Fifths Sentence Examples
This is of constant occurrence in classical pianoforte music, in which thick chords are subjected to polyphonic laws only in their top and bottom notes, while the inner notes make a solid mass of sound in which numerous consecutive fifths and octaves are not only harmless but essential to the balance of tone.
As early as 1618 a code of laws for the regulation of the mining industry had been drawn up by Philip III., the executive and judicial functions in the mining districts being vested in a provedor, and the fiscal in a treasurer, who received the royal fifths and superintended the weighing of all the gold, rendering a yearly account of all discoveries and produce.
Thus the second A = 2 X 2 X 2, and we may regard it as an ascent through two fifths in succession and then a descent through an octave.
On every axis there are usually fifths.
They are stated to have had five leaders, all brothers, each of whom occupied one of the provinces or " fifths."
No trace of such a state of affairs is to be found in the Ulster epic. In the Tain Bó Cuainge we find Ireland divided into fifths, each ruled over by its own king.
The only outlet is a narrow channel cut in the barrier wall at a point about three fifths from the western end of the chasm, and through this gorge, not more than 100 ft.
A major groundwater aquifer, two fifths of Kuwait's entire freshwater reserve, remains contaminated to this day.
Four fifths of Ethiopia's montane forests have been destroyed, and the destruction continues.
I liked them so much I got fifths at lunch because I was the only one at my table who like meatballs.
AdvertisementYou should understand how to check for consecutive octaves and fifths and how to avoid them.
A volume might be written on Orlando di Lasso's art of so crossing the voices as to render possible successions of chords which, on a keyed instrument where such crossing cannot be expressed, would be a horrible series of consecutive fifths; the beauty of the device consisting in the extreme simplicity of the chords, combined with the novelty due to the fact that these chords cannot be produced by any ordinary means without incorrectness.
The arbitrary restrictions imposed upon the colonists aroused dissatisfaction among them and eventually led to conspiracy in 1789, inspired by a fear that the Portuguese government was about to enforce the collection of its "fifths" of the mining output, which had largely fallen into arrears.
The conspiracy originated in a belief that the Portuguese crown was about to enforce payment of certain arrears in the mining tax known as the "royal fifths," and its object was to set up a republic in Brazil.
No trace of such a state of affairs is to be found in the Ulster epic. In the Tain Bó Cuainge we find Ireland divided into fifths, each ruled over by its own king.
AdvertisementTwo parts must not move in consecutive octaves or fifths, because by so doing they unaccountably reinforce each other by an amount by which they impoverish the rest of the harmony.