Fenced-in Sentence Examples
Yes, we have 80 acres fenced in now.
I'm having an area fenced in so I can let the goats run in there and eat the brush.
This opisthodomus was completely fenced in with bronze gratings; and the excavators believe it to have been adapted for use as an adytum (shrine).
The fields were fenced in from seed-time to harvest, after which the fences were taken 1 Translation by Clement-Mullet (Paris, 1864).
The young seedlings are sometimes nibbled by the hare and rabbit; and on parts of the highland hills both bark and shoots are eaten in the winter by the roe-deer; larch woods should always be fenced in to keep out the hill-cattle, which will browse upon the shoots in spring.
Often there is a reredos behind it; it is also fenced in by rails to preserve it from profanation of various kinds.
The esplanade and the public park are finely laid out; and portions of the sea are fenced in to protect bathers.
On the south the Ferghana valley is fenced in by the lofty range of the Alai, backed by the parallel range of the Trans-Alai.
They rode up a long slope and topped out, overlooking a small fenced-in valley.
The thick wood is not just at our door, nor the pond, but somewhat is always clearing, familiar and worn by us, appropriated and fenced in some way, and reclaimed from Nature.
AdvertisementWe have a large fenced in area, and I need advice as how to get his attention when he is not where he can see me.
Home zones - Most systems allow you to create a "home zone"; this is basically an imaginary fenced-in yard.
The family's property is completely fenced in and there is a large metal gate at the end of the half-mile long driveway.
In most games like this, there have been many people who want to find ways around the system - ways to get extra money from trees, or cause a farmer in a tiny fenced-in area to generate "experience" with nothing actually being accomplished.
Forty acres were fenced in around the old house.