Those who were thus excluded from the tribes and centuries had no vote, were incapable of filling Roman magistracies and could not serve in the army.
He was knighted in 1897, and received the Royal (1875), Davy (1888), and Copley (1904) medals of the Royal Society, besides filling the offices of president of the Chemical Society and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
After filling clerical posts in Leipzig, he became Prediger (preacher) in Vienna in 1856.
The simple siphon is used by filling it with the liquid to be decanted, closing the longer limb with the finger and plunging the shorter into the liquid; and it must be filled for each time of using.
Innumerable forms have been devised adapted for all purposes, and provided with arrangements for filling the tube, or for keeping it full and starting it into action automatically when required.
Maxwell explained electric and magnetic forces, not by the action at a distance assumed by the earlier mathematicians, but by stresses in a medium filling all space, and possessing qualities like those attributed to the old luminiferous ether.
South of the Amazon valley and filling a great part of the eastern projection of the continent, is another arid, semi-barren plateau, lying within the southeast trade winds belt, and extending from Piauhy southward to southern Bahia.
The vomiting may take place every two or three days, enormous quantities of undigested food mixed with frothy, yeast-like mucous being thrown up. And whilst the stomach is slowly filling up again after one of these uncontrollable emptyings, sudden and violent movements of the individual may cause the fluid to give rise to audible "splashings."
In 1812 he became first professor in the newly established Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey, where he remained until his death at Princeton on the 22nd of October 1851, filling successively the chairs of didactic and polemic theology (1812-1840), and pastoral and polemic theology (1840-1851).
This is accomplished by a twofold agency, for while numbers of them are seized upon by the granulation phagocytes, others are broken up and dissolved by the liquid filling the granulation interspaces (Afanassieff).
Albert Nyanza, on the other hand, is threatened in the distant future with destruction from another cause - the filling of its bed by the alluvium poured into it by the Semliki, the Victoria Nile and, in a lesser degree, by other streams. The Semliki receives directly or indirectly the whole of the drainage of Ruwenzori, and also that of the eastern face of the Congo mountains as well as the drainage basin of Albert Edward Nyanza.
The coinage had not only been seriously debased during the closing years of the Tokugawa regime, but large quantities of paper currency had been issued and circulated, both by many of the feudal lords, and by the central government itself, as a temporary expedient for filling an impoverished exchequer.
In the working of thick deposits the block of ground between two levels is divided into horizontal sections or floors which are worked either from above downward or from of Thick the bottom upward; in the first case the separate floors are worked by one of the caving systems; in the second, generally with the aid of filling.
When rock filling is available, as when the ore contains much barren material to be left behind in mining, the ore body is divided into blocks of convenient height as above, and these blocks are divided into floors, the bottom floor of each block however being attacked.
Instead of mining in horizontal floors the filling method permits the ore to be mined in vertical chambers or slices which extend from one level to the next above and from one wall of the deposit to the other.
This method of mining and filling can be used when the work is done in horizontal floors or in transverse chambers.
The cost of filling has been greatly reduced by the system of flushing culm, sand, gravel and similar material, through pipes leading from the surface into mine workings.
For the liquid filling the interior of a rotating elliptic cylinder of cross section x2/a2+y2/b2 = 1, /(4) = m l (x 2 / a2 - - y2 /b 2) (5) with V21G1' =-2R =-2 m 1 (I / a2 + 21b2), 214 = m l (x2 / a2 + y2 / b2) - IR(x2+y2) = I R (x2 - y2) (a 2 - b2)/(a2+b2), cp 1 = Rxy (a 2 - b2)/(a2 +b2), w1 = cb1 +% Pli = - IiR(x +yi)2(a2b2)/(a2+b2).
As an application of moving axes, consider the motion of liquid filling the ellipsoidal case 2 y 2 z2 Ti + b1 +- 2 = I; (1) and first suppose the liquid be frozen, and the ellipsoid l3 (4) (I) (6) (9) (I o) (II) (12) (14) = 2 U ¢ 2, (15) rotating about the centre with components of angular velocity, 7 7, f'; then u= - y i +z'i, v = w = -x7 7 +y (2) Now suppose the liquid to be melted, and additional components of angular velocity S21, 522, S23 communicated to the ellipsoidal case; the additional velocity communicated to the liquid will be due to a velocity-function 2224_ - S2 b c 6 a 5 x b2xy, as may be verified by considering one term at a time.
The terrible conditions obtaining there were due to the lack of food supplies in the Confederate States, the incompetence of the prison officials, and the refusal of the Federal authorities in 1864 to make exchanges of prisoners, thus filling the stockade with unlooked-for numbers.
In making cigars by the hand, the operator rolls together a sufficient quantity of material to form the filling of one cigar, and experience enables him or her to select very uniform quantities.
Gregory, the Jacobite metropolitan of Jerusalem, visited Malabar, and, as the people had no consecrated bishop at the time, he consecrated Mar Thomas, who had been filling the office at the people's request, and remained in the country jointly administering the affairs of the Church with Thomas.
Immediately after his inauguration he began filling the militia regiments with young men ready for active service, saw that they were well drilled and supplied them with good modern rifles.
Since the beginning of the 10th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions.
The continuation of the same wall round its southern half has been in great measure obliterated by the operations of the modern vent, which has built a younger cone upon it, and is gradually filling up the hollow of the prehistoric crater.
Cotton was first imported to Providence from Spain in 1785; a company to carry on cotton-spinning, formed at Providence in 1786, established there in the following year a factory containing a spinning jenny of 28 spindles (the first machine of the kind to be used in the United States), and also a carding machine and a spinning frame with which was manufactured a kind of jean having a linen warp and a cotton filling.
The seventh is to hammer gold into the outlines of the diaper; the eighth, to hammer it into the pattern filling the spaces between the lines, and the ninth and tenth to complete the details.
It has a very picturesque appearance, especially when approached from the north, with its embattled walls and towers filling the whole breadth of the valley.
As originated by Regnault, it consisted in filling a large glass globe with the gas by alternately exhausting with an air-pump and admitting the pure and dry gas.
This may be accomplished by using a vessel with a somewhat wide bottom, and inserting the substance so that it may be volatilized very rapidly, as, for example, in tubes of Wood's alloy, D and by filling the tube with hydrogen.
Stuff containing a considerable amount of clay is found to be the best suited for the purpose of filling, as it consolidates readily under pressure.
In France and Germany the method of filling the space left by the removal of the coal with waste rock, quarried underground or sent down from the surface, which was originally used in connexion with the working of thick inclined seams by the method of horizontal slices, is now largely extended to long-wall workings on thin seams, and in Westphalia is made compulsory where workings extend below surface buildings, and safety pillars of unwrought coal are found to be insufficient.
The material for filling may be the waste from earlier workings stored in the spoil banks at the surface; where there are blast furnaces in the neighbourhood, granulated slag mixed with earth affords excellent packing.
In some anthracite collieries in America the small coal or culm and other waste are washed into the exhausted workings by water which gives a compact mass filling the excavation when the water has drained away.
In this the filling material, preferably sand, is sent down from the surface through a vertical steel pipe mixed with sufficient water to allow it to flow freely through distributing pipes in the levels commanding the excavations to be filled; these are closed at the bottom by screens of boards sufficiently close to retain the packing material while allowing the water to pass by the lower level to the pumping-engine which returns it to the surface.
This difficulty was overcome by first filling the cylinder with porous briquettes and then soaking them with a fixed percentage of acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by the bricks the quantity of acetone soaked into the brick will absorb ten times the normal volume of the cylinder in acetylene for every atmosphere of pressure to which the gas is subjected, whilst all danger of explosion is eliminated.
The arc is struck in a crucible into which the mixture is allowed to flow, partially filling it.
Back of the islands are the quiet waters of lagoons, and at the mouths of rivers are several shallow bays indenting the mainland; these bays were formed by only a slight subsidence of the land and the rivers are filling them with deposits of silt.
From this time to the establishment of the Thirty (462404 B.C.) the Areopagitic council, degraded still further by the opening of the archonship to the Zeugitae (457 B.C.) and by the absolute use of the lot in filling the office, was a political nullity.
After filling a number of ecclesiastical offices, he was elevated to the archbishopric of Paris in 1840.
The most important innovation, however, was the transfer of the responsibility for filling up the schedule from the overseers to the householders, thereby rendering possible a synchronous record.
The duty of filling up so comprehensive a return, involving an answer to 561 questions, is not left to the householder, but entrusted to enumerators specially engaged, working under the supervision of the Department of Agriculture.
The governor has the power, also, of filling vacancies in certain state offices and on the benches of the supreme court and county courts, and he may remove or suspend certain county and municipal officers on charges.
There the Southern Alps rise range upon range, filling the whole centre, almost or quite touching the western shore, and stretching from end to end of the island.
But in working out the consequences of this view Say is not free from obscurities and inconsistencies; and by his comprehension of these immaterial products within the domain of economics he is confirmed in the error of regarding that science as filling the whole sphere which really belongs to sociology.
The velocities in different gases may be compared by this apparatus by filling the dust-tube with the gases in place of air.
In1848-1849he served a three months' term in Congress, filling a vacancy.
The levelling of the walls and filling up of the moat made the Fort much more accessible and healthy, and since then it has become the business centre of the city.
After filling several subordinate posts, he was appointed in 1801 assistant to the British resident at Poona, at the court of the peshwa, the most powerful of the Mahratta princes.
On the 13th of June it voted that the city of Paris had deserved well of the country, and ordered the imprisonment of the detained deputies, the filling up of their places in the Assembly by their sup pleants, and the initiation of vigorous measures against the movement in the provinces.
The inhalation of the fumes of nascent ammonium chloride by filling the room with the gas has been recommended in foetid bronchitis.
While these thoughts were filling men's minds, opposition to the papal rule over the Church was also gaining continually in strength.
The only way of filling up the gaps in the population of the ravaged land was to invite foreign immigrants of a superior class, chapmen and handicraftsmen, not only given to peace ful pursuits and accustomed to law and order, but Cities.
Thus Prussia was now confederated with Poland, but she occupied a subordinate position as compared with Lithuania, inasmuch as the grand-master, though filling the first place in the royal council, was still a subject of the Polish crown.
The possibility of embossing the metal beyond a certain point without fracturing the coating of silver was got over by casting or stamping the raised ornament in silver, filling the hollows with.
How, with this pope's support throughout his long reign, the gradual filling of nearly all the sees of Latin Christendom with bishops of their own selection, and their practical capture, directly or indirectly, of the education of the clergy in seminaries, they contrived to stamp out the last remains of independence everywhere, and to crown the Ultramontane triumph with the Vatican Decrees, is matter of familiar knowledge.
The majority of the lakes have rocky shores and islands and great variety of depth, many of the smaller ones, however, are rimmed with marshes and are slowly filling up with vegetable matter, ultimately becoming peat bogs, the muskegs of the Indian.
Its chief value lies in its vast tracts of fertile soil, now rapidly filling up with settlers from all parts of the world, and the grassy uplands in the foot-hill region affording perennial pasturage for the cattle, horses and sheep of the rancher.
The shore-line is irregular, and has been modified by the construction of sea-walls and the filling in of shallow bays.
It was undertaken in 1903, during the administration of President Rodrigues Alves, as part of a vast scheme to improve the sanitary and traffic conditions of the city, including the construction of a new shore-line and filling in the shallow parts of the shore, which had long been considered one of the prime causes of the unhealthy state of the city.
In the work of improving the city, the national government assumed the expense of the commercial quays, the filling of the Sao Christovao bay, the opening of the Mangue canal and its embellishment, the opening of the Avenida Central, the extension of the sewage system and the addition of new sources to the water supply, while the city was responsible for the Avenida Beira-Mar, the opening of a new avenue from the Largo da Lapa westward to Rua Frei Caneca, the removal of the Morro do Senado, the widening of some streets crossing the Avenida Central and the opening and straightening of other streets.
The lap is taken to the filling engine, which is similar in construction and appearance to the opener as far as the feeding arrangements are concerned, but the drum, in place of being entirely covered with fine steel teeth, is spaced at intervals of from 5 to to in.
The flat dressing frame is a box or frame holding a certain number of book-boards from the filling engine, which boards when full of silk are screwed tightly together in the frame.
When the spark gap is small, the sudden evaporation of the metal has a better chance of filling the interval between the poles, even without the introduction of a self-induction.
According to him, whatever inferences we make, certain or uncertain, are mere economies of thought, adapting ideas to sensations, and filling out the gaps of experience by ideas; whatever we infer, whether bodies, or molecules, or atoms, or space of more than three dimensions, are all without distinction equally provisional conceptions, things of thought; and " bodies or things are compendious mental symbols for groups of sensations - symbols which do not exist outside thought."
N, Hole for filling, with screw plug.
L, Nut to expand chamber filling bowl.
It is said that the idea of a liquid compass was suggested to Crow -by the experience of the captain of a coasting vessel whose compass card was oscillating wildly until a sea broke on board filling the compass bowl, when the card became steady.
Increase of territory, so far Tfie Papal from filling the papal treasury, but postponed for States.
By way of expiation for their crime the Danaides were condemned to the endless task of filling with water a vessel which had no bottom.
In the limit then, when the concentration of the solution becomes vanishingly small, theory shows that the osmotic pressure is equal to the pressure of a gas filling the same space.
There are several weak points in this reasoning, and a more accurate way of determining the best proportions is to try different mixtures of cement, stones and sand, filling them into different pails of the same size, and then ascertaining, by weighing the pails, which mixture is the densest.
The back wall is usually planted with dwarf and standard trees alternately, the latter being temporary, and intended to furnish the upper part of the trellis, while the permanent dwarfs are gradually filling up the trellis from below.
They may be supported by iron standards or brick piers, back and front, bearing up a flat bar of iron on which the slates may rest; the use of the bar will give wider intervals between the supports, which will be found convenient for filling and emptying the beds.
It may be practised for the purpose of changing a part of the tree, and is sometimes very useful for filling out vacant spaces, in trained trees especially.
The interwoven hyphae fuse and branch copiously, filling up all interstices.
At Ruby Hill near Bingara they were found in a breccia filling a volcanic pipe.
The scheme for dredging some of the esteros in order to make them more navigable and for filling in others has been in part executed.
One practice which is especially prevalent, so as to strike every casual visitor, and dates from the early years of the empire, is that of filling up the flutings of the columns for about one-third of their height with a thick coat of stucco, so as to give them the appearance of being smooth columns without flutings below, and only fluted above.
Blende occurs in metalliferous veins, often in association with galena, also with chalcopyrite, barytes, fluorspar, &c. In oredeposits containing both lead and zinc, such as those filling cavities in the limestones of the north of England and of Missouri, the galena is usually found in the upper part of the deposit, the blende not being reached until the deeper parts are worked.
Meanwhile the southern part of the province had been filling up. In 1791 the population was probably under 20,000; in 1824 it was 150,066, and in 1841, 455,688.
With the filling up of the channel the ancient festival of the cutting of the canal came to an end.
The three ensuing years were especially favourable for the Reformation, as during that time the king had unlooked-for opportunities for filling the vacant episcopal sees with men after his own heart, and at heart he was a Lutheran.
Or the stream by cutting into another stream (piracy), but cutting through a barrier near its head waters, by entering a region of looser or softer rock; and by glacial drainage, may form a flood plain simply by filling up its valley (alluviation only).
If in its extension to contain the new formations within it the embryo-sac remains narrow, endosperm formation proceeds upon the lines of a cell-division, but in wide embryo-sacs the endosperm is first of all formed as a layer of naked cells around the wall of the sac, and only gradually acquires a pluricellular character, forming a tissue filling the sac. The function of the endosperm is primarily that of nourishing the embryo, and its basal position in the embryo-sac places it favourably for the absorption of food material entering the ovule.
Accordingly another commission was appointed, consisting of Tribonian with four other coadjutors, full power being given them not only to incorporate the new constitutions with the Codex and make in it the requisite changes, but also to revise the Codex generally, cutting down or filling in wherever they thought it necessary to do so.
Mahogany cement, for filling up cracks in wood, consists of 4 parts of beeswax, i of Indian red and yellowochre to give colour.
Indefatigable in sifting original documents, Aubigne had amassed a wealth of authentic information; but his desire to give in all cases a full and graphic picture, assisted by a vivid imagination, betrayed him into excess of detail concerning minor events, and in a few cases into filling up a narrative by inference from later conditions.
If they could be raised out of the sea they would become glens, with lakes filling their deeper portions.
While pilgrim-resorts were thus filling the East, their counterparts began to emerge in the West.
The task of filling up gaps, smoothing away inconsistencies, rounding off the tale, was accomplished by Giles Tschudi, whose recension was adopted, with a few alterations, by Johannes von Muller in his History of the Confederation (1780).
The upper end of the gulf is filling up with the silt brought down from the Cordillera.
After filling several subordinate offices he became archdeacon of Liege.
After this we have the healing of a dropsical man on the Sabbath, with a reply to the murmuring Pharisees; and then a parable of the failure of invited guests and the filling of their places from the streets.
The support of a measure so unpopular in New England caused him to be hated by the Federalists there and cost him his seat in the Senate; his successor was chosen on the 3rd of June 1808, several months before the usual time of filling the vacancy, and five days later Adams resigned.
Antiochus had spent his youth at Rome as a hostage, and the death of Seleucus found him filling the office of war minister at Athens.
If the unfinished cell in the old nest had been only just begun, while that in the substituted nest were nearly completed, the bee would add so much material as to make the cell much larger than the normal size, her instinct evidently being to do a certain amount of building work before filling the cell with food.
Tertiary and recent deposits are widely spread, filling most of the valleys and covering the plains of the Helmund.
In 1759 Hamann returned to Konigsberg, and lived for several years with his father, filling occasional posts in Konigsberg and Mitau.
A common example of this method is the determination of the specific heat of a liquid by filling a small calorimeter with the liquid, raising it to a convenient temperature, and then setting it to cool in an enclosure at a steady temperature, and observing the time taken to fall through a given range when the conditions have become fairly steady.
The total filling up to that time on the streams in this vicinity had been from loo to 250 ft., and many thousand acres of fine farming land were buried under gravel, some 16,000 on the lower Yuba alone.
Metaphysics and speculative theories were valueless for Paul; he was conscious of a mighty power transforming his own life and filling him with joy, and that this power was identical with Jesus of Nazareth he knew.
They found that the germ of tetanus had been introduced into the fluid before the bottle was opened at Malkowal, and they thought it probable that this might have occurred owing either to insufficient sterilization or to the process of filling the bottle from a larger flask having been performed with defective precautions.
This virtually removed all restrictions on Catholics, except that it left them incapable of filling the offices of Regent, Lord Chancellor, or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; and it expressly debarred their priests from sitting in the House of Commons.
Frederick's ideal of civilization was derived in a large measure from Provence, where a beautiful culture had prematurely bloomed, filling southern Europe with the perfume of poetry and gentle living.
After filling for several years the post of director-general of indirect taxes, he was created in 1819 a peer of France and was prominent among the Liberals.
Belonging to the Fuegian group south of the Straits of Magellan are Desolation, Santa Ines, Clarence, Dawson, Londonderry, Hoste, Navarin and Wollaston islands, with innumerable smaller islands and rocks fringing their shores and filling the channels between them.
Tar is prepared largely from P. sylvestris; it is chiefly obtained from the roots, which, mingled with a few logs, are arranged in a conical or funnel-shaped hollow made on the steep side of a hill or bank; after filling up, the whole is covered with turf and fired at the top, when the tar exudes slowly and runs into aniron vessel placed below, from the spout of which it is conveyed into barrels.
An army of clerks in the numerous bureaus, hundreds of patient government employes, the ronds de cuir, as they are contemptuously called, because they sit for choice on round leather cushions, are engaged constantly writing and filling in forms for hours and hours, day after day.
With proclamations, placaats and statutes abundantly filling huge tomes, the caprice of the governor was in truth the law.
Thus we are led to regard the active principle " force " as everywhere coextensive with " matter," as pervading and permeating it, and together with it occupying and filling space.
Provision is made for filling the mains with salt water from the bay if necessary in fighting fire.
Beyond it, on the east, was a sacred wood filling the space up to the wall of the precinct; and at the south end of this was a small open space with the altar of Zeus Polieus.
In 1878, after filling other offices in the Royal College of Surgeons, he became its president, and in 1887 was created.
The waters between these beaches and the mainland are gradually filling with sediment and changing into tidal marsh.
The capacity of the cranium is estimated in cubic measure by filling it with sand, &c., with the general result that the civilized white man is found to have a larger brain than the barbarian or savage.
Meanwhile he was filling his note-books as busily as ever with the results of his studies in statics and dynamics, in human anatomy, geometry and the phenomena of light and shade.
In 1881 the walls of a very large courtyard were constructed by building a braced cage of iron and filling the panels with masonry, a system of construction which had been used in the early part of the century for a tall shot-tower erected in the city of New York.
If the conditions are such that a packing or filling piece must be used, the end of one piece is cut to a new and true surface, and the filling piece is planed to fill the space accurately.
The filling between the girders and floor beams consists of segmental arches of brick, segmental or flat arches of porous (sawdust) terra-cotta, or hard-burned hollow terra- - cotta voussoirs, or various patented forms of con crete floors containing ties or supports of steel or iron.
In all cases it is customary to fill on top of the arches with a strong Portland cement concrete to a uniform level, generally the top of the deepest beam; the floor filling is constructed and carried to this level immediately upon the completion of each tier of beams, for the purpose not only of stiffening the frame laterally, and of adding to its stability by the imposition of a static load, but also to afford constantly safe and strong working platforms at regular and convenient intervals for use throughout the entire period of the construction.
Like the Atrato it brings down much silt, which is rapidly filling that depression.
The bay is slowly filling up, however, and two other landing-places - Salgar and Savanilla - had to be abandoned before Puerto Colombia was selected.
His example and his death acted like an inspiration, filling Africa with an army of explorers and missionaries, and raising in Europe so powerful a feeling against the slave trade that through him it may be considered as having received its deathblow.
In general the seasons are but two - summer and winter, summer lasting from September to April and winter filling up the rest of the year.
In 1851 control of the Massachusetts legislature was secured by the Democrats in coalition with the Free Soilers, but after filling the state offices with their own men, the Democrats refused to vote for Sumner, the Free Soilers' choice for United States senator, and urged the selection of some less radical candidate.
Unless such places are carefully dug out or re-puddled before the work of filling is resumed, the percolation may increase along the vertical plane where it is greatest, by the erosion and falling in of the clay roof, as in the other cases cited.
In the case of the Neuadd dam this difficulty was met by deliberately omitting the mortar in transverse joints at regular intervals near the top of the dam, except just at their faces, where it of course cracks harmlessly, and by filling the rest with asphalt.
By reason of the constantly changing temperatures and the frequent filling and emptying of the reservoir, expansion and contraction, which are always at work tending to produce relative movements wherever one portion of a structure is weaker than another, must have assisted the water-pressure in the extension of the horizontal cracks, which, growing slowly during the fifteen years, provided at last the area required to enable the intrusive water to overbalance the little remaining stability of the dam.
It is only necessary, however, to provide for these exceptional discharges during very short periods, so that the rise in the water-level of the reservoir may be taken into consideration; but subject to this, provision must be made at the bye-wash for preventing such a flood, however rare, from filling the reservoir to a dangerous height.
When the filled packet is removed, the steelyard resumes its original position, and the filling goes on automatically.
For the bulk of the filling both brushes are in operation, but when the load is nearly complete the longer brush is stopped and the filling is completed by the shorter brush only.
The tea is shot out and falls into a receptacle below, and the drum makes a quarter of a revolution, and is again held in position by the detent with an empty compartment at top ready for the next filling.
To this rich collection the author, who assumes the name of Isidore, the saintly bishop of Seville, added a good number of apocryphal documents already existing, as well as a series of letters ascribed to the popes of the earliest centuries, from Clement to Silvester and Damasus inclusive, thus filling up the gap before the decretal of Siricius, which is the first genuine one in the collection.
I want to put strongly and completely all that is necessary, for I think things weakly said might as well not be said at all, for they are, as it were, deflowered and spoiled - but I profess the greatest horror for uselessness (however brilliant) and filling up. These things can only weaken a picture by distracting the attention toward secondary things."
He speedily acquired a great reputation as an eloquent preacher, and, after filling the offices of procurator at Rome and provincial of Liguria, he was chosen general of his order in 1464.
Henry won much applause at the same time by filling up all the bishoprics and abbacies which his brother had kept so long vacant, by inviting the exiled Anselm to return to England, and by imprisoning Williams odious minister Ranulf Flambard.
But his methods of filling his purse were often unconstitutional and sometimes ignominious.
Another device of Edward for filling his exchequer was a very stringent enforcement of justice; small infractions of the laws being made the excuse for exorbitant fines.
As the Commons offered grudging supplies, the necessity under which he was of filling up the annual deficit led him to an action by which a grave constitutional question was raised.
Jean Pierre Minckelers, professor of natural philosophy in the university of Louvain, and later of chemistry and physics at Maestricht, made experiments on distilling gas from coal with the view of obtaining a permanent gas sufficiently light for filling balloons, and in 1785 experimentally lighted his lecture room with gas so obtained as a demonstration to his students, but no commercial application was made of the fact.
Lyons, A Report on the Island and Temples of Philae (Cairo, 1896), with numerous plans and photographs; a seco!.d report, A Report on the Temples of Philae (1908), deals with the condition of the ruins as affected by the immersions occasioned by the filling of the Assuan dam; Baedeker's Egypt; and on the effects of the submersion, &c., reports in Annales du service des antiquite's, vols.
A cargo of 200,000 bushels can thus be unloaded in two hours, while spouts on the other side of the elevator reload it into cars, five to ten at a time, filling a car in from five to ten minutes, or the largest canal boat in an hour.
Becoming associated with Paul Lacroix ("le Bibliophile Jacob"), he planned with him a history of France, to consist of excerpts from the chief chroniclers and historians, with original matter filling up gaps in the continuity.
The lagoon is slowly filling up and becoming cultivable land, but the rate of recovery from the sea has been specially marked since the eruption of Krakatoa, the pumice from which was washed on to it in enormous quantity, so that the lagoon advanced its shores from 20 to 30 yards.
He obtained a seat in Lord Palmerston's cabinet of 1859, and after filling the uncongenial posts of secretary for Ireland and chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster (1861), became secretary for the colonies in 1864.
It is partly hewn in the rock, the rest (especially the back wall of the stage) being of very roughly hewn, long, thin blocks of hard limestone, approximately rectangular, with smaller pieces filling up the interstices.
Districts which had been notoriously deadly to Europeans were rendered comparatively healthy after the discovery, in 1899, of the species of mosquito which propagates malarial fever, and the measures thereafter taken for its destruction and the filling up of swamps.
The regular army, at the close of the wars in 1898, had 26,000 officers and about 400 generals, but a law was afterwards made to reduce their numbers by filling only one out of two death vacancies, with a view to reach a peace establishment of 2 marshals, 25 lieuten.ant-generals, 50 divisional- and 140 brigadier-generals, and 15,000 officers.
That Valerian had a part in constructing these remarkable works does not rest upon any historical basis; we may, however, believe that the Sassanian Ardashir, or his son Shapur I, finding that the river, having its bed in friable soil, was daily getting lower and finally threatened to leave the town and the Mian-do-ab district dry by not filling the Darian canal, engaged Roman workmen.
This depression is occupied in great part by a series of lakes, some of these filling transversal breaches in the range, whilst others are remains of glacial reservoirs, bordered by morainic dams, extending as far as the eastern tableland and corresponding in these cases with transversal depressions which reach the Atlantic Ocean.
No one in France save Renan was capable of filling it.
In iron-smelting the ore is laid in a heap upon the fuel (charcoal) filling up the hearth, and is gradually brought to the metallic state by the reducing action of the carbon monoxide formed at the tuyere.
The uncoloured portions are the dentine or ivory, the shaded parts the cement filling the cavities and surrounding the exterior.
Dusty followed her, a familiar tension filling him as he looked at the lone person in the room.
They appeared in the conference hall, whose seats were filling with vamps eager to see Talon's show.
She purposely kept her thoughts of what was to come—and her fear for Jule—at the back of her mind, instead filling it with her willingness to learn her trade.
He was the lord and master again, his form and commanding presence filling up the room.
Then he took off when the well ran dry— and his girlfriend started filling out.
He glanced at the bag filling with her blood and shook his head again.
The trees would continue to bloom for the rest of his years, filling the orchard with delicate pink-white petals.
Jack and Chandra have taught her many combat and technical skills, with her innate curiosity filling in the gaps.
Not only have you caused me to waste valuable time by not filling it in, I also feel personally affronted.
Another Leeds gem filling national radio airwaves, sending out their summer vibes to brighten up the gray.
The paste flowing into the stencil apertures, filling them.
Fruit makes a great, filling dessert try stewed apples or poached pears at this time of year.
We are not interested in filling museum basements with ever more boxes of bric-a-brac.
Filling consists of 100% polystyrene foam micro beads.
At the end of filling the matrix controller yields short beeps with 1 sec period.
We were obviously a bit enthusiastic about filling the engine compartment bilges with water for tunnel ballast!
There is a large blackboard covered with the different prices for a certain filling in a sandwich, bap, roll or baguette.
Air only - term used to describe a life jacket that only becomes buoyant upon filling with gas.
Contact your local council housing office for a form or citizenâs advice bureau for help with filling the form out.
I always boil lasagna sheets when making cannelloni as they are large enough to hold the filling firmly.
The packaging plant processes bright beer from Robinson's own brewery and many others ready for filling casks, kegs or bottles on site.
Beyond it, the grand 14th century chancel, rudely filling almost the entire east end of the graveyard.
Stir until melted then spread the melted chocolate over the cooled filling.
Useful in acute cholecystitis showing non filling of GB.
Terraced houses crammed close with a rainbow of laundry set out to dry, a colorful scrap collage filling in back gardens.
Tho broadly comparative; representing recycling, composting, energy recovery, and land filling; the waste they refer to is categorically different.
Void filling should obviously link with changes in the soil's hydraulic conductivity.
Cozy log fires crackle in the winter, filling the air with wonderful scents of wood smoke.
Several hundred have stalls, filling every cranny on the halls and the hotels.
Our feet sounded hollow on the thin plug filling the huge crater.
Or is this still more Tory pie crust minus the filling?
Starts at the filling station on the Leominster By-Pass next to the OK diner.
Hodes's story includes almost thirty photographs and a comprehensive discography, filling a gap in the world of jazz literature.
With vacuum regenerated adsorption dryers, the heat resisting drying medium silica gel forms the uniform filling material right through.
Filling the breach with clay using the dumper and CAT excavator.
We still have limited availability on our 3 day and 5 day Easter courses tho places are now filling very quickly.
This usually entails filling in a few personal details.
In the third series the compositions range from purely epigraphic, to abstract ornamental inscriptions, to the total filling of the central area.
The shell was prepared by first filling any larger depressions or rough areas with a flexible filler.
You should end up with a perfect triangle which totally encloses the filling.
Academic Policy Committee is asked to approve the filling of the Chair.
For example, your dentist may not recommend a tooth-coloured filling for a large cavity or for the chewing surface of a back tooth.
As a child I adored this delicious caramel filling topped with chocolate on its ' melt in the mouth ' shortbread base.
A superior mattress with firm, high density hollow fiber polyester filling, to maintain high performance.
Make sure you have enough gasoline (gas) in your vehicle - some islands may only have one filling station.
Solder of a fineness less than the standard of fineness of the article may not be used for strengthening, weighting or filling.
If it's just some tasty filling fodder you're after, try Pizza Express or Ask.
The warm, slightly gelatinous marrow would slide down my throat, its strong meaty taste filling my mouth.
With Ghostbuster fever in the office most of the SU team are making ghostly woo wooing noises and filling our mouths with blood capsules.
We had some difficulty filling the greaser; we both had a go.
So getting back to form filling stress equals lightly hod of you making errors in your documents, thus wasting paper right!
Filling the bottles Fill with the liquid to within 2.5cm/1 inch of the top.
The strategy also includes three energy recovery incinerators, which will further reduce the pressure on rapidly filling landfill sites.
Remove the black plugs from the filling holes and begin to slowly squirt ink into each cell.
On the right is a dilapidated filling station which appeared on the cd inlay of Teenage Fanclub's excellent Songs from Northern Britain album.
The amount of paging traffic on EMAS concerned with trivial buffer filling and emptying rapidly became insufferable.
Why are they filling the shops with wooly jumpers?
Yet the implications of her work extend beyond filling in a significant lacuna in the existing scholarship.
They hunt at dusk and at night, filling a similar niche to the clouded leopards of Southeast Asia.
Filling in the image logbook will be covered in the next section.
The flavors mingle up, rounding and filling, making the soup feel really quite luxurious in your mouth.
An affected baby may have intestinal obstruction from thick meconium filling the intestine.
Baking potatoes in the microwave or oven and topping with beans or chili made from lean mince will make a filling meal.
Turned and backed up to the water point where we spent 15 minutes filling our tank.
All potting soil should be thoroughly moistened prior to filling your containers.
Filling the central cavity is a yellowish aromatic pulp, surrounding numerous hard black seeds attached to small peg-like outgrowths on the fruit wall.
This was gorgeous - crisp pastry, sweet fruit and delicious frangipane filling.
Posted by mr mackenzie on 26/10/04 [Link] steve lamacq filling in for john peel John Peel, RIP Peelie's gone!
The cherry pie filling often overflows a bit round the edges of the dish during cooking.
The small and large electric pumps filling up the summit pound.
The sensitivity may be caused by a loose filling or by minimal gum recession which exposes small areas of the root surface.
Others provide an immediate solution to filling the voids left by sudden resignations or long-term sickness.
Restoring damaged areas by constructing revetments and erosion barriers, filling, grading, reseeding and transplanting.
It is not essentially about getting a job done or filling a rota.
My memory says they were big, mouth filling characterful wines that were a little rustic.
People are filling sandbags to protect the windows in case of an air raid.
You can also make your own sandbags by filling compost or rubbish bags with earth.
Having your fill More than 240 million pre-packed sandwiches are sold in Britain each year but the ready-made filling market is quickly catching up.
The resulting product is ideal as a vegetarian meal, a tasty side dish or as a filling for sandwiches and wraps.
Tie the chicken into a neat parcel with string, or secure the filling by pushing a fine wooden skewer through the skin.
Two further regulatory constraints to sustainable development of brownfield land relate to land filling of contaminated soil.
Over the last few days some bright spark has wiped the Prague Candy board twice by filling it with messages.
No matter what you do to the Cushtie, its polystyrene bead filling will just squish back into shape.
By rights he should be filling stadia by now, such is the quality of his music.
In a village we stopped at an ' independent ' filling station, meaning an old tanker parked at the side of the road.
Conventional aseptic filling would be eliminated due to the risks involved and existing medicaments would be terminally sterilized, using new methods.
It does not overpower the flavor of the filling and is light enough to prevent the sandwich from becoming stodgy.
In the early nineties breakbeat and loose jungle techno was filling his record boxes as he traveled the length and breadth oh the UK.
The small tesserae found in the filling would have related to the mosaic decoration of the dome.
The people filling the city's main thoroughfares are part of a huge silent demonstration of protest.
Spread adhesive over a manageable area of about one square meter at a time, using a small trowel or large filling knife.
In early January its curled petals gently unfurl in shades of dark orange, filling the cold air with beautiful scent.
The cast is superb, from big names like Al Pacino and Meryl Streep to the relative unknowns filling most of the roles.
They cannot pursue a career by filling a permanent full time vacancy.
But there was also an ideological vacuum, which neither the left nor the native bourgeoisie were capable of filling.
The very viscous " Jurassic Gel " is particularly useful for filling in larger cracks.
These had also been bedded down on white lead and thick tar or pitch to keep the area watertight with cork filling all voids.
I'm not weeing in a skip for nobody, Pat, and I don't want my house filling with road signs.
And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling.
With no more woodwind nor strings, the new Chorus plays sparsely produced pop songs, filling the sound out with keyboards and kazoos.
The same comments apply to the attempts sometimes made to fill out the bare places in 18thcentury clavier music. There is no doubt that such filling out was often done on a second harpsichord with stops of a very light tone; but, if it cannot be done on the modern pianoforte in a touch so light as to avoid confusion between it and the notes actually written as essential to the design, it certainly ought not to be done at all.
The grander features of the relief of the lithosphere or stony crust of the earth control the distribution of the hydrosphere or collected waters which gather into the hollows, filling them up to a height corresponding to the volume, and thus producing the important practical division of the surface into land and water.
The Thomist compromise - or even the more sceptical view of "two truths " - has the merit of giving filling of a kind to the formula " supernatural revelation " - mysteries inaccessible to reason, beyond discovery and beyond comprehension.
For after holding good cheer and filling themselves with meats of all kinds, they at eventide make the offering (7rpoo 4 opa) and partake of it.
The area of the original Boston was only 783 acres, but by the filling in of tidal flats (since 1804) this was increased to 1829 acres; while the larger corporate Boston of the present day - including the annexed territories of South Boston (1804), Roxbury (1868), Charlestown, Dorchester, Brighton and West Roxbury (1874) - comprehends almost 43 sq.
The right of the army to confer the royal power was still symbolized in the popular acclamation required on the accession of a new king, and at Alexandria in troubled times we hear of " the people " making its will effective in filling the throne, although it is here hard to distinguish mobrule from the exercise of a legitimate function.
In 487 B.C., however, the introduction of the lot as a part of the process of filling the archonship (see Archon) began to undermine its ability.
It is on our familiarity with modes of transmission such as these, and with the exact analyses of them which the science of mathematical physics has been able to make, that our predilection for filling space with an aethereal transmitting medium, constituting a universal connexion between material bodies, largely depends; perhaps ultimately it depends most of all, like all our physical conceptions, on the intimate knowledge that we can ourselves exert mechanical effect on outside bodies only through the agencies of our limbs and sinews.
For many years this southern projection of the northern wilderness was spanned by only one railway, and offered a serious hindrance to the development of the regions beyond; but settlements are now spreading to the north and rapidly filling up the gap between east and west.
The Wash is the remnant of a much larger bay, which covered a large part of the Fens which now border it; it is gradually filling with the deposits of the rivers, and from time to time small portions are reclaimed (see Fens).
The policy of the states of Holland swayed the policy of the generality, and historical circumstances decreed that the policy of the states of Holland during long and critical periods should be controlled by a succession of remarkable men filling the office of grand pensionary.
Burke here and everywhere else displayed t e rare art of filling his subject with generalities, and yet never int uding commonplaces.
The little creatures are seen rushingn frantic haste from the hive like a living g stream, filling the air with ever-increasing thousands of bees on the wing.
Anna Pavlovna's drawing room was gradually filling.
The inhabitants were leaving it and the retreating troops were filling it.
Retrograde pyelography revealed an irregular filling defect in the right renal pelvis.
Bake the quiche for 25-30 minute, until the filling is a light golden brown.
Note the quilting pattern which was done simply to hold the filling - often an old blanket - in place.
Wild mushroom ravioli is a tightly packed pasta parcel, its earthy filling pleasantly matched with a frothy borlotti bean cappuccino.
She devised a puzzle based on the idea of filling in squares on a rectangular grid to create a picture.
This happens quite frequently if you do n't refit the cap tight enough after filling up.
Sunflower seeds reduce cravings for nicotine by filling nicotine receptor sites.
Filling in all the forms is Pete 's current tedious task.
The people filling the city 's main thoroughfares are part of a huge silent demonstration of protest.
If so, could the filling of that gap avert the greatest tragedies ever to face humankind?
Tickets can be ordered by filling in the slip on the booking forms which will be available in the South Transept of the cathedral.
Godly Love is the result of a transformed life, it is the result of the filling of the Holy Spirit.
By filling these small gaps with liquid crystals we have also been able to develop a new low voltage tunable microwave filter.
This has led to the discovery of many weird and wonderful substances, undreamed of seventy years ago, but now filling our life.
The system currently applies to the unloading of gasoline from a delivery vehicle into the storage tanks of filling stations.
Filling a big horse mold with filled urethane resin through a thin leg may present a problem.
Spread the jam thinly over the cream filling and then place the other sponge onto as with a victoria sponge cake.
I 'm not weeing in a skip for nobody, Pat, and I do n't want my house filling with road signs.
Around the edges of the picture people writhed in agony, the flames melting their skin, the smoke filling their lungs.
This can be useful for building contacts and goodwill between ' zine editors and, if need be, filling space.
I will not adulterate my schedule by filling it with unimportant tasks.
I will not adulterate my schedule by filling it withunimportanttasks.
Tina was living vicariously through her daughter, by filling up her day with activities that she had missed out on as a child.
The object of this game is for each of the competitors to complete a list of tasks, such as filling baby bottles, changing diapers, and folding clothes, in the quickest amount of time and despite all of the distractions.
Tasty offerings, presented attractively, will put your guests at home as well as filling their stomachs.
Stuff with the filling, then sew the other end shut.
This information is also useful if you need to choose proper baby gifts or even if you're filling out a baby gift registry.
When you think gift basket, you typically think of filling a basket or tub with all of those items that baby will need.
If your cat is more determined, consider filling the crib with small balloons when your baby isn't resting in it.