Fiction Sentence Examples
Just because it's fiction doesn't mean you can't learn from it.
His characteristics in his prose fiction and descriptive work are not very different from those of his poetry.
Of fiction proper there was an abundance.
The fiction section offers original stories.
It was a kind of fiction, a work of the imagination only, so far as he was concerned.
In some twentieth-century science fiction visions of the future, humans created friendly robot sidekicks with data storage capacity and computational speed the human brain lacked.
This is not science fiction.
Each year, one work of historical fiction written for children or young adults is recognized.
This is a popular rule with fiction writers, but it means something a little different in this context.
Among the new Indiana Jones video games, this is surprisingly one of the most accurate recreations of the famous fiction.
AdvertisementThere are two general historic fiction writing types.
The fiction of Belisarius wandering as a blind beggar through the streets of Constantinople, which has been adopted by Marmontel in his Belisaire, and by various painters and poets, is first heard of in the 10th century.
Alberic Trium Fontium, a monk of the Cistercian monastery of Trois Fontanes in the diocese of Chalons, embodied much poetical fiction in his chronicle (c. 1249).
First of all, the Chronicles of Riddick movie has a huge fan base as it is in both the science fiction and action categories.
Novelty lenses are customizable and can be used in fantasy or science fiction to give an alien or mythical creature an extra edge of believability.
AdvertisementAs America left the age of science fiction and entered into the age of communes and natural living, younger families rejected the pink flamingo and all it stood for.
The Extra Terrestrial and Shrek to science fiction fun like Men In Black, guests can jump into their favorite roles and be a part of some of Hollywood's most popular movies.
These games are first-person, squad-based and based on the Rainbow Six fiction universe.
But the independence of things may with much greater reason be regarded as itself a fiction or prejudice.
A thriving community of gamers still create interactive fiction titles even to this day.
AdvertisementThis RPG includes elements of science fiction and magic as you travel the galaxy in search of the secrets of the universe.
It featured the same overhead view and real-time strategy game play as Warcraft but in a science fiction setting.
In military and science fiction terms, a drop ship is a mode of transportation -- typically airborne -- that is designed to carry infantry and other soldiers into and out of the battlefield.
It's science fiction adventuring and action at its best.
By all accounts, Peter Jackson did a fantastic job recreating the classic science fiction movie featuring a giant gorilla.
AdvertisementYou might find a dramatic science fiction movie too.
Many works of historical fiction accurately depict a real period in history, but the people and events in the story are completely fictional.
Science fiction or speculative fiction dares the possible, the impossible and the improbable in every subgenre.
The subgenres of science fiction are but the key to transport the mind to those places.
In the end, the focus on robots in science fiction throughout the 1950s was really an exploration of advanced technologies, and whether the human pursuit of progress and scientific advancement was worth the dangers involved.
For an older clunky robot that didn't look much different than the stereotypical style of robots featured in most of the 1950s pulp fiction, this particular emotional robotic character came to life on the screen.
If you are one of those people that lives, eats and breathes Science Fiction, then you know that it's not always easy to find high-quality and interesting Sci-Fi sites.
One of the problems with trying to find good Science Fiction websites is that the field of Sci-Fi is so broad.
Science Fiction covers everything from fantasy movies to high tech space drama and even theoretical stories covering fringe technology.
Choosing where to get your Science Fiction news comes down to picking those Sci-Fi sites that either cover a little bit of everything, or choosing websites that focus exclusively on the Sci-Fi sub-genre that you're interested in.
If you love anything to do with science fiction, you'll love any one of these sites.
Even though LoveToKnow Science Fiction should probably be at the very top of the list, the websites below form the cream of the crop when it comes to accessing Science Fiction news, products and community.
The members of the Dark Network (the home company for Sci-Fi Section) created this site to collect a database of member reviews and commentary about Science Fiction movies and television shows.
Science Fiction World is another one of those websites that focuses primarily upon showcasing new or up-and-coming Sci-Fi writers.
Phantazm is one of the most unique and probably one of the most beautiful Science Fiction websites on the Internet.
The sections of the site are Fantastic, Science, Fiction, Art and Omni.
Whether you're a Science Fiction writer, or just an admirer of other authors, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) website is the place to be to learn all about the current state of the Sci-Fi literary world.
Analog is definitely the best of the best when it comes to receiving the latest news and information in the world of Science Fiction.
This list of the 10 best science fiction sites covers just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to accessing news and information.
The Internet transformed the genre into one where science fiction and fact offer readers a wide variety of the interesting, the fascinating and the strange.
A Stephen King biography provides some clues as to why he is the undisputed King of Horror, as well as a prolific writer in the genres of futuristic fantasy and science fiction.
The only exception would be in a work of fiction where the characters were using an instant messaging client.
For example, the author who uses horses in their fiction often, may write about issues related to horses, racing and animal rescue.
The phenomenon of writing fiction in short spurts and broadcasting them actually pre-dates twitter, and is known as a "cell-phone novel."
Making its debut in theaters in May of 2009, the science fiction blockbuster, Star Trek, thrilled diehard Trekkies and new fans alike.
A humor site where you run a small community sharing pictures of beer can sculptures and wacky personals ads, it's probably quite all right to have a banana doing the Pulp Fiction dance as a way to break up the homepage.
As to the library of Peisistratus, we have no good evidence; it may perhaps be a fiction of an Alexandrian writer.
Though this narrative is a mixture of truth and fiction, it may be said with certainty that a thorough study of the philosophy of Peripatetics and Pythagoreans, Stoics and Platonists, brought home to Justin the conviction that true knowledge was not to be found in them.
A collected edition of his works of fiction, both in prose and verse, has reached twenty-one volumes (Leipzig, 1898), and a new edition was published in 1901.
Almost simultaneously with the rise of the Kisfaludy society, works of fiction assumed a more vigorous tone, and began to present just claims for literary recognition.
But whether they are to be regarded as genuine folk-lore or merely as a branch of the fiction of the age when they first appeared in book form, remains uncertain.
The rigid line between fact or fiction in religious literature, which readers often wish to draw, cannot be consistently justified, and in studying old Oriental religious narratives it is necessary to realize that the teaching was regarded as more essential than the method of presenting it.
The stratagem by which Tarquinius obtained possession of the town of Gabii is a mere fiction, derived from Greek and Oriental sources.
If all this sounds a bit too much like science fiction to you, you're not alone.
Are you interested in writing a particular genre, like romance or science fiction?
Are you looking to write novel-length fiction, short stories, or maybe branch off into a memoir of your own experiences?
A little common sense goes a long way - a course on writing historical fiction taught by a technical writer may not be the best way to spend your hard-earned cash.
The idea to have virtual pets that grow is a little farfetched to some and may sound like science fiction.
Historical fiction is set in a past era.
Well, Daily Science Fiction puts the "fiction" in Science Fiction.
Enjoy original works by great authors, explore fiction and non-fiction, listen to podcasts and subscribe to the newsletter.
Wilson makes a standard hard-hat to protect the head, for example, and Under-Armour has a mask/helmet combination that looks like it came out of a science fiction movie.
The rugged east section of the state, a part of Appalachian America, is inhabited by a people of marked characteristics, portrayed in the fiction of Miss Murfree (" Charles Egbert Craddock ") and John Fox, Jr. They are nearly all of British - English and Scotch-Irish - descent, with a trace of Huguenot.
The development of a more accurate anatomy in the 17th century seems to have diminished the interest in physiognomy, by substituting fact for fiction; and consequently the literature, though as great in quantity, became less valuable in quality.
In fiction, Olive Schreiner (Mrs CronwrightSchreiner) produced, while still in her teens, the Story of an African Farm, a work which gave great promise of original literary genius.
You can write short or long books, fiction or nonfiction, and if you know what you're doing, you can even sell them on your web site, eBay, or
This article outlines some of the best sites online where you can find complete fiction and nonfiction books for your reading pleasure.
Google Books provides a very wide range of material for your reading pleasure, including complete collections of fiction and nonfiction organized by genre as well as many magazines.
You can obtain all kinds of knowledge on novels, poetry, non-fiction pieces about writing and biographies as well as download eBooks for various eReaders based on the Harvard Classics & Shelf of Fiction.
These games, also known as interactive fiction games, made their debut on both PC and Apple computers in the 1970s.
Each title includes poems, essays, art, photography, and fiction originally appearing in the magazine.
Another part of the anime teen experience is fan works, including fan art, fan fiction and anime music videos (AMVs). is one of the largest spots for posting and reading fan fiction and deviantART is a popular spot for fan art, from portraits to comics.
Everything from classics to historical fiction and fantasy to poetry--we have it right here.
David Levithan oversees the Scholastic fiction list, crossmedia publishing program and the PUSH teen imprint.
Teen Ink is a magazine written completely by and for teens, and not only do they offer articles, contests, polls, fiction and more, they welcome and encourage submissions from teens.
There is also a YA/women fiction thriller novel I am working on called Damaged, a 'tween/teen novel titled Wickers and a couple of women fiction/chick-lit novels too!
He later went on to achieve acclaim in such cult favorites as Pulp Fiction, Shaft, Star Wars, and Snakes on a Plane.
Scott and Paula Merrow have each written short fiction individually, as well as collaborating on screenplays.
Scott has been writing a lot of flash fiction, and is also developing a series of stories for middle grade readers about three ten-year-old friends who are all geniuses, but a little nerdy.
It has been nominated by the American Library Association as one the best fiction books for young adults.
Just make sure you know how to differentiate between the fact and fiction written about this award-winning singer.
While there wasn't a lot of gossip surrounding her ordeal, there is one website, Truth or Fiction that clarifies a rumor that Crow got cancer after drinking out of water bottles that were left out in the sun.
As for what you've read or heard about him, you have to remember that this information comes from gossip websites or tabloids, making it difficult to tell the difference between fact and fiction.
Her second film was the science fiction thriller Parasite.
The show was a science fiction story based on the reported alien activities in Roswell, New Mexico, and how they affected future generations.
The book is semi-autobiographical, but marketed as fiction.
Science fiction fans may be wondering, "What is Marc Singer doing now?"
In the 1980s, Singer became well known as the star of two major science fiction franchises.
Marc Singer has continued to play a wide variety of roles, mostly on television, though he's still mostly known for his science fiction endeavors.
When he's not busy filming, Singer makes regular appearances at science fiction events like the annual Dragon-Con in Atlanta, Georgia.
These festivals draw thousands of science fiction and fantasy fans from around the world, and Singer is a popular attendee.
Though he has become synonymous with the science fiction genre, it seems to be a label that he has embraced.
The still image from the film of Guffey standing in an open doorway has become one of the most recognized and iconic pictures from any science fiction movie.
Guffey played an alien child in these movies, which were action/science fiction sequels.
For most of the gamers I know, Final Fantasy 7 is the apex of RPGs, with a magical Science Fiction appeal.
This online role-playing computer game is a mix of science fiction and fantasy as you fight for the future of a troubled alien world.
Other types of historical fiction novels feature an accurate historical setting and real characters and/or events.
By definition, historical fiction is a fictional story that takes place during a historical era.
Gone with the Wind, for example, is one of the most widely recognized examples of historical fiction.
Historical fiction is not autobiographical.
Historic fiction is not intended to be interpreted as factual.
Novels that address the question of what would have happened if major historical events had different outcomes fall into the genre of alternate history rather than historical fiction.
Novels that deal with magic or fantasy in historic settings are in the historical fantasy genre, and are not classified as historical fiction.
For additional resources, ask at your local bookstore or see the Google and DMOZ Historical Fiction Authors Directories.
Scott O'Dell, author of Island of the Blue Dolphins, established The Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction in 1982.
The Historical Novel Society and Fish Publishing present the Historical Short Fiction Prize each year.
Those who enjoy historical fiction are likely to enjoy the following fan, association, and review websites.
At its most basic, historical fiction is simply fiction set in the past.
If you enjoy reading great stories while simultaneously immersing yourself in historical culture, the historical fiction genre is likely to be very appealing to you.
Violent scenes or frightening science fiction stories appear to influence the frequency and intensity of children's nightmares.
Whether real or fiction, red hair is always a popular shade for notable persons.
Uma Thurman rocked the cropped bang in Pulp Fiction, and Angelina Joile had many gals running for scissors in Girl Interrupted.
The myth of Irish red hair has also been helped a lot by popular fiction, especially Hollywood.
Pair your bob with bangs for an even more dramatic look just as Uma Thurman did in the movie Pulp Fiction.
Don't overlook fiction as a strong part of your homeschool curriculum.
Historical fiction can be an excellent way to allow students to experience something in the way that the character experiences it.
The story of the poisoning of the pope is to be relegated to the realm of fiction.
This did not make Mary Tudor any more friendly,and,although the story that Elizabeth favoured Courtenay and that Mary was jealous is a ridiculous fiction, the Spaniards cried loud and long for Elizabeth's execution.
But in fact the members of the fourth class were not formally admitted even in the 4th century (though by a fiction they were allowed to pose for the time as Zeugites).
A polemical writer of great talent was Magnus Jakob Crusenstople (1795-1865), of whose work it has been said that " it is not history and it is not fiction, but something brilliant between the one and the other."
She was perhaps the most original of the many women writers of modern Sweden, and Money was hailed by Swedish critics as the most important work of fiction since Strindberg's Red Room.
His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories.
The following resources are rich sources of information for individuals who write, or are planning to write, works of historical fiction.
Historic fiction is another creative way to help your student understand history, cultures, and social values of different eras and civilizations.
One caveat to using historic fiction is that you will want to be sure that the author has accurate portrayals of the time and the people.
When using historic fiction it is a good idea to have a few projects planned, especially in the elementary grades, to help your child get the most out of the book.
These are interesting biographies and even historical fiction that help the student understand not only the events of history but the people whose lives were impacted by those events.
Many Star Wars fans have taken to creating their own fiction, films, and parodies.
Scientology was started by science fiction writer L.Ron Hubbard around 1950, and the first official Church of Scientology was founded in 1954.
This web-based publication has fiction, galleries, news, and features centered on the erotic lifestyle.
This year was all about sexy, water, fiction and delicious things (like cheesecake).
There is often something unique about a star of popular science fiction and fantasy that captures the imagination, some claim, more than other women.
Fans of either version of the popular science fiction series are sure to find a favorite in the diverse selection of Battlestar Calactica products.
Bionicle science fiction figures look nothing like Legos but are increasingly popular and well loved by children.
If you attend a general comic book, anime or science fiction convention, check out sellers with action figures in the dealers' room.
Avatar is a visually stunning science fiction film set on a distant planet.
They are popular attire at comic book and science fiction conventions, and costumed fans were in full force at the premieres of Episodes I-III, the newest Star Wars movies.
Science fiction and fantasy movies like Stardust are great options if the party you're going to has a crowd that would recognize them.
But there are actually a lot of great characters in fiction and popular culture that lend themselves to perfect group costumes.
Three is such a significant number in numerology that it has been used time and again in fiction.
Fiction writer Danielle Steel married two prison inmates -- Danny Zugelder and William George Toth.
No more waiting in the science fiction aisle of the local bookstore for a cute guy or gal to strike up a conversation with.
These fantasies are so prevalent that an entire subgenre of erotic romantic fiction is devoted to the ménage.
The other reason to read sexual poetry is the same reason to read erotic and romantic fiction, it feels good.
LoveToKnow Business was happy to sit down with Nikki Leigh, an award winning fiction and non-fiction author and publicist.
A book review is a summary of a book you have read, whether it be fiction or nonfiction.
If fiction, was it a story you were engrossed in?
Keep a notebook with you for jotting down article ideas, facts to investigate, or colorful phrases to use in your own fiction writing.
Even fiction writing requires a certain amount of research to clarify details.
Writers need to know how to make money from writing, whether it's fiction writing, non-fiction writing, editing or teaching.
Fiction writers might appear to have it easy, but fiction writing comes with its own set of challenges.
While a fiction writer may spend six months writing their book, it may take another six months to find an agent or publisher willing to give the book a shot.
In terms of return, successful fiction writers make a great deal of money, but it is not a direct source of immediate income.
Fiction writers who want to know how to make money from writing may consider ghost writing projects while working on their own writing.
Do you write Gothic fiction or creative non-fiction?
There are countless online magazines that publish fiction.
Most schools have classes for people interested in writing fiction, poetry, and writing memoirs, as well as a number of journalism courses.
A novel outline is a tool that fiction writers use to stay on track when they are working.
If you write fan fiction (or fanfic for short) you should be aware of both your legal rights and the rights of the author you are deriving your work from.
If you are a science fiction or fantasy writer, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America has a handy reference that outlines how laws affects writers and other publishing folk.
Most literary agents specialize to some degree, preferring to limit themselves to representing writers of a genre such as science fiction, mysteries, or romance.
A well-known fiction writer may hire a ghostwriter in order to increase the number of books he is able to publish each year.
The e-book format can be used to distribute both fiction and non-fiction, although the general consensus is that non-fiction e-books tend to be much more popular.
One grand prize winner is named, as well as winners in various subcategories for genres such as science fiction, romance, and memoir.
The contest is open to fiction only and stories with a female point of view are preferred.
Taking a free online writing course can be a wonderful way to help develop your skills, whether you're interested in pursuing a career as a journalist or starting to learn how to write fiction.
It wasn't the first work of fiction to feature mythological blood-drinking 'undead' known as vampires, but it is now certainly the most famous.
His lengthy battle for health as a boy informed his fiction, but after a sickly youth, he grew into a hale, even athletic man, notably tall and broad.
Of all his portraits of adventurous sailors, "Gentleman Chucks" in Peter Simple and "Equality Jack" in Mr Midshipman Easy are the most famous, but he created many other types which take rank among the characteristic figures in English fiction.
Crockett was minister until he formally devoted himself to fiction.
The story that Phoenician merchants found a glass-like substance under their cooking pots, which had been supported on blocks of natron, need not be discarded as pure fiction.
Robinson Crusoe (especially the story part, with the philosophical and religious moralizings largely cut out) is one of the world's classics in fiction.
Otinel (13th century) is also pure fiction.
Occasionally it is still stated in the press that wolves have been seen in the Ardennes, but this is a mere fiction.
Evidently upon his and view of conscious experience, of the world of imagination, ti such infinite divisibility must be a fiction.
Freeman dismissing it as "a transparent fiction."
The chief feature of the allotment was, however, the formal overthrow of the fiction that Austria is preponderatingly a German country and not a country preponderatingly Slav with a German dynasty and a German façade.
He appears to have invented the fiction which afterwards was repeatedly employed, by which the money spent on mosque-building was supposed to have been furnished by discoveries of buried treasure.
The reason for these mutinies was the attempt made by successive pashas to put a stop to the extortion called Tulbah, a forced payment exacted by the troops from the inhabitants of the country by the fiction of debts requiring to be discharged, which led to grievous ill-usage.
In 1877 he came forward again with one volume of verse, another of fiction, a third of travel; in each he displayed great vigour and freshness of touch, and he rose at one leap to the highest position among men of promise.
In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame with which the unanimous consent of Eastern and Western critics has adorned his venerable head.
Prejudice and real or imaginary legal obstacles stood in the way of the erection of episcopal sees in the colonies; and though in the 17th century Archbishop Laud had attempted to obtain a bishop for Virginia, up to the time of the American revolution the churchmen of the colonies had to make the best of the legal fiction that their spiritual needs were looked after by the bishop of London, who occasionally sent commissaries to visit them and ordained candidates for the ministry sent to England for the purpose.
But the whole Assyrian history of Ctesias is nothing but a fantastic fiction; from the Assyrian inscriptions we know that the Assyrians never entered the eastern parts of Iran.
Hence some of the later Greek geographers altogether disregarded his statements, and treated his voyage as a fiction.
Of all Goethe's works, this exerted the most immediate and lasting influence on German literature; it served as a model for the best fiction of the next thirty years.
The sharpness of the conflict was, however, blunted by the fact that, without exception, the young Romantic writers looked up to Goethe as its master; they modelled their fiction on Wilhelm Meister; they regarded his lyrics as the high-water mark of German poetry; Goethe, Novalis declared, was the "Statthalter of poetry on earth."
Bettina von Arnim came into personal touch with Goethe in 1807, and her Briefwechsel Goethes mit einem Kinde (published in 1835) is, in its mingling of truth and fiction, one of the most delightful products of the Romantic mind; but the episode was of less importance for Goethe's life than Bettina would have us believe.
No existential form suits a judgment such as " A centaur is a fiction," when we do not believe that there is a centaur, or that reality includes a centaur.
Of his numerous works of fiction, the earliest are his best, especially Gallegher and Others (1891); Van Bibber and Other Stories (1892) and Episodes from Van Bibber's Life (1899).
The higher life of man is merely a fiction introduced by philosophers and rulers to simplify government and the relations of society.
Again, the conception of a force as concentrated in a mathematical line is as unreal as that of a mass concentrated in a point, but it is a convenient fiction for our purpose, .owing to the simplicity which it lends to our statements.
This bases the claim against the insurer upon a fiction, for there has been no loss of the subject insured; in fact, the payment has been for averting such a loss.
Petrarch and Boccaccio, though they both held the medieval doctrine that literature should teach some abstruse truth beneath a veil of fiction, differed from Dante in this that their poetry and prose in the vernacular abandoned both allegory and symbol.
It is of course possible to hold that the story of the dream is pure fiction, and that the !lines which Baeda translated were not Cadmon's at all.
His biography by Simeon Metaphrastes is largely fiction.
The intention evidently is to bestow authority upon the fiction by connecting it with a story already known.
It is probable that this process was largely an unconscious one; and even if conscious, the analogy of the conventional " legal fiction " and the usual anxiety to avoid the appearance of novelty is enough to show that it is not to be condemned.
It also escaped the classicism of the Renaissance with its insistence upon the test - either fact or fiction.
The list of his works of fiction includes The Stolen Bacillus and other Stories (1895), The Wonderful Visit (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Plattner Story and Others (1897), When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), The First Men in the Moon (1901), The Food of the Gods (1904), In the Days of the Comet (1906), The War in the Air (1908), Anne Veronica (1909), The History of Mr Polly (191 0).
That view is based on these works of fiction, of uncertain date and authorship, which seem to have been worked over by several hands in the interest of diverse forms of belief.
The above is doubtless pure fiction.
Historical criticism may regard this tradition, in many of its features, as mere fiction, or as a perversion of facts made for the purpose of transferring the blame for the loss of a sacred literature to other persons than those actually responsible for it.
At the same time it wants unity and coherence, it attains no conclusion, and the author abuses his digressive method of composition and his convenient fiction of hiatuses in the original manuscript.
These books had no immediate influence in Walachia and Moldavia, where fiction and the drama had developed under the influence, first, of Greek and then to an increasing extent of French, Italian and German models.
The only work of fiction, in all probability, with which he could compare his Pilgrim was his old favourite, the legend of Sir Bevis of Southampton.
He saw that in employing fiction to make truth clear and goodness attractive, he was only following the example which every Christian ought to propose to himself; and he determined to print.
The Ka`ba has been rebuilt more than once since Mahomet purged it of idols and adopted it as the chief sanctuary of Islam, but the old form has been preserved, except in secondary details;2 so that the "Ancient House," as it is titled, is still essentially a heathen temple, adapted to the worship of Islam by the clumsy fiction that it was built by Abraham and Ishmael by divine revelation as a temple of pure monotheism, and that it was only temporarily perverted to idol worship from the time when `Amr ibn Lohai introduced the statue of Hobal from Syria' till the victory of Islam.
This fiction has involved the superinduction of a new mythology over the old heathen ritual, which remains practically unchanged.
The reformed churches have set aside this fiction, but in the Latin and Eastern churches it has created a distinct and very powerful marriage taboo.
The work of Philostratus composed at the instance of Julia, wife of Severus, is generally regarded as a religious work of fiction.
If we cut away the mass of mere fiction which Philostratus accumulated, we have left a highly imaginative, earnest reformer who laboured to infuse into the flaccid dialectic of paganism a saner spirit of practical morality.
But he finally passed on the wretched fiction as a heritage of his descendants, to cause untold woes in the 15th century.
Educated first in Spain and afterwards in France, the boy whose infancy had followed the fortunes of the imperial camp grew up a royalist and a Catholic. His first work in poetry and in fiction was devoted to the passionate proclamation of his faith in these principles.
Victor Hugo's first mature work in prose fiction, Le Dernier Jour d'un condamne, has appeared thirteen years earlier (1829).
In 1874 he published his last great romance, the tragic and historic poem in prose called Quatrevingt-treize; a work as rich in thought, in tenderness, in wisdom and in humour and in pathos, as ever was cast into the mould of poetry or of fiction.
It is only by a kind of legal fiction akin to the "collegial" theory mentioned above, that the Church can be said to have deemed it expedient to adopt these laws.
From pure fiction, however, he turned again to the combination of art and controversy in which he had achieved distinction, and in the two Littlepage Manuscripts (1845-1846) he fought with a great deal of vigour.
His qualities are not those of the great masters of fiction; but he had an inexhaustible imagination, some faculty for simple combination of incident, a homely tragic force which is very genuine and effective, and up to a certain point a fine narrative power.
Nothing can be more vividly told than the escape of the Yankee man-of-war through the shoals and from the English cruisers in The Pilot, but there are few things flatter in the range of fiction than the other incidents of the novel.
He, however, "regarded Mark not only as the first narrator, but even as the creator of the gospel history, thus making the latter a fiction and Christianity the invention of a single original evangelist" (Pfleiderer).
This, however, is perhaps a fiction of later poets who wished to give lustre to the ancestry of Brian Boruma, as very few of the Dalcais princes appear in the list of the kings of Cashel.
Antonio is said to have secured his release on easy terms by a fiction.
In the South Sea Islands, generally, the fable of the union and separation of Heaven and Earth is current; other forms will be found in Gill's Myths and Songs from the South Pacific. The cosmogonic myths of the Aryans of India are peculiarly interesting, as we find in the Vedas and Brahmanas and Puranas almost every fiction familiar to savages side by side with the most abstract metaphysical speculations.
Myth and legend, fact and fiction, the common stock of oral tradition, have been handed down, and thus constitute one of the most valuable sources for popular Hebrew thought.
He also translated the pastorals of Longus, wrote a tale called Diane de Castro, and defended, in a treatise on the origin of romance, the reading of fiction.
But an investigation of dependent lines which are often incommensurable forces us to adopt the contradictory fiction of partially overlapping, i.e.
But the contradiction here is one we cannot eliminate by the method of relations, because it does not involve anything real; and in fact as a necessary outcome of an "intelligible" form, the fiction of continuity is valid for the "objective semblance," and no more to be discarded than say -1 - I.
The solidarity of Conservative interests appeared to him now a dangerous fiction.
Harrison (Myths and Monuments of Ancient Athens, xxvii.- xxxvi.) as a fiction to explain the ceremony performed by the two maidens called Arrephori.
Most of his stories portray the pioneer manners and dialect of the Central West, and the Hoosier Schoolmaster was one of the first examples of American local realistic fiction; it was very popular, and was translated into French, German and Danish.
Years of devouring that fiction genre helped formulate a world where intrigue crept around every corner for the dapper gentleman.
Then he added, But she don't write mysteries, just that science fiction stuff.
Fiction is different from an outright lie.
It will assuage the fears of subscribers worried about publicly associating themselves with fiction.
The use of historical fact as a springboard for fiction is not a new one.
It is hard to tell fact from fiction!
In the same way science fiction has developed rules, I find all rules very pernicious to writing.
Although not particularly historically accurate, it does use some real people but the details of what happens in the film are pure fiction.
Her painting, Diver appears on the cover of the first Earlyworks Press fiction anthology.
In 1979 homeless beggars on the streets of major British cities were fiction, not an obscene reality.
A Streetcar Named Desire fiction Tennessee Williams Williams won the Pulitzer Prize with this portrayal of a fading, fragile belle.
But we must do it remembering censorship is a fiction.
Indeed, the transfer of money and power from the aristocracy to the bourgeoisie is absolutely central to Balzac's fiction.
It covers all of the text level fiction and poetry reading comprehension objectives of the National Literacy Strategy for year four.
Few writers of fiction have been so exact or so conscientious as he was regarding his facts.
I mean, fiction and lit crit are rugged areas but politics - jeez!
Sen Gupta's historical fiction has done a very commendable job of presenting children caught up in mysteries and adventures or even day-to-day problems.
Taking genre fiction for a ride, Slow Death uses obscenity, black humor and repetition for the sake of ironic deconstruction.
An amalgam of mysticism, psychotherapy and pure science fiction, the content invited the derision which was inevitably forthcoming.
Not that I have a downer on genre fiction.
This year her science fiction novel, The Sex Gates, was a best-selling e-book and also came out in paperback.
Each reader is deeply engrossed in a science fiction novel.
I first began to write as a teenager, when I first had the idea for a sprawling science fiction and fantasy epic.
Before we start I must apologize for not starting this article with a truly execrable piece of fiction.
It exists solely through the support of science fiction fandom.
Unlike any other literary festival in the UK, Fresh Fiction is focused entirely on new books by first-time novelists.
At least writing good fiction is not easy even for most professional writers.
He defines his work as speculative fiction although he does not shy away from writing conventional urban fantasy or horror stories.
Other buttons give access to tables of contents for historical texts, and a collection of materials for studying Gothic fiction.
The Victorian authors were the worst for this, romantic fiction often glossing out the few true known facts.
The Last Secret is not, nor was it ever intended to be, some intense work of literary fiction.
Does the way in which your teenage fiction is marketed differ greatly from your adult science fiction?
Other publications include articles on various aspects of contemporary fiction in Irish.
You will have to imagine scenes from pulp fiction or ' adult ' comics.
He has also won several awards for short prose fiction.
Slim, well crafted detective fiction you can polish off in a few hours.
So... I've never been a big fan of horror fiction as a genre.
This is augmented by numerous carefully chosen illustrations and a comprehensive filmography of English films, fiction and non-fiction, for the year.
Lilo & Stitch is, I guess you could say, one of Disney's first flirtation with science fiction animation.
We're left floundering in the shallows of literary fiction.
The Orange Prize for Fiction is currently garnering votes for the 50 Best Books written by Women.
In this science fiction is unique among popular genres.
Article continues In general, cricket in south Asian fiction assumes a more mature guise.
His admirers have included hippies, punk rockers, readers of science fiction, football fans.
Hugely entertaining 50's horror hokum written by a noted science fiction author who also wrote the script for The Time Machine (1960 ).
In life I like playfulness, in fiction I like mature humor.
I am inspired by botanical illustrations as well as the works of science fiction writers and see my role as a similar one.
And at that moment I found fiction to be a medium practically inseparable from cinema.
Liquid Metal brings together a number of seminal essays that have opened up the study of science fiction with serious critical interrogation.
For every Pulp Fiction, Gattaca and dangerous liaisons there is a Batman & Robin or Avengers that drags her back to square one.
Like me, Ellison is a pretty lousy science fiction writer.
I wrote four teenage fiction novels before I wrote Divine Endurance which was my first adult SF novel.
Synopsis The first ever collection of Iain Banks's short fiction, this volume includes the acclaimed novella, The State of the Art.
Yet he makes some startlingly astute observations during discussion despite his penchant for drawing comparisons with science fiction.
Indeed, his silicon city of the future will be so familiar to readers of science fiction as to appear almost old-fashioned.
In some of the events he describes, Matthew assumes the omniscience of a fiction writer, narrating what he could not have known.
Pan's own science fiction list is also rather pallid, I'm afraid.
The sequel TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE, was voted one of the Guardian top ten fiction paperbacks of the year 2000.
You can find them in newspapers, specialist periodicals and books, both fiction and non-fiction.
What, if any moral or underlying philosophy, underpins your fiction?
By 1907 Machen was seriously interested in writing again, but much more interested in quasi religious polemics than in fiction.
Worms were also presaged in science fiction, by Brunners 1975 novel The Shockwave Rider.
Once again the truth was stranger than fiction, and later that same year the band was asked to support The pretenders on tour.
Justification is not a legal fiction because one day we will be perfectly righteous.
I wanted to write science fiction, and got involved in politics instead!
Kids that are entering school, watching science fiction, they are our hope for the future.
I was due to do Red Dwarf but the BBC powers thought that I'd done enough science fiction.
British science fiction had already been there, done that.
And, unlike most modern science fiction, it is blessed with good acting and an intelligent script.
Whatever the reason, cyberpunk marked a sea change in American science fiction.
It was a low budget, high concept piece that was very good science fiction.
I would recommend this book to those with an interest in Victorian literature and early science fiction.
The novel is part thriller, part historical novel and part science fiction.
But today's science fiction, is often tomorrow's science fact.
Thank you to all the amateur sleuths who turned up at the Central Library for the crime fiction event on Tuesday 16 January.
Award for Best Short Fiction ' White ' by Tim Lebbon MoT Press " I ai n't superstitious, "; wrote Tim.
Award for Best Short Fiction ' White ' by Tim Lebbon MoT Press " I ain't superstitious, "; wrote Tim.
He means " fiction " which is too sweeping.
Minority Report, his first film with his new best mate Steven Spielberg, was a cracking science fiction thriller.
Bayley as in Barrington, who wrote one of the stories in the fiction section, which is a real treasure-trove.
I think I'm more trying to use the tropes of the different genres to enliven a kind of mainstream fiction.
Her NGO work includes trusteeship of the Booker Prize for English fiction literature.
They seem blissfully unaware of the crisis in English fiction.
Geoffrey Swindell, whose many interests range from the beach to science fiction, produces small elaborately finished porcelain vases.
Fiction website Did you know that Usborne has a dedicated fiction website?
The science fiction writer, Frank Herbert, featured clones in many of his novels.
The whole story was most probably the creation of imaginations stimulated by torture and despair, unless it was a deliberate fiction set forth for the purpose of provoking hostility against the Jews.
This diversity of jurisdiction, and subjection of the clergy only to the sentences of judges bribed by their esprit de corps to judge leniently, led to the adoption of a scale of punishments for the offences of clerks avowedly much lighter than that which was inflicted for the same crimes on laymen; and this in turn led to the survival in England, long after the Reformation, of the curious legal fiction of benefit of clergy (see below), used to mitigate the extreme harshness of the criminal law.
In the 16th century we find another Piccolomini (Alexander), bishop of Patras, author of a curious dialogue, Della bell y creanza delle donne; another bishop, Claudio Tolomei, diplomatist, poet and philologist, who revived the use of ancient Latin metres; and Luca Contile, a writer of narratives, plays and poems. Prose fiction had two representatives in this century - Scipione Bargagli, a writer of some merit, and Pietro Fortini, whose productions were trivial and indecent.
Opinions, however, vary widely as to the precise proportions of history and fiction which the story contains.
The idea of putting forward political and philosophical principles under the fiction of an ideal state was doubtless taken from Plato's Republic. The Utopia in turn suggested the literary form adopted by Bacon, Hobbes, Filmer, and other later writers; and the name of the book has passed into the language as signifying optimistic but impracticable ideals of reform.
For Sanchuniathon is a mere literary fiction; and Philo's treatment is vitiated by an obvious attempt to explain the whole system of religion on the principles of Euhemerus, an agnostic who taught the traditional mythology as primitive history, and turned all the gods and goddesses into men and women; and further by a patriotic desire to prove that Phoenicia could outdo Greece in the venerable character of its traditions, that in fact Greek mythology was simply a feeble and distorted version of the Phoenician.'
It has been said that Daniel Defoe wrote his fiction of Mrs Veal (A True Relation of the Apparition of Mrs Veal), who came from the other world to recommend the perusal of Drelincourt on Death, for the express purpose of promoting the sale of an English translation of the Consolations; Defoe's contribution is added to the fourth edition of the translation (1706).
The chief feature of the allotment was, however, the formal overthrow of the fiction that Austria is preponderatingly a German country and not a country preponderatingly Slav with a German dynasty and a German façade.
As in all his following epopees the subject was taken from what pious Moslems call the time of "heathendom" - here, for instance, from the old Sassanian story of Shah Khosrau Parwiz (Chosroes Parvez), his love affairs with the princess Shirin of Armenia, his jealousy against the architect Ferhad, for some time his successful rival, of whom he got rid at last by a very ingenious trick, and his final reconciliation and marriage with Shirin; and it is a noteworthy fact that the once so devout Nizami never chose a strictly Mahommedan legend for his works of fiction.
Thus the judgment about a centaur is the belief, " A conceivable centaur is a fiction of the poets," and the judgment about a square circle is the belief, " A so-called square circle is an impossibility."
When computers are in your clothes, medicine, eyeglasses, wallet, tires, walls, makeup, jewelry, cookware, tennis shoes, binoculars, and everything else you own, those things will do more than you can imagine—the stuff of science fiction.
In a year after she first went to Helen Keller, Miss Sullivan found herself and her pupil the centre of a stupendous fiction.
It 's realist fiction as far as I 'm concerned.
Unfortunately the prospect of selling virtual West Cornwall holidays lies firmly in the realm of science fiction.
He only rebounded painfully, ineffectively, which served him right for reading fiction.
I 'm trying to avoid rehashing old ideas for bad guys, which can be a problem in some crime fiction.
I wanted to write science fiction, and got involved in politics instead !
I was due to do Red Dwarf but the BBC powers thought that I 'd done enough science fiction.
Anyone who is a fan of the birth of science fiction as a genre should read this book.
Robert Abel himself had a partner, a science fiction fan of long-standing, called Carl Pederson.
Mr. Resnick writes in such a way as to make use of the reader 's existing knowledge of the science fiction genre.
But today 's science fiction, is often tomorrow 's science fact.
For the present, its wider implications belong to speculative fiction.
Stranger than Fiction Breaking the Code is a play, not a documentary.
She is currently supervising PhDs in British life writing and the family and British and North American representations of suburbia in gay fiction.
I would n't recommend this book to people who want their suspense fiction to be a relaxing escape.
Current visual sources of inspiration include illustration of marine creatures and science fiction hardware, fossils, tin plate toys and various eroded objects.
The concluding book in this top-drawer science fiction trilogy, Felaheen, reputes to complete Raf 's circle of life.
And they 've nothing to worry about, for The Da Vinci Code is, at best, trashy fiction.
Here Stewart plays a fiction writer who works for a trashy magazine to make ends meet.
I think I 'm more trying to use the tropes of the different genres to enliven a kind of mainstream fiction.
Her NGO work includes Trusteeship of the Booker Prize for English fiction literature.
He is also currently Vice-President of the British Science Fiction Association.
An old friend, William E. Barrett, well-known fiction writer, now lived in Denver.
I worked full-time on a woman 's magazine then went freelance and began writing fiction alongside journalism.
Writing nonfiction often requires research, but fiction can be written based on imagination and creativity.
I've always been fascinated by robots, so I'm writing a science fiction novel that features an android as the main character.
Also check out fiction, non-fiction, book reviews and the sale section.
However, the four episodes contained on this compilation appear to have little to do with the science fiction movies.
Whether you prefer Kirk, Picard, or Janeway, there are numerous ways to buy Star Trek patches and indulge in your love of the science fiction franchise.
Hit the floor of the show room at Star Trek, science fiction, gaming, and comic book conventions for an impressive selection of Star Trek merchandise, including the chance to buy Star Trek patches.
It may sound stranger than fiction, but the Zilopop is a stainless steel lollipop that is supposed to freshen your breath.
The site includes more than 1800 fiction and non-fiction books, along with comprehension quizzes and audio for a number of titles.
Newbery winners are most often works of fiction, but they can also be nonfiction or poetry.
Of all children's literature genres, historical fiction books for kids are among the most popular.
Reading historical fiction with a child, and encouraging her to check out more historical books have a few distinct benefits.
Plenty of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and other social scientists get their start by devouring historical fiction that shares specific information about past events, cultures, and ways of life.
Many historical fiction books are well suited to discussions between parents and kids because they inspire questions about time period comparisons as well as past customs and characters.
The following are some of the best-loved historical fiction books for kids on library and bookstore shelves around the country.
The above books are simply the tip of the iceberg in a vast sea of very high-quality historical fiction choices, and a librarian or bookstore employee can direct you to a bounty of further options.
Historical fiction is a genre that contains some of the most standout work available in modern children's literature, and it's definitely worth a look for any child who enjoys a good story.
The books listed below are fiction, but it's also important to realize that there are many exemplary nonfiction titles available that may appeal especially to boys or reluctant readers.
Scientific books are a dream come true for kids who are fascinated with the natural world and frustrated by the limits of fiction.
There are many myths surrounding people legally ending their marriage, and it can be difficult to separate divorce facts from fiction.
While it may sound like science fiction to capture sunlight and then reuse it to heat your home, instead, think in terms of solar energy or heat produced by the sun.
Authors of historic fiction are able to take some degree of artistic license with the periods in history about which they write, as long as they don't attempt to rewrite the course of history.
Like Emma Watson, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Carrie Fisher, Hayden Panettiere has leaped to the top of the "obsessed about" heap thanks to her work in science fiction and fantasy.
The Terminator premiered in movie theaters in 1984 and became an instant hit with science fiction and action adventure lovers.
Battlestar Galactica toys bring the characters and vehicles from the science fiction series to life.
The following is in no way a complete list of all the signs of cheating, but it can help you begin the process of separating fact from fiction.
Write some of your best comical fiction about the personal struggle of dealing with inane coworkers.
The Open University offers an introductory level course for people interested in learning the basics of how to write fiction.
Students are guided through the process of creating 20 pages of polished fiction writing.
You've taken one article of clothing that could prompt you to write about any or all of these aspects, incorporating facts and fiction into the stories at your discretion.
Leather backpacks, briefcases or old-fashioned satchels, so ubiquitous for teachers in fiction, all have the same problems.
Each doll is based on a character from a series of historical fiction books.
Science fiction stories and movies brought robots into the mainstream, and toy makers capitalized on kids' fascination with robots.
Some churches may offer curriculum, nonfiction and fiction, and others may focus more on nonfiction books that grow people spiritually.
While fiction books are always great to give, you can also add activity books to the mix, especially for younger readers.
Akira opened America's eyes to the world of anime movies and made science fiction, horror, and fantasy fans aware of an entire genre that they may not have known anything about before.
Supporting cast includes Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction), Philip Seymore Hoffman (Capote), and Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix).
Whether you enjoy science fiction, humor, or a way to catch up on your favorite TV shows, August DVD releases has a movie for you.
This movie has great science fiction, good story lines, and enough drama to make the greatest of heroes cry.
There are plenty of upcoming science fiction movies, so which ones are going to be good?
The past year has been slow for science fiction movies, but it looks like there's going to be a nice selection to choose from if you are a science fiction fan and have felt this sci-fi drought has hampered your movie style.
Science fiction movies tend to grab a core set of fans quickly, which helps in the long run.
The only problem you'll have with the upcoming science fiction movies this year is which one to commit to because there will be so many.
Another site that isn't updated very often, but contains a nice collection of science fiction and fantasy scripts is SciFi Scripts.
Sci Fi Scripts - If science fiction movies are your thing, this website has plenty of downloadable scripts in PDF format.
Films include Taxi Driver, Deathwatch, Falling in Love, Wise Guys, Thelma and Louise, Reservoir Dogs, Sister Act, The Piano, Pulp Fiction, City of Industry, Smoke, The Path to 9/11, One Last Dance and Inglorious Basterds.
So, expect The Underverse to have the same dark look and feel as Pitch Black and not the feel of a typical Hollywood overly CGI enhanced science fiction movie.
Avatar is a science fiction film based on another moon in the Alpha Centauri star system, Pandora.
While the plot of Avatar will be fodder for science fiction buffs for many years to come as will many of the film's images, some believe that the background of Avatar's creation is almost more interesting than the film.
Perhaps these will pack enough action and science fiction into 60-90 seconds each to keep fans almost content as they wait not just for trailers, but official word on when exactly the movie is expected to be released.
Many like the rush of adrenaline that is brought on by the scary themes of the movies, and science fiction fans will often watch movies that deal with horror themes, along with sci-fi ones, because of the otherworldly themes.
The color is often used in horror movie posters to symbolize the 'evil' or 'science fiction' type of characters.
Action movies can be very diverse, ranging from science fiction movies to action-packed dramas.
Those who enjoy science fiction movies or action movies will often enjoy films that involve time travel, since these movies usually incorporate science fiction and action elements and many special effects.
Time travel and science fiction movies featuring time travel are usually very easy to find due to their popularity with large audiences.
One part science fiction, another part horror, the film definitely says something of being scared to the point of tears.
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Several different crime storylines somehow connect in the movie, with everything from a drug overdose to sadistic torture.
Werewolf stories abound in fiction and in real life.
They are often used in scary stories to portray contact with restless spirits, but true stories about Ouija boards are often even more terrifying than fiction.
Ever since the first science fiction stories regarding time travel and alternate dimensions were published, a growing population of researchers turn to Quantum Physics for a solution to most paranormal issues.
These are not characteristics traditional to the werewolf, and modern fiction is a poor source of accurate information.
Decide for yourself whether Nessie is fact or fiction.
Whenever a new story comes to light or goes viral via the Internet, it's difficult to decide whether it's fact or fiction.
If the paranormal field is to be taken seriously, researchers must be careful to sort fact from fiction.
Urban legends, like ghost stories and reports of mysterious creatures, must be carefully examined and tested against historical and known facts to separate truth from myth, fact from fiction.
Many people check the large database on the Snopes site when they hear stories in order to separate fact from fiction.
You may be surprised to hear that some urban legends have a basis in fact and aremore reality than fiction.
I also read a lot of mythology, science fiction, and superhero comic books.
Since the selection includes a wide variety of adult fiction, as well as craft books, cookbooks, home reference books, and children's books, there's something for nearly every taste.
Even adults who don't read much fiction on a regular basis often appreciate being given cook books, craft books, home reference books, or coffee table books about a subject of personal interest.
The selection includes fiction, nonfiction, reference, and children's books.
Fortunately, offers an impressive assortment of free books for the Kindle that includes several current bestsellers in the romance, mystery, and science fiction categories.
Other talented cast members including Richard Biggs (who passed away in 2004) went from playing Dr. Marcus Hunter on DOOL to playing another doctor on the science fiction show Babylon 5.
Fan fiction is another way soap fans can interact.
Fan fiction allows them to tell their own stories about their favorite characters.
Soap Opera Fan Forum - A place for fans to meet and greet, chat about recent episodes and post their own fan fiction.
As The World Turns Fan Discussion Group - The discussion group allows ATWT fans to mingle, chat and post their own fan fiction.
Grey's Anatomy Fan Fiction This live journal blog presents a fan's view of the storylines that make up the beloved medical drama. - This is a rich sight populated with fan fiction based on multiple television shows.
These programs mingled women's romantic fiction and soap opera in a devilish combination.
Fan Fiction - Fans write their own stories of life with the Camdens.
However, don't be surprised or disappointed when the "facts" you discover are really just fiction.
Heigl enjoyed her first regular television role when she was cast as Isabel Evans on the science fiction show Roswell.
Fans who still miss Providence can enjoy Fan Fiction stories about their favorite characters, including stories that cover what happened after the finale.
The downside to scoops is that they often lead to speculation in online communities, and it can be difficult to separate the fact from the fiction.
Gilmore Girls fan fiction allows fan authors to tell the stories they want to see about Lorelai, Rory, Luke and more.
Fan fiction writers will delve into the years between Lorelai leaving her parents' home in Hartford and settling in Stars Hollow.
While her first meeting with Luke is described in one episode, fan fiction allows fans to write how that meeting may have gone.
The beauty of fan fiction is that it is as boundless as the imagination of the writers.
Writing fan fiction and sharing it with others dates back to Star Trek fandom of the late 60s and early 70s.
Fans of the popular science fiction show would write 'what if' and 'continuing adventure' stories.
Fanzines, hand bound magazines containing fan fiction, would be the next step.
Fan fiction is neither about making money nor about profit margins.
First and foremost, fan fiction is written about copyrighted characters and settings, thus making it illegal to profit from infringing on those worlds.
Fan fiction can take a leap of faith where spoilers are concerned.
In order to write popular or effective fan fiction, the characters should sound like the characters.
Check out great examples of fan fiction to learn how to write it or just to enjoy a visit to the familiar faces and places of Stars Hollow.
Gilmore Girls Fan Fiction features a wide variety of fan fiction stories from many different television shows including Gilmore Girls.
Stray Upon a Muse - Meet the authors of popular fan fiction featuring the Gilmore Girls and the residents of Stars Hollow.
It's loaded with everything from fan fiction and games to cast photographs and, of course, episode spoilers.
The best way to tell fact from fiction in a rumor is to check valid news sources and sites for confirmation.
The Vampire Diaries was originally a teen horror series of fiction books written by L.J.
Biggs later appeared in the science fiction drama Babylon 5 as Dr. Stephen Franklin.
The small city has become a small tourist mecca for UFO enthusiasts and science fiction fans.
The newest women's collection features their most highly sought-after model to date, the Diamond Fiction.
Without a strong foundation of combined scientific and horological engineering, the accurate clock radios the world depends upon today might still reside in the fantastical realm of science fiction.
A number of people participate in book clubs for popular fiction; why not encourage fellow yogis to join you in a yoga book club?
With the many differing viewpoints out there, it can be difficult to sort out the fact from the fiction.
While NASA has been the spark to keep imaginations alive of science fiction fans worldwide, the dream may soon become the reality.
They will help you on your writing romance fiction quest.
You may be asking yourself what writing romance fiction has to do with business.
In cartoons and science fiction of old, vehicles often look more like airplanes than cars.
While it was a hit movie and certainly showed some amazing performances by both the squads and the actors, Bring It On is fiction, and pop fiction at that.
The following information will help you decipher the facts from fiction.
While many claim detox diets use the natural detoxifying power of everyday foods and beverages to achieve improved health, it's helpful to take a closer look at the detox diets out there in order to separate fact from fiction.
Pulp Fiction - Griffin had a very small part in this Quentin Tarantino hit.
The Day the Earth Stood Still provides an example of combining the science fiction themes of alien invasion and end of the world.
Definitions of science fiction vary as much as the myriad of subgenres it encompasses.
Someone famously put it, "science fiction is what science fiction writers write."
Stories that speculate on the effects on society of inventions appearing before their time (such as The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, that posited computers in the Victorian era) are certainly science fiction.
Some suggest that myths such as Jason and the Argonauts offered up early examples of science fiction.
Speculative fiction of the era was very much a male preserve.
Not only is the science fiction genre changing; it is growing.
This has broadened the demographics of science fiction fans to include mainstream viewers and networks.
Among the multiple themes present in this science fiction classic, it contains the ultimate time paradox.
Stargate SG-1 was a Canadian-American science fiction series that aired for five years (1997-2002) on Showtime before moving to the then Sci Fi network for a final five seasons (2002-2007).
Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek franchise would revolutionize the way science fiction played on television.
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) is considered (with good cause) one of the writers of science fiction's Golden Age, that period of ferment that spanned the fifties and sixties.
He wrote everything, science fiction short stories and novels, mysteries, and popular science articles - he had a fantastic ability to make the most difficult topics accessible - and even books on mythology and religion.
Most of his science fiction was written in the '50s and '60s; he is most famous for the The Foundation Trilogy and The Robot Novels and Short Stories, in which he articulated the Three Laws of Robotics.
Ascending up the ladder to add another floor to the complex tower of Harry Potter fiction is the story of the Goblet of Fire.
So how do you tell if the book you're holding in your hand is fantasy, or science fiction?
Orson Scott Card has said, if it has rivets, it's science fiction.
The setting - a multi-generational starship - is pure science fiction.
Here too the setting is star-faring science fiction, but with a look and feel of fantasy.
Even authors have to pit fantasy versus science fiction.
But plenty of authors write in both the fantasy and science fiction genres.
Fortunately, it found new life on video and DVD, and is now considered one of the most influential science fiction movies ever made.
Quantum Leap is more fantasy than science fiction; once the project was seized by the mysterious higher power, science went out the window.
A satiric and yet affectionate look at science fiction television fandom served on a bed of interstellar action adventure is the recipe for the 1999 movie Galaxy Quest.
His own writings were mainly in these fields and on Christianity, although his fiction career is impressive.
LoveToKnow Science Fiction and Fantasy is the definitive source for info on science fiction and fantasy books, movies, television and items.
LoveToKnow Science Fiction and Fantasy is a place for fans of all kinds of science fiction and fantasy to share information.
Sure, we know a lot about science fiction and fantasy, but we can't read and see everything.