Fights Sentence Examples
He trains the warriors and fights the wars.
They would have disagreements - even fights, but they would forgive each other.
He fights with the weapons of physical doctrine and on the basis of the material earth.
History has agreed to adopt this date as the beginning of the British empire in the East; but the immediate results of the victory were comparatively small, and several more hard-won fights were fought before even the Bengalis would admit the superiority of the British arms. For the moment, however, all opposition was at an end.
When the lad, who had already taken part in fights with the Matabele and the Zulus, was fourteen his family settled north of the Vaal and were among the founders of the Transvaal state.
Fights between these huge serpents and the crocodiles which infest all the rivers are said to be not uncommon.
In the decade following 1880, struggles in the western counties for the location of county seats (the bitterest local political fights known in western states) repeatedly led to bloodshed and the interference of state militia.
The companies have were several pipe bombs when thursday's press etienne fights in.
Saussier had to engage in numerous fights.
So long as he could indulge freely in his favourite pastimes – shipbuilding, ship-sailing, drilling and sham fights – he was quite content that others should rule in his name.
AdvertisementHe distinguished himself in the expedition to Santo Domingo in many fights, and especially in a daring reconnaissance with few men into the heart of the enemy's lines, for which he got the cross with laurels of San Fernando.
Space forbids a record of the faction fights in the reign of James II.
Destined originally for the Church, he had preferred to become a knight, and in forty years of tournaments and fights he had won himself a considerable reputation, when in 1208 envoys came from the Holy Land to ask Philip Augustus, king of France, to select one of his barons as husband to the heiress, and ruler of the kingdom, of Jerusalem.
When Congress, after the fights at Lexington and Concord, resolved that the colonies ought to be put in a position of defence, the first practical step was the unanimous selection (June I 5), on motion of John Adams of Massachusetts, of Washington as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United Colonies.
Although this was one of the bloodiest fights that ever took place between the O'Neills and the O'Donnells, it did not bring the war to an end; and in 1531 O'Donnell applied to the English government for protection, giving assurances of allegiance to Henry VIII.
AdvertisementIn his later military career he was the first general who showed on a large scale how the national English weapon, the bow, could win fights when properly combined with the charge of the mailed cavalry.
Berwick and Carlisle were repeatedly assailed, and battles took place at Halidon Hill (1333), Otterburn (1388), Nisbet (1402), Homildon (1402), Piperden (1435), Hedgeley Moor (1464),(1464), Flodden (1513), Solway Moss (1542), and Ancrum Moor (1544), in addition to many fights arising out of family feuds and raids fomented by the Armstrongs, Eliots, Grahams, Johnstones, Maxwells and other families, of which the most serious were the encounters at Arkenholme (Langholm) in 1455, the Raid of Reidswire (1575), and the bloody combat at Dryfe Sands (1593).
Ismail had two sharp encounters, one near Korti, the other higher up the river, and in both fights Ismail was successful.
Like the history of the founder of the Achaemenian empire, that of Ardashir has from the beginning been overgrown with legends; like Cyrus he is the son of a shepherd, his future greatness is predicted by dreams and visions, and by the calculations of astronomers he becomes a servant at the court of King Artabanus and then flies to Persia and begins the rebellion; he fights with the great dragon, the enemy of god, &c. A Pahlavi text, which contains this legend, has been translated by Noldeke (Geschichte des Artachshir i Papakan, 1879).
Barnes, Chron., p. 104), it is surely difficult, on historical grounds, to reconcile David's recurring fights with the Philistines with his subsequent escape from Saul to Achish of Gath (xxvii.; already anticipated in xxi.
AdvertisementHe fights almost as good as you and has a low tolerance for bullshit.
We're managed by a council that very poorly oversees Immortal activities in the mortal world and fights demons to keep the underworld dwellers from destroying the human world.
There were no signs of famine or diseases that oft struck Landis, no fights in the streets for a higher position in the warlord-king's court or among his chosen men, no brawls over who would mate with a woman of age.
However, Sam is an extremely talented amateur boxer who has already amassed nearly 50 amateur fights.
The act of killing the man who fights alongside you is so atrocious as to merit special attention.
AdvertisementAshour fights Galifi for a semi-final berth tomorrow, and whoever wins will add a milestone to their career.
Additionally, you can play solo, in groups, join a guild or indulge in player versus player fights or raids.
In the Middle Ages, parliamentary debates grew so heated, quarrels often escalated into bloody fights between Lords.
Amputees have star roles in war games, like densely plotted, big-budget movie Army fights insurgents in fictitious town.
Choose sitting on that chair, watching mind-boggling, bone-crunching fights, stuffing ****ing humble pie into your opponents mouth.
Since the very start of his career, I have n't mollycoddled him or given him easy fights to pad out his record.
So long as he could indulge freely in his favourite pastimes - shipbuilding, ship-sailing, drilling and sham fights - he was quite content that others should rule in his name.
He declared that "a soldier who fights in the ranks does not require half so much courage as a footpad"--"that honor and religion have never stood in the way of a well-considered and a firm resolve."
The ' extras ' include Jimmy Savile reclining on a bed in a tracksuit describing how he lost his first 35 fights.
I hate life and enjoy nothing better than picking fights with the biggest bouncer after too many pints.
They also excel in the fight sequences, especially in the brilliantly choreographed sword fights.
There are silly pranks - Mars bars being passed along the lines in church, exploding packages, fights.
Fights broke out and were only quelled by the arrival of more police.
The boy is roundly spanked by his mother while Charlie fights off the knife-wielding husband.
Caractacus escapes into the Welsh borders and fights the Romans using guerilla tactics.
However, at the same time Leesil starts to notice strange changes in Magiere as she fights the real undead.
All we know for certain is that1 at this epoch, Rome attempts to ruin Tivoli, and Venice Pisa; Milan fights with Cremona, Cremona with Crema, Pavia with Verona, Verona with Padua, Piacenza with Parma, Modena and Reggio with Bologna, Bologna and Faenza with Ravenna and Imola, Florence and Pisa with Lucca and Siena, and so on through the whole list of cities.
Then two adult T rex enter the valley, leading to some almost exciting fights.
Who fights the senseless destruction of our Mother Nature?
It 's usually covered in snow, and suitable for snowball fights and snowman building !
Your vision helps me through the stormy nights sitting, hoping we get through the fights.
He fights, he sweats, he swills ale, he bullies.
It seems that such fights were particularly shocking to middle-class readers, as well as possibly being sexually titillating.
Once baby begins to stay awake for longer periods, however, you may discover that his love affair with sleeping has ended as he fights to stay awake as long as possible.
On the other end of the spectrum are those people who actually look for free kittens to feed to snakes, use as bait for dog fights or sell for a profit to laboratories.
Although she fights back, he just won't leave her alone.
If things escalate into true fights it may be better to confine both cats to separate areas of the house, in essence sorting their territories out for them.
I don't want any cat fights, and I don't want them to hurt each other!
Simple play fights or other kitten games start to teach a kitten how to communicate through body language.
An outdoor Tom is more likely to become involved in fights and sustain infection from an injury.
This should be taken very slowly to avoid any fights and possible injury to either pet.
Cats that spend time outdoors may become ill, get in fights, get hit by a car or be attacked by dogs.
Cat fights, diseases, parasites and pests are common threats of the outdoors, as well as speedy vehicles and unwitting drivers.
Small fights may occur from time to time, although for the most part, the house is quiet.
This helps cut back on computer fights and children still finish their homework.
There are fights about the money, the house, the kids, the furniture, and even the dog.
Research at Kansas State University demonstrated that cinnamon fights E.coli bacteria.
Get behind enemy lines to decimate the threat in life-like fire fights.
For instance, in the Jurassic Age you build a house, hunt, visit the market, participate in official and wild fights, play games and take on quests from other members of society.
Stress, no matter how large or small, activates your flight or fights response and in doing so, floods your body with a cocktail of different hormones.
High school bullies bring to mind stolen lunch money and fights behind the bleachers.
Rather than arguing with your teen or allowing him or her to pick fights with you, stand your ground and try to roll with the punches.
Even though nearly every teen fights with parents at times, most would not choose to be homeless and possibly go to jail just to get away from their parents.
From small fights over doing the laundry to big financial decisions, couples in this situation will have a lot on their minds.
Fights and other forms of violence are also warning signs.
Squabbles, fights, angry demonstrations, sometimes even violence can result when their family members confront them with their 'problem'.
The Flavor of Love has given us some of television's biggest cat fights (Pumpkin and New York, anyone??), but Like Dat seemed to rise above all the petty bickering.
No longer the young girl in Disney films, Lindsay became a tabloid target and was hounded by rumors of eating disorders, excess partying, and fights with fellow actor Hilary Duff.
Michele Dominguez Greene also fights for many social issues facing the world today, and works with organizations such as Amnesty International USA, Death Penalty Focus and Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace.
Boarding school didn't work, as Tequila returned to Houston and continued to get into more trouble, but this time, it was more than just a few schoolyard fights.
He is also active with charity work, including several appearances to benefit ONE, a foundation that raises awareness and fights poverty and AIDS in third world countries.
Though it seems like the couple lays relatively low, their fights apparently are not as quiet.
Especially if you have a little girl who fights wearing dresses, a dolled up T shirt can be your family's saving grace.
Companies, such as Spyder, JCrew, Obermeyer Kids specialize in girls' winter garments that withstand extreme outdoor conditions, including frigid days on the sledding hill or snowball fights on the school playground.
Actually, no there is not a downside, unless you count trying to get the dog off it, or the potential territory fights your cat and dog might have over using it!
Waterproof rainwear fights the elements and keeps you snug and dry.
The organization fights for the quality of care and the services provided for elderly, frail and disabled senior citizens.
Oh, and you can get into bar fights if you want.
Watch ESPN footage of real fights and then re-create some of the most famous boxing scenarios for you to experience.
In Arcade Mode, there are only a handful of fights.
In Constantine you play a man named John who fights the forces of evil to keep the balance of Heaven and Hell.
Constantine is about a man named John who fights the forces of evil to keep the balance of Heaven and Hell.
If the fights in this game are not challenging enough for you (to those awesome veteran players), plug into Xbox Live and start playing other people from around the globe.
You play a single match with 8 bouts against an opponent, along with five tag match fights.
After some time fighting the computer opponents in the Dragonball Z PS3 game, you will find out that you can unleash some of the same combos and moves over and over again to win fights.
On a side note, there is also the Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator game if you're more about dog fights.
A fighting game is, well, a game where the player fights.
Fights play out in typical Fire Emblem fashion, which for those of you new to the series, means that they are turn based and take place on a fixed battlefield map.
The single-player game is a tossed salad of stealth, gun fights, hand-to-hand combat, jetpack action and driving some classic vehicles in heart-pumping scenes.
Don't' miss the Dogfights option -- pure jetpack fights that will blow your mind.
The music will get you pumped up for the boss fights, and once you hear the dance beats that come in just before every boss battle you'll know exactly what I mean.
Some parents may be concerned about video game violence, because even in a cartoon universe like that occupied by Pokemon, there are fights, fires, and other attacks.
There are basic one-on-one fights, similar to single-player fighting in which your band will have to team up to beat other bands of fighters.
Features Battle Arena Mode where you can challenge fights under special conditions and Coin Collector Mode where each hit will make your opponent drop coins that you have to snag.
He has incredible physical and spiritual powers, and fights with only one arm in order to "hold back" his intense Senjitsu techniques.
You can also choose Special Rules Combat and engage in hyper battles, slow-motion fights, use gigantic characters or even miniature fighters!
Boss fights are mildly entertaining, but chasing them down is frustratingly difficult at times.
The lack of open ended gameplay, and epic boss fights don't help the ratings either, but surprisingly, it isn't all bad (See the Pros section for proof).
Rather than just having everyone wail relentlessly on a bad guy until his/her life drains out, Activision has put in some effort to make fights more interesting.
The researchers found that the non-aggressive, video game playing teens were actually more likely to get in physical fights than the teens considered aggressive but who did not play video games.
Behavioral signs of this adjustment disorder include primarily actions that show a disregard for rules, laws, and the rights of others, such as picking fights, vandalism, truancy, and reckless driving for teens.
The secretory IgA in breast milk fights infection but is not shown to avoid absorption of allergies.
Physical, as opposed to verbal, fights usually peak before the age of five.
Peers often describe rejected classmates as disruptive, short-tempered, unattractive, and likely to brag, to start fights, and to get in trouble with the teacher.
Automobile accidents are a major cause of maxillofacial trauma, as well as participation in sports, fights, and other violent acts.
External trauma to the nose may be accidental (transportation accidents, animal bites, air gun injuries, and sports injuries) or intentional (fights, criminal assault, domestic violence, nose piercing).
It is part of the immune system, which protects against and fights infections, inflammation, and cancers.
Many of the bites result from attempting to break up fights between animals.
Humans bites result from fights, sexual activity, medical and dental treatment, and seizures.
Medications. The body's immune system fights the HAV infection.
People should not interfere in fights between animals.
People should also avoid trying to break up fights between animals and should as a rule approach unknown cats and dogs very cautiously, especially on their territory.
The HSLDA fights many state battles for homeschoolers and is actively involved in cases where legislation is presented that may not be homeschool friendly.
Of all the fights parents and kids have, what constitutes appropriate swimsuits for teenage girls ranks right up there with conflicts about dating, makeup and heels.
This website lists Pokemon from their very first, early appearances and includes information about where to find them in the Pokeverse, what their powers are, and how they stack up in fights against other Pokemon.
Fights fatigue and provides energy, endurance, and stamina for your body.
Fights stress and fatigue, contains 1 ½ servings of fruit and 1 ½ servings of vegetables per 8 oz glass.
Researchers suggest that because selenium fights free radicals, that it may help lower the risk of clogged arteries and decrease heart inflammation.
First and foremost, it is a powerful antioxidant that fights free-radicals.
Finally, it fights free-radical damage that can lead to broken, damaged or dull hair.
For example, the Prostate Cancer Research Program of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program at the Department of Defense is one that fights to win the battle against prostate cancer.
I would really like some great date ideas that would show how much I care about him since most of the fights have been my fault.
After some initial fights we were back to normal for next four months.
I am special to him and he and his girlfriend have had fights about me and she really doesn't like me.
The last serious boyfriend I had cheated on me, and I caught him in the from there on out I have always had trust and jealousy issues.We have a great relationship, but we get into fights on occasion, mostly when we go out at night.
He picks fights about insignificant issues.
Some couples will slowly stop talking or go on dates and not say a word to each other, while others have more dramatic fights.
These two are dedicated souls who won't give up their marriage without the fiercest of fights.
A Long Beach, California school district was among the first to require public school students to wear uniforms back in 1994, and within a year the district reported a dramatic decrease in fights, muggings and sexual offenses.
Educators who supported the uniform policy pointed out that the high school has also had an increase in the number of fights.
Is it all right if a bullied child fights back against the bully by bringing a gun to school?
She swims out to the buoy, and while he is asleep on the beach, she fights a losing battle against an unseen predator.
The trailer ends with a series of fights between the werewolves and the vampires and Edward and the Volturi.
A newspaper publisher fights crime by night with his martial arts expert friend.
As he fights crime in Gotham City with Robin's help, he wears the bat costume.
He has several villains he fights along the way, including the Joker and the Penguin.
A poorly fitting shoe can rub against a toe, bringing on an infection, but due to peripheral neuropathy and weak circulation, the patient neither feels nor fights the infection.
Whereas billionaire Victor Newman fights over Fortune 500 companies in the morning and frolics between the sheets after lunch, residents of the real Genoa City say they don't lead nearly as exciting lives.
Her husband Roland struggles with Joan's decision and fights to balance his life as a single father and full time earner.
Roxy's pregnancy is troubled and eventually results in a miscarriage and Claudia Joy fights to be closer to her younger daughter who is getting ready for college.
She fights with Roland after he finds out about Trevor's addiction.
Haley goes back on the road, then fights depression after her mom dies.
Considering that his music comes with parental advisories and such hardcore topics as gang fights and oral sex, no one is surprised to learn that rapper, 50 Cent is heavily inked.
It is a hat that fights snugly to the head and then has a narrow brim at the bottom.
Dog fights can also cause serious injuries to your pet.
One of the biggest fights he has faced is over homophobic song lyrics.
After several fights among the Wildcats, including one between Troy and Gabriella, they band back together and manage to sing their song at the talent show anyway.
Set ground rules before the party, such as no food fights or swimming after dark.
Slumber party activities can run the gamut from the traditional pillow fights to much more creative and humorous fun.
As you would expect, there are many fights and clashes in the house.
The show features many fights, infidelity, and lots of personal problems.
There was no love lost between Brandi and Megan and Toasteee and Pumkin, and when this alliance broke apart, it caused one of the biggest fights of the season.
From instigating fights to burning Jaison's socks while he sleeps, Russell kicked off his game by creating havoc and trouble, while trying to build alliances with all of the females on his tribe.
Ronnie does end up getting into multiple fights while filming the series.
On the other hand, Real World cast members also engage in casual sex and get into fights, so it is unclear why Snooki and her cast mates have received so much negative attention for their actions in particular.
Mulder is, if not credulous, at least more open to accepting unconventional explanations for mysterious phenomena than Scully, who persistently fights to find a 'logical' explanation.
Arriving at Cloud City, he meets and fights Darth Vader, and Vader reveals that he is Luke's father.
This is the occation for one of the most impressive 'cat fights' in film history, as Ripley dons a mechanical 'loadlifter' (a kind of wearable backhoe) to do hand-to-hand combat.
During his stay on Deep Space Nine, Constable Odo struggles to cope with existing with humanoids and fights a constant battle within himself to accept who he is and what his people have done as the Founders.
The premise behind the series is that of the hapless blonde victim who not only fights back, but is so powerful that the monsters run from her.
This name fits Luke Skywalker's character as the protagonist who fights for the light side of the Force.
In the 1966 Godzilla Vs. the Sea Monster, Godzilla fights multiple foes.
The following is just a very small sampling of some of the well known fights that took place throughout the various Star Trek shows and movies.
Some fans felt that it was one of the best choreographed fights of the entire series.
Vitamin C enhances tissue growth and repair, fights infections, and boosts the immune system.
The Beautiful Skin and Wellness Pack offered by Olay fights the seven signs of aging.
Itching - As the body fights back against the bugs' toxic saliva and the proceeding feeding frenzy, you may experience itching at the bites.
Tea tree oil fights the bacteria in acne and hastens the healing time for these painful bumps.
This foaming, oil-free cleanser fights blemishes with salicylic acid and also sloughs off dead skin cells.
For example, a strategy to "help you win every fight" might seem like a cheat...until you read that the strategy consists of only picking fights with other mafias that are much weaker than yourself.
Others were exposed to bar room fights, muggings, schooled in army combat or at least been the recipient of a bloody nose from a third grade bully.
Maybe he's grown up and changed; God knows I have but back in the day, he was a little piss head, always getting in fights, picking on little kids.
He watched as fights broke out throughout the city.
On the outbreak of war in 1859 he was placed in command of the Alpine infantry, defeating the Austrians at Casale on the 8th of May, crossing the Ticino on the 23rd of May, and, after a series of victorious fights, liberating Alpine territory as far as the frontier of Tirol.
The Sforzas having expelled the French from Milan, Cesare returned to Rome in February, his schemes checked for the moment; his father rewarded him for his successes by making him gonfaloniere of the church and conferring many honours on him; he remained in Rome and took part in bull fights and other carnival festivities.
With this version Ctesias and Nicolaus have connected another, in which Cyrus is the son of a Persian shepherd who lives at Pasargadae, and fights the decisive battle at this place.
It is arguable, and he was disposed to maintain, that the movement would have succeeded if resolutely pushed by those in command, both in the initial stage, when it was a purely naval attack, and in the later stage, when considerable military forces had been landed and fought many desperate fights.
Thirteen years later, in 1617, after numerous border fights with the Chinese, Nurhachu drew up a list of ` c seven hates," or indictments, against his southern neighbours, and, not getting the satisfaction he demanded, declared war against them.
From 1527 to 1545 the city was torn by faction fights and violent revolts against the noveschi, and was the scene of frequent bloodshed, while the quarrelsomeness and bad government of the Sienese gave great dissatisfaction in Tuscany.
By his conduct in many stubborn fights with these foes, Robert thoroughly earned his surname and gained the confidence of the king, who gave him the counties of Nevers and Auxerre.
The traditions of Charlemagne's fights with the Norsemen (Norois, Noreins) are preserved in Aiquin (12th century), which describes the emperor's reconquest of Armorica from the " Saracen " king Aiquin, and a disaster at Cezembre as terrible in its way as those of Roncesvalles and Aliscans.
As Apollo's champion Hercules is Daphnephoros, and fights Cycnus and Amyntor to keep open the sacred way from Tempe to Delphi.
To one who had been a man of war from his youth up, who had won and lost many fights, the rout of a detachment and the forcible seizure of some debateable frontier lands was an untoward incident; but it was no sufficient reason for calling upon the British, although they had guaranteed his territory's integrity, to vindicate his rights by hostilities which would certainly bring upon him a Russian invasion from the north, and would compel his British allies to throw an army into Afghanistan from the south-east.
The exciting and profitable occupation of blockade-running led to countless small fights off the various harbours, and sometimes the United States navy had to fight a more serious action when some new "rebel" ironclad emerged from her harbour, inlet or sound.
In the next month the god Xipe-totec, already mentioned, had his festival called the " flaying of men " from the human victims being flayed, after their hearts were torn out, for young men to dress in their skins and perform dances and sham fights.
The ordinary pleasures of festivals were mingled with all this, such as dances in beast-masks, sham fights and children's games, but the type of a religious function was a sickening butchery followed by a cannibal feast.
After some further negotiations and fights by land and sea between Japan and China war was declared formally by Japan, and Korea was for some time the battle-ground of the belligerents.
In a vaulted chamber under the waves, he fights with Grendel's mother, and kills her.