Festival Sentence Examples
His festival is celebrated on the 8th of July.
A great religious festival is held here every twelfth year.
They're having a spring festival at the preschool and I'm taking the boys.
With the ice festival, things are pretty busy.
She eagerly informed the pair how she planned to attend tomorrow's ice festival activities, in search of first hand research for what was sure to be a winning chapter.
A great festival was in progress at Smyrna.
Music and dancing formed part of the festival rites.
From the 5th century onwards certain celebrated saints were honoured almost universally; St Augustine (Sermo, 276, § 4) says that the festival of St Vincent was celebrated throughout the whole of the Christian world.
Her festival falls on the 22nd of November.
Forty Shades of Blue is a textbook Sundance Film Festival favorite - all long lenses, grainy stock and arduously earnest indie angst.
AdvertisementEvery year, the full moon in January is the Wolf Moon and there is a three day festival that all werewolves attend… kind of our high holiday.
The dissenting inhabitants of Samaria are naturally absent from such a festival.
Bellman, whose festival is held on the 26th of July.
To him the club entrusted the arrangement of the festival in honor of Bagration, for few men knew so well how to arrange a feast on an open-handed, hospitable scale, and still fewer men would be so well able and willing to make up out of their own resources what might be needed for the success of the fete.
One of the greater flamens was attached to the service of Quirinus, a second college of Salii founded in his honour, and a festival "Quirinalia" celebrated on the 17th of February, the day of the supposed translation of Romulus to heaven.
AdvertisementThe ex-emperor Attalus danced at the marriage festival, which was celebrated with great pomp at Narbonne.
Their presence is typical of that of the whole people, and the private citizen is required to do no more on festival days than a ceremonial abstinence from work.
His return to Angostura was a sort of national festival.
Luke (the greatest festival is on the 8th of September).
The festival of St Andrew is held on the 30th of November.
AdvertisementThis mountain, too, was the scene of the mystic rites of Dionysus, and the festival of the Daedala in honour of Hera.
By a bull of 1264 Urban made the festival, hitherto practically confined to the diocese of Liege, obligatory on the whole Church,' and a new office for the festival was written by Thomas Aquinas himself.
It is here that the great festival called the Magh mela is held.
Caravaca is dominated by the medieval castle of Santa Cruz, and contains several convents and a fine parish church, with a miraculous cross celebrated for its healing power, in honour of which a yearly festival is held on the 3rd of May.
The Christian festival which seems to have taken the place of these ceremonies is the Rogation or Gang week of the Roman Church.
AdvertisementMatuta had a temple in Rome in the Forum Boarium, where the festival of Matralia was celebrated on the 11th of June.
Tezcatlipoca was held to be the highest of these, and at the festival of all the gods his footsteps were expected to appear in the flour strewn to receive this sign of their coming.
For this they erected to him a sanctuary or altar near the Ilissus, and held a festival (Boreasmos) in his honour.
So far as the religious side of the festival was concerned, the Eleans had an unquestioned supremacy.
Spartan arms could punish any violation of that " sacred truce " which was indispensable if Hellenes from all cities were to have peaceable access to the Olympian festival.
This bouleuterium would have been available on all occasions when Olympia became the scene of conference or debate between the representatives of different states - whether the subject was properly political, as concerning the amphictyonic treaties, or related more directly to the administration of the sanctuary and festival.
At the annual festival of Apollo a criminal was obliged to plunge from the summit into the sea, where, however, an effort was made to pick him up; and it was by the same heroic leap that Sappho and Artemisia, daughter of Lygdamis, are said to have ended their lives.
The festival of these martyrs is celebrated on the 13th of October.
Scarcely more is to be said in favour of the suggestion made by Von Hammer; but better known in connexion with the name of Lagarde, who connects the name Purim with the old Zoroastrian festival of the dead, entitled Farwardigan.
This etymological connexion, suggested by Jensen (Kosmologie, 84), brings the festival of Purim into close relation with the Babylonian New Year festival known as Zagmuku, in which one of the most prominent ceremonials was the celebration of the assembly of the gods under the presidency of Marduk (Merodach) for the purpose of determining the fates of the New Year.
At the same time it is difficult to understand why Jews in Palestine and Egypt should have accepted a purely Persian or Babylonian festival long after they had ceased to be connected with the Persian Empire.
At the festival of Apollo at Leucas a victim flung himself from a rock into the sea, like the Hyperborean who was tired of life.
The commemorative festival of the Soteria, which the league established at Delphi, obtained recognition from many leading Greek states.
The annual festival, probably held on the 28th and 29th of Hecatombaeon (about the middle of August), consisted solely of the sacrifices and rites proper to this season in the cult of Athena.
The festival which had been beautified by Peisistratus was made still more imposing under the rule of Pericles.
He introduced a regular musical contest in place of the old recitations of the rhapsodes, which were an old standing accompaniment of the festival.
The season of the festival was the 24th to the 29th of Hecatombaeon, and the great day was the 28th.
Alaric was an Arian Christian who trusted to the sanctity of Easter for immunity from attack, and the enemies of Stilicho reproached him for having gained his victory by taking an unfair advantage of the great Christian festival.
An annual fair is held at Allahabad at the confluence of the streams on the occasion of the great bathing festival at the full moon of the Hindu month of Magh.
At Argos, his native place, during the festival of Athena, his shield was carried through the streets as a relic, together with the Palladium, and his statue was washed in the river Inachus.
Elijah is canonized both in the Greek and in the Latin Churches, his festival being kept in both on the 10th July - the date of his ascension in the nineteenth year of Jehoshaphat, according to Cornelius a Lapide.
His name is probably connected with the "triple ploughing" (Tpis, 7roXEiv), recommended in Hesiod's Works and Days and celebrated at an annual festival.
He was twenty-four years of age, and at the coronation festival, which was held at Aix-la-Chapelle, the dukes performed for the first time the nominally menial offices known as the arch-offices of the German kingdom.
A more authentic tradition represents Lysias as having spoken his own Olympiacus at the Olympic festival of 388 B.C., to which Dionysius I.
The Olympiacus (388 B.C.) is a brilliant fragment, expressing the spirit of the festival at Olympia, and exhorting Greeks to unite against their common foes.
Bismarck was their national hero, the anniversary of Sedan their political festival, and approximation to Germany was dearer to them than the maintenance of Austria.
In no country is the 1st of May, as the festival of Labour, celebrated so generally.
He instituted in 1354 the festival of the Holy Lance.
Antioch in Persis, of course, sends athletes to the great games of Greece, but in this decree it determines to take part in the new festival being started in honour of Artemis at Magnesia.
The festival, which was certainly ancient, was held not only in Argos, Samos, Euboea and other centres of Hera-worship, but also in Athens, where the goddess was obscured by the predominance of Athena.
In the Daedala, as the festival was called at Plataea, an effigy was made from an oak-tree, dressed in bridal attire, and carried in a cart with a woman who acted as bridesmaid.
She was worshipped as the goddess of flowers (avOeia); girls served in her temple under the name of "flowerbearers," and a flower festival ('HpoaavOela, 'HpoavOca) was celebrated by Peloponnesian women in spring.
So, although the warlike character of Hera was not elsewhere prominent, she assumed a militant aspect in her two chief cities; a festival called the Shield (iuriris, in Pindar ay Wv X6XKEos) was part of the Argive cult, and there was an armed procession in her honour at Samos.
With the filling up of the channel the ancient festival of the cutting of the canal came to an end.
Following the order of the lunar year, the next festival is that of the Return of the Pilgrims, which is the occasion of great rejoicing, many having friends or relatives in the caravan.
The Birt of the Prophet (Molid en-Nebi), which is celebrated in the beginning of the third month, is the greatest festival of the whole year.
For nine days and nights Cairo has more the aspect of a fair than of a city keeping a religious festival.
On the tenth day of the last month of the year the Great Festival (Al-id al-kabir), or that of the Sacrifice (commemorating the willingness of Ibrahim to slay his son Ismailaccording to the Arab legend), closes the calendar.
They were considered unlucky, and perhaps this accounts for the curious fact that, although they are named in journals and in festival ists, &c., where precise dating was needed, no known nonument or legal document is dated in them.
Elisha is canonized in the Orthodox Eastern Church, his festival being on the 14th of June, under which date his life is entered' in the A cta sanctorum.
For his tutor and guardian young Theseus had one Cannidas, to whom, down to Plutarch's time, the Athenians were wont to sacrifice a black ram on the eve of the festival of Theseus.
Hence at the festival which commemorated the return of Theseus there was always weeping and lamentation.
Theseus now carried out a political revolution in Attica by abolishing the semi-independent powers of the separate townships and concentrating those powers at Athens, and he instituted the festival of the Panathenaea,3 as a symbol of the unity of the Attic race.
He was the first to celebrate in their full pomp the Isthmian games in honour of Poseidon; for the games previously instituted by Hercules in honour of Melicertes had been celebrated by night, and had partaken of the nature of mysteries rather than of a festival.
His chief festival, called Theseia, was on the 8th of the month Pyanepsion (October 21st), but the 8th day of every other month was also sacred to him.5 Whatever we may think of the historical reality of Theseus, his legend almost certainly contains recollections of historical events, e.g.
In June the great popular festival "Dei Quattro Altari" is annually celebrated here in commemoration of the abolition of the feudal dominion in 1700.
He was murdered at Delphi, where he was buried, and a festival was held in his honour every eighth year.
The festival of St Chrysostom is kept in the Greek Church on the 13th of November, and in the Latin Church on the 27th of January.
Black bulls, symbolical of the stormy sea, were sacrificed to him, and often thrown alive into rivers; in Ionia and Thessaly bull-fights took place in his honour; at a festival of his at Ephesus the cupbearers were called.
His chief sanctuary was at Mycale, where the Panionia, the national festival of the Ionians, was held.
The great annual festival which they had to conduct was held in honour of the anonymous Dea Dia, who was probably identical with Ceres.
On the second and principal day of the festival the ceremonies were conducted in the grove of the Dea Dia.
His festival is observed on that anniversary by the entire Roman Catholic Church as a semi-duplex, and by the Spanish Catholics as a duplex of the first class with an octave.
The council of Oxford in 1222 ordered that his feast should be kept as a national festival; but it was not until the time of Edward III.
He died on January 8, 1465, was canonized by Pope Alexander VIII., his festival (semi-duplex) being fixed by Innocent XII.
In 1826 a formal festival was got up by some of his admirers, one of whom, Herder, spoke of his categories as new gods; and he was presented with much poetry and a silver mug.
John Damascenus is a saint both in the Greek and in the Latin Churches, his festival being observed in the former on the 29th of November and on the 4th of December, and in the latter on the 6th of May.
For similar reasons it has preserved many old customs and costumes, those of the women being very elaborate and picturesque, while the herdsmen have retained their festival attire of red waistcoats, embroidered braces and canary-coloured shorts.
At Ostia, where much of the corn was stored which fed the Roman population, the cult of this god became famous; and it is probable that the fixing of his festival in August by the early Romans had some reference to the danger to the newly harvested corn from fire in that month.
The ritual alone which accompanied divination practices and incantation formulae and was a chief factor in the celebration of festival days and of days set aside for one reason or the other to the worship of some god or goddess or group of deities, is free from traces of the astral theology.
About the 21st of March, the vernal equinox, a festival is held in honour of agriculture, when planting begins.
On the sixteenth day of the seventh month a feast is held in honour of Mithra, the deity presiding over and directing the course of the sun, and also a festival to celebrate truth and friendship. On the tenth day of the eighth month a festival is held in honour of Farvardin, the deity who presides over the departed souls of men.
Just after the conclusion of peace Charles Augustus gave a liberal constitution to his land; freedom of the press was also granted, but after the festival of the Wartburg on the 18th of October 1817 this was seriously curtailed.
Similarly, food is offered to the snake of dough in the Punjab festival already mentioned (note 2 above).
I, 58 (a South-Indian festival on the fifth of Sra,vana, when the serpentdeity is bathed in milk).
But since in the early times the consuls as a rule spent only the first months of their year of office in Rome, it is probable that a considerable share of religious business devolved on the city praetor; this was certainly the case with the Festival of the Cross-roads (compitalia), and he directed the games in honour of Apollo from their institution in 212.
On its summit was an altar of Zeus Actaeus, in whose honour an annual festival was held in the dog-days, and worshippers clad themselves in skins.
St John Passion (in 1888), followed after short intervals by the St Matthew Passion, the Christmas Oratorio, the Mass in B Minor, and finally by an annual Bach festival continuing for three days, which was discontinued after Wolle's removal to the university of California in 1905.
The subscriptions having come in but sparsely, Liszt took the matter in hand, and the monument was completed at his expense, and unveiled at a musical festival conducted by Spohr and himself in 1845.
Thucydides, who quotes this passage to show the ancient character of the Delian festival, seems to have no doubt of the Homeric authorship of the hymn.
The latter of these may evidently be taken to belong to Salamis in Cyprus and the festival of the Cyprian Aphrodite, in the same way that the Hymn to Apollo belongs to Delos and the Delian gathering.
The result of these considerations seems to be that nothing rests on good evidence beyond the fact that Homer was recited by law at the Panathenaic festival.
Chaitanya also seems to have done much to promote the celebration on an imposing scale of the great Puri festival of the Ratha-yatra, or "car-procession," in the month of Ashadha, when, amidst multitudes of pilgrims, the image of Krishna, together with those of his brother Balarama and his sister Subhadra, is drawn along, in a huge car, by the devotees.
Just as this festival was, and continues to be, attended by people from all parts of India, without distinction of caste or sex, so also were all classes, even Mahommedans, admitted by Chaitanya as members of his sect.
Frederick then formed an alliance with Milan, where the citizens witnessed a great festival on the 27th of January 1186.
The petitions addressed to the senate by the town of Bononia and by the communities of Rhodes and Ilium were gracefully supported by him in Latin and Greek speeches, and during Claudius's absence in 52 at the Latin festival it was Nero who, as praefect of the city, administered justice in the forum.
The legend was already very old and the festival "nobis omni tempore celeberrima"; but, as all written documents had disappeared since the burning of the early church erected over the sacred bones, the preacher could only appeal to the continuous and careful memory of the society to which he belonged (nostrates).
In 44 he was consul with Caesar, and seconded his ambition by the famous offer of the crown at the festival of Lupercalia (February 15).
In honour of the Horae a yearly festival (Horaea) was celebrated, at which protection was sought against the scorching heat and drought, and offerings were made of boiled meat as less insipid and more nutritious than roast.
In the Roman Catholic Church his festival is on the 19th of July, in the Orthodox Eastern Church on the 8th of May.
A festival was held in their honour every year, superintended by a special priesthood, at which the offerings consisted of milk and honey mixed with water, but no wine.
In the later legends of the Trojan War, Eris, lot having been invited to the marriage festival of Peleus and Thetis, flings a golden apple (the "apple of discord") among the guests, to be given to the most beautiful.
Hero, the beautiful priestess of Aphrodite at Sestos, was seen by Leander, a youth of Abydos, at the celebration of the festival of Aphrodite and Adonis.
Every nine years a great festival was held there to which embassies were sent by all the peoples of Sweden.
The collects of the Breviary are largely drawn from the Gelasian and other Sacramentaries, and they are used to sum up the dominant idea of the festival in connexion with which they happen to be used.
Her festival, called Divalia or Angeronalia, was celebrated on the 21st of December.
The Hindu festival of Dewali (Diyawali, from diya, light), when temples and houses are illuminated with countless lamps, is held every November to celebrate Lakhshmi, the goddess of prosperity.
The Semnones claimed to be the chief of the Suebic peoples, and Tacitus describes a great religious festival held in their tribal sanctuary, at which legations were present from all the other tribes.
The island first appears in history as the seat of a great Ionic festival to which the various Ionic states, including Athens, were accustomed annually to despatch a sacred embassy, or Theoria, at the anniversary of the birth of the god on the 7th of Thargelion (about May).
He gained a European reputation for his writings, which are of mystico-ascetic type, and include an account of the Premonstratensian order, a collection of festival sermons, and a Soliloquia de instructione discipuli, formerly attributed to his contemporary, Adam of St Victor.
She inherited all his property and bequeathed it to the Roman people, who out of gratitude instituted in her honour a yearly festival called Larentalia (Dec. 23).
At the Susa marriage festival in 324 Alexander caused him to marry the Persian princess Artacama; but there is no further mention of this Asiatic bride in the history of Ptolemy.
An annual musical festival is held here under the auspices of the Converse College Choral Society.
The festival of Bellona, which originally took place on the 3rd of June, was altered to the 24th of March, after the confusion of the Roman Bellona with her Asiatic namesake.
Gorgo and Praxinoe go to the festival of Adonis.
At Hierapolis (Bambyce) there was a pool with an altar in the middle, sacred to the goddess, where a festival was held, at which her images were carried into the water.
She had two temples in Rome, one in the grove of Libitina, with whom she wa.s wrongly identified, and the other near the Circus Maximus, both of which had as their dedication day the 19th of August, the festival of the Vinalia rustica, a fact which also points in the direction of skilled cultivation as the human work of which she was protectress.
With this end in view he established colonies at Potidaea and Apollonia in Macedonia, at Anactorium and Leucas in north-western Greece, and he is said to have projected a canal through the Isthmus, In Greece proper he conquered Epidaurus, and with the help of his fleet of triremes brought the important trading centre of Corcyra under his control, while his interest in the Olympian festival is perhaps attested by a dedication which may be ascribed to him - the famous "chest of Cypselus."
In Lydia his triumphant return from India was celebrated by an annual festival on Mount Tmolus; in Lydia he assumed the long beard and long robe which were of terwards given him in his character of the " Indian Bacchus," the conqueror of the East, who, after the campaigns of Alexander, was reported to have advanced as far as the Ganges.
At Naxos Ariadne (probably a Cretan goddess akin to Aphrodite) was associated with Dionysus as his wife, by whom he was the father of Oenopion (wine-drinker), Staphylus (grape), and Euanthes (blooming), and their marriage was annually celebrated by a festival.
A vivid description of the festival at Alexandria (for which Bion probably wrote his Dirge of Adonis) is given by Theocritus in his fifteenth idyll, the Adoniazusae.
This festival, like that at Athens, was held late in summer; at Byblus, where the mourning ceremony preceded, it took place in spring.
He is born from the myrrhtree, the oil of which is used at his festival; he is connected with Aphrodite in her character of vegetation-goddess.
A special feature of the Athenian festival was the "Adonis gardens," small pots of flowers forced to grow artificially, which rapidly faded (hence the expression was used to denote any transitory pleasure).
The time at which his festival was held (after harvest and seed-sowing), the nature of its ceremonies and amusements, his altar at the end of the Circus Maximus always covered with earth except on such occasions, all point to his connexion with the earth.
In 1264 he instituted the festival of Corpus Christi.
His festival is observed by the Greek Church on the 10th of January; in the Western martyrologies he is commemorated on the 9th of March.
The altar used at the festival in honour of Daedalus on Mt.
This goddess had her own special priest, a grove across the Tiber where Gaius Gracchus was slain, and a festival on the 25th of July.
The vrivTELa on the third day of the Thesmophoria at Athens was observed only by the women attending the festival (who were permitted to eat cakes made of sesame and honey).
In no case was any fast to be allowed to interfere with new-moon or other fixed festival.
Of the nine fundamental laws of that Priscillian, whose widespread heresy evoked from the synod of Saragossa (418) the canon, " No one shall fast on Sunday, nor may any one absent himself from church during Lent and hold a festival of his own," appears, on the question of fasting, not to have differed from the Encratites and various other sects of Manichean tendency (c. 406).
The festival Hybristica or Endymatia, in which men and women exchanged clothes, also celebrated the heroism of her female compatriots.
The Hybristica, again, was most probably a religious festival connected with the worship of some androgynous divinity.
As the creator of the world, the New Year's festival, known as Zagmuk and celebrated at the time of the vernal equinox, was sacred to him.
The festival, which lasted for eleven days, symbolized the new birth of nature - a reproduction therefore of the creation of the world.
The arbiter of all fates, Marduk, was pictured as holding an assembly of the gods during the New Year's festival for the purpose of deciding the lot of each individual for the year to come.
By a species of word-play the name was interpreted as "the son of the chamber," with reference perhaps to the sacred chamber of fate in which he sat in judgment on the New Year's festival.
The country festival was a great merry-making, where the firstfruits of the new must were offered to the gods.
In the city festival, growing civilization had impressed a new character on the primitive religion, and connected it with the framework of society.
Cakes of meal, honey and oil were offered to the two deities at this festival.
It appears, however, that Rabbinical writings use yom (day-of) zebul for the festival of a heathen deity; and Jastrow connects this usage with the meaning " house " or " temple," so that the meaning " Lord of the False Gods" might be arrived at in a different way.
Some beautiful renderings of Kalir's poems may be found in the volumes of Davis & Adler's edition of the German Festival Prayers entitled Service of the Synagogue.
The Thespians also worshipped the Muses, and celebrated a festival in their honour in the sacred grove on Mount Helicon.
Her chief festival, Ephesia or Artemisia, was held in the spring, at which games and various contests took place after the Greek fashion, although the ritual continued to be of a modified oriental, orgiastic type.
Her cult, however, from the little that is known of it appears to have been more Hellenic. There was an altar and temple of Artemis Pergaea at Perga in Pamphylia, where a yearly festival was held in her honour.
At her festival called Bendidea, held at the Peiraeus, there was a procession of Thracians who were settled in the district, and a torch-race on horseback.
After the festival of the federation the soldiers were drawn into the political clubs, and named regimental committees to defend their interests.
On the 8th the festival of the Supreme Being was solemnized, Robespierre acting as pontiff amid the outward deference and secret jeers of his colleagues.
Two days after the festival his friend Couthon presented the crowning law of the Terror, known as the Law of 22 Prairial.
This day was set apart for the festival of the Revolution and was to be the last of the Sans-culottides.
At Meran his patriotic deeds of heroism are the subject of a festival play celebrated annually in the open air.
He set up the worhip of Terminus (the god of landmarks), appointed the festival of Fides (Faith), built the temple of Janus, reorganized the calendar and fixed days of business and holiday.
This college was under the protection of the god; its annual festival was on the 15th (the ides) of May, on which day the temple of the god had been dedicated at the southern end of the Circus Maximus, near the Aventine; and the members were called mercuriales as well as mercatores.
His poetical gifts he turned to admirable account in his translation of the Festival Prayers (Mahzor, 9 vols., 1855), a new feature of which was the metrical rendering of the medieval Hebrew hymns.
There are many musical clubs, and a spring festival for which a local chorus furnishes the nucleus, is held annually.
A Servian crowd at a festival presents a medley of brilliant and picturesque costumes, scarlet being the favourite colour.
They declared that they would yield in the matter of ceremonies so far as to employ unleavened bread in the eucharist, to use fonts in baptism, and to allow festival days, provided the people might pursue their ordinary avocations after public service.
Near here is Meirun, a place much revered by the Jews as containing the tombs of Hillel, Shammai and Simon ben Yohai; a yearly festival in honour of these rabbis is here celebrated.
The death of her father roused her to serious reflection, and one day, as she entered the oratory, she was struck by the image of the wounded Christ, placed there for an approaching festival.
For the origin of the institution it is safe to assume that neighbouring communities, whether tribes (g Ovrt) or cities, desiring friendly intercourse with one another chose the sanctuary of some deity conveniently situated, at which to hold their periodical festival for worship and their fair for the interchange of goods.
The later misfortunes of the Ionians caused a decline of the festival.
Shortly before St Patrick's Day the queen issued an order which intensified this interest, that Irish soldiers might in future wear a sprig of shamrock in their headgear on this national festival.
The manioc root is also largely consumed, together with several other roots and vegetables; but little animal foods (save fish and freshwater Crustacea) is taken by the mass of the people except at festival times.
The chief festival among the Hova, and almost confined to them, was that of the New Year, at which time a kind of sacrificial killing of oxen took place, and a ceremonial bathing, from which the festival took its name of Fandroana (the Bath).
This festival is now merged in the French national fete of the 14th of July.
Others derive Kpovos from Kpatvw, and connect it with Kpovca, a kind of harvest-home festival.
The festival of the new doctrine, which turned the head of the new pontiff (June 8), the loi de Prairial, or code of legal murder (June 10), which gave the deputies themselves into his hand; and the multiplication of executions at a time when the victory of Fleurus (June 25) showed the uselessness and barbarity of this aggravation of the Reign of Terror provoked against him the victorious coalition of revenge, lassitude and fear.
His festival is on the 7th of October, and the centre of his cult was Resafa, or Rosafa, in Syria, in the province of Augusta Euphratesia.
In Lemnos an annual festival of the Cabeiri was held, lasting nine days, during which all the fires were extinguished and fire brought from Delos.
At this festival a couch was set up, on which the panoply of the hero was placed, a practice which recalls the Roman lectisternium.
We also note the same generous inclusion of the household slaves and of the resident alien as well as the fatherless and widow that characterizes the autumnal festival of "Booths."
The Akitu festival to Marduk was a spring festival at the beginning of the Babylonian year (Nisan).
It therefore comes near in time to the feast of unleavened cakes rather than to the later harvest festival in the month Sivan called "feast of weeks."
Zimmern indeed connects the Akitu festival with 'that of Purim on the 15th Adar (March); see K.A.T.
The cities above enumerated unquestionably formed a kind of league, of which participation in the Pan-Ionic festival was the distinguishing characteristic. This festival took place on the north slope of Mt.
The dedication day of the temple was the 19th of March, the great festival of Minerva, called quinquatrus, because it fell on the fifth day after the ides.
The 23rd of March had always been the day of the tubilustrium, or purification of the trumpets used in the sacred rites, so that the ceremony came to be on the last day of Minerva's festival, but it is very doubtful whether it was really connected with her.
The initiated went through rites of purification, and practised a degree of asceticism; but for many the festival was believed to be an occasion for dark orgies.
As an important addition to the work of the theatre, a permanent school has been established at Bayreuth for the sake of training young musicians to take part in the festival performances, which were at first exclusively, and then partially, undertaken by artists from other German and foreign theatres.
It is thought that it may have been derived from the Roman Terminalia, a festival celebrated on the 22nd of February in honour of Terminus, the god of landmarks, to whom cakes and wine were offered, sports and dancing taking place at the boundaries.
The seasonal highlight was a major festival held each January, attracting climbers from around the world.
Once the festival was underway, this would be the prime area for gear demonstration.
The Pride Festival treated as a business requires business acumen and is subject to business risks.
The Dundee International Guitar Festival which attracts aficionados from all over the world.
The festival is now felt by many aficionados to be at the forefront of the experimental music festival scene.
Aladdin's cave of CDs As a partner with Greenbelt Festival ICC have been facilitating the music sales venue for Greenbelt.
There is usually a gluten-free option available in the festival village, for anybody who has a gluten allergy.
The festival was held at York Minster and the program included Handel's coronation anthems.
Born Romantic, David Kane's highly anticipated follow up to UK hit This Year's Love closes the festival.
Watch out for special guest star appearances throughout the festival.
A Robin Hood festival takes place each summer, offering the spectacle of jousting, archery and falconry.
Feis Originally a parliamentary assembly in Ireland which later developed into a cultural and musical festival.
The ale assize is part of Chester's Food & Drink Festival beginning Tuesday 18th March 2003.
Judging by the crowd of both festival attendees & members of the general public, it proved very popular.
Featuring the films of emerging directors alongside the more established auteurs is a distinguishing factor of the Seagate Foyle Film Festival.
Winners of each of these go forward to a final at the Gilded balloon at the festival.
The Festival's famed Sausage Trail became a magnet for lovers of the British banger.
The play, like the Festival, is considered to be in many ways more baroque than classical.
Leon Berger, who plays the devil in the festival's production, is the official biographer of Michael Flanders.
The festival which carries the message of universal brotherhood.
It appears unlikely that the main festival campsite will be used in 2005.
Warwick Festival in July has a series of concerts at St Mary's Church in the evenings including late night candlelit concerts.
A succession of collaboratory projects followed in its wake including the cantata commissioned by the Farnham Festival, Mr Smith's Apocalypse.
The city has an annual wine festival in September and a colorful carnival at the start of Lent.
Car Parking - the Main car parking - the Main Car Park in Fowey is the nearest car park to the Festival Village.
I went to a baloon festival yesterday and the cpl had a stall there selling little bags filled with organic catnip.
San Juan's Casals Festival honors Pablo Casals, the famous cellist who came to call Puerto Rico home.
Liza Austin, the leader, revived the group in 1980 and now they perform on the British folk festival circuit.
Aylesbury Festival Choir, Buckinghamshire A long-established choir of around 100 members performing two major concerts each year plus a carol concert.
The invitation follows his recent success working with the renowned conductor at the Offenbach Festival at the Lyon Opera House in France.
Hand wash, dry flat, do not iron £ 2.50 per 250g cone [Convert Currency] Festival Knops BARGAIN OFFER!
Declan Quigley was part of the enormous Irish contingent at the Festival.
Particular attention will be given to cultural aspects of Italian cookery with special regard to festival meals.
Hampshire will also be running a Hampshire youth cricket festival at the Rose Bowl in Southampton in 2006.
In the spring Katie was the assistant curator for an exhibit held during the Piccolo Spoleto Festival held annually in Charleston in May.
At the end of the festival the unusual erection will be slowly deflated, leaving no trace of its existence.
Around the same time I actually went to see the festival of the whirling dervishes in Anatolia, in central Turkey.
Once per year, a great festival was held in Bubastis to honor Bast, attracting devotees from all over the country.
Founding Artistic director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
The Festival is free so anyone collecting door-to-door is bogus - say No!
Andy said that in the festival days we had seen the druids dressed up in white being ushered into the stones by the police.
The festival offers a truly eclectic program of events, including the opportunity to dance your socks off at the Festival Ceilidh!
Every year a large national eisteddfod, or festival, is held at which the best choirs compete for honors.
The welsh word eisteddfod denotes a festival aimed at encouraging literature, music and other cultural pursuits.
The annual international musical eisteddfod (festival) is held here.
Henham estate have been threatening some sort of festival ever since some young buck inherited the estate.
Local Businesses back expo '05 The Leicester Expo festival offers a number of opportunities to the business community.
The food festival sounds fab, really wish I'd managed to get along there myself.
After lunch we celebrated the festival of the Nile.
On the 1st of July, I'll be combining a ten mile walk around Gosport with the annual free music festival.
There is always something going on whether it be a religious festival or a political rally.
A three-day sailing festival is the warm-up to three days of racing action.
The Pope hoped to replace the pagan Celtic festival with a church-sponsored holiday.
Unlike any other literary festival in the UK, Fresh Fiction is focused entirely on new books by first-time novelists.
The week-long festival provides an extensive program of readings from June 11 to 15.
Festival organizers have confirmed England's quarter final clash with Portugal will be screened on the festival organizers have confirmed England's quarter final clash with Portugal will be screened on the festival site on Thursday night.
This feast, with its offerings, was also the nation's harvest festival.
The film was well received at the Cannes film festival where Richard Harris won the best actor award.
The house is located in a small hamlet close to the town of Marciac, famous for its international jazz festival.
But that does not make lent or Easter into a pagan festival today.
The presentation of the award to them both was a fitting climax to the festival finale.
He has conducted the ensemble florilegium, and more recently, the Norsk Barokkorkester at the Trondheim Festival.
Sidmouth is one of the great institutions of British folk music - a week long festival that's been running for over 50 years.
Founding Artistic Director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
And yet whenever I see the Festival program for the first time I get the same frisson of excitement and anticipation.
McAveety clings on after lunch gaffe Site Feed This is the news page of the Edinburgh People's Festival.
We are sure these initiatives will help to nurture a new generation of Festival lovers.
Police are now encouraging festival goers to check their website and supply them with any appropriate leads.
You also have to put up with loads of grubby, battered fellow festival goers who you've probably had enough of by then.
We just haven't seen a headliner out there to build a festival around in a manner that we'd be pleased with.
By the time festival headliners The Hamsters took the stage, the auditorium appeared to be nearly full.
The festival reflects historic, cultural and agricultural traditions of Cyprus.
The festival is still on today so I'm sending hubby back up to get some more!
For the duration the streets have many night-time street illuminations, leading to it becoming a popular visiting place for the festival's duration.
At the Kamo Festival, of course, such negligence is quite inexcusable.
Welcome to North London's premier fully irrigated live music festival.
It's the self-proclaimed festival of frugal living, a culture jammers jamboree.
The festival is launched on 1 June with a night of live Latin jazz.
Later we will take in some of the jazz sessions in local pubs in the riverfront Jazz Festival.
After the infamous Roskilde disaster where they swore they'd never play a festival again the band are understandably jittery.
As far as city breaks go, this little laddie 's got the lot, including even its own Fringe Festival.
I actually went to see The libertines in 2004 in Oxegen (without Pete) and they were the best act at the festival.
May 07, 2006 Zutons join lineup for Latitude Festival The Zutons join the line-up for the new ' Latitude ' festival.
On a family day or festival, the children will love to decorate their own chocolate lollipops.
Section 2 I remember that first Beltane festival as the most terribly lonely night in my life.
Iâve been going to the Crawley Juggling Festival for well over ten years now and they really are a lovely lot.
Bristol Jazz Festival Late August This is a fairly low-key event held in Kings Street during the August Bank Holiday.
Cedric the Dragon was at the festival - the charities cuddly green charity mascot.
The festival will also hold five master classes with internationally acclaimed directors.
Drive or take the train to the festival city of Edinburgh, walled town of Berwick or shopping Mecca in Newcastle.
Some, such as the Yule log and the Christmas tree, are relics of the old pagan midwinter festival.
Next to that vision, the Samba weekend of this year's Festival seems rather modest.
On a personal note, scoring a goal at the Festival football match was a particularly momentous occasion for Tessa.
It appears their vision of the Festival is also mythological.
During the Spring Garden Festival there are numerous private gardens open nearby, such as Penjerrick, Carclew, Enys and Trevarno.
In center a procession of festival boats decorated with great clusters of red lanterns; dark sky indicating nightfall.
However, in 1845, the Birmingham Festival Committee wrote to him, asking him to write a new oratorio for the 1846 Festival.
So festival organizer Enrico has introduced the first 2000 early bird tickets at a nominal price.
Look out for the Festival logo in participating outlets.
Discrete fixings will be installed also to allow the erection of raked seating over the central grass oval during the Festival period.
Sandwiches are also available to take away so you can enjoy the festival without getting hunger pangs.
Getting Involved playing a part in the Festival of Mutton is easy.
Indeed, it is envisaged that the Wirral becomes a strategic partner in the delivery of the Mathew Street Festival.
The new minimalist pedestrianized precinct in the style labeled the " Festival of Britain " was copied throughout Europe.
All classes were admitted to the festival, but the immoral and the impure were warned off by a solemn initiatory proclamation.
We finished our first week by making the most of our weekend and heading over to the biggest festival in Slovakia to see prodigy.
They sold their new product from a stall at a small music festival in London.
The annual proms in the Park Festival will be taking place on Saturday August 15th.
Neighbors continue to thank us for the summer prom which began the festival.
The hilariously funny Hollywood glamor puss, Joan Rivers was one of the highlights of the 2005 Glasgow International Comedy Festival.
Also they decided to preview some new songs, which in a shorter than usual set at a festival was a somewhat questionable decision.
The Chester Live 06 festival takes place at the city's racecourse.
Robert has owned several leading racehorses which have won various prestigious events including races at the Cheltenham Festival.
What better way to enjoy this unique and wonderful countryside than to join experienced ramblers during the festival.
Easter approaches and for many the festival is about celebrating the rebirth of Christ.
Festival Time The Arts Center is also the focal point for the nationally renowned King's Lynn Festival each July.
The Proms will always be a festival based on the great classical repertory.
The BBC also provide general broadcast reportage for the Festival.
In 2005 the festival successfully repositioned, concentrating on new music entirely and opening up the range of venues to include central London locations.
The festival will also show a complete retrospective of fashion photographer and filmmaker Bruce Weber's work.
Her work as a professional screenwriter has won several awards and her work has been shown at the Cannes Film Festival.
Kerry Stewart Drops Loveliness at Royal Festival Hall Ballroom, London Kerry Stewart is known, so far, for her figurative sculpture.
They also impressed at the 2006 UK Unsigned showcases and were selected to play at the Bulldog Bash Festival at Stratford in August.
Throughout the festival showcase month of October 2006, the best work will be awarded substantial media coverage.
I hope to spend the summer solstice at Glastonbury Festival, with Kindred Spirit " (still to be confirmed ).
Currently promoting their latest album ' Supernature ', Goldfrapp are set to bring a sprinkling of glamor to the Isle Of Wight Festival.
In 1998 also, I was a volunteer steward on the festival camp site.
The St Leonards Festival offered the hard-working traders on the road an opportunity to dispel that stigma.
The award winning streak does not end there - the National Festival Awards saw more glory for the club.
Heavy security was meant to lower the ever-present danger of sectarian strife at a festival with a bloody history.
A temporary hut with a roof covered only with branches - called a sukkah - is used during the festival.
They also run the Rickmansworth Canal Festival which attracts thousands of visitors each year.
Even the Leopard's ongoing festival of nostalgia is looking a little threadbare.
The Film Festival, sneakily stealing the thunder of its London counterpart, with premieres of the best movies from around the world.
Richard Foss, Father Christmas draws the winning raffle ticket at Christmas Festival of Local Foods.
My favorite track is a lilting song celebrating the Maryport sea festival.
The Festival is make possible by a large umber of people playing different roles.
There were two house fires last Saturday night, both attributed to leaving candles unguarded for the Indian festival of Diwali.
But whatever the cost, the romance of the Festival was still uppermost in the Irish drivers ' minds.
She performed works for unaccompanied violin by J.S.Bach for the Bath Bach Festival in 2000.
The neighbors in Make-Believe come together toy u s mail truck and show their creativity when they participate in a bass violin festival!
The walls were then hung with Color Festival ' s textured motif wallcovering in burgundy.
Angie Brown drove the crowd wild and got festival goers to their feet dancing under the beautiful sunshine.
Well, the good news is, Johnny Coppin has the antidote to what has become a very worldly festival.
All of whom received a fair amount of hero worship throughout the festival.
To Evander was attributed the introduction of Greek rites and customs into his new country; of writing, music and other arts; of the worship of Pan (called Faunus by the Italians) and the festival of Lupercalia.
The same policy of fusion was furthered by the great marriage festival at Susa, when Alexander took two more wives from the Persian royal house, married a number of his generals to Oriental princesses, and even induced as many as he could of the rank-and-file to take Asiatic wives.
As yet the stress was laid on reverence for the Holy Sacrament as a whole; there is no mention in Urban's bull of the solemn procession and exposition of the Host for the adoration of the faithful, which are the main features of the festival as at present celebrated.
From this time onwards the festival increased in popularity and in splendour.
The rejection of the doctrine of transubstantiation at the Reformation naturally involved the suppression of the festival of Corpus Christi in the reformed Churches.
Within five weeks of its formation King Humbert was shot by an anarchist assassin named Bresci while leaving an athletic festival at Monza, where his Majesty had distributed the prizes (2Qth July 1900).
In Portland, as in Bangor, the Maine Music Festival (begun in 1897) is held every year in October, three concerts being given by a chorus composed of local choruses trained in different cities of the state for the festival.
His festival is celebrated on the 30th of August.
This was the autumn festival held at the close of September or beginning of October.