Fertility Sentence Examples
The fertility of its territory was also praised by ancient authors.
In modern economics "fertility" has no very definite meaning.
The clay soils of England, Agricul- the latent fertility of which was to be brought into 187 since Y g I sis.
Almost without exception the lands throughout the island are of extreme fertility.
The soil of Illinois is remarkable for its fertility.
The fertility of the land shall be such as was long ago predicted in Amos ix.
The Royal Canal of Tauste, which lies along the north side of the Ebro, was cut for purposes of irrigation, and gives fertility to the district.
His arguments were marked by incisive humour and fertility of ideas.
The fertility of this region is proverbial.
He is commonly considered as a humorist, and no doubt he is a humorist of a remarkable comic force and of a refreshing fertility.
AdvertisementThis description embraces also the production of Lorraine, where agriculture is less strenuously carried on, and the fertility of the soil is less.
The lowest lands are the most productive, and fertility diminishes as we ascend towards the south, until on the bleak crest of the Erzgebirge cultivation ceases altogether.
In Arcadia he was specially worshipped as the god of fertility, and his images were ithyphallic, as also were the "Hermee" at Athens.
His strongest arguments are that the wind would easily develop into the messenger of the gods (Len oU pos), and that it was often thought to promote fertility in crops and cattle.
The soil of the lower part of its valley is of exceptional fertility, and produces, amongst other crops, large supplies of sugar beetroot.
AdvertisementAs was to he expected from its connexion with the early history of England, and from its beauty and fertility, Kent possessed a larger than average number of monastic foundations.
The river is always charged with a great quantity of silt which during flood season is deposited over the surrounding plain to the great enhancement of its fertility.
It is often resorted to as a means of restoring fertility in plants which have become over rank from an excess of nourishment in the soil, or sterile from want of it.
The Babylonians suspended male clusters from wild dates over the females; but they seem to have supposed that the fertility thus produced depended on the presence of small flies among the wild flowers, which, by entering the female flowers, caused them to set and ripen.
Caesalpinus had his attention directed to the subject, and he speaks of a halitus or emanation from the male plants causing fertility in the female.
AdvertisementMarket gardens, orchards, and vineyards occupy a large proportion of the soil (outside the city), the apparent fertility of which is largely due to the unremitting industry of the inhabitants.
Some 60% of the entire area of the republic is included in the basin of the Danube, the rest being traversed by the Labe (Elbe) and the Vltava (Moldau), the former passing in particular through regions remarkable for their rich fertility.
It is in great part occupied by mountains and forests, but has valleys and districts near the sea-coast of great fertility.
It is not unlikely that Roman settlers may have been attracted to the spot by the presence of the warm springs which still rise in the heart of the town, and spread fertility in the surrounding gardens.
This valley i$ famed for its fertility, and is admirably irrigated by canals, part of which, however, fell into decay after 55,000 of the inhabitants migrated to Russian territory in 1881.
AdvertisementThe great fertility of these regions and the marvellous wealth of their forests are irresistible attractions to industrial and commercial enterprise, but their unhealthiness restricts development and is a bar to any satisfactory increase in population.
Fire was generally used in clearing these lands, with the result that their arboreal vegetation was ultimately killed and their fertility destroyed.
It happened to him, as he himself claimed, to turn a page in the history of thought, and one cannot ignore the actual advance upon his predecessor achieved by him or the brilliant fertility of the genius by which that achievement was accomplished.
The marble caps are each richly carved with figures and foliage executed with great skill and wonderful fertility of invention - no two being alike.
It is of inexhaustible fertility, being in this as well as in other respects closely like the bess in China and other parts of Asia, as well as in Germany.
The fertility of the prairies is a natural consequence of their origin.
The land in this vast area varies in virginal fertility, but the best soils are very rich in the constituents of plant food.
As the total annual export of oats is now less than three million bushels the home consumption is large, and this is an advantage in maintaining the fertility of the soil.
At all these farms experiments are conducted to gain information as to the best methods of preparing the land for crop and of maintaining its fertility, the most useful and profitable crops to grow, and how the various crops grown can be disposed of to the greatest advantage.
The valley is noted for its beauty, fertility, and healthfulness, and is the centre of thriving fruit and wine industries.
It is the most important port of a province noted for the fertility of its soil and the industry of its inhabitants.
Alluvial soils are almost invariably of great fertility; it is due to the alluvial mud annually deposited by the Nile that the dwellers in Egypt have been able to grow their crops for over 4000 years without artificial fertilization.
Irrigation is better able to bring fertility to a naturally arid district than to avert the failure of crops in one which is naturally fertile.
Chief among them was that of securing the fertility of the crops.
He was always anxious to turn his knowledge to practical account, whether in preparing medicines, or in furthering industrial arts such as dyeing, or in increasing the fertility of the soil by artificial manures.
A considerable portion of its small territory was occupied by the plains of Thria, noticeable for their fertility,.
On certain days the cross was washed, and the water in which it had been washed was a sovereign charm for curing sickness in men and animals and for bringing fertility to the land.
Fisheries are still of importance, although the bed of Pandore oysters (an esteemed variety) has lost something of its former fertility.
As each city or district had its own Ba'al, the author of its fertility, the " husband " (a common meaning of ba'al) of the land which he fertilized, so there were many Ba'als, and the Old Testament writers could allude to the Ba`alim of the neighbouring Canaanites.
She represented the principle of fertility and generation; references to her cult at Gebal, Sidon, Ashkelon, in Cyprus at Kition and Paphos, in Sicily at Eryx, in Gaulus, at Carthage, are frequent in the inscriptions and elsewhere.
Forty columns support the roof, but no two are alike, and great fertility of invention is manifested in the execution of the ornaments.
It was a land of perpetual sunshine and great fertility; its inhabitants were free from disease and war.
Nearly all the moisture that is precipitated during six or seven months is stored up in the form of snow, and is gradually diffused in the course of the succeeding summer; even in the hottest and driest seasons the reserves accumulated during a long preceding period of years in the form of glaciers are available to maintain the regular flow of the greater streams. Nor is this all; the lakes that fill several of the main valleys on the southern side of the Alps are somewhat above the level of the plains of Lombardy and Venetia, and afford an inexhaustible supply of water, which, from a remote period, has been used for that system of irrigation to which they owe their proverbial fertility.
Pruning, or the removal of superfluous growths, is practised in order to equalize the development of the different parts of trees, or to promote it in particular directions so as to secure a certain form, and, by checking undue luxuriance, to promote enhanced fertility.
Growth in length is mainly in a vertical direction, or at least at the ends of the shoots; and this should be encouraged, in the case of a timber tree, or of a climbing plant which it is desired should cover a wall quickly; but where flowers or fruit are specially desired, then, when the wood required is formed, the lateral shoots may often be trained more or less downward to induce fertility.
The refinements of training, as of pruning, may, however, be carried too far; and not unfrequently the symmetrically trained trees of the French excite admiration in every respect save fertility.
The degree of fertility varies greatly according to external conditions, the structural and functional arrangements just alluded to, and other causes which may roughly be called constitutional.
Thus, it often happens that an apparently very slight change in climate alters the degree of fertility.
Calcareous soils, which may also be heavy, intermediate or light, are those which contain more than 20% of lime, their fertility depending on the proportions of clay and sand which enter into their composition; they are generally cold and wet.
Its fertility was famous in ancient times, and still more the red pottery made of the local clay, with its imitation of chased silver.
The Levels, as this district is generally named, are of remarkable fertility, and Thorne, having water communication with Goole and the Humber, is consequently an agricultural centre of importance; while some barge-building and a trade in peat fibre are also carried on.
Owing to its extraordinary fertility it is dense y populated, having 930 inhabitants per sq.
The fertility of the soil and the facility of communication by land and by water have made this plain the cradle of the Polish nationality.
The prosperity of Pompeii was due partly to its commerce, as the port of the neighbouring towns, partly to the fertility of its territory, which produced strong wine, olive oil (a comparatively small quantity), and vegetables; fish sauces were made here.
It is still, territorially, the largest province of the empire, and includes some of the most fertile lands in the Euphrates-Tigris valleys; but while possessing great possibilities for fertility, by far the larger portion of the vilayet is to-day a desert, owing to the neglect of the irrigation canals on which the fertility of the valley depends.
From the latitude of Bagdad southward the country is entirely alluvial soil, deposited by the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, possessing great possibilities of fertility, but absolutely flat and subject to inundations at the time of flood of the two rivers.
Peat-moss of the most sterile character has been by this process covered with soil of the greatest fertility, and swamps which used to be resorted to for leeches are now, by the effects of warping, converted into firm and fertile fields.
The plain contains, however, a few districts of the Utmost fertility, particularly the tracts on the central Elbe, and the marsh lands on the west coast of Holstein and the north coast of Hanover, Oldenburg and East Frisia, which, within the last two centuries, the inhabitants have reclaimed from the sea by means of immense dikes.
The chief industries are agriculture - high farming flourishes owing to the great fertility of the peninsula - sandstone-quarrying and fisheries (mainly from Avoch).
These religious associations, coupled with the fertility of the soil, led to the founding of a Cistercian abbey in 1 217.
Cotton and rubber are found in considerable quantities, and fields of maize, corn, rice and sugarcane bear witness to the fertility of the soil.
The latter may be his original form, as a god of fertility, before whom the king ceremoniously breaks up the ground for sowing or cuts the ripe corn.
Their fertility is due to a plentiful supply of water furnished by a sandstone bed 300 to 500 ft.
After careful study and a preliminary examination of the land, a scheme was passed which has given satisfaction to the landowning community, and which distributes the tax equitably in proportion to the fertility of the soil.
The abandonment of papyrus culture in the 8th century A.D, the neglect of the canals, and the inroads of the sea, have converted much of that country into barren salt marsh, which only years of draining and washing can restore to fertility.
When the drainage system has ceased to act or is entirely diverted owing to any cause, the flood plain may become a level area of great fertility, similar in appearance to the floor of an old lake.
Differing from the typical oasis, whose fertility depends on water obtained from springs, the cultivated land in the Fayum is formed of Nile mud brought down by the Bahr Yusuf.
A third form of selection, which may affect the composition of the next generation without of necessity involving a differential death-rate or a differential fertility, is assortative mating, or the tendency of those members of one sex which exhibit a particular character to mate only with members of the other sex which exhibit the same or some other definite character.
Differential fertility may be induced in either of two ways.
Or, again, individuals of certain character may be able to pair, but the fertility of their union may not be the same as that of unions between individuals with other characters.
For an attempt to treat the whole problem of differential fertility and assortative mating numerically, see Pearson, The Grammar of Science, 2nd edition, London, 1900.
Reference should also be made to separate works of the director of that institution, Dr Joseph de Korosy, known in England for his discovery of the law of marital fertility, published by the Royal Society, and by his labours in the development of comparative international statistics.
The fertility of the soil, the mineral wealth and the transportation facilities have given Illinois a vast economic development.
The Maritime Plain, which, with a few interruptions, extends along the Mediterranean coast from Lebanon to Egypt, is a strip of land of remarkable fertility.
Many of these aqueducts, as well as countless numbers of now leaky cisterns, could with but little trouble be brought into use again, and would greatly enhance the fertility of the country.
He was essentially a rustic god,"a wood-spirit conceived in the form of a goat," living in woods and caves, and traversing the tops of the mountains; he protected and gave fertility to flocks; he hunted and fished; and sported and danced with the mountain nymphs.
The soil is suitable for the cultivation of almost all kinds of tropical produce, and it is to be regretted that the prosperity of the colony depends almost entirely on one article of production, for the consequences are serious when there is a failure, more or less, of the sugar crop. Guano is extensively imported as a manure, and by its use the natural fertility of the soil has been increased to a wonderful extent.
But the fertility of the soil, the warm and genial climate, the mingling of races and the absence of opposition, combined to render the Messenians no match for their hardy and warlike neighbours of Sparta.
There were, however, two deities who appear to have retained an independent existence - Anu, the god of heaven, and Ishtar, the great mother-goddess, who symbolized fertility and vitality in general.
Again, among the Moquis of America, where the snake-clan claim descent from a woman who gave birth to snakes, the reptiles are freely handled at the " snake dances " which are performed partly to secure the fertility of the soil.'
Now anthropological research has vividly shown that woman, naturally fitted (as it seemed) to understand the mysteries of increase, was assigned a prominent part in rites for the furtherance of growth and fertility.
In Sambas, Montrado and some parts of Pontianak, the greater density of the population is due to the greater fertility of the soil, the opening of mines, the navigation and trade plied on the larger rivers, and the concentration of the population at the junctions of rivers, the mouths of rivers and the seats of government.
The crystalline rocks of the Piedmont area are covered with residual soils of variable composition and moderate fertility.
If abstinence from marriage and the curtailment of the reproductive period by postponement of marriage be insufficient to account for the material change which has taken place in the birth-rate within the last few decades, it is clear that the latter must be attributable to the diminished fertility of those who are married.
The decline in Italy and Norway is small, but in France, where for a long time the fertility of the population has been very much below that of any other European country, the birth-rate thus calculated fell by nearly 20%, the same figure' being approached in Belgium, where however, the fertility of married women is considerably greater.
Nor, again, can the decline in fertility be connected with any diminution of material prosperity.
But the fertility of the Irish wife exceeded that of her French compeer by 44% in 1880 and by no less than 84% twenty years later.
It is difficult, indeed, if not impracticable, to disentangle the effects which should be respectively attributed to influences so closely related to each other; but, of the three, prices alone tend to sufficient uniformity in their course in different countries to justify a supposition that they are in some way connected with a phenomenon so widely diffused as that of the decline in marriage and fertility.
Where, however, the tendency to mortality, not its results, is in question, both the above factors must be taken into account, as they have been above in distinguishing the rate of fertility from that of births.
It is a very rich loamy earth, possessing great fertility and an unusual power of retaining moisture, which makes artificial irrigation little needed.
This reputation he owes partly to the vast fertility of his pen - according to the historian Sozomen he was credited with having written altogether 3,000,000 lines - partly to the elegance of his style and a certain measure of poetic inspiration, more perhaps to the strength and consistency of his personal character, and his ardour in defence of the creed formulated at Nicaea.
Although we have here nothing to do with mixed races, yet the want of fertility in these has been often taken to be a fact inherent in the mongrel race, and has been also sometimes held to prove that neither the European nor his half-bred offspring can maintain themselves in the tropics.
The consequence of this indiscriminate sexual intercourse, especially if much prolonged, is to diminish, in some cases to paralyse, the fertility of the female.
These lands are very extensive, and present every degree of fertility and elevation, from the vast chars of pure sand, subject to annual inundations, to the firm islands, so raised by drift-sand and the accumulated remains of rank vegetable matter, as no longer to be liable to flood.
Moreover, the nature of the fertility of the meadow-lands is such as to require little manual labour, and other industrial means of subsistence have hardly yet come into existence.
The glacial clay of the Silurian regions is generally rich in lime and is thus a marl of great fertility.
Between central Chile and the northern desert region there is a highly mountainous district where distinct ranges or elongated spurs cross the republic from the Andes to the coast, forming transverse valleys of great beauty and fertility.
These mountains, speaking generally, trend in a north-east and south-westerly direction, and are divided by valleys of great fertility.
The Yarkand-Darya and its numerous tributaries, which are fed by the glaciers of the mountain regions, as also many rivers which are now lost in the steppe or amidst the irrigated fields, bring abundance of water to the desert; one of them is called Zarafshan ("gold-strewing"), as much on account of the fertility it brings as of its auriferous sands.
The deity of the city was Artemis; but we must guard against misconception when we use that name, remembering that she bore close relation to the primitive Asiatic goddess of nature, whose cult existed before the Ionian migration at the neighbouring Ortygia, and that she always remained the virgin-mother of all life and especially wild life, and an embodiment of the fertility and productive power of the earth.
The hills consist of a kind of granite and of beds of red sandstone, the disintegration of which has given a darkcoloured ferruginous soil of moderate fertility.
Representations on the matter in England, coupled with assurances from Somerset as to the fertility of the district, induced the British government to vote £50,000 for the purpose of sending out a number of emigrants, Applications were called for, and no fewer than 90,000 were received.
After the early rains the bush bursts into gorgeous purple and yellow blossoms and vivid greens, affording striking evidence of the fertility of the soil.
It is recognized that the great fertility of fishes is nature's provision to meet a high mortality - greater in sea-fishes with minute pelagic eggs than in fresh-water fishes with larger-yolked eggs, partly because of the greater risks of marine pelagic life, and partly because of the greater delicacy of marine larvae at the time of hatching.
Originality of conception, vividness of presentation, fertility of imagination, wide knowledge of Scripture and a happy faculty of applying it, intense spiritual fervour, a striking physique and a powerful voice made him a great pulpit force.
The Beni and its great affluent, the Madre de Dios, though of smaller volume and extent than the Mamore, are of much greater economic importance, owing to their navigability, the fertility of the region they drain, and the great forests along their banks.
That the remains exhibit variety and fertility, that there are in them numerous happy strokes of humour and satire, and many felicitous phrases and descriptions, is true, but the art is on the whole heavy, awkward and forced, and the style rudely archaic and untasteful.
According to some, Acca Larentia was the mother of the Lares, and, like Ceres, Tellus, Flora and others, symbolized the fertility of the earth - in particular the city lands and their crops.
The fertility of its soil and the river Looe probably led to early settlement at Liskeard.
Both streams run from west to east across the plain of Damascus, which owes to them much of its fertility, and lose themselves in marshes, or lakes, as they are called, on the borders of the great Arabian desert.
The volcanic rocks occur on the tableland of New South Wales, and contribute much to the fertility of their soils.
Owing to the fertility of the Unterland, quite one-quarter of the people are supported by agricultural pursuits, although there is also much industrial activity.
Scattered through the islands are some fifty villages, each possessing its own date groves and cultivation, forming features in the landscape of great fertility and beauty.
Throughout its course from its confluence with the Arghandab to the ford of Chahar Burjak, where it bends northward, the Helmund valley is a narrow green belt of fertility sunk in the midst of a wide alluvial desert, with many thriving villages interspersed amongst the remains of ancient cities, relics of Kaiani rule.
Like Artemis, Hecate is also a goddess of fertility, presiding especially over the birth and the youth of wild animals, and over human birth and marriage.
There not only the littoral from (say) Sukhum-Kaleh to Batum but the inland parts of the basin of the Rion will bear comparison with any of the provinces of Italy in point of fertility, and in richness and variety of products.
Geologically, Banka resembles the Malay Peninsula, its formations being mainly granite, Silurian and Devonian slate, frequently covered with sandstone, laterite (red ironstone clay) of small fertility, and alluvium.
The valley owes its fertility to two rivers, the Naryn and the Karadarya, which unite within its confines, near Namangan, to form the Syr-darya or Jaxartes.
During this march he displayed an amount of engineering skill in the construction of roads, of military talent and fertility of resource, that excited the admiration and astonishment of his enemies.
During her stay all animal and vegetable productivity ceases, to begin again with her return to earth - a clear indication of the conception of her as a goddess of fertility.
The attributes of the goddess were the ram, the he-goat, the dove, certain fish, the cypress, myrtle and pomegranate, the animals being symbolical of fertility, the plants remedies against sterility.
Except on the south and east, where the offshoots from the surrounding hills and patches of jungle break up the country, the district consists of open plains of varying degrees of fertility, interspersed with low ranges and isolated heights.
Thousands of square miles in Lower Bengal annually receive a top-dressing of virgin soil from the Himalayas, - a system of natural manuring which renders elaborate tillage a waste of labour, and defies the utmost power of over-cropping to exhaust its fertility.
Its position on the side of India nearest to Europe, its advantages as a port and a railway centre, and its monopoly of the cotton industry, are counteracted by the fact that the region which it serves cannot vie with the valley of the Ganges in point of fertility and has no great waterway like the Ganges or Brahmaputra.
The "sabana" of Bogota is a good illustration of the higher of these plateaus (8563 ft., according to Stieler's Hand-Atlas), with its mild temperature, inexhaustible fertility and numerous productions of the temperate zone.
The inhabitants were a brave and warlike people, who paid more attention to cattle-breeding than to agriculture, although it is probable that the Romans, by draining the marshes and cutting down timber, increased the fertility of the soil.
The climate was extolled for its excellence, and the land for its fertility.
They rival if they do not exceed in fertility the valley of the Nile, and are the healthiest and most inviting agricultural and grazing region of the basin of the Amazon.
Esther is a modification of Ishtar, the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility and of the planet Venus, whose myth must have been partially known to the Israelites even in pre-exilic times,' and after the fall of the state must have acquired a still stronger hold on Jewish exiles.
Pliny and Martial often praise the fertility of its neighbourhood.
It was characterized by the grossest symbolism, in honour of the fertility of nature.
The soil in them is of great fertility wherever it is irrigated, and despite the supineness of the Chinese authorities, irrigation is very extensively practised in nearly all the oases.
These areas are of small extent and are closely cultivated, and support thick forests of date-palms. All kinds of tropical vegetables, grains and small fruits grow under cultivation, and land is so precious in these limited areas of great richness and fertility that very narrow pathways divide each owner's plot from his neighbour's.
The southern declivity is generally steep and rugged, forming in some places an almost perpendicular wall of the height of from 2000 to 2500 ft.; while the northern, divided at intervals into valleys, sometimes of great fertility and sometimes wildly romantic, slopes gradually towards the great plain of northern Germany.
The fertility of the land offered a temptation to invaders, and was thus the primary cause of the early migrations.
After this he became a member of the Secret du roi, the secret service under Louis XV., where his fertility of diplomatic resource had full scope.
But in general the ancient canals on which the fertility of the country depends have been allowed to go to ruin.
Though the population is diminished and the cities ruinous, the country is still remarkable for fertility, thanks to the copiousness of its water-supply draining from the Lebanon mountains.
With few exceptions the islands are surrounded by barriers of coral, broken by openings opposite the mouths of streams. Viti Levu is the most important island not only from its size, but from its fertility, variety of surface, and population, which is over one-third of that of the whole group. The town of Suva lies on an excellent harbour at the south-east of the island, and has been the capital of the colony since 1882, containing the government buildings and other offices.
These and the extensive mud flats and deltas at their mouths are often flooded, by which their fertility is increased, though at a heavy cost to the cultivator.
The ancient Brigit seems to have been the patroness of the arts and was probably also the goddess of fertility.
Another fertile source of myth is magic, especially the magic designed to produce fertility, vegetable and animal.
It is well watered by rivers and canals, and its soil is of proved fertility.
Aragon and Estremadura, the two most thinly peopled of all the old provinces, and the eastern half of Andalusia (above Seville), have all suffered particularly in this manner, later occupiers never having been able to rival the Moors in overcoming the sterility of nature, as in Aragon, or in taking advantage of its fertility, as in Andalusia and the Tierra de Barros.
The town is noted for its good climate, the Pursak Su for the abundance of its fish, and the plain for its fertility.
Starting with the indisputable fact that man's life and happiness are largely dependent upon phenomena in the heavens, that the fertility of the soil is de pendent upon the sun shining in the heavens as well as upon the rains that come from heaven, that on the other hand the mischief and damage done by storms and inundations, to both of which the Euphratean Valley was almost regularly subject, were to be traced likewise to the heavens, the conclusion was drawn that all the great gods had their seats in the heavens.
In fact the yield of this section relatively to cultivated acreage is normally fully equal to that of the eastern section; a result quite consistent with the scientifically proven fertility of semi-arid lands.
Their chief deity was Ashtart (Astarte), the goddess of fertility.
In fact, except personal courage, great fertility in military resource, a lively though sometimes ill-directed repugnance to injustice, oppression and meanness of every description, and a considerable power of acquiring influence over those, necessarily limited in numbers, with whom he was brought into personal contact, General Gordon does not appear to have possessed any of the qualities which would have fitted him to undertake the difficult task he had in hand."
The plain is thus exceptionally well irrigated, and its consequent fertility is proverbial over the East.
The accounts of the fertility of the Connecticut valley were among the causes leading to the English colonization, and until the middle of the nineteenth century agriculture was the principal occupation.
The country was colonized with settlers from the lower Rhineland, land was brought under cultivation, forts were built, German laws and customs introduced, and gradually the woods and marshes were converted into lands of comparative fertility.
According to the book in the library, Mumps rarely caused sterility, though it might cause lowered fertility.
A "sile or sheela na gig" is an Irish icon representing a nude female archetype or fertility goddess.
Ten fertility clinics in the UK are licensed to test embryos.
A future of controlled fertility and rapidly changing roles of women make projections of sex ratios highly conjectural.
In stockless systems, however, this advantage is reduced due to fertility building crops and winter cover crops with no direct outputs.
Farmers try to make the most of natural fertilizers and maintain soil fertility by emphasizing crop rotation.
This is the heart of the fertility cult concept.
Even in the 1900s, however, thresholds continue to characterize the relationship of education to several of the proximate determinants that reduce fertility.
A few women may experience a small increase in the number of seizures when taking certain hormone-based fertility drugs.
Also, the longer you have endometriosis, the greater the chance of reduced fertility.
The procedure may have restored the fertility of a 34 year old woman in China.
This was effected largely through declining fertility, particularly due to a rising age at marriage and an extraordinary decline in marriage rates.
Methotrexate affects spermatogenesis and oogenesis during the period of its administration which may result in decreased fertility.
Changes such as impaired fertility or poor egg quality can also be seen.
To be aware of the problem of reduced soil fertility from salt build-up in heavily irrigated land.
The burden of his argument is that there were small but significant variations in marital fertility prior to the fertility decline of the 1880s.
Figure 1.15 shows the completed family size (or cumulative cohort fertility) by age for women born in selected years.
Q 9. 21 How can we assess male fertility?
For soils with higher soil fertility levels no potash required.
J. L. Weston thought it part of a pagan fertility rite, involving a story similar to that of Adonis.
Thus maintenance of top soil k fertility remains the key principle for potato manuring.
Assess and report (orally and in writing) on herd fertility management.
However, in reality, a large and pedunculated subserosal fibroid may have a severe impact on fertility and pregnancy.
By implication, they were connected with the cult of a female fertility goddess whose worship was being forcefully suppressed.
Remember to include green manures or other fertility building crops in your considerations.
It is particularly helpful for women wanting to maintain fertility and who wish to avoid hysterectomy.
Indeed, male infertility is surprisingly common - it is estimated that 7.5 per cent of men have reduced fertility or are completely infertile.
The forage legumes, key to producing soil fertility, are particularly well utilized by the cattle.
The rice-wheat rotation has led to the displacement of grain and fodder legumes capable of enriching soil fertility.
Snake or deer pistol (penis) is meant to enhance male libido and ant aids female fertility.
Family planning is a human effort to control fertility in order to gain mastery of the body.
Farmers rely on locally available natural resources to maintain soil fertility and to combat pests and diseases.
Examples include chronic pancreatitis, reduced or lack of fertility, and CF.
The tumor may prevent the normal pituitary from being able to secrete the hormones that control menstruation and fertility.
Ovarian germ cell tumors occur in young women in whom fertility preservation is of great concern.
Summary on the Fertility of the two Legitimate Unions, compared with that of the two Illegitimate Unions, in the genus primula.
Epilepsy and its treatment can also affect female health in several ways including puberty, periods, fertility, contraception or pregnancy.
Perhaps less of an ancient fertility rite than previously believed.
Unless the whole flock health and nutritional status is good, then poor fertility will result.
The aim of the HFEA is to bring the number of multiple births from fertility treatment closer to that which occurs naturally.
The Palmer children were the first triplets to be born following treatment at NURTURE, The University of Nottingham's fertility treatment center.
Applied on fertility leys in the autumn before sowing vetch and before beans.
For details of this project see Evaluation of fertility control in captive wild boar.
Studies have shown the fruit can aid fertility, protect against heart disease and help prevent wrinkles.
It is the contrast between the cultivated aspect of the valley of Herat and the surrounding desert that has given Herat its great reputation for fertility.
Varenius does not treat of special geography, but gives a scheme for it under three heads- (i) Terrestrial, including position, outline, boundaries, mountains, mines, woods and deserts, waters, fertility and fruits, and living creatures; (2) Celestial, including appearance of the heavens and the climate; (3) Human, but this was added out of deference to popular usage.
In modern economics " fertility " has no very definite meaning.
But it was discovered that there were no " indestructible powers of the soil "; that the fertility of land in a country like England is almost entirely the result of improvement at some time or other; that " advantage of situation " includes very much more than the words in their literal sense imply; that both " fertility " and " advantage of situation " include many kinds of differential advantage; that in some circumstances rent does not enter into the price of agricultural and other produce, and that in others it does.
Poisson in a paper read on the 10th of June 1808, was once more attacked by Lagrange with all his pristine vigour and fertility of invention.
The fertility of a soil is dependent upon a number of factors, some of which, such as the addition of fertilizers or manures, increase the stock of available food materials in the soil (see Manure), while others, such as application of clay or humus, chiefly influence the fertility of the land by improving its physical texture.
The fertility of argumentative resource, the copiousness of rhetoric, and the physical energy which he threw into the enterprise, would have been remarkable at any stage of his public life; continued into his eighty-fifth year they were little less than miraculous.
Between the "Cotton Belt" and the Tennessee Valley is the mineral region, the "Old Land" area - "a region of resistant rocks" - whose soils, also derived from weathering in situ, are of varied fertility, the best coming from the granites, sandstones and limestones, the poorest from the gneisses, schists and slates.
The fertility of Moab, the wealth of wine and corn, the temperate climate and the enervating heat supply conditions which directed the form of cult.
The latter, storm or weather god, or, in another aspect, god of rain and therefore of fertility, is specifically West Asiatic, and may be equated with Hadad and Ramman (see below).
For inexhaustible fertility, and for retentiveness of moisture in a dry year, no soil in the world can surpass the " black cotton-soil " of the Deccan.
His keen intuition of truth, his vigour and yet sobriety of argument, his fertility of illustration and acuteness of sarcasm, made him irresistible to his antagonists; and the evanescent triumphs of scornful controversy have given place to the sedate applause of a long-lived posterity.
His investigations are distinguished by their great generality, by the fertility of his resources, and by such a rigour in his proofs that he has been considered the greatest geometrical genius since the time of Apollonius.
The use of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone is the best strategy to induce fertility.
But she was taken prisoner and smitten with disease, and during the period of her absence all earthly fertility was denied.
Another means by which soil fertility is restored in organic systems is through legumes.
Acre for acre, they have barely sufficed to offset the sinking level of fertility.
Suture repair should be considered whenever possible to maintain the patient 's future fertility.
Later, during the Roman era, flowers were used to symbolize fertility.
The Palmer children were the first triplets to be born following treatment at NURTURE, The University of Nottingham 's fertility treatment center.
At the present time, however, uterine artery embolization should not be routinely recommended for women who desire future fertility.
These early hybrids were vigorous with large flowers, but they were also scentless and had limited fertility.
The fertility of hybrid plants is very low but hybrid plants are more vigorous than either parent species.
You can download a free basal body temperature chart from the Fertility Plus web site.
There are various reasons that a couple might have fertility issues.
If you are struggling to conceive and not having any luck, your ob-gyn will talk to you initially, and then she may refer you to a fertility specialist.
Clomid-This substance is a fertility hormone given to women to stimulate egg production and growth.
It is important to emphasize that as soon as a decline in nursing begins, the chance of fertility increases.
The first period that you experience may not be due to ovulation, but you should consider it a very important sign that your fertility is back and seek appropriate birth control.
Natural Family Planning-You must educate yourself on the signs of fertility, and this method may require long periods of abstinence for you and your partner.
Also with the advancement of fertility methods increasing the potential of multiple births, more twins are conceived.
The reasons for this increase vary, but they are mainly associated with the age of the mother and fertility drugs.
Fertility drugs play a major role in more multiple births as well, as does in vitro fertilization (IVF).
In fact, about 45 percent of births that are considered "assisted reproductive techniques", such as fertility drugs and IVF, are twin births.
The higher rate of multiple births is primarily due to an increase in the use of fertility drugs and the older age of many women at the time of conception.
Many mothers of twins find it is a result of in vitro fertilization or other fertility treatments, where multiple births are very common.
Building upon what they learned from a series of early failures, fertility pioneers Drs.
Following the birth of America's first IVF baby, the Jones Institute in Norfolk, Virginia emerged as an international IVF center offering research and collaboration with the world's leading fertility experts.
Some symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as trichomas or 'trich' mimic yeast infections, but if left untreated they can cause fertility problems.
It is also possible that melatonin can interfere with fertility and pregnancy, so if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, or currently nursing, it's best to avoid melatonin all together.
Two stalks can represent both the bride and groom as well as the love in their happy relationship, while three lucky shoots symbolize happiness, fertility, and family.
Cigarette smoking often creates fertility problems in women of childbearing age.
Eventually however, it came to light that Nadya Suleman already had six young children at home, had no job or source of income and became pregnant with her eight babies after aggressive fertility treatments.
She underwent heavy fertility treatments to become pregnant with the octuplets.
Now with the help of a fertility specialist, she and 67-year-old husband Rene are expecting their second child together.
During this career break, Celine and Rene began going to routine visits with the same fertility specialist that helped them conceive Rene-Charles.
Our visitors have some dog fertility questions for the Ask the Dog Expert.
Although counts may lower with age, a dog's health plays a significant role in fertility.
This will eliminate wasting a breeding opportunity if in fact the dog has limited fertility.
Discovering the best acidity will greatly affect the fertility of your garden.
Strawberries don't require much fertilizer, but compost and composted manures help increase soil fertility.
Pine straw adds to the soil's fertility as it breaks down.
Many women wore moonstone to heal feminine problems and enhance fertility.
Ancient Europeans used moonstone talismans for safe journeys, happy marriages and fertility.
The Greeks and Romans associated the moon with the goddesses Selene, Phoebe, Artemis, Diana and Hectate for childbirth, fertility and life cycles.
Grown without fertilizers and pesticides, organic cotton is farmed in such a way that it replenishes soil fertility.
The systems used not only are environmentally friendly; they actually replenish the soil and maintain soil fertility.
Cigarette smoking has been linked to reduced fertility for men, as well as impotence.
He is also often referred to as a symbol for fertility, the spirit of music and dance or a man of mischief and trickery.
Organic farming helps promote plant diversity, preserve native species, and maintain the long term health and fertility of the soil.
Fertility drugs inhibit these controls, allowing multiple gestation to occur.
The normal process of single ovulation is interrupted because fertility drugs permit more than one egg at a time to mature and be released.
The chance of multiple gestation with in vitro fertilization (IVF) is about the same as with the use of fertility drugs, because several embryos are inserted into the womb to increase the odds of conception.
Similarly, other fertility techniques such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) are also more likely to result in multiple gestations.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that affects the lungs, digestive system, sweat glands, and male fertility.
One testis is all that is necessary for normal growth and maturation, as well as normal fertility later in life.
Only one healthy and functioning testis is required for normal growth and development and for normal fertility later in life.
Girls with FMF are likely to have fertility problems as adults; about 30 percent will be unable to have children at all, and those who can conceive have a 20 to 30 percent chance of miscarriage.
Abnormal levels of this hormone can affect fertility and/or cause problems with the pregnancy and possibly affect the health of the baby.
An increase in multiple births in the early 2000s, especially in the United States, is associated with the increased use of fertility drugs.
One factor that may influence the distribution of multiple births is whether the state provides insurance coverage for procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other treatments to improve fertility.
Many children who have undescended testes have reduced fertility as adults.
It is thought that as many as 50 to 75 percent of children with undescended testes have problems with fertility as adults.
They have more frequent periods and begin ovulating during their menstrual cycle, restoring their fertility.
Women who have oligomenorrhea as teenagers may have difficulty becoming pregnant and may receive fertility drugs.
In 1992, the 4,000-year-old body of a tattooed man was discovered in a glacier on the Austrian border, and historical research has shown that Egyptians identified tattooing with fertility and nobility in the period from 4000 to 2000 B.C.
Endometriosis can also lead to fertility problems as well.
The average age for first signs of breast development in girls is about 10.5 years, with menstruation and fertility following about two years later.
However, a few men with Klinefelter syndrome have been reported who have fathered a child through the use of assisted fertility services.
Most males who have had a hypospadias repair are able to stand to urinate, experience normal sexual function, and normal fertility.
Smoking can damage fertility, making it harder to conceive, and it can interfere with the growth of the fetus during pregnancy.
In addition to the effects on sexual development and fertility, individuals do not undergo the normal adolescent growth spurt and may be short as adults.
In her book on the subject published in 2003, Tina Hobin suggests that it evolved out of "fertility cults, religious rituals, magic and secular dances" designed to worship matriarchal deities.
Red is good to use if you want to increase fertility for starting a family.
Many of the available statues are decorated with symbols of prosperity, fertility and power.
Chinese elephant sculptures and figurines often depict a child or children riding on its back in a symbol of fertility and wealth.
In the article What Does Feng Shui Have to do With Fertility Ms. Robertson explains the importance of feng shui when you are trying to conceive.
Using the basic principles of feng shui in your home you successfully eliminate the negative energy and achieve an uninterrupted flow of positive energy which is essential for fertility.
For example, a goldfish, which is a member of the carp family, is one of Buddha's Eight Sacred Symbols representing abundance, fertility and harmony in life.
For example, xi means happiness, but it's also a symbol used for fertility as well as a symbol of good luck.
The carp's value to the Chinese culture easily became a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
Couples place a painting or statue of two goldfish (koi) in their home to ensure fertility, prosperity and a happy marriage.
They first made their appearance in ancient Rome, where they preceded the bride and tossed petals signifying prosperity and fertility.
A false positive can also happen if you are taking Novarel, Profasi, Pregnyl, or other fertility medications that contain hCG.
Factors such as fertility treatments and certain medications can lead to a home pregnancy test showing a false positive result when you are not pregnant.
An electronic fertility monitor can help you get pregnant, since it can alert you to a rise in the amount of estrogen in your urine.
Fertility Plus offers a treasure trove of support resources.
Rumors have also circulated that Angelina Jolie is pregnant with twins as the result of fertility treatments!
However, many couples choose to speak to a fertility counselor.
How well a vasectomy reversal works depends on how long it has been since the vasectomy, how skilled the surgeon is, and whether the man has any other medical problems or fertility issues.
Are we concerned about declining fertility?
Lo was using the fertility drug Clomid to become pregnant.
Trying to conceive a baby can be made easier with the use of a fertility monitor.
The American Fertility Association reports findings that show 98 percent of women of reproductive age do not know how many days each month they have to get pregnant.
A fertility monitor can help women gage when those fertile days occur, helping them to time their sex to their most fertile times.
Women who are 35 and younger should try to conceive for around one year with the help of a fertility monitor before seeking help.
Fertility monitors are much easier to use than tracking, graphing, and charting your own information.
The reading will tell whether or not you have low, high, or peak fertility.
By using a slide or slides underneath a microscope, and comparing to information included in the fertility kit, you can determine your high fertility days.
Taking body temperature has long been a way for women to chart their cycles and fertility.
By charting temperature rises, it can determine high fertility days.
Additionally, remember that a fertility monitor can only identify high and peak fertile times.
Do not use fertility monitors as a form of birth control.
Fertility Friend is a web site dedicated to women who are trying to conceive.
Fertility Friend is one of many options for planning a pregnancy.
Fertility Friend lets members share their charts online.
Once you've conceived, Fertility Friend invites you to visit their Pregnancy Tracker.
And a community section, similar to the one on the main Fertility Friend site, invites women to share information and experiences.
Be aware that some fertility medications can cause false positives.
Even if you're not planning to have a baby in the near future, it's still important to understand your fertility.
A woman's fertility is affected by a number of different factors.
Lupus, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders can decrease your fertility.
Mental stress can decrease your fertility, since stress has a negative affect on your overall health.
Since a woman can have several risk factors for fertility problems, it's important to avoid self-diagnosis.
Men can suffer from fertility problems as well.
Men who smoke, drink, take certain prescription medications, or have chronic illnesses often suffer from decreased fertility.
If you're trying to conceive, Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a must-read book.
Toni Weschler is the author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility and one of the most influential people in women's health today.
She is the founder of Fertility Awareness Counseling and Training Seminars (FACTS) and has been a regular lecturer at various hospitals, clinics, and universities across the county since 1982.
In Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Weschler promotes the Fertility Awareness Method as a means of natural pregnancy achievement.
Born in 1967, she is now 39 years old and fertility may become an issue for her.
Fertility would be an issue for Cross and Mahoney, as Cross is 44 and Mahoney is 48.
She said to USA Today, "I don't like the average woman being misled into thinking that fertility is something that goes on forever."
Although she has been open about her desire to become a mom by any means, Cross has not said whether any fertility treatments were used to aid her in the quest to become pregnant.
Rumors that she and Mahoney visited fertility clinics have been circling since days after their wedding.
However, Cross has been silent on whether or not fertility treatments were employed to help her become pregnant.
Losing weight on a healthy diet can return fertility to normal.