Femur Sentence Examples
There is a slight ridge on the femur in the place of a third trochanter.
It is remarkable that it should persist in the spectacled bear of the Andes, although it has disappeared in all other living members of the group. The third trochanter of the femur, on the other hand, can scarcely be regarded as primitive, seeing that it is absent in several of the lower groups of mammals.
The vertebrae of the neck unite by nearly flat surfaces, the humerus has lost the foramen, or perforation, at the lower end, and the third trochanter to the femur may also be wanting.
The most generalized type is Coryphodon, representing the family Goryphodontidae, from the lower Eocene of Europe and North America, in which there were 44 teeth, and no horn-like excrescences on the long skull, while the femur had a third trochanter.
It may also be noticed that in mammals and birds which hop on two legs, such as jerboas, kangaroos, thrushes and finches, the proportionate length of the thigh-bone or femur to the tibia and foot (metatarsus and toes) is constant, being 2 to 5; in animals, on the other hand, such as hares, horses and frogs, which use all four feet, the corresponding lengths are 4 to 7.
This, when fully developed, consists of two parts, but inserted by a single ribbon-like tendon upon the hinder surface of the femur, near the end of its first third; the caudal part, femoro-caudalis, expressed by Garrod by the symbol A, arises from transverse processes of the tail; the iliac part (accessorofemoro-caudal of Garrod, with the symbol B), arises mostly from the outer surface of the postacetabular ilium.
The femur often possesses a well visible pneumatic foramen on the median side of the proximal end of its shaft.
In beef and lamb carcasses there is a single major bone, the tibia or shank bone, located distally to the femur.
Another distinctive feature of the femur is the broad groove between the two trochlear ridges located distally.
The gate hit him in the right hip and the vet said he broke his femur clean off.
AdvertisementAbout 80 percent of all osteosarcomas develop in the parts of the upper and lower leg nearest the knee (the distal femur or in the proximal tibia).
This break usually occurs in the long bones of the body such as the upper arm bone (humerus) or the thigh bone (femur).
During gestation, the infant's hip should be developing with the head of the thigh bone (femur) sitting perfectly centered in its shallow socket (acetabulum).
The acetabulum should cover the head of the femur as if it were a ball sitting inside of a cup.
The hip disorder can be diagnosed by moving the hip to determine if the head of the femur is moving in and out of the hip joint.
AdvertisementThe objective of treatment is to replace the head of the femur into the acetabulum and, by applying constant pressure, to enlarge and deepen the socket.
In the early 2000s, the Pavlik harness and von Rosen splint are commonly used in infants up to the age of six months to spread the legs apart and force the head of the femur into the acetabulum.
A cast is applied after the operation to hold the head of the femur in the correct position.
One of these, broad and fleshy, is inserted upon the posterior surface of the distal third of the femur.
The hind limbs are very strong; the massive femur has a large pneumatic foramen; the tibia has a bony bridge on the anterior surface of the lower portion, a character in which the moas agree only with Apteryx amongst the other Ratitae.
AdvertisementThe femur varies considerably in form, but generally has a welldefined third trochanter.
The hinder part of the body is much contracted, and the femur long and vertically placed, so that the knee-joint is lower in position, and the thigh altogether more detached from the abdomen than in most mammals.
In the young jerboa the proportion of the femur to the rest of the leg is the same as in ordinary running animals.
The femur is short, and the tibia and fibula of great length, as is the foot, the whole of which is applied to the ground when the animal is at rest in the upright position.
There were three toes to each foot, and the femur lacked a third trochanter.
AdvertisementA large number of mammals possess a perforation, or foramen, on the inner side of the lower end of the humerus, and also a projection on the shaft of the femur known as the third trochanter.
In the hinder limb the femur is marked, as in other perissodactyles, by the presence of a " third trochanter," a flattened process, curving forwards and arising from the outer side of the bone, about one-third of the distance from the upper end.
The joint between the femur and tibia, corresponding to the knee of man, is called the " stifle-joint "; that between the tibia and tarsus, corresponding to the ankle of man, the " hock."
The ball is formed by the upper end of the femur, and the socket by part of the pelvis called the acetabulum.
Femur - the upper leg or thigh bone - the longest bone in the body.
The two bones were Ovis or Capra femur and were articulated, an unfused proximal epiphysis and the shaft from the same individual.
Someone once described it to me as the mental equivalent of breaking a femur.
She was found to have a fractured femur and waited for six days before having corrective surgery.
She had lost consciousness briefly and sustained a suspected fractured femur, head, chest and rib injuries.
He had a fall a month earlier which fractured a femur whilst living at 11 Union Street West.
The operator should note the depth at which the needle initially strikes the femur.
How long does it take for a fractured femur to heal?
A 34 year old man sustained an open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss.
This time Shirley's X-rays showed a broken femur in her hip.
The left femur was also recovered albeit a great deal damaged.
There was severe muscle damage associated with the fractured right femur.
Further, bone mineral density of the proximal femur, lateral spine, and distal forearm was studied after eight years.
In these cases the patella can be easily lifted out of, and replaced back into the trochlear groove on the femur.
I did not find any clinical evidence of a fractured neck of femur.
Examples of these conditions are fractures of the distal radius, hand phalanxes, tibial diaphysis, proximal femur and proximal humerus.
Once in place, the needle should be checked for proper positioning by manipulation of the femur, and flushed with heparinised saline.
The two muscles then insert via their tendons onto the lesser trochanter of the femur.
The femur has a small third trochanter, the radius and ulna and tibia and fibula are respectively separate, at least in the young, and the fibula articulates with the astragalus.