Feu Sentence Examples
The only work he published was his Reflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu et sur les machines propres a developper cette puissance (Paris, 1824).
Regarding heat (matiere de feu or fluide igne) as a peculiar kind of imponderable matter, Lavoisier held that the three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gas - were modes of matter, each depending on the amount of matiere de feu with which the ponderable substances concerned were interpenetrated and combined; and this view enabled him correctly to anticipate that gases would be reduced to liquids and solids by the influence of cold and pressure.
The first feu from the estate was the Botanic Garden, the date of the feu contract of which was August, 1841.
Try the lobster pot Au feu or the welsh lamb.
The word is the French form, which is represented in Medieval Latin as feudum or feodum, and in English as " fee " or " feu " (see FEE).
There are many sorts grown, and a selection should include Phosphore, Don Calmet, Distinction, Eclat, Victoire, La Neige, Feu Follet, Pluie dOr, Ver Luisant, Ne Plus Ultra, Eldorado, and Heroine.
From him also the reigning sovereign is lineally descended, and he is the liege lord of whom all the chiefs or nobles hold their lands in feu, for services which they or their ancestors had performed, or in virtue of their relationship to the family.
She wrote Institutions dehysique (1740), Dissertation sur la nature et la propagation du feu (1 744), Doutes sur les religions reculees (1792), and in 1756 published a translation of Newton's Principia.