Females Sentence Examples
The majority of the species belong to the family Pulicidae, of which P. irritans maybe taken as the type; but the order also includes the Sarcopsyllidae, the females of which fix themselves firmly to their host, and the Ceratopsyllidae, or bat-fleas.
In C. nigrescens and in some other species a zooid may contain a pair of ovaries, a pair of testes, or an ovary and a testis, although the males, females and hermaj phrodites do not differ from one another in external characters.
Normally he wouldn't mind having the attention of a room full of females, but this was different.
Carmen stood in the stirrups and studied the two calves? both females.
No, he doesn't like pushy females.
The typical members of the group are the cuscuses (Phalanger), ranging from the Moluccas and Celebes to New Guinea, in which the males are often different in colour from the females.
The Rhipidophoridae are beetles with short elytra, the feelers pectinate in the malesandserrate in the females.
There are also some oil 2 Persian census in - 1884; 25,28 - 4 - Males, 28,323 females.
In the daytime "the gorged females rest motionless on the walls and ceilings of rooms, choosing always the darkest situations for this purpose" (Austen).
It is interesting and suggestive that in a few families of digging Hymenoptera (such as the Mutillidae), allied to the ants, the females are wingless.
AdvertisementBut there are several subfamilies of ants whose females have the lancets of the sting useless for piercing, although the poison-glands are functional, their secretion being ejected by the insect, when occasion may arise, from the greatly enlarged reservoir, the reduced sting acting as a squirt.
The development of such diversely-formed insects as the offspring of the unmodified females which show none of their peculiarities raises many points of difficulty for students in heredity.
In these ants the difference between the large, heavy, winged males and females, and the small, long-legged, active workers, is so great, that various forms of the same species have been often referred to distinct genera; in Eciton, for example, the female has a single petiolate abdominal segment, the worker two.
In 1897 it numbered 9,291,090, of whom 4,886,230 were males and 4,404,867 were females.
In the latter territorial division there exists a great disproportion between the sexes, namely, to every Ioo males only 86 females; indeed in the Black Sea government there are only 65.5 females to every too males.
AdvertisementThe winter moth (Cheimatobia brumata) must be kept in check by putting greasy bands round the trunks from October till December or January, to catch the wingless females that crawl up and deposit their eggs in the cracks and crevices in the bark.
One of the worst pests of pear trees is the pear midge, known as Diplosis pyrivora or Cecidomyia nigra, the females of which lay their eggs in the flowerbuds before they open.
The females in this moth and in others allied to it are wingless.
Reproduction is mainly asexual, the females producing living young without the agency of a male.
The offspring of the virgin females are in most of these instances females; but among the bees and wasps parthenogenesis occurs normally and always results in the development of males, the " queen " insect laying either a fertilized or unfertilized egg at will.
AdvertisementThe females of some social insects have been known to live for many years.
Another class of nocturnal demons are the incubi and succubi, who are said to consort with human beings in their sleep; in the Antilles these were the ghosts of the dead; in New Zealand likewise ancestral deities formed liaisons with females; in the Samoan Islands the inferior gods were regarded as the fathers of children otherwise unaccounted for; the Hindus have rites prescribed by which a companion nymph may be secured.
The males are usually more brilliantly coloured than the females, and guard the eggs, which are often placed in a sort of nest made of the shell of some bivalve or of the carapace of a crab, with the convexity turned upwards and FIG.
Except in the case of the water-spider (Argyroneta) the males are smaller, sometimes very much smaller, than the females, but have proportionately longer legs and smaller bodies.
Males of the Argyopidae hang on the outskirt s of the webs of the females and signal their presence to her by jerking the radial threads in a peculiar manner.
AdvertisementIt is believed that the males of these species signal to their females by means of the sound these organs emit.
The greatest disparity in size between the sexes is met with in the tropical genus Nephila, the females of which are gigantic representatives of the Argyopidae.
The females outnumber the males by about 20,000, which is, however, about the number of adult males away from the country at any given period.
The male slaves were employed in the tillage of the land and the tending of cattle, and the females in domestic work and household manufactures.
In females and young males the horns are smaller, and their bases separated by a space in the middle of the forehead, The ears are small, erect, pointed, and nearly concealed in the hair.
The females numbered 15,753, or 127 to every loo males, considerably the largest proportion to any county in Scotland.
Mainly owing to the large element of transient foreign whites without families (long characteristic of Cuba), males outnumber females - in 1907 as 21 to 19.
Pop. (1890) 22,907; (1900) 39,306, of whom 24,746 were males, 14,560 were females; about 10,000 were Hawaiians, 15,000 were Asiatics, and about 5000 were Portuguese.
In the 10th century the counts were permitted by the kings to divide their benefices and rights among their sons, the rule being established that countships (Grafschaften) were hereditary, that they might be held by boys, that they were heritable by females and might even be administered by females.
The compilation of the returns was not completed and published until May 1908, according to which the total population was 17,318,556, of which 8,825,636 were males and 8,492,920 females.
The white population is divided into 56,758 males and 40,351 females.
The Asiatics at the 1904 census were divided into 63,497 males and 37,421 females.
The title of "Beauchamp of Powyke" was revived as a barony in 1806 for Richard Lygon (descended through females from the Beauchamps of Powyke), who was created Earl Beauchamp in 1815.
Among the aborigines the number of females to males was 114 to Ioo.
The male head-dress was the galerus, a hat of leather, said to have been worn by the Lucumos in early times, or the apex, a pointed hat corresponding to the tutulus worn by females.
Males may be distinguished from females by the skull, in which the outer surface of the cheek-bones is roughened in the former and smooth in the latter sex.
The second group, or Caprinae, includes the sheep and goats, which are smaller animals than most of the Bovidae, generally with horns in both sexes, but those of the females small.
During the winter earwigs lie dormant; but in the early months of the year females with their eggs may be found in the soil, frequently in deserted earthworm burrows.
Males and females are like each other in size, but may be distinguished by the difference in the number of visible abdominal segments, the male having nine and the female seven.
Male gorillas largely exceed the females in size, and attain a height of from 51 ft.
As a rule the blood-sucking habit is confined to the females, but in the case of a few species it is said to be common to both sexes.
In Europe and North America the continued existence of species is ensured by the hibernation of impregnated females, or else the winter is passed in the egg or occasionally in the larval state.
In both of these species the females, as well as the males, are winged.
Wingless females of many tropical species present a close superficial resemblance to woodlice; and one interesting apterous form known as Pseudoglomeris, from the East Indies, is able to roll up like a millipede.
To provide teachers six normal schools have been established, two of which (one for males and one for females) are in Lima.
The reproduction of tsetse-flies is highly remarkable; instead of laying eggs or being ovovivi parous the females deposit at intervals of about a fortnight or three weeks a single full-grown larva, which forthwith buries itself in the ground to a depth of several centi metres, and assumes the pupal state.
Males exceed females in the ratio of 2% approximately.
But this rule does not hold after the age of 65, where for every 100 females only 83 males are found.
The population in 1905 was 242,432 (117,224 males and 125,208 females), or about 290 to the square mile.
The larvae known as caddis-worms are aquatic. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect.
Of the white inhabitants, 35% were of British origin, 51,629 were males, and 31,734 females.
Of persons aged sixteen or over, the number of males was almost double the number of females.
But with the return of the warmer season each male selects a territory, which he fiercely defends against all comers, especially against intruders of his own species and sex, and to which he invites all females, until the nest is filled with ova.
Females are more migratory than males.
The females are placed on the plants about August, and in four months the first crop of cochineal is gathered, two more being produced in the course of the year.
The sting of wasps, ants and bees is a modified ovipositor and is used for egg-laying by the fertile females, as well as for defence.
There are species of gall-fly in which males are unknown, the unfertilized eggs always developing into females.
The development of a true insect society among the Hymenoptera is dependent on a differentiation among the females between individuals with well-developed ovaries (" queens ") whose special function is reproduction; and individuals with reduced or aborted ovaries (" workers ") whose duty is to build the nest, to gather food and to tend and feed the larvae.
Linnaeus divided the Hymenoptera into two sections - the Terebrantia, whose females possess a cutting or piercing ovipositor, and the Aculeata, in which the female organ is modified into a sting.
They are remarkable in having wingless males and winged females.
The ants which form this group are readily distinguished by the differentiation of the females into winged " queens" and wingless " workers."
In two of the families - the Mutillidae and Thynnidae - the females are wingless and the larvae live as parasites in the larvae of other insects; the female Mutilla enters humble-bees' nests and lays her eggs in the bee-grubs.
In the other families both sexes are winged, and the instinct and industry of the females are among the most wonderful in the Hymenoptera.
The females have a wonderful power of finding their burrows on returning from their hunting expeditions.
These root-dwelling insects are females, which lay parthenogenetic eggs.
If, on the other hand, succession through females was valid, he could trace his descent through his mother from Henry III.
Before they are confined to their nests, it is wonderful with what devotion the females are attended by their gay followers, who seem to be each trying to be more attentive than the rest.
The marriage rates in quinquennial periods up to 1905 were 19.6, 18.6, 21.0, 19.8, 15.6, 18.6, 18.6, 18.6, 17.4 and 17.4; the ratio of marriages to the marriageable population was for males (above 16 years) 61.5, for females (above 14) 46.0; the fecundity of marriages seemed to have increased, being about twice as high for foreigners as for natives.
This splendid plumage, however, belongs only to the adult males, the females being exceedingly plain birds of a nearly uniform dusky brown colour, and possessing neither plumes nor lengthened tail feathers.
In 1790 the population was reported classed as slaves and free, the free classed as white and others, the free whites as males and females, and the free white males as under or above sixteen years of age.
In 1800 and 1810 the same classification was preserved, except that five age-groups instead of two were given for free white males and the same five were applied also to free white females.
Males still exceed females in the proportion of nine to eight.
Among the foreigners males greatly outnumber females; even in the case of the German settlers the proportion is two to one.
The disproportionate rise in the case of females is probably due to the policy of the industrial arbitration court.
The proportion between the sexes was, for all races, 84.35 females to loo males; for white inhabitants only 74.91 females to ioo males; for aboriginal inhabitants only 90 86 females to 100 males.
By sexes, 35% of males and 29.63% of females could read and write.
It is the female canary which is almost invariably employed in crossing, as it is difficult to get the females of the allied species to sit on the artificial nest used by breeders.
In a state of nature canaries pair, but under domestication the male bird has been rendered polygamous, being often put with four or five females; still he is said to show a distinct preference for the female with which he was first mated.
The males appear to compete with each other in the brilliancy of their melody, in order to attract the females, which, according to the German naturalist Johann Matthaiis Bechstein always select the best singers for their mates.
The population of Penang at the time of the census of 1901 was 128,830, of whom 85,070 were males (69,210 over and 15,860 under 15 years of age), and 43,760 were females (28,725 over and 15,035 under 15 years of age).
The Babylonians suspended male clusters from wild dates over the females; but they seem to have supposed that the fertility thus produced depended on the presence of small flies among the wild flowers, which, by entering the female flowers, caused them to set and ripen.
The title " branching horns " alludes to the second antennae, which are two-branched except in the females of Holopedium, with each branch setiferous, composed of only two to four joints.
It is exceedingly fierce and pugnacious, the males especially fighting with each other for possession of the females.
The males differ by their brighter green ground colour from the females, which are brown, spotted with black.
The males are unlike the females in most species; only in Eosphora digitata, Rhinops vitrea, Proales werneckii, and the Seisonaceae a complete digestive system is present.
This statement may seem to need qualification; for the male of no Bdelloid has been seen, and there is but a doubtful record of" winter-eggs in this group. But possibly, as in Seisonaceae, the males resemble the females, and have escaped recognition.
The females habitually produce eggs without impregnation, which again habitually develop into females, more rarely into males.
Not only is the appearance of males regular, but the forms of the females at different times of the year may be so distinct as to have led them to be classed as distinct species.
Asplanchnaceae; trochus circular; foot absent or minute; trophi incudate; stomach blind; males frequent, not very dissimilar to females.
Melicertaceae; females tubicolous, usually attached, or forming spherical floating social aggregates; males free swimming.
Males resembling females, common.
The principal textile manufactures in order of importance are worsted, employing some 36,000 hands, females considerably outnumbering males; woollens, employing some 8000, silk and cotton.
Schaudinn had fully described the relations of certain avian Trypanosomes to their invertebrate host, Culex pipiens (females).
The best quality comes from castrated males, females producing the next best.
SexesThe percentages of males and females, of all ages, in the aggregate population of 1900, were 51.0 and 49.0 respectively.
In densely settled regions females generally predominate; and males in thinly settled regions.
In every 1000 urban inhabitants there were, in 1900, 23 (in 1890 only 19) more females than in 1000 rural inhabitants.
In 1900 1.0% of the males and 10.9% of the females from 15 to 19 years of age were married; from 20 to 24 years, 21.6% and 46.5% respectively.
In 1890 females preponderated among illiterates only in the age-group 10 to 19 years.
The tendency is therefore clearly toward an ultimate higher literacy for females; a natural result where the two sexes enjoy equal facilities of schooling, and the females greater leisure.
In professional service 34.2% (in 188o, 29.4) were females, the two northern sections showing the highest proportions.
The proportion which children fo to 15 years of age engaged in gainful occupations bore to the whole number of such children was in 1880 24-4% for males, and 9.0% for females.
The female is drab, but shows the same white markings as the male, and the young males resemble the females until after the first autumn moult, when they gradually assume the plumage of their sex.
The tusks appear externally to the mouth, the form of the upper lip being modified to allow of their protrusion, but are much less developed in females than in males.
In the Leptoceridae, Hydropsychidae, Rhyacophilidae and Hydroptilidae the palps of the males have five segments like those of the females.
The coupling which immediately takes place demands careful attention; the males are afterwards thrown away, and the impregnated females placed in a darkened apartment till they deposit their eggs.
There were in all in 1900, 106,369 males (69.1%; a preponderance due to the large number of Mongolian labourers, whose wives are left in Asia) and only 47,632 females.
Infanticide was practised to some extent, the children destroyed being chiefly females.
The males of the other subspecies are much like the males of antinorii; but the females are widely different and mimic various species of inedible butterflies belonging to the protected groups of the Danainae and Acraeinae.
The males are without these protective spines and are exposed to special dangers as they wander in search of the webs of the females.
Like the males of Ildebaha, those of Seothyra wander about by day in search of the females which live concealed in burrows.
After his fourth marriage in 1829 with Maria Christina of Naples, he was persuaded by his wife to set aside the law of succession of Philip V., which gave a preference to all the males of the family in Spain over the females.
Here the sexes also differ in coloration, the males having the head and breast black, and the females the same parts chestnut; but all have a yellow nuchal crescent (whence the name of the group).
The crown is hereditary in the house of Wittelsbach, according to the rights of primogeniture, females being excluded from succession so long as male agnates of equal birth exist.
The crown is hereditary in both the male and the female line according to primogeniture; but it is only in default of male heirs that females can come to the throne.
The population was made up of 3,514,491 males and 3,560,419 females.
About equal in height to a roebuck, and with a short black tail, the chamois is readily distinguishable from all other ruminants by its vertical, backwardly-hooked, black horns, which are common to males and females, although smaller in the latter.
The houses at Pompeii are generally low, rarely exceeding two storeys in height, and it appears certain that the upper storey was generally of a slight construction, and occupied by small rooms, serving as garrets, or sleeping places for slaves, and perhaps for the females of the family.
Consequently, I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage, who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females)" - a sentiment frequently quoted to prove Lincoln a believer in woman's suffrage.
Males preponderate among the various nationalities, with the exception of the British, the larger proportion of whom are females either in domestic service or engaged in tuition.
The number of males slightly exceeds that of females.
The investiture was bestowed upon Duke Henry but upon his second wife, Theodora; in case of a failure of male heirs the duchy was to descend to females; and if the duke had no children he could nominate his successor.
Of the total population the males exceed the females by some 46,000.
Females were admitted to the succession, but very few instances occur before the Cleopatras.
The antlers of females are simple and generally smaller.
The females lay a vast number of eggs upon grass stems near water.
The births registered in Singapore during 1898 numbered 3751, namely, 1960 males and 1791 females, being a ratio of 16.55 per mille.
The deaths registered during the same period numbered 7602, namely, 5894 males and 1708 females, a ratio of 33.54 per mille.
Though he is a Kshatriya, the succession follows the local custom of inheritance through females; consequently his sand y of adoption authorizes him to adopt sisters' sons.
Among whites, females exceeded males by 43,623; among the coloured people by 63,782.
The natives were estimated (1919) at 561,600 males and 664,400 females, a total of 1,216,000.
The excess of females over males, which in 1900 amounted to upwards of 22,000, is partly explained by the fact that few women emigrate.
Many genera of bees are represented, like most other insects, by ordinary males and females, each female constructing a nest formed of several chambers ("cells") and storing in each chamber a supply of food for the grub to be hatched from the egg that she lays therein.
The nests of Andrena, for example, are haunted by the black and yellow species of Nomada, whose females lay their eggs in the food provided for the larva of the Andrena.
The bees hitherto described are "solitary," all the individuals being either males or unmodified females.
One species of Halictus nearly reaches the desired stage; but the first young bees to appear in the perfect state are males, and when the females emerge the mother dies.
The young females (" workers ") that develop from the eggs laid in these early cells assist the queen by building fresh cells and gathering food for storage therein.
Thus an act which provided for the classification of prisoners had remained a dead letter; even the separation of the males from the females was not a universal rule.
These stages are applicable to females except as regards the plank bed; youths under sixteen and old men above sixty are also allowed mattresses.
It is now passed at a public works prison; either at Aylesbury (females), Borstal, Dartmoor, Parkhurst or Portland.
Two new prisons on the latest model have been erected at Copenhagen, ene for males and the other for females.
There are prisons for females at Heilbronn, and for males at Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart; in Wurttemberg itself the regime is collective.
The first complete census was taken in 1897, and returned the population in round numbers at 17,000,000, females being in the majority.
The population in 1905 was 388,095 (189,422 males and 198,673 females), on an average 271 to the square mile, of whom the greatest bulk are Lutherans, the Roman Catholics only numbering about 18,000, and Jews and those of other confessions about 1 500 in all.
There is, as yet, no evidence as to whether the females of the true bongo bear horns, though it is probable they do; but as the horns are present in both sexes of the East African form, Mr Oldfield Thomas has made that the type of the genus.'
Another peculiarity of the males is the presence of a huge throat-sac or pouch on the front of the throat and chest, which may extend even to the arm-pits; although present in females, it does not reach nearly the same dimensions in that sex.
For other evidence for the prominence of females, see Fergusson, 82, 257 seq.
In comparatively new settlements, largely fed by immigration, the number of males is obviously likely to be greater than that of females, but in the case of countries in Asia and eastern Europe in which also a considerable deficiency of the latter sex is indicated by the returns, it is probable that the strict seclusion imposed by convention on women and the consequent reticence regarding them on the part of the householders answering the official inquiry tend towards a short count.
In the first place, sex must be distinguished, because, from infancy upwards, except between the ages of ro and 20, the mortality amongst females is considerably less than amongst the other sex, and appears, too, to be declining more rapidly.
Thus, though the generally higher proportion of females in the community may seldom be enough to depress more than slightly the death-rate as a whole, it has a substantial effect upon it at the ages where women are in more marked numerical predominance, as in later life, and in places where the number of domestic servants is unusually great.
Nothing in the act was to extend to religious orders of females.
The population of Nuremberg was, in 1905, including a garrison of about 3000 men, 294,344, of whom 145,354 were males and 148,990 females.
There is a thin close-woven cloth made and used as garments among the females of the aboriginal tribes near the foot of the Himalayas, and in various localities a cloth of pure jute or of jute mixed with cotton is used as a sheet to sleep on, as well as for wearing purposes.
In 1907 the total had risen to 576,820 (217,742 males and 359,078 females).
In the woollen and worsted industries 239,954 persons were employed according to the census of 1901, of whom 99,425 were males and 140,529 females.
There were 30 of these high schools for males and 12 for females in 1903, with an aggregate of 11,504 matriculated students.
The normal schools for males are located at Santiago, Chinn and Valdivia; and for females at La Serena, Santiago and Concepcion.
Persians say that the females exceed the males by so to 20%, but wherever the present writer has been able to obtain trustworthy information he found the excess to be less than 2%.
It consists of the females of Coccus cacti, an insect of the family Coccidae of the order Hemiptera, which feeds upon various species of the Cactaceae, more especially the nopal plant, Opuntia coccinellifera, a native of Mexico and Peru.
The best crop is the first of the season, which consists of the unimpregnated females; the later crops contain an admixture of young insects and skins, which contain proportionally little colouring matter.
The mortality is highest among male children, and the normal excess of females is in the proportion of 109 to loo.
In captivity the females produce only one or two young at a birth.
About fifty Europeans and Eurasians, nearly all females, who had been captured in trying to escape from the town on the day of the outbreak, were confined in a stifling chamber of the palace for fifteen days; they were then brought out and massacred in the court-yard.
At the latter date the population had increased to 76,793, of whom 25,254 males and 2557 females were or had been convicts.
The census taken during the following year gave the population of the colony as 751,468, of whom 411,149 were males and 340,319 females.
They are very often more strongly developed in the male sex, and are supposed to guide the males in pursuit of the females.
Since these dwarf males pair, not with females, but with hermaphrodites, Darwin termed them " complemental " males.
The Myzostomida are protandric hermaphrodites, being functional males when small, nermaphrodite later, and finally functional females (Wheeler).
The proportion of males to females is moo to 1068, this being a higher proportion of females than any recorded in the 19th century, during which the lowest proportion of females was 1036 in 1821.
It is lowest, naturally, in the mining districts, as Glamorgan, Monmouth, Durham, Northumberland; but an exception may be noted in the case of Cornwall, where a high proportion of females is attributed to the emigration of miners consequent upon the relative decrease in importance of the tin-mines.
In 1901 the proportion of females to males in urban districts was 1086 to woo, and in rural districts 1011 to 1000.
The figures to be given are those of the census of 1 9 01, and embrace males and females of so years of age and upwards.
A high proportion of female labour is characteristic of each branch of this industry, the number of females employed being about half as many again as that of males (the proportion was 1.47 to I in 1901).
In females and young the nose is much less developed, with a tendency to turn upwards in the latter.
The females are always wingless, but are provided with antennae, legs and well-developed mouth-parts.
If a mare or other female animal is liable to be "infected" by her first or by subsequent mates, telegony will rank as a cause of variation, and breeders will be justified in believing (1) that pure-bred females are liable to be "corrupted" when mated with sires of a different breed; and (2) that inferior or cross-bred females, if first mated with a high-class sire, will thereafter produce superior offspring, however inferior or cross-bred her subsequent mates.
One thing which might possibly have been considered an element of weakness in his claim was that it was derived (see the Table) through females - an objection actually brought against it by ChiefJustice Fortescue.
But a succession through females could not reasonably have been objected to after Edward III.'s claim to the crown of France; and, apart from strict legality, the duke's claim was probably supported in the popular estimation by the fact that he was descended from Edward III.
At the census of 1881 the inhabitants numbered 14,081, in 1891 the figure was 16,603 and in 1901 the population numbered 19,237, of whom 9805 were males and 9432 females.
Divided by sex (including white and black) the males numbered (1904) 1,218,940, the females 1,190,864, females being in the proportion of 97.70 to 100 males.
Both sexes usually possess horns, but those of the females are small.
Deacons anointed the males, deaconesses the females.
In the Ixodidae the capitulum is not overlapped by a forward extension of the dorsal area, which is smooth and firmly chitinized either in front or all over; the palpi are usually modified, that is to say, their second and third segments are usually excavated internally to form a sheath for the hypostome; there is a distinct sucker beneath the claws and the difference between the sexes is well marked, the males having the dorsal integument thickly and continuously chitinized, whereas in the females only its anterior portion bears a chitinous plate, the rest of the integument being soft to admit of its distension by the blood which is imbibed in quantity by members of this sex.
Mature males and females are found together upon the same host.
In Denmark the crown could descend, as it descends in Great Britain, through females,.
A belief in its potency as a charm continued to be entertained throughout medieval times; and even to the present day in Italy it is worn as a preservative from the evil eye, and by females as a cure for sterility.
Perhaps, however, the most interesting are the remains of certain oxen from the Lower Pliocene of Europe and India, which have been described under the sub-generic (or generic) title of Leptobos, and are characterized by the absence of horns in the females.
The nose is always low and broad, more markedly retrousse among the females than the males.
Reid proposes to apply this principle in favour of monogamy, arguing from the proportion of males and females born; without explaining why, if the intention of nature hence inferred excludes occasional polygamy, it does not also exclude occasional celioacy.
We observe, however, that Paley's method is often mixed with reasonings that belong to an alien and older manner of thought; as when he supports the claim of the poor to charity by referring to the intention of mankind "when they agreed to a separation of the common fund," or when he infers that monogamy is a part of the divine design from the equal numbers of males and females born.
It is polygamous, and the male performs the duty of incubation, brooding more than a score of eggs, the produce of several females - facts known to Nieremberg Rhea.
The males are polygamous, and during autumn and winter associate together, feeding in flocks apart from the females; but with the approach of spring they separate, each selecting a locality for itself, from which it drives off all intruders, and where morning and evening it seeks to attract the other sex by a display of its beautiful plumage, which at this season attains its greatest perfection, and by a peculiar cry, which Selby describes as "a crowing note, and another similar to the noise made by the whetting of a scythe."
Between 1851 and 1905 4,028,589 emigrants left Ireland2,092,154 males and 1,936,435 females, the proportion of females to males being extraordinarily high as compared with the emigration statistics of other countries.
Of the total population of 4,45 8, 775, 2,200,040 were males and 2,258,735 were females.
In 1905 the number who matriculated was 947, of whom 218 were females, and the number of students who passed the academic examinations was 2190.
In 1881 the number of such pupils was 18,657; in 1891, 23,484; and in 1901, 28,484, of whom 17,103 were males and 11,381 females, divided as follows among the different religions - Roman Catholics 18,248, Protestant Episcopalians 5669, Presbyterians 3011, Methodists 760, and others 567.
Although no auditory organs have been found in the females, the song of the males is believed to serve as a sexual call.
With regard to sex, the sex queen is a fully-developed female, the drones are males and the workers may be termed neuters or partially developed females.
In the females they are much smaller.
Ibex are gregarious, feeding in herds of ten to fifteen individuals; but the old males generally live apart from, and usually at greater elevations than, the females and young.
The males are generally rather smaller and less numerous than the females.
Eggs produced in the autumn by fertilized females remain on the plant through the winter and hatching in the spring give rise to female individuals which may be winged or wingless.
From these females are born parthenogenetically, that is to say without the intervention of males, and by a process that has been compared to internal budding, large numbers of young resembling their parents in every particular except size, which themselves reproduce their kind in the same way.
In the autumn winged males appear, union between the sexes takes place and the females lay the fertilized eggs which are destined to carry the species through the cold months of winter.
Although the factors which determine these phenomena are not clearly understood, it is believed that the appearance of the males is connected with the increasing cold of autumn and the growing scarcity of food, and that the birth of winged females is similarly associated with decrease in the quantity or vitiation of the quality of the nourishment imbibed.
Sometimes the winged females migrate from the plant they were born on to start fresh colonies on others often of quite a different kind.
Thus the apple blight (Aphis mali) after producing many generations of apterous females on its typical food-plant gives rise to winged forms which fly away and settle upon grass or corn-stalks.
In the autumn a single fertile egg is laid by apterous females in a crevice of the bark of the vine where it is protected during the winter.
In the course of the summer, from some of these eggs are hatched females which acquire wings and lay eggs from which wingless males and females are born.
In the typical newts (Molge) of Europe, the males are adorned during the breeding season with bright colours and crests or other ornamental dermal appendages, and, resorting to the water, they engage in a lengthy courtship accompanied by lively evolutions around the females, near which they deposit their spermatozoa in bundles on a gelatinous mass, the spermatophore, probably secreted by the cloacal gland.
Females have a yellow abdomen with two prominent longitudinal black bands on the upper surface.
Barrett's esophagus males are more likely to develop oesophageal adenocarcinoma than females.
We provide a range of treatment packages, and a specialist adolescent service as we are licensed to accept females from 14 years.
There is also a slightly elevated creatine kinase level in females carrying a DMD disease allele.
She sold 96 alpacas from females with calves, yearling females to geld males.
The increase in cost is about 15% for male annuitants, and about 10% for females at age 65.
Two wild male baboons joined these females approximately six weeks post release, and remained with them.
Females lack a crest and are usually light brown or sandy yellow above, with a pale orange belly.
On most dusk dives in the Caribbean I see four-eye butterflyfish spawning, the females producing a characteristic thick stream of eggs.
Mature males can be one and a half times the length of mature females and the females often have calluses on their dorsal humps.
The upper canines are larger in males than in females.
Adult females are generally larger than the males with both adults having a large, rounded, flat cephalothorax.
Also for use with nursing females and poorly animals as a high energy food, for baby chinchillas being weaned.
The males flutter in sunny forest clearings to attract females.
Females have a large, dangling clitoris, often mistaken by people for a penis.
I myself have never been trapped underground with 5 scantily clothed females (a la Descent) anyway.
Some messages from some of the females who subscribe to FISO would help to even out the male dominance on the forum!
This total includes all dyads in the group, not only focal females.
Asian elephants live in groups of about 20 adult females with their young.
Females do not always allow other fawns to suckle, often they behave aggressively toward them.
Can be used safely on all animals, even pregnant or lactating females.
We have lent Maria one of our traps so that she can trap any females and they can be neutered at Martina's clinic.
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) SLE is a generalized connective tissue disorder tending to affect middle-aged females.
So because Zombie Lake has very little to hold your interest, we get plenty of naked females - and I do mean plenty!
Lifespan Males live up to 25 years old, females up to 35 years old.
She sold 96 alpacas from females with calves, yearling females with calves, yearling females to geld males.
In females, FSH causes early maturation of ovarian follicles.
Females are choosy about which male to mate with and males with large forceps tend to be preferred.
It's an incurable immune system illness, probably genetic in origin and mainly suffered by females.
Only 100 western gray whales including 23 reproductive females are known to exist.
She checked a number of nests in the breeding season when the females lay, and then incubate, eggs.
Most females, to men can seem more indecisive, but that means they look more toward the whole picture, so hesitate!
The otters were either killed directly through a build up of the toxins in their body or it rendered the females infertile.
Females were not allowed to freely intermingle with males.
Viviparous adult females release L1 larvae into fresh water.
In some South American field mice and the Scandinavian wood lemming, XY females are commonplace.
The pedipalp ends of immature males, and of females of any age, look like the ends of the walking legs.
The cues used by females may provide reliable information about the quality of the dominant males may provide reliable information about the quality of the dominant male in each queue.
The females of these species use their piercing mouthparts to feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals.
Females The most obvious reason for having a female rabbit neutered is to prevent her from producing baby rabbits.
Sparrowhawk accipiter nisus Up to 3 females seen on the trip.
The males often proved more obliging than the females.
The egg consists of an outer casing, or chorion, inside which is the females fertilized ovum.
The peacocks At present at The Trout we have 7 peacocks, three males and four females (peahens ).
Initially, natural pheromones, extracted from females, were used to trap males.
Humpbacks seem to show male dominance polygyny and may compete for access to mature females.
Of the sexes, the females greatly preponderate over males.
The male tested several of the females to access whether they were sexually receptive.
Holiday Success Two of our leading females were not resting on their laurels whilst on their holidays recently.
Females who suffered from a distorted pelvis as a result of childhood rickets often experienced very difficult and sometimes fatal births.
Sapphire males with sapphire males with sapphire pearl females have produced nice sapphires and sapphire pearls.
The production of gametes, be they sperm in males or eggs in females, requires major changes in the mechanism of chromosome segregation.
The male flowers have 4 sepals and 4 stamen s, whilst the females have 4 sepals and a 3- style d ovary.
It was a very mixed audience covering every age bracket with a fair sprinkling of young females.
In females, the vagina is packed with an iodine soaked swab.
Male eyesight is adapted to locate females among the dense swarm of males, despite dim light.
Females can have a blue thorax, green, orange or violet, whilst the males have only the blue.
I've also discovered that there are a few tortoiseshells around that are males... I always thought they could only be females.
Dwarfism from impaired longitudinal growth of bones is a recessive trait that affects males more strongly than females.
The males have turquoise blue on their wings, while the females do not.
Naked females lounging around and bathing in the waters, completely unabashed and natural loking are just two reasons i adore these paintings.
The females considered unemployable seem disproportionately high - perhaps they were mostly aged and infirm.
There is not a typical stand-up male urinal, or more than one toilet for females.
The photo to the right shows a rather worn male, the females being slightly brighter.
All such solitary bulls, as their colloquial name indicates, are of a spiteful disposition; and it appears that with the majority the inducement to live apart is due to their partiality for cultivated crops, into which the more timid females are afraid to venture.
Of this total, 141,602 were males, 137,563 females; 33,173 were literate, 242,114 illiterate; 205,010 were orthodox Christians, 73, 2 34 Moslems, and 921 of other religious persuasions.
The females of some snare-spinning species, like the Pholcidae, carry it in their jaws; but in the case of the Argyopidae the females usually leave the cocoon to its fate as soon as it is constructed, sometimes rolling it in a leaf, sometimes attaching it by a stalk to a branch.
The population of Venezuela is largely a matter of conjecture, no census having been taken since the third general census of 1891, which gave a total population of 2,323,527, of which 1,137,139 were males and 1,186,388 females, and there were 42,898 foreign residents.
The differentiation of the females leads to a complex social life, the nesting habits of ants and the various industries that they pursue being of surpassing interest (see ANT).
At that season the males assemble, in numbers varying from twelve to twenty, on certain trees, and there disport themselves, so as to display their magnificent plumes in presence of the females.
They always give rise to parthenogenetic females (see Reproduction).
Egtfally great gaps, however, may exist between males and females, between climatic phases or summer and winter forms. The attempt to find a physiological criterion has similarly failed; many forms that have been universally accepted as true species produce fertile hybrids (see Hybridism).
Females are thought to have 22 - 108 pups per litter.
The leaves fall and the larvae pupate in the leaf litter to emerge as adult females in the spring.
Sapphire males with sapphire pearl females have produced nice sapphires and sapphire pearls.
The parasitic generation consists solely of adult parasitic females which lie embedded in the mucosa of the small intestine of rats.
The males have 8 showy stamen s, the females a forked style.
Using regression analysis it was found that these psychiatric symptomatology variables were differentially associated with the four factors for both males and females.
There were 6 males and 6 females with the right talus involved in 8 and the left in 4 patients.
For further details, see " Terminator Insects - the Killing of Females ".
I 've also discovered that there are a few tortoiseshells around that are males... I always thought they could only be females.
All tortoiseshell cats are females, except in very rare cases where the cat has a disorder of the chromosomes !
These males are your key to breeding black tortoiseshell females.
Male voles live along about 130 meters of water bank, while females have ranges about 70 meters long.
Women entrepreneurs are still rare, but some predict females may control 60% of the UK 's wealth withing 20 years.
The children who are available for adoption are mostly females.
While hemangiomas are often found in several members of the same family, they are also more common in females than in males.
Male cats may reach a weight of 25 pounds, while the females can weigh as much as 18 pounds on average.
It might also be related to the fact that she's actually coming into heat every two weeks now, which is normal for sexually mature females.
I have five cats of various ages, four females and one male.
Male cats also like to mark their territory (females sometimes do this too, though), but you mention your cat has been neutered, which should have lessened this type of behavior.
During the latest stages of pregnancy, many females tend to hide out and sleep in the spot they have chosen for delivery.
Unspayed females may wail into the night or even go as far as to change their defecation habits so that the litter box proves less adequate than the carpet.
Most breeders recommend avoiding the use of crystalline cat litter for gestating females because of the risk that the silica gel could come in contact with the newborn kittens.
The contour of a woman's body, the expression on her face, and the way she moves are all visually stimulating, which is why many photographers enjoy using females as the subjects of their pictures.
The nature of the genre is to snap stunning shots of females with distinctive looks.
Start with basic friendships and learn to relate to females this way.
According to Cotton Incorporated's Lifestyle Monitor, 79% of females 16-24 years old say they either like or love shopping for clothes.
The size options make them a good fit for most body shapes and sizes, for males and females.
Many people argue this is an urban myth, as if that were the case, no females would succeed.
Schools have begun to make female-friendly nooks with technology incorporated into the setting to make computers and science friendlier to females - and it has worked.
Always take the time to teach the young females in your life that science in the middle school is important to their future and they have as much a right as anyone to take advantage of their opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.
An important thing to do when your son shows interest in a classmate or friend outside of school is to encourage him that dating is new and scary for both males and females.
Would rather sit in his basement, watch Adult Swim and eat pizza than interact with females.
According to the Women's Health Council, the majority of individuals who have this disorder are females aged 15-24 and males aged 12-34.
Too many females, including teens, wear improperly fitting bras.
Gender - Females are more likely to become depressed than males, possibly because of hormonal factors.
Males are four times more likely to die by suicide than females are.
Females usually take an overdose of drugs if they are trying to kill themselves.
Females between the ages of 12 and 17 are more likely than males to abuse OTC medicines, while males between the ages of 18 and 25 were more likely to misuse them.
Iron is especially important for females around the time of menstruation as the process depletes the body of iron.
If the wedding shower will be co-ed, however, you want to give something that is appropriate for male and females.
Men tend to lean more towards gift certificates or electronic gifts, which once again proves the difference between males and females!
Wedding wear for women guests is a topic that females often fret about as soon as they receive the invitation.
Great outdoor wedding guest wear for females typically includes a sheath or sundress of some kind paired with a cute cardigan.
According to the American Heart Association, 19.2% percent of females and 24.1% of males smoke cigarettes.
While males are four times more likely to commit suicide than females, women attempt suicide at a much higher rate than men.
A shocking 4 to 15 percent of young females are estimated to suffer from bulimia.
Females are 385 times and men are 707 times more likely to get into an auto accident after drinking, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
She is the first woman to rank at the top of FHM magazine's list of the "100 Sexiest Females in the World" and "100 Sexiest Females in the U.S." for two years in a row.
For the first time in Survivor history, three females were left standing in the finale, with 25-year old Parvati Shallow taking home the $1 million prize.
Youth and adult sizes in a myriad of graphic styles are available for both male and females.
Similar to other dogs, females tend to be smaller than males.
Females usually give birth to 5 to 10 puppies per litter.
Initial competition is divided by sex; dogs(males) and bitches(females).
Sometimes females die trying to deliver that last litter from an overworked uterus.
Some people believe that two males will get along easier than two females, but I personally don't ascribe to this opinion.
Some people may think that only females and puppies wear fancy collars, but this is certainly not the case.
While many females do conceive during this time range, you cannot totally depend on the number of the day of the heat cycle as your only guideline for when to breed.
Some females may be ready sooner or later than this depending on the natural length of their personal cycle.
However, some females only have one heat cycle per year, so anestrus will last longer for them.
A flat tray unit is fine for females and puppies, while a box with higher sides is far more suitable for male dogs that lift their legs.
Some females finish sooner, while others take longer to complete the course.
Male tattoos had larger black areas than females, who had lighter, more filigreed lines.
Cache-sexe appear to be exclusive to females.
Females lay clusters of bright orange oval eggs on the underside of leaves.
With females sometimes getting larger in diameter than an average quarter, their size and bright, striking coloration can make them appear almost tropical.
Asparagus actually has male and female plants; females drop berries in the soil.
Of course, it is those images that make this character so compelling for costume fun for females ranging from toddlers to adults.
They're quite popular among the old and young alike, males and females.
They work well with rounded and angular features, on males and females.
Females will probably want to pass on these.
So, are they appearing because more females are playing interactive games or because the mostly male video game market wants more exposure to the opposite sex?
While many of the first attempts to attract females were anemic (and often overly pink!), publishers realized they were onto something.
There is no video game sex in any of the titles (though implied sex can be figured), but the series has some of the best looking and cutest females in any game.
Although chronic ITP is most common in adult females, 10 to 20 percent of children with ITP have the chronic form.
The chronic form, although most common in adult females between the ages of 20 and 40, is found in 10 to 20 percent of children with ITP.
Females are affected slightly more often than males.
In adolescent females, a pelvic exam may be conducted to detect cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
Autosomal refers to the first 22 pairs of chromosomes that are the same in males and females.
Therefore, males and females are affected equally in these types.
However, females have two X chromosomes and, therefore, have two copies of the Cx32 gene.
Females pass on one or the other of their X chromosomes to their children-sons or daughters.
In India, however, TA is more commonly associated with tuberculosis, and the sex ratio is two females for every one male.
It occurs with equal frequency in males and females.
However, this affects males and females differently because males and females have a different number of X chromosomes.
Males are twice as likely as females to get the disease.
It is, however, a growing problem in the early 2000s among adolescent females.
Studies indicate that anorexia is increasingly common among females of all races and social classes in the United States.
Although anorexia nervosa largely affects females, its incidence in the male population is rising in the early 2000s.
Less is known about the causes of anorexia in males, but some risk factors are the same as for females.
Vietnamese females who live in the United States have five times more new cases of cervical cancer when compared to Caucasian women.
Hispanic females also have a greater incidence of cervical cancer than Caucasian females.
Marfan syndrome affects males and females equally, and appears to be distributed equally among all races and ethnic groups.
Tourette syndrome is found in all populations and all ethnic groups, but is three to four times more common in males than females.
There is some evidence that females who inherit the Tourette syndrome gene have a lower probability of exhibiting symptoms than males who inherit the gene.
Initial symptoms usually occur before the early teens; the average age of onset for both males and females is approximately seven years.
Females are only slightly more likely than males to develop Wilms' tumors.
Aphthous ulcers may be more common in females than males.
Males and females are about 5 mm and 10 mm long, respectively, with the diameter of a strand of thread.
The males and females have a complex reproductive tract and reproduce sexually.
In females, the adult pinworms can enter the vagina and cause additional irritation.
Coarctation of the aorta is present in about 8 to 10 percent of infants born with other congenital heart defects, occurring approximately twice as many males as females.
Secondary amenorrhea is more common in females in North America than primary amenorrhea.
It most commonly occurs in adolescent females.
Axillary (underarm) hyperhidrosis occurs more frequently in females and in individuals of Asian or Jewish ancestry.
It is found in populations all over the world (20,000-40,000 people have a type of the disease), and it occurs with equal frequency in males and females.
There appears to be no racial or ethnic component to pituitary dwarfism, but males seem to be afflicted more than females.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-A pituitary hormone that in females stimulates the ovary to mature egg capsules (follicles) and in males stimulates sperm production.
Luteinizing hormone-A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that regulates the menstrual cycle and triggers ovulation in females.
Between the ages of 18 and 24 months, children know whether they are boys or girls and can identify adults as males or females.
Also at age three, children begin to apply gender labels and stereotypes, identifying gentle, empathic characteristics with females and strong and aggressive characteristics with males.
Even in the twenty-first century, most young children develop stereotypes regarding gender roles, associating nurses, teachers, and secretaries as females and police officers, firefighters, and construction workers as males.
The incidence of adenovirus infection does not appear to differ among males and females or individuals of different race.
The condition occurs with equal frequency in males and females (although the onset of symptoms is usually earlier in males).
More males are treated for corneal abrasions than are females.
In the United States, there are about 500 children with A-T with both males and females equally affected.
Abnormal openings in the atrial septum are twice as common in females as in males.
Females are slightly more likely to get canker sores than males.
Females are likely to have canker sores during their premenstrual period.
That means that out of 100 females whose partners use condoms, 15 will still become pregnant during the first year of use, according to the non-profit advocacy group Planned Parenthood.
In 2003, males were almost twice as likely to be classified with substance dependence or abuse as females (12.2% versus 6.2%).
Among youths aged 12 to 17, however, the rate of substance dependence or abuse among females (9.1%) was similar to the rate among males (8.7%).
Among persons aged twelve or older, a higher proportion of males than females smoked cigarettes in the past month in 2003 (28.1% versus 23%).
Gilligan's work, however, doesn't solve the gender question, because newer research has found that both males and females often base their moral judgments and behaviors on both justice and care.
It usually ends after delivery, but over a 10-year span approximately 30 to 40 percent of females with gestational diabetes go on to develop noninsulin dependent diabetes.
Aside from sex differences, other biological contrasts between males and females are already evident in childhood.
Most two-year-olds know whether they are boys or girls and can identify adults as males or females.
Also at age three, children begin to apply gender labels and stereotypes, identifying gentle, empathic characteristics with females and strong, aggressive characteristics with males.
Turner syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality occurring only in females in whom one of the X chromosomes is missing or defective.
Adult males under 5 feet (1.5 m) tall and females under 4 feet 8 inches (1.4 m) are classified as being short-statured.
Achondroplasia occurs in all races and with equal frequency in males and females and affects about one in every 40,000 children.
There appears to be no racial or ethnic component to pituitary dwarfism, but males seem to be afflicted more often than females.
Females inherit one X chromosome from their mother and a second X chromosome from their father.
Some countries have chosen to target rubella vaccination to females only and outbreaks in foreign-born males have occurred on cruise ships and at U.S. summer camps.
Males are more likely than females to require emergency treatment.
That means that out of 100 females whose partners use condoms, 15 will still become pregnant during the first year of use, according to the nonprofit advocacy group Planned Parenthood.
Males and females seem to experience this disorder at about the same rate.
Females who inherit the defective gene are usually carriers without symptoms, like their mothers, but they can pass on the disease to their sons.
Males are three or four times more likely than females to have the syndrome.
More females than males have this disorder, but it is not known whether the sex difference reflects a difference in occurrence or a difference in reporting.
In children, more males than females have the disorder.
There is evidence that infants make categorical distinctions between males and females and between adults and children before they are a year old.
One study of American volunteers for military service reported a prevalence of 0.5 cases of TS per 1000 for males and 0.3 cases per 1000 for females.
Retinoblastoma is found in individuals of all ethnic backgrounds and is found equally frequently in males and females.
Sexual abuse was more likely to be committed by males, whereas females were responsible for the majority of neglect cases.
In multiple surveys, 20 to 25 percent of females and 10 to 15 percent of males report that they were sexually abused by age 18.
Generally, males are affected with moderate mental retardation (since they only have one X chromosome) and females with mild mental retardation.
This study also estimated that one in 250-500 females in the general population has the premutation.
Another study estimated that one in 4,000 females is affected by the full mutation.
Since the FMR-1 gene is located on the X chromosome, males are more likely to develop symptoms than females.
Females who inherit the full mutation have an approximately 30-50 percent risk of mental impairment, ranging from mild learning disability to mental retardation and behavioral problems.
In females who carry a full mutation, the physical and behavioral features and mental retardation tend to be less severe.
About 50 percent of females who have a full mutation are mentally retarded.
Normal males have both an X and a Y chromosome, and normal females have two X chromosomes.
The ratio of males to females with clubfoot is 2.5 to 1.
The risk of having avoidant, dependent, and paranoid personality disorders is greater for females than males, whereas risk of having antisocial personality disorder is greater for males than females.
This genetic disorder is carried by females but most often affects male offspring.
Von Willebrand's disease affects both males and females and is often diagnosed in children.
It is a hereditary disorder that affects both males and females.
There is no difference in the incidence of Bell's palsy between males and females, nor does race seem to be a factor.
This disorder affects males and females equally.
It is more common in males than females, and is most common among children ages three to nine years.
Females who carry the defective gene have a 50 percent chance of passing it on to their sons but are not affected themselves by the disorder.
Normally, females have two X chromosomes, and males have one X and one Y chromosome.
However, it is estimated that 3 to 8 percent of girls with a single X chromosome and 12 to 21 percent of females with sex chromosome mosaicism may have normal pubertal development and spontaneous menstrual periods.
It does not appear that male or females are more susceptible to this condition, and no one race or nationality has a higher incidence.
Among youths aged 12-17, however, the rate of substance dependence or abuse among females (9.1%) was similar to the rate among males (8.7%).
Among persons aged 12 or older, a higher proportion of males than females smoked cigarettes in the past month in 2003 (28.1% versus 23%).
Females may be more likely to develop PCS than males.
X-linked agammaglobulinemia is an inherited disease stemming from a defect on the X chromosome, consequently affecting more males than females.
Those that are X-linked occur more in males than females; other immunoglobulin deficiencies occur equally in both sexes.
Males are more than seven times more likely to have an inguinal hernia than females, and premature infants are more likely than full term infants to have inguinal hernias and to have incarcerated hernias.
At around the seventh week of gestation, the gonads (sex organs) begin to change, or differentiate, into the characteristic genitalia of males and females.
Males develop testes, and females develop ovaries.
Females are affected four to eight times more than males, and in children with congenital hip dysplasia, the left leg in more often affected.
Females are most likely to be the victim of sexual assault at age 14, while males are at most risk at age four.
Both male and female homosexuals are commonly referred to as gay while homosexual females are called lesbians.
Females should not become pregnant within one month of receiving VZV.
It is interesting to note that the gonadotrophins are the same for males and females, but the sex hormones they induce are different.
Finally, there are in females abnormalities in hormone production that produce male characteristics, so called virilizing syndromes.
The ratio of occurrence in males is equal to that of females.
Nearly twice as many males are affected as females.
Males and females are similarly affected.
About 50 percent of females experience fever, pain in the lower back or flanks, nausea and vomiting, or shaking chills.
Females have two X chromosomes (the XX combination); males have one X and one Y chromosome (the XY combination).
Studies show that fewer than one of every 100 females who use oral contraceptives correctly becomes pregnant during the first year of use.
Females who take oral contraceptives should not smoke cigarettes.
Females using oral contraceptives should avoid too much sun exposure and should not use tanning beds, tanning booths, or sunlamps until they know how the medicine affects them.
Some females taking oral contraceptives may get brown splotches on exposed areas of their skin.
Serious side effects are rare in healthy females who do not smoke cigarettes.
It affects males more than females with 60 to 70 percent of all cases occurring in males.
In the early 2000s, masturbation has become more accepted for both males and females yet there is still a stigma about discussing it openly.
Some males and females enjoy touching, rubbing, or pinching their nipples while masturbating, and both sexes also sometimes use lubricants, such as hand lotion, to improve the sensation.
Females most commonly masturbate by stroking or rubbing the vulva, especially the clitoris, with hands and fingers until orgasm is reached.
Females also may use running water to stimulate the vulva or insert fingers or a hard object into the vagina.
Most males learn to masturbate during adolescence; fewer females do.
It apparently affects males and females equally.
It is thought to be more common in females than in males.
It affects males twice as often as females.
Among teenagers, however, males are at a much higher risk than females of swallowing foreign bodies or inserting them into the rectum.
Females can have the defective gene, but since they have two X chromosomes, there will be a normal gene on the other X chromosome to counter it.
Females may have a vaginal discharge and experience flu-like symptoms with HSV2 outbreaks, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Anabolic steroids cause masculinization of females, including hair growth or loss, enlargement of the clitoris, and deepening of the voice.
In both males and females, anabolic steroids cause swelling of the feet, liver problems, and stomach upset.
It is about four times more common in females than males.
Congenital nystagmus occurs twice as frequently in males than in females.
The condition affects males more than females, and appears in all ages, races, and income levels.
Testicular complications occur in 14 to 35 percent of post-pubertal boys, and complications regarding the ovaries in 7 percent of post-pubertal females.
Males and females appear to be equally affected.
Cleft lip without cleft palate is the third most common congenital malformation among newborns in the United States and is estimated to occur roughly twice as often in males than in females.
An increase in the male hormone androgen during puberty (seen in both males and females) causes the sebaceous glands to overproduce androgen.
More than 3 million Americans stutter and four times more males are affected than females.
The rate of syphilis infection among adolescents ages 15 to 19 is 1.3 per 100,000 population for males and 2.2 per 100,000 population for females.
For comparison, the syphilis rates among males 20 to 24 is 5.5 per 100,000, and among females of the same age, 3.3 per 100,000.