Feminism Sentence Examples
By the late 1960s, feminism and the equal rights movement were in full swing.
I also want to briefly challenge organizations on the revolutionary left such as the SWP who are critical of feminism and women's autonomy.
Needless to say, the authors take a pretty dim view of feminism.
Nudist writing intersected with a raft of other modern discourses-heliotherapy (sun-cure), sexology, socialism, feminism, and eugenics.
Girlishness was "in" during the 1980s, which many saw as a backlash against the feminism of the 1970s.
In practice, relations between Marxist feminism and the Marxism in the mixed groups proved to be difficult.
She is the great unsung heroine of British feminism.
This provides the opportunity to examine alternative political ideas including anarchism, fascism and feminism.
What the movers and shakers think feminism is all about.
Fashion and Fetishism is concerned with the idea of the corset throughout history yet covers important and controversial issues including feminism and abortion.
AdvertisementOr, could it be that men see feminism as nothing more than the propagation of gender equality?
A feminist herself, Cronin nonetheless believes that feminism has got itself into a mess by denying the findings of modern science.
These moves are arguably more in keeping with radical feminism than the stereotype of moderate liberal feminism outlined above.
The past decade has seen the rise of a movement " evangelical feminism, " that has had a profound impact.
The picture implied by the " distillation " approach of a liberal feminism leading into a socialist feminism is simply historically wrong.
AdvertisementRather than reversing the dualism, postmodern feminism seeks to dissolve the distinction.
I feel very much a child of second wave feminism.
This is part of the postmodern critique of 1970s feminism.
And not all conventional historians have ignored or misunderstood the radically individualist nature of 19th century feminism.
From the most recent phase of feminism in the 1960s there has developed a number of distinct feminism in the 1960s there has developed a number of distinct feminisms.
AdvertisementTogether they testify to the intellectual value of feminism as a radicalizing energy internal to philosophical inquiry.
Bristol Discussion Group had to adapt, however reluctantly, to a middle class milieu concerned with constitutional reform, Black Power and Feminism.
The ecology is more sentimental than scientific, influenced by the author's love of the magical and her somewhat mystical feminism.
It will focus in particular on functionalism, Marxism, symbolic interactionism, figurational sociology and feminism.
I don?t know if it?s a feminist show but it does support feminism.
AdvertisementWe provide a synopsis below, based on our proposal and arguments at a debate " Has feminism gone too far?
The fact is that, in a similar way to militant feminism, the battle has been won.
Female androids elicit debates of misogyny, sexual exploitation and even the roots of essential feminism as they appear in science fiction and fantasy works.
Sexologist Havelock Ellis considered nudism to be an extension of the dress reform movement for women, and Maurice Parmelee saw it as a powerful adjunct to feminism.