Fertilizer Sentence Examples
Farmers need to have supplies of seed, fertilizer, tractors, and fuel.
Though it is probably destined to be used even more extensively as a fertilizer before the demand for it as a feeding stuff becomes equal to the supply, practically all the cotton seed meal of the south will ultimately be used for feeding.
Cowpeas are a common fertilizer.
I can't grow a marigold in a pot of fertilizer and these poor things don't even have soil!
Since Blith's time bone was the one new fertilizer that had come into use.
The municipal garbage plant (destructor) collects and reduces to fertilizer 200 tons of garbage per day.
You can make your own compost fertilizer.
You can opt for a special fertilizer created just for this kind of plant.
The Indians and white settlers used it as a manure, and the name is Narragansett for "fertilizer."
Manure and compost are two of the most common choices for organic fertilizer.
AdvertisementA year or two later field trials were begun in England, with the final result that basic slag has become recognized as a valuable source of phosphorus for growing crops, and is now in constant demand for application to the soil as a fertilizer.
Menhaden are caught in much larger quantities in New York than any other fish, but being too bony for food they are used only in the manufacture of oil and fertilizer.
Lawes in Hertfordshire have proved that the natural fruitfulness of the wheat plant can be increased threefold by the application of the proper fertilizer.
Among the manufactures are cotton goods, canned oysters, lumber and fertilizer.
Lawns may be benefited by a good dressing, in addition to the manure, of some reliable commercial fertilizer.
AdvertisementPetersburg and Richmond on the James are connected with regular steamship lines with Norfolk, Richmond's water trade being chiefly in coal, oil, logs and fertilizer.
In 1909 the State Bureau of Shell Fisheries estimated the annual value of shell fisheries in the state at nearly $6,000,000, of which $500,000 was the value of clams. Monmouth, Ocean and Cape May counties furnish large quantities of menhaden, which are utilized for oil and fertilizer.
On larger lawns, a wheeled fertilizer spreader is more convenient.
Our fertilizer spreaders are built of the highest quality materials.
It then urinates and defecates, covers the hole, and ascends back into the canopy, leaving its natural fertilizer behind.
AdvertisementIf the crop has gone woody, water the area with a liquid fertilizer or manure once it has been dug in.
In India, adoption of the new seeds has been accompanied by a sixfold rise in fertilizer use per acre.
Before applying the fertilizer, spike the lawn with a fork or with a spiking machine and water the area thoroughly.
Our Fertilizer Spreaders are built of the highest quality materials.
It 's derived from the pollution scrubber liquor of the superphosphate fertilizer industry.
AdvertisementFarmer Joe began using a new fertilizer in hopes that it would boost his crop yields.
Put a small amount of slow-release fertilizer in the hole, then place the bulb, pointy-side up, into the hole and cover with soil.
You can fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer either sprinkled in the hole before you plant the plant or use a liquid fertilizer when you water.
When you start composting, you'll be able to use things that might otherwise end up in landfills as organic fertilizer for your lawn and garden.
Waste must be fully composted before using it as a fertilizer and should never be applied to food-based crops or crops that are handled directly.
Each time humans add fertilizer to soil, nitrogen oxide escapes into the atmosphere.
Nitrogen oxides trap 300 times more heat per volume than carbon dioxide, making fertilizer use in farming one of the leading causes of global warming.
Economics - Beyond being a great green idea, making your own compost with an eco composter reduces water, fertilizer, and pesticide use, saving money.
Nitrous oxide is a gas produced by the burning of organic matter, during the production of nitric acid and nylon, and through the use of fertilizer.
By composting your waste, you reduce methane production and create natural material you can then use for green fertilizer.
Composting kitchen and garden waste is a great way to recycle waste that would otherwise end up in landfills, while also producing a natural fertilizer for your garden.
Home produced compost is much cheaper than buying fertilizer or soil nutrients and is an important way of reducing the amount of waste that is placed in landfills.
The second is that producing compost at home gives you a ready supply of nutritious garden fertilizer.
The process creates fertilizer for your gardens, reducing landscaping costs.
When agriculture fertilizer runoff enters a local water table, the contaminated water can no longer be used.
By simply reducing fertilizer use by adopting more organic gardening practices, you can reduce this type of pollution.
Using a liquid fertilizer or aquarium plant food high in nitrogen can help keep the plants at their best, but only a few drops are necessary and over-fertilization can cause discoloration.
It will then slowly either dissolve into fertilizer or be absorbed by the ground.
Precise is a division of Texas Farm Products, a family-owned business that produces pet food, livestock feed and fertilizer.
Home gardeners should incorporate 1/2 - 3/4 lb. per 100 square feet of 10-10-10 fertilizer.
It drains the quickest, but needs more fertilizer.
Sprinkle a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer on the bottom, and fill it three-quarters of the way with garden soil.
You can use a liquid fertilizer for potted trees.
Alternatively, you can use time-release fertilizer pellets.
Water the plant lightly, and in a few days, give it a very light feeding with a balanced fertilizer.
Your grass will grow too fast and need more and more fertilizer.
If you do use a chemical fertilizer or pesticide in your yard, follow the directions carefully and avoid overuse, which can do serious harm to your lawn.
Corn gluten meal is an organic fertilizer that also helps control weeds.
A general fertilizer for flowers can be applied once or twice a year.
Don't forget to fertilize using a fertilizer that has slow- or controlled-release nitrogen.
Fertilizer is best absorbed after you have aerated your lawn.
Fall is the time to fertilize with a winterizing fertilizer.
Pinks require only a mild, balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
A fertilizer's job is to replenish depleted soils with elements needed for plant growth, since garden trees usually don't grow in conditions that mimic where they exist in the wild.
You can use an organic fertilizer such as kelp meal, compost, or a commercial fertilizer.
Fertilizer during the late summer gives plants an extra boost.
Use an organic fertilizer such as seaweed or compost tea, or try a balanced fertilizer such as a 5-10-5.
Adding fertilizer such as compost adds nutrients and enhances soil.
Then till in fertilizer. 10-20-10 is usually recommended at a rate of two to three pounds per 20 foot row.
Gardenias also benefit from fertilizer occasionally.
Miracid is an ideal fertilizer and should be applied every two to four weeks April through November.
Learn more on these subjects by reading Fertilizer for Gardenias, Pruning Gardenias and Gardenia Pruning.
Instead of rototilling or hand tilling the soil, adding compost, fertilizer, lime or other amendments, raised bed gardens can be filled with bagged soil from the garden center and bagged or home-made compost or mushroom compost.
Strawberries don't require much fertilizer, but compost and composted manures help increase soil fertility.
Conventional gardeners can apply a high nitrogen fertilizer to the plants.
Fertilizer can change the blossom color, since fertilizers may change soil pH slightly - but a slight push may be all it takes to change a hydrangea's color even a little bit.
A balanced, slow release fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer, is fine for hydrangeas.
Give them a little boost of fertilizer in the spring and perhaps once again in the summer, but do not fertilize after that.
You can use a slow release fertilizer in your soil mixture to aid in larger and more plentiful blooms for your plants.
There is no benefit to excess fertilizer, though.
Fall care including fertilizer and watering become more important than at any other season.
If you didn't get the soil tested, choose a fertilizer specifically for your type of grass.
Some experts recommend a fast release fertilizer because of the slowed microorganism activity.
Others insists homeowners continue using slow-release fertilizer so as not to burn the lawn.
Add compost, soil amendments and specialized tomato fertilizer to prevent this disease and be sure to water tomato plants regularly and evenly throughout the growing season.
From there, you can purchase the right types of fertilizer for your lawn and feed it properly.
Choose a slow release organic fertilizer.
A conventional fertilizer containing magnesium will also do the trick.
If you don't have sufficient amounts of kitchen waste to use as compost, you may also want to add a bit of fertilizer while you are turning the soil to make sure it is properly amended.
A balanced 10-10-10 or 15-15-15 fertilizer applied in June or July each year helps asparagus plants remain healthy and productive.
For container-grown vegetables, a commercial potting mix enriched with fertilizer or compost works well.
Once the strawberry bed is established, fertilize once a month with a well-balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer.
Ask your County Cooperative Extension Office if more fertilizer is needed.
Some areas of the country benefit from an application of fertilizer similar to those used on tomatoes, depending upon the soil, but this varies from place to place.
A bag of chemical fertilizer must be manufactured, packaged, and transported, while natural methods are generally available right on the farm.
Using organic fertilizer is an excellent way to improve the health of your plants without harming the planet with unnecessary chemicals.
You may buy fertilizer that is simply meant to improve the nutritional quality of the soil.
It sounds kind of scary, but bat guano is actually a great fertilizer.
Bone meal is a gentle fertilizer and is fine to use on new plantings for reducing transplant shock.
Spring is the best time to apply fertilizer.
You can also buy general purpose organic fertilizer to take some of the guesswork out of organic gardening.
While buying fertilizer locally is always the best and least expensive option, you can buy it online if necessary.
Fertilizer Online carries numerous types of soil ammenities and fertilizers from worm castings to special mixes.
They will also custom blend a fertilizer to your particular needs.
Organic farming methods are more sustainable because they limit the use of chemicals by using organic fertilizer and pest and weed control methods.
We'll even offer tips on organic fertilizer and organic weed care so you can plan your own organic garden.
You can find the ingredients for organic fertilizer almost anywhere.
As you tend to your personal piece of the earth with organic fertilizer, you do a little extra for the overall health of the environment.
This is a great organic fertilizer that you mix into the soil, either when planting something new, tilling a new bed, or when you just want to jazz up an existing bed.
Again, whether it's by the handful or a shovel full, always work this fertilizer into the soil.
Local garden centers and farm surplus supply stores are your best resources for the majority of the ingredients for organic fertilizer.
Ringer Lawn Restore organic fertilizer is a great choice for an organic fertilizer for your lawn.
But plants need more nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium than is readily available in the air and water, which is where a product like Ringer Lawn Restore organic fertilizer comes in.
Some places (including the state of Minnesota) have regulations on the use of phosphorus fertilizer, so check locally before you apply.
The fertilizer should be applied with a spreader two or three times a year.
Water the lawn after applying fertilizer, and keep it moist for three or four days after application.
If you're working to bring a lawn back from an unhealthy state, you might find that it needs more nitrogen than Ringer Lawn Restore organic fertilizer can provide.
Following these tips and using the right organic fertilizer will give you a lawn to be proud of without hurting Mother Nature in the process.
The truth is there are organic options for fertilizer and weed care that can keep your lawn as nice looking as it always was, but without the harsh chemicals.
The final piece of the puzzle is fertilizer.
Applied in the spring and again in the fall, organic fertilizer strengthens the plant and puts essential nutrients in the soil.
Depending on the brand, organic fertilizer may be made with seaweed, fish, plants, and other matter that can be composted into rich growing material.
Chicken manure sounds icky but actually it's considered a perfect fertilizer for yards and gardens because of its stellar nitrogen composition.
Obtain a soil test to see if you need to amend with an organic fertilizer.Often, well-meaning gardeners will add fertilizer that isn't needed.
Compost is natural fertilizer made from decomposed organic waste material.
While most types of leaves work very well in compost, there are a few types you should avoid using when making your own organic fertilizer.
Once you create and get in the habit of adding to your compost pile, you'll have a free supply of fertilizer in your own back yard.
Use organic fertilizer to balance the nutrients in the soil as needed for your plants.
Adding organic fertilizer to the soil may be necessary.
Adding fertilizer is not the answer to improving the condition and structure of your sandy soil.
Until then, you can begin using organic products, like organic fertilizer or your own compost, and work to cultivate more organic soil over the next few seasons.
If your soil contains chemicals left over from previous gardens or treatments, you'll need to purchase organic soil or fertilizer.
Collect compost or mix organic fertilizer with your soil to add nutrients to the plants' food.
Before you decide on any fertilizer it is a good idea to have your soil analyzed by your county extension agent.
This will allow you to use a fertilizer formulated to the exact needs of your garden.
The best way to make your own effective fertilizer is to compost everything possible.
You can also use a specific recipe for organic fertilizer to create an organic fertilizer for your soil.
You can find organic fertilizer on the Internet.
Organic fertilizer is an important part of organic gardening.
To compare chemical fertilizer vs organic fertilizer, look at both the short term and long term effects of each.
Excess nutrient salts can cause fertilizer burn on leaves and roots.
For most gardens, the slow-release approach from organic fertilizer is the most sensible choice both for convenience, plant health, and preservation of water quality.
When plants have been severely nutrient-deprived, however, a quick supply of readily available chemical fertilizer can be the best tonic for rejuvenating growth.
If plants have severely yellowed leaves or stunted growth, a small dose of liquid fertilizer will quickly provide the necessary nutrients in an easily absorbed medium.
Often, plants grown using readily available chemical fertilizer will initially appear taller and healthier than plants grown with organic fertilizer.
This rapid growth may be esthetically pleasing, but is less sustainable over the long term than a slow and steady growth rate achieved with organic fertilizer.
Organic fertilizer adds to this ecosystem, providing aeration, protection, organic matter, and nutrition.
For many people, the environmental implications of each fertilizer type are the most important factor.
In addition to preserving clean water, choosing organic fertilizer reduces greenhouse gas production and improves sustainability of the garden as a whole.
For most home gardeners, the satisfaction, cost effectiveness and long-term sustainability of organic fertilizer makes it a positive and practical option.
The best organic fertilizer is one that feeds the soil, not the plant.
In the University of Arizona's Master Gardener Journal, master gardener Mary Steenhoek explains that compost is the best organic fertilizer because it allows plants to take in nutrients at a natural rate.
Compost has the added benefit of being a generalist fertilizer.
Compost, typically made from a wide assortment of yard and kitchen scraps, is usually a well-rounded fertilizer that contains a balance of nutrients in addition to the microorganisms and organic matter necessary to keep soil healthy.
For most gardens, a home compost bin fed by kitchen scraps and yard waste will produce enough high-quality, organic fertilizer to keep your garden soil well-nourished.
About once a week (or as directed) give your plants an organic fertilizer to keep the nutrients in the soil.Adding a thick mulch to the top two inches or so of the pot will help the soil retain moisture as well.
Other benefits of organic farming address concerns over fertilizer use.
According to the International Fertilizer Industry Association, a fertilizer contains at least 5 percent nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium or a combination of any of the three.
These products release nutrients slowly which help avoid the environmental problems of fertilizer use and leads to more controlled growth.
Some forms of fertilizer such as bone meal can be inconvenient to apply, especially if you are treating large areas.
You may choose to buy organic over environmental concerns of pesticide and fertilizer use.
Conventional cotton and other fibers required to make mattress pads are grown with prolific pesticide and chemical fertilizer use.
Fertilizer blends may contain ingredients such as micro-organisms which can promote healthy soils.
There are also sure to be pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer residues from the chemicals used on the flowers as they were growing.
By the 1950s and 1960s increasing numbers of communities were fluoridating their water using by-products from the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Another option is a standard houseplant fertilizer or simply use ordinary aquarium plant food.
You can use the same fertilizer as your other house plants; just make sure you decrease the strength by 50 percent.
The fish provided fertilizer for the rice crops while the aquatic life found in the rice fields sustained the koi.This is a good example of the balance in life that the koi represents.
Bradford corn gluten is an organic lawn care product, effective as both fertilizer and herbicide.
Corn gluten meal inhibits root formation in emerging seeds, but has no effect on established plants, and actually acts as a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer for your lawn.
What type of fertilizer or "plant food" works best?
Because the bamboo plant grows quickly without the use of pesticides or fertilizer, bamboo fabric is considered to be very eco-friendly.
So we wanted a non-toxic food wash that relied on plant science to remove the pesticides, fertilizer and bacteria.
When one of their friends, Ivory, dies, they decide to use his ashes as fertilizer to grow marijuana.
Soil erosion Soil erosion is reduced where digested sludge from farm slurry digested sludge from farm slurry digester schemes provides a good fertilizer.
Soil erosion Soil erosion is reduced where digested sludge from farm slurry digester schemes provides a good fertilizer.
If you are going to fertilize only once or twice a year, get a slow release fertilize only once or twice a year, get a slow release fertilizer.
Take care to apply the fertilizer evenly to ensure best results.
The government of Malawi has introduced a system of coupons, enabling farmers to buy fertilizer at subsidized prices.
The introduction of improved pasture which relies on nitrogenous fertilizer with the elimination of white clover is one major loss of a nectar source.
Use a top dressing of granular fertilizer in Spring, followed by a liquid feed once week during the main growing season.
The four-year rotation used 73 percent less synthetic nitrogen fertilizer than the two-year rotation.
Incorporate slow-release fertilizer to reduce the need for extra feeding later.
The starter effect of phosphate fertilizer applied to potted vegetable plants.
These can be natural fertilizers such as compost or dried cow manure granules, or an artificial fertilizer.
Peruvian guano was a potent nitrogenous fertilizer and likely to be an abundant source of toxin-producing bacteria.
Mineral concentrations were higher in organic soils whilst soil quality on conventional farms was significantly improved by the addition of organic fertilizer.
The hard coating which forms inside the rim is phosphate fertilizer which has become insoluble.
The solution contains an industrial waste product derived from pollution scrubber liquor from factory chimneys in the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Inside was half a ton of ammonium nitrate, an easy to buy fertilizer, the same material used in the Bali bombings.
New fertilizer formulations, especially for the Asian market e.g. oil palm, are produced first at Espoo.
A weekly feed of a high potash proprietary liquid fertilizer should be given, about 2 pints per ring.
At soil K index 1 responses to fertilizer potash are well worthwhile.
Do not apply any additional fertilizer to summer or winter radishes, their needs are minimal.
Many farmers in Africa cannot afford manufactured fertilizer because of the effects of " structural readjustment " policies.
It helps treat solid waste removed from the wastewater so it can be safely recycled as an agricultural fertilizer.
Mucuna also produces its own fertilizer, fixing atmospheric N and storing it in the ground where it can be utilized by other plants.
Whilst en-route from Rotterdam to Alexandria with cargo of 9100 tons of fertilizer in heavy seas the cargo of 9100 tons of fertilizer in heavy seas the cargo shifted and she began taking water.
These dairy farms use no fertilizer, spray, or medicines connected with the cows who produce this colostrum.
Use of the biotech cotton seeds are expected to increase crop yields and farm income and save money spent on pesticide and fertilizer use.
The fertilizer should be well mixed into the soil, for example, with a rotary cultivator.
To extend the duration of an application the granules can be coated with a resin which has microscopic pores to release the fertilizer.
The easiest way to do this is by adding liquid fertilizer to the water.
Add fertilizer 10 days before sowing, 2oz super phosphate, 1oz potash per square yard.
Creating your own compost also saves having to buy fertilizer and this helps to reduce the energy used to prepare, pack and deliver compost for you to use in your garden.
In the end, the choice to use organic or chemical fertilizer remains a personal one.
Soil-based plants can use a full-strength high-nitrogen, liquid fertilizer.
The city also manufactures cigars, cigarettes, snuff, a fertilizer having tobacco dust as the base, cotton goods, lumber, window sashes, blinds, drugs and hosiery.
By the early twentieth century, most manufacturing of fertilizer had switched to the synthetic production of ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate.
This industry in 2904 yielded fertilizer valued at $ 2 54,3 60 and oil valued at $33,110.
Compared with the commercial fertilizer which the farmer has to buy, cotton seed possesses, therefore, a distinct value.
Cotton seed meal, in the absence of sufficient stock to consume it, is also used extensively as a fertilizer, and for this purpose it is worth, determining the price on the same basis as used above for the seed, from $19 to $20 per ton.
The sale of the fertilizer more than pays for the cost of reduction, and the only expense the city has is in collecting it.
Although good crops may follow the application of lime, the latter is not a direct fertilizer or manure and is no substitute for such.
It has cotton and knitting mills, cotton-seed oil factories, machine shops, and wagon, stove, plough and fertilizer factories; and is a market and jobbing centre for a fertile agricultural region.
The latter is at once the great fertilizer and the great highway of the country which it serves.
Its commercial value for the manufacture of fertilizer was established in 1867, and the mining of it began soon afterwards in the Ashley River region.
The hulls thus burned produced an ash containing an average of 9% of phosphoric acid and 24% of potash - a very valuable fertilizer in itself, and one eagerly sought by growers of tobacco and vegetables.
Its phosphoric acid makes it so valuable as a fertilizer that it is a most important by-product.
The introduction of this new supply had a marked effect on the fertilizer business of the country.
In the early 1800s, fertilizer companies sprang up using bone meal as the principle agent.
The important part played by the bee in the economy of nature as a fertilizer is shown in fig.
His niaphrian (fertilizer) since 1089 has lived at Mosul and ordains the bishops.
The Alabama is an important carrier of cotton, cotton seed, fertilizer, cereals, lumber, naval stores, &c.; and in the fiscal year 1906-1907 the freight tonnage was 417,041 tons.
They should be advocating that genetically modified crops be created not because it would result in better looking strawberries, but because GM crops don't require fertilizer or pesticides.
The manufacture of alcohol from the sulphite lyes of the wood-pulp industry was contemplated, but carbide, although produced in increasing quantities, was not considered as a possible raw material owing to its greater importance as a source of the fertilizer cyanamide.