Fellah Sentence Examples
The Coptic inhabitants are described in the article COPTS, and the rural population under FELLAH.
To succeed, it was essential that the fellah should be taught that discipline might be strict without being oppressive, that pay and rations would be fairly distributed, that brutal usage by superiors would be checked, that complaints would be thoroughly investigated, and impartial justice meted out to soldiers of all ranks.
While the patient fellah, resigned to the decrees Of the Almighty, saw the ruling Egyptian class hurry away from Cairo, he saw also those of his comrades who were stricken tenderly nursed, soothed in deaths struggles, and in many cases actually washed, laid out and interred by their new self-sacrificing and determined masters.
Tb.e honesty and discipline of the fellah were shown to be undoubtedly of a high order.
The intelligent professional knowledge of the native officers, taught under British gentlemen, and the constant hard work cheerfully rendered by the fellah soldiers, were the main factors of the success achieved at Omdurman on the 2nd of September 1898.
By nature the fellah is unwarlike.
It has been aptly said the fellah would make an admirable soldier if he only wished to kill some one!
Among the mutinous soldiers on that occasion was a fellah officer calling himself Ahmed Arabi the Egyptian.
Dodsy's a lot stronger than you are, young fellah.
The fellah soldier has been aptly likened to a bicycle, which although incapable of standing up alone, is very useful while under the control of a skilful master.
AdvertisementThe fellah is thus deprived of his harvest and falls into arrears with his taxes, and is harassed and bastinadoed to force him to pay his debts.